Thank you for your encouragement at the end.

It is a good thing to tell people to reflect what they want the world to look like.

And also to have confidence in God's work, one of which is the immune system. Clearly, our creator wants us alive and well.

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I find through all of this that His design is pure genius and unbeatable.

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I am not much of a believer in God or god. I do believe in Gaia (James Lovelock and collaborator Lynn Margulis theory). 4 billion years of development of immune systems and all manner of cognitive systems. I have faith in the microcosmos both Gaia inside each of us and all around us. In her we live and move and have our being. As well as in us she lives and moves and gives us being.

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If we only had faith as small as a mustard seed...

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Thank you God that we have God and Church

We are nothing without GOD and God’s blessings Please Lord Fix this mess we are facing every day

Please please lord be in Charge for are Future


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Yes I ma very very Happy and feel Blessed having my God in my life

He Protects me what is going wrong around me I had this experience and I love feeling warmed and light feeling in my hart

I am very thankful and I say Thank you Lord for helping me to get better and better and start getting more healthier and Lither

I love my God he knows me loyalty

Thank you lord lord bless me


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You are so amazing Sasha. We would love to have you on weaponizednews.com or set up a call with your anointed paralegal.


Geoff @legal🔗

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Like it when you stick to manufacturing and the legal aspects of the DOD operation.

When you start chiming in with the RFK, Jr. folks and say there was a real novel illness called COVID-19 (emphasis on NOVEL) and that HCQ in fact was some sort of remedy for this "novel" illness, I question how you define the novelty of this illness (symptoms never experienced by human before not to mention the never proven SARS-Cov-2 you seem to want to dismiss as unimportant).

HCQ and Ivermectin were introduced much like the lab leak. All keep the "pathogenic virus" story alive. I would like to know exactly the replication and what these products were treating? And how did these "studies" demonstrate those taking HCQ or Ivermectin actually had COVID-19? Did they all get negative results? What was the RT-PCR cycles set at?

Again, I like your analysis of the manufacturing and investigations of the injections. But this notion that we had a "weak" illness that ran across the globe is pure fiction. I suspect you know that.

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There was a novel illness and it is cured (and prevented by) HCQ and cured by IVM. It's tough that you don't like this opinion, but you have to deal with tough things in life. I never said it was a virus. It is poisoning by a specific agent (class of agents). Grow up.

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That’s why you are Brave Sasha ... as a physician, I felt your comments are right on . Enjoyed the interview, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you. For being a good doctor.

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Thank u 🙏

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What were the novel symptoms? What kinds of tests were used to see if a person 1) had this "novel illness"? 2) or was prevented from having it after receiving either treatments? Was there a control group? These are real questions. The idea was to offer an alternative to side-step the EUA requirement. I get that. But the entire operation was a scam from start to finish.

Lastly what has been the follow up with those who took either one of these treatments to see what if any effects were experience.

Sorry Sasha I really like you thinking regarding the manufacturing of this killer injection and your co-work with Katherine Watt.

Thus my expectations, for what it's worth, is more. If not, I'd have let it go. I don't expect you to answer the questions. Obviously like the "lab leak", there's just no evidence.

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You don't need "tests" do diagnose illness. Never did. When you are ill you know it, and you also know when it is something totally new to you. You can tell your doctor and they can collect this info from other patients. That's how medicine works. No tests. There were unique neurological symptoms. Poisoning. I was ill with symptoms I never experienced before. I am 50, and I had been ill before but not like this. That's why it's novel. I never took any tests. I took ivermectin and vitamins and lots of fluids and it cleared it in 12 hours. HCQ is preventative, a study in 65,000 people in who take it for lupus found 10x lower rate of covid. My husband took HCQ and likewise was better in hours. I know many people with similar experience and doctors who treated thousands of patients so you really need to come to grips with reality.

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So COVID-19 was prevented/cured using HCQ? Lupus??? The topic is COVID-19. Your "never been sick like this before" is like what exactly - is it a COVID-19 symptom or that your body was run down with toxins? None of the OTC drugs are cures, and they can provide the same sort of suppression of symptoms. (There's always the placebo effect. But unless you now what your treating, the cause, I don't know how you can vouch for HCQ/Ivermectin anymore than OTC products.)

You just popped a dose of HCQ and gone? What was gone - those horrible sick feelings? Perhaps 12 hours and your body got clean of the toxins. Just a thought. I just don't see how you determined you had "COVID".

I've been sick before COVID was announced, and I can only say I felt horrible for over a week. Call it what you will. I took plenty of rest, drank liquids and sweat it out (great way to detox and no toxic medication to suppress symptoms). I've found that sometimes vomiting can help.

Sasha did you ever see the fact sheets listing symptoms for Moderna and Pfizer? Nothing novel, all just symptoms we experience for the common cold/flu.

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Yes, people who took HCQ for lupus had 10x lower incidence of covid poisoning, even though being immunocompromised. Go figure. I mean you, go figure.

Yes, 1 dose of IVM all it took for me to have the horrible symptoms gone. Also, deal with this reality. Hundreds of thousands like me. I probably was going to get over it no matter what, but IVM made it so much easier. Good medicines tend to do just that. Again. Deal. With. It.

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Mar 3, 2023
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5G is not COVID-19 as described. COVID-19 is defined as a specific novel illness coming from a specific novel "pathogenic virus" SARS-Cov-2. The "pathogenic virus" has never been scientifically proven to exist.

That said, I do think 5G may have caused (and there's evidence) an illnesses as it was deployed in cities and places like Wuhan around the time (late 2019 I believe). This 5G appears to have no practical commercial purpose but could be a link to a variety of heavy metals - some may be in the injection vials).

So I'm not disagreeing that 5G may be causing illnesses. We're swimming in toxins and EMF is a significant one.

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CHD reported that hochul got a stay for the health workers mandate WTF... Anyway my reply to this legal looping.... Cause the cases will keep coming up for the next mandates... We need to set a precedent!

"People are noticing that the legal system is pure fantasy.

They are deluded puppets of corporations.

Even this lab leak thing is getting out to promote more shots and you mofos keep promoting it WTF

Enough is enough, where the heck is my right to bodily sovereignty? Before it was on skin color, religion, class,... We moved past those things.

We can't get bodily sovereignty as long as you believe that "viruses" are real and cause disease.

Think about it, even COVID mainly killed those that had conditions. If your house is rotting and you bring friends over and it collapses, are your friends the cause of the collapse or was it systemic?

Wake up people!"

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David Parker and Dawn Lester wrote (after 10 years of research before "COVID" a great introduction (800 pages). I read it in January 2020.

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Mar 2, 2023
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I think deep down fear and wanting to be liked/belong forms a certain rationale for these unwarranted beliefs.

People are willing to say all kinds of things if it looks like it will allow them an audience. Once they have the audience they are stuck with the dogma.

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Here is just a thought. I’ve heard a lot of attorneys in the last past week say that each direction they try to go in court gets thrown out. I think the only thing that will stick will be to prosecute Donald Trump. His signatures, the natural emergency, operation warp speed, etc. It has Donald Trump's name all over it. You need to leave the DOD and the rest of them alone at this moment and start hitting the people that were involved. There’s no way that a judge can deny that Donald Trump hasnt committed treason. The lockdowns themself are treason.

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Trump should be investigated and prosecuted for this. But I will not leave the actual murderers (DOD) off the hook. They are the ones ordering, buying and deploying the weapons that Trump authorized.

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Look I know a lot of people on your team don’t see Trump as one of the main components. I get it. But, I know you have read the executive orders in 2020. Who was the one that put us in this whole national emergency? Who gave us over to FEMA, DOD, HHS, BARDA, etc? Who signed the deal on March 13th, 2020 to allow the national emergency to take place? Who lockdown this country? Who allowed this to happen on their watch? Donald J Trump. I have listened and read hours and hours of information that attorneys are bringing to court. But it is getting thrown out. So, I have never heard not one person come up with this idea. I have heard Todd Callender say how do we get people to see what is going on? How do we get the information out? So, this is the idea I know will work. That is to at least indict Trump. Why you might ask. Because every MSM will have to pick it up and when people like myself figure out what was done in 2020 you understand the whole thing. This does several things by indicting Trump. 1. It will show that if Trump can be brought down then they all can. 2. Trump is the link to all of this with his signature on all documents or his administration. 3. By bringing Trump down you will bring them all down. 4. This will wake people up quickly and they will understand what has been done. When that happens there won't be a struggle in bringing down the DOD, HHS, etc. Why? Because there will be too many people that are now wide awake and that understand. Also, why are we under a national emergency still that happened in 2020? Why does Catherine Austin Fitts agree? Why does Catherine understand that it starts with Trump?

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No, I didn't mean to leave the DOD out of it or any of them. But, how do you wake up the masses? By prosecuting Trump. When his base finds out that Trump is being prosecuted for his actions. People will flip. The house of cards comes down. The people will be fully awake. They will be mad, they will feel betrayed, and they will see him for who he truly is.

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Mar 3, 2023
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That is not what I said at all. I said exactly this go for Trump first prosecute him first. Why? Because I know what is going in inside the courts. A lot is getting thrown out. It's like playing he says she says. I never said to LEAVE the DOD out No. I said if you get Trump which links them all to Trump. Why? Because his signature or his administration's signature is on all the documents that allowed the DOD to take control in 2020. Trump and Pence went to FEMA and made a deal. On March 13th, 2020. The Trump administration gave this country over to the DOD etc. Just indicting Trump will bring a shockwave to the whole world. Why? Because everyone will know what took place in 2020. Once you bring Trump down the game is over.

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Mar 3, 2023
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I have known about this since 2015. Watt got this from Catherine Austin Fitts. Look I have spoken to several attorneys and judges personally. But things aren’t adding up all the way because I’ve known this judge since I was a child and I’ve spoken with him through this whole process and well he’s not bought off. He lives right next-door to me. I’ve talked to him for several hours and have spoken to several attorneys that he knows so the thing that doesn’t make sense here is that everybody wants to keep saying that oh this is getting thrown out because well the judge isn’t allowing it. This is where the rubber meets the road because it doesn’t add up because I know through this judge which knows to three other judges personally that they’re not bought off by any Billionaire and they uphold the rule of law. so I’m really starting to believe that this is a form of whitewashing because I’m not an attorney but I’ve spoken to many and talked to several judges personally and they’ve all concluded that why hasn't any international attorney around the country prosecuted Donald Trump? That should have been the first thing they did and this is coming from a judge that I know personally. I just feel that it’s strange. For example you have this attorney named Thomas Renz but yet he is never filled out a criminal charge against any of these people. He’s only done civil which means he’s just fattening his own pockets, so what’s really going on here I just don’t buy that all judges are paid off and all attorneys are paid off. I just think that we’re going on a script and the script hasn’t finished yet so you have people that are saying they’re doing stuff but really they’re not doing what they’re actually saying and I’m starting to believe that. Yes you have people that have taken the vaccine and yes they are dying but I believe the real number of that is maybe 10% the rest of the people got saline shots because I also know a lot of nurses and a lot of doctors. They never took the vaccine. They were never mandated to take it through the hospital and they’re not seeing any people come in dying from the vaccine or having cancer out of the blue, things are adding up.

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Also, another strange very very strange piece to this whole puzzle. Did the mainstream media come out and tell anyone about 9/11? Did the mainstream media ever come out and tell you that they were poisoning the food and water? Has the mainstream media ever come out and said anything? So is it just me or do you find it a little strange that the mainstream media now is coming out and telling people that you know the vaccine that you took well it's causing cancer? so why with the mainstream media come out and say that the vaccine is killing people I would admit that why would they be telling on themselves and see I just don’t believe it if you sit here and add it all up, the big question would be if it’s really about a depopulation agenda, then the media would never talk about that ever because why would they? Another crazy thing is that you’ve seen no one go to jail yet you have other countries that could easily end this, but yet they haven’t I just don’t believe that every judge around the entire world and every attorney around the entire world or all bought off. it’s just bullshit.

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I admire your work and your courage to dig deep in the darkest side of this world. We love you!

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Look into Dr.Paul Cottrell . His work says this is a Bio weapon platform, so it will continue until ... Look at his work...

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THANK YOU so much for all the amazing work and research you have done. So many missing pieces

of the puzzle are coming together for me, since I found you on Substack a couple of months ago. Same goes to Katherine Watts.

I still have questions, stupid they may be, but questions they are:

- Did the DoD just use the mRNA shot BioNTec had already developed, or did they ask them to do so?

- How is the production of these shots done, or in other words how is the "concoction" put together?

I understand there are no GMPs and that the lots enormously vary, but is there some sort of "recipe" these contractors are following, but not necessarily abide by since there is no control?

- Everybody talks about the spike protein that apparently is found in all shot recipients. Can that even make sense considering the above?

- Why do so many doctors say that "covid" comes with a different set of symptoms compared to other respiratory infections? Is so, what is really causing that?

- Was there something released locally or injected through regular FLU shots ( Lombardy ) to start the whole plandemic or was it just based on nothing but fear tactics and fraudulent PCR tests?

Thank you so much!

You are truly a blessing.

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Thank you Sasha for your fantastic diligence indeed, in exposing & bringing the manifold evils into the light of truth. Truly appreciated by me.

I've just seen the posts on here by ArtC. That he, she, it, thing, is a troll 100%. Shame on it for polluting your comments sesction.

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Sasha, how do I access your art work? I am very grateful for all the important information you are sharing with the world--but I'd also like to see your art work. :))

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You'll find it all there. I just bought one of her lovely paintings yesterday!

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Date above says February 2022. Vague plus inaccurate. Out of 28 days - which one? 2023?

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Mar 3, 2023
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I love Monty Python

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