The US has been the leading terrorist country on this planet during my lifetime. It gives me no pleasure to recognize at the end of my life that WE are the bad guys after all. As an Army vet myself, I am repelled by the "thank you for your service" platitudes freely dispersed by the masses. Service? To what and whom, indeed. ...To and for a muti-generational cabal of psychopathic corporatists... Until such people (?) are finally recognized for their inherently evil natures and purged from society, things will not change... Expect more wars, more looting and pillaging of the planet by the 0.01%..

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Respect that you posted this. Reconciling our military’s service vs whom we’ve all been forced to serve is a hard truth. Keep spreading the truth and your personal story / testimony to vets. This is how we shine the light on what happened to humanity worldwide. Peace.

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Now we are poisoned by chemical sprays on our food , chemicals in our food , chemicals in our vaccines 🤔🤔

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I understand this. I wrote you a letter: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/through-the-lens-of-history-australian

And a poem: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/its-the-lies

Don't give up.

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great article. I thought I was subscribed to you, but had to re-sub. I think Substack is messing with subscriber numbers.

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Yes, they do. They increase the number of subscribers if someone writes things they aprove of, and decrease the number if someone writes wrong-think

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Australians are incredibly proud of tteir Servicemen and much reverence and acknowledgement is given on ANZAC DAY "25th April" Marches through most towns nd cities in Australia, and throughout the year.

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I was talking to a veteran the other day and he said to me that he does t recognize this country anymore. He says his grandchildren will never know the freedoms that he once had.

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I have not served but I feel the same…at the end of my life I have finally realized we are the bad guys..and I am ashamed. Ashamed it took me so long to wake up, and ashamed for my country. But not ashamed for the vets…never that. It takes years to figure out the con…both sides are guilty. But the ones who deserve our scorn are the psycopaths that really have been running the con on all of us.

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Bring back hanging for those who mean us no good! Televise the events as we need to enjoy retribution. Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer if I can avoid the New World Order's insanity.

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That's a big IF!

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Oh well, I'm 79 so I'll have to leave you lot to exact retribution on the lunatics running the planet today!

Regards and good luck. Unjabbed Mick. At least I avoided Myocarditis!

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I'm 74, appreciate your passing the baton to me. Carry On! I, too, am unjabbed, but am totally targeted, 24/7, DEWS & psychotronics

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"I, too, am unjabbed,..."

Me three. (67 YO)

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Must've Learned something from our lives: "governments" can't be trusted

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Hang on in there Thaddeus! We're starting to see some lower lips quivering at the WEF, the WHO and the UN. I think we're winning! I'll leave it to you youngsters to finish the route of the insane 'Elitists'. Unjabbed Mick.

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We probably don't have enough rope.

The psychopath murderers list is REALLY long

Perhaps we could use some of the really good bioweapons they have in vials and freezers etc. An outside the box solution to rope shortages (which are probably real since they really screwed up supply chains)

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I am sure that there are plenty of Vials and intravenous equipment available.

TOTAL ACCOUNTABILITY is required across the board.

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TnDoc, that's a superb comment, thank you.

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You have a ptsd like response that I and my fellow nurses had during covid times. Your life’s work suddenly is revealed as a fraud. We stood in the hospital watching what we could not believe, people put on ventilators and then left alone with little maintenance care but no effort to save them, families denied visits, promising drugs denied, remdesivir pushed. Our hearts were screaming and bleeding but no resonse to our calls for sanity. “THIS IS A HOSPITAL FOR PETES SAKE!!WHERE IS EVERYONE???It felt like a bad dream that just could not be true. The whole world was ripped out from beneath us. We had trusted the health care system to be all that is good but were forced to watch as the curtain was pulled back and all that was left was evil and deception. WOW.

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I lost my husband to a “rare lung disease” Feb 2020, at home Hospice. 8 months taking care of him. After he died, the Hospice Director/nurse ( also my next door neighbor) and 2 other Hospice nurses ( also neighbors) quit and went to work in hospitals and VAX stations to give the jabs! ( to make more Hospice patients, is my guess). I know this because one if them bragged about the huge money they're making! And all of a sudden they're driving brand new vehicles.. Teslas, Avalanche, huge expensive property improvements. My neighbor told me she had some projects she wanted to get done before going back to work (they do have another plandemic in the hopper, don't they?)

I'm trying to stay out ahead of them to tell my small community and anyone who will listen.. “don't fall for it.. wake up!” Pretty much to no avail.

I'm also speaking out about the SAD diet pyramid we've been led to believe.

We could all learn about sugar and its evil addictive ness to then a lifetime if addiction to their medical system. Please research Low Carb way of eating. Reset your God Given Immune System . Please research! Fix yourself and then help someone else. It's my calling. It's free! It's all free, except the real food. Real low carb no sugar, food at the store.

God bless and forgive yourself. You KNOW now

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“Don't fall for it.. wake up! Pretty much to no avail.”

In a reply to someone else in this thread I said that in the 18 years that have passed since I understood that the official 9/11 conspiracy theory is a lie from one end to the other, I have managed to convince three people of that fact.

In April of 2020 an anointed covid expert said on TV that it will take two or two and a half years to develope a vaccine for covid 19. According to Sasha Latypova it actually takes five to six years. So, when they rolled out the vaxxine 8 months later I snapped out of it. The jig was up. Never again will I fall for the fear mongering.

Thanks to one of her posts where she offered $100 (which I won) to the reader who could give her an explanation of a process flow diagram from Moderna. In it you can even see that they started making the clot shot at least as far back as 2018.

https://greaterisrahell.substack.com/p/this-is-not-the-discovery-channel but I'll try to explain how it's made.

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Yes! I understand. Thankfully, I have been out of mainstream med since about 2014. "They" - the pirate corporatists that control this insane asylum - thoroughly took over health care beginning in the 80's. "They" now own and control it all and are empowered by the USG. The Pharama/MedIndust combine is like a giant leech upon us all driven by an insatiable greed and power lust. Nursing has been terribly impacted by all of this focus on corporate bottom lines just as has the physician side of things. Sadly, the "man behind the curtain" is not a kindly old carnival barker like the Wizard of Oz, but is a hideous psychopath intent on cannabalizing all within reach

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I'm sure that you realize that both parties are pro-war at this point. But interesting that both Trump and Kennedy are against war while Kamala is another neocon. Kennedy sees that, "The neocons have controlled America's foreign policy for decades. With the intention to impose dominance across the globe, they've instigated wars, orchestrated revolutions, and suppressed democratic movements around the world." He will End the Forever Wars--but he will also stop the use of poisonous chemicals in our food production. He took Monsanto to court for its cancer causing Round-up, and won. He and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, are committed to better health outcomes for our children through outlawing these poisonous chemicals that are responsible for many childhood illnesses that persist throughout our lives. It is truly time for a change. Both the Dems and Repubs have been captured. They cannot make a difference in this "captured world." I am so grateful that Kennedy knows this needs to be a unifying campaign season. We must come together to meet the big challenges we face.

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Hello SpirituFarmer2030: Thank you for mentioning Robert Kennedy Jr. Like many others, I take issue with some of his positions, but believe he's the only viable candidate with any resemblance of integrity. Of course, that's exactly why mainstream media and much of the "alternate" press has locked him out. No one wishes to face the facts that our political and financial systems are corrupt to the core. Best regards.

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I thank you for your comment, Paul Vonharnish. There is so much divisiveness in our country at present that it is hard to remember a time when we 'of course' had differences with a candidate but were capable of making the best choice. I see a man of great integrity and know he will do his best to restore our freedom of speech and our right to a healthy future for our children by taking on the corporate powers that are poisoning us for their own enrichment. There are great challenges but I've not seen a man for decades who has better qualifications than this one to lead our country.

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Two thumbs up my friend. Thanks.

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America needs a President whodiscu KNOWS the Law as the unwinding and removal of the warped Rules and Regulations put into place by the Psycopaths shall require lknowledge and a very broad practical knowledge and Kennedy has this far more than others. and has proven without the fanfare that he takes responsiblity for and works hard at the causes he believes in. ALso an open highly intelligent and experienced mind to discussing other opinions.

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Thank you Gumnut123 for your support of Kennedy. I particularly like "has proven without the fanfare that he takes responsibility for and works hard at the causes he believes in." He is a person of great integrity and thoughtful stances in his position on issues. He knows that his stand on Israel has lost him a lot of votes. But he will stand by what he believes--that it has the right to defend itself from Hamas, and this, even to the point of destroying many innocent Palestinian lives. He recognizes that the mission of Hamas is to destroy Israel and anyone who supports Israel. That has always been its mission and the Palestinian people live with this edict over their heads. They also know that Hamas values Palestinian lives so little that they are continually used as shields. Yes, Israel can stop the bombing of Gaza, but Hamas will continue to use those people as shields and pawns in their mission to destroy Israel "from the Jordan to the sea." They will never recognize Israel's right to exist. Kennedy understands the political balance in the MiddleEast and will absolutely use diplomacy to bring about a peace that recognizes the right of each state to exist. The Neocons (read Democrats) will never end the wars and will never be taken seriously if they propose it. Lets move toward ending these "forever wars"--Kennedy really does want that and will work for that in Israel--with a much bigger and better future for Palestinians. Please listen to this Kennedy podcast with an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man discussing a better future for Palestine they believe is possible. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1K3hQdQb8pcoDFaSJxYJrH?si=qkRuc0s_QrKUJKoTEfqmlw&nd=1&dlsi=9766279d9f984db9

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Two problems with RFKjr:

1) He kisses the Israel lobby's ass, so him saying he is anti war is like hearing an echo from the 1912 POTUS election where Wilson said something about foreign entanglements.

2) He has never once said that the clot shots are a biological technological weapon.

RFK is hope and change 2.0. I prefer putting my money on Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny or even the Tooth Fairy.

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GreaterIsrahell, please read my thoughts above on Kennedy's Israel position and listen to the podcast mentioned there. I also have questioned his position on Israel, but this podcast really helped me to see where he was coming from--and it is a much higher vision for a better future for the Palestinian people. As for his "never once said that the clot shots are a biological technological weapon", If you have been a fan of CHD you know that he knows this--but his larger vision here is to bring people together. You will see that he doesn't bring the vaxx issue up as he is a candidate of many other issues that many who have been vaxxed can still respond favorably to. He is courting the whole country, recognizing that after this election he hopes to have a large part of the population supporting his efforts to "drain the swamps" of big corporate criminals and address the many, many problems that will take our country and our future down if they are not addressed. He is very thoughtful and intelligent and he knows he MUST draw us together in order to have the support he needs to do the hard work of pulling us out of the jaws of Totalitarianism. He is committed to doing this but he can't do it without a strong base of American people behind him.

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With all due respect.... I am 67 years old, and I've seen so many POTUS candidates do exactly this before him. I can no longer be fooled by sweet talk. If RFKjr wins come November, just remember that I told you so.

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With all due respect...I am 76 years old and have seen even more than you. I saw his uncle 'walk his talk' with such integrity that the CIA killed him. This certainly could happen to RFK Jr. as well, but he has stated many times that "This is the hill I will die on." He is committed to uniting us and restoring "a govt of the people and by the people..." I know he has his failings. He is human, but no one else in the race can measure up to his integrity. Remember I told you so. :)

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Believe me. I will remember. I will keep the notification I received for your comment for a couple of years IF he wins the race (which I highly doubt).

Yes, I remember his uncle. He pointed at FARA and refused to let the Zionist League of America (now AIPAC) register as a domestic lobbyist. That was one of the many reasons he had to be neutralized. Registering AIPAC as a domestic lobbying group was one of LBJs first orders of business, and the main reason why the US is where it is today.

The US political system is literally FUBAR. It must be torn down and rebuilt so that it works for the US and US citizens, and not for a foreign country. The host has to get rid of the parasite.

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ASK that RFK has an interview and is asked his position on his statements re Israel!

Your Tucker Carlson or Mike Adams or _____

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RFKjr has clearly stated that Israel has a right to defend itself against Hamas, and by now every Palestinian alive is a Hamas supporter. (read: He is basically saying the Israeli government has a right to do what it is now doing. Namely killing as many Palestinians as possible as fast as possible while the MSM passifies us with "It's really not THAT bad."

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Kay Griggs' testimony (on you tube) alludes to Nazi infiltration into US forces after WW2 (operation paperclip). Plus MKUltra et al. Coupled with modern day Nazi Zionists and psychotic Corporations we have drifted well away from our roots. After Vietnam and Iraq it seems so many soldiers woke up. I think the way it is heading is they are just waiting to perfect the robots then they won't need any soldiers except to sacrifice bodies. They will not need us either so maybe the carnage in Gaza is what they want to do with us. The right seem to be asking questions but are led bythe arch enemy of the people, Dictator-in-waiting friend of the elites Trump

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I know what you mean. As a former Air Force officer I cringe when strangers thank me for my service and I never thank them back for those hollow words. Col. Douglas MacGregor’s rapidly expanding organization and website, Our Country, Our Choice, is worth a look as an ideological alternative to the B.S. of the Repubs and Dems.

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MacGregor is an impressive fellow. When I was active duty back in the 70s, I had several Colonels who were similar "old soldiers" who knew how to carry out their missions and to lead without a lot of political crap-trap. I think they are all gone on to the other side by now... I am not as optimistic as he seems to be. I think it is too late to "fix" this madhouse. A massive collapse is coming soon. Perhap, something new and better can be created from the ashes. Universe does not suffer the level of corruption and criminality that now marks this nation and correction is upon us.

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I hope you’re wrong but I’m afraid you’re right.

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Me, too...

We have told all of our kids to learn a foreign language and get out while they can. Of course, finding a safe place to go is a bit tricky given the omni-presence of the USG...

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You can exclude all of NATO, but getting out of the US is at least better than staying there. I got out in 1991, and boy am I glad I did.

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Thank you for your service to Sasha's Substack and to all of us.

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Thank you for serving our country.

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He expressed my thoughts exactly. My time in the Army in Vietnam taught me what USMC General Smedley Butler said a century ago, that war is a racket, and that all soldiers and sailors are expendable. We may have intended to serve our country, but in fact we served the government and special interests. I feel the same way TnDoc feels. Thank you for the kind words and sentiments, but the truth is painful.

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My retired army husband agrees with you.

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Thank you for your public acknowledgement of what you're seeing. I was thinking that the other day. In waking up, I am being targeted as I'm trying to wake people.. and many military vets are offended and invite my our if their country they fought for. I was born here. I was so proud to be American. I was born on flag day, so that went double! And as I am at the end of my life, I will stand and speak.

We are constantly learning the things we've been lied to about. One very HUGE one is that the Standars American Diet (SAD), is designed ti kill us and keep us enthralled in their medical system. There us no " Heal-ing" in their HELL-TH ENSURE- ANTS" system. The food and their meds are to weaken our immune systems and build their wealth. For of we due early enough, we can't draw our pension and notice our beneficiaries might get a penance if they stay alert to the scam.

Please please... research Low Carb way if eating. Get off sugar ( it's 20 times more addictive than cocaine) as the withdrawals are similar. ) START NOW! OR YESTERDAY...

Wean yourself off their meds. As you lose the inflammation squeezing all your tissues, you will start to lessen the meds. Your Practish ner, will NOT want you to. I'd you are healed and your God given immune system reset, you won't need them anymore.

You will be your old self again and regain 20 yrs!

It's FREE! Free advice, no gimmicks, no supplements. The Dr's awakening to it are apologizing for being misinformed (in dock trinated ) and the harm they've done. It reverses EVERY disease. Diabetes, High BP, GERD, even cancer. Sugar FEEDS it all!

Sugar is not "pure cane", anymore. It is processed with chemicals , purposely to addict and harm.

Check out Dr Berry MD ( family practitioner), Dr Philip Ovadia ( Heart surgeon and author of " Stay Off My Operating Table"), Dr Anthony Chaffee (Neurologist), Dr Shawn Baker ( Orthopedic Surgeon). Omg, the list grows every day.

Also check out the new Diabetes Society that will be TELLING TRUTH. ( NOT ASS-OCIATION ) But SOCIETY.

Read the 10s of thousands of people getting out of their bedridden status or wheelchairs and running marathons!

God bless you ALL in your journey!

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Same for me, served in the Marines a long time ago. My uncles fought in WWII and Korea, so I felt a sense of duty and pride. But in the end we were being played for suckers by the ruling corporatists and their FBI/CIA three letter glorified errand boys. After disposing of Kennedy they left no doubt that the people of this country serve them and not the other way around.

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Spot on. Glad that you survived.

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I too have “served”, and like you I awoke. My years have been stolen, and soon, very soon, they will steal what little wealth I have. To know their lies is emancipation. Free yourself from their web, and do something!

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Let's also remember that the "spraying" continues even though many in the MSM, academia and science refuse to acknowledge the ongoing climate engineering programs globally -- aka Solar Radiation Management (SRM). DARPA (DoD) has been involved for decades (since the 1950s) on developing aerosol spraying for "weather modification" which means "weaponizing" weather -- also tried in Viet Nam to flood enemy territory. Today, what those "trails" in the sky that everyone claims to be a "conspiracy theory" are now conspiracy facts. We know because of all the studies that have been done on our water, soil, and atmosphere showing the presence of coal fly ash (and its dangerous components), nanoparticles of aluminum, barium and strontium. We're breathing it in every day, and wonder why there are so many respiratory problems and neurological issues such as Alzheimer's.

I've been studying this for more than two decades when I first noticing that these "trails" -- said by the deniers to be just condensation vapor trails from jet aircraft -- nothing to see here, folks! Move along!

These chemical trains linger and spread (unlike true contrails that dissipate quickly behind the aircraft) until the sky is completely white. Weather "experts" show "clear" skies -- even though it's totally white.

Look up! The DoD and DARPA are continuing their "weather modification" program which is now a global climate change mitigation scheme they hope will cool the earth. Chemicals are raining down on us every day, globally! They're not done experimenting yet!

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It is now abundantly clear that weather mod programs exist. Anyone still claiming otherwise is clearly engaging in willful ignorance.

Here is an April 2024 Scientific American article on weather modification programs in California https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/geoengineering-test-quietly-launches-salt-crystals-into-atmosphere/

A more exhaustive review of various past and present weather modification projects and their harmful effects can be found on Substack here: https://open.substack.com/pub/elizabethnickson/p/geo-engineering-is-the-most-dangerous?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1bfgz )

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Gee What Could Possibly Go Wrong…God Forgive Us & Help Us 🙏

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It might be me, but could you re-post that link to the Substack the open Substack about past and present whether modification? I’ve been watching it for almost 20 years probably longer.

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Thank you Bill Bhame. Excellent source material. Bravo!

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Certainly. Elizabeth Nickson did all the work.

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Thank you for commenting. Weather modification is actually weather warfare. This has been clearly stated in numerous pentagon releases, yet nothing has been *successfully* implemented to stop the "experiments". Here's one example of hundreds of such assessments.

Atmospheric dispersion modelling of bioaerosols that are pathogenic to humans and livestock – A review to inform risk assessment studies >>> Received 19 May 2015, Revised 25 June 2015, Accepted 17 July 2015, Available online 26 July 2015, Version of Record 1 January 2016.


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Just this month the State of Tennessee has banned geoengineering and weather modification through legislation. Specifically:

House Bill 2063 (HB2063) and Senate Bill 2691 (SB2691) were introduced and passed, prohibiting the intentional release or dispersing of chemicals or chemical substances into the Tennessee atmosphere for the purpose of modifying the weather, temperature, or sunlight intensity.

The bills were signed into law, with an effective date of July 1, 2024.

The legislation aims to prevent experimentation with or deployment of geoengineering technologies, including solar geoengineering, weather modification, and cloud seeding.

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Thank you for the reference to Elizabeth Nickson's Substack! Arizona has a law regarding the need for anyone wanting to spray anything into the atmosphere (herbicides, etc. over crops) to obtain a permit. I downloaded the AZ law. I'm trying to find out how many permits have been issued for geoengineering spraying! No answers yet.

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I’m curious as to why they were “allowed” to prohibit anything destructive, in this one state? We all know that all of those chems are dispersed freely into the atmosphere- thereby spreading everywhere. If one and only one state in the US is in fact allowed to criminalize the use of chems, then why?

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Yes. I was aware of Tennessee's bill and contacted Karen Bracken, who had posted the legislation on her site. The Tennessee bill lacks any Lawful enforcement mechanism, thus Tennessee residents are left with no method of resolution. Apparently; the Tennessee bill will contain addenda at some future date.

There are examples of enforcement processes listed on pages 4 and 5 of this proposed Pennsylvania legislation. >>> https://zerogeoengineering.com/2024/sb-1264-introduced-in-pennsylvania-prohibiting-solar-radiation-modification/

There are also anti-geoengineering efforts listed by other States on the above page. Thank you for your efforts.

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Thank you, Paul. I've been downloading studies, articles, etc. for years, as well as taking photos wherever in the world I've traveled to document the amount of spraying of toxic chemicals being done. I downloaded the study you posted. It's not fossil fuels that is destroying our environment -- it's government/scientific/academic-led programs that are ruining the earth. Good history of all this in Peter A. Kirby's "Chemtrails Exposed: the New Manhattan Project, released in 2020. Excellent read!

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Not trying to cool the earth. That is the next level of the lie, another lie.

Do you not notice how much hotter it makes things? Like a magnifying glass.

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We've noticed that here is AZ. While the summers are always hot, the intensity of the sun has become truly unlike anything we've ever experienced. I have a beautiful Indian Ficus tree whose leaves look "burnt" -- never has happened before - the tree is dying. The powers that be are are actually "heating the planet" in a self-fulfilling prophecy to prove that "global warming" is real -- and human caused! Yes,, human caused by geoengineering! NOT by our use of fossil fuels!

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Yes ma’am! More lies compounding the whole of their disgusting deceit.

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If weather modification was the only reason for the trails, that would be catastrophic enough. However, I believe that even that pretext is a ruse. Any and every “pandemic” and the appearance of “climate change” can be orchestrated by broadcasting actual tons of pathogenic/neurotoxic/contaminating dust over the masses/farmland. If the ultimate objective is depopulation (and it is), then we can assume that every trail settling down from the sky is absolutely intended to make the people, animals, soil, water, and air sick unto eventual death. Changes to the weather would be the least shocking result of this operation. It is just one more weapon in the satanic arsenal to destroy God’s creation and His image bearers. If the Enemy can’t deceive and coerce everyone into receiving a health-destroying, life-shortening injection, then the rest of us must be passively subjected to such pervasive contamination as will accomplish the same result. It’s the grander scale modern iteration of yesteryear’s “spray-everyone-and-everything-with-DDT” program. Pretend it’s for the common good when really it’s people who are the pests they aim to exterminate. When “they” could no longer hide the toxic nature of the chemical and were quietly phasing out its use, the “polio” outbreaks also disappeared, not coincidentally. Same song, new generation. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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You are so right, TexasRed! No one connects the dots for all of these plans of which the ultimate goal is "depopulation." Whether its the patented man-made virus (I've printed off the patents on that from 2003 onward, the "novel mRNA vaccine," the climate change fearmongering and the subsequent "dimming of the sun" to "save the planet" that will destroy agriculture and indeed all life on earth, the goal is to get rid of all humankind. It seems to be working! The "Whole of Society" scheme.

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You hit the nail on the head. It has nothing to do with weather. It is a fumigation of the people, animals, and plants and a permanent poisoning of the water and soil. We don't see trails. Ours is a haze so thick that it appears as smog or pollution, yet we live in rural America with few cars and zero manufacturing.

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Watch movies online and pay attention to the skies. Lately I see fog and haze digitized into the skies in movies. For years I saw clouds. What they are doing is hiding in plain sight.

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A few weeks ago I noticed two days of intensive chemtrail type activity. A week after that, a large reservoir about 70 miles away had all of its fish die suddenly. The local authorities took samples and said they have no idea why they died but everything is fine since the birds that ate the fish didn't die. My theory is they were chemtrail spraying sun blocking aluminum nanoparticles and those settled into the local watershed and collected in quantities toxic to fish gills.

War allows the government to experiment with many things they would not otherwise be able to justify. There is a pattern of the results of those experiments quickly being reimported back domestically to be used against the civilian population. I could give many examples from my own deployment to Iraq for instance. Whatever they learned about chemical aerial spraying methods seems to be very much in use to this day.

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Holy smoke! Pure evil. And we are supposed to worry about cow farts?

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Ya... And don't smoke cigarettes. The nicotine interferes with the toxins they lace the sky with daily. Wouldn't want to mess up their 'experiments'...

Potential risk of acute toxicity induced by AgI cloud seeding on soil and freshwater biota

Published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >>> Volume 133, November 2016, Pages 433-441 >>> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0147651316302342?via%3Dihub

Partial excerpt: Abstract: “Silver iodide is one of the most common nucleating materials used in cloud seeding. Previous cloud seeding studies have concluded that AgI is not practically bioavailable in the environment but instead remains in soils and sediments such that the free Ag amounts are likely too low to induce a toxicological effect. However, none of these studies has considered the continued use of this practice on the same geographical areas and thus the potential cumulative effect of environmental AgI.” [End quote]

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DR Bryan Ardis website has a section on nivotine that is not treated with chemicals. It actually helos protect the body from C.

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Agent Orange is a piker compared to depleted uranium.

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And it will take 30+ years for the VA and DoD to recognize it is a problem.

...just like Agent Orange.

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Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years! Wafting all over the earth. I wrote about this on Earth Day. So we are all screwed. One of my cousins died from Agent Orange, another severely injured on disability ever since with constant shaking....

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A good friend of mine is being treated for cancer because of his exposure to Agent Orange.

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Sorry KJ

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It has already been recognized as a problem in any country where depleted uranium munitions have been deployed. Russia regards such as nuclear weapons.

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VA will only determine harms on a "case by case" basis.

To us veterans, that means "deny, deny, until they die."

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Any veteran who served in a an undeclared foreign war is an ignorant traitor, and such should not be provided benefits for having violated their oaths.

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You are the guy who lives in a van down by the river.

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I haven't lived down by a river in many years, they becoming hard to access.

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US has not recognized it as a problem...especially with the exposure to US troops.

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The US hasn't recognized the Constitution since it was overthrown by Lincoln's treason.

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What part(s) of what Lincoln did do you view as treason, please?

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"Honest" Abe Lincoln allowed the erasure of the Original 13th Amendment just prior to the break out of the Civil war. Thus all subsequent Constitutional Amendments should be considered null and void. The Civil war was anything but civil... Mr Lincoln was a traitor to his country.

Missing 13th Amendment Found: “No Lawyers In Public Office” July 27, 2018 >>> https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/missing-13th-amendment-found-no-lawyers-in-public-office/

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It began by his unconstitutional declaration of war against a neighbor that didn't have any intent to challenge the US government.

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They need to allow time for the problem actual victims to pass on to their reward so that non victims (like lawyers) can get the riches of payouts if any payouts accidently happen. It's called "compensating victims"

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Kind of like asbestos exposure...which killed my father.

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Oh, they recognize the problem before it’s deployed! That’s WHY they release such agents. That it becomes public at some point is only due to discovery by those closest to their projects, who eventually decide its more important to discuss- than their own lives and that of their loved ones, should they have any.

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They're hanging on to that for the REALLY naughty people

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Too bad there is no scientific evidence of this myth.

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How come you don't use your real name?

Why hide behind some fake avatar?

Show some courage.

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There is plenty of evidence of your gross ignorance of depleted uranium and its effects on biology.

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Yes, there is SOOOOO much hard scientific evidence that you couldn't post even one link...

By the way, did all you smart people forget that we are still using the same Anthrax vax, not to mention all the others, that we have been using since before 9/11?? Even after what we just went through everyone has forgotten this harm to our soldiers?? Yeah, tell me about MY gross ignorance fool.

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What sort of a person deliberately looks for substack articles he disagrees with, reads them, and agrues with posters?

Most normal people chose to read articles that they believe are revealing the truth.

Not human behavior. Must be a paid troll

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Normal people have no need to resort to ad hominem attacks.

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Are you admitting to be too stupid to use a search engine or are you just more interested in committing moronic ad hominem attacks?

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Apparently you are admitting to stupidity as you seem to be admitting you have not seen the research I have.

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Please show us the evidence that you have that shows/proves depleted uranium is safe.

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Neither of us have cited any research, so we are equally ignorant, baaed on that criterion. Your claim to stupidity is more self-evident than mine, ad hominem being stupid.

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You have been to Vietnam? What did you see and experience?

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Operation Phoenix has been a sort of experimental Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp on the whole of Vietnam and in particular South Vietnam. Herbicide chemicals, quarantines, torture and horror on the whole of the population. This model is now applied on a global scale, the EUA and countermeasures, mRNA and DNA vaccines, the glyphosate , the chemtrails, 5G, 5GW are there to stay like agent orange and other toxins and torture the DOD and bedfellows bestow on us.

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There have been hundreds of these operations over the decades, yet govern-mental officials deny their existence. Here's another example: >>> Excerpted from: Operation LAC - Wikipedia

"Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a U.S. Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents." --- Also: Risks and issues

"Bacillus globigii was used to simulate biological warfare agents (such as anthrax), because it was then considered a contaminant with little health consequence to humans; however, BG is now considered a human pathogen." [End quotes] Nice of them to ask permission...


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Vietnam was the first experiment on a large scale to kill the enemy North Vietnam, by first killing and putting the whole population of their ally, South Vietnam in a concentration camp. It’s this model that is now operating on a global scale.

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and…..kill their own soldiers, staff, spies, secret teams….

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Stunning article! I once knew an X-military gentleman who was heavily exposed to Agent Orange in an apparent 'fueling' accident. Over 25 years had passed since his exposure, and he was a walking dead man with multiple injuries. He had spent 16 years attempting to sue for damages with zero positive response from the Army or DOD. If he hadn't received help from family and friends, he would NOT have survived. Oh, and by the way, he was *drafted* to "honor" his country... He was bitter as hell and I couldn't blame him. If you include the targeted populations, he was one of millions of injured.

From today's article: "No one in the government (ARPA, DOD) was ever held accountable for deaths and injuries and environmental damage caused by Agent Orange and other chemical weapons."

Correct. "Accountability" should be televised public hangings for Treason and Genocide. Jus' sayin'...

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My sister in law ‘s husband died of agent orange. She got leukemia. The hospital bullied her until she got the jab and died 6 weeks after being declared cancer free. Liver failure.

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My wife & I have mysteriously developed serious coughs for nearly 2 months now. We rarely ever get serious colds and have avoided the depopulating injections that they called Covid 'vaccines'.

I'm wondering what's been in the air recently, and have suspected it could be related to the spraying of our atmosphere, recently admitted by the UK Government Meteorological Department who suggest is is to reduce Global Warming and to create rain when droughts are an issue.

The next phase of depopulation is called 'Famine' where the NWO will allow food producers to inject food with mRNA and undeclared pesticides that will dehumanise or kill us, with legislated ZERO LIABILITY being extended to all factions taking part in our demise!.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer to watch the hangings of those who mean us harm!

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Thank you Sasha.



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I’ve recently seen it mentioned that JD Vance has financial interests in mRNA vaccine production. One would assume he would rather keep it pretty quiet, for obvious reasons.

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I guess we will see once we get the FEC filing for the 2024 inaugural committee when Trump/Vance is installed brought to you by Pfizer.

I've been waiting for the Democrats to throw Joe out and start rolling out all that footage of Kamala saying the Trumpcene was dangerous and Trump was muzzling doctors in 2020. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/05/kamala-harris-covid-vaccine-safety-trump-election

I mean...we've done all the work for them at this point lol. Their NPCs would just latch on to this as the current thing and declare themselves the 'heroes of the pandemic' in line with the SPARS document.

It's all so tiresome.

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My husband is a veteran and he cringes when someone thanks him for his service. He feels the same way you do. He has had someone in his family serve in every single war since the revolution…and it stops with us. I put my foot down the moment we talked about having kids and he has definitely come around. Overcoming that mindset is really hard, but over my dead body will my precious boys be cannon fodder so lesser people can have a second home on the Cape.

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Growing up in the Vietnam era all but zealots thought as you do; keep the kids out of war. Even my uncle, a career veteran navy combat pilot told me his kids would go to Canada if war broke out. Then a hurricane of propaganda changed all that. Glad to see mothers are waking up to the truth of “service”.

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I wonder what exactly they spray all around scAmerica and the world in the skypainting that has been nearly incessant...

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so that their HAARP array weapon can heat the atmosphere for weather control or directed energy targeting.

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Diamond Alkali in Newark, NJ was one of the manufacturers of Agent Orange in the 50s and 60s. (Through them, eventually, Occidental Chemical inherited the liability for the site.) As a result of manufacture and sloppy practices, the entire 17 miles of the tidal portion of the Passaic River along with Newark Bay (a 4000 acre estuary) are contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Other contaminants such as mercury and PCBs are also an issue. The USEPA has ordered dredging and capping of the river, a project estimated to cost 2 billion dollars. As you might have surmised, the DOD is not on the list of "potential responsible parties". I personally can't imagine that this cleanup ever takes place, at least not in my lifetime. The link below has a nice summary. At the end where they talk about hope that crabs and fish will ever approach edible standards is pure fantasy.


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The vast majority of people involved have no idea what the big picture looks like, if they did they'd be looking for redemption. I pray everyday for the spell to be lifted, for our eyes to be opened, for the truth to set us free.

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Interesting. I have to wonder if they're still releasing Agent Orange as well as other noxious things in the air? I read a number of posts from people who have noticed that when they are out, their shoes are covered with a fine "dusting" of some orangish material. Maybe they've learned what it is by now but that should be concerning.

It seems clear that globalists want us dead (or most of us). They are now openly advocating for a tremendous reduction in the world's population. Obviously, they're not going to go door-to-door and simply kill people but there are many other ways to do it that I wouldn't be surprised they're using.

If they were willing to release a bioweapon jab that they mandated everyone needed to take (with tremendous loss of life and injury following that release), I'm sure they're doing their best to cover their bases with other ways to injure and kill people.

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Not agent orange per se, but the East Palestine train derailment and subsequent vinyl chloride burn released massive amounts of dioxins and phosgene gas into the atmosphere and poisoned the drinking water of some 25 million people. "Accidents" are almost a daily occurrence now.

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It did it's thing on the vegetation and was very effective, however the effects on humans was unintentional (they say) how do I know? I am a Vietnam Veteran in country 1966-1967

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