Sasha - you are simply the most amazing workhorse warrior. Thank you for another astonishing contribution to our collective understanding.

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Sep 4
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I published that list of experiments a dozen times. You are late to the party. And it is not relevant to the point of this article.

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True. Grateful everyday my physician took a look at my chart and recommended I NOT receive the COVID-19 jab due to my high risk of allergies and anaphylaxis.

Thank you for your research.

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Wow ! you have a real doctor. One who treats you like a doctor should ! and informed... a gold clump.

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My doctor told me at the time that they had another patient in the hospital with an anaphylactic reaction from the Covid-19 shot that had fewer allergies than I had. Grateful everyday they took the time to review my chart. This has led me to research everything on these bioweapons.

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and the terrible thing is, we are stuck with this for the rest of our lives. Imagine these kids nowadays having to undergo 100 or so jabs... amazing there are still healthy kids around. May be we get used to some poisons.... dad used to say that someone from 200 years ago revived, would drop dead in an instant with all the crap in the air! and would they be able to recognize anything served up a s food nowadays?

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I wonder if there really are any truly healthy kids around.

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I don't think that the high number refers to jabs, but to doses, ie, multiple doses are delivered in one jab.

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Wait! Did I read that correct ...a doctor reviewed your chart prior to treatment? Is that even legal?

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Pond23 .. priceless common sense on your doctor’s part .. immunology 101 .

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My Dr knew my history and yet……I was NOT able to get an exemption so I was DIS-EMPLOYED.

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In Australia it was virtually Verboten for any Dr to apply for let alone give exemptions.

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My daughter (now 10 and doing fine) had a cow milk allergy from early infancy. She also had delayed speech. Another substack author wrote a couple of years ago how cow proteins in vaccines can cause an allergy that affects b vitamin processing in the brain (https://vinuarumugham.substack.com/p/cows-milk-protein-contaminated-vaccines).

I am almost certain that is what happened to her. I didn't learn about vaccines early enough to protect my own children, but at least I can be assured that after all I've told them they will never allow their future children to get any injections.

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Excellent as always, Sasha.

You could teach this in medical school, if they'd let you.

As a side note, why have peanut allergies exploded? Because peanut oil (a powerful immune stimulant) is part of the vaccine soup. If you get it by IM injection first, before your gut sees peanuts and can desensitize it, the next time you eat peanuts, they can cause anaphylaxis. Interesting how in Israel there's been a spike in sesame seed (tehina) allergies. Guess what oil they use in some of their toxins.

By the way, all childhood "viruses" were on the way out when these miracle "vaccines " came into existence. Why? Clean water, better food storage and the big one, improved personal hygiene.

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It all becomes clearer. Malthusians wanted to depopulate and conditions like depicted in Amsterdam supported their arguments about too many people exceeding carrying capacity of earth. I suspect that mostly they were just demented and hated people. As the impulse for society to constantly improve conditions could not be stopped the awful inevitable happened, people lived longer and died less. The depops viewing this with horror seized on the promise of vaccines, the first direct marketing i.e. direct into the blood stream bypassing the elegant biological systems which kept outside outside and only allowed things into serum after processing. I am amazed that it took them this long to reach what is now the nadir of vaccine uptake, it could be that society-wide immunity to junk science held it off and is leading the fight to overcome this modern plague.

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Yes. Excellent insights to the basis of food sensitivities. Most people have no clue that seed products fail to provide healthful nutrition. Seed products (such as sesame seed) should be limited to emergency use only. The upside down food pyramid is an Rockefeller Institute -agribusiness model that creates money via human suffering...

Excellent dietary information can be found on the Weston A. Price Foundation web site. https://www.westonaprice.org/#gsc.tab=0

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Seed products are totally fine. I grew up eating and cooking ONLY in seed oil (sunflower), and halva was one of the favorite treats. Stop accusing food of the crime that's caused by vaccines.

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Bravo. Diet nowadays is blamed for just about everything and so many people are desperately trying to follow some this-or-that regimen, when the basic cause is not in the food. Mind you, I am not defending a diet high in junk, just saying that a junky diet is not at the top of my list of Bad Things Which Make Us Sick. PS. I like halva, too, though it is a bit rich for my taste. Nice once in a while, though. :)

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As a farmer for over 40 years I know the majority of the grain crops have been Genetically Mutated and continue to Mutate. Don’t forget these plants are Mutating not Modifying. So what you consumed in the past is not what you consuming now.

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There is no "genetically mutating" nor "genetically editing" crops. I am a farmer too, by the way, grapes in CA and alfa-alfa in NV. All the "generic editing" talk is mostly cover for IP wars. The crops are fine, as long as you don't anaphylactize people to them.

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Seems that now food oils have an industrial source. Sunflower is good I hear.

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most of the seed oils are from raps, sunflower, safflower and some other ones. The point is you can't poison yourself by normal reasonably varied diet. This has been demonstrated by studies, eg in West Virginia mining towns decades ago where baffling results were obtained - everyone ate everything deeply fried, drank, smoked and had no cancer whatsoever, no other chronic diseases to write home about, while working in the freakin mines. Soooo baffling. The authors concluded it was the "strength of the community", i.e. getting shitfaced with your buddies on the weekends that was responsible for this strange healthiness. Wow.

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I'd like to read that study from WV. Can you provide a link?

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I want to give you an upvote, but it doesn't work for me anymore. Anybody here know anything about computers etc? I used to be able to upvote on substack, then it just stopped.

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And the bloke that intensively researched peanut allergies, because of his daughter’s severe allergy, mysteriously accidentally died the moment he discovered the cause.

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Thank you for finding more despicable dots to connect. As awful as the truth keeps turning out to be, it’s time all of it is uncovered.

I keep thinking I’m done being shocked at what atrocities people have done & continue to do…& some get Nobel prizes for a silver plated version of it. The part about autoimmunity being in the realm of anaphylaxis is a huge “Aha!” that further confirms my contention that childhood vaccines contributed heavily, perhaps fully to my son’s constantly life threatening autoimmune disease developing at age 13. It just built & built over time & conveniently is far enough removed from the injections that it can appear as a random event. It takes time for some things to appear…like cancer…& then it’s all blamed on genetics or the vague “unknown environmental factors.”

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Nobel prizes are useless references. If they had been real, instead of Warburg getting it, nurse Budwig, later doctor, should have gotten it. She was presented several times for her discoveries in cancer treatment but never got it, while her boss got it for a fraction of what she did. When I hear ivermectin got the Nobel prize, I wondered how good it was. Now I read stories of how it is not that safe either.

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Where is the proof about ivermectin not being safe?? I believe that’s a campaign against a very effective drug that big pharma doesn’t want the public to use.

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Indeed. This story circulating that tries again to discredit ivermectin uses a study where TWENTY TIMES THE RECOMMENDED DOSE was used on rabbits. They seemed to become infertile during the testing period, which didn’t extend too far past the dosing period. Do nothing long term, & massively overdosing. Here we go again.

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May not be the same product if Pharma is making it. Who knows what is coming out of the industry? They could slap that label on any poison.

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I think you are correct. I think it will cure some "viruses" that we have been told there is no cure for and thus the smear campaign against it.

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Regarding the Amsterdam example, it was not just rats that bit, which I imagine was quite infrequent, but the smaller vermin, fleas, chiggers, ticks, and bed bugs. And those critters would bite often and repeatedly. It would not be unusual for one individual to suffer dozens of flea or bed bug bites in one day.

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mosquito magnet here. this summer wore long pants to avoid them but arms and face still got some.

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Try rubbing some organic coconut oil on your skin. Works better than deet.

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This explains why Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates look like sewer rats.

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Right? God has a sense of humor.

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This is about as cogent of any explanation I have ever heard. My lifelong fear (intuition) about injection by needle was correct. Fear the needle.

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My grandson's father has to chase him and hold him down every time they inject him. He gets ALL the shots, his father is a pfarmacist. I am crushed.

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I am so sorry to hear this sad story. I have seen countless photos of children being inoculated, and in every one of them they are bawling like crazy or they have a look of terror and disbelief on their face. God help us all, and your grandson in particular. Let's hope for the best.

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I had a friend that couldn't eat eggs.

He said that back in the 80s there were shots that used eggs and weren't fully filtered. So the shots he got as a child created his egg allergy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lyme disease is actually induced by flu shots which explains why Lyme is prevalent among upper middle class which tend to trust doctors and get all the shots.

Instead they blame Lyme on some bacteria of a tick based on a fairy tale of biological weapons from Plum Island.

That's the best distraction from seeing that it could be the flu shots.

Oh and despite the inability for medical science to find a cure for Lyme disease, they're adamant that it's caused by ticks.

Same shit with alpha gal


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Yes, I am pretty certain Lyme is vaccine induced anaphylaxis (autoimmunity). I also met a woman who practically cannot eat anything, she was vaccinated during pregnancy and got allergy to almost all food, including chicken.

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the last 5 months I am eating vegetarian because meat causes upset stomach. Last year my dog got real sick and a friend who works with a vet told me most dogs are allergic to chicken nowadays. A dog is a relative of a fox and should not be allergic to their normal food!

As kids the 2 immunizations used were oral, and I already wondered why now everything gets injected. I hate injections. But the leader of Eugenics and his followers knew quite well why. they wanted to kill as many as possible. See Gates smirk when his organization goes round with their jabs. (now they are using the polio live oral stuff for Palestina - another disaster as if one was not enough)

This article is a gem. I saved it in several places in hopes to find it back and re-read it several times. Thanks !

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So, are oral vaccines as dangerous as intravenous or less?

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I don't know, and nobody would give you any real data, but why play Russian roulette?

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Just as dangerous

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Yes, the smirk. When I see that clip where he says they can get population under control with vaccines, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took it to mean that families would have less children if the chances of survival increased; now, I think he knew what he was saying and meant it literally.

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Yes the smirk...Thought I was the only one who noticed.

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There was a program on Plum Island just off of the Connecticut shoreline to develop tick-borne disease to be dropped on cane field workers in Cuba, to paralyze the export crop. Children in the area in Lyme were the earliest reported cases of the illness. I've read several analyses of the case which read persuasively to me, whereas I've seen no refutation.

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I think "weaponized" ticks are a cover story. I am sure the work to weaponize ticks was going on, just like they constantly try to weaponize mosquitoes, and what not, but I don't think it's possible to do. Lyme exhibits all signs of anaphylaxis driven autoimmune condition.

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Not having any medical knowledge, I can only say I'll have to trust your judgment on that, as long as the evidence has pointed you in that direction. I had thought anaphylaxis to be a general term for severe reaction, often life-threatening, which can be caused by any number of bodily invasions. Perhaps I am mistaken in this.

I am from CT and a boy when Lyme disease was reported there locally in the early 60s. I know several people in CT who even today suffer the awful effects of it, including one in her 30s and if I remember rightly, she had the tell-tale target rash after an outing in the woods.

I haven't read of evidence of an official story planted anywhere, though certainly there may have been one planted. Those guys were very active in planting ever so many stories and influencing anyone with a public voice, but still it must be demonstrated that such was the case. What I recall being reported then, was the initial impression from physicians locally (including my own), and thereafter, Yale Med School virologists (?), was the assumption that it was a naturally occurring deer tick -- at that time, there were many deer in southeastern CT. No American then could believe his government would have concocted a program like the Plum Island bio-warfare site, just offshore. Recent interviews of, among others, scientists associated with the project and flyer who went on mission drops, I found a persuasive explanation. But as to the science, I have no technical expertise to know if such a thing could even have been accomplished 60 years ago.

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i supposedly have long term lyme. You can see the spirochetes clogging up the blood . When treated those spirochetes are gone and the blood cells return to normal . I guess it is possible that lyme 'treatment' is doing something anti inflammatory rather than antibiotic. My partner was diagnosed with it too, by our national expert. He fixed his symptoms with a carnivore type diet . Hard to conclude anything much ... The ministry of Ag guys told us there are 14 noteworthy pathogens in ticks here .. that they were veery concerned about. We sometimes get 40 tick bites a day here so we presumably have all those bugs in us by now. No idea how harmful they may be :/

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If carnivore diet helps, then you are anaphylactized to common cereal-derived proteins.

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Thanks. In my own case I'd say that's a certain, following years of ill advised vegan diet . My partner seems able to eat anything but was getting the arthritis and other lyme type issues which all resolved. Tricky to know how, whether the spirochetes fit in .

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I've seen the smirk also when speaking of his new patented breed of mosquitos

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Yeah and notice how there's many diagnosis of the same symptoms as Lyme...

Lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc...

All auto immune conditions caused by foreign shit getting directly injected into bodies.

Some of it could also be the over use of acetaminophen aka Tylenol aka paracetamol which is toxic to the liver yet easily bought over the counter.

My neighbor's wife was diagnosed with cirrhosis after years of migraines and Tylenol. She never drinks. Once she said she was taking Tylenol, I was like that's why you got sick!

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And yet sadly it is THE most pushed medication of all. I have argument after argument with medicals over my refusal to take Paracetomol. THEY abhor the use of highly effective and yet “relatively” safe Aspirin.

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I drink Dandelion Root tea to protect my liver.

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Milk thistle is protective and supportive of the liver, whereas dandelion can over-stress and already compromised or struggling liver.

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If you ever have the honor of 24 hour a day seizures, horrendous nightmares, rapid development of multiple chemical sensitivities, and near death, you'd (perhaps) engage your mind in higher quality research... Lyme disease is indeed passed on via direct inoculations from ticks and other biting insects. Lyme disease is primarily caused by Borrelia spirochetes (a bacterium). Syphilis: also spirochetal >>> https://www.britannica.com/science/spirochete

"Cures" for chronic Lyme infection have never been found. The disease can only be managed... The Plum Island facility was not a fairy tale adventure. I haven't received an vaccine injection for at least 60+ years. Persons employed in the medical profession are generally clueless...

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There's huge signs that Lyme which has similar symptoms to lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome to be caused by toxicity. From shots, from glysophate, from toxic medications... Etc.

If it's an auto immune disorder it's usually from toxicity.

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Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) from tick inoculations is now complicated by multiple bacterial agents such as Anaplasmosis, Bartonella, Babesiosis, Ehrlichia, and weaponized mycoplasmas. Lyme disease is no longer a simple infection.

Perhaps you could benefit from this presentation by Dr. Alan MacDonald.

The Biology of Lyme Disease: An Expert's Perspective (Part 1 of 3) >>> Published on Jul 20, 2013 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8tESJVvM88

Listen closely to his comments at approximately 2:30 into the presentation. I've listened to many of his analyses, and he simply does not error.

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Same here. I can’t eat eggs or almonds without horrible stomach-pains. I was born in 1965, and probably got my vaccines before one year old. At one year I got to eat my first egg, and had a strong reaction, crying and vomiting. My mother told me this. I am also hyper sensitive to all kinds of medications. I dont use any. Years ago I tried Champix as a way to stop smoking, I became very, very ill. Champix was retracted from the market a few years ago. Ten years ago I had serious pain in my body, my doctor prescribed Prednisolon. Same, I got so ill from it, I thought I would not survive. To refuse the covid-shots was a no-brainer.

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I just wonder how many people who have been diagnosed with Lyme were ever anywhere near a tick.

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This article is absolutely phenomenal. I started taking notes in order to summarize it into the most quotable quotes. Too many, darn it, because every thought and word is standalone and standout. Thank you!

On a side note...

I'm a baby boomer. My parents believed doctors were near gods and gave us every childhood shot ever invented. I therefore grew up highly vaxxed, highly vax/doctor trusting -- until COVID. Now I'm completely turned around about all vaxxes and most doctors thanks to COVIDEra information that I've been ingesting (not injecting) through a firehose.

I've been trying to get my 65+-year-old brother to stop his kid from vaccinating his granddaughter / my great niece. Brother -- a lifelong inhaler-dependent, severe asthmatic with skin issues who almost died when given allergy shots -- now is starting to understand that the COVID vax is bad and is beginning to comprehend that all vaxes are potentially unnecessary at best and harmful/deadly at worst.

But, despite my entreaties, brother says he cannot interfere with his kid's decisions. I've tried to share solid info about childhood vaxxes with my brother and his kid, to no avail. The baby, not more than a year old, already has had ear infections. I don't wonder why, but I cannot stop it. I will keep on trying, of course, and will share your article with brother and nephew.

My highly-educated, strongly left-leaning, lawyer sister is even more invested in the bio-pharmaceutical complex. She won't even listen to or read anything from me, so I've reluctantly given up. One of her (now-adult) kids is "on the spectrum." The other has such severe food allergies that she can eat almost nothing due to severe digestive problems.

Injections are simply evil. Thank you, Sasha, for shining even more light on these devilish devices of death 😈💉💀.

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An old book I ran across on the story of vaccines:


Suppressed Facts About Vaccination


Eleanor McBean


A free copy here: http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html

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Wow. So much to consider! Years ago I had to get shots that were required before I could serve in a primitive refugee camp. After returning to the U.S., many in our group developed chronic health issues -- which I've assumed was due to other toxic exposures. The plot thickens...

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It all starts with vaccines. I saw significant changes in the patients coming to the OR in the nineties. Very different from the late 70’s and 80’s when i started medicine. I asked “what are “we” doing wrong?” The surgeons thought i was crazy. Once i started looking at this more than a decade ago, i thought back to the crazy things i was seeing. You need Vit C and Vit D in your toolbox and never take anymore shots ( vaccines primo but all of them). I have 7 nonvax grands - guess what - healthy, respectful, smart and joy to be around. We talk to them about this subject all the time. More importantly, i tell them they need to ask the question of anyone they date. (In the far future) Their choices will be small.

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It all starts with vaccines. I saw significant changes in the patients coming to the OR in the nineties. Very different from the late 70's and 80's when i started medicine.

What changes were you seeing, and how did you identify a trend?

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First, a lot of new onset Afib. Before Afib happened rarely and the etiologies were inferior MI( heart attack) or Rheumatic heart disease ( both extremely uncommon), so Afib was extremely uncommon. And then it wasn’t. An anesthesia resident today would study a lot about sleep apnea and effects of anesthesia because it so prevalent ( even if undiagnosed) in many the patients. I did not even hear of it during my residency and I asked my peers of my age. They did not study this either.

And the patients were getting sicker. Never heard of chronic fatigue syndrome- it just appeared on the horizon. Also, fibromyalgia and lyme - out of nowhere. It’s almost 30 years now but this is some of what i remember. ( ps. Didn’t see your question till today, hence the delay).

So is sleep apnea driving the increase Afib? I thought so for a long time but not sure. Judy Mikovits talked about increase A fib in an interview and i about came out of my chair. She related it to drugs and vaccines, but never elaborated. I saw it the dramatic increase in real time. Now it is “normalized “

There is a book written in 1941 called “Strange Malady”. The strange thing was sinus infections and allergies. Not so strange today, but the introduction of shots as Sasha’s substack eluded to anaphylactic reactions, was causing a “new” problem. And now it’s normalized. So it will be with Autism and childhood myocarditis.

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Thanks so much for the reply, and the perspective. After working in hospitals for 4 years, I scrapped my dream of becoming a physician.

It was clear to me that the answers to the problems many [not all] were seeking could not be found in a medical "campus."

Hospitals largely are where you end up when you got step 1 wrong.

And if you fit step 1 right, you likely wouldn't ever become a patient.

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Those Stats are based on what was reported! I would like to know what was not reported! The COVID Scamdemic was a medical "Shell Game"! Every institution in society and Government is corrupt because of greed! Like my father always said, "Man will Destroy Man"

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There have been other medical shell games, but none so all-encompassing and inescapable. My own bad experience with Big Pharma/Big Meds made me suspicious from the start.

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In my career as an ESL instructor of refugees and immigrants, it was often noted that among those students many discovered ailments that had not been addressed prior to coming to the US due to finally having hood health care. After reading this, I’m guessing that perhaps many of the newly diagnosed issues were due to immunizations required for immigration.

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Remember Tiffany Dover? This nurse in TN who took the shot "live on air" to set an example, and then passed out, dropping to the floor. Mystery swirls around what happened to her next.......

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As of an April 2023 interview, Tiffany Dover was/is alive. Speaking about the incident was forbidden by her employer. This was big news last year.


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He died after 2 weeks or maybe 2 months. Her husband posted the obituary on his Facebook page. He is survived by two small children.

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Who died?

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Tiffany Dover.

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