The first part is simple. We are exposed to toxins or other things that some people's immune systems react to; think allergic reactions. Several examples of the woo woo: A man named Rupert Sheldrake noticed phenomenon where, for example, a scientist in one part of the world is working on a particular problem and solves it, soon after, ot…
The first part is simple. We are exposed to toxins or other things that some people's immune systems react to; think allergic reactions. Several examples of the woo woo: A man named Rupert Sheldrake noticed phenomenon where, for example, a scientist in one part of the world is working on a particular problem and solves it, soon after, other scientists will find the solution to the same problem, or if a rock climber solves a particular route or bouldering problem, soon others are easily able to climb the same route, but faster...or a man runs a 4-minute mile, and soon hundreds are doing the same thing. This lends credence to the idea of a field or shared consciousness. So if a group of people exhibit symptoms after being exposed to a toxin and have an immune response, others who are unconnected may exhibit the immune response as a protective mechanism, even though they weren't exposed. This may be why densely populated areas have higher rates of "illness". I don't see any proof of the existence of viruses, and I don't believe in contagious diseases, yet I got sick and experienced "Covid" symptoms in November of 2021. No one else around me was sick. They had all had it way earlier.
This is why the high rates of heart issues, cancer, immune vulnerability etc in the jabbed are a huge risk to the unjabbed. Keeping disconnected from that particular field is the way to go. Avoid entrainment at all times. Or change the field. 🙏
I agree. Removing oneself from negativity of the media is important. I try to be a dispassionate observer whenever possible. If you simply notice how many stories are negative you will understand the magick the parasites use against the masses.
The first part is simple. We are exposed to toxins or other things that some people's immune systems react to; think allergic reactions. Several examples of the woo woo: A man named Rupert Sheldrake noticed phenomenon where, for example, a scientist in one part of the world is working on a particular problem and solves it, soon after, other scientists will find the solution to the same problem, or if a rock climber solves a particular route or bouldering problem, soon others are easily able to climb the same route, but faster...or a man runs a 4-minute mile, and soon hundreds are doing the same thing. This lends credence to the idea of a field or shared consciousness. So if a group of people exhibit symptoms after being exposed to a toxin and have an immune response, others who are unconnected may exhibit the immune response as a protective mechanism, even though they weren't exposed. This may be why densely populated areas have higher rates of "illness". I don't see any proof of the existence of viruses, and I don't believe in contagious diseases, yet I got sick and experienced "Covid" symptoms in November of 2021. No one else around me was sick. They had all had it way earlier.
Now that I am remembering the events, several of my co-workers had gotten boosters...which left them bedridden, again.
This is why the high rates of heart issues, cancer, immune vulnerability etc in the jabbed are a huge risk to the unjabbed. Keeping disconnected from that particular field is the way to go. Avoid entrainment at all times. Or change the field. 🙏
I agree. Removing oneself from negativity of the media is important. I try to be a dispassionate observer whenever possible. If you simply notice how many stories are negative you will understand the magick the parasites use against the masses.