There mar be some anesthetics manufacturers out there that don't use the "hydrogel ingredients I'm not sure which ones there are. I sorry that I can't be of more help.
Ivermectin is the cure fir the common cold. And the flu. And some cases of pneumonia because it has antibiotic, anti inflammatory and anti parasite properties. As does HCQ.
But it's not an antivirus drug because they dont exist.
Yep, and deliberately creating "stuff" to "f" us up. Read Deuteronomy 28 for clarity. See, they, Messianic "true believers", are obliged to "f"us up, its their "religion," because of they don't, according to them, then their "lord" is gonna punish them. Its called "Messianic fanaticism," and it is the "hidden hand" behind ALL of this realms murderous, recent history. All roads lead there. It is a sickness. You heard? 'They are doing the lord's work." Little "l."
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: тАЬCursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.тАЭ 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:13-14
Abraham. Was he a practitioner of Jewish traditions or Christian traditions? Couldn't be a "Jew" because the Judaic laws had not been revealed. Couldn't be a Christian because of the same reason and "Jesus" has not come yet. So if he was neither, how could a "promise" to him be passed to others under different dogmas that had not been revealed? Abraham makes no mention of Moses or Jesus and how can Jesus be a "curse" and the "sun of god." [Light or Knowledge of God]? There is a conflict there. I respect the belief systems of others, even ones I don't comprehend, and its not "religion" that matters. It is doing good in the realm. Atheists do that too, "good that is." Peace
Zinc, Quercertin, NAC, Acetyl-L Carnitine, Taurine, Anti-histamine, green tea, tonic water [quinine], Iverm, Amoxicillin, and whole fat yogurt. Cracks 'em every time.
Follow up daily with oil of oregano, black seed oil, garlic, and tumeric. Win!
Stick to Nature works the best. Steer clear of anything injectable.
Except anaesthetic when having dental work done? - I can't find a way round that one??? :-(
There mar be some anesthetics manufacturers out there that don't use the "hydrogel ingredients I'm not sure which ones there are. I sorry that I can't be of more help.
Nitrous oxide is an option at the right dentists.
Ivermectin is the cure fir the common cold. And the flu. And some cases of pneumonia because it has antibiotic, anti inflammatory and anti parasite properties. As does HCQ.
But it's not an antivirus drug because they dont exist.
Are we creating remedies for non existent diseases? Part of being played?
Yep, and deliberately creating "stuff" to "f" us up. Read Deuteronomy 28 for clarity. See, they, Messianic "true believers", are obliged to "f"us up, its their "religion," because of they don't, according to them, then their "lord" is gonna punish them. Its called "Messianic fanaticism," and it is the "hidden hand" behind ALL of this realms murderous, recent history. All roads lead there. It is a sickness. You heard? 'They are doing the lord's work." Little "l."
BUT! ...
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: тАЬCursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.тАЭ 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:13-14
Amen Praise His name!
Abraham. Was he a practitioner of Jewish traditions or Christian traditions? Couldn't be a "Jew" because the Judaic laws had not been revealed. Couldn't be a Christian because of the same reason and "Jesus" has not come yet. So if he was neither, how could a "promise" to him be passed to others under different dogmas that had not been revealed? Abraham makes no mention of Moses or Jesus and how can Jesus be a "curse" and the "sun of god." [Light or Knowledge of God]? There is a conflict there. I respect the belief systems of others, even ones I don't comprehend, and its not "religion" that matters. It is doing good in the realm. Atheists do that too, "good that is." Peace
Yes, all of them too.