
You stated in a recent post regarding Project Veritas that you had contacted them & they had no interest in your story/evidence. I found this deeply disturbing. It actually makes me angry coz it’s a type of gaslighting & censorship of critical information which the public should know & have access to. My opinion of PV has changed considerably because of their refusal to interview you.

Curious to know who else has brushed you aside -- the Stew Peters show, the War Room w/ Steve Bannon, Steve Kirsch, Naomi Wolf, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree show, Glen Beck, the Alex Jones show, the Joe Rogan show, the Charlie Kirk show, Tim Pool, Candace Owens, Ann Vandersteele, Maria Zeee, etc.? (We thank God for Dr. Jane Ruby who has been a fearless & stalwart supporter of you & Katherine Watts work!).

Can you please divulge the names to your readers of all those who’ve refused you consideration so that we your supporters can put pressure on these supposed unbiased truth-tellers/seekers to interview you & KW together?

It’s very telling that your & KW’s findings have not had more traction among certain conservatives, republicans, and members of Congress -- Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, MTG, etc. Where the hell are these so-called firebrands? KW recently stated that she believed the few good guys in our government are lying low & waiting for the right moment to make their move. The ppl of America & the world don’t have time to wait. Got to grab the bull by the horns NOW!

What is currently going on with declining birth rates around the globe is a direct result of the DoDs deployment of a WMD.

I believe that your & KW’s information implicates Trump & so many in the freedom movement are turning a blind eye to you in the same way Trump has turned a blind eye to all the death & carnage that is being caused by the shots. TRUMP KNEW. He was compromised. The truth was made absolutely plain to me intuitively when I saw the Candace Owens interview in Dec. of 2021. Trump’s claim that no one had died from the shots was an outright LIE & he KNEW it. And Candace ought to have held Trump’s feet to the fire but she buckled coz she was probably scared of the potential backlash by his supporters & the “Q” contingent.

With all due respect to Glen Macko, I adamantly disagreed with his attempt to steer & even quash the implications of your narrative. He is IMO very controlling. He tried to deflect any blame on Trump. He cut you off at one point & said something to the effect that ppl had to be careful in ascribing blame or knowledge to another individual (he was, of course, referring to Trump). Can’t exactly remember if this occurred either at the recent press conference or in the group interview with Lara Logan about a month ago. Sorry, but your association with this man will undermine the truth you have to give to the world. Sasha, you’ve been so forthright & strong in every interview but when Mr. Macko interrupted you & sought to douse the audience’s ability to form their OWN opinions you buckled under the weight of his authoritative stance. I say F%#k him! Disassociate yourself from him. TRUTH SHOULD NOT BE COMPROMISED FOR ANYONE OR ANYTHING!

Ppl need to stop protecting & making excuses for Trump & casting all blame for the shots to Biden, Fauci, Gates, K. Schwab, etc. Again I say, TRUMP KNEW! He has gaslighted & censored the ppl of the world about the harm & deadliness of the shots. AND his ENTIRE family has been complicit in the evil perpetrated by TRUMP. Liars & grifters, all of them! I voted for the man twice & continued to give him the benefit of the doubt until I saw the Bill O’ Reilly & Candace Owen interviews December before last. There are many questions that should & need to be answered by our former President. I’m not letting him off the hook -- he ought to be held as accountable as Fauci, Birx, Walensky, etc. If Trump didn’t know anything that was going on or failed to perceive or instinctively sense something was wrong then one has to assume that he is the GIOAT (“Greatest Idiot of All Time”). Either way, he has shown he is unfit for another term.

Hoping you’ll reveal who else besides PV expressed no interest in your revelations about the DoD & the vaccine/Pharma theater. Here to support your most valuable contribution to the Truth & our country’s fight for freedom.

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I don’t think her story is PV realm They are out to expose political / medical corruption

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Huh?! Sorry, I vehemently disagree.

DoD/biological weapons ARE a story of political corruption. What else explains all the laws & executive orders that were passed/signed & which facilitated the roll-out of the present “counter-measures”? The Pharmaceutical frontmen & “vaccine” theater testing/safety & efficacy claims CLEARLY & INDISPUTABLY show medical corruption.

Come on man! What you’re basically saying is that PV is only interested in a certain TYPE of political/medical corruption. Great balls of fire (feel like Scarlet O’Hara ripping down those velvet green curtains at Tara)! Excuse my French, but WE’RE IN A BLOODY GODDAMN WAR!

Sasha’s story & information is right up PV’s alley because they specialize in an expose type of reporting. PV utterly missed the boat. They will have a hard time winning back my trust. Apparently, PV is only interested in THEIR truth, not THE TRUTH.

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Me2, I liked this one better:

The Hamster Effect / Monkeys


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Does she have some hidden camera or whistleblower revelation? Because that’s what they do.

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PV is all crisis actors as is Tucker, Kirsch and Malone, et al

Truman Show/Milgram Experiment

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Yup. All their crazy editing, repeats of sections. If they were really interested in truth, they'd let things just run in a very sober, unflashy way.

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Lmao they show the highlight first to grab eyeballs and then they play their piece in its entirety. Does that confuse you or something?

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It's like programming for idiots.

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I think that's a bit harsh Nikki, we must remember someone likeTucker is in the entertainment business and is walking a fine line between informing his viewers of what's really going on (which I think he manages to do very successfully), and keeping ratings high enough that his bosses keep him on the air in primetime. If it was all dry facts and in depth analysis that would please some but many would switch off. There's a place for both I think, but a show like Tucker's is informative but also intended to be entertaining.

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My reply was aimed more towards PV than Tucker. I've no idea how much say the real person Tucker has in anything. I assume he's smart, but 50% actor.

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I dont think so, I think his heart is in the right place (see his interview with someone like Mattias Desmet), but he's a media personality so we have to give him some slack. If it wasn't for people like him where would we be now?

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There are no good guys in our govt. We are the only calvary there is.

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Thank you for saying this. I hate always having to be the one to say this. We have ZERO friends in government by design. It is a parasitic entity.

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Perhaps PV wanted to control the board?

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Interesting timing as well. Saha & Katherine Watts had press conference about DoD being the real enemy (Big Pharma = Big Front/Big Decoy) &, lo and behold, PV’s newest scoop is released. I watched the “assault” footage. The whole thing looked & felt totally fake to me -- if that wasn’t controlled opposition don’t know what is. What was interesting was that right after I saw PV video I continued scrolling down my Twitter feed & saw 2 videos of confrontations that included ACTUAL anger, physical struggle/fighting, & violence. When someone is REALLY upset, situations escalate & get kinetic almost immediately. It’s easier to spot a dramatic fake when one has gone to drama school. 😊

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Are you saying that PV was tricked by an entity that wants to redirect the heat on Pfizer, or that PV is manipulating the public ? They seem legit but yeah the whole thing seemed a bit fake ^_^

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With shades of 'This is Maga Country!' thrown in for good measure.

All that's missing is revelations that pizza joints in Dumbo are baking-in the drainochromes.

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PV does undercover sting operations of the enemy. Thank God for them.

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It is not so much as Project Veritas; good/bad…? It is a general caution to all of us. We can be so busy seeking more ‘truth’ to ADD to what we already know…we can miss the “Y” in the road to possibly lead us in a new direction; to UNCOVER that which was previously UNKNOWN. We have ALL been lied to, deceived, manipulated, and mislead! Those with true, solid, good character, will admit where they have veered incorrectly and correct! Frankly, I find the SILENCE of many of our “leaders” and “former leaders” to be MORE TELLING than anything said in an interview.

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I might be late for providing an answer but wanted to share my point of view regardless.

I'm starting to think lately that Project Veritas isn't entirely what it claims to be. On the team level, they even got rid of the founder, James O'keefe for some reasons.

I came across the following infos while I was looking without really digging. Trump funded Project veritas 20'000 $ in 2015. Trump also pushed Project warp speed which ended in more people taking the vaccine, which couldn't be a good thing. back then. Trump definitely compromised himself.

It makes no surprise to me to find out that PV rejected Sasha's calls. There is something fishy about them. I believe the series of events regarding Jordon are fake. He doesn't really exist as an employee. Plus, the fact that he compromised pfizer over a rendez-vous seems odd. Can you really make this stuff up ? He doesn't act and talk like a director normally should. The internet went crazy after this event, with countless alternative (+ controlled opposition) talking about this. I can't take myself seriously if I give any credit to this story. For me it's made up and was used to create the conditions for that "Y" on the road you talked about.

I do think it served pfizer and its allies to make people believe that there is gain of interest and virus alteration going on inside pfizer labs. They could have known that only the conspiracy side of internet would pay attention to this. Mainstream media didn't talk about this just like they didn't talk about other bombshells regarding covid and jabs. So, how could it have served pfizer ultimately ?

Firstly, it diverted attention from the role played by the department of defense and all those who are guilty of crime apart from pfizer. The manufacturers can't be sued whatsoever so it's not like the situations could have changed much. On the second hand, covid could maybe be non existant as a virus. The revelations made by PV conforted the idea that covid was a virus and that it could become even more dangerous in times to come. I don't claim to be right at all, but made those observations and thought they could be relevant, knowing that they didn't want to get in touch with Sasha.

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I think Occam's Razor here. O'Keefe is a tough son of a bitch on a mission, information war trauma victim, extremely think skinned like a wartime leader would be. He called someone a pussy which kind of makes me laugh because that is what our military leaders used to do and what several of the men I worked for in the past and coaches I played for said routinely. But Millennial kids can't fathom that sort of thing because they have been raised respectfully. He was pushing everyone's buttons and they got together to try to get rid of him. I think they should fire the 16 that complained. Or, James could be the next Attorney General in 2024 when our righteous warrior nationalists get justice from the evil bastards who are killing us now. James is on the wall.

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Jan 28, 2023
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“I suggest you demand interviews with those folks yourself so you can tell them directly how you feel and think. Okay?”

Ho-hum! Utter complacency in your response like the other response above. Kind of like a passive-aggressive Nero. Don’t worry, I plan to make my thoughts known to those who poo-poo Sasha & Katherine Watt’s findings. I’ve already had success months ago in helping to bring mass public attention to 2 other important but unrelated issues. What are YOU doing aside from lying comfortably on ur divan and eating grapes?

Do you think that Sasha has done all her hard work & research & could care less about whether governments, politicians, the public, and the media take notice because she’s right & that’s that? I’m sure she is as frustrated as Michael Yeadon (yes, he’s admitted it) who came out early to warn about the shots & the agenda behind them. Yeadon, Sasha, KW, Dr. Jane Ruby, et al. are working hard to turn the tide in this battle. What are YOU doing my foxhole companion to further their work? We are their foot soldiers. Of course, if you’d rather lie around, eat grapes, & play the violin while America is burning, good riddance!

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Jan 28, 2023
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Indeed the truthfulness of the data is questionable. We should remember perhaps the positive impact hospital strikes have on mortality statistics. In some historical instances up to 50% reductions in death. In the case of a 'pandemic' the reduced access or reduced utilisation of operation and disease treatment facilities.


The Karolinska Institutet distributed advisory pamphlets to doctors suggesting patients over 55 having breathing difficulty should be given morphine rather than oxygen. Sweden was the only Scandinavian country to not separate died 'of' and died 'with' a positive PCR test ( 96% false positive rate) for Covid 19 case,deciding instead to lump the lot into one category,Covid death. Autopsies considered unnecessary as the PCR would suffice. This gave Sweden the highest 'apparent' death rates from Covid compared to it's 'hard lockdown' neighbors giving a false indication the lockdown saved lives and that far more people died of Covid.Did anyone died 'of' Covid? How would we know? We have no fully isolated example of the virus, therefore no reference to detect it and are using a scientific test (PCR) rather than diagnostic one to prove it's presence in the human body .

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Germany didn't and stil doesn't differenciate of or with as well. UK too, as far as I know. Still I am not sure what exactly the test is testing. There are so many suppliers and nobody ever validated and equlibrated it . We've got the statistics of hospital admissions diagnoses. there hat been 2,5 millions admissions less in 2020 and acute respiratory disease had been 0,5 million less than year before. Nothing to see of any pandemic! the pandemic was all virtually created! Here they even posted soldiers to protect the hospital from desperate and panicking people that didn't exist! Just to demonstrate the gross violation of reality , which made the following measures possible.

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Genevieve Briand, Asst. Program Dir. of Applied Economics Master’s Degree Program at Johns Hopkins!, analyzed 2020 U.S. all cause deaths, using data from the CDC. Her results were published, but a “retraction” was later made, and the usual fake fact checkers ran propaganda on its conclusions.

Briand focused on total deaths/age group, and total deaths/cause of death. She found that total deaths among all age groups, including older people, stayed relatively the same pre- and post-pandemic. Not only did the pandemic have no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it also did not increase the total number of deaths. She concluded, these data analyses suggest the pandemic had relatively no effect on US deaths.

Focusing on deaths by cause, there was a sudden increase in covid-labeled deaths in 2020. But when Briand looked at all non-covid-labeled death numbers by cause, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to all other causes. In fact, she wrote that the number of covid-labeled deaths nearly matched the decrease in deaths from all other causes.

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This is the magic of the RT-qPCR sampler. Generate positive results suggesting the presence of an infectious virus that has never been proven to exist. Recategorize all deaths where a PCR test can be carried out prior to death. In many cases the test was carried out on a corpse.

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Denis Rancourt did an analysis. And indeed he comes to the conclusion that the excess deaths have different causes and don't accure in all places similarily. In Germany the excess deaths debate continues. Due to lockdowns and this monstrous incarcerations in nursery homes they sent soldiers in many nursery homes- many at complete quarantine because of tests and faulting personel wich is regulary the case since decades, while companies gain billions. as far as I know even the opposition ist still keeping a blind eye on this. I looked at mortality rates in the older population. and there is a jump! it's not explained but end of 2020 till spring the vax campaign started, also with the help of soldiers! strongly correlated https://twitter.com/Helen_Dunkel/status/1602032754819997696

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This site simplifies the RT-qPCR process quite well. Some interesting quotes from some interesting people too. What it does not include is the DNA harvesting carried out with these tests which was purchased by Bill Gates and sent to China for DNA database population . The other more ominous potential of such a swab based test could well be to 'vaccinate' the abstainers. Nasal vaccination has been used to vaccinate animals for decades. One would perhaps think it suitable then that someone with a veterinarian background would lead such a charge. So Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer would then seen an unlikely candidate. Well,not so fast Albert is not a doctor, he's a Vet.


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Truth there Andreas

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There was a Twitter poster who collected the covid-19 data from countries and their care home policies (I think the poster's name was Nellie something?). Sweden was one of the countries that put covid-19 patients into care homes, I believe. There was even an investigation into the large number of deaths of nursing home residents. I also watched a video of a care home provider from another town in Sweden (probably Malmoa?) which had some of the lowest covid-19 death rates in the world. She said that the reason was because the nursing home she worked at discarded the advice from the health bureaucracy to put infected patients back into these homes. It had never been their practice before 2020 and since the hospitals were not overrun with young people why would they put elderly patients into nursing homes in the event that the hospital might eventually be overrun and not just wait until space in the hospital was needed? She said most of the nursing homes she knew about also discarded this advice though in Stockholm, the advice was followed. Most don't seem to know anything about the covid-19 nursing home scandal in Sweden but given what appears to be a lackadaisical approach to their elderly, the group most at risk, from the health bureaucracy, not sure if the numbers from this same organization should be trusted.

Here's an article from France 24:


“The doctor told us they were following protocols for the elderly, and since my uncle was so old and weak he wouldn’t get hospital care,” Jihem recalls.

Sweden has seen more than 5,800 deaths from Covid-19 — nearly half of them in care homes. Prominent scientists have criticised the authorities' approach and the government has itself admitted it failed to adequately protect the elderly.

"They didn't try to save their lives. They were scared that the intensive care units would be overwhelmed and you couldn't take care of young people,” says Anders Vahlne, a professor of virology at the Karolinska Institute. “And so they were selecting [patients], a bit too harshly I think".

They also put patients on end of life care:

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - In April, a nurse at a Stockholm home for the elderly told Helen Gluckman that her 83-year-old father would likely not live for long. He had been stricken by COVID-19 and the home recommended putting him on end-of-life care, she said.


They found serious shortcomings with the nursing home protocols:


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Good work!

The land of Nobel prizes should perhaps introduce a new category.

The Nobel Prize for Democide.

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There was even 81% of the so-called Сovid-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes:



I have a theory that by the story of the alleged virus that killed a lot of elderly people in nursing homes, they covered up murders (through poor care and lethal treatment protocols) that they did simply because they had nowhere to take more deaths in order to attribute them to Covid-19 and raising the statistics (because at all times the elderly are the ones who die): https://twitter.com/User_863/status/1615876839599218691

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I often think this as well.

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The inability of any diagnostic test to recognize the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in a person living or dead may very well be the reason for inexplicable statistics.

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It would be difficult to recognize a novel virus that has never been fully isolated for inspection.The probable reason for this would be to avoid the revelation of a rather sophisticated and intricate bioweapon .

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Beautiful art and wise words - great combination thanks.

It is reprehensible to me a a grandmother that this is not being revealed to the world with more intensity.

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I love you called them Oreo cows. Have a herd where I live. We always called them

that as kids!

They are officially called Belted Galways, and are a heritage breed.

My favorite was a Brown and white one (sport/cross bred) and she lived a long time.

She really had a good belt of white.

Her calves were not as belted as she was...but I live in hope.

Keep asking farmer to try again...but really, she was just a lovely cross/accident.

I miss seeing her in the field with the Oreos!

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I’ve never seen one , how cool thanks Sasha for all your hard work and time .

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Research AUSTRALIA - re BIRTH RATES declining!!!!

Sweden is a mere drop in the ocean.

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Yes! And also the deaths in nursing homes due to neglect and lack of treatment during the lockdowns.

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My understanding is that the Australia numbers turned out to be an artefact of reporting delays rather than a reflection of underlying reality.

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The delay explanation didn't seem to scale well at first glance. Didn't do a deep dive, but sure seemed to have some smoke for a fire of declining birth rates. Maybe they will invent some births to cover it up with future data dumps 🤷🏼‍♂️.

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One thing not being addressed here is the fact that recent immigrants are a large minority and have a high birth rate and low vaxx rate. A few years back Mohammad was the most common name of newborn males in the city of Malmoe. The fertility drop for native Swedes may be much more severe than the overall drop being reported.

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I would agree.An estimated influx of 280,000 immigrants in just a 24 months period between 2015-2016 for example. Extremely low uptake of Covid injections in this demographic due to mistrust. A breakdown of 'vaccination?' vs ethnicity applied to overall birth rate reduction would likely reveal a shocking percentage drop in births of ethnic Swedes. Are such statistics available?

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I don't know if such statistics are available. I did see a comment by a Swede who calls himself Rikard to the effect that these statistics are known in Sweden (presumably by SCB, Statistiska Central Bureau) but not available to the public.

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Had a look. That site had an English option but didn't differentiate on births ethnically. Selective sterilization within a community would be an almost undetectable ethnic cleansing technique.

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I just ran a fast calc. on 2022.

OECD.stat weekly excess mortality data for 2022 for Sweden suggests weekly excess mortality % change from average is around 12%, SD: 14.

That appears to be in the same ball park as many other countries (ie. NZ mean 13%, SD 10)

As for fertility, OECD data (Children per women aged 15 to 49 years old) runs only to 2021 for Sweden, values, 1.98 - 1.67 (2010 - 2021) declining year on year.

The overall picture is thus quite dire for the long term. Little wonder then they have opted for unfettered immigration?

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Off topic but

I've been thinking of how aggressively people not wanting the vaccine were painted as more or less murderers refusing their civic duty and almost personally infecting innocent victims, practically engaging in Satanic rituals and eating babies.

Now we know the opposite is true, that all those who were coerced and mandated against their wills into poisoning themselves with the vaccine have been in effect raped, beaten and mutilated, including many many children.

The Nazis rounded people up and shipped them off to be gassed in chambers. This was far more subtle.

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Yes, Anna - ALL PLANNED deaths.

UK even gave them meds to quicken the process. and moved older people from hospitals into Nursing homes, as did most of USA states.

It is fact that as you age your Immune System weakens so....

But then,

Jane Halton, Chairwoman of bill gates CEPI (Switzerland) and also employed by the Oz Federal Gov't was Morrisons chairperson of his 6 people (no medical) committee advising him during this PLandemic. A are other family members' and in Victoria in their Health dept

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thanks for shining a light on this, super important.

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Since it is pretty clear from the evidence available that Pfizer submitted fake Western Blots, the so-called vaccines containing mRNA can't produce spike protein. So, what is causing vaccine injuries, deaths and the drop in birthrates?

My first assumption would be that the toxicity of nanoparticles is a problem and then mRNA alternative splicing-for those pieces of mRNA that can still remain intact.

I have not seen any evidence that misfolded proteins can cause serious damaged as our cells misfold proteins all the time...

This is just a hint:

"Identification of alternative splicing-derived cancer neoantigens for mRNA vaccine development"


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Perhaps the controllers are more interested in seeing Swedes don't reproduce than killing the 10 million alive today. They get a different batch of bioweapon.

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Interesting point.Klaus Schwab pointed out a long time ago that different strategies would be applied to various countries based on desired outcome.

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Death? And 4x disability? Supply chains anyone ?”Help Wanted” signs going up so fast i cant see thru the windows anymore.

We aint seen nothing yet.

It’s Thank a Trucker Day here in Chinada. Getting out there, wave the flags of freedom purchased with the blood of our dads grand dads and uncles and aunts and grandmas.

38 million people sharing just one asshole. Scare the piss out of him. Let him join Ardern the Wonderful. Meet a Nazi fate.


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This is absolutely tragic. Do you think there is ANY way it could be turned around?

Also, FANTASTIC art! Do you accept commissions?

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Is that painting for sale? I love it. I love those cows and Sonoma, as I’m a California refuge now in Oregon.

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This is the only thing that stops me being 100% sure the excess mortality is the injections and I'm curious to know more. It's a big coincidence that Sweden's excess mortality does not correlate with vaccine uptake, given their practically unique approach during 2020 (in Europe).

Hard to conclude these excess deaths are from the vaccine only and not the other reasons trotted out by the 'anything but the vaccine' crowd. Climate change and eggs are too absurd and embarrassing to bother to comment on - but drug overdoses, economic and social stress, missed treatments and screenings, lack of human contact etc.? Although I would not bet my money on these being the primary cause, I must remain somewhat open to it while Sweden does not exhibit the same excess mortality as we have, say, here in the UK.

Of course there could be any number of reasons that are hard to investigate or prove - unreliable data and so on. I'm an engineer and have no training in biochemistry or medicine (and unfortunately am not a polymath with expertise in every subject like Bill Gates) - but what if.... what if being infected naturally made you less like to be harmed (harmed in the way that is causing deaths) from the shot? Your body has seen this sequence before and hence the mRNA is not running wild in the way it does in someone who was not infected by COVID previously?

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There are many including bad cattiture who have considered the theory that Swedes were exposed to the virus and so built natural immunity, minimizing the effect of the shots. However, there are some issues with it.

Here are a few of the issues:

There is evidence which suggests one is at higher risk of myocarditis if one has had covid before, especially in the recent past.

More importantly, we do not see the same effect in states that remained open which had covid ie. South Dakota never closed down unlike Florida and yet has some of the highest death rates post-vaccine. Sweden seems to be the only exception regarding excess deaths.

This also goes against the idea that lockdowns actually do little to nothing since apparently only Sweden somehow managed to get enough natural immunity to stave off the effects of the vaccine. Even countries like Norway which had very light lockdowns that were mostly focused on Oslo in the spring of 2020 and said even those lockdowns were a mistake somehow managed to not build up the herd immunity that Sweden did.


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"More importantly, we do not see the same effect in states that remained open which had covid ie. South Dakota never closed down unlike Florida and yet has some of the highest death rates post-vaccine. Sweden seems to be the only exception regarding excess deaths."

Good point yes.

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Jan 28, 2023
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Interesting comment. I wonder what the jab effects are for those who has c19. Did those people fare better or worse?

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Usually worse as having covid-19 especially just before having the vaccine seemed to increase one's risk of myocarditis. This is part of the reason this theory doesn't make sense. Plus, we don't see this same lack of excess deaths in US states which didn't lock down. Just Sweden.

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Are you assuming that all covid ‘jabs’ contained the same ingredients and concentrations? This article appeared in the Expose-news.com October 31 2021

"100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data."

Any variation in the batches will make interpreting and drawing conclusions very difficult if not impossible, unless we can find out what batches went where.

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