Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

The Nazi doctors never went away. They were incubated.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Cloned and in charge.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

They were promoted here in the USA

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Removing parental consent is not acceptable, especially when done covertly by false flag government. My response, to my child being exposed to "research" without my express consent would be very much unsavoury to those who violated this sacred relationship. Thanks Sasha, for bringing this to light...

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Exactly. God help the asshole who hurts my child. No mercy from me

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It’s the entire system

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A machete and pepper spray make a nice combination. Add a dash of salt for good measure...

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is thinly veiled murder.

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Abduction, if you think about it. Defacto abduction.

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Indeed! These persons are acting as Accessories to Murder, both Before and After the Fact.

Accessory before the fact >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory_before_the_fact

18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3

Depopulation is such a messy business...

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There is an enlarging , hot, toasty spot in Hell for those who create and apply these rules to our children. Jesus warned us not to hinder or hurt them. God help us all to wake up!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I wrote about the 21st Century Cures Act passed under the Obama Administration as my very first substack post. They tried for a Part Two, but Republicans blocked it while nearly every state had a Democrat Congressman co-sponsoring the bill.

Here are more references related to "minimal risk" - https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/21st-century-cures-act-and-fdas-codification

The law needs to be repealed. Period. The law is too vague in nature.

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It is a rule created by an alphabetical agency. It is not a law. The public continues to conflate rules and laws and in doing so gives away our right to representation under the constitution.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

The 21st Century Cures Act is a United States law enacted by the 114th United States Congress in December 2016 and then signed into law by Obama on December 13, 2016. It authorized $6.3 billion in funding, mostly for the National Institutes of Health. The act was supported especially by large pharmaceutical manufacturers and was opposed especially by some consumer organizations.



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Hello Linda Shannon. You are quite correct. "Agencies" cannot enact Law. Agencies can only present *policy* which relies on conformance or individual contractual signature. *Only* State and Federal Legislatures are authorized to create Law. All other nonsense "acts" operate under Color of Law - reinforced by illegal statute and overt acts of Terrorism.

The Food and Drug Administration, along with the Department of Health and Human Services, are acting under subversive agency. All executive staff need to be indicted as subversive antagonists. These persons are a clear and present danger...

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The "Deep State" at work.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha - adults of abrogated their rights and responsibility over their children to:

- schools

- TV and social media

- Big pHarma and the Medical Field

It's easier than thinking critically and doing their jobs of PARENTING. God bless

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But we are SYSTEM ADDICTS - especially those of us who "made it" one way or another under the rule of the system - covert fascism.

THE SYSTEM works for the middle classes to various degrees - it has never worked for the rest!

THE SYSTEM is what THE SYSTEM does - devours flesh regardless of the outcomes!

Most people still just want GOOD schools, TV, social media, health care, etcetera.

This will only ever be possible to some limited degree for some, because THE SYSTEM is not designed to deliver reliably good outcomes for all, just enough to keep it going!

If we want to create a NWO, that has any chance of being good for all, I think we need to wake up and wise up FAST!

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They trusted their institutions. They were beguiled. Ultimately they had no choice as there was no way it was not going to happen somehow.

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"Sasha - adults of abrogated their rights and responsibility over their children to: ....."

I am by no means a gramar nazi, but I do have to draw a line somewhere. You're from New Jersey, I presume, and English is my 2nd language.

Adults HAVE abrogated their rights and responsibilities. Please!!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Didn't know Mengele made advanced plans for the future.... A mutilation franchise. What a humanitarian, visionary and all around swell guy. The beat goes on.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

The Nazis are back.

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We absorbed them with Operation Paperclip

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"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." - Josef Mengele - (March 16, 1911 - February 7, 1979)

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Just wow. Totalitarianism is out of the closet.

(Keep up your good work).

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Such a vital topic! Here is an earlier, less well-known piece of this puzzle:

About 20 yrs ago, I learned from a forensic nurse friend, that the AMA had arbitrarily decided that "80% of our kids were 'mentally ill' and that it was imperative to identify them and get them on medications asap."

A contrived and manufactured epidemic of mental illness…

The AMA attempted to railroad bills through both the House and Senate. Essentially the legislation would impose these drug protocols on kids AND REMOVE THE PARENTS RIGHT OF REFUSAL!

All with no public knowledge and no public debate. The bills were approved in one body and nearly passed the 2nd when one person of conscience leaked the information to the press. There was an outcry. It was dropped…for the time being, but here's where it gets interesting. They have groomed the schools to act as though the legislation had passed. An outright fabrication.

If the parent or child refuses medication, they have devised a work-around whereby the 'unruly' child is sent home and not allowed to return to school until they have met with the doctor and started on medications. So this is how they get their way...

Further, (from the horse's mouth) school nurses are financially incentivized to enroll as many kids as possible on meds. "They pay us for every kid we enroll and, you know, schools ALWAYS need more money!" a school nurse told me gleefully.

And…from the hospital-employed administrator of counseling for the greater Indianapolis school districts, the umbrella of DSM-5 codes enlarges year by year to encompass as many kids as possible. That program is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. I watched in dismay as she went from being an intelligent, compassionate counselor to an administrator who was totally obsessed with maximizing profits. Care be damned! She was well incentivized for her task, as well. This woman was my patient (Thai massage) for 18 yrs. I watched it all go down.

So you've got most of these poor kids on dangerous (to growing brains) cradle-to-grave medications despite whatever outcry from responsible doctors…who were dispatched along the same lines of anyone who disagreed with fauci.

Who flipped the script…and more importantly…WHY?


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omg. I can't keep up with all the evil, BUT this explains anecdotal data I've scavenged over the years. one meets the survivors and their autobiographies are incomprehensible because inconceivable. we truly rely on whistle blowers to expose the premeditation.

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So true! We each bring our pieces... And never give up. I've waited for years to have a place to bring this information. I think parents should really listen to their kids before the meds dull their ability to articulate their experience (they HATE these meds) and refuse the bullying tactics at every stage. It would be good to know what you have 'scavenged,' as well...

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we now know it's a juggernaut. one anecdote would be a woman who complained of having spent her childhood semi-comatose due to the drugging, with complicit parents. on a parallel track, there are books from 50s, 60s, 70s on low blood sugar and its misdiagnosis as neurosis and whose solution is diet, something doctors never heard of. so toxic-food addicts are denied simple cures, diagnosed as mentally ill, and drugged. three of the authors had healed themselves after stumbling on the cure (basically, keto).

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Oh...that's an angle to consider! Unconscionable that people were harmed in these ways. Our 'treatment' of eating disorders is a hateful racket, too... designed to retain 'patients'. You know, I remember starting med school and being disgusted at the dishonest conveyor-belt system, but I thought I would try to persevere with an eye toward psychiatry. (1969) I can only put it bluntly...I was sitting in a roomful of the sickest tickets imaginable!. I knew they would skip over their painful work of self-healing, stay crazy and then go on to mismanage other people's lives. You just illustrated that...

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1969 is a watershed year. Laing, among others. Szasz. trying to deconstruct the system. William Dufty's SUGAR BLUES (1974) is a passionate indictment of food, drugs, Triangle Trade, the Pentagon, perhaps because he wasn't a doctor. Carleton Fredricks Low Blood Sugar and You (1968?) pleads for compassionate, informed treatment of people labeled neurotic because of hyperinsulinism. today, we've got metabolic disorder, on top of everything else, and it's all avoidable if you eliminate profiteering.

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Yet another reason to pull your kids out of the dangerous dumbed down government schools. Always refer to public schools as government schools which is more accurate. So by extension, 'teachers' at government schools are simply government officials. If you use the correct words, the problem becomes clear.

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That is absolutely true. Not everyone has that luxury...and we can't let those kids be lost to the system. We have to assert ourselves and believe that we have the power to wield control over these challenges. It's evident they're coming fast and thick and they will not let up unless we push them back and retake our ground. And like with good parenting, you have to be clear and consistent in your stand. Hey, it works with Budweiser, Target, etc. etc. Public outcry and shaming... Another thing is to enforce background checks on teachers, principals, counselors, scout leaders, Sunday school teachers and youth pastors. They are FLOCKING to these positions! Hiding in plain sight. Here's my eyewitness account... https://debra152.substack.com/p/ladies-lingerie and another https://debra152.substack.com/p/psycho-taxi-boy-on-a-terribly-hot

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Mass drugging was revealed as a plan for social control at least as early as Huxley's Brave New World. His book was probably not so much a warning as a blueprint as his brother was a top UN official and eugenics society president. It was discussed in some overpopulation strategies in the 1970s. I think antidepressants are the realization of such a control mechanism.

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Very good reminder.... I would agree... Another thought...the prozac of 30 yrs ago has a different formulation/harsher affect than the current one. (Like marijuana much tinkered with since that time to now.)

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

If you don’t recognize this as truly demonic then your eyes are not open.

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Remember when Putin said the west was satanic. Well it becomes more and more obvious he was speaking truths.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Incredibly bad. This country is done. If possible, one would be well advised to abandon ship.

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Exactly! That's what the powers that shouldn't be are planing to do at some point in the future. Just listen to what this bitch says starting at 00:47 into the video.

"...., but are we supposed to be like, wait until the end, and we shut off the lights when everybody else is gone? When do we go?"


She put the video on her FB wall, but took it down after only two hours. I wonder why. Not really.

This video begs a few questions:

- What kind of important work are they doing for the Jewish people?

- ....., and why in the world would someone do like she says and start killing Jews in the street?

I could speculate on these two questions, but I'll leave it up to the reader of this comment to do that.

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A yenta trying to recruit more "investors" for Bibi and his state of psychopaths. It is worth remembering that Abram was a lestes.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks for the heads up.

It's literally a jungle out there

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The choice is always between fear and love, and once you choose fear, it becomes a vortex, where people keep doubling down until they perish, or they drop out and begin waking up. This is the original psychological foundation for all addictions.

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Hide your kids

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Minimal risk allows suspension of informed consent formerly required for children to be used as Guinea pigs- wow, your prophylaxis article made it clear that with each successive vaccine the risk for reactions increases- the body is called upon to defend itself at a continuous higher level of alert after each vaccine assault so given this scenario how are these murderers defining normal risk - participant only had half of potential side effects manifested in first 6 months?. Who actually tracks the outcomes and with what frequency - does the parent even know the child was included in the “clinical” trial- unethical experimentation. This smacks of the total dissolution of parental rights as well- gender dysphoric children can now be given puberty blockers without parental knowledge or consent these days as well. Schools have assumed roles they were never intended to have- new auxiliary parents truly not acting in best interest of the children. Library lunch programs new shooting galleries for experimenting on children - in this altered universe everyone becomes complicit there is no such thing as a good deed. Lack of trust in the culture and of any and all the institutions - this is the world we inhabit. Beware and be aware your government means to harm you and your children and lawyers call for more clinical trials to make a “better” case. Morality is a thing of the past it is a free for all in the world at large - do not comply, avoid all ‘ free lunches’ there is nothing that is free every organization has been compromised. We are on our own - create your own community.

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Some time ago our son said that it was "every lion for himself" in the world.

I countered - that this was the jungle not the real world and advocated for the preservation of strong family and community ties.

Our children were not taken out of our hands due to home education, but later the dollar collar

began to pull us apart.

The nuclear family is "the new norm" - a reality we just all have to accept.

Accept this "reality" and the road becomes slippery and downhill, no matter how safe, secure and scenic it might appear to be.

The battle to keep family and community relationships strong is vital to our very survival.

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Sep 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

My oh my, how far we as a "civilized" society.... look how far we have fallen.


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