The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)
1) It's the cure!
2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others
3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick
4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick
5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying
6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying
7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!
8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot
9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore
10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way
11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok
12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now
13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in
14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare
15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%
I think there are two problems with this explanation that "the great poisoning" is a "solution to social security":
1) Its international. The "Great Reset" was triggered in over 100 countries simultaneously, by the ruling class through its transnational deep state directed by the world's banking center, the City of London and its satellites, including Wall Street and offshore tax havens.
2) Its a preemptive attack with defensive motives beyond finance. The ruling class knows that the billions of people idled by automation and the internet are potential revolutionaries, who will expose and depose them. Thats the reason for the depopulation.
David Hughes writes about the existential crisis of the ruling class and says correctly that they know that its either us or them. But he's wrong when he says mRNA is just a method to nano network and enslave, with lots of collateral damage. Its worse than that. They just don't want the population around and its a stealth depop method.
When this is viewed through the lens of a class war, a lot of things make sense. The brutal behavior of the ruling class is explained by this. Its not Satanism. They are fighting for their existence. If this is understood then a lot of their behavior (and ways to circumvent it) is explained. Not excused, but explained.
I call it pan-democide no matter at what social strata you see omnidirectional conflict breaking out, so why you fixate on sectored imagery of permanent wealth who would or wouldn't vaccinate their own children aside your beloved pyramidal structure that sears and dessicates all of you to ashes similarly grossly maligned and scarred at such altitudes, such aspirations like athletes in these Blame Games, winning earns no one innocence. Boys and girls, the universe is not triangular. Get a grip. The elite hate themselves much worse than you. Don't get lost by taking figures too literally. Ask yourselves. What is the [motive]? What is the [Telos]? What if someone told you that every flank of this Elite Fandom Ruling Oligarchy believed its own propaganda and took the jabs before anyone else? What if no one's at the helm of this ship?
It is important & interesting to note that the aristocracy in Britain indeed took the jabs. The people in the financial & social pinnacle of New York took the jabs. They’re starting to get the creeping sensation that the rest of us have had, a new thing for them.
They’ve always been considered, often consulted. It was understood that they mattered & that they were kept safe and taken account of.
Not this time. Naomi Wolfe wrote memorably of the upper echelons of New York society, dumbstruck that their people too were injured & dying and more importantly, what it signified.
I almost felt sorry for them.
David Rogers Webb has also written on this topic. The ordinarily wealthy think they’re immune to the warp & weft of changes in the world around them. David believes they, too, are to have their wealth stripped away from them by The Great Taking.
By the time they find common cause with the commoners, it’ll be too late.
… a pleasant rare adult breath of fresh air at the periphery of these Tupperware conventions, thank you, sir….
This peculiar angle casts a weird lunatic luminosity across the entire amphitheatre out and about between shadowy corridors receiving word already a few yrs back from Madrid-based confidant, personal attendant to a famous highflying LBO billionaire couple, that her employers - devoted friends of Kissinger - 'were the earliest and most eager of the inoculated - un pastel precioso.’
"After such excessive reproductive compulsion," she’s just now WhatsApped again, "a long phase of voluntary sterility may certainly come as a welcomed gesture for some ... give back space to plants and animals..."
To all of us who twigged the essential 'no choice path' availed through these dodgy mindfields laid bare by the culpable... bravissimi!
The ruling class has shrunk over the years, according to the rules of capital. Now they are making their last stand, lashing out recklessly and spending most of their time conspiring in their insane bubble.
"What if someone told you that every flank of this Elite Fandom Ruling Oligarchy believed its own propaganda and took the jabs"
Oh really?
Safe and Effective: 2,000 Hollywood Celebrities, European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports
Vaccination records were falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials and European elites who gave themselves fake saline injections instead of the deadly mRNA jabs.
As I told you and Debbie privately, I have been trying to figure out how all the propaganda, messaging, and policies were globally coordinated for years, and what you've compiled gives me a clearer picture than I've ever been able to get. You've done a great service to humanity and truth.
Thank you for providing evidence that Mistakes Were NOT Made.
Your presence, through your words and heart, has been a lifeline during this age of revelation and grief. Thank you for sharing so beautifully and so boldly.
Mistakes were NOT Made, and I am grateful every day to be in the company of those who speak this truth. 🙏🏼 💛
Thank you for your kind words, Thumbnail Green. I'm grateful to know that helped. Thanks also for using your kickass talents to expose tyranny and democide 👊
Like all wars, only the military-intelligence-banking apparatus could have pulled this off in such a co-ordinated manner. To me at least, that was clear from the beginning.
The fact that in 2025 people avoid talking about this, or do not see it, really disturbs me.
I tried and tried and tried again to talk first to my inmates but…I’m the one needing therapy, I’m the one who escaped from a mental ward, the black paranoia sheep from the family, and it even got worse. This military-pharma-gov-media cartel, terrorist conspiracy dawned on my lunatic mind on the exact day of 15 March 2020.
And the clincher was when Russians involved themselves militarily in Ukraine from 24/02/2022 the coof went away. Suddenly the military intel guys had other priorities. Clear as day
I have found that people want to forget and pretend it didn’t happen in order to continue living as they were doing before. For me this means people want to forget their suffering at the time.
But I don’t think this is the solution, something has to be done for the future generations. They don’t deserve the future they will live in.
I sense that the people who got the jab voluntarily (which may be the majority; the numbers have never been clear) don't want to talk about it because they're afraid they're going to die now and they don't know what to do so they just don't talk about it. But if they did, they might find out there are protocols in place to fight its effects.
I have two little children and today they need me. I think about it every day. I took the jabs voluntarily trusting my government and Im fine, but I have in the back of my mind the risk so Im preparing all what I can.
I never thought I would have to do this so early in my life.
I only wish something can be done to remove any small chance of this happening to others again.
Most of the people I know that took the jab are also still ok (apparently there was a huge discrepancy in the "mixtures" in any given vial) and as we're all getting up there in age, it's difficult to tell what is the cause of what when you experience a health challenge. I've always felt that the best I can do is keep my immune system as highly functioning as I can since I have control over that whereas I can't avoid "germs" and other people. The other thing that is more imperative today than ever is continual detoxing; there are many ways to do this (and lots of help on Substack), but it's necessary to do something to stave off the poisons currently bombarding us (literally---as in chemtrails). Finally, a very important and undervalued way to influence the future is to stay positive, remember you are a spiritual being that is bigger and more important than the environment you find yourself in and visualize a better future. It sounds "woo-woo" but we perceive what we believe and we experience what we perceive. Best regards to you and yours.
So are you saying it wasn't a lab leak via Wuhan? Please provide evidence and prove the negative!
Ha, just kidding. Going round and round on this canard elsewhere.
The likes of CEPI, GAVI, WHO, and others have made it clear that "waging endless war against viruses" is the next phase of the Global War on 'Fill in the Blank', with copious funding - think trillions - going to these pathogenic Ponzi schemes. These organizations, often funded by and serving the interests of billionaires and large corporations, use the pretext of global health crises to implement far-reaching changes in society.
The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives: Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the the massive economic implosion of 2019; acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history; justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society and much more.
Together, these organizations in lockstep with governments and Intel agencies form a powerful, interconnected network that shapes global health policies, at the expense of true public health and national sovereignty, while facilitating massive wealth transfers and consolidation of power among global elites. Their role in the COVID-19 operation demonstrates their capacity to coordinate on a global scale to implement sweeping changes in society, economics, and governance.
Their power and control allows them to pull the strings of governance and finance at the international, national, regional, state and local levels. We saw this clearly throughout the Covid-19 campaign where diktats from the highest corridors of power trickled down to regional, state and county health departments all the way into local school systems and virtually all areas of civic society.
Without the COVID-19 smokescreen, this widespread racketeering operation and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would have been exposed for what they are – ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy. The pandemic provided the perfect cover for this massive economic restructuring, allowing for unprecedented bailouts and wealth consolidation under the guise of emergency measures.
The COVID-19 operation thus served as both a distraction from and a facilitator of one of the largest upward transfers of wealth in human history.
Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch is a known CIA and deep state conduit. So when one of his journalists wrote a book called " What Really Happened in Wuhan " (Sharri Markson, an Australian who later interviewed Donald Trump about Covid), you know the gaslighting operation is YUGE:).
Murdoch and Markson are Netanyahoo sycophants too so that's another tell. Sky News Oz push back against the climate change BS but during the injection purges of 2021 they were mostly silent. Especially after Youtube put them in the naughty corner for a brief stint.
🎯 At the same time, it REVEALED to us the thoroughly embedded widespread racket and fraud. It was a double edged sword. They gambled. I believe too many now know and will never be deceived again. This resonance of this truth can't be silenced and its impact is vibrating through the collective despite the many heads still buried in the sand.
COVID was planned when 9/11 was engineered. Money laundering. Wealth transfer. Centralization of control. If you can get past the insanity, there's a logic.
The blood ritual: My young life-long healthy daughter,a wife and mother resisted the jab until she was mandated to take it by her daughters school in order to take them into the school and pick up which was required for their grade level and also required to be the room mother asst. Her official cause of death was Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia/VITT. I begged the Hematologist to fight the UWMC in WA State administration and name it what it was. The neurologist was practically in tears when he told he couldn’t stop the bleeding. She was light of our lives.
How truly horrific and sad. How can this not be murder? The military is now empowered to get away with allowing the eager, and coercing the reluctant, corporations, hospitals, schools, and other civil institutions to mandate the shots that all of the insiders knew would sacrifice health and life for billions, with an occulted power infrastructure and dark Reset agenda firmly set in place around the world.
Her children are fortunate to have such loving and well-informed grandparents to help safeguard them in the future, after this heartbreaking experience.
My healthy mid-30s daughter and her long-time beau took the Pfizer shots to keep his elderly mother "safe", (too trusting of "Science" and thought I was a conspiracy monger), despite my begging them not to at the beginning of OWs- Operation Warp Speed. She had a heart attack upon her second shot, but survived. She's worried about the strain of bearing a baby, and they're looking at surroGates. Thanks so much, Gates.
oh goodness, such hardships. My good friend also had a heart attack after shot 2 and survived. But had to sell her farm and all her horses afterward. I hope your daughter is restored to full health.
Love to your family as well and may you be blessed with a baby and good health in the future. Incalculable damage has been done to mankind with a continued unknown timeline. Regarding Gates of Hell and his legacy. We call Mary Gates Drive in Seattle Eugenics Drive. Control of the masses with a massive wealth transfer by globalists, governments militaries …all in collusion.
What an apt renaming of a drive. Wasn't the B&M Gates foundation originally known by a name which included "eugenics" or "population control"? In recent years, they'd have us believe vaccines and other problematic "therapeutics" that are promoted throughout the world for great profit are for saving us. Not. It's a three-fer for riches, fewer people, and fewer babies.
The world's gone completely daft when it believes top population control advocates care that we all have long, health lives with our children and their children..
Gates’ father ran “Planned Parenthood”, which sounds ok-ish, except that it’s the very same organisation which, before WW2, was called “The American Eugenics Society”. I kid you not.
I can’t imagine. In the name of your daughter and a million others- this must be addressed and the perpetrators punished. It just must be made clear to the public.
OMG, so sorry for you and your family. I thank God that I knew what thrombocytopenia was when one of the first deaths it caused was of a 36-year-old doctor in Miami in March 2020. My alarm bells went off full force. Most of my family believed me and resisted the insane pressures from their various employers to get injected. My grand niece was sucked into the academic matrix and got injected because all her young friends did so and they were graduating from college. She damned near died from ulcerative colitis (which happens to be what 97% of the people injected with her Pfizer lot number reported to VAERS, and which recorded 17 deaths).
I strongly urge people who were injected to track the adverse events associated with their injection numbers ( ( You NEED to know what you were injected with, so you can learn how to heal from it.
Many doctors on substack are finally speaking out, some from day one. A Midwestern Doctor, to Dr. Yoho's "Surviving Healthcare", Dr Ed Group, Dr Bryan Ardis, for their information!
Sending prayers for all who were injured and all who speak Truth.
This is so infuriating. It gives me shivers of anger. Murder. Gwen, my heartfelt sympathy. I know about an old school friend whose daughter was a physiotherapist here in South Africa. She was in her 30s and died from an aneurism. She was also jabbed...
Again, thank you. Whilst we look at this in a factual, detached manner, which is necessary when exposing cold hard facts, it has been niggling in my thoughts, that without fully exposing the death and suffering caused by counter measures and this military operation in February 2020, we will still be burying heads in the sand awaiting rescue. Sometimes, one has to read an occurrence of pure evil to understand that the perpetrators have zero conscience, zero empathy, zero soul, and are foreign to any spiritual, psychological or philosophical understanding. I was led at 2am in the morning some weeks back, to find the written testimony of what happened to a school friend of mine in 1987 when she was hacked to death by soulless individuals "with a cause", along with her husband, 6 week old son and 13 others. I first found the interview some 20 years later with the person who had ordered the massacre. No change in him. No feeling. Just hatred and the belief they were nothing, a sub species, without worth. He was allowed to walk free because of, "truth and reconciliation". These perpetrators of the greatest crime against humanity will walk free because "people want to move on". @biologyphenom has written about the Scottish COVID Inquiry where many truths were revealed. We all play a part in this infinitely huge and multifaceted war on humanity. What you have done is amazing ❤️
Well, if you are expecting RFK jr. and Trump to take this info and run with it, you are mistaken. With mass murderer Gates by Trump's side, the focus of the HHS will be on toxic food and not on vaccines. Sorry!
Of course, Larry Ellison is already championing AI designed mRNA vaccines for each individual based on the person's health as detected via the computer network installed through the COVID vaccines. The one reason the cabal pushed for mass compulsion of the COVID vaccine was to get these networks installed in every human and then use the power of the Internet of Things to get data from each individual. Now how they get every person hooked into the Internet of Things, I'm not sure, yet. Gates already has the technology to inject you with a vaccine via aerial spraying. We are in a war for our survival and the enemy has the technology behind them.
So timely that you and Debbie release this *now*, Sasha, for many reasons but especially as it rises to the surface in the midst of the glaring non-response from the current administration about what is taking place in plain sight every day and night - the democide.
For those of us who were alive and aware during the inception and early years of so-called AIDS, this dossier is a balm of sorts (well, for me anyway). It's an affirmation that our loved ones died in essentially the same manner, certainly the same intent, in service to the same murderers (and then some).
Thank you (and Katherine, Debbie, Mike Yeadon, and others) for enduring the idiocy, the attacks, the threats, the steady denial-ism this work evokes. I know you know this, but yours is service to Truth, Love, and Spirit (some call this God), and all of us - all of humanity - is supported by it.
And why...? The callous disregard for the dammage they knew these poisons would reek on an unsusspecting public , still blows my mind every day of the past five years has shaken the foundations of everything I believed in .....everything points to a murderous intent by a system , so criminal , so corrupted , so mafia like in it's implementation , I am not surprised , that the average Joe can't bring themselves to see it . ..this has been a horror show , that I don't think even Orwell or Huxley could have dreamed up ....😔🙏
Thank you, Sasha and Debbie for laying this out so succinctly. What jumped out at me immediately is that of the seven countries you mentioned that coordinating this whole thing, China was not mentioned. And that’s all we hear from the Talking Heads on TV is blaming this whole thing on China. I still think the question of “why” keeps a lot of people from listening to the facts and believing them. But then deicide is a hard thing to wrap your head around. Thanks again for your brilliant work.
we don't have any info on China, except very clear information that it WASN'T an attack by China. This was pre-planned by all the Western countries that we profiled years in advance as an attack on their own populations. China has nothing to do with this.
and it was planned to harm their own people. After decades of destroying Eastern countries to rob them of their resources they now go after their own to rob them of their health.
In fact, I’m sure I read that the original contract parties were bioNtech, DoD and a party in China, but the Chinese party withdrew (probably due to lack of trust in USA), and also that DoD created the formulation but it was manufactured by pharma as cover
I think you mean democide (the intentional killing of a people by the government) not deicide, which is the killing of a God. But I might be splitting hairs since both are an abandonment of God by those who think they are God.
Classic magicians trick of misdirection: "Look over there, Wuhan did it because they have a biolab." Audience told to focus on China while the real nefarious stuff happens in your own backyard.
There wasn’t a virus then, either. There’s no scientific evidence for the existence of viruses. Also, human illnesses are not contagious. These are but two of dozens of Goebbelsesque huge lies imposed upon us over decades to centuries.
Those who are running this, those i term the perpetrators, are the descendants of those who have always run major events in the world.
In this century alone, from the war on terror to the war on the invisible enemies, all wars are bankers wars, follow the money. Those at the top of the pyramid always "make bank".
Just watched you on James Roguski, came here to say thank you. What a gift many humans such as yourself are to this world, and I can’t help but become emotional given it is my birthday today. 🎁
Thank you for this incredible gift and all you are doing.
On 1 March 2021, Prime Minister Mario Draghi appointed Army General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo also Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, replacing the civilian(?) Domenico Arcuri
The management of the logistics chain was already the hands of the armed forces, which in December 2020 decided on the military airport of Pratica di Mare near Rome as the national vaccine management and sorting hub. Figliuolo finished the job on 31 March 2022.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers on January 31, 2020:
Declaration of a state of emergency due to the health risk associated with the emergence of diseases caused by transmissible viral agents.
Published in the Official Gazette No. 26 on February 1, 2020.
The Council of Ministers, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 1, letter c), and Article 24, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 1 of January 2, 2018 (Civil Protection Code), declares a national state of emergency for a duration of six months (until July 31, 2020).
An allocation of €5,000,000 is approved to initiate relief and assistance activities for the population and to implement the most urgent interventions, drawing from the National Emergency Fund.
THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS in the meeting of January 31, 2020.
Needless to say, at that time, no one was talking about the coronavirus, the national newspapers did not report the news, and there were no recorded cases of infection or deaths... until the well-known events of the coffins in Bergamo.
It is correct what you report regarding NATO General Bonfiglio (whose existence, however, cannot be verified).
The so-called General, invoking the agreements of the Paris Treaty (World War II), immediately asserted himself within the Technical Scientific Committee to decide which topics discussed could or could not be disclosed… or to impose the secrecy of contracts with pharmaceutical companies for the procurement of countermeasures authorized for emergency use only—the so-called vaccines.
If I can be of any help in providing information about what happened in Italy, I am at your disposal.
Thank you so much Roggiero! As Sasha mentioned, if you have references for the January 31 emergency declaration, that would be great. If not, we will try to find them.
Thanks to you, it's a pleasure to collaborate. I am preparing a model for Italy along the lines of what has been developed for other countries. I will send you a report shortly.
good evening Debbie, below is the Italian chronology of Covid management:
Main Italian Institutions Involved in the COVID-19 Response and Their Activation Dates
1. Ministry of Health
Activation Date: The Ministry of Health began monitoring the situation as early as December 2019, following the first reported cases in China. A task force was established in January 2020 to coordinate prevention and control activities.
2. Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Activation Date: On January 31, 2020, following the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration on January 30, 2020, and upon a proposal from the Minister of Health, the Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency for a period of six months. This declaration allocated funds and adopted measures to address the pandemic.
Activation Date: On January 31, 2020, following the declaration of a state of emergency, the Civil Protection Department, led by Angelo Borrelli, was tasked with coordinating the necessary interventions to manage the health crisis.
4. Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency
Activation Date: On March 5, 2020, Domenico Arcuri was appointed as the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 emergency, responsible for enhancing the distribution of medical equipment and managing the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE). Later, on March 1, 2021, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo took over this role, primarily focusing on the national vaccination campaign.
5. Scientific Technical Committee (CTS)
Activation Date: The CTS was established on February 5, 2020, to provide the Government with expert advice on measures to counter the spread of the virus.
Although General Francesco Bonfiglio, from the NATO-UEO Point at the Civil Protection Department, was not a permanent member of the CTS, he participated in specific meetings. Notably, during one session, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, asked General Bonfiglio to ensure the confidentiality of information following a leak concerning decisions on school closures. (
6. Italian Army
Activation Date: The Italian Army was involved in support operations from the early stages of the emergency, playing a significant role starting in March 2020. It provided logistical, medical, and vaccine distribution support.
7. Italian Navy
Activation Date: The Italian Navy began contributing to COVID-19 response operations in March 2020, providing medical facilities and personnel to support the national healthcare system.
8. Department of Information for Security (DIS)
Activation Date: The DIS intensified its monitoring and analysis activities related to pandemic-related threats, such as disinformation and potential espionage activities, starting in March 2020.
9. Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on the Management of the Health Emergency
Activation Date: The Parliamentary Inquiry Commission was established in June 2020 to evaluate the management of the health emergency and the measures adopted to tackle the pandemic.
📌 2020
🔹 January 31 – State of emergency declared
The Council of Ministers declares a six-month state of emergency following a WHO alert and a report from the Ministry of Health.
🔹 February 21 – First autochthonous COVID-19 case in Italy
Mattia Maestri, 38, is hospitalized in Codogno (Lodi), marking the first confirmed local transmission.
🔹 February 22 – First localized lockdowns
A red zone is established in ten municipalities in Lodi and Vo’ Euganeo (Veneto).
🔹 February 26 – Alzano Lombardo hospital closure
The hospital in Alzano Lombardo is closed and then reopened within hours, without containment measures, contributing to the spread of the virus in Val Seriana.
🔹 February 28 – Virus isolated by Milan's Sacco Hospital
Researchers isolate the Italian strain, providing crucial information about its spread.
🔹 March 4 – Schools and universities close
A decree suspends all educational activities nationwide.
🔹 March 8 – Lombardy and 14 provinces enter lockdown
A March 8 decree imposes severe restrictions in Lombardy and other northern provinces.
🔹 March 9 – National lockdown
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announces the "Io resto a casa" ("I stay home") decree: all of Italy enters lockdown.
🔹 March 18 – Bergamo coffins
Images of military trucks transporting coffins due to overwhelmed crematoriums become a tragic symbol of the pandemic.
🔹 March 20 – Autopsies discouraged
The Ministry of Health recommends avoiding autopsies on COVID-19 victims, allowing only external examinations.
🔹 April 26 – Announcement of “Phase 2”
The government announces a gradual reopening starting May 4, while maintaining distancing and mandatory masks.
🔹 May 25 – "Paracetamol and watchful waiting"
The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) issues a guideline for home treatments, recommending paracetamol (Tylenol) and watchful waiting, while discouraging other treatments.
🔹 October 21 – Mandatory masks outdoors
New restrictions are introduced in anticipation of the autumn wave.
🔹 December 30 – First vaccinations in Italy
Following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approval, the "Vaccine Day" begins. One of the first vaccinated is nurse Claudia Alivernini.
📌 2021
🔹 January 14 – New restrictions based on colored zones
Italy is divided into yellow, orange, and red zones based on epidemiological trends.
🔹 March 1 – General Figliuolo appointed COVID Commissioner
He replaces Domenico Arcuri and accelerates the vaccination campaign.
🔹 March 15 – Easter lockdown and AstraZeneca suspension
Italy enters a nationwide red zone for Easter; AstraZeneca vaccines are temporarily suspended due to reports of blood clots.
🔹 August 6 – Green Pass required for restaurants and indoor activities
The Green Pass is introduced, a digital or paper certificate proving vaccination, COVID-19 recovery, or a negative test within the past 48 hours. From this date, it is mandatory for access to:
Indoor restaurants
Museums, cinemas, and theaters
Gyms and swimming pools
Large public events
🔹 October 15 – Green Pass mandatory for all workers
Employees in both public and private sectors must show a Green Pass to access workplaces.
📌 2022
🔹 February 1 – Mandatory vaccination for people over 50
All citizens over 50 must be vaccinated.
🔹 March 31 – End of the state of emergency
After more than two years, Italy revokes the state of emergency and begins gradually lifting restrictions.
🔹 May 1 – Green Pass no longer required (almost everywhere)
The Green Pass is no longer needed, except in hospitals and nursing homes.
🔹 June 15 – End of mandatory vaccination for most professions
The vaccine mandate is lifted, except for healthcare workers, who must comply until December 31, 2022.
The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)
1) It's the cure!
2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others
3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick
4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick
5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying
6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying
7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!
8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot
9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore
10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way
11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok
12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now
13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in
14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare
15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%
Excellent summations described perfectly !!!
16) they only did it to finally cure cancer. Now we can deploy mRNA for real. True. Promise
Spot on, definitely 👍
17. In 85% plus of cancers there are no genetic connections. The evidence for many so-called genetic diseases and disorders is also weak.
18. We will cure Bill Gates’, Jeff Bezos’ and Trump’s baldness and Larry Ellison won’t need to wear his hair-piece anymore…
I think there are two problems with this explanation that "the great poisoning" is a "solution to social security":
1) Its international. The "Great Reset" was triggered in over 100 countries simultaneously, by the ruling class through its transnational deep state directed by the world's banking center, the City of London and its satellites, including Wall Street and offshore tax havens.
2) Its a preemptive attack with defensive motives beyond finance. The ruling class knows that the billions of people idled by automation and the internet are potential revolutionaries, who will expose and depose them. Thats the reason for the depopulation.
David Hughes writes about the existential crisis of the ruling class and says correctly that they know that its either us or them. But he's wrong when he says mRNA is just a method to nano network and enslave, with lots of collateral damage. Its worse than that. They just don't want the population around and its a stealth depop method.
When this is viewed through the lens of a class war, a lot of things make sense. The brutal behavior of the ruling class is explained by this. Its not Satanism. They are fighting for their existence. If this is understood then a lot of their behavior (and ways to circumvent it) is explained. Not excused, but explained.
"100 countries simultaneously"
I call it pan-democide no matter at what social strata you see omnidirectional conflict breaking out, so why you fixate on sectored imagery of permanent wealth who would or wouldn't vaccinate their own children aside your beloved pyramidal structure that sears and dessicates all of you to ashes similarly grossly maligned and scarred at such altitudes, such aspirations like athletes in these Blame Games, winning earns no one innocence. Boys and girls, the universe is not triangular. Get a grip. The elite hate themselves much worse than you. Don't get lost by taking figures too literally. Ask yourselves. What is the [motive]? What is the [Telos]? What if someone told you that every flank of this Elite Fandom Ruling Oligarchy believed its own propaganda and took the jabs before anyone else? What if no one's at the helm of this ship?
It is important & interesting to note that the aristocracy in Britain indeed took the jabs. The people in the financial & social pinnacle of New York took the jabs. They’re starting to get the creeping sensation that the rest of us have had, a new thing for them.
They’ve always been considered, often consulted. It was understood that they mattered & that they were kept safe and taken account of.
Not this time. Naomi Wolfe wrote memorably of the upper echelons of New York society, dumbstruck that their people too were injured & dying and more importantly, what it signified.
I almost felt sorry for them.
David Rogers Webb has also written on this topic. The ordinarily wealthy think they’re immune to the warp & weft of changes in the world around them. David believes they, too, are to have their wealth stripped away from them by The Great Taking.
By the time they find common cause with the commoners, it’ll be too late.
… a pleasant rare adult breath of fresh air at the periphery of these Tupperware conventions, thank you, sir….
This peculiar angle casts a weird lunatic luminosity across the entire amphitheatre out and about between shadowy corridors receiving word already a few yrs back from Madrid-based confidant, personal attendant to a famous highflying LBO billionaire couple, that her employers - devoted friends of Kissinger - 'were the earliest and most eager of the inoculated - un pastel precioso.’
"After such excessive reproductive compulsion," she’s just now WhatsApped again, "a long phase of voluntary sterility may certainly come as a welcomed gesture for some ... give back space to plants and animals..."
To all of us who twigged the essential 'no choice path' availed through these dodgy mindfields laid bare by the culpable... bravissimi!
Confirmed over the target defended by the loyal gurkha sritantra.
I don't include the average doctor or lawyer or landlord in my definition of the ruling class.
I'm talking about the maybe 8000 out of 8 billion.
Very small in numbers.
I doubt Naomi Wolf would be included, although she might be in a group audience with other Rhodes Scholar employees.
Agreed! They might think they’re part of “the elite”. But they’re really not. They’re just slightly richer “useless eaters”.
The ruling class has shrunk over the years, according to the rules of capital. Now they are making their last stand, lashing out recklessly and spending most of their time conspiring in their insane bubble.
"What if someone told you that every flank of this Elite Fandom Ruling Oligarchy believed its own propaganda and took the jabs"
Oh really?
Safe and Effective: 2,000 Hollywood Celebrities, European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports
Vaccination records were falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials and European elites who gave themselves fake saline injections instead of the deadly mRNA jabs.
Nailed it.
16. Its AIDS
So liked this comment. Need to reboot so likes are operable I guess.
As I told you and Debbie privately, I have been trying to figure out how all the propaganda, messaging, and policies were globally coordinated for years, and what you've compiled gives me a clearer picture than I've ever been able to get. You've done a great service to humanity and truth.
Thank you for providing evidence that Mistakes Were NOT Made.
Thank you and thank you for co-publishing!
Your presence, through your words and heart, has been a lifeline during this age of revelation and grief. Thank you for sharing so beautifully and so boldly.
Mistakes were NOT Made, and I am grateful every day to be in the company of those who speak this truth. 🙏🏼 💛
Aww, what a beautiful and touching note, Kavita. Thank you so much for shining your light 🙌
Kavita is right. You have helped enormously. Seeing Biderman's chart of coercion amongst other things you've shown has made me match fit.
Thank you for your kind words, Thumbnail Green. I'm grateful to know that helped. Thanks also for using your kickass talents to expose tyranny and democide 👊
Thank you Sasha.
Like all wars, only the military-intelligence-banking apparatus could have pulled this off in such a co-ordinated manner. To me at least, that was clear from the beginning.
The fact that in 2025 people avoid talking about this, or do not see it, really disturbs me.
I tried and tried and tried again to talk first to my inmates but…I’m the one needing therapy, I’m the one who escaped from a mental ward, the black paranoia sheep from the family, and it even got worse. This military-pharma-gov-media cartel, terrorist conspiracy dawned on my lunatic mind on the exact day of 15 March 2020.
What disturbs me much more is that our grandchildren‘s history-books will tell the exact opposite of what really has been going on these years….
And the clincher was when Russians involved themselves militarily in Ukraine from 24/02/2022 the coof went away. Suddenly the military intel guys had other priorities. Clear as day
Putin got the memo:).
Me too. Not only that, but that the denial and cognitive dissonance is still so tightly held is also disturbing. Particularly here in AU.
I have found that people want to forget and pretend it didn’t happen in order to continue living as they were doing before. For me this means people want to forget their suffering at the time.
But I don’t think this is the solution, something has to be done for the future generations. They don’t deserve the future they will live in.
I sense that the people who got the jab voluntarily (which may be the majority; the numbers have never been clear) don't want to talk about it because they're afraid they're going to die now and they don't know what to do so they just don't talk about it. But if they did, they might find out there are protocols in place to fight its effects.
I have two little children and today they need me. I think about it every day. I took the jabs voluntarily trusting my government and Im fine, but I have in the back of my mind the risk so Im preparing all what I can.
I never thought I would have to do this so early in my life.
I only wish something can be done to remove any small chance of this happening to others again.
Most of the people I know that took the jab are also still ok (apparently there was a huge discrepancy in the "mixtures" in any given vial) and as we're all getting up there in age, it's difficult to tell what is the cause of what when you experience a health challenge. I've always felt that the best I can do is keep my immune system as highly functioning as I can since I have control over that whereas I can't avoid "germs" and other people. The other thing that is more imperative today than ever is continual detoxing; there are many ways to do this (and lots of help on Substack), but it's necessary to do something to stave off the poisons currently bombarding us (literally---as in chemtrails). Finally, a very important and undervalued way to influence the future is to stay positive, remember you are a spiritual being that is bigger and more important than the environment you find yourself in and visualize a better future. It sounds "woo-woo" but we perceive what we believe and we experience what we perceive. Best regards to you and yours.
So are you saying it wasn't a lab leak via Wuhan? Please provide evidence and prove the negative!
Ha, just kidding. Going round and round on this canard elsewhere.
The likes of CEPI, GAVI, WHO, and others have made it clear that "waging endless war against viruses" is the next phase of the Global War on 'Fill in the Blank', with copious funding - think trillions - going to these pathogenic Ponzi schemes. These organizations, often funded by and serving the interests of billionaires and large corporations, use the pretext of global health crises to implement far-reaching changes in society.
The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives: Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the the massive economic implosion of 2019; acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history; justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society and much more.
Together, these organizations in lockstep with governments and Intel agencies form a powerful, interconnected network that shapes global health policies, at the expense of true public health and national sovereignty, while facilitating massive wealth transfers and consolidation of power among global elites. Their role in the COVID-19 operation demonstrates their capacity to coordinate on a global scale to implement sweeping changes in society, economics, and governance.
Their power and control allows them to pull the strings of governance and finance at the international, national, regional, state and local levels. We saw this clearly throughout the Covid-19 campaign where diktats from the highest corridors of power trickled down to regional, state and county health departments all the way into local school systems and virtually all areas of civic society.
Without the COVID-19 smokescreen, this widespread racketeering operation and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would have been exposed for what they are – ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy. The pandemic provided the perfect cover for this massive economic restructuring, allowing for unprecedented bailouts and wealth consolidation under the guise of emergency measures.
The COVID-19 operation thus served as both a distraction from and a facilitator of one of the largest upward transfers of wealth in human history.
Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch is a known CIA and deep state conduit. So when one of his journalists wrote a book called " What Really Happened in Wuhan " (Sharri Markson, an Australian who later interviewed Donald Trump about Covid), you know the gaslighting operation is YUGE:).
Murdoch and Markson are Netanyahoo sycophants too so that's another tell. Sky News Oz push back against the climate change BS but during the injection purges of 2021 they were mostly silent. Especially after Youtube put them in the naughty corner for a brief stint.
Many tentacles all leading to the same octopus:).
Excellent point.
🎯 At the same time, it REVEALED to us the thoroughly embedded widespread racket and fraud. It was a double edged sword. They gambled. I believe too many now know and will never be deceived again. This resonance of this truth can't be silenced and its impact is vibrating through the collective despite the many heads still buried in the sand.
It would not have been so easy if all the sections were not so much in DEBT. The have sold their souls to Mephisto who has many faces.
COVID was planned when 9/11 was engineered. Money laundering. Wealth transfer. Centralization of control. If you can get past the insanity, there's a logic.
Let's not forget blood ritual.
The blood ritual: My young life-long healthy daughter,a wife and mother resisted the jab until she was mandated to take it by her daughters school in order to take them into the school and pick up which was required for their grade level and also required to be the room mother asst. Her official cause of death was Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia/VITT. I begged the Hematologist to fight the UWMC in WA State administration and name it what it was. The neurologist was practically in tears when he told he couldn’t stop the bleeding. She was light of our lives.
unfathomable. utterly devastating. My heart goes out to you, Gwen, and your family.
How truly horrific and sad. How can this not be murder? The military is now empowered to get away with allowing the eager, and coercing the reluctant, corporations, hospitals, schools, and other civil institutions to mandate the shots that all of the insiders knew would sacrifice health and life for billions, with an occulted power infrastructure and dark Reset agenda firmly set in place around the world.
Her children are fortunate to have such loving and well-informed grandparents to help safeguard them in the future, after this heartbreaking experience.
My healthy mid-30s daughter and her long-time beau took the Pfizer shots to keep his elderly mother "safe", (too trusting of "Science" and thought I was a conspiracy monger), despite my begging them not to at the beginning of OWs- Operation Warp Speed. She had a heart attack upon her second shot, but survived. She's worried about the strain of bearing a baby, and they're looking at surroGates. Thanks so much, Gates.
Much love to your family.
oh goodness, such hardships. My good friend also had a heart attack after shot 2 and survived. But had to sell her farm and all her horses afterward. I hope your daughter is restored to full health.
Love to your family as well and may you be blessed with a baby and good health in the future. Incalculable damage has been done to mankind with a continued unknown timeline. Regarding Gates of Hell and his legacy. We call Mary Gates Drive in Seattle Eugenics Drive. Control of the masses with a massive wealth transfer by globalists, governments militaries …all in collusion.
Thank you for the well wishes!
What an apt renaming of a drive. Wasn't the B&M Gates foundation originally known by a name which included "eugenics" or "population control"? In recent years, they'd have us believe vaccines and other problematic "therapeutics" that are promoted throughout the world for great profit are for saving us. Not. It's a three-fer for riches, fewer people, and fewer babies.
The world's gone completely daft when it believes top population control advocates care that we all have long, health lives with our children and their children..
Gates’ father ran “Planned Parenthood”, which sounds ok-ish, except that it’s the very same organisation which, before WW2, was called “The American Eugenics Society”. I kid you not.
I can’t imagine. In the name of your daughter and a million others- this must be addressed and the perpetrators punished. It just must be made clear to the public.
OMG, so sorry for you and your family. I thank God that I knew what thrombocytopenia was when one of the first deaths it caused was of a 36-year-old doctor in Miami in March 2020. My alarm bells went off full force. Most of my family believed me and resisted the insane pressures from their various employers to get injected. My grand niece was sucked into the academic matrix and got injected because all her young friends did so and they were graduating from college. She damned near died from ulcerative colitis (which happens to be what 97% of the people injected with her Pfizer lot number reported to VAERS, and which recorded 17 deaths).
I strongly urge people who were injected to track the adverse events associated with their injection numbers ( ( You NEED to know what you were injected with, so you can learn how to heal from it.
Many doctors on substack are finally speaking out, some from day one. A Midwestern Doctor, to Dr. Yoho's "Surviving Healthcare", Dr Ed Group, Dr Bryan Ardis, for their information!
Sending prayers for all who were injured and all who speak Truth.
How devastating. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Oh Gwen <3
My deepest condolences to you … so very sad to hear this! My prayers for you and family and my your daughter rest in peace!
This is so infuriating. It gives me shivers of anger. Murder. Gwen, my heartfelt sympathy. I know about an old school friend whose daughter was a physiotherapist here in South Africa. She was in her 30s and died from an aneurism. She was also jabbed...
Again, thank you. Whilst we look at this in a factual, detached manner, which is necessary when exposing cold hard facts, it has been niggling in my thoughts, that without fully exposing the death and suffering caused by counter measures and this military operation in February 2020, we will still be burying heads in the sand awaiting rescue. Sometimes, one has to read an occurrence of pure evil to understand that the perpetrators have zero conscience, zero empathy, zero soul, and are foreign to any spiritual, psychological or philosophical understanding. I was led at 2am in the morning some weeks back, to find the written testimony of what happened to a school friend of mine in 1987 when she was hacked to death by soulless individuals "with a cause", along with her husband, 6 week old son and 13 others. I first found the interview some 20 years later with the person who had ordered the massacre. No change in him. No feeling. Just hatred and the belief they were nothing, a sub species, without worth. He was allowed to walk free because of, "truth and reconciliation". These perpetrators of the greatest crime against humanity will walk free because "people want to move on". @biologyphenom has written about the Scottish COVID Inquiry where many truths were revealed. We all play a part in this infinitely huge and multifaceted war on humanity. What you have done is amazing ❤️
All I want to know is...when the executions begin. Let me know so I can have plenty of popcorn ready.🍿
Well, if you are expecting RFK jr. and Trump to take this info and run with it, you are mistaken. With mass murderer Gates by Trump's side, the focus of the HHS will be on toxic food and not on vaccines. Sorry!
The focus of Stargate will be on the enemy in you, your DNA.
Of course, Larry Ellison is already championing AI designed mRNA vaccines for each individual based on the person's health as detected via the computer network installed through the COVID vaccines. The one reason the cabal pushed for mass compulsion of the COVID vaccine was to get these networks installed in every human and then use the power of the Internet of Things to get data from each individual. Now how they get every person hooked into the Internet of Things, I'm not sure, yet. Gates already has the technology to inject you with a vaccine via aerial spraying. We are in a war for our survival and the enemy has the technology behind them.
Your popcorn will get stale.
It sure will:).
This brings tears to my eyes, in the best way.
So timely that you and Debbie release this *now*, Sasha, for many reasons but especially as it rises to the surface in the midst of the glaring non-response from the current administration about what is taking place in plain sight every day and night - the democide.
For those of us who were alive and aware during the inception and early years of so-called AIDS, this dossier is a balm of sorts (well, for me anyway). It's an affirmation that our loved ones died in essentially the same manner, certainly the same intent, in service to the same murderers (and then some).
Thank you (and Katherine, Debbie, Mike Yeadon, and others) for enduring the idiocy, the attacks, the threats, the steady denial-ism this work evokes. I know you know this, but yours is service to Truth, Love, and Spirit (some call this God), and all of us - all of humanity - is supported by it.
I am grateful. Many thanks.
And why...? The callous disregard for the dammage they knew these poisons would reek on an unsusspecting public , still blows my mind every day of the past five years has shaken the foundations of everything I believed in .....everything points to a murderous intent by a system , so criminal , so corrupted , so mafia like in it's implementation , I am not surprised , that the average Joe can't bring themselves to see it . ..this has been a horror show , that I don't think even Orwell or Huxley could have dreamed up ....😔🙏
HG Wells, the multigenerational Huxleys and Orwell were all operatives in the multi century PsyOp.
Democide is a hard thing wrap one’s head around.
Thank you, Sasha and Debbie for laying this out so succinctly. What jumped out at me immediately is that of the seven countries you mentioned that coordinating this whole thing, China was not mentioned. And that’s all we hear from the Talking Heads on TV is blaming this whole thing on China. I still think the question of “why” keeps a lot of people from listening to the facts and believing them. But then deicide is a hard thing to wrap your head around. Thanks again for your brilliant work.
we don't have any info on China, except very clear information that it WASN'T an attack by China. This was pre-planned by all the Western countries that we profiled years in advance as an attack on their own populations. China has nothing to do with this.
and it was planned to harm their own people. After decades of destroying Eastern countries to rob them of their resources they now go after their own to rob them of their health.
In fact, I’m sure I read that the original contract parties were bioNtech, DoD and a party in China, but the Chinese party withdrew (probably due to lack of trust in USA), and also that DoD created the formulation but it was manufactured by pharma as cover
Feel free to use any pertinent information from either of these two articles re:Italy. I've got a fair bit more on Italy if you want to utilize.
I think you mean democide (the intentional killing of a people by the government) not deicide, which is the killing of a God. But I might be splitting hairs since both are an abandonment of God by those who think they are God.
Classic magicians trick of misdirection: "Look over there, Wuhan did it because they have a biolab." Audience told to focus on China while the real nefarious stuff happens in your own backyard.
The original SARS coronavirus in 2003 was said to come from southern China.
There wasn’t a virus then, either. There’s no scientific evidence for the existence of viruses. Also, human illnesses are not contagious. These are but two of dozens of Goebbelsesque huge lies imposed upon us over decades to centuries.
Those who are running this, those i term the perpetrators, are the descendants of those who have always run major events in the world.
They were all awarded for their excellence!
an act of war. And the guy who brags he's the "father" of OWS is back for Season 2!
Could be bad times ahead. 9-11 is an emergency code after all. And Trump is 9-11.
P45 4+5 = 9
P47 4+7 = 11
The cabal like sending messages through numbers:).
In this century alone, from the war on terror to the war on the invisible enemies, all wars are bankers wars, follow the money. Those at the top of the pyramid always "make bank".
They are blocking the sun. Without sunlight there can be no natural production of oil.
Just watched you on James Roguski, came here to say thank you. What a gift many humans such as yourself are to this world, and I can’t help but become emotional given it is my birthday today. 🎁
Thank you for this incredible gift and all you are doing.
If you do addenda:
On 1 March 2021, Prime Minister Mario Draghi appointed Army General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo also Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, replacing the civilian(?) Domenico Arcuri
Like officers in many other countries in charge of Covid, Figliuolo had a past with the ISAF occupation force in Afghanistan.
Under his command, Italy introduced vaccine passports
The management of the logistics chain was already the hands of the armed forces, which in December 2020 decided on the military airport of Pratica di Mare near Rome as the national vaccine management and sorting hub. Figliuolo finished the job on 31 March 2022.
Good morning, Sasha,
Please consider these updates regarding Italy:
Resolution of the Council of Ministers on January 31, 2020:
Declaration of a state of emergency due to the health risk associated with the emergence of diseases caused by transmissible viral agents.
Published in the Official Gazette No. 26 on February 1, 2020.
The Council of Ministers, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 1, letter c), and Article 24, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 1 of January 2, 2018 (Civil Protection Code), declares a national state of emergency for a duration of six months (until July 31, 2020).
An allocation of €5,000,000 is approved to initiate relief and assistance activities for the population and to implement the most urgent interventions, drawing from the National Emergency Fund.
THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS in the meeting of January 31, 2020.
Needless to say, at that time, no one was talking about the coronavirus, the national newspapers did not report the news, and there were no recorded cases of infection or deaths... until the well-known events of the coffins in Bergamo.
It is correct what you report regarding NATO General Bonfiglio (whose existence, however, cannot be verified).
The so-called General, invoking the agreements of the Paris Treaty (World War II), immediately asserted himself within the Technical Scientific Committee to decide which topics discussed could or could not be disclosed… or to impose the secrecy of contracts with pharmaceutical companies for the procurement of countermeasures authorized for emergency use only—the so-called vaccines.
If I can be of any help in providing information about what happened in Italy, I am at your disposal.
Thank you for what you are doing for all of us.
Roggiero Carlo
Presidente APS Saluzzo che r-Esiste
Thank you!! Please post references into your comment, if you have them (fine if they are in Italian). I will add to the dossier.
Thank you so much Roggiero! As Sasha mentioned, if you have references for the January 31 emergency declaration, that would be great. If not, we will try to find them.
Thanks to you, it's a pleasure to collaborate. I am preparing a model for Italy along the lines of what has been developed for other countries. I will send you a report shortly.
good evening Debbie, below is the Italian chronology of Covid management:
Main Italian Institutions Involved in the COVID-19 Response and Their Activation Dates
1. Ministry of Health
Activation Date: The Ministry of Health began monitoring the situation as early as December 2019, following the first reported cases in China. A task force was established in January 2020 to coordinate prevention and control activities.
2. Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Activation Date: On January 31, 2020, following the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration on January 30, 2020, and upon a proposal from the Minister of Health, the Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency for a period of six months. This declaration allocated funds and adopted measures to address the pandemic.
3. Civil Protection Department
Activation Date: On January 31, 2020, following the declaration of a state of emergency, the Civil Protection Department, led by Angelo Borrelli, was tasked with coordinating the necessary interventions to manage the health crisis.
4. Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency
Activation Date: On March 5, 2020, Domenico Arcuri was appointed as the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 emergency, responsible for enhancing the distribution of medical equipment and managing the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE). Later, on March 1, 2021, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo took over this role, primarily focusing on the national vaccination campaign.
5. Scientific Technical Committee (CTS)
Activation Date: The CTS was established on February 5, 2020, to provide the Government with expert advice on measures to counter the spread of the virus.
Although General Francesco Bonfiglio, from the NATO-UEO Point at the Civil Protection Department, was not a permanent member of the CTS, he participated in specific meetings. Notably, during one session, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, asked General Bonfiglio to ensure the confidentiality of information following a leak concerning decisions on school closures. (
6. Italian Army
Activation Date: The Italian Army was involved in support operations from the early stages of the emergency, playing a significant role starting in March 2020. It provided logistical, medical, and vaccine distribution support.
7. Italian Navy
Activation Date: The Italian Navy began contributing to COVID-19 response operations in March 2020, providing medical facilities and personnel to support the national healthcare system.
8. Department of Information for Security (DIS)
Activation Date: The DIS intensified its monitoring and analysis activities related to pandemic-related threats, such as disinformation and potential espionage activities, starting in March 2020.
9. Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on the Management of the Health Emergency
Activation Date: The Parliamentary Inquiry Commission was established in June 2020 to evaluate the management of the health emergency and the measures adopted to tackle the pandemic.
📌 2020
🔹 January 31 – State of emergency declared
The Council of Ministers declares a six-month state of emergency following a WHO alert and a report from the Ministry of Health.
🔹 February 21 – First autochthonous COVID-19 case in Italy
Mattia Maestri, 38, is hospitalized in Codogno (Lodi), marking the first confirmed local transmission.
🔹 February 22 – First localized lockdowns
A red zone is established in ten municipalities in Lodi and Vo’ Euganeo (Veneto).
🔹 February 26 – Alzano Lombardo hospital closure
The hospital in Alzano Lombardo is closed and then reopened within hours, without containment measures, contributing to the spread of the virus in Val Seriana.
🔹 February 28 – Virus isolated by Milan's Sacco Hospital
Researchers isolate the Italian strain, providing crucial information about its spread.
🔹 March 4 – Schools and universities close
A decree suspends all educational activities nationwide.
🔹 March 8 – Lombardy and 14 provinces enter lockdown
A March 8 decree imposes severe restrictions in Lombardy and other northern provinces.
🔹 March 9 – National lockdown
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announces the "Io resto a casa" ("I stay home") decree: all of Italy enters lockdown.
🔹 March 18 – Bergamo coffins
Images of military trucks transporting coffins due to overwhelmed crematoriums become a tragic symbol of the pandemic.
🔹 March 20 – Autopsies discouraged
The Ministry of Health recommends avoiding autopsies on COVID-19 victims, allowing only external examinations.
🔹 April 26 – Announcement of “Phase 2”
The government announces a gradual reopening starting May 4, while maintaining distancing and mandatory masks.
🔹 May 25 – "Paracetamol and watchful waiting"
The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) issues a guideline for home treatments, recommending paracetamol (Tylenol) and watchful waiting, while discouraging other treatments.
🔹 October 21 – Mandatory masks outdoors
New restrictions are introduced in anticipation of the autumn wave.
🔹 December 30 – First vaccinations in Italy
Following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approval, the "Vaccine Day" begins. One of the first vaccinated is nurse Claudia Alivernini.
📌 2021
🔹 January 14 – New restrictions based on colored zones
Italy is divided into yellow, orange, and red zones based on epidemiological trends.
🔹 March 1 – General Figliuolo appointed COVID Commissioner
He replaces Domenico Arcuri and accelerates the vaccination campaign.
🔹 March 15 – Easter lockdown and AstraZeneca suspension
Italy enters a nationwide red zone for Easter; AstraZeneca vaccines are temporarily suspended due to reports of blood clots.
🔹 August 6 – Green Pass required for restaurants and indoor activities
The Green Pass is introduced, a digital or paper certificate proving vaccination, COVID-19 recovery, or a negative test within the past 48 hours. From this date, it is mandatory for access to:
Indoor restaurants
Museums, cinemas, and theaters
Gyms and swimming pools
Large public events
🔹 October 15 – Green Pass mandatory for all workers
Employees in both public and private sectors must show a Green Pass to access workplaces.
📌 2022
🔹 February 1 – Mandatory vaccination for people over 50
All citizens over 50 must be vaccinated.
🔹 March 31 – End of the state of emergency
After more than two years, Italy revokes the state of emergency and begins gradually lifting restrictions.
🔹 May 1 – Green Pass no longer required (almost everywhere)
The Green Pass is no longer needed, except in hospitals and nursing homes.
🔹 June 15 – End of mandatory vaccination for most professions
The vaccine mandate is lifted, except for healthcare workers, who must comply until December 31, 2022.