It is not by accident that the final development of this bioweapon was put to Germany.

Germany is very experienced in developing bioweapons and poisons against the people. There is a straight line from Zyklon B to Comirnaty.

But there is a difference. The first mass murder was not perpetrated against the whole manhood. These psychopaths and sociopaths will never stop.

Except we, the people stop them.

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The people are asleep at the wheel. Stop them? How, when as soon as they hear covid is back, hysteria follows? The propaganda is such that overwhelms them. Sad, but true.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Sure wish I could have seen this banned comment

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I don't doubt it but they'll have us at our knees with something much, much worse. Failure of the power grid with permanency. And what's even worse is that is coming. It's not "if" but when. Sorry to bring you the bad news.

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We need to go off grid even if we stay connected to learn to adapt.

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It's all about this:

"There will be no survivors in the house of Esau, for God has spoken."

Trump Rising, 'America Needs Israel', Prophecy Unfolding, Chabad on Infowars | Know More News w/ Ada - https://www.bitchute.com/video/t0AnFBAoUVn3/ (1:12:45)

The world in the death grip of God's chosen psychos:

"That's when the family of Jacob will catch fire, the family of Joseph become fierce flame, while the family of Esau will be straw. Esau will go up in flames, nothing left of Esau but a pile of ashes." God said it, and it is so."

— Obadiah 1:18 - https://www.biblestudytools.com/msg/obadiah/1-18.htm

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You are wrong. The psychos come from a variety of religious and ethnic groups, just as the heroes fighting back do.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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Rome fell because of corruption and greed. If that's what you mean by the usual suspects, I'd concur. But when you say, "everything connects and there's a reason for it", I ask out of pure curiosity what said reason would be?

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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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Let me see if I understand you correctly. "Organic" Romans weren't allowed in those positions? If that's correct, who can blame them? Treason and malfeasance was prevalent in Rome. What do you do when a poisonous snake keeps on changing its skin but remains poisonous? Thank you for that information, though. I love history.

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Sep 1, 2023
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In the last decade or two, most of the biblical stories have been revealed to be historically true through physical evidence in dozens of digs. The evidence for the life of Yeshua of Nazareth is abundant in ancient documents from the historians of the day, and source documents of gospels more than 1000 years old. Of course, for many people, no amount of physical or historic evidence will be accepted.

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Let morons believe what they want.

Remember....they are the ones who CHOSE what to believe the nonsense that they believe and when they hear the words: “I NEVER KNEW YOU” they will then go precisely to the place that they CHOSE to go to, a place which is called Hell.

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Some guy did something, is that your take? Like Ilhan Omar's off the cuff remark. The contempt in your smartest guy in the room act is so tired already.

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You're right, Constantine was a pagan, and the catholic church stems from this. Gods were converted to saints and sunday is the day of worship because they already worshiipped on the Sun on that day. Say what you will, but EVERYONE has the same DNA string which spells yaweh. If He doesn't exidt why would he stamp His name in your DNA.

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So no one can nail it then ;-) (pun intended)

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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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it's all about killing billions...

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Back then every dictator acknowledged he needed some people. Not so with technocrats.

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On the whole, historical rulers assumed the masses would reproduce merrily, and enough would reach adulthood to labour and fight for them. People who say they have been planing population reduction for centuries are quite wrong. All that mattered was that the masses obeyed and reproduced.

The technocratic delusion is that, using AI and genetic interventions, an optimum population can be calculated, arrived at, and then simply dialled up or down as modelling dictates , with termination of individuals or whole regional populations when no longer useful to the system.

This also logically implies total inventory and control of global resources: hence the ongoing bid to capture the vast reserves in Russian territory.

I imagine it could be quite exciting to plan this and actually start implementation, to a psycho.

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yup 100%

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nope, the leaders of comirnarty are immigrant turks, and the company was pushed by bill gates, a jew.

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The „leaders“ are deep state puppets. And yes, criminal America put the crime to Germany, as 1933-45.

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thx for the clarification, then I agree

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It looks like the purpose of the mRNA technology platform is to understand how to kill a person slowly or quickly and make it look like they just caught an illness or developed a disease.

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They wish to be able to say in the official history in 2100:

'After centuries of reckless abuse of the planet, in the times before we lived in the new cities, terrible new diseases arose and old ones took a greatly increased toll, which, combined with Climate Change, led to almost catastrophic depopulation. But this also enabled the Earth to breath again and renew itself; and the Planners guided by AI showed mankind a new way to live in our ecologically-responsible Smart Cities, Memory of those sad times serve us an awful warning, and demonstrates that only with strict controls can our species flourish alongside all others....'

That will be the history they will write.

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That is very, very, good --- are you sure you don't work for them :)

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In addition to wrecking your immune system. There will be a lot of some diseases but different for everyone. Doctors are baffled?! Evil genius.

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Sure does look that way, doesn't it?

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The mechanism behind these shots is mostly to increase morbidity, accelerate aging, inflammation, autoimmunity, et cetera. What you're going to see from this is a lot of people apparently dying of natural causes over time, with shortened life expectancies. It gives it a degree of plausible deniability; if there are so many different manifestations, it could be written off as having a different cause. The 15 minute cities, CBDC, all that stuff, all of that is just to manipulate people's behavior in the fallout. According to their Net Zero plans, they're going to ban privately owned cars and certain kinds of transportation. People won't be able to travel as far as they used to. I have a theory that the Overclass are planning on making dead people appear alive to their distant relatives while carrying out their depopulation plan. They're going to do it with AI. Voice synthesis, text synthesis, synthesized photos and video, and so on. They expect people to be none the wiser about it, since their movements will be restricted and they won't be able to visit each other to confirm they're actually still alive. One silent global holocaust.


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Sep 2, 2023
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With dramatic increase in all of that, I would say yes. Besides on one government website I saw "gender dysphoria" was an adverse event.

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You can't think so sick as these psychos act.

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This is a really profound comment. I have spent my life staring into the void to learn how they act for the purposes of warning others, and I feel that I have utterly failed up until this point because I could not stop any of it, and I do not think I even did a very good job warning anyone.

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I know that feeling.

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Even if we could not stop it, you especially have warned those with ears to hear that the pale horse was riding. You have no idea how much people love and appreciate you. I know that these words feel hollow, but I hope that you understand they are true. Your earnest visage in 2020, warning people of what was to come, caused millions around the world to pause and take notice.

We could not save the world, but I was able to save the person I love most in the world, and even now they are moving about the house, cheerfully whistling. We did that Dr. Y. You did that. Ears to hear.

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The smallest victory is still an achievement:

'If you saved only one life, it is as if you had saved the whole world'

The Koran.

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Thank you, that’s a powerful message.

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It does not help that I discovered how corrupt and powerful Big Pharma was thanks to a psychiatric diagnosis and years on a cocktail which created or exacerbated all the "symptoms" used to confirm the original diagnosis of Bipolar 2. I'm ashamed to share my story since it only confirms my SMI status--and unreliability--in the eyes of the normies I wish to educate.

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Unfortunately most people can't see / dare not to see the devil at top of the pyramid.

I my view there is "only" one single power that controls the whole world. Otherwise operations like Covid and the climate bullshit wouldn't be possible at all. It's like a gargantuan cancer that has subverted the whole world.

It's all about this:

"There will be no survivors in the house of Esau, for God has spoken."

Trump Rising, 'America Needs Israel', Prophecy Unfolding, Chabad on Infowars | Know More News w/ Ada - https://www.bitchute.com/video/t0AnFBAoUVn3/ (1:12:45)

The world in the death grip of God's chosen psychos:

"That's when the family of Jacob will catch fire, the family of Joseph become fierce flame, while the family of Esau will be straw. Esau will go up in flames, nothing left of Esau but a pile of ashes." God said it, and it is so."

— Obadiah 1:18 - https://www.biblestudytools.com/msg/obadiah/1-18.htm

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."

– J. Edgar Hoover

"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match."

— John F. Kennedy

August 30 - Western Society is a Communist (Cabalist Jewish) Satanic Cult - https://henrymakow.com/2023/08/august-30---western-society-is.html

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Which makes it so hard to warn others because you sound crazy when you try to explain the evil.

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Very frustrating. Even if they believe, they say, "So why should I care what these eccentric billionaires off in Switzerland hypothesize or dream up? Not like it has any practical bearing on my life."

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If only they knew. It has PROFOUND bearing on ALL our lives.

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There's nothing new about the behaviors of "psychos". Most of us (possessing a memory) saw plenty of psycho examples in high school. This is how they come out, after a little practice. >

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”

- Cicero, 42 B.C. -

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There is also another aspect, too: the stupidity of the masses.

"Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on dead ears. Bonhoeffer's famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power."

— Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc

Bonhoeffer’s “theory of stupidity”: We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones - https://bigthink.com/thinking/bonhoeffers-theory-stupidity-evil/

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Sep 1, 2023
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It's impossible. I'm blue in the face telling one of my guys friends about the dangers of the jab. He didn't believe me. I showed him the research, charts, evidence. His response?: crickets. Yesterday, he went to get what I believe is his 4th or 5th "booster". He became so sick, he couldn't go on with his day; ended up bedridden. But I am the conspiracy theorist.

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He can't say you didn't warn him. You were a true friend and did the right thing.

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Prsy for him. All of them.

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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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I don't know the particulars, but he's from Taiwan and in our long discussions he told me he believes what I'm telling him, but for the young people, not for the elderly. He's 73. By now, he's gotten covid at least twice, been vaccinated from the very start, and now he's getting either more shots or more boosters. I believe the latter are basically another dose of the jab.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Do you mean like a Neanderthal? Wow! I knew they weren't extinct! 🤗😆✌️

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Increasingly I am hearing of unusual and even strange illness among the vaccinated, including among friends and acquaintances. The uptick seems to have occurred this year. Everything about these vaccines was diabolical, and to think they are still being pushed and promoted staggers the imagination. The people that did this, that are doing it, are pure evil.

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Yes. Another person in my building developed an aggressive cancer last year, after "up to date" vaccinations and all boosters. Medical ghouls attempted every anti-cancer modality in efforts to save her. Her health precipitously declined about two months ago, and she was pronounced dead just over a week ago. She had no prior health issues and quite robust for her age.

That makes 3 deaths within two years in a 12 unit residence. All were "vaccinated" individuals.

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Crazy. We had 2 desths, 42 and 52 but a friend told me of a colleague that was diagnosed and passed in a matter of weeks.

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I'm on standby with my neighbor. Sad.

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Me too. Pancreatic cancer. On chemo. He is credentialed, I am not. What do I say? I dont know how to breach that divide.

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I'm also timid to bring it up to neighbor. She has chronic GI issues; insomnia; sudden paralysis of her legs [just fell..then sprang her ankle trying to get back up]. I told her to get Ddimer test. She only watches tv all day and night. Doc put her on sleeping pills and anti diarrhea pills and keeps asking her to get a colonoscopy.... ugh.

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I personally know 3 middle aged women who have developed cancer in the past 6 months. I suspect all were jabbed.

It's really alarming.

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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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So sorry to hear that. I have read from several sources that there's a high correlation between autism and gender dysphoria. There's also a high correlation between childhood vaxes and autism, so it's not a stretch to link the C19 jabs and what those boys experienced.

I was watching Dr Miriam Grossman last night & she was saying that if left alone, most young people grow out of this feeling that they are in the wrong body. The problem is, as you have witnessed, that there are people in some institutions who encourage them to transition before they have the chance to grow out of it.

You did the right thing with your daughter. I'm glad that my kids are young adults and escaped that particular horror during their school years.

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Public schools are part of the satanic agenda.

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My very ‘healthy’ friend has been coughing till his blood vessels burst in his eyes and I had to administer sedative to my wife so the coughing stress effects would lessen. I have anecdotes up the yin yangs!

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I notice a lot of vaxxed people can't quit coughing. I'm not that healthy but my lungs have stayed relatively clear this summer. Never took the first shot.

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One can easily, with a knowledge of human nature and history, imagine the evil needed to plan this: but it is the ordinary medical profession who went along with it, no questions asked, who revolt and astonish. And who are now covering up the harms they are seeing daily.

Vaxxes are still being pushed strongly on pregnant women and certain categories of children in many countries.

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I have been so profoundly shocked and grief stricken but what has happened to our entire corporate medical profession, the entire industry really, save the few independents that managed to hang on or have made a brave go of it recently. The very people who are supposed to a vanguard against this kind of thing were among the first to succumb. Never Again has happened again

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Every time I read one of Sasha posts, I end up with 5 or 6 other windows open that I must read. I can't keep up, but I try...

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"let’s not be surprised that various raging infections resistant to antibiotics are on the rise, and migrating through the ecosystem, into water, soil, animals, etc."

Too right Sasha, and why I wrote this article in October 2022 about livestock injection with mRNA products: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-state-government-set-to

I emphasised that we do not know the ecological effects of what we are doing - the 'migrating antibiotic resistance' is yet another plank in this. Relatedly, the state government has pulled all the information about it off their website and will not update anyone about it. Unbelievable horror.

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From your linked article: "The partnering company, Tiba Biotech, states plainly on its website that their ‘collaborators and strategic partners’ include: United States National Institute of Health (NIH), US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."

Heh, heh... What could possibly go wrong???

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I know. WTF Australia (and everyone at this point).

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coloidal silver can help with infections

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Thanks so much, Sasha. So much evidence. I pray it's breaking through. Best to you.

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I wish all this was understandable by a regular person, not scientist. Still don't know what is the purpose of this . That everybody get cancer??

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In general, remote kill of a person in a variety of ways. Perfect weapon for killing at a distance of space and time as many people as possible while gaslighting, denying, and telling them they are being saved from a terrible virus. Absolutely perfect.

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Well, I appreciate Jowita's comment and question as they were mine (the terms have no stability for my brain does not work well with acronyms and vague, inaccessible material, like plasmids), too. And you simple explanation, Sasha, becomes "of course, haven't we all thought just that for a couple years now? This remote killing with obscure pathology?" So glad this new info regarding sv40 (terms...) is being documented. Thank you, Sasha, you add so much to the conversation.

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Also called, plausible deniability.

Their stupidity and hubris will catch up with them. When the night falls and the wind blows they will run to their rocks and descend to 'safety' but their fate is sealed.

Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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Believe ☄🌊🔥

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Beautifully explained …🙏🏻

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Why are they killing the most obedient? That's what puzzles me. It's also scary. These sociopaths will off their most loyal supporters. Worse than Stalin.

Do they trust one another? If I were a member of the Davos Clique, I'd be suspicious that others would poison me. Other members I mean.

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no they don't trust each other. this kind of rich people only form "hunting parties" / "project groups" and then betray each other first chance they get. these guys got rich for a reason.

the sheep are simply the easiest targets.

they will come for you later, don't worry.

once the QR-system is here, they can go from door to door and single you out, based on social score and all. then they can move REALLY fast, terminatory and powerful.

or they will simply delete your money and let you starve.


there is no quality control, because from their perspective we are all the same.

they think of themselves as a different species and we are a pest to them.

just think of all the billions and billions of tax payer money and work hours they have siphoned off over time. they could live on mars by now and you would not even know it.

but they are fuelled by greed and narcissism and have never created anything worthwhile and lasting. they forgot that they only ever relied on force and yeasayers.

and we, in contrast, are educated humans with a divine soul and faustian spirit.

it's the oldest struggle: constructive people vs. psychos.

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Well, it's a project intended to take a decade or two, and they aren't killing or even crippling all of them at once. Plenty of obedient fools to work through, the whole world to play with and re-shape.

As the Rothschild bank say:

'Inevitably obsolescent human capital'.

Everyone has a use-by stamp.

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With the C "vaccines", most early deaths occured within the first 72 hours – but the long term problems still occur months or years later. In the ICU of a colleague (large community hospital in northern Germany), the record is 14 people in one night shift, after they had their rat jabs the day before, all dead within the same week. They died of LAEs, SVTs, STEMIs (e.g. one massive transmural infarction in an 18yo girl), ViTTP. Incidentally, since one was considered "unvaccinated" until 14 days after the 2nd jab, hardly any of these deaths were recorded as vaccine-related; instead, they were attributed to COVID, and thus we got the "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

We had been caring for a vaccinated former cancer patient (54+) of ours since mid 2021, who had been tumor-free and fully functional for 27 years. Against our urgent advice she had two jabs and even got two boosters. After her 2nd jab we had to take her to the university hospital and pick her up again several times a week because she developed severe lung problems, pleural effusion, and ascites in the abdomen. Cytological examination of aspirated fluids revealed signs of adenocarcinoma. Diagnosis was CUP syndrome (Cancer w/ Unknown Primary) and a useless search for a primary tumor started, followed by two rounds of chemo and hormone therapy. Then chronic anemia set in, she got many RBC transfusions, but her condition deteriorated rapidly, despite maximum intensive therapy. One year ago we buried her.

Her "vaccinated" father (90) now has hematuria, as well as plasmocytoma, as does the father (70) of friend. Another elderly gentleman (74), previously active and fit, ended up in our neurological stroke unit after massive brain hemorrhage which necessitated craniotomy. One neighbor (70) was picked up by EMS three times shortly after vaccination, and then died. Another neighbor (72), previously lean and fit, died 2 months ago from pancreatic cancer. In front of one of our urban vaccination centers, an 83yo man dropped dead in the parking lot right after getting his jab. A previously healthy childhood friend (42) of our son keeled over while walking with his young daughter in a stroller. He was taken to university hospital under resuscitation, and died from a massive aneurysm despite emergency surgery.

Four more acquaintances died after their jabs, two of them (50+) with massive acute exacerbation of an old tumor condition, one – a young, previously perfectly healthy student and active athlete – with a fresh, extensive tumor on the heart that occurred after the 2nd injection. Officially, of course, pure coincidence. He then received a Ventricular Assist Device and was told “this is fine” and that he could live to a very old age. A local news rag even went so far as to say that the tumor was only discovered early because he had to be examined "thanks to the vaccination" and the AEs associated with it. Two weeks later, he was dead. Many of the “vaccinated” who didn’t pay the ultimate price now suffer from overall deterioration of their physical and mental health, e.g. long lasting and recurring infections, chronic fatigue, COPD, cognitive decline etc.

We just had a birthday party with old colleagues from the university hospital, professors and senior physicians from anesthesiology & intensive care medicine, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons with decades of experience. I'm the black sheep who didn't get "vaccinated" and was therefore no longer allowed to work. They listen to these stories, just shrug them off with "Well, shit happens". All of them, of course, jabbed and boosted to the hilt, fully toeing the official line. Absolutely disgusting, disappointing, and frightening: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!

Sorry for the wall of text! I feel like these stories need to be shared – even if just one person will read them and draw the right conclusions – so that all these people didn’t die in vain.


As a historic footnote re. Dr. Mary Sherman, the cancer researcher studying ways to create “turbo cancer” for the CIA and her most gruesome death, take a look at “Dr. Mary’s Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics” by Edward T. Haslam, 2007, TrineDay

A short summary of her case can be found in “Hit List: an In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination” by Richard Belzer & David Wayne:


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Reminds me of "Goldfinger". Bad guy has Sean Connery tied up and laser is slowly moving, going to split Sean in half. Sean asks bad guy what does he want/expect? "I expect you to DIE, Mr. Bond!"

They expect us to die!

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Explains the fact we were all sent a bowel cancer test kits by our GP's in the UK after the 'covid vaccine' onslaught. I knew it was linked but now we have specifics. Evil everywhere. They even had the audacity to ask that I send mine back to the GP surgery being as I ignored it.

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Yup. That way they can test to determine how effective the "vaccine" is at establishing infection, and add to their fine catalog of registered DNA taken from civilian persons. Ah, the life of a medical ghoul... All in a days work...

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that would not surprise me....last 3 years, I've ignored all g o v t bowel test kids, mamogram screening etc. Don't trust them.

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Ignore dr.'s and ESPECIALLY the gubamint.

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🤔 Humm. USA. I received some sort of test from my insurance company about intestinal bleeding. I didn't request it, so I refused delivery. Return postage is on them! 😊

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Mass murder.

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"And he said to them: An enemy hath done this. "

Mathew 13:28

The Parable of the Weeds

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One might almost think that it was all planned... Naaah, our loving Psychopathy would never do such a thing.

IMO, at least 50% of those injected are "dead men" walking. A fair number of the other 50% are most likely in the same mode, but in a more delayed presentation state. The remaining population of the unvaxxxed is probably at some elevated risk, too.... Time will tell, I suppose.

We have had COVID three times in the past 3 years and, so far, remain unvaxxxed and trying to keep our immune systems boosted with the usual stuff (C, D, Zn, nattokinase, intermittent ivermectin or fenbendazole, etc.). We shall see...

Thanks for posting this!

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you're presumably testing with those unreliable tests...why?

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Sep 23, 2023
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Sad. Apocalyptic.

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I can't believe Biden is trying to push Plandemic, Part 2. And then there is the disaster of Maui which the Biden administration attribute to Climate Change when it is truly Climate Engineering. He must be prosecuted. As I have alluded to, in previous essays, Biden seems to be spending us into oblivion through Climate Change and other policies that make no damn sense. This is how the Great Reset is being implemented: by destroying the value of the dollar, spending trillions on useless projects and purposely driving up inflation to destroy the livelihoods of American Citizens. I believe it is all part of his globalist Build Back Better support for the WEF's Great Reset: where you will own nothing and will not be happy.

[Update: 08/31/223]: This has now been read nearly 5,000 times in the last few days. I’ve assembled a lot of information in this essay. If you were to print out this essay it would be nearly 50 pages. It may well be the most comprehensive analysis, of the Maui Fires, you will ever find. This will be my last update to this essay. I highly encourage my readers to spend the hours required to watch the videos and read the cited articles. The destruction of Maui is a war crime and governor Green and others need to be criminally prosecuted. The greater crime here is the “Green Agenda” ideology which is a sad joke as there is no Anthropogenic Climate Change. What happened in Maui appears to be premeditated destruction of Maui in order to steal the land and rebuild Maui as a Smart City. Biden is only offering low interest loans. No, every resident of Maui must be made whole as it was not their fault. It was the fault of people like Biden pushing this globalist WEF Green Agenda. Hawaii Electric invested their money in renewable energy instead of protecting against Wildfires. All in the name of this insane Green Agenda. Well now we just saw how destructive this Green Agenda can be. How many parents and children have needlessly died? And that is why we must stop it. No more EV’s. No more Green Globalist Agenda. I also discuss YIMBY, which has been promoted by both Obama and Biden administrations. It is about suspending local zoning laws in order to promote Smart Suburbs and Smart Cities. Also discussed is the disturbing background of Biden's Administrator of FEMA: Deanne Criswell.

The Maui Fires and the Globalist Agenda against humanity (08/23/2023)

The globalist premeditated slaughter of the people of Lahaina


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Bruce, how often will you post your piece without any relation to the subject? It is a good piece, but posting in in this way is spamming. Just my 5 Cents.

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Yes. Quite.

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In the book Dr.Marys Monkey, SV 40 monkey virus appeared in the 60s in the oral polio vaccine. Data indicates a spike in cancers for the baby boomers, a 🐒monkey simian virus we can count on.

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Jawohl captain! Then the assholes blamed all the cancers on cigarettes, jacked the price up a thousand fold, and told everyone to stop smoking whilst their buddies dumped geoengineering chemicals into the sky and poisoned croplands with glyphosate.

Great place to live if ya can stand the stench...

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Regarding longevity of modSpike production, can't one assume that exosomes are being created from the modSpike on the cell membrane as well as copeously as exosomes when an infected cell dies? And when the cell dies, can the modSpike DNA plasmids become exosomes and become incorporated in other (nearby) cells?

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quite likely

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