Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

I Just Finished Writing A Book.

It’s Called:

“Vaccines For Dummies”

That’s As Far As I Got.

I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.

My Publisher Agreed.

I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:

“Vaccines For Dead People”

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Comment of the day! Legendary.

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Made me LOL in public ❤️😀

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But Wait There’s More …



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'tis pity,And pity 'tis 'tis true

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Sounds like Demelza...

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If only it were actually that easy

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I laughed pretty hard. Even though I just watched West Virgina has a 25 % increase in deaths for fully vaccinated.

The numbers from West Virgina now are truly horrifying .

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Great explanation Sasha! Definitely the when I was sick with “Covid” it was not like anything I had ever had before. Complete loss of appetite, fever and pain in my spine like broken glass.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Exactly what I felt at the time. It was “before” Covid- Jan 2020. I told people this was like nothing I’d ever experienced before- and it felt exactly as described- like I’d been poisoned.

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Exactly. They add synthetic rat poison to your milk. It's good for yor teeth. Just like the Floride and Arsenic that Frackers inject into your water supply, after they blow up your acquifer with dynamite. Cholecalciferol is a form of vitamin D, also called vitamin D3 that is commonly used as rodenticide. https://vet.purdue.edu/addl/news/rodenticide-revolution.php

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Everything she's saying is a blatant lie.

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How so?

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Poison for sure. And that’s why they loved all this rhetoric over “natural origin v. Wuhan” because it was neither. They’re still “debating” that and stil no investigation.” What a sinister govt we have.

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You can tell by their smirks and condescending answers that it is neither a Bat nor from escaping lab. They set the narrative give 2 choices and the truth is most likely something like … we poisoned your asses with …….. brand Xyz poisoning.

I got sick before March 2020 it was like nothing I’d had before. Lasted 3 weeks. It felt like it had a consciousness of its own. Whatever it was was

Screaming earache, headache, blood shot eyes,

GI issues, no taste, lethargy for 3 week’s.

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like all other governments - they knew what it was right off the bet. That is why they just went on as usual, laughing behind their mask when out in public. Remember how Pelosi said not to gather for the holidays, then left for her holiday house and her family? How the Austrian and Belgian govt had large Christmas gatherings, how the Dutch royal couple went on a vacation as if nothing was going on? That Finnish cat-woman dancing away at a night club... because there was nothing, no virus, no pandemic, no danger. The only danger -the government and the gates of this world, who want it all for themselves

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The OZ government sent a team to Wuhan to "investigate".

The Chinese kept the doors closed - you tell us what you want and we will provide!

Nothing to see here - case closed!

Tons of wasted taxpayers' money to produce a predictable outcome!

The "investigative team" could have stayed at home - nothing gained nothing lost!

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is one of the best summaries provided to date. Very well structured with pretext and analogous explanations. Thank you very much!

As i have suspected, and as i have tried to explain to others relative to peptide strings put together to make a "virus" (various components mixed together to create a toxic protein string), your breakdown confirms the manufacturing concept that made sense to me (30 years of manufacturing experience), and this is much better organized.

And, it is not "alive". These are peptide strings manufactured and put together to make toxins; and, it can be released in many forms; and possibly, by releasing contained strings encased in lipid "nano-particles" through various dispersion methods, that once absorbed/inhaled/imbibed/injected can be broken down in cell or through certain microwave frequencies to release said toxins. It is all poisoning... and then our bodies inflammatory response to said poisons.

This also dovetails on the following article: https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/perhaps-the-most-important-work-of?publication_id=1042216&post_id=145610746&isFreemail=true&r=1lsegx&triedRedirect=true

Are "viruses" simple manufactured toxins in the form of a string of peptides? Paradigm shift required...

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Yes. Conspiracy Sarah's linked article is well stated. Thank you.

Her comparison findings between Jamie Andrews work and that of the Centers for Disease Control are compelling. Quoted from her page: "In my opinion, the importance of Jamie Andrews’s work cannot be overstated. The theory of germs and viral transmission is the very foundation of our medical system and much of our economic system as well. It has long provided the “rationale” for injecting babies and children with toxic cocktails in order to participate in the public health and educational system. Strong evidence suggests that these toxic injections cause, or at the very least contribute, to the decline in overall health of the population." [End quote]

Public health "emergencies" are simply fascist dictate painted in lipstick and agreed upon by corporate/financial sponsors. The civilian populace continually fails to comprehend that these "rules" are in direct violation of Constitutional Law formulated by our forefathers.

The needed "paradigm shift" will involve complete rejection of ALL emergency "orders"(policies) dictated via executive, legislative, or judicial agency. This will require true revolution with all it's sobering consequences. Thank you for posting.

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I said once to a virologist or whatever he was that same point that maybe viruses are manufactured toxins. He responded that was not possible because toxines do not reproduce, but viruses do.

Then I asked for evidence that there are more viruses or genetic material after the infection and he told me to “fuck off” plus and insult.

They are not used to people asking for evidence. That’s Rockefeller brainwashing.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

And to think that the nerve center for this entire war on the human race is, has been, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Will this ever make it into the history books? I have my doubts.

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Land of the Fee and Home of the Slave... History books? Depends who survives to write them.

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Land of the Sheep and Home of the Slave

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Not as long as Bill Ghate$ has a say.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

It is substacks like these that give average joe's like me a fighting chance at understanding. The complexity of the science behind this is one thing. But the confusion generated by lies, cover-ups, and deception by hell-raisers in government and the media scrambles things so much that average joe's are kept in a darkness that Truth cannot penetrate.

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As per other commenters…I got ‘sick’ in May 2022 after being with my niece’s grandmother and her, when we went to lunch. The grandmother was heavily ‘vaxxed and boosted’ and likely ‘shedding’. I have known this grandmother for over 35 years, and we hugged and kissed when we met to sit down for lunch.

I started feeling a bit off when I was eating my salad. Later that day I felt more ill and the next day I was sick. My ‘sickness’ lasted for three weeks.

Each week was a different kind of ‘sickness’. The first week, headache, serious body aches, fever, loss of taste and smell. The second week involved more symptoms like a ‘cold’, mucus, congestion, coughing. The third week was exhaustion and fatigue, trying to get to regain my strength.

I never felt like I had ‘turned the corner’ and feeling better for at least 2 of the three week illness. My sense of taste finally came back in the third week.

Prior to this ‘event’ I had never in my 70 year old life had been ‘sick’ like I was those three weeks. (Oh, with the exception of a three week case of dengue fever when I was in my early 40’s, that I got in the early 90’s when I was living in Oaxaca, Mexico. The first week of the 2022 ‘sickness’ felt a lot like the dengue fever.)

The last time I had had ‘the flu’ was back in 2007.

Looking back now, whatever the SARS COV2 “virus” is or was I feel it was a ‘bio weaponized thing’.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

This makes a lot of sense. Is there a chance that this poison can stick around for a while in certain people and move from an acute episode into a chronic condition, AKA “long COVID”? I would imagine this would happen in people whose systems don’t detoxify well. I legitimately know unvaxxed people with symptoms of “long COVID” who also showed high levels of “antibodies.” They experienced horrible fatigue, tachycardia, pain, brain fog, POTS, etc. that started after the acute illness. Could this be that these were people whose bodies just couldn’t clear the poison very well or ???

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yes, quite possible.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you so much for writing this article. I get so frustrated when some folks act as though this was all in peoples’ heads. These people are severely ill and not making it up.

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yes, I noted the orchestrated campaign on the "freedom side" to gaslight everyone into - you imagined you were sick. Heck no. I didn't imagine and the symptoms are really unmistakable. First time in my life I lost 20lbs in 1 week because all food smelled weird. And it's not a virus, either.

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Interesting. I just looked up the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. They are shockingly similar to “long COVID.”

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well, imagine that! :)

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Yeah and I wonder if they are using this principle to induce allergic reactions. Notice that the timing of the exposures sets how strong the reaction is...


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Hello Rob (c137) That is a very interesting article. Thank you.

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It’s imaginative but it’s horribly plausible.

I’ve maintained that, personally, I’ve seen insufficient evidence at a population level to require a new explanation for what happened. However that’s merely at the endpoint of death. No pandemic. We agree.

At a granular level, I know a lot of people are convinced they became sick in a new way. It’s certainly possible they were poisoned. The lunatics behind this even spoke of doing exactly this: make people sick as “sentinel” cases, give the public to understand this was “a pandemic illness”, so like I say, it might be right. There are other explanations for why people become convinced they’re been sick in a new way, so I remain not totally convinced this is what happened. Evil literally knows no bounds.

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Well I must say I was ‘sick’ in a way I can never remember being. (See my comment here on this thread.) How it had various ‘stages’ of symptoms, that it went on for three weeks and each ‘stage’ was different. And the first week, the serious body aches and fever I experienced, was reminiscent of when I had a case of dengue fever in the early 90’s in Oaxaca Mexico.

And I became ‘ill’ after hugging and kissing on the cheek and sharing a meal, with a seriously Vaxxed and Boosted 79 year old woman.

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Yes, but to say it’s horribly plausible doesn’t seem scientific at all. Then we add that maybe it’s something else...

And the phrase certainly possible? Why the certainly?

In short, I no longer have confidence, your comments do not reflect any objectivity. I recall some of your other comments that you did not argue against us.

You and Ash are no longer credible to me.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

HHS-FDA Final Rule, published Feb. 21, 2020, effective March 23, 2020, added a regulatory definition for biological product subcategory "protein" under 21 CFR 600 and PHSA 351(i)/42 USC 262(i):

"21 CFR 600.3(h)(6) - A protein is any alpha amino acid polymer with a specific, defined sequence that is greater than 40 amino acids in size. When two or more amino acid chains in an amino acid polymer are associated with each other in a manner that occurs in nature, the size of the amino acid polymer for purposes of this paragraph (h)(6) will be based on the total number of amino acids in those chains, and will not be limited to the number of amino acids in a contiguous sequence."

85 FR 10057 - https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-02-21/pdf/2020-03505.pdf

"A. History of This Rulemaking

The BPCI Act (2009) amended the definition of ‘‘biological product’’ in section 351(i) of the PHS Act to include a ‘‘protein (except any chemically synthesized polypeptide).’’

After publication of the proposed rule, section 605 of the FCA Act (2020) further amended the definition of ‘‘biological product’’ in section 351(i) of the PHS Act to remove the parenthetical ‘‘(except any chemically synthesized polypeptide)’’ from the statutory category of ‘‘protein.’’

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The plot is unraveling in so many peculiar and devious ways.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

You made my day! Passing this on. You are so brilliant and thoughtful.

Your watercolor is rich and has great depth!!

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for your work. Beautiful painting !

I've been reading "Biohazard" by Ken Alibek. I find this interesting since I worked in Aerospace during the tail end of the cold war, and the details of the bioweapons development were unknown to me at the time. The development of super concentrated, aerosol dry anthrax (dispersed to cause pulmonary anthrax) in huge quantities, was a scary thought that potentially this could've be used to infect/kill millions from missiles. Just eerie parallels with what is happening in today's world with constant barrage of infectious agents suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

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Aug 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

I think I read in "The moth and the iron lung" that they used Paris Green pesticide in the late 1800s for a non-native gypsy moth that was brought over (to make silk) but escaped and got into the fruit orchards at the time and devastated them. The pesticide contained arsenic and mercury - so caused neurologic damage to those children who were exposed and which they described as a polio outbreak shortly after the pesticide was introduced. I don't agree 100% with Forest Maready's book as he still leaves it open that polio was caused by the polio virus interacting with the pesticide poison. I don't think you need the virus in the story as the pesticides could cause the same symptoms alone, as has been documented from the previous quack doctors in the 1800s usingf mercury compounds to heal people.

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We see the same thing now with covid. Often authors of papers who are trying to get out information on harms from the covid op will include sort of standard phrasing "the mRNA vaccines have been shown to (insert vague language meant to show that you love the vax all the while you are trying to get out information showing how bad they are)". It could be the same thing with Maready.

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