Haven't completed reading yet, but already feel moved to say thank you for your measured and thoroughly researched response. This 'theory' is the first that instinctively and intellectually seems accurate to me. It also helps me adjust to the reality of what is happening - and HAS BEEN happening for generations - in our world, to this precious earth and all her inhabitants. I'm in my 60's now, and am finally opening my mind and eyes to reality.

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Kavita - I too am in my 60’s.

I agree on all your points here. I feel like I’ve been asleep for a very long time. So very ignorant and naive. I lived in blissful ignorance for a very long time. I do not wish to go back though.

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Nearly 61. Same.

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Hey there Laura and Michelle,

Well, I hear ya. I was as 'liberal progressive' as can be, proud of it, righteous about it, patronizing as hell to anyone who wasn't, and totally unaware of my skewed view until about 2017.

Then my whole life and world view started shifting, thank goodness. Hasn't been easy. My loved ones from earlier in life think I'm a 'conspiracy theorist' and that I've lost my way. I understand why they think so. I remember thinking that about other people who got a clue before I did!

I'm also apolitical now. I'm neither conservative nor liberal. I'm unaffiliated by party. I have verified by countless hours of research that *any politician* from any political party who is at the level of congress or above is a puppet. They are beholden to controllers and corporate interests. Period. Even Trump. No one holding a high-level public office is a truly free agent, in my opinion. No one can prove otherwise, I am sure of it.

It's unpopular to say this, but I don't care anymore what's popular: in my view, the system needs to crumble - not scramble to 'go back to the good old days'. There weren't any good old days!

Corruption and controllers have been the norm for hundreds and hundreds of years - and more. Just because most humans have been clueless as to who really runs the world, doesn't mean the world was kinder and gentler - it just looked that way to the mind-controlled masses (of which I was one, and probably still am in some ways).

I wouldn't go back for anything. I'm freer now than ever before in this life. I know my truth and I live my truth (and there are places where I could do better at this). I respect others' truth as well - including when it diametrically opposes mine. I respect freedom in a way I never understood before. I'm not entirely fearless, but I am no longer a coward.

So, it's good to meet you both, and it's good to be met at this stage of life by other folks who've stepped into a new awareness and new ways of being.

Onward with love!

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This encapsulates your post. Well worth watching


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It's (the video) still up "JFK to 9 11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"

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YT has pulled the vid.

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Bummer! And not a bit surprising! Was amazed it was there in the first place.

Time to look on other platforms, as I didn't finish watching it yet.

Thanks for the update and I'm off to search now ...

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Thank you, Stephen. I'm an hour in so far, and appreciating so much about this piece - production / presentation / content / research, etc. If memory serves, over a decade ago someone suggested I might want to watch this (if it's not that old, I'm thinking of a similar presentation). I wouldn't consider it, at the time. Guess we're ready when we're ready. Thanks again.

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Yes, it may have been too much for me before 2020. My, how we are all waking up! ha ha.

Francis Connolly mentions Kay Briggs in the film. That is also worth watching....all 7 hours of her testimony. I just watch little bits at a time. It's on You tube. She was married to a military man high up in Nato and was an alcoholic. He would tell her things when he was blotto. There are some really really bad ppl out there. Hard to watch but we need to know these things so we can clean house.

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Likewise. It’s a lonely place though as where I am, not many are awake to the reality. 😥

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While I am peaceful with my decisions, the constant inability to wake anyone else up, especially good friends and loved ones, levels a simmering stress upon my daily life.

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Janet: I sincerely sympathize. Try to console yourself in knowing you did what you could to inform your family and friends. At a certain point it's more important to rid yourself of that "simmering stress upon (your) daily life." (Unfortunately, it's most likely those same family and friends aren't giving your well-being the same attention you have given theirs.)

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Feb 18, 2023
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We remember history

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and did not grow up with cellphones, hence we have more of an attention span so as to be able to think things through

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Depends on the person.

One of my kids has serious adhd and is an encyclopedia of info, he’s constantly researching. He figured out the Covid mandates and shots were stupid pretty early on.

My other kid is not disabled, does not research as much and fell for the Covid bs.

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Fader for your argument;

An 06 NIH report on the toxicity of LNPs reveals the industry turned their back on the toxic little magnetic wonders. (when subjected to certain radio waves the little bastards would spin violently and heat up.) But the FDA kept them approved. So the industry learned how to coat them with polymers PEG. this helps to control the spin,.. until things get oxidized.

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Nice post Dan.

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Feb 18, 2023
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Of course, then nincompoops all around us will hastily react and affirm acceptance of that vax that “prevents” Covid.

And there you have it. The low-info among us will be hurried to their demise by 5G radiation. Don’t think they’d make great transhumans, but what do I know!?

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Thank you Sasha. My hope is that all those who are fighting our mutual enemy can focus on doing that and not allow themselves to be divided and conquered to a significant extent. Your balanced responses are merited and well taken. You have thereby provided others with a series of learning opportunities. Let's hope they read, understand, and adapt accordingly. Thanks again.

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Feb 18, 2023
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It is interesting. Great perspectives. Everything is a learning opportunity. Our enemy has taught me much. But I somehow cannot bring myself to to calling this child murdering, child torturing, child mutating, child terrorizing, selfish, planet destroying enemy my teacher and thereby take some kind of subservient role as its student. My hat off to you if that works for me. I like it when you write: "it just doesn't seem to end anywhere!! It's as if someone pulled the plug on disneyland, and dumped us back into the real creation.". I would rephrase it with WORDS changed as follows? "it just doesn't seem to end anywhere!! It's as if someone pulled the plug on disneyland, and DUPED us back into A SURREAL RECREATION.". Is there even any one real creation? Yes, it is much deeper than it appears. We get to create the perspective(S) we wish to an extent but the enemy wants to destroy that too? To me, the only TEACHING our enemy wants is to teach us to be ITS SUBSERVIENT SLAVES AND VICTIMS. And, yes, I am laughing about it, partly, because, it appears that is all I can physically do about it, so far.

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Excellent post, Sasha. I'm also formerly pharma with plenty of exposure to SOWs, and I concur with all your points about how every word (and/or omission) is intentional. Barnes' objection to your & Katherine's research must be all about not wanting to let Pfizer off the hook... but as you say in one of your final paragraphs, DOD and Pfizer BOTH signed a contract that acknowledged the challenge and past failure of testing for safety, so Pfizer should not be able to claim innocence.

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I cross-posted this elegant rebuttal to my readership... here was my introductory comment :

"Sasha acquits herself with flair and excellence from the controversy in the health freedom movement provoked by Barnes. Barnes does much excellent reporting in other areas, but here I think his conflict of interest, which I do not recall him ever disclosing, mars his journalistic integrity."

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What is Barnes conflict of interest? It would seem to all who are seeking to unravel and expose this most heinous crime - would work collaboratively, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

It's apparent to some however, that the confusing labyrinth is infinite as if intended to keep this thing going until they have accomplished their multiplexed, maniacal mission.

Only the Truth can stop this ~ and it shall, while in the process it will unify us. I pray we don't get hung up on transient (deceptive) laws and legal jargon. There is one common enemy to Humankind and it is our Divine right to build the guillotine for all who remain knowingly complicit while considering a pardon for the truly ignorant.

So what, I am curious, is the conflict of interest in atty. Barnes case?

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I am not aware of any Barnes' conflict of interest. Perhaps, given the fact that he has not worked in pharma, he does not know exactly what is going on there--that the fraud has been going on for years, with the government's approval.

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His conflict of interest is that he works for both Brook and Trump, but Trump pays better. His response to Sasha's work is not about truth or the Qui Tam suit, it is about the Republican Primary. In fact,, I doubt Brook pays him anything, probably some sort of contingency arrangment based on recovery if any in the future.

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Thank you for that info. Helps to put things into perspective.

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That is interesting. I do not believe that Barnes' view is influenced by money, but it is possible that it is influenced by politics.

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Excellent riposte! From another angle, also important to focus in on CDC's egregious violations of the Federal Register before CDC stealthily and unilaterally modified how "covid death" is to be recorded. On March 24, 2020, CDC unilaterally modified how covid death was to be reported, known as "Covid Alert No. 2 (See National Vital Statistics) The modification violates, among other regulatory statutes, the "Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) and the Information Quality Act (IQA) and completely circumvented the require approval by Office of Management and Budget. This is tip the criminal iceberg for CDCs involvement. I hope someone is on this!!

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Why does everyone keep giving Trump a pass for all the harms he has done, as if he were a child that just isn’t smart enough to catch on? It’s been THREE YEARS! People boo him when he talks about it at rallies. He’s still acting like these “vaccines” are saving lives. He’s not an idiot. He’s a paid-off con man who was put in as president to quell any thoughts of rebellion by republicans, while he sank the economy and did pharma’s bidding. If we don’t wake up before the next election and he is elected, we will be lining up, accepting our digital IDs and our CBDCs, while wearing our MAGA hats.

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[Copied partially from another answer] Regarding Trumps support of "the jab": Alabama rally Trump encouraging vaccinations https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk

Rally w/ Bill O'Reilly, both admitting to getting booster, encourages shots, gets booed and tries to downplay it: https://youtu.be/7hNqoQ8T4d0

There was also a Candice Owens interview with Trump where he (again) takes full credit for Operation Warp Speed and says how wonderful the vaccines are. Cant find the link though, but this one has a short clip: https://youtu.be/2GC86EhnpiQ


"...the prototype was not the vaccine, but the method used to create it...." So don't all products have a method/process used to create such a product? Has the process or the product [of the process] been released to the public so it can be scrutinized? Particularly the ingredients list.

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The two party illusion is what makes all the horrific government crimes possible. We all just blame the other half while giving “our side” the benefit of the doubt. Meanwhile the country goes up in flames.

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Because of they way the Media, the DC Swamp, the intel communities, the RINO’s , and many more went after him and his supporters. It became personal to many. To criticize Trump was like someone calling someone’s mama a whore. Russia Russia Russia.

Trump is most likely a part of the elite cabal. His daughter is a WEF young global leader. Her children are fluent in Mandarin Chinese. Her husband and father in law has ties to George Soros, as does Trump. Funny how Trumps ties to Soros was kept at bay by the alternative media.

Trump did nothing with the stop the steal money. He’s letting The Pillow Guy finance all that.

Trump let Fauci mock him and MAGA supporters on TV daily while letting him run the Covid show at the WH.

Trump called his supporters to the White House for a Wild protest, told them he would walk with them to the Capitol for a peaceful protect to give senators some encouragement. Total set up!

I could on and on....

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I'm assuming you're not referring to the author when you say "everyone", right? She clearly does not give Trump "a pass".

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I may need to read it again but yes, I believe the author gives him a pass. This is what prompted my comment. I can name several other substacks that I follow who also refer to Trump as someone who was simply fooled into signing Operation Warp Speed and all the other horrible things he did. He paid lip service to freedom, early treatments, not wearing masks etc, but when it came down to it, his policies were basically a soft set up for Biden to seamlessly take the reigns and ratchet the tyranny up. I’m looking back at it and thinking, wow, we were all such fools.

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"While cGMPs require testing, testing alone is not adequate to ensure quality."

This goes for all areas of manufacturing/engineering. In software engineering, this very statement is embedded in various quality frameworks. You can find it in the SWEBOK and any textbook.

Haven't looked at the contracts, but sloppy use of "Good Manufacturing Processes" or "Good Manufacturing Procedures" in a deal of this magnitude is not accidental. Same with "FDA guidance". It's too much of a coincidence if they use the correct term in a relatively incidental part of the document, muffing it up elsewhere.

In a normal corporate setting that level of imprecision wouldn't get past multiple rounds of review by business, in-house legal, and external counsel. A decent drafter would introduce the terms in the definitions section, citing the relevant regulation. It should also state explicitly if Pfizer is required to adhere only to the current cGMPs, or if it is bound to modify its processes as the cGMPs evolve over time.

The whole point of a contract is to document the parties' understanding of the deal.

I'd agree that it looks deliberate. It would be interesting to hear from a lawyer in this space who works on large scale deals of this sort. Both sides of the deal are large entities with significant resources, legal expertise, and knowledge of the subject matter. I have a hard time believing that not a single person on either side failed to notice that.

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Normally, the only parties that could challenge would be the actual parties, and the court would be very strict about not leaving the 4 corners of the agreement, however, the Qui Tam suit is an old fashioned, now codified, remedy that allows private individuals to sue on behalf of the govt if it is defrauded. They are very hard to win under the best circumstances, and almost impossible to win if the govt opposes the Qui Tam suit as it does here in Brook's case. That the case has not already been dismissed tells me that the judge was very unhappy with Pfizers' response that it wasn't required to do a good job, essentially. This is actually promising, because I guarantee the judge entered the case assuming a quick and easy dismissal, but now wants to know for if what Pfizer said is true. That Barnes isn't seizing this, but instead attacking it, tells me Barnes now wants the case to die. Hits too close to his biggest client's home. As he himself hints at in his statement. The great thing about the Common Law is that just because a law or a contract says something, if you get the right judge and the right jury and the right issue, it doesn't matter, all that will matter is the next judge above them, but again, the right trial judge will survive appeals.

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I sure hope Robert Barnes reads this.

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Haven't read his article that everyone's talking about. But you could send him a link :)

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For some reason I can't find the original article that mentioned all this. And I checked just now to see if RB has his own substack but no he doesn't. So I've no idea how to send him the link, or I surely would.

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Ready for this little Diddy from my own experience? Right after they called the pandemic I slowly got more sick but I KNEW EXACTLY where it was coming from. As I used any of my wifi devices I would feel ill and slowly had to push them further away to even talk on the phone. I was stupid and let it accumulate and ended up down for quite a while. I then found the info that they had poured in the 5g installations during lockdowns. Then I bought a meter. It has been consistently been going up for over two years and is especially high on the weekends. Of course it is. Here's another Diddy. Because I was sensitive to these poisonous emf's I could literally feel the resonance coming off of those recently vaccinated, people I cared about and directly part of my life. It WAS the exact same resonance of what made me ill. I tried to ignore it but couldn't after it was too clear. It dissipated after some time in these people but I will never forget that experience. What was emitting? Maybe a combination of both emf and something more but I do not know. These madmen and horrors hate our immune systems because they are so powerful but we clearly need to take this infrastructure and all of wifi out of our lives until we get a hold of this technology for our good and not their destruction.

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Love your conscientious work!

It's simply not realistic to argue with someone who has such attention to detail, unfailing reading comprehension, and dogged devotion to purpose. It's all there in the documents. Elegant work uncovering it.

[As a translator, I'm full of admiration at your ability to do such a deep dive into this material with such perspicacity -- in your second language.]

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Printing money is never good. It all winds up going to the wealthy elite types. Govrment printing of money makes us poorer. The government/DOD does not work for the people. People need to wake up and see we are all getting screwed.

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No printing occurs. They "create" money by typing numbers into your account and charge you interest to pay them back.


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Feb 18, 2023
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Yes, anyone who does not understand the Federal Reserve and how the central bankers took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, please watch these documentaries:

Bill Still's The Money Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg&t=668s


Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars

Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism (this also gets into the illegality of the income tax and the IRS)

Money as Debt

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHs55X0K9dU&t=45s

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt, or G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island.

International bankers have taken over the world by getting the power to print national currencies (printed/created out of thin air) and loan them to governments at interest (governments are in debt to private bankers for money printed/created out of thin air, money they could have issued on their own without going into debt--Lincoln broke free of the bankers by issuing his own debt-free currency known as "greenbacks" and then he got his head blown off). Central bankers are rulers of the world and they control nations behind the scenes by controlling national currencies.

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Attorneys are members of the BAR. They are not free to speak their own views and opinions though they do not all know this. They are Foreign Agents in this country and under DOD service contract to practice in the Military District Courts passing off as our courts ordained by the Constitution. They are bound by oath to defend and protect the interest of the United States government running a military occupation all over the world via the Lieber Code which morphed into Geneva and Hagues conventions. They are under international law obligated to guarantee peace to the civilian population of all the sovereign countries under occupation, but it is far more profitable for them to misidentify our political status as Resident Aliens in our states of the Union and statutory persons. The dismantling and disintegration of the sovereign governments all over the world would not have been possible without the complicity of the legal profession. This will strike everyone as a surprise but the BAR is still registered in England as an Act and Theater Company. They are all British agents folks. You cannot trust them. Why bother to address anything a liar says.

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You are so intelligent and wise. I think you would make a great president.

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I thoroughly agree, and yet ... I wouldn't wish such a role on Sasha or anyone else.

It's a system that no longer works and is finally crumbling.

How about a totally creative and different approach to 'leadership' - ?

Would love to have *that* conversation with Sasha and others here!

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


Aware Parenting website:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:




Why males are more violent:




Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt



Direct link to PDF file:



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Feb 18, 2023
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I have indeed posted these links repeatedly and will continue to do so likely until the day I die, in the hope of reaching different people with each posting.

My 3 children ... from 2 fathers... are now 35, 33, and 25 years of age... 2 girls and a boy... and I am currently very much involved in my first ... and only... 4 yo grandchild's life, looking after him for 1 to 2 days each week.

And no, I would not say it's "all" on the parents, but on a number of factors combined, including... but in no way limited to genital mutilation at birth ... or later in childhood.

School yards, as we know them today, are definitely part of the problem, in part because of age segregation and premature "peer orientation".

Here is an excellent talk on this issue by Gordon Neufeld:


It is NOT a given that male children learn to be afraid of other males when they enter school. I think it is far more likely that boys afraid of other boys at school, have already been living with that fear "at home" well before entering the forced schooling system.

I stand by every word of my original comment and there are many more links I could add, but choose only to post those that have made a significant enough impact on my own exploration of these issues.

Take what you want/like and leave the rest...

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You wrote:

What kind of society does not place children at the center?

A patriarchal masculinist society, dear. Remember? "God said Abraham, kill me a son. "


This does not contradict the statement made by Mac in his video presentation. Regardless of the details or origins of violence .... religious or otherwise... it's still an INSANE society that would NOT place the welfare of children at the centre of its institutions of power.

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You don't know anything about me... or my pay grade.

I will no longer engage with you.

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Great question, Blue Electric Storm! I appreciate you pointing that out.

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Children who are raised to obey "authority"... parental or otherwise... without question, will in the majority come to know themselves as "obedient followers" of "authority". They have been well "programmed" since birth. Thinking of "sleep training" and feeding "schedules" among other things ... well established as societal standards of "normalcy" in our "modern" way of life.

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One cannot set wealth above everything and truely love too. Not even one's own children.

It seems to be a law of nature. Implanted so as to make sure that a society which values wealth unwisely will ultimately wreck itself.

That is what we are witnessing right now.

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Maybe you're not a follower of Christ, but the Bible says to obey our parents, and to obey authority. But if "they" do not follow good, I believe it's ok to not obey. That's been the growing problem. Not many are following what is true, and honest, and just.

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"Not many are following what is true, and honest, and just."

Exactly. And how do we learn to discern what is "true, and honest, and just" when we are trained to obey without question?

Those who would insist on such blind obedience, are in fact... as per the Alice Miller quote I previously posted... "insecure children inside".

It's been going on for too long. As David Bohm said back in 1981...

"Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem."

Jesus CHALLENGED the status quo of his time... including the OLD Testament!!

According to him the most important "commandment" is "to love..."... NOT "to obey..." and NOT "to fear..."

Mark 12:30-31 says, "And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these."


Too many children are growing up in fear of their parents. And THAT is the root of ALL "evil" as far as I am concerned.

Having said that, this is NOT about "blaming" parents, but rather about recognizing the NEEDS of children, so that they may thrive in love, instead of survive in fear.

Once again I quote Alice Miller:

“We cannot undo the harm done to children, neither by blaming nor by defending the parents, but perhaps we can help to prevent future damage if we do not have to deny the truth out of our need to defend ourselves or our parents. The truth is that the neuroses of today were not brought about by drive deprivation or drive conflicts but by severe narcissistic traumatizations (such as humiliation, hurt feelings, sexual abuse, and also by making light of childhood suffering), coupled with the necessity to repress them.

The less the public knows of the significance, the pathogenic effect, and the impact on society of these traumatizations, the more frequently they occur.

Only knowledge and not merely more spare time can help mothers [parents] to broaden their understanding of their child and to give him or her as much sympathetic support as possible.”

"Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child" by Alice Miller, Lloyd deMause, Hildegarde Hannum, Hunter Hannum

Start reading:



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Excellent reply. Thanks. Love IS what's most important.

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This may be of interest...

“As far as our flesh-and-blood fathers are concerned, the more they make a show of being mighty and authoritarian, the more certain they are to be insecure children inside. But to revere a God with these characteristics out of fear would be in keeping once again with the dictates of “poisonous pedagogy.”

If there really should be a loving God, he would not burden us with prohibitions. He would love us as we are, would not demand obedience from us, not feel threatened by criticism, not threaten us with hell, not fill us with fear, not put our loyalty to the test, not mistrust us, would let us experience and express our feelings and needs—confident that this is what we need if we are to learn the meaning of a strong and genuine love, a love that is the opposite of fulfllling one’s duty and being obedient and that grows only out of the experience of being loved.

A child cannot be raised to be loving—neither by being beaten nor by well-meaning words; no reprimands, sermons, explanations, good examples, threats, or prohibitions can make a child capable of love. A child who is preached to learns only to preach and a child who is beaten learns to beat others.

A person can be raised to be a good citizen, a brave soldier, a devout Jew, Catholic, Protestant, or atheist, even to be a devout psychoanalyst, but not to be a vital and free human being. And only vitality and freedom, not the compulsions of child-rearing, open the wellsprings of a genuine capacity to love.

Much of what Jesus said in the course of His life and, even more, His deeds show that He did not have just this one father (God), who insisted on the observance of His commandments, on sacrifice, and was demanding, distant, invisible, and infallible, a father whose “will [must] be done.”

From His early days Jesus also knew another father—Joseph, who never called attention to himself, who protected and loved Mary and the child, encouraged the child, assigned him central importance, and served him. It must have been this modest man who made it possible for the child to distinguish what was true and to experience the meaning of love. This is why Jesus was able to see through the hypocrisy of his contemporaries. A child raised in accordance with traditional principles, who knows nothing else from the start, is not able to detect hypocrisy because he lacks a basis for comparison. Someone who knows only such an atmosphere from childhood will perceive it as normal in all situations, perhaps suffering because of it but unable to recognize it for what it is. If he has not experienced love as a child, he will long for it but will not know what love can be. Jesus did know.

There would without any doubt be more people capable of love if the Church, instead of urging its members to obey authority and expecting allegiance to Christ on these grounds, would understand the crucial significance of Joseph’s attitude. He served his child because he regarded Him as the child of God. What would it be like if all of us regarded our children as children of God—which we could do, after all?”

— Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child by Alice Miller



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Do not agree with your statement "Much of what Jesus said in the course of His life and, even more, His deeds show that He did not have just this one father (God), who insisted on the observance of His commandments, on sacrifice, and was demanding, distant, invisible, and infallible, a father whose “will [must] be done.”

God is a loving God. That's why He gave us Jesus, because Jesus shows us what true love is. HE is not demanding, he gave us free will. He is not distant, as I have felt the Holy Spirit inside, and He has helped through a lot of things. He is invisible to us now, that's why He gave us Jesus. His "will", I believe, is that GOOD will over overcome EVIL one day.

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I strongly disagree with the quote posted by S. Nicoletta Rogers. It's very difficult to imagine the author successfully raised a child OR had a proper Catholic or Jewish upbringing.

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Marjory Morningstar: Agreed 100%!

I was thinking "I wish Sasha would run for President" just before I read your comment!

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Sadly the US president must be born in the US, so we'll never get a good one

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Out with the old and in with the new.

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Feb 18, 2023
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[Just to clarify for 'Blue Electric Storm': Eric Clapton is not / was not a member of the band The Who.]

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Trump is clearly a villain here. Ego got the best of him. It is time for his followers to move on and find another Nationalist for 2024.

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Outstanding work on everything you write, when I read your articles I’m just perplexed at people still going along with this nonsense

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