WWIII has started and it is a war of governments agains their own populations. I saw a video if NY Gov Hochul telling everyone to get the new covid shot and her left eye is paralyzed. I recently bought an old book by the father of vaccines, Jonas Salk, called Survival of the Wisest. It’s from 1973. He is very worried about overpopulation in this book. Then you hear Jaques Attali in an early 1980’s interview openly talking about how they will kill people with injections. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qAlkG59eOfN3
Do not comply. If you are aggressed against, defend yourself.
Interestingly, I get a "video not available in your region" except with a US VPN address. On another note, Amazon does some subtle censorship. When I search "can you catch a cold" in the app, Daniel Roytas' book doesn't appear in the results but it (still?) does if I search on the author's name.
"Then you hear Jaques Attali in an early 1980’s interview openly talking about how they will kill people with injections."
In his book "Verbatim" he basicaly described covid. After eight monts of fear mongering people begged for the vaxxine "..., and the stupid will go to their graves alone."
I think people are waking up. These psychos talk about their plans in the open but no one takes them seriously until they do. Then people are interested in reading them. The two crappy club of rome books are sky high too.
Quoted from the article: "While the chemical brew and various nano-junk does get into the cells and possibly nucleus, nothing is “edited”. It simply breaks cellular machinery, and makes the host body attack itself. The extend of this damage is random and determined by factors of exposure and individual vulnerabilities." [End quote]
Yes. That very fact is the crux of all 'gain of function' nonsense. It is virtually impossible to accurately or consistently "edit" gene function in an aggregate group of individual genes. Individual auto-immune functions are far too complex to provide consistent or predictable results. Thus "gain of function" is a fantasy. A Fraud. The operative agencies knew damn well (years ahead of time) that alleged mRNA technologies are lethal.
Persons employed in the cover up of this *intentional* genocide need to be indicted for multiple crimes against humanity and hung from a gallows.
My belief is nearly all modern illnesses are *direct* results of dietary choice, environmental conditions, and the use of poisons as vaccines. If doctors were worth any more than lip service, they'd *refuse* to treat any person employed by the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, The Food and Drug Administration(s), or the environmental Protection Agency(s).
Our phood has been sprayed and poisoned with chemical toxins for decades, and the majority of doctors (apparently) have little or no knowledge concerning proper diet and nutrition. They prescribe poisons as medications, gleefully inject babies with products they have no clue about, and refuse to comprehend why everyone is so sick. They are liars and incompetent frauds.
My wife works at a day care and she hears these stories all the time. Needless to say, all those women don't know why they are losing babies. Their doctors assured them repeatedly, that the vaccines are safe and effective. Women of child bearing age cannot afford to be stupid, but they are dumb as doorknobs, unfortunately. Most people are in coma and beyond redemption. The humankind is doomed, unless Sasha finds an antidote against stupidity.
The Brainwashed didn't pass the evil global IQ Test perpetrated upon Humanity globally. #DepopulateTheDepopulators #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree
Even more upsetting is they both chose to abort because the babies were so messed up they couldn’t imagine bringing them into the world. I should note- one got a single shot in 2021 but didn’t get pregnant until the end of 2023-
So whatever the effects- looks like they’re long lasting. The other one got a shot during her first trimester.
until recently pregnant women, or those wanting to get pregnant, were told not to take any meds. Nothing at all. That is also what we learned in school 50 years ago, and reading Dr Mendelssohn now, he says the same. I don't know when it became normal to experiment on pregnant women, but that is an absolute NO-NO. Everything she eats and consumes otherwise, gets straight into that babies body. Every doctor who does not know this, is unworthy of being a doctor.
The Dr June Raine CEO of MHRA boasted that their Yellow Card Vaccine Monitor included 2000 pregnant women and yhis gave them a denominator. Through FOI I asked for this pregnancy data and was eventually sent an Interim Report presented to the PEAG in July 2021. The results shown were bad and I involved Prof Norman Fenton in anlaysing the data which they would not produce in full using Section 22 - they intended to publish. It is now three years later and the MHRA was set up due to thalidomide to protect the pregnant. I asked for an internal review, challenging the response with the ICO and now I am taking the ICO and MHRA to appeal. This will be heard in Sept/Oct so soon.
These are the reports that Prof Fenton produced on his substack:
Maybe the MHRA intend to publish that data in 75 years or so, so why push them Cheryl? After all, as true professionals they must proceed carefully so as not to compromise The Science.
From the UK, many thanks to you and Prof Fenton. The ICO decision was disgraceful, but there is a bright light: all these obstructive officials are no doubt vaxxed up, with their families, and will suffer in the end.
Thank you Sasha! The "cult brain" of the Covidly insane induces them to sacrifice not only themselves but their unborn children. There is nothing more horrifying to observe in the entire Covid catastrophe than that level of brainwashing.
any information on what kills off the gut flora? My Bifido was zeroed out, as Sabine Hazan showed me, and the other categories severely depleted. Another serious complication for many victims is the partial collapse of the iliac veins, which narrow and can't feed the inferior vena cava with enough blood, causing shortness of breath and neurological side-effects, etc.
I suppose all the medication, specially antibiotics, kill the gut microbes. Some docs tell you to eat lots of yoghourt but not together with the antibiotics, to rebuild the microbiom. I read that animals eat poo from healthy animals to rebuild it, but I wouldn't do that LOL. Although recently Epoch times reported that in desperate cases, they now have capsules with... poo.
The Condemnation of ALL the trials described in this update (and of the FDA & CDC who endorsed the fraud) never gets old. Thank you for refreshing the memory of these infuriating events. People must never forget that they were deliberately lied to and coerced into taking poison.
The lavender fissures in that landscape give it an eerie, alien look, like Australia...
I always advised pregnant women and all healthy young people against any of these "vaccine products", back before I got fired for "vaccine refusal".
The OB/GYNs were mad at me, having thrown their traditional caution-in-pregnancy to the 4 winds in the worst case of groupthink-under-authority which I have ever seen in my own life.
So tragic , all of it . Lots of miscarriages, stillbirths, abruptions . Glad I got fired , in a way , don’t have to live it anymore. The hospital administrator noticed the trend and called the head nurse in and she agreed regarding the death and destruction. So they called in the MFM lead for the hospital system and he said “benefits outweigh the risk and nothing to see here “ … he ripped up the nursing stats . What a disgusting evil person. Thanks for posting Sasha .
I sent this on to some in the Canadian govt. I await the knock at the door by the RCMP to arrest me under the terrorism act or something because ive been hitting them hard again after the govt arsoned us this year to claim the climate changed. They are going gangbusters on Bill C 293 now with the pandemic treaty which will allow them to do almost ANYTHING they want to us at any time. Slaughter on suscpicion basically. LOL Canada is is deep deep trouble right now. Ive emailed them since 2019 with facts and allsorts but never got a reply. Till yesterday when i was told "Not interested. Not convinced. You are now being offensive.
More productive ways to use my time. Thanks for the offer. Good luck with the crusade".
I had offered him the VAERS data id saved that the CDC deleted, and also highlighted page 30 of the post marketing on the jab from Pfizer
i admit i was a bit sarcastic cos after all theyve done to us out here in BC and the arson the military or someones military did on us that i lived thru 26 days no food surrounded by 600 foot high flames defending my homestead and 5 years of emailing and nothing but "safe and effective get yer jabs" im nothing left by RAGE and satyr.
I lovingly advise you to find a way to convert the anger to passion. You can, but only with the help of God. What you’ve been through is the literal meaning of terrible. And you still have a God-given purpose.
I'm like Sasha ( who's a LOT nicer than me ) but has the same wry sense of humour and seething anger at the crimes. I came out of the womb angry nearly 59 years ago. I am the epitome of the black sheep rebelious one who CANNOT be controlled. Im still here, and own what i own outright with 0 debts. 0 money 0 income and this is my patch. I'm surrounded by good people ( even if they are clueless as to whats going on and think im a nut job ). I will still be here as they all drop off around me. I know what i know, and ive always been intelligent, curious, and very honest. No one on earth can make me say black is white to fit in. Sasha is one of my biggest heros these days. I genuinely love her and her art and she gives me hope there is still intelligent life in the universe with a heart and soul and sense of justice. I had a wonderful upbringing on a farm and was given every opportunity possible with 0 money to be all i could be. I draw today on everything my much much older adopted parents raised me to know. History for one thing!!
we are repeating it here big time.
thanks for the kind words.
I'll be the one in my woodworking shop building the trebouchet to launch missiles over the castle walls in Ottawa.
My demented, deluded, and deranged housemate got three murdernas. Sic.
I asked if he'd been given or seen any warning labels , as law requires. He shrugged no. He told me that last one he got was for a piece of paper.saying he'd got it....sic.
San Francisco killed its own people with the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda. Good work
One Ross Brown suicided after the lockdowns.
My housemate has just totally lost what he had left of his mind, which he long ago abandoned for lack of meaningful use.
He always quotes the doctors, who failed basic math and left his legs of different lengths after multiple bike accidents.
But he can get to the doctor for more shots, even if he can barely walk.
You are saving lives Sasha, through us, who are active daily, disseminating the information only you have had the diligence to discover and report. I can tell you that we have experience with former "vax fans", who have become converts, after hearing us, and previously mocking us. After losing some family and friends to the grave, unexpectedly, and having some of their family lose an unborn child, or perhaps give birth to a seriously handicapped infant, or suffering a stroke or aneurysm, they come to us, and ask timidly and sincerely if we really think it was the "vaccine" that caused all this grief for them. Of course, there simply is no other explanation but that the government lied to them, poisoned them, and is actively seeking their demise. Many have sobered up, but still much remains to be done, so many are still deluded. Thank you Sasha, you are a gift from God...I know of no one else having done what you have accomplished. God bless you for sharing your (rather extraordinary) brain with us.
WWIII has started and it is a war of governments agains their own populations. I saw a video if NY Gov Hochul telling everyone to get the new covid shot and her left eye is paralyzed. I recently bought an old book by the father of vaccines, Jonas Salk, called Survival of the Wisest. It’s from 1973. He is very worried about overpopulation in this book. Then you hear Jaques Attali in an early 1980’s interview openly talking about how they will kill people with injections. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qAlkG59eOfN3
Do not comply. If you are aggressed against, defend yourself.
"Win by not dying."
Thanks for the Atali link. People like this are trying to tamper with God's Creation.
A person only has to think it through for 20 seconds to see their plans are delusional.
Interestingly, I get a "video not available in your region" except with a US VPN address. On another note, Amazon does some subtle censorship. When I search "can you catch a cold" in the app, Daniel Roytas' book doesn't appear in the results but it (still?) does if I search on the author's name.
"Then you hear Jaques Attali in an early 1980’s interview openly talking about how they will kill people with injections."
In his book "Verbatim" he basicaly described covid. After eight monts of fear mongering people begged for the vaxxine "..., and the stupid will go to their graves alone."
I watch for hardcover copies of that book on Abebooks. They’re hardly scarce, plenty of copies, but they’re all priced over $200. What gives?
I think people are waking up. These psychos talk about their plans in the open but no one takes them seriously until they do. Then people are interested in reading them. The two crappy club of rome books are sky high too.
Quoted from the article: "While the chemical brew and various nano-junk does get into the cells and possibly nucleus, nothing is “edited”. It simply breaks cellular machinery, and makes the host body attack itself. The extend of this damage is random and determined by factors of exposure and individual vulnerabilities." [End quote]
Yes. That very fact is the crux of all 'gain of function' nonsense. It is virtually impossible to accurately or consistently "edit" gene function in an aggregate group of individual genes. Individual auto-immune functions are far too complex to provide consistent or predictable results. Thus "gain of function" is a fantasy. A Fraud. The operative agencies knew damn well (years ahead of time) that alleged mRNA technologies are lethal.
Persons employed in the cover up of this *intentional* genocide need to be indicted for multiple crimes against humanity and hung from a gallows.
Doctors only treat symptoms today. Root cause treatment is unobtanium for them.
My belief is nearly all modern illnesses are *direct* results of dietary choice, environmental conditions, and the use of poisons as vaccines. If doctors were worth any more than lip service, they'd *refuse* to treat any person employed by the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, The Food and Drug Administration(s), or the environmental Protection Agency(s).
Our phood has been sprayed and poisoned with chemical toxins for decades, and the majority of doctors (apparently) have little or no knowledge concerning proper diet and nutrition. They prescribe poisons as medications, gleefully inject babies with products they have no clue about, and refuse to comprehend why everyone is so sick. They are liars and incompetent frauds.
I have two friends who’ve lost babies at around 5-6 month mark due to fetal abnormalities in the past two years. Heartbreaking
My wife works at a day care and she hears these stories all the time. Needless to say, all those women don't know why they are losing babies. Their doctors assured them repeatedly, that the vaccines are safe and effective. Women of child bearing age cannot afford to be stupid, but they are dumb as doorknobs, unfortunately. Most people are in coma and beyond redemption. The humankind is doomed, unless Sasha finds an antidote against stupidity.
that is what we need. But will she find the magic potion in time to save humanity?
The Brainwashed didn't pass the evil global IQ Test perpetrated upon Humanity globally. #DepopulateTheDepopulators #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree
so sad!
Even more upsetting is they both chose to abort because the babies were so messed up they couldn’t imagine bringing them into the world. I should note- one got a single shot in 2021 but didn’t get pregnant until the end of 2023-
So whatever the effects- looks like they’re long lasting. The other one got a shot during her first trimester.
until recently pregnant women, or those wanting to get pregnant, were told not to take any meds. Nothing at all. That is also what we learned in school 50 years ago, and reading Dr Mendelssohn now, he says the same. I don't know when it became normal to experiment on pregnant women, but that is an absolute NO-NO. Everything she eats and consumes otherwise, gets straight into that babies body. Every doctor who does not know this, is unworthy of being a doctor.
Really enjoying Sasha's work lately, there's a bare-knuckle, bruising quality to it. Can't dodge these blows.
Amazing, frightening post. We are amongst monsters. And the evil runs deep.
And we’re letting them run amok
The Dr June Raine CEO of MHRA boasted that their Yellow Card Vaccine Monitor included 2000 pregnant women and yhis gave them a denominator. Through FOI I asked for this pregnancy data and was eventually sent an Interim Report presented to the PEAG in July 2021. The results shown were bad and I involved Prof Norman Fenton in anlaysing the data which they would not produce in full using Section 22 - they intended to publish. It is now three years later and the MHRA was set up due to thalidomide to protect the pregnant. I asked for an internal review, challenging the response with the ICO and now I am taking the ICO and MHRA to appeal. This will be heard in Sept/Oct so soon.
These are the reports that Prof Fenton produced on his substack:
1. https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/why-is-the-mhra-hiding-critical-safety?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1229032&post_id=135567916&isFreemail=true&triedRedirect=true
2. https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/mhra-still-wont-release-critical?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1229032&post_id=143413852&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=xq5ee&triedRedirect=true
The pregnant have not been protected. I'll let you know how the appeal goes. Cheryl
Maybe the MHRA intend to publish that data in 75 years or so, so why push them Cheryl? After all, as true professionals they must proceed carefully so as not to compromise The Science.
From the UK, many thanks to you and Prof Fenton. The ICO decision was disgraceful, but there is a bright light: all these obstructive officials are no doubt vaxxed up, with their families, and will suffer in the end.
Thank you Sasha! The "cult brain" of the Covidly insane induces them to sacrifice not only themselves but their unborn children. There is nothing more horrifying to observe in the entire Covid catastrophe than that level of brainwashing.
I call them Branch Covidians. Many of them still wear the light blue face diaper.
any information on what kills off the gut flora? My Bifido was zeroed out, as Sabine Hazan showed me, and the other categories severely depleted. Another serious complication for many victims is the partial collapse of the iliac veins, which narrow and can't feed the inferior vena cava with enough blood, causing shortness of breath and neurological side-effects, etc.
anaphylaxis - intestinal vasodilation - leaky gut - killed off biff, that's my current hypothesis
I suppose all the medication, specially antibiotics, kill the gut microbes. Some docs tell you to eat lots of yoghourt but not together with the antibiotics, to rebuild the microbiom. I read that animals eat poo from healthy animals to rebuild it, but I wouldn't do that LOL. Although recently Epoch times reported that in desperate cases, they now have capsules with... poo.
My dogs love to eat coyote poo that they find in the forest. I know, gross…
you can always do fecal transplants.....although when I spoke to Sabine she initially mentioned the possibility and then the issue was dropped.
Not only desperate cases! Autism cases have also been successfully treated with fecal transplants.
This may be helpful to some for gut health. https://healingkitchen.thesacredscience.com/ebook5/?a_aid=gl&a_bid=9bc13db1
The Condemnation of ALL the trials described in this update (and of the FDA & CDC who endorsed the fraud) never gets old. Thank you for refreshing the memory of these infuriating events. People must never forget that they were deliberately lied to and coerced into taking poison.
The lavender fissures in that landscape give it an eerie, alien look, like Australia...
I always advised pregnant women and all healthy young people against any of these "vaccine products", back before I got fired for "vaccine refusal".
The OB/GYNs were mad at me, having thrown their traditional caution-in-pregnancy to the 4 winds in the worst case of groupthink-under-authority which I have ever seen in my own life.
the landscape is CA in spring.
Maybe I didn't visit that part.
These are SICK BASTARDS who are pushing upon society, drugs that are "DESIGNED" to maim & kill......
Especially when they are damaging and killing new mothers and their babies.
And I really like the new title you've given to these injections. "POISON-19 shots"
I'm going to use that from now on.
Need to get some tee shirts printed👍
So tragic , all of it . Lots of miscarriages, stillbirths, abruptions . Glad I got fired , in a way , don’t have to live it anymore. The hospital administrator noticed the trend and called the head nurse in and she agreed regarding the death and destruction. So they called in the MFM lead for the hospital system and he said “benefits outweigh the risk and nothing to see here “ … he ripped up the nursing stats . What a disgusting evil person. Thanks for posting Sasha .
Keep up the good work. The like gremlins be gone! lol
I sent this on to some in the Canadian govt. I await the knock at the door by the RCMP to arrest me under the terrorism act or something because ive been hitting them hard again after the govt arsoned us this year to claim the climate changed. They are going gangbusters on Bill C 293 now with the pandemic treaty which will allow them to do almost ANYTHING they want to us at any time. Slaughter on suscpicion basically. LOL Canada is is deep deep trouble right now. Ive emailed them since 2019 with facts and allsorts but never got a reply. Till yesterday when i was told "Not interested. Not convinced. You are now being offensive.
More productive ways to use my time. Thanks for the offer. Good luck with the crusade".
I had offered him the VAERS data id saved that the CDC deleted, and also highlighted page 30 of the post marketing on the jab from Pfizer
i admit i was a bit sarcastic cos after all theyve done to us out here in BC and the arson the military or someones military did on us that i lived thru 26 days no food surrounded by 600 foot high flames defending my homestead and 5 years of emailing and nothing but "safe and effective get yer jabs" im nothing left by RAGE and satyr.
I lovingly advise you to find a way to convert the anger to passion. You can, but only with the help of God. What you’ve been through is the literal meaning of terrible. And you still have a God-given purpose.
lol thanks.
I'm like Sasha ( who's a LOT nicer than me ) but has the same wry sense of humour and seething anger at the crimes. I came out of the womb angry nearly 59 years ago. I am the epitome of the black sheep rebelious one who CANNOT be controlled. Im still here, and own what i own outright with 0 debts. 0 money 0 income and this is my patch. I'm surrounded by good people ( even if they are clueless as to whats going on and think im a nut job ). I will still be here as they all drop off around me. I know what i know, and ive always been intelligent, curious, and very honest. No one on earth can make me say black is white to fit in. Sasha is one of my biggest heros these days. I genuinely love her and her art and she gives me hope there is still intelligent life in the universe with a heart and soul and sense of justice. I had a wonderful upbringing on a farm and was given every opportunity possible with 0 money to be all i could be. I draw today on everything my much much older adopted parents raised me to know. History for one thing!!
we are repeating it here big time.
thanks for the kind words.
I'll be the one in my woodworking shop building the trebouchet to launch missiles over the castle walls in Ottawa.
My demented, deluded, and deranged housemate got three murdernas. Sic.
I asked if he'd been given or seen any warning labels , as law requires. He shrugged no. He told me that last one he got was for a piece of paper.saying he'd got it....sic.
San Francisco killed its own people with the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda. Good work
One Ross Brown suicided after the lockdowns.
My housemate has just totally lost what he had left of his mind, which he long ago abandoned for lack of meaningful use.
He always quotes the doctors, who failed basic math and left his legs of different lengths after multiple bike accidents.
But he can get to the doctor for more shots, even if he can barely walk.
My legs were different lengths before all my bike accidents.
My legs are still both the same length after five motorcycle accidents. LOL
You are saving lives Sasha, through us, who are active daily, disseminating the information only you have had the diligence to discover and report. I can tell you that we have experience with former "vax fans", who have become converts, after hearing us, and previously mocking us. After losing some family and friends to the grave, unexpectedly, and having some of their family lose an unborn child, or perhaps give birth to a seriously handicapped infant, or suffering a stroke or aneurysm, they come to us, and ask timidly and sincerely if we really think it was the "vaccine" that caused all this grief for them. Of course, there simply is no other explanation but that the government lied to them, poisoned them, and is actively seeking their demise. Many have sobered up, but still much remains to be done, so many are still deluded. Thank you Sasha, you are a gift from God...I know of no one else having done what you have accomplished. God bless you for sharing your (rather extraordinary) brain with us.
thank you