Sasha, you've got a mind like a steel trap. Wonderful. I find myself needing to appreciate the precision of your verbal scalpel, and at the same time, I need to zoom out. At the Macro level, what Ivan Illich called the expropriation of health, is the key issue. He observed in 1975 that the medical system had become the number one health threat, and it has only gotten worse since then. We are now dealing with the mass medicalization of public health. Public health is plumbing, clean air, work place safety, water treatment, seat belts even, but it is not, ever, totalitarian medical interventions without any regard for personal medical histories or preferences. Fluoridation is now on trial, and the vaccines should be next, all the vaccines. It is interesting to see Mike Yeadon now coming around to this the long way around, and observing that he will not go see a doctor, just to go see a doctor, for he correctly sees that doctors have just become pharma sales guys. It is a brilliant move, but it is a dead end, and if this mRNA fiasco is the place where it finally hits the wall, all I can say is better late then never. Our healthcare system is the biggest enabler of sickness that was ever invented, and it has become nothing less than the primary method of sucking the wealth out of nations. Truly a wolf in sheep's clothing. Health is one thing, that is lifestyle medicine in its truest forms (NOT under the auspices of the AMA, please), as we find it in the Yellow Emperor's classic on Medicine, or in Ayurveda, and we are only barely starting to find our way back to such concepts of what it takes to live a healthy life. No one whose immune system was not shot off in the war (or by the vaccines), and did not have multiple comorbidities, did have one iota to worry about whatever this Covid thing was.

My highschool chemistry teacher, God bless his heart, analyzed the medical profession as follows: The put a label on whatever you report, they prescribe a chemical they have no idea what it does, and if you don't come back, they declare it a success. Today, he would be put in jail for doubting the high priest of the AMA. US Pravda is the medical mafia.

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The worship of the god of modern medicine is ingrained, especially in doctors, who valiantly resist any attempt to dethrone their god, and abolish their sacred religion.

I am not a fan of hospitals - the atmosphere gives me the creeps.

I recently accompanied an elderly person, who had had a stroke, to the emergency centre of a very modern Western hospital.

I will not go into details, but this person was abused by the medical health machine, and its very personable (mostly) clones, for about 10 hours before being transferred to a room, to be subjected to more abuse.

For instance, a barely conscious elderly person, having had a stroke, was denied a drink for 8 hours, to facilitate testing.

Once in a room, this person was constantly disturbed by repeated staff testing and monitoring noises, preventing sound rest or sleep.

Such is the glory of professional treatment, by the modern medical machine.

The medical system IS the major threat to health.

It must be replaced, with effective, human health CARE.

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I agree about Sasha's steel trap mind. I feel doctors treating diabetes and high blood pressure do help patients. Yes, life style, eating once a day, losing weight help those but sometimes medicines help and prevent damage that can occur during the years it may take lifestyle changes to show full benefit.

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Yes, doctors do some medical good. Doctors have unwillingly been forced into a procrustian bed, and inconvenient allegorical arms and legs chopped off, and then they are presented as a fait accompli to everybody, and passed off as "the norm".

Doctors have been abused as badly as any other people in the whole mess. And they've been shown to the world as a new creature, and the world has been told, this is the new ideal. And it's not a great look, and they've been stripped of many rights, establish by LAW and by precedent. Like being able to prescribe "off label". But doctors have lost their certifications for insisting on their rights. They've even had their freedom of speech stolen from them- many doctors lost their certifications because they advised against these "vaccinations" (they aren't vaccinations, regardless that they changed the definition of vaccine to include these gene therapy shots)

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Yes, every visit to a doctor is a fishing expedition. They will find something to "treat" with another prescription or order more testings.

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Feb 12, 2024
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It would be much more helpful if you'd quit SPAMMING.

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Sasha, it never stops to amaze me how clear, concise and well written/structured your explanations are. So refreshing! How is it that you are the only one (almost) to contextualise everything (almost) so clearly and quickly (relatively) is kinda puzzling (or not)?

Thank you for your relentless clarity. It is so rare to meet someone who goes deep enough while being crystal clear & succinct! Amazing!

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Thank you! I don't know how to answer your question - this is how I think. I was born that way...

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Note that you are both left and right- brained. Amazingly analytical AND amazingly artistic. What a gift!

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Great minds think alike!! It’s been so often that I’ve been rudely told to, “get to the point.” However, we both know that many answers can only be explained thoroughly by the “details” because the answer is SO OBVIOUSLY HIDDEN “IN THE DETAILS.”

Great investigational work 👍!!! You and K. Watt deserve all the accolades of real heroes in this fight!! Thank you for all you do!!

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And thank goodness for that!

P.S. I, too, am enamored of your wonderful, beautiful dragon!

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You answer about how you think, but how do you explain WHY you ACT the way you do, seeking to help others?

You are financially all-set, were semi-retired, and only expose yourselves to javelins and arrows by exposing the deep state cull operation, so why take the risk in helping to inform others?

The questions are rhetorical; You've obviously "found your tribe" here so there's a reward, but I remain curious as to why some intelligent people are driven to care for their brothers and sisters while others collapse into their own cynical solipsism.

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I get bored easily, lol. That's why I act this way. Also, because I can.

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👍and super honest at that 😊

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God Bless You!

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Obviously they are "coming after you" Sasha.

What can you tell others about how they "came after" you that would help? I can think that your insights might be helpful. Maybe some of the things they did to you need to be recognized, and maybe (in the future) some laws passed to curb the worst of them. Of course, these punishments were chosen to avoid existing laws, but I'm sure they got "carried away" and are legally vulnerable at some place?

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Yup! You are blessed! Enjoy & Have Fun ❤️💕❤️

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You must be missed off at the educational community, that USED to claim that they taught you HOW to think, not WHAT to think. Because this obviously has changed and efforts have been made to have Doctors talk to each of their patient to ask them to vote. This is faking WRONG. Of course, they'll be people that claim this policy is "non partisian" and if you believe it (seemed to work for Mark Zuckerberg who made the same argument when asked for a explanation of why he gave 400 million dollars to get Biden elected- supposedly the money was for both sides

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I don't come here for the art but the dragon's head is wonderful.

Thanks for everything else. Keep punching.

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What you say is so grounding. It is so helpful to have reality based explanations. Ultimately, knowing what is really going on is the best way to save ourselves. Thank you.

Water color is a demanding medium and your work is accomplished! Lovely to see clarity in art.

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paul alexander - who worked in the trump admin on the floor beneath operation warp speed - says that covid shots were being mass produced, palleted and distributed as early as spring 2020.


now we know why

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what took him so long to say this?

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My sentiment exactly. I wonder a lot about him, especially his reverse TDS. We need to question everything and everyone. Sometimes it's easy, like with Malone. He (allegedly) took part in inventing mrna, knew the dangers but took a couple anyway? He also has interesting ties to Michael Callahan, someone who needs to be brought to the forefront of public bashing, and Jeff Hanson, who appears to be funding some "freedom fighters."

Keep looking up^^^, and not at the chemtrails that don't exist.

God Bless.

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I hear Alexander is on the mystery clots now (the motive behind?) Tho he was right about Malone.

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Not sure what you mean, "on thr mystery clot shots."? As in taking them? Pushing them?

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Talking about the white fibrous clots. Seems very confident in his interpretation of the materials (has he ever analysed the clots in his lab? Or just spreading his speculated ideas? Or something else?)

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I don't know about him personally but I do believe there is plenty to prove the clots, from coroners to the people having heart attacks.

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I beg your pardon. Chemtrails do exist. Or were you being sarcastic?

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I was being EXTREMELY SARCASTIC! I have plenty of pics of it, from being sprayed on a daily basis. I also have some from family members in southern california who were sprayed very heavily for two weeks and thrn had a major rain storm, and hail. Hail in southern california?! And so many people still don't get it?@

I always ask them if they remember seeing them when they were growing up? They say no but it does nothing. Then I say, "if this is a regular thing, then when there are days where there are absolutley NONE, does that mean the FAA has grounded all flights this day?" Or ALL of the pilots just didn't need to do that on that day? Then puzzled expression...

All I can do is try to plant a seed.

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before the pandemic i viewed 5g and chemtrails with suspicion. Told my neighbor that and she said "look in the sky" sure enough there they were.

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I don't know how people don't see it?! Some people don't/can't/won't see the truth. Don't want to. I want to know the truth about everything. That's why I turn to God.

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I've been filming and photographing the skies in various parts of North America since 2005.

On Superbowl Sunday: the perps took a break. (In Los Angeles.) Bright blue skies. All day.

On Monday: they must have been hung over... Same thing.

I was out there early this morning and they're back to work.

Robert Kennedy finally noticed and talked to Dane Wigington 8 months ago...


(If the link doesn't work: type Robert Kennedy Jr. Dane Wigington in YT search engine.)

You've probably already seen it.

If not, it's an excellent refresher course

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Feb 13, 2024
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Government has admitted that they "do" chemtrails. It surprised me, I thought it was all BS.

But it's not.

They are certainly doing it in the central valley of northern California.

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Sep 20
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"Whatever they say, it's the opposite."

except when they have to tell us what they will do to us (in a very weird spin on karmic debt). By 2030 you will own nothing

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Feb 13, 2024
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Apparently. I had no idea.

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i think it was in his book? not sure, haven't read it

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Although I'm not surprised, this is the first I've of it neing thst early. I know people who had first access to it late November early December (military). But that is several months apart.

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Wonder how many summer homes and Lamborghinis Bacerra has by now🤔

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It's more likely blackmail

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I offer $500 for the Dragon watercolor - not kidding....but I'm guessing it sells for more...

I might up my offer, but my offer stands. As in any artistry, the value resides in the work itself plus the one who painted it.

As for all this legal jargon BS - bs is what it is.

we know and we are fedup!


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Sasha, you. are my go-to source on all things involving the COVID countermeasure. I can't tell you how many conference calls and other fora I've been in where people are talking about the so-called pandemic, and with no reference to the fact that this whole things is a DOD op. I have no idea what is making people sick (I never got what is called COVID notwithstanding my "advanced" age (70 now)) but I keep telling people "Sasha says there's no way to naturally, through contagion, spread a pandemic of a virus or its ilk -- it must be chemical, in the water or otherwise spread. Sasha knows and you should subscribe to her substack." I don't engage in any discussion of the COVID jab without pointing out THIS IS A DOD OP. Add WHO, and CIA, but IT'S AN OP, not a disease!!!! I just wanted to thank you (again) for your work and contribution to our understanding of this OP. I just got your peony painting framed, and it is beautiful. Love love love the dragon. I didn't know you did watercolors.

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there are gaps here for me. Is there such a thing as long Covid? Is there such a thing as Covid or was it something in the flu jab?

Was there an outbreak in NYC? Or is Pierre Kory one of them by saying there was? I am a fan of Pierre Kory so i don't tar him. Or any others because

a) i don't know enough

b) treat with suspicion those that call out Controlled opposition

c) those doing the calling out of CO are just as easily CO themselves intent on destroying an alliance

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At this point I don't think it's necessary to get every question answered, although I admit being curious at some paradoxes.

Stay flexible- I think we still have a whole lot more to learn.

Especially about the depopulation.

And the nanoparticles, I think that they are there for many more reasons than what they say

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It would be hilarious, but unfortunately this is where the world has come. I specially love the purple unicorns and expected that as a painting, but the one included is beuatiful too

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Love the dragon. Looks like it was fun and quick to paint! Did you paint that because it's the Year of the wood dragon?

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yes, I make cards for my friends every year.

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Love the fire and energy you evoked in that painting. Well done Sasha!

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Was the painting cathartic Sasha ? Awesome 👏🏻

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well, no, its just fun to play with watercolor.

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Can I be your friend?

(ha, ha)

$500 is the offer, but it is priceless, so consider that as well.

Peace to you,


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OK - only cause I don't have access to your other "artistry-only" stack even though I think I ought to get that being I'm a "founding member" here, let me present an analysis of the artwork per my perspective for the fun of it and harmless shared as I have it opened in full resolution on another tab:

1. You got the "big blue" dragon no doubt in the image.

2. Within the circle of the big blue seems to be some sort of entity with a wicked attitude - not necessary harmful.

3. The dragon has young whiskers seems to me....not an old dragon, but a young one fierce.

4. There is a "whitish" surrounding entity within the blue dragon that also seems to be in touch with the entity within and there is a place (or 2?) where it escapes the circle of the Dragon tough but young.

5. Outside in the shadows are moose and bucks and trees old watching over.

6. The yellow shading suggests smoke or fumes in the background fading - (edit - seems a bit "sulfurous").

7. OK - I'll pay $556.

8. As signed one assumes the painting was done in 2024.


If not that, then oh well, I got my own artistry, but know this I appreciate yours and today I feel some fierceness only beginning to reveal and I'm not sure what happens next but I take solace knowing others are out there who understand blue dragons and artistry.


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this is a small card, and it went to a friend. It's not something I make for sale.

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understood - really....

one day maybe....



ps - fiat money....tis worthless - I got some river rocks though at my place - priceless they are in my mind just as friendship is I reckon.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Is anybody suing the FDA for illegally approving and licensing the covid-19 vaccines? It seems to me the purpose of this fake designation was to be able to mandate them, which you can't do under an EUA. Thanks for this article. Very clear.

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I am not aware of anyone suing the FDA. Although any AG can bring in Peter Marks as individual on criminal charges.

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Meryl might not like that you mentioned that her buddy, Malone is one of those deep state guys that could one day write a paper on how obesity is from a virus 😂

But I hope she does understand that the whole thing skips the actual testing process, just like the anthrax shots that she was instrumental in exposing.

Virology and germ theory of disease does sound very much like a war mentality applied to the human biome. Invaders must be "captured" by the "immune system" who can have dossiers of previous battles. Pretty 🤡 ish.

Example: smallpox is an invading thing that makes you sick.

Terrain theory sees the body as a community or like a city. The "immune system" is really a garbage collection system. Sickness comes from a pile up of garbage.

Example: smallpox is a result of having sanitation issues which leads to sanitation issues inside your body.

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Malone is currently under CDAs with the DOD/USG. He said so in a recent interview. So how can anyone think he is a "freedom fighter" is beyond my comprehension. He is under contract with the bad guys here. I love Meryl but her staunch support of Malone is something I do not understand.

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Jeff Hanson, head of American Healthcare REIT is funding Malone


"American Healthcare REIT’s $4.6 billion portfolio is made up of about 300 senior housing and care, hospital and health care buildings in 36 states and overseas in the UK. About a third of the company’s senior housing and care portfolio lies with Trilogy Health Services, one of the nation’s largest senior living and skilled nursing providers....Michael Callahan reported to Robert Kadlec at the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The ASPR’s COVID-19 Treatments: Information for Long Term Care Facilities webpage states that Remdesivir or Paxlovid “must be started early, even if symptoms are mild.” There is no way that pursuing such a strategy on the elderly would not result in high death rates, creating a large potential financial liability for Jeff Hanson."

it gets worse


Vanguard, Donor's Trust (who fund Cold Spring Harbor lab), Charles Schwab and Fidelity Investments all contribute as well. Vanguard also funds CHD

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Completely sickening. I cannot thank you all enough for bringing us the clarity deserved and needed to actually have better health, overall lives.

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It's just like the Germans who weren't in the party but had friends that were.

He might be a nice guy to her and it makes her forget that he's a 🐍 .

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Just occurred to my mind. Is Malone part of RFK Jr's campaign? I don't follow him so I don't know that many who still admire Malone but just looking at profile points - something in common I noticed.

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I don't know. I hope for the sake of RFK Jr that's not the case.

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Mr Malone is fighting for his own freedom to continue bullshitting his believers. What an asshole...

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What is a CDA? Thanks.

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confidentiality agreements.

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I saw this tweet a while back.

"People who don't believe in vaccines are by far the most gullible people on earth. We have the science that shows they work, but they'll still deny it. If I am ever in a position to influence people, anti-vaxxers would definitely be the easiest to manipulate to gain notoriety."

Robert Malone on Twitter (X) dated 10:17 AM Aug 19, 2019

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Haha, he's probably not a scientist at all but a management guy like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. They ain't invent shit, they get the credit for the work the people they hired.

It shows in his interviews. He said some dumb shit like he took the vaccine to get better after long con-vid. Ummm, a vaccinologist knows you don't vaccinate someone who already got the disease it makes it worse.

Other stupid shit too like at first saying the vaccine is ok for third trimester. Genius vaccinologist, you know they don't test on pregnant women until later. So what the fuck are you going on 😂

All of these pseudo-science geniuses in virology and vaccinology are really not smart at all. They just were at the right place at the right time 💰

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He is a well trained agent, designated icon deployed by the cartel.

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Heard Malone speak at an event in Rochester, NY, last fall, sponsored by Shannon Joy. She's a staunch supporter of Malone. He gives me the creeps. Naomi Wolf was there too, and now she's in a feud with Pete Santelli, who's accusing her of some financial impropriety. And her husband is a former (maybe) deep state operative, who keeps bellowing about the bad Chinese & the terrorists invading from the open border. I don't know who to trust anymore.

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Love purple unicorns!

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Me too!

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Sasha, I'd love to see a future piece looking at your evidence for "plandemic" vs. "military biodefense preparedness exercise" vs. "winging it as data came in and screwing up every step of the way." I'm still debating these three scenarios myself. Bobby's book, Wuhan Coverup, seems to suggest the second possibility but he doesn't come down firmly on any of these three.

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It is a military kill the people while making money, planned exercise. Nothing is not planned here. Most participants (even those visible at the top) are not in on the totality of the scam, as they are also considered targets, subject to elimination.

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Exactly, Sasha. The aims in 2019 - 22, the peak of the operation of lies, terror and coercion, were to:

1/ Kill and weaken.

2/ Abolish all basic human rights - New Normal/Re-set, etc.

3./ Experiment: with the drugs themselves; psychology; society; propaganda and censorship.

4/ Train the population in new behaviours.

5/ Identify and prepare to eliminate all emerging opposition.

6/ Make money.

7/ Test how all the puppets put into place over the years - WEF, WHO, regulators, legislators, perform.

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Oh, and

8/ Seed the genuine opposition with agents and false heroes and heroines, both to misdirect it and implode it later.

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I think this too. For elimination later. I think we have a shit show coming. The election is a good a time as any to start the "whole show"

Nuclear war would be in the globalists interest. And JB and regime would start if if they were promised safety and forgiveness of crimes.

Bad time to live in some tactical/strategic cities or next to Minuteman missile sites.

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I'd love to see a full essay on this. I haven't seen the evidence yet to support your assertion.

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If you haven't seen the evidence of this after reading my substack, another essay is not going help. I wrote and published extensive evidence here. Please do your homework.

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I've read some of what you've posted but none of it is particularly definitive for the distinctions I asked about between the three scenarios. Most of the data supports all three. Would be good to see your best evidence for the scenario you support presented succinctly in one place.

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I would like you to post evidence, and a detailed essay on how this was a "winging it is as the data came in and screwing up every step of the way". It is mind boggling to me that anyone who claims that they can think can make that case today. The "Plandemic" and Military deployment on everyone as a target are not mutually exclusive.

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I'm not sure why you get so defensive. That's generally a sign of poor arguments that the ego gets so involved. I was making a friendly suggestion for your substack and you. Take it or leave it.

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Sad to say the very much reduced regulatory pathway for supposed FDA certification is much like the Southern Border. It used to be well patrolled and one needed relevant documentation for proof of citizenship, entry, personal ID etc. FDA certification is now an open freeway with hundreds of new shots, medicines, treatments being expedited in a race to get a piece of the big financial pharma pie for Pharma companies. “ FDA Approved “ to many in the medical community means that the FDA approved these shots, yes ,they were approved UNDER THE EUA as Sasha has very clearly laid out. That’s NOT the same as meaning the formerly very stringent process for certification, which as far as I have read was 8-10 years of trials and meeting regulatory requirements before a product was FDA APPROVED. Part of the process in expediting procedures and reduction of requirements has been the cross contamination of former FDA senior officials into Pharma companies. They leave the FDA and magically appear sometimes only a few months later in senior roles with Pharma companies. As an example Scott Gotlieb ( former FDA boss ) joined Pfizer 83 days after he left the FDA.

Now with the WHO Pandemic Treaty ready to hit the big government approval around the globe the expediting of dozens of new vaccines, genetic treatments , countermeasures will be endorsed and legislated into law.

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Some of us (lawyers) are fighting the treaty, or whatever they call it this week. The WHO was not properly set up, the Constitution was not properly passed, at least by many member states, and the international health regulations also were not adopted following the procedures set for the in the WHO Constitution. That's why Tedros is fighting so hard on the disinformation/there's-no-loss-of-member-sovereignty mantra.

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Once again, you have informed me by focusing on the particulars of the mechanism of the working end of the malfeasance. I value your work enormously and am deeply appreciative of it.

I made a typo in one of my substack articles and apparently said I do not subscribe to your stack when I not only subscribe to it, I look for it actively.

There is another step to the process: where do the orders come from? All of this misdoing is clearly and actively internationally coordinated by the Death Machine, UN/WHO/Etc.

Our corrupt and dangerous organizations are merely serving the will of the Agenda Masters.

That is why, in my opinion, the essential step that we must take is to get our countries out membership relations to the private clubs that act as if they are the defining sovereign state.

They are not. Our relationship ends with withdrawal, which turns out to be a remarkably simple process: the Sock Puppet in Charge, (SPiC) also known as the Head of State (actually the Governor General in Canada) writes a letter withdrawing the nation from the club.

What is hard is raising the political will to make it too expensive for the SPiC NOT to take that step.

The US has before the Congress a pair of bills that would do that, by the way: the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act (HR66345/ S 3428). You can go here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org, to demand your Congresswo/men co sponsor and pass the bills with a supermajority. That is necessary to override the inevitable veto from the US SPiC.

This is urgent. It is doable. let's do it, shall we, before they remove all of our rifhts (US says we have unalienable rights, UN says we have rights until they remove them - the two systems are totally incompatible), force us into urban concentration camps, remove property/parental/informed consent and every other right and fully finish implementing Agenda 2030.

Now would be a good time.

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