Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I won't get carried away here, but this was poignant:


11:57 in: "So they target people by PCR into the COVID ward and the COVID ward is operated by the federal government and by the military where they literally, you know, murder people by putting them on ventilators, sedating them, dehydrating them, removing food, not giving access to relatives, kidnapping them, and then giving them remdesivir, which shuts down kidneys."


You know these comments could be so much better in a way if we could just put a few things in italics or make bold text....but I really appreciate the transcript and the fact - which can be proven without any doubt - that incentives coupled with ulterior motives were formally established by the hospitals and the medical establishment authorities coupled with their paymasters and this is above and beyond criminal regardless of statutes on the books that don't stand up to Natural Law which I consider essentially equivalent to Common Law. Natural Law and Common Law take precedence over statutes - just like something that ain't Constitutional has no merit in jurisprudence.


Fraud of this scale is unprecedented, but where you have nefarious intent, the level of fraud only can go higher until Lady Libra says definitively - "the scales must be balanced".


Without accountability there can be no forgiveness, because forgiveness without accountability is like 0 $.

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Brilliant comment! Military agenda of incentivising murder has gotten us to where we are today... Lady Libra left the scene of the crime thousands of years ago... Man kept putting bogus weights in Her scale...

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I don't know how to respond to that other than it is evident to me that things are out of balance - out of whack - amiss.

Enough of those of us still using the brain cells we got left have properly come to this conclusion and together I think it is not outside the realm of possibility that the idea of Mutual Aid can sway the day because that idea is 19th century in origin - Kropotkin (Russian genius) - and there is no way to put a good idea down permanently.

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Hello Mr Spangle. Unlike many others, I rather enjoy your posts. At least you don't beat around the Bush's and relate things as you see them...

The black/white, fag/straight, left/right, paradigm is wearing pretty thin in our former Amurika. I'm glad I don't live in the Southern states. I think it's headed for a blood bath, as planned...

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Lack of accountability leads to sin because it’s so easy to be tempted to evil when one can’t be found out, or of such status as to be out of reach.

Thus Christ on difficulty, some say impossibility of rich man entering kingdom of heaven.

Regardless of theology it’s a practical and observable fact that people with great riches can evade accountability and indulge themselves in ways unavailable to the average man.

No one is beyond redemption and *anyone* can be forgiven. Accountability of itself has nothing to do with forgiveness. Given we’re more likely to stray when unaccountable, it’s a precursor of sin and as such a prior condition of the possibility of forgiveness.

Those whose wealth renders them unaccountable to that extent could be incapable of contrition. Perhaps this is what Jesus means: true forgiveness, God’s prerogative alone, requires repentance. And the rich man has just got too big for his boots.

But for us to make that call, to say that a man cannot be forgiven is to get too big for ours, to repeat what we condemn. NB ‘forgiveness’ doesn’t mean people evading just punishment for their deeds, only resisting vengeance and vindictiveness and finding mercy in ourselves.

Most people’s fantasies of great wealth involve self-indulgence/sin - choose your own term. Few would fantasise about global genocide. Equally *every* fantasy involves extending oneself in ways currently beyond one’s scope. Else it couldn’t *be* a fantasy: what is available for that reason *can’t* be desirable.

Once one can indulge every whim one’s desires extend limitlessly. This is why Christ was totally on the money. And why people who call billionaires “psychopaths” are being facile and naive about themselves as much as others.

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None of the political commentary, whatever its truth value, bears on *forgiveness* which can be properly understood only on the most intimate *personal* level: those to be forgiven being friends, neighbours, family, of necessity the people we came into conflict with before TV/ internet, mass travel .

Neo-pagan denouncers of "Christianity" translate "love thy neighbour" as if it were "love the foreigner". But it's easy to 'love' people you've no personal involvement with. Whereas to get on with your *neighbour* requires real effort.

Loving foreigners is what we typically call "left", a kind of inverted Christian love where we accuse our neighbour on behalf of a spurious "victim" at no personal cost to ourselves. Akin to the Pharisee. Thus people today call such types 'virtue signallers' repeating Jesus re Pharisees.

The message of Christ to the Pharisees was that "love" (a poor translation of the original Greek 'agape': in modern parlance something like "get over yourself"/selflessness), or the Good is *within*. No display of righteous deeds or fine words can conceal what is *inside*. Which is all that counts for God. In effect Christ, the living God makes us *accountable to ourselves*. Forget 'belief', 'religion", or quasi-mystical entities, this can be understood on the most practical and personal level.

Equally its effect understood cumulatively over centuries helps explain West from rest. No one's put the point more pithily than religious anthropologist Rene Girard: "We didn't stop burning witches because we invented science; we invented science because we stopped burning witches."

On the European origins neo-pagan BS - I say BS because written in Roman script, that's to say already mediated by "Christianity" which historically, at least since 7th century Islamic upsurge is only another way of saying Europe, there being no other historic Christian people. Also BS because no neo-pagan disdains the law protecting his person and property, i.e. the institutionalised vengeance peculiar to Christendom. Even today in most of the world vengeance remains privatised as in American ghettoes.

I'm reminded of a German general at the time of the neo-pagan regime claiming that "If we Germans were Muslim we'd already rule the world", oblivious to the reality that if Europe had previously fallen to Islamic incursion he'd be part of a caliphate, using Arab tongue/script, with no such place or concept as Deutschland in existence.

The mighty English Catholic, so-called "antisemite" Gk Chesterton on how Hitlerism mimics what it opposes:


Also to the point on 'paganism':

“All that genuinely remains of the ancient hymns or the ancient dances of Europe, all that has honestly come to us from the festivals of Phoebus or Pan, is to be found in the festivals of the Christian Church. If any one wants to hold the end of a chain which really goes back to the heathen mysteries, he had better take hold of a festoon of flowers at Easter or a string of sausages at Christmas. Everything else in the modern world is of Christian origin, even everything that seems most anti-Christian. The French Revolution is of Christian origin. The newspaper is of Christian origin. The anarchists are of Christian origin. Physical science is of Christian origin. The attack on Christianity is of Christian origin. There is one thing, and one thing only, in existence at the present day which can in any sense accurately be said to be of pagan origin, and that is Christianity.”

— The G. K. Chesterton Collection [50 Books] by G. K. Chesterton


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You make the point better than me.

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And this was just an experiment to see how willing we are.. what is coming next

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Well - one good experiment deserve another I reckon and you are complicit my advice is to "disavow" what you thought prior - otherwise, if you are complicit large-scale then let me inform you there are some of us who will literally hunt you down for the harm caused deliberate and complicit and for which the punishment is dependent upon scale - up to and including death by hanging.


How you like them apples bio terry?

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thankyou for the transcript - there are only so many hours in the day and reading sometimes is easier, and for me, more expedient.

Thanks again Sasha for all you do, all your efforts - they are appreciated by many.

That is known.

None of us know for sure what is gonna happen next, but enough of us know something is amiss, so that gives me hope.


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They Are Not Safe Anymore.

They Got Caught

Creating Imaginary Terror.

You Caught Them.

Every Single One Of You.

They Will Never Be Safe Again.

They Don’t Feel Safe Anymore. Anywhere.

Thank You For That.

And Carry That With You.

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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Have you seen the play or movie Rhinoceros? Ionesco was the playwright. For no reason people start turning into murderous angry rhinoceroses. At first it's appalling. But then it becomes appealing. The energy! The mob! Even the most kindly professors feel the attraction. Eventually everyone joins the rampaging crowd except one lone human, Gene Wilder, who pulls himself up on the roof to watch the destruction. What's he going to do, though? One lone (alcoholic) man..... You can watch it on YouTube if you wish.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Didn't get the shot and don't regret it.

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A lot of people who DID get the shot are starting to regret it, though.

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👍🏽👍🏿👍 That’s absolutely correct. Several illegitimate, inhuman, criminally-unconstitutional—but legal laws—have been created to end constitutional protections under the guise of “health security” to allow for “Legal Crimes” (genocide & trans-humanization via the “treatment; Vaxx protocals”). Then these illegal, but legal laws killing people are set in stone by courts following and making judgments by these “bogus, but legal rules,” which then creates case law each time they rule against the plaintiffs, therefor preventing future lawsuits and arguments from ever having an opportunity to end this fraud, ever, unless one of two things happen:

We rise up with armed militias and arrest all of our chief law enforcement officers protecting the criminals in government, or…

The legislators admit they are “complicit in genocide” up to this date; recognize these “illegal, but legal laws” and end it.

So what’s the problem? They know they are guilty and don’t want to arrest themselves; be executed for Crimes Against Humanity; mass murder. And so they refuse to change course—both republicans and democrats, Trump and Biden—who work for BlackRock, the pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates, Musk, Kissinger…who are ALL subordinate to Rockefeller, Rothschild and other oligarchs controlling the entire worldwide, multi-layered, compartmentalization of tens of thousands of kill-box protocols & facilities; region by region; state by state; 15 minute city by 15 min city; prison by prison; FEMA death camp by death camp….

Or do I misunderstand their own publicly spoken words over the decades; their policies to end constitutionality; their New World Order…their hundreds of millions of stockpiled plastic FEMA caskets (just in the U.S.), which they’ve been building up going back two decade prior to the Fraudemic?

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That seems to encapsulate things well - best I can figure, slow and steady, assertion of local will is what will turn the tide against the centralist who want to dominate others for their own gain.

So, take heed of where you reside locally cause it will make a big difference in how enforcement behaves one way or the other - I mean I'd just assume not be in San Francisco, New York, or Chicago for that matter - but doesn't mean there ain't good folks there as well. I'm sure there are and that is the heart of the matter. That will tell how the future goes I reckon.


However - with respect to legal code on the books - if that code is contrary to Natural Law, then it has no future. Same goes if it tis contrary to Common Law. Both Natural Law and Common Law take precedence over other laws attempting to make a run-around on Constitutional jurisprudence within each sovereign entity. That doesn't even take a law degree to know inherently.

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Catherine Austin Fitts moved to Tennessee 🙏

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For good reason I reckon!

I mean you have seen how the legislatures there intend to bring back some "state" control on an overextended federal usurpation of the Constitution - so along with TN, the states I'd just assume be in are: NC, VA, WV, and KY.

That is a rock solid old mountain strong place of hill folk sick of federal overreach.

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She mentioned there are a lot of guns if anyone came looking 😇

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Exactly, Ken. I grew up in both city and country, surrounded by intelligent, well armed soldiers, veterans, cops, lawyers, engineers, farmers…before enlisting in the Army, all of whom understood the crimes of the federal government gong back before the 1960’s.

As these FalseFlag events keep piling up—I believe there are NO ignorant mainstream media investigative reporters, doctors, politicians, cops, AG’s or federal investigators unfamiliar with real conspiracies of genocide; from the genocide of Palestinians (in both the U.S. and Israel) to the use of poisonous Fluoride, ChemTrails, 5G & Vaxx weapon systems—worldwide. Nobody with advanced degrees in any discipline can claim “plausible deniability or immunity protections,” not at this stage of the genocide. Any cop who is NOT investigating with microscopes and arresting the crooked cops, politicians, lawyers, judges and reporters intentionally misdirecting the people and covering up these crimes is “guilty-complicit.”

If the people ever pull their head out of their Synthetic Borg bums, turn off mainstream media and began using their critical thinking skills and resisting with intent—rather than hating and killing each-other on command—nobody will have to retreat to the hills. Of course, I already live in the Ozarks where we have more guns than people, which I don’t believe are even necessary—not if the good cops and lawyers would start arresting and prosecuting the bad ones for accepting criminal policies; Unnatural Law.

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"We have the laws that say that the government is allowed to do all of this."

"By its very nature all governments and authorities can add to society is imoral violence. It’s a prety easy thing to proove if you just pause to think about it.

Do you need a special badge or a politician or an office of authority to defend an inocent person from being attacked? No!

Do you need special permission and authority to help the poor? No!

The only thing you need authority for is permission to do something that everybody would say: "THAT’S BAD!!!" if you didn’t have that permission, which litterally means all the notion of authority does is to give some people permission to do evil stuff, and pretend it isn’t evil."

- Larken Rose -

The fact that laws exist that "legalizes" the crimes you talk about proves that Larken's statement is absolutely correct.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks Sasha. You did a great job of conveying as much information as possible within the very limited time slots available in the broadcast radio format. I hope a lot of people heard the message and took it to heart.

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Spreading so-called bacterial substances from the air and sea was done in the UK by Porton Down in the 1950s. There’s an interesting report on this on the mindrenewed.com (Christianity in the New World Order) from quite a few years back now, but it will still be available on the website.

I admire your ongoing tenacity Sasha but hope you still find the time to paint.

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Thank you once again Sasha Latypova. Yesterdays interview with Willem Engel was excellent. In that interview you clearly point out that "legal" (illegal) features designed into our former regulatory systems, negate any notion of remedy via Statute courts. As I've been saying for decades, lawsuits are not the way forward...

For those working at the state and county level in the United States. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> NOV 17, 2023 >>> https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/for-those-working-at-the-state-and

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

"It couldn't be more urgent. It couldn't be more diabolical.". @32:20

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Retrospective diagnosis of what made people sick in 2020 is certainly difficult and without toxicology studies it's especially hard to prove poisoning. I took care of loads of "covid" but did not get my FLI until 2021. Being a skeptic I did not bother with testing or specific Rx. But I convalesced normally with rest and supportive measures despite my advanced age (65). Indeed I did not miss much work. My point is that the so called pandemic was nothing I hadn't seen or personally experienced before. I share your belief that modern science can not create an infectious pathogen . But I suspect modern science can modify, distort, pervert or mutate an existing microbe in order to render it more pathogenic . I know for sure that 2020 was a pandemic of fear to the point of hysteria, deliberately amplified by incessant, deafening, global propaganda. That was a poison for sure. That was more than enough to convince me of a scam, and to never accept, prescribe or administer their fraudulent antidote. (the bioweapon kill shot). I enjoy your work and I believe that Veritas is escaping the well where she has been imprisoned. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/La_V%C3%A9rit%C3%A9_sortant_du_Puits%2C_E._Debat-Ponsan%2C_1898%2C_Mus%C3%A9e_H%C3%B4tel_Morin_%28retouched%29_%28cropped%29.jpg

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Nobody can render an existing microbe more pathogenic. That's a fable they want to perpetuate. What they CAN do is make synthetic chemicals inspired by nature by identifying pathogenic molecular structures from those microbes. This is similar to making synthetic leather for example - it's not a purple or green cow hide, it's synthetic but has properties of cow hide. They can also harvest material from tumors for example, and toxins from nature - but this is NOT a scalable method, and reserved mostly for individual assassinations.

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Maybe my argument is semantic, but what about MDR bacterial species "selected" by antibiotic exposure? Oncogenic viruses selected by vaccine pressure? Would I be correct in assuming from your point of view that GOF is biologically impossible or just technically out of reach for the moment? They certainly have invested a lot of time and $$ in it for it to be a dead end (hopefully). Thank you for engaging with my comment.

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you can do all this in a lab, maybe, but how are you going to deploy it at scale? How? these things die and denature the minute they are outside, and often before. The reason all stuff in labs is grown in cancer cells by the way, those don't die as easily. There is no way to deploy any of these lab creations, that's why they can only be used to figure out what molecule does what, and then re-synthesize something that works on similar pathways that has a chance of survival long enough to hit a few people.

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Yes I would agree. They are not as smart or as tough as they think they are. Just a bunch of cowardly terrorists . Thanks!

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

New frequencies from 5g is the toxin causing symptoms in the beginning. Now the quackccine is the main culprit. Covid-19 is a cover for the toxicity of 5g. The quackccines are to uplink humans to the IOT/IOB. mRNA is code for nanotech machines in order to merge man and machine to fulfill the transhumanism agenda. We call them borg.

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Another research paper that will be blithely ignored. >>> Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G >>> J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 26; 7(5): 666–681. >>> Published online 2021 Sep 29. >>>


Also: >>> Figure 1 illustrates the atmospheric absorption for millimeter wave frequencies.

“At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals.” [End quote] >>> Note date:

Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties >>> April 10, 2001 >>> https://www.rfglobalnet.com/doc/fixed-wireless-communications-at-60ghz-unique-0001

Erm… How does this absorption factor affect biological cells? Ugh… Erm... .. .

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Removing the O2 at 60GHz effects mitochondria reducing ATP production that powers the body. This is the reason people present with low O2 blood levels as in high altitude sickness. In addition the size of DNA is precisely proportional to gigahertz waves corrupting DNA. As HAM's understand in making antenna's at 1/8, 1/2, 7/8 of the desired wave. IEEE 802 contains all the technical data required for people to understand what is really happening. Think prison planet.

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Yes. Indeed. >>> "We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.

Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don’t know anything about it?" - Carl Sagan - Quoted May 27, 1996 >>> (November 9, 1934 - December 20, 1996)

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

I agree nothing good for the sheeple will come from this. After studying Walter Russell I found out just how high the level of ignorance to the workings of nature is to so-called "science". Nature functions almost always opposite of what is taught in schools.

"In every case do the opposite to whatever technology does today. Then you will always be on the right track."

~ viktor schauberger

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WTF does this mean.

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Great "Smart" definition...

I've always retro back to the "Get Smart" series of the mid 1960's, when Maxwell Smart runs his face into the sliding door. He also used his shoe as a telephone, but don't get me started...

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false", William Casey, Ronald Reagan's CIA director, in the presence of Reagan


What additional information does anyone need to realize that our "government" is a criminal enterprise bent on the destruction of America, and Americans, by any means possible and necessary.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Another awesome presentation to bring these things to the surface and expose things as they really are. Thank you Sasha.

@Sasha, have you talked with Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea at all about the contents of these WMDs that the people have been attacked with? I follow you and Katherine, and Dr Ana as a base and several others like Dr Jessica Rose and Dr Meryl Nass.

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Could not load the recording and could not load the transcript. full URL of the audio recording address would help.

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I added the link

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