Although the victim is not human, our indoor domestic short hair tabby cat developed pronounced ataxia starting around the age of 4 or 5 (he is now 12) and in our research we discovered that the flea preventative we were using on him from kittenhood used a nerve agent as its active ingredient. We lived in South FL at the time where fleas are a year round potential issue. He caught fleas as a kitten and we discovered he was terribly allergic to them, hence we had diligently used flea preventative. Although we stopped the flea medication the cat's ability to get around is impaired, but he still is continent and is otherwise in good health. I will always wonder how much of a part the flea preventative had in his condition. I am certain most pet owners using these have no idea that they are using a nerve agent on their pets.
I used the preventative on my first dog, then realized it was a pesticide, and we pet the dogs and play with them and so, I stopped using these. I also stopped giving them the heartworm drugs. They don't need any of this crap. They are doing totally fine, healthy dogs, no problems.
My completely unvaccinated and as far as possible~toxin free~ dog is sixteen (he’s Rottweiler/lab), and full of vitality! His only concession is that he sleeps a few more hours.
I'm really not into owning animals as "pets", but... Over a period of years, a friend of mine lost three unrelated dogs to intestinal cancers. All died long before they could be considered as 'older' animals.
He took extremely good care of all three, and spent quite a lot of money on high quality pet foods, etc. The only error he made was regular 'vaccinations' via his well paid vet... He is still in denial years later...
Paul, about eight months ago, I was given a puppy, and the owner thought I
would be very pleased to hear he had already put it through its third regiment
of six different vaccines! As I read over the list of vaccines given to this poor pup,
one of them was a "Covid-19" shot! All of the vaccines given to dogs, including rabies are completely bogus. The Veterinarian schools are bought into the same allopathic
Hello Eric. Yes. I tried to advise my friend that chances of his indoor pets contracting rabies was about a billion to one. Like most friends, he ignored my cautions and continued boosters and other injections about every six months. He spent over $3,500 to keep his last dog alive for a miserable four months. I felt worse for the dog than I did for my friend. All three were nice dogs. Sad...
Hi, Paul. Even our domesticated pets fall prey to the medical cartel. Years ago, old farm dogs lived into their twenties. Now "old age" for the average dog is twelve years. Of course, we feed them dry dog cereal instead of an occasional; squirrel, mole, or rabbit, eaten raw bones and all! Thanks for sharing.
Paul... We operate a small animal rescue/sanctuary not-for-profit and presently have 5 dogs and 20 cats who "own" us... I have discovered that one does not really "own" these fellow creatures, but rather they seem to adopt us as we all experience our lives in this Universe. Their presence in our own home has been both enriching and, at times, frustrating.
Mainstream veterinary medicine has been completely taken over by the same corporatist forces that control human medicine... Very sad.
In a paper titled “Whooping Cough and Pesticide Programs California Counties 2010,” West showed that the 2010 pertussis epidemic in California correlated with pesticide spray programs and peak outdoor pollution in the area. Based on that analysis West postulated:
“Pertussis is a seasonal pesticide disease, although it possibly can occur any time due to indoor air pollution, such as stove exhaust, indoor pesticide application, etc., or other sources. Pertussis could also occur due to outdoor air pollution, mining, refineries, vehicular, etc. Pertussis is a respiratory disease, and its symptoms are the body’s attempts to avoid breathing polluted air.”
Elsewhere, West made a similar argument suggesting petrochemical pollution was the causative agent for the whooping cough epidemic that hit Colorado in 2012.
Hello Sasha Latypova. Not to reduce the value of your many previous posts, but this article is the most impressive analyses to date. Your analyses and notes are extremely well articulated.
Systematic poisoning of croplands, agricultural livestock, and municipal water supplies, as related to systemic disease are so plentiful and obvious, only abject fools would deny the connections...
Apparently; *farmers* - *ranchers* the US Forest Service, the US Department(s) of Agriculture, and Environmental Protection Agency(s) handsomely employ such fools... Alas!
Dr. Tom Cowan is offering a cash reward for any peer reviewed paper proving a virus has been isolated. So far, no takers. Dr. Cowan has searched himself and cannot find any proof that viruses have been isolated.. He is a believer in terrain theory. I think he is correct.
Some have traced their cancers to the polio vaccines.
I had the oral polio "vaccine" in 62-63. There are 5 cancerous tumors associated with SV40, an ingredient in the polio vaxx. I've had 2 of the 5. Ms Latypova wrote of the 1950's propoganda film. When watching I was gobsmacked about 2.5 minutes when I heard the words "safe and effective". Had I known about IVM & Fenben may well have been curative, I would have opted to chosen it.
I keep ivermectin and fenbendazole in case I need it.
I learned from Dr. Sircus that if you maintain a pH level above 7.0, you are not likely to get cancer in the first place. I take 1/2 tsp of baking soda twice a day on an empty stomach to raise my pH and test my pH level often.
Ivermectin is a parasiticide. We have a farm and only used it twice as a single dose. It comes with a warning: "Cattle must not be treated within 48 days of slaughter for human consumption. Because a withdrawal time in milk has not been established, do not use in female dairy cattle of breeding age. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal."
Dr. Lee Merritt has found evidence that cancer is actually parasites. I searched ivermectin + cancer and found lots of promising studies. My theory is that Fauci knew this and didn't want the population using ivermectin as a COVID treatment or preventative as patients may have discovered that their cancers would have disappeared.
I don't entirely agree with the parasite = cancer thing. Did you ever watch her interview with Poornima Wagh? (Biologicals don't kill humans, chemicals and poison do.) Blaming parasites is the same idea as blaming a 'virus', bacteria, fungi etc. for causing disease. While there may be a bacterial overgrowth requiring anti-biotics, it likely didn't cause the disease. Same with parasites. After an initial emergency dose I wouldn't keep taking it but go to the root of the problem....which is likely poisoning/toxicity. Ivermectin is a rage on 'alternative' media starting with Joe Rogan. That is suspicious in itself. There are other protocols out there that are 100% safe and you will never hear of, unless you dig in all the right places and use the right search engine, and it often starts with diet, fasting, starving the cancer by not feeding it any sugar. Ivermectin kills parasites by attacking their nervous system. Do you think that prolonged use in humans will be safe? Just like DDT all over again.....DDT is safe for me.
Yes, I have been following Dr. Merritt for a number of years now. I am not a fan of Joe Rogan. But he was mocked for taking ivermectin for his COVID. This gives me reason to believe that ivermectin is effective and it is not something TPTB want us to know about. I think it threatens the multibillion dollar cancer industry. I caught up with Del Bigtree at the Red Pill Expo in Jekyll Island and he had heard that too.
Are you aware that we all carry parasites? Do you think they are all beneficial like beneficial bacteria? The idea is that living parasites excrete toxins that make people sick. Getting rid of parasites therefore addresses the source of some health problems.
I realize there is a lot of misinformation out there. Dr. Zelenko studied the COVID issue and found that zinc combined with zinc ionophores heal the cells. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and quercetin are all zinc ionophores.
Dr. Zelenko found his prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not being filled by pharmacies, so he combined quercetin, zinc, C and D3 into his proprietary Z-Stack over the counter supplement.
The entire medical establishment has been weaponized against us. A lawsuit in Wisconsin seeks to reveal it all.
Hello Green Hornet. The Paris Green (copper/arsenic) poisoning got shuffled under the table - along with all the other poisons people slathered on and romped in daily. >>>
Before it became common for pest control, Paris Green had enjoyed favor for many years as a food coloring, fabric dye, wallpaper ink, and was used in manufacture of artificial foliage and household soaps. Then people began to die.
Ingesting Paris Green or constant skin contact was often deadly, but it wasn’t realized until later decades that the vapor emitted from wet or moldy wallpapers was highly toxic.
My grandfather owned and operated a paint and wallpaper store in the early 1900's wherein he formulated and pigmented his own brands of paints. Decorative wallpapers were imported from large manufacturing houses in Chicago, USA and London, UK.
He often complained of nausea and loss of appetite. He eventually died of multiple cancer. Coincidence? Probably not...
Excellent information. My friend's lovely six year old springer just died. I could see all the medical interventions were going to kill him. I could see the pet insurance owner had made him feel like he was sooooooo lucky so it could cover costs. The vets love pet insurance. I told him if he kept giving this dog up to medical pet mafia that he wouldn't last. I'm so angry. By the way, I just collected fresh snow outside my back door and let it sit on the counter for a week. It turned to GEL! Totally normal right?
I quit taking my Yorkshire terrier to the vet. I refuse to let her be vaccinated.
She is a healthy 14 year old, soon to turn 15. I do give her carbon 60. When a clinical study was performed with rats, the C60 rats lived twice as long as the control group.
I take it myself. C60 is an excellent antioxidant and a detoxicant.
Sasha, thanks for compiling all this information showing how the pesticide DDT
was the most likely pathogen that was causing the paralysis and other adverse symptoms
rather than some contagious "polio, virus."
While reading this, I was reminded of a little book that came out I believe in 1957, by
a lady named Eleanor McBean entitled "The Poisoned Needle."In it, she covers just
how harmful the polio, smallpox, and other vaccines were with some very comprehensive statistics, showing the huge increase in death and injuries when these vaccines were made
compulsory in various countries around the world. She also discusses the so-called Spanish Flu
outbreak around the end of WW1, and how she believes that only those who were vaccinated
were the ones who died during that outbreak. Her little book is well worth the read and helps explain where we are today with the corrupt pharmaceutical companies still pushing their deadly
I am the son of a "polio" survivor. It is frankly miraculous that I exist at all. While he was severely disabled, he was the toughest, most determined person I have ever known.
His case was at 5 years old, in Nebraska in the mid-late 1930s. I think it was too early to be DDT, but there would have been other pesticides.
As a young kid growing up in Florida in the 50’s, all us kids used to ride our bikes right behind the DDT truck and laugh and yell in the whitish fog as it sprayed out. The truck came by once a week to spray for mosquitoes. Two of my sisters died young of cancer.
So many times when I've tried to have an open discussion about the "safety and efficacy" of vaccines with people who grew up during the 1950s, they completely shut me down with the whole "But polio!! So many kids were struck by polio!! Where would we be without the vaccine?!"
The sheer emotion (bordering on hysteria) that accompanies their arguments cues me to the reality that I'm talking to someone who has been thoroughly brainwashed - and probably before they reached the age of reason.
This article really helped to fill in the blanks for me. Thanks so much Sasha.
Very thorough, although Rachel Carson did extensively report on documented human illness from pesticide exposures, including paralysis and psychosis. Her legacy has been reduced to birds and bees and DDT, but she presented damning evidence for human and wildlife harms from polychlorinated hydrocarbon poisons in Silent Spring. She was also targeted by mass media and political/industrial discrediting. The Zika tiny head panic was caused by an insecticide- widely sprayed that year in Brazil.
Sasha, great "histology" on polio and chemical toxicity causation. I recently read 'Dr Mary's Monkey' by Ed Haslam. The researcher associates the Salk polio vaccine with SV40, a cancer causing monkey virus. The shift, when discovered , was to a rebranded polio vaccine (with a lesser percentage of SV40?). Soft tissue cancers exploded for the next 30 years following the original Salk program shown graphically in the research by Ed Haslam. Interesting that SV40 has been identified in the covid jabs.
In the world of knowledge, we have (amongst others) knowledge, public knowledge and common knowledge.
Most knowledge is public. It's out there and can be attained.
But what is propagated, what is pushed, what is agenda driven, frequently becomes "common knowledge".
Sometimes it takes only a little kid with no more sense than to tell the truth, to overturn common knowledge... which is frequently, perhaps commonly not knowledge at all.
Although the victim is not human, our indoor domestic short hair tabby cat developed pronounced ataxia starting around the age of 4 or 5 (he is now 12) and in our research we discovered that the flea preventative we were using on him from kittenhood used a nerve agent as its active ingredient. We lived in South FL at the time where fleas are a year round potential issue. He caught fleas as a kitten and we discovered he was terribly allergic to them, hence we had diligently used flea preventative. Although we stopped the flea medication the cat's ability to get around is impaired, but he still is continent and is otherwise in good health. I will always wonder how much of a part the flea preventative had in his condition. I am certain most pet owners using these have no idea that they are using a nerve agent on their pets.
I used the preventative on my first dog, then realized it was a pesticide, and we pet the dogs and play with them and so, I stopped using these. I also stopped giving them the heartworm drugs. They don't need any of this crap. They are doing totally fine, healthy dogs, no problems.
My completely unvaccinated and as far as possible~toxin free~ dog is sixteen (he’s Rottweiler/lab), and full of vitality! His only concession is that he sleeps a few more hours.
You may find this interesting and helpful and I think it parallels with what you are talking about ?
We were given the flea pill for our dog which immediately caused her to itch all over and have ear infections. These things are poison.
I'm really not into owning animals as "pets", but... Over a period of years, a friend of mine lost three unrelated dogs to intestinal cancers. All died long before they could be considered as 'older' animals.
He took extremely good care of all three, and spent quite a lot of money on high quality pet foods, etc. The only error he made was regular 'vaccinations' via his well paid vet... He is still in denial years later...
Paul, about eight months ago, I was given a puppy, and the owner thought I
would be very pleased to hear he had already put it through its third regiment
of six different vaccines! As I read over the list of vaccines given to this poor pup,
one of them was a "Covid-19" shot! All of the vaccines given to dogs, including rabies are completely bogus. The Veterinarian schools are bought into the same allopathic
medicine cult as much as the medical schools are.
Hello Eric. Yes. I tried to advise my friend that chances of his indoor pets contracting rabies was about a billion to one. Like most friends, he ignored my cautions and continued boosters and other injections about every six months. He spent over $3,500 to keep his last dog alive for a miserable four months. I felt worse for the dog than I did for my friend. All three were nice dogs. Sad...
Hi, Paul. Even our domesticated pets fall prey to the medical cartel. Years ago, old farm dogs lived into their twenties. Now "old age" for the average dog is twelve years. Of course, we feed them dry dog cereal instead of an occasional; squirrel, mole, or rabbit, eaten raw bones and all! Thanks for sharing.
Paul... We operate a small animal rescue/sanctuary not-for-profit and presently have 5 dogs and 20 cats who "own" us... I have discovered that one does not really "own" these fellow creatures, but rather they seem to adopt us as we all experience our lives in this Universe. Their presence in our own home has been both enriching and, at times, frustrating.
Mainstream veterinary medicine has been completely taken over by the same corporatist forces that control human medicine... Very sad.
You might find this article helpful.
He also offers classes and articles on how to use natural resources to improve your pets health.
In a paper titled “Whooping Cough and Pesticide Programs California Counties 2010,” West showed that the 2010 pertussis epidemic in California correlated with pesticide spray programs and peak outdoor pollution in the area. Based on that analysis West postulated:
“Pertussis is a seasonal pesticide disease, although it possibly can occur any time due to indoor air pollution, such as stove exhaust, indoor pesticide application, etc., or other sources. Pertussis could also occur due to outdoor air pollution, mining, refineries, vehicular, etc. Pertussis is a respiratory disease, and its symptoms are the body’s attempts to avoid breathing polluted air.”
Elsewhere, West made a similar argument suggesting petrochemical pollution was the causative agent for the whooping cough epidemic that hit Colorado in 2012.
"This is in response to unsupported mainstream media claims that vaccine exemptions caused the recent Whooping Cough ("pertussis") epidemic.
Whooping Cough and Pesticide Programs
California Counties 2010 [draft]
by Jim West
Whoa! Nice comment there!
Hello Sasha Latypova. Not to reduce the value of your many previous posts, but this article is the most impressive analyses to date. Your analyses and notes are extremely well articulated.
Systematic poisoning of croplands, agricultural livestock, and municipal water supplies, as related to systemic disease are so plentiful and obvious, only abject fools would deny the connections...
Apparently; *farmers* - *ranchers* the US Forest Service, the US Department(s) of Agriculture, and Environmental Protection Agency(s) handsomely employ such fools... Alas!
☝️ Absolutely!! 💯
Dr. Tom Cowan is offering a cash reward for any peer reviewed paper proving a virus has been isolated. So far, no takers. Dr. Cowan has searched himself and cannot find any proof that viruses have been isolated.. He is a believer in terrain theory. I think he is correct.
Some have traced their cancers to the polio vaccines.
I had the oral polio "vaccine" in 62-63. There are 5 cancerous tumors associated with SV40, an ingredient in the polio vaxx. I've had 2 of the 5. Ms Latypova wrote of the 1950's propoganda film. When watching I was gobsmacked about 2.5 minutes when I heard the words "safe and effective". Had I known about IVM & Fenben may well have been curative, I would have opted to chosen it.
I keep ivermectin and fenbendazole in case I need it.
I learned from Dr. Sircus that if you maintain a pH level above 7.0, you are not likely to get cancer in the first place. I take 1/2 tsp of baking soda twice a day on an empty stomach to raise my pH and test my pH level often.
Ivermectin is a parasiticide. We have a farm and only used it twice as a single dose. It comes with a warning: "Cattle must not be treated within 48 days of slaughter for human consumption. Because a withdrawal time in milk has not been established, do not use in female dairy cattle of breeding age. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal."
Dr. Lee Merritt has found evidence that cancer is actually parasites. I searched ivermectin + cancer and found lots of promising studies. My theory is that Fauci knew this and didn't want the population using ivermectin as a COVID treatment or preventative as patients may have discovered that their cancers would have disappeared.
I don't entirely agree with the parasite = cancer thing. Did you ever watch her interview with Poornima Wagh? (Biologicals don't kill humans, chemicals and poison do.) Blaming parasites is the same idea as blaming a 'virus', bacteria, fungi etc. for causing disease. While there may be a bacterial overgrowth requiring anti-biotics, it likely didn't cause the disease. Same with parasites. After an initial emergency dose I wouldn't keep taking it but go to the root of the problem....which is likely poisoning/toxicity. Ivermectin is a rage on 'alternative' media starting with Joe Rogan. That is suspicious in itself. There are other protocols out there that are 100% safe and you will never hear of, unless you dig in all the right places and use the right search engine, and it often starts with diet, fasting, starving the cancer by not feeding it any sugar. Ivermectin kills parasites by attacking their nervous system. Do you think that prolonged use in humans will be safe? Just like DDT all over again.....DDT is safe for me.
Yes, I have been following Dr. Merritt for a number of years now. I am not a fan of Joe Rogan. But he was mocked for taking ivermectin for his COVID. This gives me reason to believe that ivermectin is effective and it is not something TPTB want us to know about. I think it threatens the multibillion dollar cancer industry. I caught up with Del Bigtree at the Red Pill Expo in Jekyll Island and he had heard that too.
Are you aware that we all carry parasites? Do you think they are all beneficial like beneficial bacteria? The idea is that living parasites excrete toxins that make people sick. Getting rid of parasites therefore addresses the source of some health problems.
I realize there is a lot of misinformation out there. Dr. Zelenko studied the COVID issue and found that zinc combined with zinc ionophores heal the cells. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and quercetin are all zinc ionophores.
Dr. Zelenko found his prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not being filled by pharmacies, so he combined quercetin, zinc, C and D3 into his proprietary Z-Stack over the counter supplement.
The entire medical establishment has been weaponized against us. A lawsuit in Wisconsin seeks to reveal it all.
A German virologist by the name of Stefan Lanka was a major influence in Dr. Cowan's
understanding of the virus delusion" and Lanka has many interesting studies and videos
concerning the pseudo-science of virology and its false narrative.
DDT and Paris Green. Those were responsible for "polio" outbreaks.
Polio is a benign virus. 80% of people who have never had a polio shot, have antibodies when tested.
FDR in all likelihood had DDT poisoning.
Salk didn't cure polio, he spread it. Along with a healthy dose of SV40 from his monkey tissue vaccine.
Hello Green Hornet. The Paris Green (copper/arsenic) poisoning got shuffled under the table - along with all the other poisons people slathered on and romped in daily. >>>
Before it became common for pest control, Paris Green had enjoyed favor for many years as a food coloring, fabric dye, wallpaper ink, and was used in manufacture of artificial foliage and household soaps. Then people began to die.
Ingesting Paris Green or constant skin contact was often deadly, but it wasn’t realized until later decades that the vapor emitted from wet or moldy wallpapers was highly toxic.
My grandfather owned and operated a paint and wallpaper store in the early 1900's wherein he formulated and pigmented his own brands of paints. Decorative wallpapers were imported from large manufacturing houses in Chicago, USA and London, UK.
He often complained of nausea and loss of appetite. He eventually died of multiple cancer. Coincidence? Probably not...
Eli Lilly is hiring for AI engineering jobs. I knew they had been way to quiet during all of the biowarfare.
Have justwatched Jeffrey Jaxen's documentary, an investigation into the history of polio. Truly opened my eyes.
Excellent information. My friend's lovely six year old springer just died. I could see all the medical interventions were going to kill him. I could see the pet insurance owner had made him feel like he was sooooooo lucky so it could cover costs. The vets love pet insurance. I told him if he kept giving this dog up to medical pet mafia that he wouldn't last. I'm so angry. By the way, I just collected fresh snow outside my back door and let it sit on the counter for a week. It turned to GEL! Totally normal right?
I quit taking my Yorkshire terrier to the vet. I refuse to let her be vaccinated.
She is a healthy 14 year old, soon to turn 15. I do give her carbon 60. When a clinical study was performed with rats, the C60 rats lived twice as long as the control group.
I take it myself. C60 is an excellent antioxidant and a detoxicant.
Sasha, thanks for compiling all this information showing how the pesticide DDT
was the most likely pathogen that was causing the paralysis and other adverse symptoms
rather than some contagious "polio, virus."
While reading this, I was reminded of a little book that came out I believe in 1957, by
a lady named Eleanor McBean entitled "The Poisoned Needle."In it, she covers just
how harmful the polio, smallpox, and other vaccines were with some very comprehensive statistics, showing the huge increase in death and injuries when these vaccines were made
compulsory in various countries around the world. She also discusses the so-called Spanish Flu
outbreak around the end of WW1, and how she believes that only those who were vaccinated
were the ones who died during that outbreak. Her little book is well worth the read and helps explain where we are today with the corrupt pharmaceutical companies still pushing their deadly
Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth
Allen, thanks for the link, I'll check it out!
I am the son of a "polio" survivor. It is frankly miraculous that I exist at all. While he was severely disabled, he was the toughest, most determined person I have ever known.
His case was at 5 years old, in Nebraska in the mid-late 1930s. I think it was too early to be DDT, but there would have been other pesticides.
Thanks for posting.
As a young kid growing up in Florida in the 50’s, all us kids used to ride our bikes right behind the DDT truck and laugh and yell in the whitish fog as it sprayed out. The truck came by once a week to spray for mosquitoes. Two of my sisters died young of cancer.
Our mother kept us kids in the house when the spraying truck was operating on our street.
So many times when I've tried to have an open discussion about the "safety and efficacy" of vaccines with people who grew up during the 1950s, they completely shut me down with the whole "But polio!! So many kids were struck by polio!! Where would we be without the vaccine?!"
The sheer emotion (bordering on hysteria) that accompanies their arguments cues me to the reality that I'm talking to someone who has been thoroughly brainwashed - and probably before they reached the age of reason.
This article really helped to fill in the blanks for me. Thanks so much Sasha.
Very thorough, although Rachel Carson did extensively report on documented human illness from pesticide exposures, including paralysis and psychosis. Her legacy has been reduced to birds and bees and DDT, but she presented damning evidence for human and wildlife harms from polychlorinated hydrocarbon poisons in Silent Spring. She was also targeted by mass media and political/industrial discrediting. The Zika tiny head panic was caused by an insecticide- widely sprayed that year in Brazil.
Spin cycle manipulation is quite the magic trick!
"In developing countries, polio is blamed on poor sanitation. But in the United States, polio was blamed on lack of immunity due to good sanitation!"
Sasha, great "histology" on polio and chemical toxicity causation. I recently read 'Dr Mary's Monkey' by Ed Haslam. The researcher associates the Salk polio vaccine with SV40, a cancer causing monkey virus. The shift, when discovered , was to a rebranded polio vaccine (with a lesser percentage of SV40?). Soft tissue cancers exploded for the next 30 years following the original Salk program shown graphically in the research by Ed Haslam. Interesting that SV40 has been identified in the covid jabs.
In the world of knowledge, we have (amongst others) knowledge, public knowledge and common knowledge.
Most knowledge is public. It's out there and can be attained.
But what is propagated, what is pushed, what is agenda driven, frequently becomes "common knowledge".
Sometimes it takes only a little kid with no more sense than to tell the truth, to overturn common knowledge... which is frequently, perhaps commonly not knowledge at all.