Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

The human body is a divine creation.

The soul powers it.

Not hackable despite their money and depraved fantasies.

These globopsychohomopedos and their enablers want to be God, will fail and then get to meet God.

Special popcorn for that show.

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Lovely, Green person. I was thinking similar thoughts. Special popcorn, indeed!

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Glad to see people calling the Transhumanists insane. For they are SO out of touch with the earth and normal people. To think these nutcases are setting the agenda!

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But Yuval Harrari has written scads on how the body is 'hackable'.

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Yuval Harari is a dickless piece of human garbage. Satan has full control of that shell. He/It is a walking talking piece of Satan spewing it's spawn.

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you hit the nail on the head!! 😉

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Or did Satan reset its nails in our Self-crucifixion?

As you give so shall you receive is not a law of punishment but the fulcrum and awareness of divine Justice.

Yuval has his reward, your fruits are not set by him unless you so choose to contract with him - or more to the point what you are using your version of him for.

Joining in hate is the tempting bait of guilt given power, idolised and enacted as attack made 'holy'.

I can join with honesty to our feelings of hurt, disgust, repulsion or any other distortion of love framed in denial, betrayal and hatred. So I get that the feelings are intense and 'triggering' of conflicts at some level Harari is personifying as a ' key opinion leader' for gaslighting narratives set in idols of 'progress' and 'intellection' as elitist dominance.

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hararis body is hackable ,with a machette hopefully it might happen to the vile piece of garbage

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Only if you believe and allow it. Buck up buttercup!

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ah, but it is, & they have.

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Stop your BS and negavity. Just go away Seeking nothing but negavity. Fly away. You are a negative person and I dont need your absolute BULLSHIT Fly like the wind. It must be horrible being you!

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Its not negative.,Its called reality, & trying to spread the word so that humanity has a chance of survival. You instead, rather bury your head on the sand. Just read the patents. Its in black & white.

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I think wanting to be God is a damn dumb idea. Who needs more trouble? Sheesh!

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Thank you Sasha for this excellent overview of what I would describe as a "mass psychosis" phenomenon, akin to the condition we witnessed during Covid, and for the same reason: fear of death. It's all the same, whether you believe you can insert "code" into human cells that will make them do something you want them to do without bad side effects, or nonsensical ideas about loading one's "mind" (how do they even define that?) to the "cloud," and the nanobot-5G-chemtrails-internet-of-bodies thing that I can never get anyone to actually explain to me (how does it work? what are the mechanisms? what is the science? no answer!). In my experience, a lot of it has to do with little to no education in/understanding of biology, chemistry, physics nor any exploration of philosophy, literature, religion, etc.

I also agree that it seems like the vehemence with which this nonsense is being promoted on both sides (globalists vs the rest of us) feels like a psy-op. But I do not discount the mass formation tendencies we witnessed during Covid.

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Thank you!

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my fear is they may be experimenting to see if its possible. Either to covertly track or covertly injure or kill . Why wouldnt someone want to try that ??

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we are being experimented on in this exact way. You're 💯correct

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That japanese footage could be 'contamination' rather than tech .. certainly doesnt look appealing.

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Yes, and she is not alone in documenting what I think is plausible evidence supporting this hypothesis. Karen Kingston, David Nixon, Hildegarde Staninger, and Sabrina Wallace may all sound crazy at first, but the documentation they present are impossible to simply dismiss out of hand. They know they sound crazy to the uninitiated, too. I don't have the training to refute or confirm what Mihalcea purports is self assembling nanotech/synthetic biology, but despite this slowly filtering thru the medical freedom movement, I have have seen no one who might be able to systemically examine and refute her claims. Or they frankly don't have the background with that whole area of technology and toxicology associated with it, but attempt to pass judgement on it anyway. The response it elicits by many members of the movement is just to ignore it because it sounds too fantastic to even consider, which is exactly how the normies react to the entire C19 dissident movement.

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I'm tending to agree with you.. I've seen some very good presentations on this. I read a simple, broken-down paper , I can't remember where or what about it. That may sound crazy but I get around, and I let one thing leads to another.

My heart is in and out of A-Fib and I fucking know that it's due to covidsmovid or my mom shedding.

This happened this past December. I haven't spoken about very much at all.


Let me shut up; before I get on it

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The intent to manipulate, dominate or control others (but no less our 'self) results from loss of love whose control is not coercive but a unified heart mind and behaviour.

I see that such a masking of self-seeking explicates or projects its own signature characteristics to its conceived, perceived and believed 'world'.

If our true source of connected guidance is 'blocked' from our awareness we seek to regain love, power, freedom or justice externally - in another time and place than What is truly Given.

So the a-tempt to Get a substitution for life is itself a driven mechanism running 'beneath masking appearances' to which we are in various ways invested as our own strategies for survival within a loveless or warring world where lies are given power or priority over truth.

In specific terms I see that wherever the current 'thinking' opens opportunity for selling stories as 'solutions' for un-addressed or unhealed conflicts, they become the invested 'authority' into the jaws, cogs or screen of which we automatically identify according to our current investments definitions, beliefs and priorities.

When science uncovers new perspectives - it suffers the filter of marketising and weaponising insider controls to work a 'gain of function' in terms of predictive and preemptive control over life (self, world and others).

The nano-scale of physics and biology as biofield communications within a Totality of Being is even more integrally speaking to the Infinite than Blake's 'grain of sand'.

That is to say true function operates beneath and regardless all our temporal distortions, but love of truth cannot be allowed into a defended control system, and so it will be killed or subverted to support the masking controls of the 'tenant pharmers' (Ref Jesus parable).

Attacking God or God's Son or Creation is always firstly an attack on our awareness of truth, from which we literally know not what we do - while our claim to know frames us in struggle, pain and loss.

The nature and function of Living Waters is a realm of energetic informational exchange (of a Felt Communion of being) - that physics can recognise as temporal or cyclic persistence of domains of charge, structural information, and energetic support of self-organising fields as an open 'system' or organising field for embodiment, expression and unfolding of or development of a Life far exceeding anything our conception yet Native to 'self-awareness' as a relational gift - not an objected grasp.

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PS My liability to give energy to fear is my stake in an experiment to resolve fear externally - on bodies of others and world.

Thus if I suffer fear-based beliefs I would re-cognise my own participation at some level as indicated by my experience. As the mind can operate a complex defence it may not be at first apparent how I may be participating in a prison planet or an artificial control matrix and without dropping the gaslighting mindset of blame and denial or sacrifice I cannot even ask the question to allow answer to find me where the answer reveals what I then realise I always knew but did not connect.

Paradoxically it is by willingness to accept that whatever I think to know is not current and alive to That Which Knows, so to be still of my own conflictive convictions' opens awareness to receive -such as I am ready or willing to recognise.

Opening to what we will not accept induces trauma by coercion. Spirit is never coercive, & coercion is always a sign the ego is seeking to reframe experience to its dictate. ("I Want it Thus!")

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It's quite difficult to apprehend notions of sides like "globalists vs the rest of us", especially in the context of Sasha's article. Here, "the rest of us" include "too much of us" who swing all the way into the extreme opposite from the globalists direction (excluding the possibility of a psy-op, of course), which is not helping "us" at all.

As for the psy-op, I like a simple analogy often attributed to Bismarck: "If you put red ants and black ants in a jar, nothing happens. But if you shake the jar, they will start fighting until they eventually kill each other. The point is, the jar shaker is the real enemy, not the ants."

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I'm not sure I grasp what your saying.You believe or you don't believe that there is a group of people who manipulate things? I call them Puppet Masters..

I'm not clear on whete you stand?.

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I do believe that, but they are the jar shakers - not the other ants.

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Are you saying that chem trails don't exist? Or is it just mixed up in there with the nanobots?

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Re “loading one’s mind to the “cloud.”” From what I understand, no one REALLY knows just WHAT the mind is, nor how it operates. I’ve heard it called a meaning machine - point it at anything, and the mind will give whatever it’s pointed at meaning.

I like that one. :)

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i think most people would be lost if their digital memories were deleted . People are already uploaded to the cloud. when i lost my laptop and all my accounts i couldnt connect to 90% of my world . im a ver *real and non computer type person so God knows how nerds cope ..

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We all would not be lost. I assure you..

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if you couldnt prove who you were ? your family couldnt prove who they were ? you couldnt prove that someone with your name doing rotten things wasnt actually you ?? you couldnt access your bank or your healthcare ? noone from your past could find or contact you anymore ?? im enormously out on a limb with a self reliant life and i worked hard to avoid machines but id probably sink like a stone if i couldnt access anything digital . we all still need some things from the system .

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Ms. Latypova, I respectfully disagree with your dismissal of the nanotechnology narrative. Although the most recent microscopic studies have many deficiencies, they draw attention to a growing threat against humanity. Your dismissal of this threat is unwarranted as there is mounds of data and science, research studies, clinical studies, experiments done over the course of decades that easily disproves your romanticism and conclusory analysis as set forth in your post that it is impossible to merge the biological with machine or alternatively, interface with the two. Your lack of knowledge on the subject is evident in that nowhere in your analysis do mention any of the work of Dr. Charles Lieber or all the Internet of Bodies work and research done by IEEE, Rice University, DARPA, etc. For your reference I provide you with the site the we compiled to catalog all the white papers on this subject, as well as other reputable research on the use of nanotech to directly interact with the human cell here:

www. coronaized.com.

This compendium of research should be studied closely before making the sweeping and broad assertions in this post. I urge you to reconsider your position on this subject and ask that you not take baseless commentary that it can remotely control people and then extend that out to the notion that the entire theory of nanotech interfacing with human biology is somehow impossible and not at a high level of sophistication to the point that is now influencing human behavior and biological systems. It seems your attempting to squelch all dialogue on this subject, which in our opinion is doing your readers a great disservice.

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DON'T INJECT VACCINES AND YOU WILL BE FINE. Here, I alleviated your perceived threat, but you are entitled to cling to your fears.

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Sep 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

I (or my children) will not be injected or have my nose swabbed with anything ever. If they try by force the violence will commence.

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Those that don't take it will suffer from those who are consistently fooled into injecting these substances that contain this technology into their system. With 70% of the populace haven taken these shots, and a significant amount of that populace still taking them we have millions of comprised individuals, we need to expose this reality before too much of humanity has been damaged and or controlled by this attack. Also surreptitious attacks like this won't be recognized as clearly so there needs to be active disclosure and accountability of governments and scientists involved in this research. Although you may know not to take these injections, millions earnestly believe its in their best interest. This will lead to a condition where our society will cease to function as we currently know it, either through mass death or a slow modification of humanity until it is unrecognizable. Those who did not partake in this modification will be targeted and/or not have the wherewithal to deal with this horrific dystopia and be tossed into the abyss along with everyone else regardless if they take the shot or not. Essentially, there needs to be a full disclosure of these methods, technology, etc. to the hilt, until its understood who is doing it and why, and that there is an open discussion on the development and use of this technology for the sake of our society.

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You should relax a bit, take it easy and actually follow your very own advice and research those "nano" topics, but taking a position of a neutral inquisitive observer, willing to absorb factual and logical information without prejudice. )

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We are not prejudiced, and this is not a time to "relax." We are under attack from technology the nature of which is being suppressed from the general public that is not normally detectable under standard microscopy. We at Coronaized.com have been researching this topic for three years now, only using qualified pier-reviewed sources. The data is clear, the technology exists and it has been publicly admitted by Moderna, Pfizer, etc. that never previously used nanotechnology is being used. We are here to warn you and the general public not act in a prejudiced manner, but one in which we take this threat seriously. Maybe you never saw a family member hallucinate, or have a strange seizure from these "vaccines" but we have. Essentially, to not assiduously, vigorously, and vehemently investigate this technology, is not something we can sit by and do, to do so would be like playing cards on the deck of the Titanic while it sinks. To do so is to wait for the next forced inoculation to be administered unabated because most of the population can barely think for themselves because there mind has been hit with nanotech which effects their neocortex and higher order thinking. I respectfully urge all the members of this forum to inform themselves with the knowledge, research, etc. on www. coronaized.com and prepare for the next attack accordingly. Try to wake up others to what is now being put in every shot, without any FDA oversight or approval. This is why the ingredients are hidden and why huge stores of these "products" are destroyed outside of normal pharmaceutical supply management standards.

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Hello Job of Columbia. The vaccines (bio-weapons) have been well researched in numerous independent laboratory settings. Manufacturer disclosures of ingredient cocktails have also been well vetted. You are correct. These technologies *are* dangerous. That said:

It's time to quit "studying" the problem. The problem can only be resolved with criminal charges of Premeditated Murder brought against the perpetrators and their assigns. ALL these executive and administrative assholes need to hang from a gallows until dead. Best regards.

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There will not be any charges, I have been wrong that consistently since end of '21. They had/have evidence of FBI involvement of J6, in '21. The only ppl who continue to be charged are J6 ers whose constitutional rights were denied and continue to be denied.

Apathy is the new (fill in the blank)

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yes, the sky is falling

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Something very strange happening to people, yesterday on the news since when is a normal occurrence for a mother 42 age to kill who of his young sons ages 10 and 11 I think. People are murdering/ stabbing their partners and children in a psychotic episodes. Something is effecting people rational/ reasoning.

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Just after the Covid vx roll-out, I had an appointment with a generalist doctor in France and I asked him if he thought I should take the vx, he replied that one of his patients, a grandmother, had attacked and tried to kill her granddaughter just after receiving the vx so therefore he didn't recommend it.

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Hello Erzsebet. My belief is behaviors of the general populace are being directly manipulated via electromagnetic broadcast. These harassment frequencies are not limited to 5G and consist of multiple frequencies piggy backed on square wave and other low frequency modulations. Select broadcast modulations can cause insomnia, paranoia, agitation, fatigue, dizziness, dissociation, and apathy. Plenty of evidences have been published over the years, yet the civil populace remain glued to notions of nano-technology within vaccines, nano scale spy-bots in anesthetics, spiritual "attack" by disembodied spirits. All nonsense they've been spoon fed by alleged alternate media. These frequencies are *directly* induced via timed and modulated broadcast. Do your own research.

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"We at Coronaized.com have been researching this topic for three years now, only using qualified pier-reviewed [sic] sources. The data [sic] is clear..."

Give me THE BEST ONE source/data from your research that proves there is nanotech to control minds to someone's liking. I promise to peruse it without bias. If it is convincing I will read upon your research more and might change my mind. If it's garbage, I won't and suggest others to stay away.

But make sure it's just ONE and it's the BEST.

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English schools are giving nasal spray flu vaxes to little children . I believe these are designed to shed to others. is this not something to worry about ? Not just for the Henny Pennys amongst us ??

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No, I don't worry about this, except in case of these kids of course. They are screwed.

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So you dont think it would shed to the other kids ??? We homeschooled out of fear they might try such a thing years ago .. always been a bit paranoid about schools and meds.

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no, shedding is generally nor dangerous, especially to otherwise healthy kids. A healthy body can defeat it easily. The injections are the only really dangerous thing. Of course there is a range of sensitivity, but I am just saying don't obsess about shedding.

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Thanks. It's hard to know how paranoid to be :)

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I wonder if shedding is a cover for the damage caused by ambient EMF radiation?

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that's my personal theory , yes.

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Allow me to agree and disagree at the same time. Examining the experimental techno-data is one thing. Prohibiting and criminalizing these experiments would be another...

Persons employed in these research projects are mentally ill and dangerous. The survival of life on planet Earth should not involve "experiment". These operatives need to be secured in rubber rooms, force-fed organic foods, and taught creative basket weaving...

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Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dr Rima Laibow, speaking as a psychiatrist, she said, called them "batshit crazy" on the very intense podcast she did on https://246bajanvibesradio.com two days ago. Yep. I have to agree with her. The podcast was very good, especially for people who are trying to wrap their heads around the depth of this stuff.

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I cant trace her podcast , do you have a link pls ?

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Hi, I don't know where they send their old podcasts. It was hard to even find the "play" button on the far right that didn't seem to be actually connected to anything. But, if you go directly to Dr Rima's website, you can hear/watch many interviews she has done with others. BTW, I'm glad you homeschool! And/or find a Waldorf based school if you can...I've taught (in alternative) for 50 years and strongly urge everyone to get out of public schools.

Here's a link on rumble (https://rumble.com/embed/v401692/). Bless you!

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I want to be secured in a rubber room, force-fed organic foods, and taught creative basket weaving... It sounds better than where we are at currently :(

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Heh, heh... Good one! I'm not into torture or prolonged punishments for the insane. I like to be comfortable... Best regards.

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Dr Youngmi Lee interviewed on her research paper with Dr Daniel Broudy consultant on transhumanism


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Thank you. Ive been calling her out on this, & she deletes my posts, so yours will most likely get deleted too. It speaks volumes, right?

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The body knows what does not belong.

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The body can be weakened and manipulated. It is clear that the shots cause IgG4 dysfunction and immunosuppression. Many in the alternative media say this is simply to kill, which it may do as well, but we at Coronaized believe there is another purpose to this, that is to allow the infiltration of nanotechnology to proliferate in the body and be able to interact with the body for a multitude of purposes, not least of which is data collection and manipulation of human cells and genetic structures. See: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/nl404360k

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Well said, I also said “Controlled Opposition” because the original post, muddies the pond, and causes division and confusion. It’s really sad and so unhelpful, during very testing times.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

It was the brutally pessimistic sci-fi writers that got it right. We're living in an almagamation of the worlds they foresaw. For instance, I read a book called We by Yevgeny Zamyatin that has a panopticon like surveillance society but notably the people were almost completely complacent and unable to comprehend their invisible prison. Apparently, his book was the first one the Soviets banned.

On a bit of a tangent, I was also reading the Renaissance monk Rabelais' books. He was educated as a physician. Reading some of his discussion of herbs and anatomy, I suddenly realized that I would trust the medical advice of a 16th century monk physician over that of most modern doctors. At the very least if I took the wrong herbs and unguents, I would probably not be greatly harmed. Compare that to what happens when modern medicine goes wrong, or even when it goes 'right.'

How have we taken the promise of open scientific inquiry and screwed things up this badly? What a shame.

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Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks Sasha - always appreciate a dose of reality with my morning coffee. My local paper actually printed an article encouraging Ms. Harris to try to disrupt Mr.Trump during the debate, resulting in his going berserk on camera. Who watches this theater? They belong in the Kurzwell cult - borrowed his book from the library it outweighs the Bible- you are correct this man is deranged. So again thanks for being real in an unreal world. P.S. I run when I see a reference to “Dr.” Campbell who seems to be in love with the sound of his own pontifications -yuk. Have a good day.

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Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Woowww — so all those 'nano images' aren't even nano at all? I just learned something new! It's incredible how these visuals are being used to push a narrative that doesn’t stand up to real scrutiny. Your breakdown of how these exaggerated claims take hold of the public imagination is eye-opening.

It reminds me of how concepts like space travel or transhumanism get embedded into our consciousness without question. I explore similar themes in my own work, particularly how these narratives shape our perception of reality.



It's crucial that we continue to expose these layers of misinformation. Great work, Sasha!

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Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for your perspective.

Thanks also to all the people who added more perspective through their information in the comments.

We, the readers here, seem to be among the last line of defense for us all. May we collaborate and work together to eradicate the oppression and exploitation of our world. Bless you all! Keep going. 😉🌈❤️🔥🌟

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bless you :) ❤️

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Dear Sasha,

thank you so much for this post. I agree with most of it. I like that you bring to the forefront the historical/political issues and the evils of the transhumanist ideologues, which is the real issue that everyone avoids (mostly because almost everyone is ignorant about history and politics and economics, and I can't blame them because those are boring, depressing and soul-wrenching subjects of study.)

But people continue with the fear campaign and fear is toxic. I think most of them just repeat evil hoaxes because they don't realize they are working for the enemy.

My own idea is this: the chips are a macroscopic fetish of engineers, and any hypothetical "electronic" components inserted into the body must be bio-compatible and that most likely means very smooth edges and round shapes.

I'll explain more.

Up here in the world we can see, engineers and inventors use electronic components that have most often square edges. This is for alignment purposes. Also for industrial mass production. For example, everyone who has toyed with computers knows that the modular components have a rectangular section and positioning marks. I think the processors are almost a square, but two parallel sides are slightly shorter, so that the piece (expensive and delicate stuff) only can be positioned in the correct direction. The motherboard and the receptacles oblige the worker to not make mistakes when installing components.

The robotic arms that are used to place the thousands of tiny SMD components on smartphones are probably programmed to work with rectangular objects, with a right side and a wrong side. A perfect cube or a regular square have no wrong side. Same with spheres, circles and regular polygons. All macro electronic components are designed in a way that it's difficult to mistake their usage, their positioning. Computers are not that smart, it's all stage magic (100% preparation.)

Thus, the hoaxers invented the lie that the chips have to be squares, rectangles, and everyone follows uncritically that absurdity. The squares are probably salt. The long crystals are probably sugar. But there is no reason that micro-scale electronic components have to follow the obsessive right-angle rules of the electronics designs in the macro world. Where is the motherboard? Is it the blood plasma? Are the components meant to not stay in place but to circulate all over the body? Then they better be rounded and soft and pliable, because hard objects of made of polyethylene or some other plastic cannot be dissolved will probably get attacked and destroyed, or the body will attempt to do that.

The wild conclusions many people make of these images and observational studies are also caused by the underdeveloped imagination most people have. They have a fear addiction, IMO. A well developed imagination can help to overcome fear.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sometimes the 'liberators' are worse than the dictators... these images have been misinterpreted even by physicians. It is sad that good science goes bad, but these last 4 years we have seen the summu,m of bad so far. Read Juri Lima on the Russian revolution - a haunting story. Could not watch but half of the film. I had no idea about that mausoleum. Dr Geoff Pain and Dr Bine had warned for this as well.

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I visited the Masoleum on a school trip, but I think it was a mannequin by then.

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Sep 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for writing so well about what so many of us already know. Even if our numbers are few, they are enough for the search for truth and reality to continue.

If all this high tech nano bot prattle were true, we would not continue struggle with the common cold and call it a pandemic. We would have a cure for cancer and a remote control to switch our kids off at bedtime… science has no idea how a human organism really functions because it focuses only on what it can see and measure - on the corpse. And people who are as ignorant as the science folks believe in this whole superstition and dogma that we see everywhere today.

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Sorry you don’t seem to understand their agenda. They want us sick or dead failing that easily manipulatable. Cures for cancer are here, just censored. They would never let that one out of the bag.

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I was being a bit sarcastic here. I have known about all this for the past 30 years. I use censored cures for cancer, yes. But Sasha brings in a good common sense and backed by research perspective on the tendency nowadays to think simplistically about "us" and "them" and then believing everything that "our people" say, without research. I think we are at that stage now - looking into even our own hypotheses and short sightedness. It is a process.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

What about the 12 : 13 digit alpha numeric emiting bluetooth MAC addresses?

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what about it? If you can get me any person who is controlled by nanotechnology and can demonstrate how, I am looking to interview them.

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Jayne was asking a question about Mac addresses that are not registered.

Nothing about people being controlled by nano tec.

I have been watching these odd Macs since October 2021.

Can you tell me why they appear and disappear as the people walk in and out of the corner store? Do have any explanation for this?

No one seems to have an answer yet. I spoken with all kinds of IT specialist and electrical engineers.

In fact one design engineer that works for the communication industry in the USA. He was very surprised at what I was showing him.

He has absolutely no idea what was going on and now curious.

Are you not at all curious about these odd things that started in 2021.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

I have been interested in the nanotechnology aspect since it was first reported. I am not afraid of the research, hysterically spreading fear, - just interested, and I maintain scepticism about some of the outlandish claims. I do not understand why taking an intelligent interest in a new and experimental field should result in an extreme response and denial. Investigating a subject with an open mind is not the same as being credulous. I refuse to have my curiosity censored, as if it were dangerous. Perhaps shutting this subject down enables people to avoid their own anxiety.

Some points -

The articles I have read on nanotechnology state that the extremely small size of the particles means they respond differently to physical laws that apply to normal sized objects. So we cannot use familiar analogies from other better understood fields.

There is also the concern about environmental pollution by these unnatural substances. If there is nanotech in the injections, it has got into the sewage, soil, and seas already with unknown consequences.

Toxicity and Environmental Risks of Nanomaterials: Challenges and Future Needs


This also raises the point that hypothetical nanoscale devices would rapidly disseminate into the environment and other animals. Are the animals going to be tracked electronically too? How do you target this stuff in a world where all materials are constantly breaking down and being rebuilt and recycled in host tissues? Suggests that as a tech this will be useless and any signal drowned out.

I do not know whether nanotech devices are feasible, but it is clear there has been much funded research into trying to make them so. If there are nanoscale objects in the injections, this does not mean they are functional. They could just be "nanoscale toxic junk". They ought to set off an immediate immune response, inflammation, and rejection.

It is possible that these objects are just some sort of vast experiment in host tolerance.

But shutting down discussion will not lead to any resolution of this. Lee and Broudy do not make any silly unsubstantiated claims, they just reported what they found. Maybe using the term "nanotechnology" was unwise as they do not understand what these objects are or how and why these materials behave as they do.

I wonder why the "no virus" people are allowed to flood the internet with what I believe to be total rubbish claims, when nanotech gets denied?

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Please follow Dr. Clifford Carnicum who has been studying this for 25 years, Dr. David Nixon, Karen Kingston, Dr. Ana Mihalcea.

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Well put, thanks.

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Track, trace, triangulate, technology? Maybe?

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And? why bother when this is already achieved by a dozen different other approaches. It is not technically viable, and not needed. They already can trace anyone they want.

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I spent many years looking through brain sciences research funding to support my work . For years most of it was geared toward advertising or mind control or surveillance, mainly mind control. I would guess by now we have gazillions of covert ways to control and monitor people .. I dont think the research would stop either .. they would just keep trying new and nifty ways. Especially if they ultimately wanted shot of most of us anyhow and were safely ensconced elsewheres .. ??

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Why would the US work on atomic weaponry, when they were perfectly capable of obliterating Japan with conventional aerial bombing? Because they thought they could.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

You assume the people doing this are rational and sane. Of course there is no need to desire new ways to track and trace people - but the perpetrators do not think like normal people.

Who knows what their plans for "smart cities" may entail. Constant EMF tracking using 5G within the environs maybe.

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In real time or near real time? How?

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The smoking gun that's so easy for anyone to test before making claims it doesn't exist.

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This is what both sides rarely talk about. Both the "look at these circles and squares! its the nanotechz!" guys and the "its a psyop" guys and even the Snopes-esque "well actually its just microtech" guys.

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Sep 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Sasha, I couldn‘t agree more with you on the background of the nanotechnology fear, and also on the well-intended research but utterly naive data interpretation by the authors of the recent „nanobot“ paper. Their images are real and the microstructures are genuine, but they simply consist of self-assembled lipids (cationic amphiphiles, phospholipids, and cholesterol), as used for the mRNA delivery. These lipids are known to agglomerate into all sorts of strange shapes when incubated for long periods and/or under inappropriate conditions.

You can find a fully illustrated, scientific explanation in my recent commentary on the Lee & Broudy paper, published in the same journal IJVTPR: https://doi.org/10.56098/7hsjff81

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thank you

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Sasha, I suggest that you discuss the Ulrich paper, which resolves the nanotech debate, in a separate post as items are left unread in the comments section as it grows, and this subject deserves attention.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Anne, Your excellent paper was posted here by Werner Gruber in the comments section yesterday (about five posts down from this if you put the comments on "new") and I responded to it as it is clearly correct and finally resolves this debate. Thank you for your integrity and outstanding work.

I suggest that Sasha writes a post on this topic alone, discussing your paper, as the comments section is long and subjects get lost and unread.

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Sep 12Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Currer, thank you for your encouragement to calm the waves in a separate post. The comments can indeed become confusing when they get too long, as I only just found Werner Gruber’s prompt reaction :-). It was really good to see in Sashas current article that she - and most of the responses - did not go awry about the alleged nanobots, but kept a much wider perspective. If you, Sasha, might like to have any further info/insight/discussion, please feel free to contact me.

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I believe that whatever is driving humans to spend hours a day staring at computers is also driving humans to attempt the silicon+life synthesis.

I agree that currently the silicon tech cannot actually integrate with the organic life. But many people are trying very hard to do it, and are certainly injecting nano-machines into test animals, and are currently giving public talks extoling the future wonders of their actual research into life+silicon&hyrogel.

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Just look up what biotech is!! They ate doing this!

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Thank you Sasha for 'injecting' (pun intended) some sanity into this debate. If our betters want to escape their own poison, they'll need some pretty advanced countermeasures!

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Sep 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

>Nobody is reanimating heads, but you can store yours in a liquid nitrogen vat if you have a spare $80K, just in case.

That might actually be cost effective when compared to so many of our fellow humans who store their heads in their asses.

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Great work Sasha

I live for God it is He decides my end

Praise be to Him Amen

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