Thank you Sasha! Interesting thoughts about the pause on the oral mRNA trials. Do you want to add a link to your interview with RFK Jr on his podcast? That might be a good reminder about where he stood on all this before the maw of MAHA opened up and swallowed him into the belly of the beast.
Jeff Childers at C&C often does a 'multiplier" to garner funds to aid those that have been dealt a massively unfair hand due to gov't (mostly) malfeasance/overreach.
I say we set up a variation here where you assign to your readers a 50 state blitz to contact respective Representative/Legislators & State Senators to bring to their awareness the need to push back and eliminate the PREP act altogether.
I'll take Oregon to get the ball rolling.
60 House Representatives
30 State Senators
I'm on it.
From there we push back on Patriot Act and then the 1986 Immunity Act/National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act provided to Pharma for jabccines.
Of course, please do. Please use all materials that I have. I am hoping people will take this to their state reps. I am taking to some legislators tomorrow, too.
The seed and pivotal event was the assassination of JFK, 22nd Nov. 1963, when LBJ (Jewish mother) wrenched the reins of power from JFK, who was attempting to prevent a nuclear Middle (Near) East, by inspecting the nuclear Dimona reactor - much to the chagrin of David Ben-Gurion, President and Minister of Defence during this period. Ben-Gurion wanted the bomb. JFK effectively said NO. Hence the assassination on Elm Street by the CIA and in collusion FBI, Dallas police and Kosher Mafia.
Did Trump ‘order’ the global military Covid response?
In the ‘war against the coronavirus’, did U.S. DoD orders - with Trump at the helm - precipitate the lockstep COVID operation in American-allied nations?
Crime has been legalized by our government. Government is a crime syndicate. Let's hope Kennedy refuses to join the syndicate. He has only been in office for a short time, but we who wish to live in a society where crime is actually illegal need to hear Kennedy say as much by exercising his authority and putting the kabosh on the false emergency that never existed and still does not exist. How about seeing some of that promised radical transparency? We're ready.
"Let's hope Kennedy refuses to join the syndicate."
Well, he did want in, and he was appointed and approved. If that doesn't make him a part of the crime syndicate, I don't know what will. If he gets out of line like his uncle and father, the crime syndicate will give him a one way ticket to visit them and his cousin.
This isn't 1963 anymore, and this isn't your grandfather's naive world. If Kennedy chooses to do the right thing, they won't be able to stop him, because they know that if they try then they will have to deal with the Yellow Vests, the Canadian Truckers, and Occupy Wall Street all at the same time.
The ruling class, although they have greatly expanded their wealth, has been shrinking in numbers for years, according to the laws of capital. They are in an existential struggle, which they will inevitably lose. They are lashing out with all they have, gambling everything to maintain control.
March 25th 2021 COVID-19 Vaccines: A Review of Safety & Efficacy ft No trials with pregnant women. The Vaccine IS the Infection. "Side Effects" are signs it's working! - FEMA ( UKDailyMail: Covid vax syndrome has destroyed our lives: 'We've been left to rot'. PREP Act emergency declaration must be terminated. Liability Protection & Vaccine Proliferation Childhood Schedule.
The same Kennedy who said Palestinians are the most pampered people on earth?
Not sure I have much faith in what he considers legal and illegal.
I admire his work and tenacity at Children's Health Defense, and his taking on corporate corruption, but I think he is controlled so I do not expect much in his position with the politics as usual government.
For if the bulk of the public were really convinced of the illegitimacy of the State, if it were convinced that the State is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large…
The extension of the PREP act to 2029 allows the deranged medicine men to continue to produce RNA injections under the disguise that they are working on improving health out comes. In reality it is designed to have the investors get a return on their investment. Over 100 RNA projects are in the works! A quick fix to our health issues in the USA is simple. It should be mandated that anyone diagnosed with a disease state is required to have their vitamin D blood value measured. Majority of Americans are grossly deficient. Our VA ran a test on this protocol and discovered veteran visits decreased by 50% because they were more healthy by being given a Vitamin D3 supplement. VA ignored the study because it doesn't grow the bureaucracy! covers the ground breaking work of my friend Dr. Leslie Ray Matthews that has been a health visionary!
I agree. Blood levels of vit D only reflect the last vitamin pill you took and say nothing about absorption. Vegan Vit D2 is apparently worse than useless as it blocks the receptors for 'real' Vit D3.. supplementation is a complex business and many people were shouting for years that D supplements were a scam in their own right . Many have also warned for decades about vit D supplement toxicity .. it becomes a minefield when you try mandating for others .
The same goes for blood work testing all vitamin levels. It only shows what's in the bloodstream and not what's actually being absorbed. Complete waste of time and worse, immune cells are depleted unnecessarily.
Great advice about vitamin D! I learned about the importance of it at the start of Covid, so my husband and I keep our levels up in the 80's. We haven't gotten Covid, the flu, or even a cold since.
Given that the US wages immense power internationally, each and every step in the right direction, i.e AWAY FROM MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP AND MILITARY TOTALITARIANISM is more than warmly welcomed worldwide. It is likewise necessary to EXIT THE UN and all its subsidiaries such as the WHO.
Thank you, Sasha. Your choice of words and phrases are exceptional, and I certainly hope will prove effective. This will be an important moment for us to find out how far the administration is willing to go against the abuse/profit of big Pharma in order to preserve the interest of the public. I will be anxiously waiting!
Just sent following bcc email to time-pressured friends.
Email title:
206-word excerpt from open letter to HHS Sec re active DoD EUA Countermeasures in place until end of 2029 from retired CEO who for 25 years oversaw agency-regulated R&D contracted with 60 pharma companies worldwide.
Body of email:
Dear Secretary Kennedy,
Please use your authority to terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is none in reality. Please investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the "pandemic response" (described below) that has resulted in the greatest human tragedy in the world in recorded history and completely destroyed public trust in the government health agencies.
All covid injections on the market today are EUA Countermeasures, due to current PREP Act emergency declaration for covid public health emergency extended by the previous administration to December 31, 2029!
All covid vaccines and other EUA drugs and devices, no matter how advertised (falsely declared FDA approved) are non-investigational EUA Countermeasures under this law. These products pose severe risk of harm to the public due to absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.
In summary, the process by which the EUA products enter interstate commerce and claims about their safety, efficacy or contents are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information.
Link to full letter including reference citations and video message to HHS Sec. "Due Diligence and Art" on X: "Open Letter to the HHS Secretary Robert Kennedy, Jr" / X
What exactly has rfk done to exhibit he has any plans to cancel the prep act, I’ve literally never heard him mention it even though Sasha I heard you lay it all out on his podcast what 2 years ago?
I appreciate you doing this and I hope im wrong but I feel like he’s not on our side, reminds me of ladapo in Florida who I also believe was put in his position to give a sense to us that someone is looking out for us and will save us.
On a side note did you hear the doc Malik podcast with heather hudson, was wondering what your take was on the Russian scientist she mentioned who defected to the us. Sergei popov I believe was his name.
What people need to understand is that RFK now has to work on the inside and not necessarily tell everyone what his strategy is. He used to be on the outside, where one can attack the current policies. When you're on the inside, you have to have a strategy to deal with the powerful outside interests -- you can't just attack them head-on, else you lose your job. I disagree with RFK on Bitcoin and Gaza, but that's not part of his current authority. I do trust that if anyone can change the health-related policies, he can, but he's not Superman. He needs support of the masses to take on powerful interests. It's too soon to tell what he can get done, but so far he has made inroads in the area of transparency. If all he can do is bring transparency as to the lies and sad state of affairs, it will have been worth it.
So true, remember the frustration of Dr. Atlas and Dr. Alexander? He needs to work systematically and not show his hand before knowing all the ins and outs. The last he should do is blurt out ideas and plans like his boss.
If RFK Jr., or anyone, has to lie to get into office, then I ask - What is the point??
He validates and supports the CDC Childhood Vaccine schedule. He said that.
He applauds Operation Warp Speed. !
I, for one, have no interest in these political "I'll say this until I get in, then I'll....". That is politics as usual. That's how fake pandemics happen. That's how mandates happen. That's how tyranny happens.
I would rather see Kennedy stay on as chairman of CHD and speak TRUTH to power than to see a lameduck position in which he is controlled.
Kennedy's interview on the Jimmy Dore show in August of 2023 was the punch in the gut for me. I realized then, for me, it really is a hugely controlled operation. All I could think was "They got to him".
With all due respect, I think you do not know how things really work in Washington. I've been on the inside (in the housing area, not the health area, working for the lead financial advisor for the FHA -- a multi-billion-dollar outfit with lots of conflicted stakeholders) -- if you don't understand the inside game you will lose. Period. Thinking that you can just ignore how the system works and "tell the truth" will get you nowhere. Yes, there are rackets in control, but acting like a bull in a china shop "telling the truth" so that special interests and globalists can take you out using their powerful weapons and virtually unlimited funding is not the answer. Thinking that we can change the system in a matter of weeks by "telling the truth" is naive. RFK, Jr. has done a lot in just a few weeks. To expect him to work miracles all by himself in a matter of days is unfair. I'm an attorney. There's an anecdote about a judge who would never go to trial until both parties could state the other's position to the satisfaction of the other party. The judge's cases almost never actually went to trial with parties who really understood and could articulate the others' positions. Part of RFK, Jr.'s job is to understand, master, all of the stakeholders' positions. I don't think he's in a position to do that within days of getting into office.
I expect nothing from this administration except more of the same.
They are just changing the tools for the great reset.
But Kennedy did do a great deal of work at CHD and I more than appreciate that. I had absolutely NO idea about vaccines until 2020 when I began listening to him after he came out swinging against Fauci.
I love CHD. Have learned an enormous amount. (In addition to all that I've learned from so many others including this substack)
Wish I'd never been jabbed at all. Did not get the cvid jab and will not be getting any other ones.
Feet to the fire! Thanks Sasha!
It's wierd how the prep act is extended till December 31,2029. Just shy of the beginning of agenda 2030
The PERP act needs to be canceled, and all the persons of interest rounded up LONG before 2029. Preferably by the end of March, 2025.
Probably to time with the incoming GSM (grand solar minimum). Valentina Zharkova's (astrophysicist) recent update:
And past the Trump presidency.
dont :(
Thank you, warrior Sasha! We appreciate you more than you know!
Thank you Sasha! Interesting thoughts about the pause on the oral mRNA trials. Do you want to add a link to your interview with RFK Jr on his podcast? That might be a good reminder about where he stood on all this before the maw of MAHA opened up and swallowed him into the belly of the beast.
Yes, good point re interview.
Jeff Childers at C&C often does a 'multiplier" to garner funds to aid those that have been dealt a massively unfair hand due to gov't (mostly) malfeasance/overreach.
I say we set up a variation here where you assign to your readers a 50 state blitz to contact respective Representative/Legislators & State Senators to bring to their awareness the need to push back and eliminate the PREP act altogether.
I'll take Oregon to get the ball rolling.
60 House Representatives
30 State Senators
I'm on it.
From there we push back on Patriot Act and then the 1986 Immunity Act/National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act provided to Pharma for jabccines.
Of course, please do. Please use all materials that I have. I am hoping people will take this to their state reps. I am taking to some legislators tomorrow, too.
All available via quick emails so should be done before month’s end. Best
Democide is always an inside job.
The seed and pivotal event was the assassination of JFK, 22nd Nov. 1963, when LBJ (Jewish mother) wrenched the reins of power from JFK, who was attempting to prevent a nuclear Middle (Near) East, by inspecting the nuclear Dimona reactor - much to the chagrin of David Ben-Gurion, President and Minister of Defence during this period. Ben-Gurion wanted the bomb. JFK effectively said NO. Hence the assassination on Elm Street by the CIA and in collusion FBI, Dallas police and Kosher Mafia.
LBJ's family were Baptist going back several generations. He had no Jewish blood.
Stop spreading anti-Jew conspiracies.
Perhaps a little more research might assist?
Did Trump ‘order’ the global military Covid response?
In the ‘war against the coronavirus’, did U.S. DoD orders - with Trump at the helm - precipitate the lockstep COVID operation in American-allied nations?
darpa jabs
Crime has been legalized by our government. Government is a crime syndicate. Let's hope Kennedy refuses to join the syndicate. He has only been in office for a short time, but we who wish to live in a society where crime is actually illegal need to hear Kennedy say as much by exercising his authority and putting the kabosh on the false emergency that never existed and still does not exist. How about seeing some of that promised radical transparency? We're ready.
Government/Pharma/DOD/WHO is a criminal cartel.
"Let's hope Kennedy refuses to join the syndicate."
Well, he did want in, and he was appointed and approved. If that doesn't make him a part of the crime syndicate, I don't know what will. If he gets out of line like his uncle and father, the crime syndicate will give him a one way ticket to visit them and his cousin.
This isn't 1963 anymore, and this isn't your grandfather's naive world. If Kennedy chooses to do the right thing, they won't be able to stop him, because they know that if they try then they will have to deal with the Yellow Vests, the Canadian Truckers, and Occupy Wall Street all at the same time.
🙂 and the Worldwide Rally for Freedom. But I don't count on RFK Jr. I think the regular humans have to save the regular humans.
whenis was that?
Kennedy's brand has an expiration date.
By design, and malevolence, of the hidden factions.
They already stopped him. Ask his many followers who's jaws dropped at his remarks beginning in 2023 regarding Israel and Palestine.
They don't need bullets to stop us now, just the threat of them. Particularly if those threats are aimed at family and loved ones.
I'm not saying that that is what happened, I'm saying that that is what I have come to believe. About all of Washington DC.
The "Great Reset" was accelerated because of the Yellow Vests.
The ruling class, although they have greatly expanded their wealth, has been shrinking in numbers for years, according to the laws of capital. They are in an existential struggle, which they will inevitably lose. They are lashing out with all they have, gambling everything to maintain control.
The Banksters Will Lose The 500 Year Battle from the front
Here is the circus theme for the Technocratic clown car, which is smoking and sputtering:
^^^also contains perfect description of Substack, although it isn't called out by name:
"Offer 'freedom of speech' via platforms that censor or amplify based on hidden oligarchic algorithms, trapping users in an illusion of agency."
And likely, vigilante justice would not be off the table.
Well, we can hope, can't we?
Yes, so very true. It will take more than transparency to tackle the evil in government and its sponsors.
If that dog won't hunt, then we'll get another one.
March 25th 2021 COVID-19 Vaccines: A Review of Safety & Efficacy ft No trials with pregnant women. The Vaccine IS the Infection. "Side Effects" are signs it's working! - FEMA ( UKDailyMail: Covid vax syndrome has destroyed our lives: 'We've been left to rot'. PREP Act emergency declaration must be terminated. Liability Protection & Vaccine Proliferation Childhood Schedule.
The same Kennedy who said Palestinians are the most pampered people on earth?
Not sure I have much faith in what he considers legal and illegal.
I admire his work and tenacity at Children's Health Defense, and his taking on corporate corruption, but I think he is controlled so I do not expect much in his position with the politics as usual government.
Very sad indeed.
"Crime has been legalized by our government."
That, in fact, is the main reason for the existence of government all pretexts aside.
“The primitive state is the creation of warlike robbery; and only by warlike robbery can it be preserved.”
- Franz Oppenheimer, The State [1919] , Chap II,(d) the primitive feudal state of higher grade
For if the bulk of the public were really convinced of the illegitimacy of the State, if it were convinced that the State is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large…
The State versus Liberty By Murray N. Rothbard
The extension of the PREP act to 2029 allows the deranged medicine men to continue to produce RNA injections under the disguise that they are working on improving health out comes. In reality it is designed to have the investors get a return on their investment. Over 100 RNA projects are in the works! A quick fix to our health issues in the USA is simple. It should be mandated that anyone diagnosed with a disease state is required to have their vitamin D blood value measured. Majority of Americans are grossly deficient. Our VA ran a test on this protocol and discovered veteran visits decreased by 50% because they were more healthy by being given a Vitamin D3 supplement. VA ignored the study because it doesn't grow the bureaucracy! covers the ground breaking work of my friend Dr. Leslie Ray Matthews that has been a health visionary!
Nobody should be Mandated to do anything to do with the health of the same individual.
I agree. Blood levels of vit D only reflect the last vitamin pill you took and say nothing about absorption. Vegan Vit D2 is apparently worse than useless as it blocks the receptors for 'real' Vit D3.. supplementation is a complex business and many people were shouting for years that D supplements were a scam in their own right . Many have also warned for decades about vit D supplement toxicity .. it becomes a minefield when you try mandating for others .
The same goes for blood work testing all vitamin levels. It only shows what's in the bloodstream and not what's actually being absorbed. Complete waste of time and worse, immune cells are depleted unnecessarily.
Great advice about vitamin D! I learned about the importance of it at the start of Covid, so my husband and I keep our levels up in the 80's. We haven't gotten Covid, the flu, or even a cold since.
Same here!
That's impressive for something so simple.
Medicare and other insurance companies should cover vitamin D level as part of one’s annual physical.
Big Medicine recognizes the true value of D but discredits it because it will stop the bloated profitable sick care system. !
Brilliant! The world owes you a debt of gratitude, Sasha. Keep up the stellar work!
Love your rendition of The Fates💕😎
Given that the US wages immense power internationally, each and every step in the right direction, i.e AWAY FROM MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP AND MILITARY TOTALITARIANISM is more than warmly welcomed worldwide. It is likewise necessary to EXIT THE UN and all its subsidiaries such as the WHO.
As usual, great initiative, Sasha.
People, follow suit.
Thank you, Sasha. Your choice of words and phrases are exceptional, and I certainly hope will prove effective. This will be an important moment for us to find out how far the administration is willing to go against the abuse/profit of big Pharma in order to preserve the interest of the public. I will be anxiously waiting!
Yes, Terminate PREP Act, the sooner the better.
I suspect they are working out the legalities and the difficulties for "protected allies".
I shared your letter extensively. What else can I do. You are effing brilliant!!
Just sent following bcc email to time-pressured friends.
Email title:
206-word excerpt from open letter to HHS Sec re active DoD EUA Countermeasures in place until end of 2029 from retired CEO who for 25 years oversaw agency-regulated R&D contracted with 60 pharma companies worldwide.
Body of email:
Dear Secretary Kennedy,
Please use your authority to terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is none in reality. Please investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the "pandemic response" (described below) that has resulted in the greatest human tragedy in the world in recorded history and completely destroyed public trust in the government health agencies.
All covid injections on the market today are EUA Countermeasures, due to current PREP Act emergency declaration for covid public health emergency extended by the previous administration to December 31, 2029!
All covid vaccines and other EUA drugs and devices, no matter how advertised (falsely declared FDA approved) are non-investigational EUA Countermeasures under this law. These products pose severe risk of harm to the public due to absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.
In summary, the process by which the EUA products enter interstate commerce and claims about their safety, efficacy or contents are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information.
Link to full letter including reference citations and video message to HHS Sec. "Due Diligence and Art" on X: "Open Letter to the HHS Secretary Robert Kennedy, Jr" / X
What exactly has rfk done to exhibit he has any plans to cancel the prep act, I’ve literally never heard him mention it even though Sasha I heard you lay it all out on his podcast what 2 years ago?
I appreciate you doing this and I hope im wrong but I feel like he’s not on our side, reminds me of ladapo in Florida who I also believe was put in his position to give a sense to us that someone is looking out for us and will save us.
On a side note did you hear the doc Malik podcast with heather hudson, was wondering what your take was on the Russian scientist she mentioned who defected to the us. Sergei popov I believe was his name.
What people need to understand is that RFK now has to work on the inside and not necessarily tell everyone what his strategy is. He used to be on the outside, where one can attack the current policies. When you're on the inside, you have to have a strategy to deal with the powerful outside interests -- you can't just attack them head-on, else you lose your job. I disagree with RFK on Bitcoin and Gaza, but that's not part of his current authority. I do trust that if anyone can change the health-related policies, he can, but he's not Superman. He needs support of the masses to take on powerful interests. It's too soon to tell what he can get done, but so far he has made inroads in the area of transparency. If all he can do is bring transparency as to the lies and sad state of affairs, it will have been worth it.
So true, remember the frustration of Dr. Atlas and Dr. Alexander? He needs to work systematically and not show his hand before knowing all the ins and outs. The last he should do is blurt out ideas and plans like his boss.
If RFK Jr., or anyone, has to lie to get into office, then I ask - What is the point??
He validates and supports the CDC Childhood Vaccine schedule. He said that.
He applauds Operation Warp Speed. !
I, for one, have no interest in these political "I'll say this until I get in, then I'll....". That is politics as usual. That's how fake pandemics happen. That's how mandates happen. That's how tyranny happens.
I would rather see Kennedy stay on as chairman of CHD and speak TRUTH to power than to see a lameduck position in which he is controlled.
Kennedy's interview on the Jimmy Dore show in August of 2023 was the punch in the gut for me. I realized then, for me, it really is a hugely controlled operation. All I could think was "They got to him".
Just my opinion.
With all due respect, I think you do not know how things really work in Washington. I've been on the inside (in the housing area, not the health area, working for the lead financial advisor for the FHA -- a multi-billion-dollar outfit with lots of conflicted stakeholders) -- if you don't understand the inside game you will lose. Period. Thinking that you can just ignore how the system works and "tell the truth" will get you nowhere. Yes, there are rackets in control, but acting like a bull in a china shop "telling the truth" so that special interests and globalists can take you out using their powerful weapons and virtually unlimited funding is not the answer. Thinking that we can change the system in a matter of weeks by "telling the truth" is naive. RFK, Jr. has done a lot in just a few weeks. To expect him to work miracles all by himself in a matter of days is unfair. I'm an attorney. There's an anecdote about a judge who would never go to trial until both parties could state the other's position to the satisfaction of the other party. The judge's cases almost never actually went to trial with parties who really understood and could articulate the others' positions. Part of RFK, Jr.'s job is to understand, master, all of the stakeholders' positions. I don't think he's in a position to do that within days of getting into office.
With all due respect back, I know exactly how things work in Washington, and elsewhere. As the late Tip O'Neill stated, "All politics is local".
As I have stated previously, I am not interested in the status quo.
I am not interested in politics as usual.
That does not make me naive. In my opinion it makes me a realist.
I don't mind a certain quid pro quo, but that is not what I see in Washington, DC.
If RFK Jr succeeds in eradicating corruption, great. Best of luck to him. He still lost me with his ridiculous Palestine remarks.
Carolyn as a former trump supporter this is what people said about trump as well and he’s never done anything to help.
when has joining the mafia to change it from the inside ever worked? Never.
What has RFK done? Do you mean in the week or two that he's been in the position to do anything??
I expect nothing from this administration except more of the same.
They are just changing the tools for the great reset.
But Kennedy did do a great deal of work at CHD and I more than appreciate that. I had absolutely NO idea about vaccines until 2020 when I began listening to him after he came out swinging against Fauci.
I love CHD. Have learned an enormous amount. (In addition to all that I've learned from so many others including this substack)
Wish I'd never been jabbed at all. Did not get the cvid jab and will not be getting any other ones.
By the way, thank you for the letter Sasha.
Clear, sensible and practical. So...ummm...
I suppose executives hanging from lamp poles are totally out the quest...
Of course that's out of the question!