Below, as you know, is what I wrote right after this "Bombshell" was released last night and was posted foolishly on every substack- that PV wouldn't vet this guy is inexcusable and very poor journalism at best.
Don't people vet their sources any more?
That Malone is inserted into the video and then is featured in the following twitter conversation should cause anyone with critical thinkning skills still inteact to raise an eyebrow.
"The verbiage used doesn't add up. Most all of what they were discussing also served to validate the "viral story" about "Covid" and the "pandemic"- further implanting these into peoples brains as verifiable and unassailable assumptions. Using so-called dissenters like Malone as the "expert voice is the easiest way to do this.
It's likely the guy in the PV video is a "crisis actor" trained by a PR firm like Burston-Marstellar and hired by Pfizer for this role.
Be aware people- there are multiple Covid crimes committed that are being put to the back burner because of the "next bombshell" that goes nowhere.
In the twitter discussion on this Tom Fitton stated "we need to stop this GoF so we don't get hit by another pathogen that decimates us"
That is complete nonsense- "we" were hit by vicious hospital protocols and impacts of societal destruction followed by mass poisoning via toxic mRNA injections.
All of these people in that twitter discussion, including Malone again, are reifying the big lie that there was a viral pandemic- there wasn't- it was administrative slaughter. There is no excuse for this at this point."
I will add this:
Well if only we could get the public this engaged in how the poor and elderly were wiped out in hospitals in Spring 2020 and how this was the primary fear mechanism for launching the "Covid" fraud we would be getting somewhere.
"Pfizer wants to do some diabolical shit for money?" That's not news- that's SOP.
Sorry but the likes of Malone and Weinstein are the last people that should be listened to on anything.
This kind of noise and distraction blocks out the truth from being heard.
Well said. The sooner we address the real crimes of fake pandemic 1. 2. Fake PCR test
3. Demonstrable killing in hospitals 4. Killings in nursing homes 5. Pre meditated genocide with a fake “vaccine” bioweapon aka countermeasure the sooner we can get on with stopping the current culling and prevent the next panic public health button.
They did vet this guy. What needs to happen know is for most of the medical freedom world to understand that Pfizer is a set of actors given a script. Then it will all makes sense.
What is especially astonishing in Brian O'Shea's background analysis of Walker is the pivot from regular urology doctor with a few publications, none first authored to these high level positions that require marketing, health economics, business degrees and specialization and experience. The mini course in Mandarin language just months before the COVID announcement is a big clue and tell, and is galling. What the PV report accomplishes is some sunshine on these fake roles concocted to look plausible by pharma for willing stooges.
Be careful with George Webb.. real name George Webb Sweigert. He and his brother tried to take down a site that was doing excellent exposure of The Clinton Foundation a few years back. Got friendly with them & then tried to get channel cancelled, tried to implicate them in a bomb hoax and tried to tie them up with lawfare.
I've wanted to believe that Webb is an insightful investigator, but he never seems to follow through on strong leads, or provide any meaningful information. How does he fund his travels and "Reporting?" I'm more skeptical than ever; he seems like a time-wasting distraction, funded by the dark side. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
You are keen on the visual cues like my girlfriend.
For me it's how he speaks, my spider senses go off on people like him. There's this calculated complex AI like way that these narcissists/psychopaths use to sell a lie. Obama did it well. So did Noam Chomsky way back even when he was the left "sweetheart".
They speak emotionally, but perfectly measured. There's no real feeling, it's all dialed in like a recipe. I would guess this is what NLP- Neuro-linguistic programming is.
I was starting to agree with you until I saw that line "wikipedia was right" - red flag!! - & sure enough, then you go on to claim there's no such thing as a spike protein, using the backwards logic that because SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated (debatable at any rate) a component part of that virus must not exist either. that makes no sense on any level but then what does one expect from anyone who would utter the statement "wikipedia was right."
anyway, no matter what you think about whether SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated or even exists, the spike protein exists & has turned up in the tissues of a whole lot of bioweapon victims. what do you think exactly is killing people who get vaxxed? magic? you realize your theory lets ghouls like Malone's boys at DARPA off the hook?
"the spike protein exists & has turned up in the tissues of a whole lot of bioweapon victims. what do you think exactly is killing people who get vaxxed? magic?"
Can you cite those studies?
There are multiple possibilities on what is killing people from the mRNA injections.
Metals, LNP's etc.
Do you have a list of the ingredients that are in the vials?
etc - it's pretty easy to find if you look (don't use duckduckgo, they're just as bad as google on this subject)
indeed there are multiple ways the shots can cause injury/death. from what i understand the ingredients in the vials vary dramatically from batch to batch. just because lipid nanoparticles can kill doesn't mean spike can't.
It's a bit heavy with the study language, you can check "in summary" section, like I do lol
Here's my gist on it, based on my engineering/troubleshooting type of thinking:
When a cell is damaged, you get debris.
The debris looks like spike protein, exosomes, viruses etc.
If you have been poisoned by toxins, you will see a lot of spike protein.
Before con-vid, moderna had huge issues with the lipids.
Why? Because they are hard to eliminate and end up in organs, slowing them down.
This is before the new narrative of the super duper spike protein.
The same nonsense happens with Alzheimer's... They claimed it was amyloid beta. But Chris Exley found aluminum in every Alzheimer's brain, but ended his study once they got big pharma money... But hey let's just blame amyloid beta, cause it sounds cooler. ( Recently they found that a key amyloid beta study was falsified!)
Plus we can sell drugs to treat that symptom instead of addressing the cause of aluminum buildup in the brain! Lol
Modern medicine, find the result and call it the cause of disease.
Do you have a link to a study about spike proteins in the blood or tissues of people who took the jab? I've heard that too, about spike proteins don't exist because SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist. I'm very curious as to how much follow-up has been done on what internal effect those shots have in people (other than antibody titers, which is the only parameter I've seen documented in terms of results of the shots.
keep in mind the main guy saying the spike protein doesn't exist (Cowan) is also saying we don't have immune systems - i'd take anything he says with a planet-sized grain of salt. these people are laughing at us & probably being paid handsomely for it.
I honestly dont think we will know any of this with certainty until we open up all the docs these monsters have withheld before we condemn them in court. Or elsewhere .
Thanks for sharing 👍. Sums up things well. We all need extra widsom from Almighty God and discernment to see through the BS.
Recent micro baby like Brazil for zika was born in December locally to new arrival parents(?). Baby did not make it. Many prenatal are pushed jabs like Tdap, flu, CV, when atleats 2 decades ago meds & jabs were not caffeine, no OTC meds...nothing until birth to protect babies in the wombs. Nowadays, they are shockingly drinking,smoking,jabbing, hair dying chemicals, chemical nail products, etc, by very young moms and older. Pesticides also harm fetuses in the womb besides street drugs and alcohol.
Thanks for sharing. I joined the stacks to read more and see more of what mainstream bans on other sites.
I can't understand why anyone would listen to Malone. He says he helped invent mRNA technology and in my book that means he knew the dangers of mass marketing this completely untested crap.
Malone did know the dangers and walked away from it years ago. It was picked up by Merck then sold off, and then in the hands of DOD that went forward with it relentlessly. Out of Malone's control. It helps to read the detailed history that Malone has published in numerous Substacks and videos and to take the time to do it. Malone is doing his damndest to call out the harms and warn people about the corruption and to help people cope and recover. I admire him tremendously, and identify with his grief at having worked diligently at a career where he thought he was helping mankind and making important discoveries. But it turns out much of that was misused, abused and dishonored.
he didn't walk - check out documented where he is currently taking money from and who he is working with- follow the links- Catherine Austin Fitts and Breggin provide them all- we all need to do research- and not just 'believe' in a narrative- it takes a LOT of work and energy and is worth it- otherwise you are just a leaf in someone elses wind!
I am a Solari subscriber and did check all that out extensively. Catherine is mistaken and I wrote about that detail on Malone's Substack. Catherine did not respond to my follow up questions. She misunderstood federal contracting mechanisms, IDIQ's, and the concept of working to help others land contracts--all of which I have done extensively myself. The dollars I helped investigators and institutions bring in aren't dollars that I personally accrued. This is one of many tragic misreadings of Malone's extensive resume. You assume I did not perform due diligence, but that in fact is my forte.
I am seeing a lot of ppl spewing out invective re Controlled Opposition, Limited hangout etc etc. viz. Robert Malone, Russell Brand. It feels a bit like the leftist firing squad. I imagine the accusers feel smug because they are so smart and they "know". Maybe they feel like spies, I dunno. It IS dangerous because talk is cheap and we are in the fight of our lives. It feels like the ones outing are snitching and very possibly work for the Death Cult itself. It would be a good way to splinter us. All I can do is watch the actions of those accused. Both RM and RB have not made any bad moves imho
Breggin -- that would be the whiner who got all het up because Malone's book is selling WAY better than his, even in pre-pub?! And began maligning and insulting and making shit up about Malone?! Did you not see and hear him squealing and whining and .... I had to turn him off; it was disgusting. It was some interview with Lee Merritt -- whom I thought well of, until she seemed to join into the slam-fest.
I LIKE CAF, but her points of view are sometimes ... odd... It would be NICE to pretend that everyone can be nice and play nice and ... move out to a small mid-West farm when NOT flying to spend time in ... is it the Netherlands and go boating? She's a very very rich person, whom I do not find to be ... in touch with ... people of NORMAL income and resources!
I've followed Breggin for decades as he was key in helping me escape psychiatry. In listening to him - for decades - I have found that he occasionally spouts opinionated stuff and presents it as fact, even though it's just his belief. Like the Chy-na focus - when the whole world is involved. So - when he blew his mouth at Malone, I was unsurprised (though I did feel like, "Peter! What are you saying and why are you saying it!" and I often have a jaw-drop, "You shouldn't say that! That's gonna bite back!!") - but what did blow me away was the dollar figure on that Malone lawsuit. Breggins aren't rich - so where did that $25 million figure come from? Wouldn't the big man just turn the other cheek? Sticks and stones and all that. As if Breggin truly harmed him?
This Malone bashing obsession is so weird. It seemed to start when he became just a little too enthusiastic about promoting Desmet's mass formation psychosis. Before that, he was generally well regarded by almost all on 'our side', but since then, he's damned for things he has freely admitted to doing and has expressed regret over, he's damned for not doing things people think he should have done and he's damned for doing things which people claim he's done with little or no evidence to prove it. How very strange. If he's a bad apple then he's a supremely good actor that's all I can say. I'm not totally uncritical of him. I think he was unduly harsh re. Stew Peters and 'Died Suddenly' and he presumed somewhat arrogantly to speak for Steve Kirsch. But none of us are saints and very few are unrelenting sinners. I believe Malone's heart is in the right place though.
So, you've never had a security clearance and had MANY areas about which you may NOT speak in public?
WHEN interviewers ASK Malone questions about the actual subjects he is expert on, he generally answers them, as much as he is able. But interviewers ALMOST NEVER ask him those questions! They ask questions that THEY think they (maybe-sorta) understand and they want to provide to their audiences.
He also has to spend part of every interview correcting and explaining the mistakes and foolish things (some) interviewers keep asking. What's odd to me is that the interviewers never seem to have done much HOMEWORK before wasting Malone's time!
Malone "talks a lot" about the most important subjects to him: STOP injecting children (or anyone, but even THAT has had to take a back seat -- as they keep increasing the pressure to poison younger and younger children)!
he's also constantly flogging the blame-China narrative. that's the biggest red flag on him IMO- indicates he is still very much working for the Department of Offense
Is he really, or is that what you want to believe?
During this Plandemic, we have learned that the PCR test is not a test at all. It is a lab procedure to multiply molecules so that the lab can study them.
No one has isolated any virus. Not a polio virus. Not a measles virus. Not a "crown" virus. (Isn't "corona" an interesting choice of name for a virus that has never been isolated?)
Let's assume that the virus is really important to the pHARMaceutical industry. What would happen to the pHARMaceutical industry if it truly became common knowledge that no virus has ever been isolated? What do you think would happen to the pHARMaceutical industry? Me thinks it would shrivel up and the cucarachas would have to run for cover, just like when you turn on the lights.
The virus myth is the keystone of the pHARMaceutical industry. Without the alleged virus, there is no need for vaccines. Without vaccines, there is no need for the vast majority of the toxic drugs designed to "treat" symptoms. The vaccine industry needs the virus myth to justify their existence. The pHarmaceutical industry needs the vaccine industry to justify their drugs. Can you see profits going pffffft if the virus myth is truly exposed? Do you think the pHARMaceutical industry is going to sit on the sidelines whilst this happens or do you think they will do every dirty trick in the book to protect this cash cow and their immense power over people via this wealth and deceit?
Vaccines are the cash cows. They create profit centers for the pHARMaceutical industry by harming the recipients. Do you think it's fair and just for vaccine manufacturers to have zero accountability and fiduciary responsibility when their products harm people? Or, do you find that acceptable? Just curious.
So, back to Malone. There is so much documentation available about the millions and billions of pHARM money that flowed through Malone's greased palms that it seems a bit curious that he now feigns concern for anyone who is harmed by jabs. He has made it abundantly clear that he is not anti-vaxx. So, does that make him pro vax? Is it okay to harm chosen groups of people to harm, and spare others, or what do you think is fair?
Do you honestly think Malone can participate in that level of graft in a highly controversial industry and suddenly turn on those who made him wealthy, just because he suddenly decided to become an altruistic soul? Or, are you impressed by his handsomeness, his well-groomed appearance, his articulate manner of speaking, or his grandfatherly persona? I would like to know, because I don't find much to like about him and I am wondering if I missed the mark somewhere and you can shed some light on why I should change my mind.
Blah blah blah. Yes, I know all this stuff. I've skimmed it. I absolutely 100% WILL look into it deeply ONCE WE STOP THE MURDERING!! Now is NOT the time!! I certainly agree with Big Pharma being murderers many times over. I do NOT yet agree there are no viruses. I AM 100% willing to consider it -- BUT. NOT. NOW.!!!
"Without the alleged virus, there is no need for vaccines. Without vaccines..."
JESUS! Don't you GET it?! The vast vast vast majority of humans on this planet have 100% COMPLETELY swallowed the propaganda that vaccines are an unalloyed GOOD! "Oooh, polio, smallpox... vaccines are NECESSARY!" (Shit, even *I* was once/most of my life looking askance at the falsely maligned "anti-vaxxers"! Now, I ARE one!)
You're writing you think you can make ANY sort of headway at getting people to STOP taking this specific poison-vaxx with ALL the death and destruction it's CLEARLY causing by getting them to abandon a "truth" they have been fortified with their entire lives?! DURING the hurricane?!?!
You're wasting time in the middle of the battle. You want to discuss WHY the war began and whose fault it is... instead of raising whatever weapons you have and trying to SAVE LIVES!
We CAN'T even get them to SEE that this specific "NOT-a-vaccine" is murdering millions!! They excuse ALL the deaths, and what little they see of the horrific injuries because "vaccines are an unalloyed good!"
"Do you think it's fair and just"
Since when have "fair and just" ever EVER made a damned bit of difference in a war?! "Fair and just" -- right NOW -- means spending our time and energy SAVING LIVES! Not arguing minutiae over a medical 'problem' -- misunderstanding or intentionally misleading -- DURING THE BATTLE!
I'm afraid there are these Malone bashers that will take any opportunity to spew their venom. It's getting very boring. Sigh. Malone must be very threatening to them.
Bragged? Bioweapons? He has worked in dual use which meant that he was working in vaccine development and countermeasures to bioweapons that he was led to believe where a major global threat.
The questions are time-wasters that do little or nothing to advance the goal of ending COVID tyranny and lies. The author can get in line with hundreds of other people who want a piece of Dr. Malone's time. Incidentally, many of the questions could be answered just by reading the doctor's substack posts; some people are just lazy -- which points again to ulterior motives.
Can you point me to where Malone has stated that viruses have never been proven to exist and that he is making that clear to the public? I haven't been able to find that. Thanks.
ANOTHER distractor, trying to attract eyeballs AWAY from the point! STOP wasting time on "there are no viruses." AFTER we manage to save as much of the planet as we can from this bioweapon, I will be happy -- and very interested -- in the research and discussions on whether or not there are viruses.
Right NOW? The battle is to STOP further intentional death and destruction. When you try to "convince" normies that there are no viruses -- WHETHER OR NOT THERE ARE! -- you're starting a race a qtr mile BEHIND the starting line!! Hell, we're struggling to even get the damned normies to RECOGNIZE this is a POISION shot! Those of us who are deep in this research may be willing to look into "do viruses exist?" BUT. NOT. NOW.!!!
Any why in the hell would you use THAT as a metric for whether or not Malone is worth listening to? Is that the metric you use for the doctors and researchers YOU consider valid? You do realize "viruses don't exist" is still a HYPOTHESUS, and NOT proven, and you're wasting time in the middle of a battle on a topic that is NOT persuasive to the vast majority of both normies and the educated in this field?
FOCUS! We're trying to save lives, NOT work out the underpinnings of medical science! THAT is for after the battle, probably after the WAR, when people are not dying by the many-thousands!!
He's not just front and center, he's always late to realize things. He's an information valve. But no worries, sooner or later he will be obsolete. He's not able to stop the wave of information that most people ignored about past vaccines.
When these limited hangouts and handlers come out, it means that the lying ones are really afraid of being caught. People like him didn't exist during the MMR/autism thing, nobody connected to the industry wanted in on that narrative.
"He's not able to stop the wave of information that most people ignored about past vaccines."
He's not trying to!! Do you never actually LISTEN to him? He's TRYING to stop our enemies from injecting poison into 6-mos-old INFANTS!!!
And do you not 'get' that the MMR/autism thing is what ALLOWS more people (certainly not enough yet, but it's better!) to 'get in on' the lies? Fight the battle we are IN! Not all the others that also need fighting!!
Because he both KNOWS shit and is willing to SPEAK IT out loud! How many pharma employees -- when NOT trying to get into the pants of a PV reporter -- speak truths to anyone? Mike Yeadon? A couple others?
This "guy" is "front and center" on this topic because he is a HANDS-DOWN EXPERT on all this stuff! Would you rather hear from ... pick your uneducated, inexperienced, un-read, emotionally-driven (and we've got a LOT of those!) randos or from the man who has been working in this field his entire career?!?
And if you CAN 'T be bothered to go listen to and read all Malone's MANY explanations of what he knows and how he knows it... then you are just another uneducated -- and emotionally driven rando! You've got LOTS of ... I feel, seems to me, how can you NOT draw connections... on stuff you know NOTHING about that Malone has explained MANY times!!!
And yes, I have listened to and read everything Malone has put out. I'm ex-Navy, and ex-govt subcontractor (in aerospace) -- so. yes, I DO know from personal experience the limits and restrictions having a clearance places on a person. I am not 100% "sure" of Malone, any more than I am 100% "sure" on anyone else! But he has shown, over and over, to be reliable.
Malone even took 'it' himself. I can't decide whether he's a paid shill or simply a highly indoctrinated and unintelligent person who thinks the world of himself.
Excellent piece by Diane West. Malone has been in the pharma business obtaining millions in funding, grants from National Security State (military intel/DARPA, CIA, et al).
He's boasted about his connection with the deep intel state. The first clue was his daily writings on topics he simply took the lead subject matter and wrote like it was his own discover.
Whether one believes what this guy is about or not, ignoring can do no harm, and only good. Let him fade away.
Exactly. He never says anything NEW but repeats and distorts others and he acts as if those were his ideas, revelations, discoveries. And he grabs and takes the lead.
To quote, Diana West in her superb expose on Dr. Malone (a case study in infiltration):
"... If Malone's ideas hold sway, the answer is a subverted opposition. This is exactly how influence operations work. Groups are subverted from within; operators subtly shift the agenda of one side to match or complement or get out of the way of the agenda of the other side. Are we not watching this process in real time? To be sure, we have seen an internationally active vaccine-developer and mRNA vaccine originator, find his way, Johnny-come-lately, to the fore of the anti-covid-vaccine movement to help "broaden" it into a "we're not anti-vaccine/we're anti-mandate" movement. At the very least, Malone is successfully shaping the narrative to suit his professional and personal legacy."
I think in his haste to recruit popular voices, RFK, Jr. has grabbed onto an infiltrator of the first order. I think there are others in his devoted clan. These may very well sink RFK, Jr.'s mission as he purports to go after criminals like Fauci, et al.
He took it because his JOB required him to have it. (And just to be clear, since you clearly know nothing about WHY he took it, nor what happened after he was poisoned... He was not mandated, but it WAS required...) He needed to fly to Europe for business: that's what he DOES for a living -- he consults. And, like about 85+% of Americans (or humans?); he TRUSTED vaccines! We ALL trusted vaccines! OOPS!
And, as with so many 'late-comers' to the fray, it wasn't until he was damn-near KILLED by it, that he realized what a mistake he had made!
WHY don't you know this?! You're perfectly happy to slur a man you clearly know little about... What does that say about YOUR decision making?
Ah, so. You're making clear by repeating your links several times that you have no intention of RESEARCHING the man you are deriding for yourself? Not YOUR opinion based on your own research, but the opinions of others who have persuaded you for whatever reasons they have... so you have joined their attacks?
Malone invented and described the TECHOLOGY!! Back in the 1980's! Didn't "help invent" -- Invented and filed nine (granted) patents. His theory, work, and invention then got hung up in lawsuits over intellectual property and the pharma co's and labs NOT developing what they had control of for a couple DECADES!! He was not involved SARS-Cov2 and covid. Period.
He is not involved on the mass marketing of ANYthing, except trying to "mass market" "DO NOT TAKE THE SHOTS!" after he took them and was seriously injured by them (still IS trying to recover from the vaxx-injury he suffers).
Try to think this concept through: if he had invented the PENCIL.... would you blame and malign him for what someone bad writes with a pencil nearly 30 years later?!
Those of us who have DONE the homework, (still) listen to Malone because he is truthful -- or truthful enough.
I could also point out that it was NOT "completely untested crap" -- except I do not want to give Big Pharma even the slightest positive note, as I doubt their "testing" was well done... or even done with the intent to prove safety rather than to HIDE the LACK of safety. (A group I hang with named their early tests: "Case: Nightmare Kitty" because it killed the cats. We were HOPING -- but our hopes have been dashed -- that the poison-vaxx would NOT turn out to be Case: Nightmare Kitty. Alas.)
Stop being emotional, going by your feelings, and do your damned homework before posting!
You obviously have NOT read Dr. Malone's material, and the gleeful gang of character assassins (or maybe just 'bots) here haven't either. He has explained -- in detail -- his disappointment with mRNA development, and why he had to accept the failures of the technology in areas he hoped would succeed. Dr. Malone has an extensive substack collection, and any FAIR person who is interested in his role in this area has a moral obligation to consider his material (ALL of it, not just something plucked out of context) before dumping on him.
“... ‘we’ were hit by vicious hospital protocols and impacts of societal destruction followed by mass poisoning via toxic mRNA injections” and “[s]orry but the likes of Malone and Weinstein are the last people that should be listened to on anything.”
and an already much jabbed by vaccine population, eating dirty, unhealthy food and not much in the way of taking care of their bodies- or exercising- notice the growing flab, obesity and pale skin and bad hair- all signs of un- health
Veritas established the identity of the person in the video. This still leaves the possibility that they were set up by Pfizer et al using a real employee who is both drunk and unintelligent to expose alleged criminal, unethical and immoral behaviour at the company which they can then debunk or, for their own twisted purposes, is useful in some way to perpetuate a preferred narrative. I don't quite get the anti-Malone stance. It seems to me that his involvement in anything now is viewed by some people as being a marker of mistrust. If Malone is anywhere near the well, it seems, then the well must be poisoned. That doesn't seem very logical to me. Malone's analysis of the character of Walker (if Walker is not acting) and of the corruption at Pfizer was beautifully expressed and spot on.
Malone's characterization on "all things pandemic" are factually incorrect and the underlying theme in all of his work is that the pandemic is real and we just had a "mistaken" response. This is utter bullshit and counter to copious amounts of unassailable data that he wilfully ignores.
He is also a believer in the GoF garbage and pushes on this incessantly. All he is doing is propping up the Bio-Security State in doing so and pimping more fear.
Also his "characterization" on this latest cretin was couched in terms that were naive at best. Gimme a break- that Pharma is loaded with sociopaths is fresh news?
Sorry but in the end Malone is a true believer and has profited handsomely from the Pharma Cartel, he just thinks they have taken some "missteps."
And any information he may convey can be had from any number of sources better than he. I don't take a "stance" on Malone I listen to him and compare what he is saying to the evidence and data. He doesn't know what he is talking about and at best misdirects people.
Malone presents well and is enjoyable to listen to, yet are you not at least a little suspicious of his sudden and widespread rise to infamy right out of the cellars of DTRA and right at the critical moment when the vaxx was finally being questioned?
While he appears as a pleasant voice of reason taking "our" side, much like Fauci was for the other side, his actual role here is keeping the sheep inside the viral pandemic bioweapon corral, actively shutting down any discussion related to nano-bioweapons in the hydrogels. There is a reason he is omnipresent, and that reason is misdirection. Sorry to break it to you.
You could never trust any whistleblower with that logic. I’ve been following himsince the first Dark Horse podcast, and he has been absolutely consistent.
"sudden and widespread rise to infamy right out of the cellars"
He was 'there' in the background of OUR side for a long time, before he finally stepped out into the spotlight to get shot at.... And it was "right at the critical moment" when they began to head for the children and infants, holding their poison syringes in front of them!
I normally don't speak about this individual- he certainly deserves less press but somehow seems to always be there.
But he is part of this story so of course he would be included. That people were being directed to a public twitter conversation about this (over 17,000 people) right off of this story being released that highlighted Malone should also be noted.
But you think he should be "left out" of the story? That would be called poor journalism.
I love them both, Malone and Breggin. And a now an admirer of Latypova. This bashing of people is ill informed and nonconstructive. Focus on the issues not the maligning of people.
The issue of Walker is what he was saying and why did Pfizer pick someone like this to be in such a role and what was he doing really occupying this ridiculous title. And what does his purported resume really mean? All these characters in the story have something to offer as a puzzle piece in this giant mystery.
It's not hatred, it's that the guy is clearly lying. He's not ignorant, his title alone shows that he did the study to know a lot about the process of making vaccines.
Easy way to tell that he's full of shit, just look at how he flip flopped on whether the vaccine was safe for pregnant or people with autoimmune issues. He's a vaccinologist right? So he knows they don't first test these on pregnant women or people with issues.
He's a straight up liar.
What does it matter whether he's a fan of Breggin or not? How is that not just YOUR bias exposed?
Its not hatred. I started the CO Bernie movement. I ignored warning signs until june 2016. Malone came out late ( with Brett / Darkhouse) compared to the rest of the drs and experts who knew better. He absolutely knew from the beginning but waited more than a year. Many of us like him. But there are red flags.
That is a very good quote. It was once quite possibly my favorite quote of all, although I'm no longer quite so sure it is as useful as I used to think.
And ironically, given this thread, it has been suggested with some reasonable basis (although I don't subscribe to it) that Solzhenitsyn himself was a limited hangout.
I keep my mind open. I learned with Bernie its best to never believe anything with certainty. I even listen to those who question Del Bigtree and Kennedy even though I financially support them as a parent of vaccine injured adult kids. I learned that despite hating the thought of something or detesting someone, I try to listen.
At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt's evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated.
Note that RFK postulates a theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND "most people" would recommend this:
"Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people."
The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:
"My impression I don't know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression..."
Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn't know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used N Italy as an example for his "hypothesis." Also Tuscany is not in N Italy. Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted,
There are multiple other examples of RFK's lack of coherence. He simply can't or won't come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Securty State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA's and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.
Im a financial supporter of Bigtree and Kennedy since 2015. However it has disturbed me how Bigtree & Kennedy make reference to but refrain from exposing the lie of the Plandemic ( that there never was a virus except for the flu based on no existence of a covid 19 virus isolate). I think they played the long game on this one. But it raises red flags for me. However the huge number of lawsuits theyve won Is why i continue to support them both as a parent of baxx injured adult children.
Dr. Breggin sometimes suffers a "diarrhoea of opinions" coming out his mouth. Over the decades I've listened to him - at least a dozen times, my jaw has hit the floor with what he's said, and I keep thinking "this gonna bite you - especially if you keep saying it!" I am deeply appreciative of Dr. Breggin's work, but - yes, sometimes keeping his mouth shut might be wise.
You believe there is no such thing as Gain of Function? Even AFTER Fauci-Mengele kinda-sorta admitted to it -- and evidence came out about it? WHY do you feel Gain of Function is garbage? Or is it just sufficient for you to state it and you should be believed?
"that Pharma is loaded with sociopaths is fresh news"
Ever MET any normies?! Ever spoken with them about more than the weather?
And more definitive statements; can you back an of them UP?! You don't take a stance -- and yet you slur the hell out of him? Can you provide THREE examples of him not knowing what he's talking about -- that are GERMANE to the science? (He's still quite annoyingly liberal in too many ways for MY tastes, but all "ex-"liberals have trouble letting go out (idiotic) hopes.)
Read my measured comment. Im not an idolizer like Aimee but a parent of vaxx injured adult children. I dont think Aimee said she doesnt believe in Gain of function. I believe. But i immediately questioned why Newsweek would publish that article in April 2020. No covid 19 isolate has ever been produced. Numerous Govts have responded to medical FOIAS stating “ we have no covid 19 isolates”. Listened to dr Luc Montagnier in early 2020 during a french news broadcast state that he looked at a “ computer generated model” of the covid 19 virus. This was never about a virus.
"You believe there is no such thing as Gain of Function? Even AFTER Fauci-Mengele kinda-sorta admitted to it -- and evidence came out about it? WHY do you feel Gain of Function is garbage?"
There's no evidence that "GoF" has ever amounted to anything other than money laundering. If you have that evidence produce it.
"There is no way to “mutate viruses” in a lab in the way they all imply - to artificially make them deadlier and more transmissible at the same time. This is a propaganda fairytale with a very specific goal. You should be very concerned about any person (on “their” side or “ours”) who repeats it with a serious face.
Sure, scientists can experiment with soups of DNA/RNA and grow things in petri dishes. They can design mutations on the computer and try to make concoctions of things. Are those “viruses” that can “leak from the lab” and “infect the world”? No. The proof of this is that while there are 1000 biolabs in the US and Western world playing with viruses. no pandemics or epidemics have resulted from these activities. I assure you, not a single academic lab was ever capable of following basic SOPs, and if there was such a thing as “dangerous virus leak”, we would have them constantly. If there is indeed such a thing and we have had them constantly - that means we are all well adapted to them already! Local clustering of illnesses have been detected, they are likely “deployment tests” vs an actual “leak”. They self extinguish every time."
I THINK it may be true. (It seems more likely medical science is lying than not ... but THAT it merely jaundice (not the syndrome) and NOT investigation and consideration.)
I don't KNOW, and in the midst of trying to stop our enemies from injecting poison into infants and toddlers... I don't NEED to know!
Do you think censoring (because that's what "don't respond" is -- are you a leftie?) is the right answer?
I don't totally discount Malone, but I have recently found out that he's filing lawsuits against a number of people who are also part of the health freedom movement. That raised a red flag to me. There are lots of different takes on any number of specifics in the health freedom movement, and some testy back-and-forth between different camps, but he's the only one that I've heard is suing people he takes issue with.
Again, do your homework! I, too, am unhappy Malone is wasting HIS (lawyer's) time suing Breggin -- but Breggin brought it on himself. And NOT fighting back against really stupid/bad but very public maligning is important. How many people would jump on: "well, Malone is NOT doing anything about it!" to conclude (gleefully?) that where there is a smoke bomb set off by Breggin, there "must" be some fire near Malone?
honestly, if there even is a virus, which is open for discussion, it was no worse than the common cold or flu, they just weaponized the treatment to be deadly instead of just letting it run its course as in every other flu season that ever was. The treatment was the pandemic
It's looking like a legit deal - PV did do some checking, and I think today's video where the guy attacked O'Keefe, after getting hysterical, staying hysterical, but thinking to yell out Pfizer is trying to save lives, as his cover. That loss of control rather, cemented that PV had him, and has Pfizer.
What is good, I think, is that while WE know Pfizer is evil, too many people haven't thought about any of this much if at all. The 2 videos will generate talk.
Dr. Malone explains his situation in detail, and offers interesting background, in his post at the link below. IMHO, Allen's contempt for Dr. Malone (and Bret Weinstein) is not at all justified. Both men have made valuable contributions to COVID truth, while helping to expose COVID lies.
This comment is a good example of why I've never prevented you from commenting on my page...because while I disagree with some of what you say, I feel your perspective also often is very valuable to hear.
Facts are facts doc- there was no pandemic. The data and evidence is conclusive. Those of us who have been involved in these things for years knew the fraud was coming down the tracks in Jan. of 2020. Those who were new to these frauds got caught up in the hysteria and believed that there was some "novel pathogne" and not a massive propaganda campaign.
When you are confronted with this you walk away- you too cling to the false idea that there was a pandemic and refuse to look into the details. That is counter to the spirit of many of your excellent articles.
Why is this?
"Covid" is pure fiction- an artifact of media propaganda. The GoF/Wuhan Lab nonsense is part of the narrative.
Lots of narrative reinforcement going around. Many of us have been around these issues for a few decades and understood the "lab leak" theory was just another aspect of the "Covid" fraud being floated and have been saying so for two years.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the Covid merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all facets of it. There was no "pandemic" and there was no "lab leak."
The Wuhan "lab leak" theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who were neglected and had loads of toxic crap jammed into their bodies and vents forced on them which blew up their lungs.
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This "virus" is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Here are some of the things you have to believe to accept the pandemic narrative and thusly the assorted tentacles such as the “lab leak” theory:
1) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US- the 6 week spike- occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals- not in the general population. This virus targeted these places and not the rest of the country;
2) The group that was targeted by this virus were the the elderly and sickly. The median age of Covid deaths during this period exceeded normal life expectancies with on average 4 comorbidties. They were also forced into isolation, abandoned and/or given numerous toxic pharmaceuticals beyond their normal medical regimes. This deadly virus was only able to impact those who already had one foot in the grave;
3) During this “initial wave” only 15 out of 51 (DC) states were impacted. Many of these states border one another. These states all had Democrats as governors who enacted the same policies during the very same week. The other 36 states were not impacted during this time. This virus observed borders and political affiliations;
4) During this time those impacted were almost exclusively poor and many were disabled. This GOF virus stayed away from upper middle class and wealthy people;
5) During this time this virus did not enter into Canada observing the world’s longest and one of the if not the most heavily trafficked, commercial and personal, borders;
6) This virus had no lead in time. There was no observable evidence for a coming mass death event caused by a virus. The all-cause death rate leading into Week 14 2020 was negative for the US in 2020 and spiked precisely the week the WHO declared a global pandemic.
7) This "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak”;
8) The “gain of function” hypercharged “virii” migrated to N Italy from Wuhan skipping over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran etc- this virus had telepathic abilities and geopspatial precision;
9) The “virii” did not migrate south once in Italy nor impact other parts of Europe- instead it went to Elmhurst hospital in NY;
10) The “chimeric” virii crossed the Atlantic and hit the US East Coast- it did not cross the Pacific and attack the West Coast;
And so on…
Some ‘establishment’ Covid skeptics have and/or are building cottage industries on the ‘lab leak’ mythology. If the ‘lab leak’ theory is torn apart then their credibility takes a big hit. Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point. The biggest problem as I see it is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone etc. are not just simply wrong on this matter but their insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel.
A lot of people I've worked with or were close to who have never really gotten sick in their lives got extremely ill with a very unique disease (some of whom nearly died) I had not seen anything like in my career. At this point I've seen nothing besides COVID-19 which could explain what happened to them and I believe unless you work with this issue firsthand it's very easy to get led down logical arguments that claim its a hoax.
Midwestern, you are jumping from incomplete information to the claim of a solid conclusion. As a doctor, you should know that people get sick for many reasons, most of them related to diet and environment. To attribute a "new illness" to an unproven, unverified and utterly vague "cause" is to be a poor clinician.
If you assume that one thing is the cause, you will dismiss all others, and it seems like that is what you're doing. If you assume a virus, especially one that has never been seen, found, or sequenced, you are failing in your responsibility to do a thorough diagnosis of the patient's situation — which must never presume the cause until all of the facts have been evaluated.
Covid is not a hoax. It is scientific fraud of a kind that has been seen many times, though never revealed on this scale (but it does exist on this scale, particularly the concealment of the lack of any safety studies, and the outright fraudulent safety studies, on the pesticides and herbicides used in your food).
I have two articles for you: one is my letter to Dr. Denis Rancourt, giving the history of the virus issue and of SARS-CoV-2; and the other is my open letter to Dr. Jay Couey, documenting the early history of "covid" and linking into my chronology that documents all of these facts many times over.
As far as I know, I am the only person on SS with a large platform that spent a lot of time to give a very open minded approach to the no-virus position (as I already agreed with many of the individual arguments you were using and have studied this and related subject for decades). At the end of the day I don't agree with your position and believe it is due to a variety of epistemological errors. I tried to address every single argument I've seen used by your camp because it was taking too long to repeatedly discuss the same points. I did so here and here:
Since the time these were written, I have not seen any points raised that were not addressed in at least one of those articles. Additionally, I have found that those who were curious about the subject found those articles very informative and it addressed their questions while those who were committed to viruses being a hoax generally weren't interested in reading it.
The general observation we have all made is that the minority of people who are committed to this viewpoint will not consider any evidence that is provided if it disproves the position viruses are a hoax. Regardless of what information is presented, they fling insults or accusations of irrationality. There is also now a general consensus many of the people acting that way are doing so as part of an organized operation to fracture the medical freedom movement and have them dump all their time into just debating a topic which makes us look bad to the general public or because they are committed to the position and need to look that way to retain their followers.
This post for example concise breaks down the psyop perspective:
My job is to present information accurately and fully examine both sides of each issue I discuss with my readers. On any given controversial subject I will always have a certain number of readers who disagree with the position I take, but I try to present things in a fair manner, so that number is small and they live with it because they agree with the other messages I put forward.
Something I do not believe any of you are considering is if viruses (like COVID-19) do exist, and I tell readers it does not exist (because that seems like an interesting idea) I am directly responsible for the harm that occurs from those who follow my advice, avoiding early treatment, and then getting very ill. In this regard, my position is very different from any of you, as for all practical purposes, you have no accountability or responsibility for giving bad advice that harms people.
Thanks, doc. I've stored your links to read -- AFTER -- as I keep harping on here -- we manage to STOP them from poisoning infants and toddlers -- and the rest of humanity! I am open to considering 'there are no viruses' -- but not yet convinced. I am 100% against trying to settle that unimportant topic in the midst ot this battle!
While I was in the USAF, working in the medical field, I saw many patients during sick call and beyond. If we could not find any pathogen via a lab culture or other medical diagnostic tool, and it seemed to be just an acute illness, we claimed it was a virus. While this plandemic was being staged and the performance was playing, I realized that we had NO tests for any virus. None. Nada. Zip. We ASSUMED it was a virus and repeated it like little parrots wanting crackers.
I started thinking about this and I realized that I had never seen a virus. No one else has seen a virus. The process for isolating any "virus" is an impossibility. It's akin to studying a rock and determining what kind of life forms it will produce. The entire virus myth requires only a beLIEf system to proliferate.
There is not nor has there every been anything that is misnamed, "COVID". The PTB cobbled together an assortment of symptoms and gave it a new name. Suddenly, every illness under the sun was caused by the "novel" COVID virus. No lab on earth had any isolate of it. No controlled lab tests had ever been conducted to prove it. BUT, people repeated the story as if it were true BECAUSE they believed the authority figures rather than an evidence or lack thereof.
We are controlled through language. All language is functional. Changing definitions of words is necessary if you want to change your influence over the listener. We are trained to trust the authority of the PERSON rather than the authority of the EVIDENCE. Just like my realization that we labeled every instance of illness that we could not determine the cause as a virus because that's how I was trained to do, society labels every illness as a virus or genetic mistake, just like they are trained to do. I, at least, realized that I was a trained monkey and stopped believing in things that could not be verified. I can say that I feel much better now that I am thinking for myself.
"you should know that people get sick for many reasons, most of them related to diet and environment."
What suddenly changed in diet and environment that has resulted in MILLIONS of injuries and hundreds of thousands (at least) deaths from multiple causes? WHY did all this not happen in 2019? Or wait till 2025? Propinquity if TIME is a very important factor in identifying a culprit.
Isn't it Ed Down who keeps asking: IF it is not the shots, then identify WHAT has changed to cause this insanely high increase in death and disability payouts! (THOSE numbers, at least, we can sort-of trust!! Those work-insurance firms have to put money on the barrelhead!)
As the Cochran Institute has stated (referred to in this very substantial piece by Dr Mark Bailey), COVID-19 actually does NOT have unique symptoms, can only be "diagnosed" via tests such as the PCR and the antigen tests. The first one tests for the presence of certain gene sequences said to be from SARS-CoV-2, the second for specific proteins which have been deemed to be antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2.
Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19, Dr Mark Bailey, 10/16/22.
Since SARS-CoV-2 has never been physically isolated and purified, and only exists as an in silico model, assembled via a computer program out of millions and millions of short code sequences corresponding to short genetic sequences found in a brew of patient extracts, monkey kidney cells, antibiotics, bovine fetal serum, and the like, neither the PCR or the antigen tests has ever been primed with an actual physical specimen and are hence meaningless. You might as well test the air pressure in your car's tires by taking a swig of beer or scotch and then putting your lips on the valve.
No, I do not have the papers at hand but SARS2 has been isolated and grown - not easy to do. The PCRs were deliberate total fabrications and had no SARS2 sequences involved. CDC "test" and licensing - use of it continues because FDA didn't tell CDC "...and you have to pull the licensing, too." THAT PCR was actually testing for influenza A&B, Strep, plant virus and adenovirus and that information is in the EUA application (I apologize I do not have the url for that at hand). They still need that PCR test out there because of the perverse given to hospitals for a positive PCR. Hence all that "died WITH covid" crap that means a false positive fabricated PCR "test." Serology has been much better but SARS2 actually is a clinical diagnosis. HHS/CDC/NIH etc. deliberately scrapped using the SARS tests - which would have worked best, as SARS2 has about 78% of the SARS2 genome.
I caught Wuhan in June 2020 from the hospital after a necessary surgery. I was blessed there was no secondary infection but hoo doggie - 21 days of hell. It was very different and very strange and pretty damn bad.
PROVE IT!! 211 health entities from around the world have responded to FOI requests by Canadian Christine Massey, masters in bio statistics, that they do NOT have any evidence for the physical isolation and purification of SARS-CoV-2 and know of no one who does.
And as i pointed out above, Dr Mark Bailey, in his detailed article about the idea of diagnosing "COVID-19," links to the Cochran Institute and others, stating this alleged disease can NOT be diagnosed in any way except via tests. More recent statements from various agencies state that COVID cannot be distinguished from other ailments without a test.
You have addressed ZERO. Presenting Igor Chudov as a source is a bad joke. There is no proof this alleged virus exists, or that there has been a "pandemic," or that there is a unique disease called "COVID 19."
Show me some actual evidence of this. Your statement has no information of value and in fact calls into question even further your ability to assess this.
The mountainous body of evidence that is readily available thoroughly refutes what you are saying.
I'm quite certain that I have FAR more first hand experience in this matter than you doc, your "appeal to expertise" notwithstanding.
I also have far more history on this matter than you- can you admit that this is the first time in your life you have even looked into these issues?
Why not have the discussion in full and in a collegial manner?
I'm certain you will run away from the discussion as you do every time.
There was no pandemic and no unique viral pathogen.
This individual says the same thing- provides no evidence and then runs off when challenged.
But hey they have a substack (and have written some good articles) and claim "doctorhood" so they must know right?
How about having this individual discuss at length their claims with someone like Denis Rancourt, David Rasnick, Leslie Manookian, myself or many others. You would see they are way out of their league and have no reference point for disucssion.
"But hey, I had some friends that were sick like never before..."
'this individual' most likely is not running off when challenged - it's easy to guess why, but you'll never figure it out, because it takes a different kind of 'knowing'.
I agree with much of what you say, that the pandemic was a coordinate op. Yet I can't agree with everything - I had I've had asthma/weak chest my whole life and I've had more chest infections and flu-like illnesses than anyone I know (way, way more) - and so I noticed when I got sick in June 2021 that whatever was happening was different to all of the dozens and dozens of chest infections I'd had before. And I was watching very carefully, because actually I wanted to show it was just like every other one, that everyone was overreacting and that there was no specific disease going around.
But three things made me think again. First, it lasted way longer - the tenth day, I could literally barely stand (worst ever) and it was the worst day. Every other I've had my whole life I was recovered and back in work by the 10th day. Second, I got a weird rash/blotches on my ankles and feet - and it was not "psychosomatic", because it was only after I saw these and I googled it that I discovered this was a common symptom of this new disease being referred to in the newspapers, whatever it is. And third, the symptoms (specifically the coughing) were way way way worse than anything I've ever had - I was coughing for weeks, and the hacking sound in the second week resulted in a text from my neighbour asking if I was ok.
All unique to my illness in June 2021 - the first gathering I went to after lockdown, at which a few other people also got similarly ill.
I have several dozen data points. This particular illness was an outlier, a clear outlier, from all the other chest infections I've had. If there is a good explanation for why I got uniquely ill right at the time other people were reporting they also got uniquely ill, I'm all ears.
I work with the elderly most whom are very compromised and to this day none have been sick with Covid. Some “test” positive and have “cold” symptoms but no one has died of or with Covid. But that nasty vaccine, and all the others, are a disaster. I have 19 years experience in healthcare and I’m confident, albeit it took me a while to get there, that viruses aren’t contagious.
Right before the "virus" landed in the north of Italy and exclusively attacked the old and those in carehomes, these same elders all received a flu vaccine!
And as you rightly say the virus did not leave the region!
In the U.K. the average age of "covid death" was >80 yo (82 and 83 men and woman respectively, I believe, but I may be off one or two years) making it above the average life expectancy!
This may be of interest too. Corroborates what you've said.
In addition to the flu vaccine program you cite as I understand it there was also a campaign to increase the meningococcal vaccines in that region in 2019. Someone who lives there sent me some of the details I will have to double check my notes.
If you have any specifics on these vaxx campaigns in N Italy I would be interested.
Note this study/article which is little more than a Pharma PR piece:
In addition N Italy has become a hub for high tech production and the pollution that comes from that has created particulates that are particularly persistent in the upper respiratory tract. This is why they have been having an ongoing and accelerating "epidemic" of interstitial pneumnoia for the past decade.
The Po River Valley is one of the most polluted places in all of Europe.
Sadly, it's anecdotal, as they say. Friends who live in Bergamo told us that there was a big flu jab campaign. They are in their early 40ies, did not have the flu jab (they never have it), and they had nothing! No Covid.
This is certainly true. However, that it IS true does not mean there was NOT a 'not-much-more-dangerous-than-flu 'disease' of some sort. Medical / hospital murder does NOT explain the insanely high and aggressive cancers and heart/blood problems in people vaxxed but never in the hospital.
If covid was not real -- whence cometh many thousands of deaths from blood problems and cancer? (Must it be an either/or?)
"7) This "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak”;"
You believe the Chinese are telling the truth? They have given you valid numbers, all mixed in with propaganda and lies?
"Pandemic" is the term used nowadays to refer to the entire operation. However, that virus was very real, and you didn't get it or you would know it was very real. It didn't escape from a lab - that would have caused a local outbreak that would burn out very quickly. What our DOD did was select the lab created virus, brewed it up and distributed it repeatedly. Viruses do not show such fidelity, nor do they go on and on and on around the world.
DOD has the capacity to brew up virus and jabs in very large volumes. Pharma does not have that volume capacity. All the omicrons are constructs as well similarly brewed up where there is capacity and sprinkled. Omicron are made to affect the jabbed - jigsaw puzzle fashion. After omicron infections depending on the variant, we see people and too many kids with accelerated dementia, another on and it's people who were jabbed 18+ months ago suddenly developing the long clots, and so on.
I haven't found the particular papers, but scientists and docs have pointed out how there's a paper published having crafted an omicron that evades the jab "protections" and can get past IVM, and 6 months later, voila, that very construct shows up as the next omicron of note.
It's all about the jabs of course, the culling, killing and extracting remaining wealth from the middle class.
Well I guess we should be thankful then as "that virus" only potent enough to off the elderly and disabled who already had one foot in the grave (5+ comorbidities) and were crammed into unsanitary conditions and neglected in institutions and hospitals AND given additional toxins, respiratory inhibitors and vents.
But of course had to be "the virus."
If you believe the "Super-Omicron" story you are hopeless.
And many, many of the patients had food and water withheld, and had to use their own beds for toileting. They were neglected until they were dead. Apparently, it was more profitable to the hospital that way.
So, no deaths before the "Vaxx" was released? No deaths of folks with 'flu-like' symptoms who were NOT hospitalized, nor given Run-deathisnear, nor vented? Only oldsters in care homes -- no folks out in 'real' life?
NOT that you can trust any numbers... but you can't trust the numbers that go your way EITHER!
The virus has a very low fatality rate. Even with the elderly but for medical care being withheld such as antibiotics for the pneumonia. IIn 2019 HHS put out this "don't prescribe antibiotics for the elderly who have a virus" that expanded to include viral pneumonia which will go bacterial in the affected with little prompting. Along with the crazy "there is no approved treatment for SARS2 pneumonia "so incredibly hospitalists did nothing - almost everyone it seemed lost their minds, training, experience. Drs. Marik and Kory described this in their own hospitals.
Agree, but let's be oh so careful. Remember, they want us divided. Not all working on our side are going to go after ALL issues at once, especially ones this big. The predators want fracture everywhere. I think things are shaking out however.
If you don't think this entire PV production is a bit shady I can't help you.
That Malone popped up three times within a half day to manage how people are to think about this latest "bombshell" and went into pimping more of the fear narrative of the GoF/Wuhan crap is about as glaring a red flag as you can get.
PR firms have extraordinary resources and editing capabilities.
Don't know what your obsession here is with attacking Dr. Malone. He's not "pimping fear" he was vax injured and he's been fighting to at least stop the vax and protect children.
If that's pimping fear to you, fine. I disagree. 100%
Whole lotta folks claiming PV was caught in a sting yesterday. They were wrong.
I tried my best to steer project veritas towards Aquitas therapeutics in British Columbia six months ago. They produce lipid nano particles for Pfizer. 
At the bottom of the NIH science report on the toxicity of quantum dots. One of the references refers to the eight intellects that are the best in the world at detecting quantum dots.  seven of the eight reside at the Wuhan lab. 🤯
Point taken. Thank you. It's my lack of tolerance for all the build-up before a release to the public. I am old-school; if you are going to disclose something to help people battle the totalitarians, just release it, immediately, without fanfare. In the future, I will prefix "in my opinion" before such a comment. Thanks. Peace. :-)
Ah, so how is your investigative reporting operation doing? Oh - you are just sitting on the sidelines dragging down the man on the field? O'Keefe has built a viable investigative reporting operation that has blown the whistle on many abuses by leftist/dems organizations. He's not deep, he's not perfect. But then again, he's at least playing all out and getting results. Let's help him, not tear him down. just a thought.
Good point Glenn. Thank you. I agree the man is doing positive things for innocent people. No, I am not an investigative reporter, but I read and I can easily connect the dots. O'Keefe, for all the good he has done, needs to focus on the correct target, lest his efforts be in vain:
The point:Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC - all powerless in the DOD-run operation. Knowing the EAU "laws" (immoral laws) in place, it makes zero sense to chase down an executive who controls nothing and reveals nothing of value to achieve the main objective: stop the real-time eugenics program taking place under the guise of public health.
This technology was already in use, but now they have gone all the way. Have people ever wondered why so many trained experts in this field keep their mouths shut?
The wife of Dr. Noack discusses his death, closely following the release of information suggesting that graphene hydroxide, acting like mini razor blades, were discovered in the vaccines.
In the fall of 2021, Dr. Noack, was killed suspiciously after alerting the public to graphene oxide, akin to razor blades, in the vaccine.
They say. No, it's just slaughter. They know that there is NO WAY to successfully combine this nano with biological organisms. It's a death sentence slower or faster.
On Gettr, I posted dozens of science reports going back 13 months. @Dan Preece.  I believe those two truth speakers are staying in their lane of science.  nano technology in humans is only been around 25 years. To 30 years. 
Then would they not say nothing? Cole is insisting nanotechnology is not in the shots, despite Moderna's patent saying they are. Patents aren't dispositive, but are persuasive, more so than Cole.
He outlined the various corporate actors well before that if I remember correctly. He first went through the Patent history of all things SARS and related issues since late 1990's; later he expanded in a presentation and mentioning SARS COV2 is not what everyone was at that time thinking, and later presented information that stitched together the corporate "fraud" behind the development of so called vaccines, who funded it, who owned what and who owned the Patents. I remember he did a live presentation - which is the last contribution I have seen - where he pulled no punches, confirmed the definition of bioweapon and how it related to SARS COV2, racketeering/RICO violations by the corporate "actors" - and if I remember correctly stated very firmly that the spike protein is toxic ......
This is the KEY, but sadly people are still being steered to the mrna or spike stuff as the killer. Hah, they know Moderna had issues with the lipids before convid!
Today even mccullough and others push the idea that the spike kills... ignoring the elephant in the room.
Even in the alt community, theres a huge obsession with graphene and nano machines.
They claim it's the killer... Ok
The LIPIDS are the new tech that is being 'tested'. It's a way for them to damage without using mercury, aluminum, or other adjuvants that are starting to get challenged in science.
I hope the science comes out on how bad these lipids are....then maybe people can connect the dots.
Exactly. And BC is about to pass a law similar to California's AB2098.
Pharma's influence on BC's public 'health' policies goes VERY deep. And BC Pharma corps play a major (& HEAVILY subsidixed) role in global mRNA research.
The only thing I would add to Sasha's excellent analysis is that the Project Veritas and other "breaking" news are being circulated to draw public anger away from the DOD-HHS complex, and steer it to Pfizer. Because Pfizer is expendable. The company can be dissolved and then reconstituted under a new corporate name.
DOD, HHS and the US Government can't be rebranded once the public understands the mass murder campaign.
It seems that the Project Veritas people do not understand it yet. In Washington DC, I recently attended a talk by a DOD biotech project manager who claimed that the DOD was researching medical issues to prevent soldiers from getting sick. None of the people present, over a hundred MIT graduates, asked any question.
They’ve been doing that for close to a decade. Their goal was to create ‘a super soldier’ and they were funding a lot of research in mitochondrial health.
Faced with these new problems, a new set of questions emerges: what is the right amount of daily calories necessary for the soldier so that he can accomplish his task without being tired? What does the soldier need when he is in combat? How to get the best energy for it? In general, this program aims to optimize the soldier’s metabolic performance, his energy performance and associated his emotional stability on different scales: nutritional, intracellular. Regarding nutrition, Joseph Bielitzki develops questions of this type: how much energy does a special forces soldier spend per day, 7000 calories? According to the Continuous assisted performance program, if the soldier is not sleeping, he will need 12,000 calories per 24 hours. Instead of ingesting such an amount of energy, why not suppress the calorie intake and use the one already present in the body? At the granular level, this program attempts to optimize mitochondrial activity, to multiply the « energy centers » of the muscle cells, to identify the causes of fatigue and to stimulate energy production.
I always thought BioNTech was expendable / probably fall guy? - Small company, never had a product before. Annual report basically said as much, and also said that if they did land a product, they had no idea how to manufacture it.
I also found Malone an interesting choice of scientist to analyze the interview... Malone sure likes to push the scary lab-mutated virus story.
Sasha thank you for putting a down-to-earth spin on this “breaking” story. The only thing it broke for me was my confidence in many of the Substackers who I follow who championed this questionable video.
He also pushes the virus origin story, which is a bit suspect since it's known to have never been shown to exist. He has "long covid" so he validates that also, uncritically. I tend to agree, he is there to self-validate and spread fear.
He got the shots, but is in a position to know better
Malone is vaccine injured. He doesn't claim long COVID. He does not claim the virus came from a wet market. He does not spread fear, his many readers including me find the posts informational, reassured, keeps us informed, ahead of the game.
Here is one of Malone's interviews that mentions the early belief about vaccines maybe being useful for long COVID and thus why he took them for his own and to travel. He also discusses how his friend Dr. Peter Marks at FDA boldly lied to him about his list of questions, start at about 12:30 minutes:
He was lied to by an FDA contact about the data being supportive in a private call. All this is chronicled in his posts on Substack. Timing is everything. The early adopters got especially hurt.
the incompetence excuse is a bit thin from overuse, and shouldn't apply to Malone, and on the fence about him, but have noted the implied verification in many of his statements on issues that seem not settled. Plus, there is no clear evocation of the science, but many people talking about it. Even the greatest, given the medium in use, requires deciding who to trust based on what you know so far. And of course, the willingness to reconsider based on what seems most factual.
Why apologize? I never trusted the guy because he is so full of himself and keeps bragging about his intelligence connections. He just keeps trying to scare people. I totally agree with Sasha that a virus (if it exists) cannot be so easily manipulated.
Please explain how/why did Baric write a paper (2015?) explaining precisely how he and others spliced animal reservoir coronaviruses together, retrieving 2 viable chimeras into which had been inserted a non naturally occurring (?DNA?) sequence to enable traction via human ACE2 receptor cells - and it appears that this ability does not exist within any known Coronavirus? Fauci tried to gaslight that such a manipulation was not GoF....bollux.
Remember "Fauci emails" c2017 confirm Farrar comment following "it looks engineered" when discussing viruses......?
If people believe that it was only the US Intelligence Services/Military that did this Doomsday biological "research - which US Law determines that GoF manipulation = bioweapon ( Dr D Martin ref) , think again: the Chinese, the Russians and UK Porton Down are certainly involved in such research....and leaks have happened before.
i think what is important to think about is- did you read the paper- do you have evidence that any of it is real- they can write patents- it doesn't mean they work or are real- but these things set a narrative, that the media - owned outright- then spins into 'reality'== what a web of nauseating un- reality
Perhaps because he gets millions in grants for such papers that are immediately classified and never replicated. On YouTube you should never watch videos depicting animal rescues that are not from a real news source because it was discovered that most of the videos are hoax rescues wherein an animal is actually harmed and endangered just to make a video where it is "rescued." Those videos always get millions of views ergo ad revenue. The big scandal last summer was people torturing turtles by removing stuff they had secretly glued on their shells. All you have is Baric saying something. That's all.
Thanks for confirming your ability to read my mind; my comment was about leaks and not specific to any "theory" about WIV/CCP....please do not put words in my mouth.
If you dispute what constitutes bioweapons legally in the US - may I suggest you take it up with Dr David Martin; he seems to have a very good handle on these issues due to his professional/business activity of auditing relevant patents applied and granted since the late 1990's....are you suggesting that SARS COV2 has neither been "developed" and therefore not subject to genetic manipulation?
FTR, I AM firmly of the belief that "knowing" anything concrete about the SARS COV2 matter is damned difficult where you have Intelligence Services involved, especially CIA/NSA/MI6/GCHQ....and especially when you are not up to your neck in it..
 Naomi Wolf said one year ago it became apparent to her that it was a dark supernatural intelligence. her personal belief was that no human could be so intelligent and evil. 
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
i like to remember this is a theory tho, and not a fact- it is tempting to believe this, but if i do, then it makes me feel that this whole thing is inevitable- yes- it is evil- but we can turn this inversion around- we have to
The Supreme Lord says in one of the scriptures (Bhagavad Gita) "I am the sound in the ether and the ability in man." How we use this ability is up to us
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
Thank you! I only saw this being passed around and my instinct was this isn't anything to be concerned about. Lots of smoke and mirrors. Time to be discerning.
Thanks so much Sasha!!! You gave me a LOL moment this morning with this: "Movie script where "Contagion" meets "Idiocracy". My thought exactly!! I didn't even pay attention to any of this.
I actually don't think there was ever a virus--I think this was a global military psyop from start to finish, a PCR false positive pseudo pandemic. Even on Dr. Mike Yeadon's twitter (which I followed and copied until they disappeared him), he linked to a PCR false positive pseudo-pandemic that happened at Dartmouth Medical Center (back in the early 2000s)--I think it might have been a 2007 NYT write up on what happened. Basically, they thought they had an epidemic of whooping cough, they were using a PCR test, and when the CDC got involved and looked into it, the CDC found that there were NO cases of whooping cough- it was just false positives from the PCR that created the illusion of an epidemic.
Years ago, I looked into the HIV/AIDS scam, so it was easy to see this covid operation (IMO) was basically the same playbook all over again--use the media to create hysteria, use a scientifically fraudulent test (PCR), give people poison disguised as medicine (back then AZT, now poison kill shot bioweapon), claim the deaths from the poison are from the virus.
For anyone who hasn't looked into the HIV/AIDS scam, check out Dr Robert Wilner exposing the fraud back in the 90s. He injected himself with a HIV contaminated needle to prove they were lying. In the video below, he calls out the corruption at NIH and of Fauci.
"In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain's most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the "AIDS hypothesis." When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind." There are more videos on that Question Everything channel that are worth watching (e.g. House of Numbers), for those who have the time.
I also highly recommend Dr. Tom Cowan's book The Contagion Myth, and Virus Mania with Dr. Sam Bailey and others. Another good one is Janine Roberts' Fear of the Invisible (she was actually a real investigative reporter and sat in on meetings at NIH)--she basically exposed the fraud in polio (DDT was the cause), HIV/AIDS, and virology in general. She even looked into measles--problems there too.
And since Sasha mentioned the Hollywood production, "Contagion," if you do a search for movies about viruses and contagion, you will see there are tons of them that they have made over the years:
I'll check it out. I used to follow Dennis on twitter too. I know that the first guy here in NJ to die of the "virus" had emphysema, high blood pressure, diabetes, GI problems and I think they also said heart problems, but it was the "virus" that got him, lol.
Book from WorldDoctorsAlliance--saying there is no deadly pandemic:
Proof that the pandemic was planned and with purpose "A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
Wake Up America. You've Been Conned. Only An Estimated 9,683 Covid-19 Only Deaths So Far in 2020, Not 180,000
“The 2003 guidelines for establishing death certificates had been cancelled. “Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is.”
“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water
"Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information...said: It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” ...A quote from a leaked email in Denmark says "The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate.”...And a leaked report from Germany indicated that "the dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level. The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm. During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News."
'It's Just the Flu, It's All BS' - Russia's Top Official COVID Doctor Admits in Bombshell Interview
“It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease (i.e. the flu) with minimal mortality. Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.”
Great analysis. The US government has supposedly been working on bio weapons for decades- but they seem to have gotten nowhere.
And if Sars Cov 2 was meant to be a deadly bioweapon it was a complete failure- no more effective than the common cold! The lockdowns, protocols, jabs and treatment were the only effective part of the programme in killing people!
Keep in mind that even if it were possible to develop a highly contagious virus, it needs to be benign enough or have an escape option for those pulling the strings to avoid being killed themselves.
I think the main point was to create enough fear to deliver the kill shot.
but/and- in so doing they got billions of dollars, research centers and a population of uneducated americans and others who don't even know where the organs in their own bodies are located, what they do -- or how to keep themselves healthy, to buy into a huge terror myth to the point where they allow their own children to be injected and have for years- and we will never know when they actually started to inject people with all these new pathogenic materials because this is a black ops ---- all the cancers- did they just come from the environment and food additives, or were they injecting 'stuff'--- i'd really like to know
Sasha, I understand what you are saying here but this guy is describing exactly the situation we are seeing at this time. He may not be able to tell the truth as to why it is happening but it is happening.
Governments around the world have told us months in advance when a "variant" will show up. They get that right w/in a few days. This cannot happen w/any real virus. Yet they are "predicting" the appearance of the latest variant w/incredible accuracy. So what does account for their Nostradamus like powers? Something is happening at the time they say it will. I don't know what is causing it and I suspect, as discussed before, it is a neurotoxin of some kind.
Monkeys are doing exactly what humans are doing. There is some kind of transfer happening between people. This was mentioned as a real problem even by Pfizer in their clinical trials. People who didn't take the injection are getting sick around those who do. So he is describing a real event, even if he has been sent to lie about the true cause of that event.
I will make a prediction of my own. The next "variant" is going to be the one which causes severe neurological problems. I've already seen people in my town starting to walk in circles and they are definitely losing cognitive ability. I therefore believe we will be told these are symptoms of a new "variant", maybe the zombie? "variant".
So while I do not think this is the correct or complete explanation, the fact remains that it describes reality. Something is being done by these companies and governments and philanthropic organizations to people and I would like to know what that is. I believe this video can actually start to open up things enough for an investigation to begin.
Every single "variant" popped up after a drive of jabs.
When people get sick from the jab, how do you cover it up?
Say the virus mutated, that can take the death/injury count and insulate it from the side effects.
Even Mike Yeadon PHD called them scariants way back.
Walking in circles comes from brain damage, micro clots in the brain can do this. Heart issues can reduce blood flow to the brain... and so on. No tech needed, just the lipids which have done this in moderna's testing even pre-covid.
Hi Amy, I mean people are aimlessly walking in circles of about 10 feet around. They appear to not know what they are doing.
I saw some strange types of behavior like this when the injections first hit. I hadn't seen it since that time. Now I'm seeing people turning in circles. It lasts for a few minutes and they seem disoriented. Then they go about their business.
Interesting! I see a ton of weaving and distracted driving, but nearly everyone seems to be looking down at a phone. The big trucks are scary to be next to, they drift off into other lanes a lot!
I'm also noticing people driving without their lights on too...way more than in the past. That is bizarre because most newer cars have the automatic lights feature.
That's interesting. I have noted, and this seemed more obvious in the fall, what I was calling "sleep walkers" in the grocery store. People, usually in pairs of small groups of 3 or 4, shuffling around slow and confused often in clothing that they may have slept in. They do not make eye contact. Returning home I would tell my husband, "It's the zombie apocalypse out there." I am not noticing it so overtly anymore.
Also, terrible driving. Like truly bad judgement on simple maneuvers. Or, crazily aggressive - without a plate! - as if there are no road laws.
Of course I have considered the jab as the culprit but I try to be fair and attribute possible over-use of prescription drugs. So, so, so many people are on drugs these days, legal and illegal.
Hi Amy, If you look at the work of Ed Dowd, he had to rule out other causes for all the disabilities and excess deaths as opposed to the cause being the jabs.
Insurance companies had normal amounts of accidents until the jabs began working their magic. People have been taking drugs for a long while and I haven't seen this before. Ed has done extensive statistical analysis which rules out other causes. To my knowledge, there hasn't been a statistical analysis of this behavior (at least publicly, I'm sure someone has done one) so we just have to look at the evidence and draw conclusions on what is the most likely cause.
Rob, I think Ed Dowd is a very good source. He has statisticians ruling out causes of excess deaths. They come from the jab. He's proven it. I would say, look at what he writes.
After that, I'm unable to comment because I am writing what I see. I haven't claimed any statistical analysis. I'm not trying to force you to believe me. That is up to you.
I would not be surprised about excess deaths from alcohol. Lockdown has caused untold harm, especially to children, but also to adults. Clearly deaths are related to this. These deaths are often drug/alcohol related and suicides.
Whatever people like Baric and Daszak have been tinkering with in labs for decades now, they are not "viruses." As no alleged "virus" in human history has ever been purified, isolated, and proven to transmit and cause disease in either human or non-human animals, Baric et al. are almost certainly conducting their alchemy primarily with DNA and RNA sequences of various origins—and sequences are not "viruses." Understanding this is crucial to dispelling and dispensing with the gain-of-fiction PSYOP—and the pseudoscience of "contagion" to boot. And until we consign both to the landfill of historical lies, "pandemics" will continue to be weaponized against humanity in service of the globalist predator class's antihuman aspirations.
In this video Dr. Malone is attempting to explain how dead particles called viruses, such as SARS CoV-2, become “alive”. Why is this important? The whole genre of science depends on this process to be real. Is it? Judge it for yourself.
You can watch and listen to Dr. Melone’s fairytale about how dead viruses become alive, by yet to be revealed mechanism, at the 13 min mark in this video.
“This particle (virus) is really self-replicating genes… that aren’t really alive. They exist as a parasite in a way. They become alive when they get into our cells. It’s a parasitic relationship. I like to say: we are the food for the virus… I think it’s really good to think of this as a virus is a parasitic gene… that isn’t truly alive but it’s at the boundary of living and non-living.”
Keep in mind that in order for viruses to do what virologists claim they must do, such as infecting the host, but more so stealing the host cell’s machinery in order to replicate, proliferate and spread, viruses need to be alive. Otherwise, how would viruses do all these things?
What Dr Malone also attempts to do, either knowingly or not, is to explain another, more philosophical concept, rather than just the mechanism to fit the dogma.
Why would viruses do all those things? It makes little sense from an objective point of view.
What Melone is really attempting to explain is not how (he doesn’t) dead particles called viruses become alive, but rather, how they become animate. Because he probably knows the next never answered question would be:
How do dead, inanimate viruses steal the host’s cell machinery in order to replicate?
Without providing at least a theory, or a concept, how dead particles become animate, it is just nonsense.
So, what Malone is desperately trying to do is to pretend that everything in virology must be okay and we should accept his fairytale because it is the best thing to do for humanity when fighting those deadly gene therapies he helped to develop the great technology for but abandoned nevertheless. Why? Because it wasn’t working?
Melone’s statements are full of false, unverifiable beliefs and preconceived ideas beyond the scope of this comment to even scratch to surface in order to refute them all.
Just a few:
The self-replicating gene (s) fairytale is not new. The "origin of life science" fairytale spreaders use it all the time to try to explain how dead particles, similar to viruses, must have come to life in the so-called primordial soup.
All parasites known to science are living organisms. To call viruses parasites that become alive, somehow, is so absurd that it is beyond any excuse for someone who calls himself a scientist to even mention it.
Do you really believe that trans-humanisms is possible? Nobody knows what humans conciseness is or where it is? Do you think it is problem for trans-humanism propaganda?
It is not possible to live forever. Life is quantum on the fundamental level we know about.
Material world seems to be made of quantum fields. Reality happens when those quantum fields vibrate. Technically, we were designed to live forever but something happens around the time when most of us reach 20-25 years old. It looks like quantum correlations change and we begin to age and eventually we die. To live forever, we would have to be connected to the source of those quantum fields and quantum vibrations...
Below, as you know, is what I wrote right after this "Bombshell" was released last night and was posted foolishly on every substack- that PV wouldn't vet this guy is inexcusable and very poor journalism at best.
Don't people vet their sources any more?
That Malone is inserted into the video and then is featured in the following twitter conversation should cause anyone with critical thinkning skills still inteact to raise an eyebrow.
"The verbiage used doesn't add up. Most all of what they were discussing also served to validate the "viral story" about "Covid" and the "pandemic"- further implanting these into peoples brains as verifiable and unassailable assumptions. Using so-called dissenters like Malone as the "expert voice is the easiest way to do this.
It's likely the guy in the PV video is a "crisis actor" trained by a PR firm like Burston-Marstellar and hired by Pfizer for this role.
Be aware people- there are multiple Covid crimes committed that are being put to the back burner because of the "next bombshell" that goes nowhere.
In the twitter discussion on this Tom Fitton stated "we need to stop this GoF so we don't get hit by another pathogen that decimates us"
That is complete nonsense- "we" were hit by vicious hospital protocols and impacts of societal destruction followed by mass poisoning via toxic mRNA injections.
All of these people in that twitter discussion, including Malone again, are reifying the big lie that there was a viral pandemic- there wasn't- it was administrative slaughter. There is no excuse for this at this point."
I will add this:
Well if only we could get the public this engaged in how the poor and elderly were wiped out in hospitals in Spring 2020 and how this was the primary fear mechanism for launching the "Covid" fraud we would be getting somewhere.
"Pfizer wants to do some diabolical shit for money?" That's not news- that's SOP.
Sorry but the likes of Malone and Weinstein are the last people that should be listened to on anything.
This kind of noise and distraction blocks out the truth from being heard.
Well said. The sooner we address the real crimes of fake pandemic 1. 2. Fake PCR test
3. Demonstrable killing in hospitals 4. Killings in nursing homes 5. Pre meditated genocide with a fake “vaccine” bioweapon aka countermeasure the sooner we can get on with stopping the current culling and prevent the next panic public health button.
Well said!
They did vet this guy. What needs to happen know is for most of the medical freedom world to understand that Pfizer is a set of actors given a script. Then it will all makes sense.
What is especially astonishing in Brian O'Shea's background analysis of Walker is the pivot from regular urology doctor with a few publications, none first authored to these high level positions that require marketing, health economics, business degrees and specialization and experience. The mini course in Mandarin language just months before the COVID announcement is a big clue and tell, and is galling. What the PV report accomplishes is some sunshine on these fake roles concocted to look plausible by pharma for willing stooges.
He didn't complete his urology residency, which takes five years.
They snatched him up for purpose.
That is a good lead to follow.
Be careful with George Webb.. real name George Webb Sweigert. He and his brother tried to take down a site that was doing excellent exposure of The Clinton Foundation a few years back. Got friendly with them & then tried to get channel cancelled, tried to implicate them in a bomb hoax and tried to tie them up with lawfare.
I suspect he is a Judas goat.
I've wanted to believe that Webb is an insightful investigator, but he never seems to follow through on strong leads, or provide any meaningful information. How does he fund his travels and "Reporting?" I'm more skeptical than ever; he seems like a time-wasting distraction, funded by the dark side. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
Invaluable! Thanks.
Thank you.
Malone's in on it, you can tell. dude has major duper's delight going on. that smirk don't lie
You are keen on the visual cues like my girlfriend.
For me it's how he speaks, my spider senses go off on people like him. There's this calculated complex AI like way that these narcissists/psychopaths use to sell a lie. Obama did it well. So did Noam Chomsky way back even when he was the left "sweetheart".
They speak emotionally, but perfectly measured. There's no real feeling, it's all dialed in like a recipe. I would guess this is what NLP- Neuro-linguistic programming is.
Good analysis Rob. Agree.
Mind you I still like Steve Kirsch.
Wonder when I will wake up.
Malone is souled out and doesn't care that he knows that we know that he knows.
Woman’s intuition 🧐
I was starting to agree with you until I saw that line "wikipedia was right" - red flag!! - & sure enough, then you go on to claim there's no such thing as a spike protein, using the backwards logic that because SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated (debatable at any rate) a component part of that virus must not exist either. that makes no sense on any level but then what does one expect from anyone who would utter the statement "wikipedia was right."
anyway, no matter what you think about whether SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated or even exists, the spike protein exists & has turned up in the tissues of a whole lot of bioweapon victims. what do you think exactly is killing people who get vaxxed? magic? you realize your theory lets ghouls like Malone's boys at DARPA off the hook?
"the spike protein exists & has turned up in the tissues of a whole lot of bioweapon victims. what do you think exactly is killing people who get vaxxed? magic?"
Can you cite those studies?
There are multiple possibilities on what is killing people from the mRNA injections.
Metals, LNP's etc.
Do you have a list of the ingredients that are in the vials?
this article provides a good overview of how the spike protein can kill (at least a dozen studies linked within)
here's Sucharit Bhakdi describing its actions (he has done a few studies, article is an overview of his findings)
actual images of spike proteins hanging out in tissue making a mess (
etc - it's pretty easy to find if you look (don't use duckduckgo, they're just as bad as google on this subject)
indeed there are multiple ways the shots can cause injury/death. from what i understand the ingredients in the vials vary dramatically from batch to batch. just because lipid nanoparticles can kill doesn't mean spike can't.
It's a bit heavy with the study language, you can check "in summary" section, like I do lol
Here's my gist on it, based on my engineering/troubleshooting type of thinking:
When a cell is damaged, you get debris.
The debris looks like spike protein, exosomes, viruses etc.
If you have been poisoned by toxins, you will see a lot of spike protein.
Before con-vid, moderna had huge issues with the lipids.
Why? Because they are hard to eliminate and end up in organs, slowing them down.
This is before the new narrative of the super duper spike protein.
The same nonsense happens with Alzheimer's... They claimed it was amyloid beta. But Chris Exley found aluminum in every Alzheimer's brain, but ended his study once they got big pharma money... But hey let's just blame amyloid beta, cause it sounds cooler. ( Recently they found that a key amyloid beta study was falsified!)
Plus we can sell drugs to treat that symptom instead of addressing the cause of aluminum buildup in the brain! Lol
Modern medicine, find the result and call it the cause of disease.
The Bailey's are much better than Cowan in the science.
Do you have a link to a study about spike proteins in the blood or tissues of people who took the jab? I've heard that too, about spike proteins don't exist because SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist. I'm very curious as to how much follow-up has been done on what internal effect those shots have in people (other than antibody titers, which is the only parameter I've seen documented in terms of results of the shots.
studies show that once vaxxed, the spike protein ends up pretty much everywhere ( it enters the bloodstream ( & crosses the blood-brain barrier (
a ton of studies linked in this article ( describe how spike does its dirty work once it gets everywhere.
keep in mind the main guy saying the spike protein doesn't exist (Cowan) is also saying we don't have immune systems - i'd take anything he says with a planet-sized grain of salt. these people are laughing at us & probably being paid handsomely for it.
I honestly dont think we will know any of this with certainty until we open up all the docs these monsters have withheld before we condemn them in court. Or elsewhere .
Your comment came to me- I think you were responding to someone else.
i was responding to the link you posted - some howlers in there
Thanks for sharing 👍. Sums up things well. We all need extra widsom from Almighty God and discernment to see through the BS.
Recent micro baby like Brazil for zika was born in December locally to new arrival parents(?). Baby did not make it. Many prenatal are pushed jabs like Tdap, flu, CV, when atleats 2 decades ago meds & jabs were not caffeine, no OTC meds...nothing until birth to protect babies in the wombs. Nowadays, they are shockingly drinking,smoking,jabbing, hair dying chemicals, chemical nail products, etc, by very young moms and older. Pesticides also harm fetuses in the womb besides street drugs and alcohol.
Thanks for sharing. I joined the stacks to read more and see more of what mainstream bans on other sites.
And you never see his eyes, just two black holes.
It reminds me of Biden - big black holes.
I wonder if they have some kind of contact lenses to read a script or whatever they unload in there.
I can't understand why anyone would listen to Malone. He says he helped invent mRNA technology and in my book that means he knew the dangers of mass marketing this completely untested crap.
Malone did know the dangers and walked away from it years ago. It was picked up by Merck then sold off, and then in the hands of DOD that went forward with it relentlessly. Out of Malone's control. It helps to read the detailed history that Malone has published in numerous Substacks and videos and to take the time to do it. Malone is doing his damndest to call out the harms and warn people about the corruption and to help people cope and recover. I admire him tremendously, and identify with his grief at having worked diligently at a career where he thought he was helping mankind and making important discoveries. But it turns out much of that was misused, abused and dishonored.
he didn't walk - check out documented where he is currently taking money from and who he is working with- follow the links- Catherine Austin Fitts and Breggin provide them all- we all need to do research- and not just 'believe' in a narrative- it takes a LOT of work and energy and is worth it- otherwise you are just a leaf in someone elses wind!
I am a Solari subscriber and did check all that out extensively. Catherine is mistaken and I wrote about that detail on Malone's Substack. Catherine did not respond to my follow up questions. She misunderstood federal contracting mechanisms, IDIQ's, and the concept of working to help others land contracts--all of which I have done extensively myself. The dollars I helped investigators and institutions bring in aren't dollars that I personally accrued. This is one of many tragic misreadings of Malone's extensive resume. You assume I did not perform due diligence, but that in fact is my forte.
I am seeing a lot of ppl spewing out invective re Controlled Opposition, Limited hangout etc etc. viz. Robert Malone, Russell Brand. It feels a bit like the leftist firing squad. I imagine the accusers feel smug because they are so smart and they "know". Maybe they feel like spies, I dunno. It IS dangerous because talk is cheap and we are in the fight of our lives. It feels like the ones outing are snitching and very possibly work for the Death Cult itself. It would be a good way to splinter us. All I can do is watch the actions of those accused. Both RM and RB have not made any bad moves imho
russsel brand FOR SURE. I am constantly surprised at the AMOUNT of controlled OP.
You're forte is being paid to infest and derail threads with Malone boosterism. You're the Malone version of Lara Loomer and JoJofromJerz.
I think thats unfair. I vacillate constantly around Malone. I dont get the feeling Betsy is controlled narrative. Or a shill. Wholly unfair. IMHO>
Breggin -- that would be the whiner who got all het up because Malone's book is selling WAY better than his, even in pre-pub?! And began maligning and insulting and making shit up about Malone?! Did you not see and hear him squealing and whining and .... I had to turn him off; it was disgusting. It was some interview with Lee Merritt -- whom I thought well of, until she seemed to join into the slam-fest.
I LIKE CAF, but her points of view are sometimes ... odd... It would be NICE to pretend that everyone can be nice and play nice and ... move out to a small mid-West farm when NOT flying to spend time in ... is it the Netherlands and go boating? She's a very very rich person, whom I do not find to be ... in touch with ... people of NORMAL income and resources!
I've followed Breggin for decades as he was key in helping me escape psychiatry. In listening to him - for decades - I have found that he occasionally spouts opinionated stuff and presents it as fact, even though it's just his belief. Like the Chy-na focus - when the whole world is involved. So - when he blew his mouth at Malone, I was unsurprised (though I did feel like, "Peter! What are you saying and why are you saying it!" and I often have a jaw-drop, "You shouldn't say that! That's gonna bite back!!") - but what did blow me away was the dollar figure on that Malone lawsuit. Breggins aren't rich - so where did that $25 million figure come from? Wouldn't the big man just turn the other cheek? Sticks and stones and all that. As if Breggin truly harmed him?
I vaccillate constantly with Malone..........constantly.
You might want to read these
This Malone bashing obsession is so weird. It seemed to start when he became just a little too enthusiastic about promoting Desmet's mass formation psychosis. Before that, he was generally well regarded by almost all on 'our side', but since then, he's damned for things he has freely admitted to doing and has expressed regret over, he's damned for not doing things people think he should have done and he's damned for doing things which people claim he's done with little or no evidence to prove it. How very strange. If he's a bad apple then he's a supremely good actor that's all I can say. I'm not totally uncritical of him. I think he was unduly harsh re. Stew Peters and 'Died Suddenly' and he presumed somewhat arrogantly to speak for Steve Kirsch. But none of us are saints and very few are unrelenting sinners. I believe Malone's heart is in the right place though.
not if he is suing Peter Breggin for $25 million.
Read these please
he has always struck
me as odd.
Desmett never used " psychosis". told Malone it is " formation".
Breggins are above reproach. Malone hitting them for $25 million is only to destroy the Breggins.
So, you've never had a security clearance and had MANY areas about which you may NOT speak in public?
WHEN interviewers ASK Malone questions about the actual subjects he is expert on, he generally answers them, as much as he is able. But interviewers ALMOST NEVER ask him those questions! They ask questions that THEY think they (maybe-sorta) understand and they want to provide to their audiences.
He also has to spend part of every interview correcting and explaining the mistakes and foolish things (some) interviewers keep asking. What's odd to me is that the interviewers never seem to have done much HOMEWORK before wasting Malone's time!
Malone "talks a lot" about the most important subjects to him: STOP injecting children (or anyone, but even THAT has had to take a back seat -- as they keep increasing the pressure to poison younger and younger children)!
he also talks a lot about subjects that are far outside his realms of expertise, like "China is responsible for the virus" and "muh communism"
if he wants people to stop calling his loyalties into question, perhaps he should stop serving the interests of those he claims to be exposing.
he's also constantly flogging the blame-China narrative. that's the biggest red flag on him IMO- indicates he is still very much working for the Department of Offense
That's amusing, because Breggin focuses way too much on Chy-na, too.
Malone still has a few (maybe more) NDA's he has to talk around.
Is he really, or is that what you want to believe?
During this Plandemic, we have learned that the PCR test is not a test at all. It is a lab procedure to multiply molecules so that the lab can study them.
No one has isolated any virus. Not a polio virus. Not a measles virus. Not a "crown" virus. (Isn't "corona" an interesting choice of name for a virus that has never been isolated?)
Let's assume that the virus is really important to the pHARMaceutical industry. What would happen to the pHARMaceutical industry if it truly became common knowledge that no virus has ever been isolated? What do you think would happen to the pHARMaceutical industry? Me thinks it would shrivel up and the cucarachas would have to run for cover, just like when you turn on the lights.
The virus myth is the keystone of the pHARMaceutical industry. Without the alleged virus, there is no need for vaccines. Without vaccines, there is no need for the vast majority of the toxic drugs designed to "treat" symptoms. The vaccine industry needs the virus myth to justify their existence. The pHarmaceutical industry needs the vaccine industry to justify their drugs. Can you see profits going pffffft if the virus myth is truly exposed? Do you think the pHARMaceutical industry is going to sit on the sidelines whilst this happens or do you think they will do every dirty trick in the book to protect this cash cow and their immense power over people via this wealth and deceit?
Vaccines are the cash cows. They create profit centers for the pHARMaceutical industry by harming the recipients. Do you think it's fair and just for vaccine manufacturers to have zero accountability and fiduciary responsibility when their products harm people? Or, do you find that acceptable? Just curious.
So, back to Malone. There is so much documentation available about the millions and billions of pHARM money that flowed through Malone's greased palms that it seems a bit curious that he now feigns concern for anyone who is harmed by jabs. He has made it abundantly clear that he is not anti-vaxx. So, does that make him pro vax? Is it okay to harm chosen groups of people to harm, and spare others, or what do you think is fair?
Do you honestly think Malone can participate in that level of graft in a highly controversial industry and suddenly turn on those who made him wealthy, just because he suddenly decided to become an altruistic soul? Or, are you impressed by his handsomeness, his well-groomed appearance, his articulate manner of speaking, or his grandfatherly persona? I would like to know, because I don't find much to like about him and I am wondering if I missed the mark somewhere and you can shed some light on why I should change my mind.
Blah blah blah. Yes, I know all this stuff. I've skimmed it. I absolutely 100% WILL look into it deeply ONCE WE STOP THE MURDERING!! Now is NOT the time!! I certainly agree with Big Pharma being murderers many times over. I do NOT yet agree there are no viruses. I AM 100% willing to consider it -- BUT. NOT. NOW.!!!
"Without the alleged virus, there is no need for vaccines. Without vaccines..."
JESUS! Don't you GET it?! The vast vast vast majority of humans on this planet have 100% COMPLETELY swallowed the propaganda that vaccines are an unalloyed GOOD! "Oooh, polio, smallpox... vaccines are NECESSARY!" (Shit, even *I* was once/most of my life looking askance at the falsely maligned "anti-vaxxers"! Now, I ARE one!)
You're writing you think you can make ANY sort of headway at getting people to STOP taking this specific poison-vaxx with ALL the death and destruction it's CLEARLY causing by getting them to abandon a "truth" they have been fortified with their entire lives?! DURING the hurricane?!?!
You're wasting time in the middle of the battle. You want to discuss WHY the war began and whose fault it is... instead of raising whatever weapons you have and trying to SAVE LIVES!
We CAN'T even get them to SEE that this specific "NOT-a-vaccine" is murdering millions!! They excuse ALL the deaths, and what little they see of the horrific injuries because "vaccines are an unalloyed good!"
"Do you think it's fair and just"
Since when have "fair and just" ever EVER made a damned bit of difference in a war?! "Fair and just" -- right NOW -- means spending our time and energy SAVING LIVES! Not arguing minutiae over a medical 'problem' -- misunderstanding or intentionally misleading -- DURING THE BATTLE!
i'm 100% with you.
where were these "no viruses ever existed " people before? with the previous years of vaccine damage ?
i can readily see how there was no real Sars2 Covid-19 virus
causing this " pandemic." but the debate about viruses in general is another
" divide and conquer" time wasting tactic.
FREEDOM remains the essential issue.
Try this:
I'm afraid there are these Malone bashers that will take any opportunity to spew their venom. It's getting very boring. Sigh. Malone must be very threatening to them.
Its a distraction.
I know I repeat but Have you considered these questions yet?
There are more, it's only the start.
Malone has bragged on video that he worked in bioweapons development for over 30 years. I hope he doesn't sue me for $25 million.
Bragged? Bioweapons? He has worked in dual use which meant that he was working in vaccine development and countermeasures to bioweapons that he was led to believe where a major global threat.
Paid boosters should be honest. The only reason you are ever in any thread us to boost for Malone.
I am retired. Paid by no one.
Lmfao, stupid shill for big cock Malone.
"LittleGreenBot" should be your name. Only the ignorant and evil make accusations without substantiation.
All bioweapons are "dual use." It's how they get taxpayers to fund them.
Have you considered these questions yet?
The questions are time-wasters that do little or nothing to advance the goal of ending COVID tyranny and lies. The author can get in line with hundreds of other people who want a piece of Dr. Malone's time. Incidentally, many of the questions could be answered just by reading the doctor's substack posts; some people are just lazy -- which points again to ulterior motives.
Exactly. Additionally , these " purity tests" are ridiculous .
Can you point me to where Malone has stated that viruses have never been proven to exist and that he is making that clear to the public? I haven't been able to find that. Thanks.
ANOTHER distractor, trying to attract eyeballs AWAY from the point! STOP wasting time on "there are no viruses." AFTER we manage to save as much of the planet as we can from this bioweapon, I will be happy -- and very interested -- in the research and discussions on whether or not there are viruses.
Right NOW? The battle is to STOP further intentional death and destruction. When you try to "convince" normies that there are no viruses -- WHETHER OR NOT THERE ARE! -- you're starting a race a qtr mile BEHIND the starting line!! Hell, we're struggling to even get the damned normies to RECOGNIZE this is a POISION shot! Those of us who are deep in this research may be willing to look into "do viruses exist?" BUT. NOT. NOW.!!!
Any why in the hell would you use THAT as a metric for whether or not Malone is worth listening to? Is that the metric you use for the doctors and researchers YOU consider valid? You do realize "viruses don't exist" is still a HYPOTHESUS, and NOT proven, and you're wasting time in the middle of a battle on a topic that is NOT persuasive to the vast majority of both normies and the educated in this field?
FOCUS! We're trying to save lives, NOT work out the underpinnings of medical science! THAT is for after the battle, probably after the WAR, when people are not dying by the many-thousands!!
Try this:
How is this guy front and center on anything?
He's not just front and center, he's always late to realize things. He's an information valve. But no worries, sooner or later he will be obsolete. He's not able to stop the wave of information that most people ignored about past vaccines.
When these limited hangouts and handlers come out, it means that the lying ones are really afraid of being caught. People like him didn't exist during the MMR/autism thing, nobody connected to the industry wanted in on that narrative.
"He's not able to stop the wave of information that most people ignored about past vaccines."
He's not trying to!! Do you never actually LISTEN to him? He's TRYING to stop our enemies from injecting poison into 6-mos-old INFANTS!!!
And do you not 'get' that the MMR/autism thing is what ALLOWS more people (certainly not enough yet, but it's better!) to 'get in on' the lies? Fight the battle we are IN! Not all the others that also need fighting!!
Because he both KNOWS shit and is willing to SPEAK IT out loud! How many pharma employees -- when NOT trying to get into the pants of a PV reporter -- speak truths to anyone? Mike Yeadon? A couple others?
This "guy" is "front and center" on this topic because he is a HANDS-DOWN EXPERT on all this stuff! Would you rather hear from ... pick your uneducated, inexperienced, un-read, emotionally-driven (and we've got a LOT of those!) randos or from the man who has been working in this field his entire career?!?
And if you CAN 'T be bothered to go listen to and read all Malone's MANY explanations of what he knows and how he knows it... then you are just another uneducated -- and emotionally driven rando! You've got LOTS of ... I feel, seems to me, how can you NOT draw connections... on stuff you know NOTHING about that Malone has explained MANY times!!!
And yes, I have listened to and read everything Malone has put out. I'm ex-Navy, and ex-govt subcontractor (in aerospace) -- so. yes, I DO know from personal experience the limits and restrictions having a clearance places on a person. I am not 100% "sure" of Malone, any more than I am 100% "sure" on anyone else! But he has shown, over and over, to be reliable.
Malone even took 'it' himself. I can't decide whether he's a paid shill or simply a highly indoctrinated and unintelligent person who thinks the world of himself.
Excellent piece by Diane West. Malone has been in the pharma business obtaining millions in funding, grants from National Security State (military intel/DARPA, CIA, et al).
He's boasted about his connection with the deep intel state. The first clue was his daily writings on topics he simply took the lead subject matter and wrote like it was his own discover.
Whether one believes what this guy is about or not, ignoring can do no harm, and only good. Let him fade away.
Exactly. He never says anything NEW but repeats and distorts others and he acts as if those were his ideas, revelations, discoveries. And he grabs and takes the lead.
To quote, Diana West in her superb expose on Dr. Malone (a case study in infiltration):
"... If Malone's ideas hold sway, the answer is a subverted opposition. This is exactly how influence operations work. Groups are subverted from within; operators subtly shift the agenda of one side to match or complement or get out of the way of the agenda of the other side. Are we not watching this process in real time? To be sure, we have seen an internationally active vaccine-developer and mRNA vaccine originator, find his way, Johnny-come-lately, to the fore of the anti-covid-vaccine movement to help "broaden" it into a "we're not anti-vaccine/we're anti-mandate" movement. At the very least, Malone is successfully shaping the narrative to suit his professional and personal legacy."
I think in his haste to recruit popular voices, RFK, Jr. has grabbed onto an infiltrator of the first order. I think there are others in his devoted clan. These may very well sink RFK, Jr.'s mission as he purports to go after criminals like Fauci, et al.
What a stupid insult!
He took it because his JOB required him to have it. (And just to be clear, since you clearly know nothing about WHY he took it, nor what happened after he was poisoned... He was not mandated, but it WAS required...) He needed to fly to Europe for business: that's what he DOES for a living -- he consults. And, like about 85+% of Americans (or humans?); he TRUSTED vaccines! We ALL trusted vaccines! OOPS!
And, as with so many 'late-comers' to the fray, it wasn't until he was damn-near KILLED by it, that he realized what a mistake he had made!
WHY don't you know this?! You're perfectly happy to slur a man you clearly know little about... What does that say about YOUR decision making?
Ah, so. You're making clear by repeating your links several times that you have no intention of RESEARCHING the man you are deriding for yourself? Not YOUR opinion based on your own research, but the opinions of others who have persuaded you for whatever reasons they have... so you have joined their attacks?
You haven't done your (any?) homework!
Malone invented and described the TECHOLOGY!! Back in the 1980's! Didn't "help invent" -- Invented and filed nine (granted) patents. His theory, work, and invention then got hung up in lawsuits over intellectual property and the pharma co's and labs NOT developing what they had control of for a couple DECADES!! He was not involved SARS-Cov2 and covid. Period.
He is not involved on the mass marketing of ANYthing, except trying to "mass market" "DO NOT TAKE THE SHOTS!" after he took them and was seriously injured by them (still IS trying to recover from the vaxx-injury he suffers).
Try to think this concept through: if he had invented the PENCIL.... would you blame and malign him for what someone bad writes with a pencil nearly 30 years later?!
Those of us who have DONE the homework, (still) listen to Malone because he is truthful -- or truthful enough.
I could also point out that it was NOT "completely untested crap" -- except I do not want to give Big Pharma even the slightest positive note, as I doubt their "testing" was well done... or even done with the intent to prove safety rather than to HIDE the LACK of safety. (A group I hang with named their early tests: "Case: Nightmare Kitty" because it killed the cats. We were HOPING -- but our hopes have been dashed -- that the poison-vaxx would NOT turn out to be Case: Nightmare Kitty. Alas.)
Stop being emotional, going by your feelings, and do your damned homework before posting!
You obviously have NOT read Dr. Malone's material, and the gleeful gang of character assassins (or maybe just 'bots) here haven't either. He has explained -- in detail -- his disappointment with mRNA development, and why he had to accept the failures of the technology in areas he hoped would succeed. Dr. Malone has an extensive substack collection, and any FAIR person who is interested in his role in this area has a moral obligation to consider his material (ALL of it, not just something plucked out of context) before dumping on him.
“... ‘we’ were hit by vicious hospital protocols and impacts of societal destruction followed by mass poisoning via toxic mRNA injections” and “[s]orry but the likes of Malone and Weinstein are the last people that should be listened to on anything.”
Great succinct statements!
Not-great, unsupported comments.
and an already much jabbed by vaccine population, eating dirty, unhealthy food and not much in the way of taking care of their bodies- or exercising- notice the growing flab, obesity and pale skin and bad hair- all signs of un- health
and the system is actively telling them to do things that are bad for their health
Veritas established the identity of the person in the video. This still leaves the possibility that they were set up by Pfizer et al using a real employee who is both drunk and unintelligent to expose alleged criminal, unethical and immoral behaviour at the company which they can then debunk or, for their own twisted purposes, is useful in some way to perpetuate a preferred narrative. I don't quite get the anti-Malone stance. It seems to me that his involvement in anything now is viewed by some people as being a marker of mistrust. If Malone is anywhere near the well, it seems, then the well must be poisoned. That doesn't seem very logical to me. Malone's analysis of the character of Walker (if Walker is not acting) and of the corruption at Pfizer was beautifully expressed and spot on.
I take a different view.
Malone's characterization on "all things pandemic" are factually incorrect and the underlying theme in all of his work is that the pandemic is real and we just had a "mistaken" response. This is utter bullshit and counter to copious amounts of unassailable data that he wilfully ignores.
He is also a believer in the GoF garbage and pushes on this incessantly. All he is doing is propping up the Bio-Security State in doing so and pimping more fear.
Also his "characterization" on this latest cretin was couched in terms that were naive at best. Gimme a break- that Pharma is loaded with sociopaths is fresh news?
Sorry but in the end Malone is a true believer and has profited handsomely from the Pharma Cartel, he just thinks they have taken some "missteps."
And any information he may convey can be had from any number of sources better than he. I don't take a "stance" on Malone I listen to him and compare what he is saying to the evidence and data. He doesn't know what he is talking about and at best misdirects people.
Project Veritas itself is another issue.
Can you just leave Malone out of it? I tune you out when you go there.
Malone presents well and is enjoyable to listen to, yet are you not at least a little suspicious of his sudden and widespread rise to infamy right out of the cellars of DTRA and right at the critical moment when the vaxx was finally being questioned?
While he appears as a pleasant voice of reason taking "our" side, much like Fauci was for the other side, his actual role here is keeping the sheep inside the viral pandemic bioweapon corral, actively shutting down any discussion related to nano-bioweapons in the hydrogels. There is a reason he is omnipresent, and that reason is misdirection. Sorry to break it to you.
You could never trust any whistleblower with that logic. I’ve been following himsince the first Dark Horse podcast, and he has been absolutely consistent.
Have you considered these yet?
"sudden and widespread rise to infamy right out of the cellars"
He was 'there' in the background of OUR side for a long time, before he finally stepped out into the spotlight to get shot at.... And it was "right at the critical moment" when they began to head for the children and infants, holding their poison syringes in front of them!
I normally don't speak about this individual- he certainly deserves less press but somehow seems to always be there.
But he is part of this story so of course he would be included. That people were being directed to a public twitter conversation about this (over 17,000 people) right off of this story being released that highlighted Malone should also be noted.
But you think he should be "left out" of the story? That would be called poor journalism.
Leave out your hatred of the guy, is what I meant. You must be a Breggins fan.
You might be projecting.
I don't do the hatred thing nor the idolatry thing. This is one of the reasons I am able to analyze these things critically.
I don't do fandom- have no sacred cows.
Please offer some substance from here on out.
I love them both, Malone and Breggin. And a now an admirer of Latypova. This bashing of people is ill informed and nonconstructive. Focus on the issues not the maligning of people.
The issue of Walker is what he was saying and why did Pfizer pick someone like this to be in such a role and what was he doing really occupying this ridiculous title. And what does his purported resume really mean? All these characters in the story have something to offer as a puzzle piece in this giant mystery.
It's not hatred, it's that the guy is clearly lying. He's not ignorant, his title alone shows that he did the study to know a lot about the process of making vaccines.
Easy way to tell that he's full of shit, just look at how he flip flopped on whether the vaccine was safe for pregnant or people with autoimmune issues. He's a vaccinologist right? So he knows they don't first test these on pregnant women or people with issues.
He's a straight up liar.
What does it matter whether he's a fan of Breggin or not? How is that not just YOUR bias exposed?
Why don't you not tell people what they can and can't say? Malone is completely intertwined in this story through his own actions.
Its not hatred. I started the CO Bernie movement. I ignored warning signs until june 2016. Malone came out late ( with Brett / Darkhouse) compared to the rest of the drs and experts who knew better. He absolutely knew from the beginning but waited more than a year. Many of us like him. But there are red flags.
He 'stepped out' when he was on Joe Rogan. ANYONE on Joe Rogan would be thrown into the forefront... Audience size mean anything to you?
Don't see you whining about Peter McCullough -- who ALSO did Rogan's show ... McCullough's a DIFFERENT kind of doctor, so he's okay?
There are drops of truth everywhere.
Yes, it is maddening and wearying, but leave open both possibilities:
- Malone White Hat
- Malone Black Hat
because the dividing line between good and evil runs across each man's heart (to paraphrase Solzhenitzyn)
There are no white hats or black hats.
I’m anyway wearing a sombrero right now.
That is a very good quote. It was once quite possibly my favorite quote of all, although I'm no longer quite so sure it is as useful as I used to think.
And ironically, given this thread, it has been suggested with some reasonable basis (although I don't subscribe to it) that Solzhenitsyn himself was a limited hangout.
That's a shock to my system, Horace.
Thank you for the new term!
Gulag Archipelago is real life Dante Inferno
I keep my mind open. I learned with Bernie its best to never believe anything with certainty. I even listen to those who question Del Bigtree and Kennedy even though I financially support them as a parent of vaccine injured adult kids. I learned that despite hating the thought of something or detesting someone, I try to listen.
If we can't learn from people we disagree with - then where do we really learn?
It sounds like you want to keep the. sand in your eyes. Well, then keep it, no one forces you to see.
Better sand, than a brick. Look to your own eyes!
Exactly. There was no pandemic! Your first comment is gold.
Denis Rancourt
Did you see RFK's interview of Rancourt?
Below is a snippet from the transcript.
At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt's evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated.
Note that RFK postulates a theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND "most people" would recommend this:
"Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people."
The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:
"My impression I don't know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression..."
Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn't know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used N Italy as an example for his "hypothesis." Also Tuscany is not in N Italy. Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted,
There are multiple other examples of RFK's lack of coherence. He simply can't or won't come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Securty State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA's and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.
No, I didn't b/c I am not really interested in what RFK has to say. I am moving on from anyone who still have not critically examined the virus issue.
I try to keep my eye on the ball and RFK and co. are doing everything to distract us, the people!
But I've been following Denis' work. He's excellent and his track record is admirable.
"I try to keep my eye on the ball"
But OFF the battlefield.... so how are you HELPING!?
Im a financial supporter of Bigtree and Kennedy since 2015. However it has disturbed me how Bigtree & Kennedy make reference to but refrain from exposing the lie of the Plandemic ( that there never was a virus except for the flu based on no existence of a covid 19 virus isolate). I think they played the long game on this one. But it raises red flags for me. However the huge number of lawsuits theyve won Is why i continue to support them both as a parent of baxx injured adult children.
And, why is he going after the Breggins for over $25M. Defamation? Really? Seems to be a more damaging endeavor to the movement at this point.
No one asks why Breggin made up shit about Malone. He could have saved HIMSELF by keeping his mouth shut, or providing proof of his dumb accusations.
Dr. Breggin sometimes suffers a "diarrhoea of opinions" coming out his mouth. Over the decades I've listened to him - at least a dozen times, my jaw has hit the floor with what he's said, and I keep thinking "this gonna bite you - especially if you keep saying it!" I am deeply appreciative of Dr. Breggin's work, but - yes, sometimes keeping his mouth shut might be wise.
Im curious since you say youve followed Breggin: Do ypu think hes correct this time re Malone???
Was this in speaking, writing, or both? And where can I find some of this? Thanks.
Malone has covered it all in his substack.
You believe there is no such thing as Gain of Function? Even AFTER Fauci-Mengele kinda-sorta admitted to it -- and evidence came out about it? WHY do you feel Gain of Function is garbage? Or is it just sufficient for you to state it and you should be believed?
"that Pharma is loaded with sociopaths is fresh news"
Ever MET any normies?! Ever spoken with them about more than the weather?
And more definitive statements; can you back an of them UP?! You don't take a stance -- and yet you slur the hell out of him? Can you provide THREE examples of him not knowing what he's talking about -- that are GERMANE to the science? (He's still quite annoyingly liberal in too many ways for MY tastes, but all "ex-"liberals have trouble letting go out (idiotic) hopes.)
Read my measured comment. Im not an idolizer like Aimee but a parent of vaxx injured adult children. I dont think Aimee said she doesnt believe in Gain of function. I believe. But i immediately questioned why Newsweek would publish that article in April 2020. No covid 19 isolate has ever been produced. Numerous Govts have responded to medical FOIAS stating “ we have no covid 19 isolates”. Listened to dr Luc Montagnier in early 2020 during a french news broadcast state that he looked at a “ computer generated model” of the covid 19 virus. This was never about a virus.
"You believe there is no such thing as Gain of Function? Even AFTER Fauci-Mengele kinda-sorta admitted to it -- and evidence came out about it? WHY do you feel Gain of Function is garbage?"
There's no evidence that "GoF" has ever amounted to anything other than money laundering. If you have that evidence produce it.
"There is no way to “mutate viruses” in a lab in the way they all imply - to artificially make them deadlier and more transmissible at the same time. This is a propaganda fairytale with a very specific goal. You should be very concerned about any person (on “their” side or “ours”) who repeats it with a serious face.
Sure, scientists can experiment with soups of DNA/RNA and grow things in petri dishes. They can design mutations on the computer and try to make concoctions of things. Are those “viruses” that can “leak from the lab” and “infect the world”? No. The proof of this is that while there are 1000 biolabs in the US and Western world playing with viruses. no pandemics or epidemics have resulted from these activities. I assure you, not a single academic lab was ever capable of following basic SOPs, and if there was such a thing as “dangerous virus leak”, we would have them constantly. If there is indeed such a thing and we have had them constantly - that means we are all well adapted to them already! Local clustering of illnesses have been detected, they are likely “deployment tests” vs an actual “leak”. They self extinguish every time."
""There is no way to “mutate viruses” in a lab in the way they all imply"
furin cleavage -- NOT possible in bat genes.
TWO instances of HIV genetics
forget the third... but are you suggesting these mutations to SARS-cov2 just "magically" appeared? Or are you back to accusing pangolins?
"dangerous virus leak ...we would have them constantly. "
Haven't done your homework. "We" DO have them constantly!!
Still no evidence.
Do you have just one example where GoF, lab leak etc. has done any significant damage to the human populace?
Copious amounts of unassailable data proves nothing. Are you saying the virus isn't real? If you don't think so don't respond to this comment.
I THINK it may be true. (It seems more likely medical science is lying than not ... but THAT it merely jaundice (not the syndrome) and NOT investigation and consideration.)
I don't KNOW, and in the midst of trying to stop our enemies from injecting poison into infants and toddlers... I don't NEED to know!
Do you think censoring (because that's what "don't respond" is -- are you a leftie?) is the right answer?
I don't totally discount Malone, but I have recently found out that he's filing lawsuits against a number of people who are also part of the health freedom movement. That raised a red flag to me. There are lots of different takes on any number of specifics in the health freedom movement, and some testy back-and-forth between different camps, but he's the only one that I've heard is suing people he takes issue with.
Again, do your homework! I, too, am unhappy Malone is wasting HIS (lawyer's) time suing Breggin -- but Breggin brought it on himself. And NOT fighting back against really stupid/bad but very public maligning is important. How many people would jump on: "well, Malone is NOT doing anything about it!" to conclude (gleefully?) that where there is a smoke bomb set off by Breggin, there "must" be some fire near Malone?
Wouldn't a big man just turn the other cheek?
It's a petty man who has to hold someone financially accountable for their words.
That does seem a bit OTT, I grant you. I haven't looked into the details TBH because I find it all rather boring, so I can't comment in that respect.
Thank you! A voice of reason: "I don't know, therefore I'm not going to get into the discussion."
honestly, if there even is a virus, which is open for discussion, it was no worse than the common cold or flu, they just weaponized the treatment to be deadly instead of just letting it run its course as in every other flu season that ever was. The treatment was the pandemic
It's looking like a legit deal - PV did do some checking, and I think today's video where the guy attacked O'Keefe, after getting hysterical, staying hysterical, but thinking to yell out Pfizer is trying to save lives, as his cover. That loss of control rather, cemented that PV had him, and has Pfizer.
What is good, I think, is that while WE know Pfizer is evil, too many people haven't thought about any of this much if at all. The 2 videos will generate talk.
Here's a dig down on Walker's creds: Who is "Jordon Trishton Walker"? (
This guy doesn't realise that he's been used imo
Getting too much money, a nice office and an expense account to realize he is being used - I am assuming, perhaps wrongly? that you meant by pfizer.
He sure realizes something, when he threw self-control. Bet it hasn't been any fun the last day vis a vis his employer...
He might have gotten a bonus.
Dr. Malone explains his situation in detail, and offers interesting background, in his post at the link below. IMHO, Allen's contempt for Dr. Malone (and Bret Weinstein) is not at all justified. Both men have made valuable contributions to COVID truth, while helping to expose COVID lies.
This comment is a good example of why I've never prevented you from commenting on my page...because while I disagree with some of what you say, I feel your perspective also often is very valuable to hear.
Facts are facts doc- there was no pandemic. The data and evidence is conclusive. Those of us who have been involved in these things for years knew the fraud was coming down the tracks in Jan. of 2020. Those who were new to these frauds got caught up in the hysteria and believed that there was some "novel pathogne" and not a massive propaganda campaign.
When you are confronted with this you walk away- you too cling to the false idea that there was a pandemic and refuse to look into the details. That is counter to the spirit of many of your excellent articles.
Why is this?
"Covid" is pure fiction- an artifact of media propaganda. The GoF/Wuhan Lab nonsense is part of the narrative.
Lots of narrative reinforcement going around. Many of us have been around these issues for a few decades and understood the "lab leak" theory was just another aspect of the "Covid" fraud being floated and have been saying so for two years.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the Covid merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all facets of it. There was no "pandemic" and there was no "lab leak."
The Wuhan "lab leak" theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who were neglected and had loads of toxic crap jammed into their bodies and vents forced on them which blew up their lungs.
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This "virus" is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Here are some of the things you have to believe to accept the pandemic narrative and thusly the assorted tentacles such as the “lab leak” theory:
1) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US- the 6 week spike- occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals- not in the general population. This virus targeted these places and not the rest of the country;
2) The group that was targeted by this virus were the the elderly and sickly. The median age of Covid deaths during this period exceeded normal life expectancies with on average 4 comorbidties. They were also forced into isolation, abandoned and/or given numerous toxic pharmaceuticals beyond their normal medical regimes. This deadly virus was only able to impact those who already had one foot in the grave;
3) During this “initial wave” only 15 out of 51 (DC) states were impacted. Many of these states border one another. These states all had Democrats as governors who enacted the same policies during the very same week. The other 36 states were not impacted during this time. This virus observed borders and political affiliations;
4) During this time those impacted were almost exclusively poor and many were disabled. This GOF virus stayed away from upper middle class and wealthy people;
5) During this time this virus did not enter into Canada observing the world’s longest and one of the if not the most heavily trafficked, commercial and personal, borders;
6) This virus had no lead in time. There was no observable evidence for a coming mass death event caused by a virus. The all-cause death rate leading into Week 14 2020 was negative for the US in 2020 and spiked precisely the week the WHO declared a global pandemic.
7) This "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak”;
8) The “gain of function” hypercharged “virii” migrated to N Italy from Wuhan skipping over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran etc- this virus had telepathic abilities and geopspatial precision;
9) The “virii” did not migrate south once in Italy nor impact other parts of Europe- instead it went to Elmhurst hospital in NY;
10) The “chimeric” virii crossed the Atlantic and hit the US East Coast- it did not cross the Pacific and attack the West Coast;
And so on…
Some ‘establishment’ Covid skeptics have and/or are building cottage industries on the ‘lab leak’ mythology. If the ‘lab leak’ theory is torn apart then their credibility takes a big hit. Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point. The biggest problem as I see it is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone etc. are not just simply wrong on this matter but their insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel.
The vast majority are medical murder.
A lot of people I've worked with or were close to who have never really gotten sick in their lives got extremely ill with a very unique disease (some of whom nearly died) I had not seen anything like in my career. At this point I've seen nothing besides COVID-19 which could explain what happened to them and I believe unless you work with this issue firsthand it's very easy to get led down logical arguments that claim its a hoax.
Midwestern, you are jumping from incomplete information to the claim of a solid conclusion. As a doctor, you should know that people get sick for many reasons, most of them related to diet and environment. To attribute a "new illness" to an unproven, unverified and utterly vague "cause" is to be a poor clinician.
If you assume that one thing is the cause, you will dismiss all others, and it seems like that is what you're doing. If you assume a virus, especially one that has never been seen, found, or sequenced, you are failing in your responsibility to do a thorough diagnosis of the patient's situation — which must never presume the cause until all of the facts have been evaluated.
Covid is not a hoax. It is scientific fraud of a kind that has been seen many times, though never revealed on this scale (but it does exist on this scale, particularly the concealment of the lack of any safety studies, and the outright fraudulent safety studies, on the pesticides and herbicides used in your food).
I have two articles for you: one is my letter to Dr. Denis Rancourt, giving the history of the virus issue and of SARS-CoV-2; and the other is my open letter to Dr. Jay Couey, documenting the early history of "covid" and linking into my chronology that documents all of these facts many times over.
As far as I know, I am the only person on SS with a large platform that spent a lot of time to give a very open minded approach to the no-virus position (as I already agreed with many of the individual arguments you were using and have studied this and related subject for decades). At the end of the day I don't agree with your position and believe it is due to a variety of epistemological errors. I tried to address every single argument I've seen used by your camp because it was taking too long to repeatedly discuss the same points. I did so here and here:
Since the time these were written, I have not seen any points raised that were not addressed in at least one of those articles. Additionally, I have found that those who were curious about the subject found those articles very informative and it addressed their questions while those who were committed to viruses being a hoax generally weren't interested in reading it.
The general observation we have all made is that the minority of people who are committed to this viewpoint will not consider any evidence that is provided if it disproves the position viruses are a hoax. Regardless of what information is presented, they fling insults or accusations of irrationality. There is also now a general consensus many of the people acting that way are doing so as part of an organized operation to fracture the medical freedom movement and have them dump all their time into just debating a topic which makes us look bad to the general public or because they are committed to the position and need to look that way to retain their followers.
This post for example concise breaks down the psyop perspective:
My job is to present information accurately and fully examine both sides of each issue I discuss with my readers. On any given controversial subject I will always have a certain number of readers who disagree with the position I take, but I try to present things in a fair manner, so that number is small and they live with it because they agree with the other messages I put forward.
Something I do not believe any of you are considering is if viruses (like COVID-19) do exist, and I tell readers it does not exist (because that seems like an interesting idea) I am directly responsible for the harm that occurs from those who follow my advice, avoiding early treatment, and then getting very ill. In this regard, my position is very different from any of you, as for all practical purposes, you have no accountability or responsibility for giving bad advice that harms people.
Thanks, doc. I've stored your links to read -- AFTER -- as I keep harping on here -- we manage to STOP them from poisoning infants and toddlers -- and the rest of humanity! I am open to considering 'there are no viruses' -- but not yet convinced. I am 100% against trying to settle that unimportant topic in the midst ot this battle!
Your reply is like your stacks, lengthy with little real substance and/or new information!
While I was in the USAF, working in the medical field, I saw many patients during sick call and beyond. If we could not find any pathogen via a lab culture or other medical diagnostic tool, and it seemed to be just an acute illness, we claimed it was a virus. While this plandemic was being staged and the performance was playing, I realized that we had NO tests for any virus. None. Nada. Zip. We ASSUMED it was a virus and repeated it like little parrots wanting crackers.
I started thinking about this and I realized that I had never seen a virus. No one else has seen a virus. The process for isolating any "virus" is an impossibility. It's akin to studying a rock and determining what kind of life forms it will produce. The entire virus myth requires only a beLIEf system to proliferate.
There is not nor has there every been anything that is misnamed, "COVID". The PTB cobbled together an assortment of symptoms and gave it a new name. Suddenly, every illness under the sun was caused by the "novel" COVID virus. No lab on earth had any isolate of it. No controlled lab tests had ever been conducted to prove it. BUT, people repeated the story as if it were true BECAUSE they believed the authority figures rather than an evidence or lack thereof.
We are controlled through language. All language is functional. Changing definitions of words is necessary if you want to change your influence over the listener. We are trained to trust the authority of the PERSON rather than the authority of the EVIDENCE. Just like my realization that we labeled every instance of illness that we could not determine the cause as a virus because that's how I was trained to do, society labels every illness as a virus or genetic mistake, just like they are trained to do. I, at least, realized that I was a trained monkey and stopped believing in things that could not be verified. I can say that I feel much better now that I am thinking for myself.
what position don't you agree with? That you should be working harder to find out what people are sick with?
"you should know that people get sick for many reasons, most of them related to diet and environment."
What suddenly changed in diet and environment that has resulted in MILLIONS of injuries and hundreds of thousands (at least) deaths from multiple causes? WHY did all this not happen in 2019? Or wait till 2025? Propinquity if TIME is a very important factor in identifying a culprit.
Isn't it Ed Down who keeps asking: IF it is not the shots, then identify WHAT has changed to cause this insanely high increase in death and disability payouts! (THOSE numbers, at least, we can sort-of trust!! Those work-insurance firms have to put money on the barrelhead!)
5G ;-)
As the Cochran Institute has stated (referred to in this very substantial piece by Dr Mark Bailey), COVID-19 actually does NOT have unique symptoms, can only be "diagnosed" via tests such as the PCR and the antigen tests. The first one tests for the presence of certain gene sequences said to be from SARS-CoV-2, the second for specific proteins which have been deemed to be antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2.
Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19, Dr Mark Bailey, 10/16/22.
Since SARS-CoV-2 has never been physically isolated and purified, and only exists as an in silico model, assembled via a computer program out of millions and millions of short code sequences corresponding to short genetic sequences found in a brew of patient extracts, monkey kidney cells, antibiotics, bovine fetal serum, and the like, neither the PCR or the antigen tests has ever been primed with an actual physical specimen and are hence meaningless. You might as well test the air pressure in your car's tires by taking a swig of beer or scotch and then putting your lips on the valve.
No, I do not have the papers at hand but SARS2 has been isolated and grown - not easy to do. The PCRs were deliberate total fabrications and had no SARS2 sequences involved. CDC "test" and licensing - use of it continues because FDA didn't tell CDC "...and you have to pull the licensing, too." THAT PCR was actually testing for influenza A&B, Strep, plant virus and adenovirus and that information is in the EUA application (I apologize I do not have the url for that at hand). They still need that PCR test out there because of the perverse given to hospitals for a positive PCR. Hence all that "died WITH covid" crap that means a false positive fabricated PCR "test." Serology has been much better but SARS2 actually is a clinical diagnosis. HHS/CDC/NIH etc. deliberately scrapped using the SARS tests - which would have worked best, as SARS2 has about 78% of the SARS2 genome.
I caught Wuhan in June 2020 from the hospital after a necessary surgery. I was blessed there was no secondary infection but hoo doggie - 21 days of hell. It was very different and very strange and pretty damn bad.
"SARS2 has been isolated and grown"
PROVE IT!! 211 health entities from around the world have responded to FOI requests by Canadian Christine Massey, masters in bio statistics, that they do NOT have any evidence for the physical isolation and purification of SARS-CoV-2 and know of no one who does.
And as i pointed out above, Dr Mark Bailey, in his detailed article about the idea of diagnosing "COVID-19," links to the Cochran Institute and others, stating this alleged disease can NOT be diagnosed in any way except via tests. More recent statements from various agencies state that COVID cannot be distinguished from other ailments without a test.
Please see this comment I just left:
The articles I have written addressed all the points you outlined in your comment.
You have addressed ZERO. Presenting Igor Chudov as a source is a bad joke. There is no proof this alleged virus exists, or that there has been a "pandemic," or that there is a unique disease called "COVID 19."
Show me some actual evidence of this. Your statement has no information of value and in fact calls into question even further your ability to assess this.
The mountainous body of evidence that is readily available thoroughly refutes what you are saying.
I'm quite certain that I have FAR more first hand experience in this matter than you doc, your "appeal to expertise" notwithstanding.
I also have far more history on this matter than you- can you admit that this is the first time in your life you have even looked into these issues?
Why not have the discussion in full and in a collegial manner?
I'm certain you will run away from the discussion as you do every time.
There was no pandemic and no unique viral pathogen.
Have you posted your creds? I am unfamiliar with them.
"Appeal to expertise"
I am drawn to conclude that there was no virus to start with, however, the point you are bringing up keeps me from settling the issue in my mind.
This individual says the same thing- provides no evidence and then runs off when challenged.
But hey they have a substack (and have written some good articles) and claim "doctorhood" so they must know right?
How about having this individual discuss at length their claims with someone like Denis Rancourt, David Rasnick, Leslie Manookian, myself or many others. You would see they are way out of their league and have no reference point for disucssion.
"But hey, I had some friends that were sick like never before..."
Unbelievable sophistry.
'this individual' most likely is not running off when challenged - it's easy to guess why, but you'll never figure it out, because it takes a different kind of 'knowing'.
I agree with much of what you say, that the pandemic was a coordinate op. Yet I can't agree with everything - I had I've had asthma/weak chest my whole life and I've had more chest infections and flu-like illnesses than anyone I know (way, way more) - and so I noticed when I got sick in June 2021 that whatever was happening was different to all of the dozens and dozens of chest infections I'd had before. And I was watching very carefully, because actually I wanted to show it was just like every other one, that everyone was overreacting and that there was no specific disease going around.
But three things made me think again. First, it lasted way longer - the tenth day, I could literally barely stand (worst ever) and it was the worst day. Every other I've had my whole life I was recovered and back in work by the 10th day. Second, I got a weird rash/blotches on my ankles and feet - and it was not "psychosomatic", because it was only after I saw these and I googled it that I discovered this was a common symptom of this new disease being referred to in the newspapers, whatever it is. And third, the symptoms (specifically the coughing) were way way way worse than anything I've ever had - I was coughing for weeks, and the hacking sound in the second week resulted in a text from my neighbour asking if I was ok.
All unique to my illness in June 2021 - the first gathering I went to after lockdown, at which a few other people also got similarly ill.
I have several dozen data points. This particular illness was an outlier, a clear outlier, from all the other chest infections I've had. If there is a good explanation for why I got uniquely ill right at the time other people were reporting they also got uniquely ill, I'm all ears.
Please see this comment I just left:
I work with the elderly most whom are very compromised and to this day none have been sick with Covid. Some “test” positive and have “cold” symptoms but no one has died of or with Covid. But that nasty vaccine, and all the others, are a disaster. I have 19 years experience in healthcare and I’m confident, albeit it took me a while to get there, that viruses aren’t contagious.
Please see this comment I just left:
Right before the "virus" landed in the north of Italy and exclusively attacked the old and those in carehomes, these same elders all received a flu vaccine!
And as you rightly say the virus did not leave the region!
In the U.K. the average age of "covid death" was >80 yo (82 and 83 men and woman respectively, I believe, but I may be off one or two years) making it above the average life expectancy!
This may be of interest too. Corroborates what you've said.
In the U.K. they administered midazolam with other sedatives to ppl in carehome. There are a tons of evidence.
In France family doctors received a circular with advice to administer midazolam to the elderly, who test or show symptoms of covid.
In addition to the flu vaccine program you cite as I understand it there was also a campaign to increase the meningococcal vaccines in that region in 2019. Someone who lives there sent me some of the details I will have to double check my notes.
If you have any specifics on these vaxx campaigns in N Italy I would be interested.
Note this study/article which is little more than a Pharma PR piece:
In addition N Italy has become a hub for high tech production and the pollution that comes from that has created particulates that are particularly persistent in the upper respiratory tract. This is why they have been having an ongoing and accelerating "epidemic" of interstitial pneumnoia for the past decade.
The Po River Valley is one of the most polluted places in all of Europe.
There's an interesting substack I was recently told about.
They have a series called 'The Arsenic Files'. I have not read it yet, but I am told it's worth the time.
Sadly, it's anecdotal, as they say. Friends who live in Bergamo told us that there was a big flu jab campaign. They are in their early 40ies, did not have the flu jab (they never have it), and they had nothing! No Covid.
Yes, I know about the air quality/pollution too.
"The vast majority are medical murder."
This is certainly true. However, that it IS true does not mean there was NOT a 'not-much-more-dangerous-than-flu 'disease' of some sort. Medical / hospital murder does NOT explain the insanely high and aggressive cancers and heart/blood problems in people vaxxed but never in the hospital.
If covid was not real -- whence cometh many thousands of deaths from blood problems and cancer? (Must it be an either/or?)
"7) This "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak”;"
You believe the Chinese are telling the truth? They have given you valid numbers, all mixed in with propaganda and lies?
You are talkikng across yourself.
The blood problems and cancer problems are multi factorial including the mRNA injections.
Why is it always some "virus"?
I don't use any sources from China to obtain evidence.
Watch out for the "yellow peril" man. Might want to hide under your bed.
"Pandemic" is the term used nowadays to refer to the entire operation. However, that virus was very real, and you didn't get it or you would know it was very real. It didn't escape from a lab - that would have caused a local outbreak that would burn out very quickly. What our DOD did was select the lab created virus, brewed it up and distributed it repeatedly. Viruses do not show such fidelity, nor do they go on and on and on around the world.
DOD has the capacity to brew up virus and jabs in very large volumes. Pharma does not have that volume capacity. All the omicrons are constructs as well similarly brewed up where there is capacity and sprinkled. Omicron are made to affect the jabbed - jigsaw puzzle fashion. After omicron infections depending on the variant, we see people and too many kids with accelerated dementia, another on and it's people who were jabbed 18+ months ago suddenly developing the long clots, and so on.
I haven't found the particular papers, but scientists and docs have pointed out how there's a paper published having crafted an omicron that evades the jab "protections" and can get past IVM, and 6 months later, voila, that very construct shows up as the next omicron of note.
It's all about the jabs of course, the culling, killing and extracting remaining wealth from the middle class.
Well I guess we should be thankful then as "that virus" only potent enough to off the elderly and disabled who already had one foot in the grave (5+ comorbidities) and were crammed into unsanitary conditions and neglected in institutions and hospitals AND given additional toxins, respiratory inhibitors and vents.
But of course had to be "the virus."
If you believe the "Super-Omicron" story you are hopeless.
And many, many of the patients had food and water withheld, and had to use their own beds for toileting. They were neglected until they were dead. Apparently, it was more profitable to the hospital that way.
I DOUBT it was more that -- at the very VERY most -- a couple hundred.... Do you always believe the MSM with their horror stories?
So, no deaths before the "Vaxx" was released? No deaths of folks with 'flu-like' symptoms who were NOT hospitalized, nor given Run-deathisnear, nor vented? Only oldsters in care homes -- no folks out in 'real' life?
NOT that you can trust any numbers... but you can't trust the numbers that go your way EITHER!
You're arguing my point now. Good stuff.
Go here:
I didn't say anything about a "Super-Omicron."
The virus has a very low fatality rate. Even with the elderly but for medical care being withheld such as antibiotics for the pneumonia. IIn 2019 HHS put out this "don't prescribe antibiotics for the elderly who have a virus" that expanded to include viral pneumonia which will go bacterial in the affected with little prompting. Along with the crazy "there is no approved treatment for SARS2 pneumonia "so incredibly hospitalists did nothing - almost everyone it seemed lost their minds, training, experience. Drs. Marik and Kory described this in their own hospitals.
"Pandemic" is specific to the "epidemiological emergency" which is non-existent.
It should be, but I am seeing it used very generally.
I agree there was never an actual emergency.
Excellent comment, I completely agree with you.
Agree, but let's be oh so careful. Remember, they want us divided. Not all working on our side are going to go after ALL issues at once, especially ones this big. The predators want fracture everywhere. I think things are shaking out however.
That Walker is no crisis actor. Guy had a full blown meltdown. See the reaction of him alone in the window from the video outside.
You think this “actor” is not stressed? Then he goes outside into the street to block cars?
You think he’s acting? 🫠
If you don't think this entire PV production is a bit shady I can't help you.
That Malone popped up three times within a half day to manage how people are to think about this latest "bombshell" and went into pimping more of the fear narrative of the GoF/Wuhan crap is about as glaring a red flag as you can get.
PR firms have extraordinary resources and editing capabilities.
Hi Allen, thanks for your perspective. No, I don't see Dr. Malone commenting as indicative of a "pimping...fear narrative."
That anyone would think "PR firms" have laid a three date grindr plot to ensnare Project Veritas, well, you can own that one.
Have a great day!
Jeff Childers also differs with your assessment:
Don't know who Jeff Childers is.
Malone has been doing nothing but pimping fear for two plus years on "Covid", "the virus", Lab Leak", Wuhan GoF" and on and on.
PR firms and Intel Ops have a history of doing WAY more than a 3 day date set-up- this would be a dalliance.
I didn't include "to ensnare PV" that was your projection or poor interpretation.
Don't know what your obsession here is with attacking Dr. Malone. He's not "pimping fear" he was vax injured and he's been fighting to at least stop the vax and protect children.
If that's pimping fear to you, fine. I disagree. 100%
Whole lotta folks claiming PV was caught in a sting yesterday. They were wrong.
Have you considered these yet?
Have no obsession with the guy- he was a major part of the story. That you sidestep this illustrates your blind spot and allegiance. No problem.
Maybe you need your heroes- I do not.
They need the virus and GoF narrative b/c the predatory class have predicted a lot more new emerging/zoonotic viruses in this century!
That man was TERRIFIED.
His future is not looking auspicious.
This damns Malone.
We knew that he was souled out, and this shows that he knows that we know and he doesn't care.
PV might do well to instigate their 'internal affairs' and see just how they were led into this promotion.
I tried my best to steer project veritas towards Aquitas therapeutics in British Columbia six months ago. They produce lipid nano particles for Pfizer. 
I don't think they are interested in the truth.
When they interviewed Melissa Strickler, they cut it off before she moved on to the apparent fluorescent nanotechnology in the vials....
NIH science report on the toxicity of quantum dots; the big ones emit red light, and the small ones emit blue light! Lol🥶
At the bottom of the NIH science report on the toxicity of quantum dots. One of the references refers to the eight intellects that are the best in the world at detecting quantum dots.  seven of the eight reside at the Wuhan lab. 🤯
Can you pls link report? Ty
That was a shame. Melissa Macatee @melissaMacatee92 did a good job of explaining her contributions as an early whistleblower.
Veritas is more interested in ratings than truth. I stopped watching their crap ages ago. Peace.
After a libelous drive-by, "peace" is a bit hypocritical.
Point taken. Thank you. It's my lack of tolerance for all the build-up before a release to the public. I am old-school; if you are going to disclose something to help people battle the totalitarians, just release it, immediately, without fanfare. In the future, I will prefix "in my opinion" before such a comment. Thanks. Peace. :-)
Ah, so how is your investigative reporting operation doing? Oh - you are just sitting on the sidelines dragging down the man on the field? O'Keefe has built a viable investigative reporting operation that has blown the whistle on many abuses by leftist/dems organizations. He's not deep, he's not perfect. But then again, he's at least playing all out and getting results. Let's help him, not tear him down. just a thought.
Good point Glenn. Thank you. I agree the man is doing positive things for innocent people. No, I am not an investigative reporter, but I read and I can easily connect the dots. O'Keefe, for all the good he has done, needs to focus on the correct target, lest his efforts be in vain:
The point:Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC - all powerless in the DOD-run operation. Knowing the EAU "laws" (immoral laws) in place, it makes zero sense to chase down an executive who controls nothing and reveals nothing of value to achieve the main objective: stop the real-time eugenics program taking place under the guise of public health.
Thanks for the feedback. Peace.
IMO, IMO means one can get away with mischief.
I suppose, if they are of nefarious intentions - I am not. Thanks.
Not meaning you Steve. :)
LNPs are nanotechnology, right? So why are Dr. Cole & Malone discounting nanotech in shots?
This technology was already in use, but now they have gone all the way. Have people ever wondered why so many trained experts in this field keep their mouths shut?
Did you see this?
or this:
These "experts" are supposed to guard secrets, not reveal them.
Not to mention
What about this bizarre story-
The wife of Dr. Noack discusses his death, closely following the release of information suggesting that graphene hydroxide, acting like mini razor blades, were discovered in the vaccines.
In the fall of 2021, Dr. Noack, was killed suspiciously after alerting the public to graphene oxide, akin to razor blades, in the vaccine.
They say. No, it's just slaughter. They know that there is NO WAY to successfully combine this nano with biological organisms. It's a death sentence slower or faster.
When they deploy 5G in higher bandwidth, it will just be a kill switch.
Yes, technology for murder
Cause it and cure it
Is a very lucrative business model- indeed!
On Gettr, I posted dozens of science reports going back 13 months. @Dan Preece.  I believe those two truth speakers are staying in their lane of science.  nano technology in humans is only been around 25 years. To 30 years. 
Then would they not say nothing? Cole is insisting nanotechnology is not in the shots, despite Moderna's patent saying they are. Patents aren't dispositive, but are persuasive, more so than Cole.
I don't mean YOU, I mean why would anyone trust them?
If I remember correctly Aquitas were fingered by Dr David Martin sometime ago........?
Yes. In Dr. Martin's testimony to Reimer Fullmich.
He outlined the various corporate actors well before that if I remember correctly. He first went through the Patent history of all things SARS and related issues since late 1990's; later he expanded in a presentation and mentioning SARS COV2 is not what everyone was at that time thinking, and later presented information that stitched together the corporate "fraud" behind the development of so called vaccines, who funded it, who owned what and who owned the Patents. I remember he did a live presentation - which is the last contribution I have seen - where he pulled no punches, confirmed the definition of bioweapon and how it related to SARS COV2, racketeering/RICO violations by the corporate "actors" - and if I remember correctly stated very firmly that the spike protein is toxic ......
Yes. I recently watched his original testimony to Reimer Fullmich again:
This is the KEY, but sadly people are still being steered to the mrna or spike stuff as the killer. Hah, they know Moderna had issues with the lipids before convid!
Today even mccullough and others push the idea that the spike kills... ignoring the elephant in the room.
Even in the alt community, theres a huge obsession with graphene and nano machines.
They claim it's the killer... Ok
The LIPIDS are the new tech that is being 'tested'. It's a way for them to damage without using mercury, aluminum, or other adjuvants that are starting to get challenged in science.
I hope the science comes out on how bad these lipids are....then maybe people can connect the dots.
link for anyone interested:
interesting theory. Thanks for the link. I've concluded it's intentional harm, whatever the mechanism.
Exactly. And BC is about to pass a law similar to California's AB2098.
Pharma's influence on BC's public 'health' policies goes VERY deep. And BC Pharma corps play a major (& HEAVILY subsidixed) role in global mRNA research.
The BCCDC, for example, is modelled on the CDC as a 'charity' and takes significant funds from Pharma -
That would explain why Justin Trudeau is so heavily invested in Aquitas therapeutics !
The only thing I would add to Sasha's excellent analysis is that the Project Veritas and other "breaking" news are being circulated to draw public anger away from the DOD-HHS complex, and steer it to Pfizer. Because Pfizer is expendable. The company can be dissolved and then reconstituted under a new corporate name.
DOD, HHS and the US Government can't be rebranded once the public understands the mass murder campaign.
I also wondered if this was a distraction from either the WHO Pandemic Treaty proceedings, or from the new ICD-10 code regarding Covid vaccine status.
It seems that the Project Veritas people do not understand it yet. In Washington DC, I recently attended a talk by a DOD biotech project manager who claimed that the DOD was researching medical issues to prevent soldiers from getting sick. None of the people present, over a hundred MIT graduates, asked any question.
They’ve been doing that for close to a decade. Their goal was to create ‘a super soldier’ and they were funding a lot of research in mitochondrial health.
This idea of creating a ‘super soldier’
Faced with these new problems, a new set of questions emerges: what is the right amount of daily calories necessary for the soldier so that he can accomplish his task without being tired? What does the soldier need when he is in combat? How to get the best energy for it? In general, this program aims to optimize the soldier’s metabolic performance, his energy performance and associated his emotional stability on different scales: nutritional, intracellular. Regarding nutrition, Joseph Bielitzki develops questions of this type: how much energy does a special forces soldier spend per day, 7000 calories? According to the Continuous assisted performance program, if the soldier is not sleeping, he will need 12,000 calories per 24 hours. Instead of ingesting such an amount of energy, why not suppress the calorie intake and use the one already present in the body? At the granular level, this program attempts to optimize mitochondrial activity, to multiply the « energy centers » of the muscle cells, to identify the causes of fatigue and to stimulate energy production.
Why didn’t they ask questions?
Obedient. Brainwashed. Trained not to make waves.
I always thought BioNTech was expendable / probably fall guy? - Small company, never had a product before. Annual report basically said as much, and also said that if they did land a product, they had no idea how to manufacture it.
I also found Malone an interesting choice of scientist to analyze the interview... Malone sure likes to push the scary lab-mutated virus story.
Sasha thank you for putting a down-to-earth spin on this “breaking” story. The only thing it broke for me was my confidence in many of the Substackers who I follow who championed this questionable video.
I follow Malone closely, and he in no way pushes a hairy scary mutation story. He opposes GOF as dangerous as do many.
He also pushes the virus origin story, which is a bit suspect since it's known to have never been shown to exist. He has "long covid" so he validates that also, uncritically. I tend to agree, he is there to self-validate and spread fear.
He got the shots, but is in a position to know better
Malone is vaccine injured. He doesn't claim long COVID. He does not claim the virus came from a wet market. He does not spread fear, his many readers including me find the posts informational, reassured, keeps us informed, ahead of the game.
I have seen him state that he is both vaccine injured and has long covid.
I went back and looked for that and I think that may be correct. He hasn't talked about that much as the vaccine injury much more debilitating.
Here is one of Malone's interviews that mentions the early belief about vaccines maybe being useful for long COVID and thus why he took them for his own and to travel. He also discusses how his friend Dr. Peter Marks at FDA boldly lied to him about his list of questions, start at about 12:30 minutes:
Do you use braille?.... or are the the shades Gucci?..
if he 'knew' better then he would have 'done' better- and it's his 'word' that he got jabbed- and we don't actually know that either
So true.
He was lied to by an FDA contact about the data being supportive in a private call. All this is chronicled in his posts on Substack. Timing is everything. The early adopters got especially hurt.
Oh like he didn't know that the FDA is corrupt as they done the job for his past projects?
He was/is an insider and didn't know the scam of bad drugs being approved cause some guy told him it was good?
I got a bridge to sell him if he fell for that
the incompetence excuse is a bit thin from overuse, and shouldn't apply to Malone, and on the fence about him, but have noted the implied verification in many of his statements on issues that seem not settled. Plus, there is no clear evocation of the science, but many people talking about it. Even the greatest, given the medium in use, requires deciding who to trust based on what you know so far. And of course, the willingness to reconsider based on what seems most factual.
He is DOD and not a too secret squirrel
...and his "friday funnies" are not even funny. Neither are they apropos to the deadly situation we have arrived at, thanks to the likes of him.
I was thinking the same. Fuck the “funnies”!!
I was thinking the same. Fuck the “funnies”!!
Why apologize? I never trusted the guy because he is so full of himself and keeps bragging about his intelligence connections. He just keeps trying to scare people. I totally agree with Sasha that a virus (if it exists) cannot be so easily manipulated.
Please explain how/why did Baric write a paper (2015?) explaining precisely how he and others spliced animal reservoir coronaviruses together, retrieving 2 viable chimeras into which had been inserted a non naturally occurring (?DNA?) sequence to enable traction via human ACE2 receptor cells - and it appears that this ability does not exist within any known Coronavirus? Fauci tried to gaslight that such a manipulation was not GoF....bollux.
Remember "Fauci emails" c2017 confirm Farrar comment following "it looks engineered" when discussing viruses......?
If people believe that it was only the US Intelligence Services/Military that did this Doomsday biological "research - which US Law determines that GoF manipulation = bioweapon ( Dr D Martin ref) , think again: the Chinese, the Russians and UK Porton Down are certainly involved in such research....and leaks have happened before.
i think what is important to think about is- did you read the paper- do you have evidence that any of it is real- they can write patents- it doesn't mean they work or are real- but these things set a narrative, that the media - owned outright- then spins into 'reality'== what a web of nauseating un- reality
Perhaps because he gets millions in grants for such papers that are immediately classified and never replicated. On YouTube you should never watch videos depicting animal rescues that are not from a real news source because it was discovered that most of the videos are hoax rescues wherein an animal is actually harmed and endangered just to make a video where it is "rescued." Those videos always get millions of views ergo ad revenue. The big scandal last summer was people torturing turtles by removing stuff they had secretly glued on their shells. All you have is Baric saying something. That's all.
Thanks for confirming your ability to read my mind; my comment was about leaks and not specific to any "theory" about WIV/CCP....please do not put words in my mouth.
If you dispute what constitutes bioweapons legally in the US - may I suggest you take it up with Dr David Martin; he seems to have a very good handle on these issues due to his professional/business activity of auditing relevant patents applied and granted since the late 1990's....are you suggesting that SARS COV2 has neither been "developed" and therefore not subject to genetic manipulation?
FTR, I AM firmly of the belief that "knowing" anything concrete about the SARS COV2 matter is damned difficult where you have Intelligence Services involved, especially CIA/NSA/MI6/GCHQ....and especially when you are not up to your neck in it..
How can something mutate that doesn’t exist?
It only exists in some wanky computer algorithm. Just like global warming.
Via the media machine.
If they haven't isolated anything, what are they mutating?
No, the virus narrative is the key to spreading fear, while it's all a poisoning of nanotechnology.
Why do people look in the wrong direction instead of looking into the heart of this crime?
Graphene and other nanotechnology poisons and kills people.
 Naomi Wolf said one year ago it became apparent to her that it was a dark supernatural intelligence. her personal belief was that no human could be so intelligent and evil. 
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
i like to remember this is a theory tho, and not a fact- it is tempting to believe this, but if i do, then it makes me feel that this whole thing is inevitable- yes- it is evil- but we can turn this inversion around- we have to
The Supreme Lord says in one of the scriptures (Bhagavad Gita) "I am the sound in the ether and the ability in man." How we use this ability is up to us
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
I sometimes feel that I am watching one of those extremely complicated thriller series where I get halfway through and realise that I simply haven’t got a clue. There are brief moments of clarity when I think I might be getting the measure of it all then it disappears again with another twist.
I have looked at all aspects of this. I have some biological knowledge but only at undergraduate level so the biology has fascinated me but I have also entered knew territory with the more spiritual aspect. I have also heard that there may be a sort of off-world AI behind this - a terrifying idea because it has absolutely no capacity for empathy and one cannot hope to appeal to any emotions, as it has none.
Do I really believe this? Some days it makes as much sense as anything else. One of my main struggles has been to come to terms with just how far off-track much of humanity has gone. Naively I thought that, although far from perfect, most people were basically decent - at least they didn’t hate and wish to hurt and destroy their fellow man! Seems I’m very wrong so maybe it’s easier to believe in some off-world malevolent body than be so terribly disappointed in everything!
Thank you! I only saw this being passed around and my instinct was this isn't anything to be concerned about. Lots of smoke and mirrors. Time to be discerning.
Thanks so much Sasha!!! You gave me a LOL moment this morning with this: "Movie script where "Contagion" meets "Idiocracy". My thought exactly!! I didn't even pay attention to any of this.
I actually don't think there was ever a virus--I think this was a global military psyop from start to finish, a PCR false positive pseudo pandemic. Even on Dr. Mike Yeadon's twitter (which I followed and copied until they disappeared him), he linked to a PCR false positive pseudo-pandemic that happened at Dartmouth Medical Center (back in the early 2000s)--I think it might have been a 2007 NYT write up on what happened. Basically, they thought they had an epidemic of whooping cough, they were using a PCR test, and when the CDC got involved and looked into it, the CDC found that there were NO cases of whooping cough- it was just false positives from the PCR that created the illusion of an epidemic.
Years ago, I looked into the HIV/AIDS scam, so it was easy to see this covid operation (IMO) was basically the same playbook all over again--use the media to create hysteria, use a scientifically fraudulent test (PCR), give people poison disguised as medicine (back then AZT, now poison kill shot bioweapon), claim the deaths from the poison are from the virus.
For anyone who hasn't looked into the HIV/AIDS scam, check out Dr Robert Wilner exposing the fraud back in the 90s. He injected himself with a HIV contaminated needle to prove they were lying. In the video below, he calls out the corruption at NIH and of Fauci.
"In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain's most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the "AIDS hypothesis." When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind." There are more videos on that Question Everything channel that are worth watching (e.g. House of Numbers), for those who have the time.
I also highly recommend Dr. Tom Cowan's book The Contagion Myth, and Virus Mania with Dr. Sam Bailey and others. Another good one is Janine Roberts' Fear of the Invisible (she was actually a real investigative reporter and sat in on meetings at NIH)--she basically exposed the fraud in polio (DDT was the cause), HIV/AIDS, and virology in general. She even looked into measles--problems there too.
There's lots of good info from doctors speaking out against the medical mafia on ( Another good book is Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries--look online for her presentation on DDT and Polio ( ) And tons of info here:
And since Sasha mentioned the Hollywood production, "Contagion," if you do a search for movies about viruses and contagion, you will see there are tons of them that they have made over the years:
As a clinical psychologist, I'd say this is what you call priming the public mind, laying the propaganda groundwork for the coming psyop.
Check out Dennis Rancourt’s findings about what was causing the deaths during the ‘outbreak’.
I'll check it out. I used to follow Dennis on twitter too. I know that the first guy here in NJ to die of the "virus" had emphysema, high blood pressure, diabetes, GI problems and I think they also said heart problems, but it was the "virus" that got him, lol.
Book from WorldDoctorsAlliance--saying there is no deadly pandemic:
More here (I have pages and pages of links on this psyop):
“Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic” "Doctors for the Truth” stated that Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth."
Proof that the pandemic was planned and with purpose "A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
Wake Up America. You've Been Conned. Only An Estimated 9,683 Covid-19 Only Deaths So Far in 2020, Not 180,000
CDC Now Admits 94 Percent of Covid Deaths Had "Another Cause of Death"
“The 2003 guidelines for establishing death certificates had been cancelled. “Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is.”
“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water
"Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information...said: It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” ...A quote from a leaked email in Denmark says "The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate.”...And a leaked report from Germany indicated that "the dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level. The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm. During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News."
'It's Just the Flu, It's All BS' - Russia's Top Official COVID Doctor Admits in Bombshell Interview
“It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease (i.e. the flu) with minimal mortality. Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.”
Great analysis. The US government has supposedly been working on bio weapons for decades- but they seem to have gotten nowhere.
And if Sars Cov 2 was meant to be a deadly bioweapon it was a complete failure- no more effective than the common cold! The lockdowns, protocols, jabs and treatment were the only effective part of the programme in killing people!
Keep in mind that even if it were possible to develop a highly contagious virus, it needs to be benign enough or have an escape option for those pulling the strings to avoid being killed themselves.
I think the main point was to create enough fear to deliver the kill shot.
DoD had the antidote documented. It was hydroxychloroquine. Hmmm. I wonder why it didn't get used
but/and- in so doing they got billions of dollars, research centers and a population of uneducated americans and others who don't even know where the organs in their own bodies are located, what they do -- or how to keep themselves healthy, to buy into a huge terror myth to the point where they allow their own children to be injected and have for years- and we will never know when they actually started to inject people with all these new pathogenic materials because this is a black ops ---- all the cancers- did they just come from the environment and food additives, or were they injecting 'stuff'--- i'd really like to know
The timing of this Project Veritas drop is interesting. It comes one day before the WHO is to decide if the globe is still in a pandemic. What a nice distraction.
Thank you kindly, Sasha, for this perspective. It is grounding.
I now have even less idea about what is real.
Sometimes my head just spins with who to believe. You can be sure that it is what THEY want. Obfuscation and Confusion
Sasha, I understand what you are saying here but this guy is describing exactly the situation we are seeing at this time. He may not be able to tell the truth as to why it is happening but it is happening.
Governments around the world have told us months in advance when a "variant" will show up. They get that right w/in a few days. This cannot happen w/any real virus. Yet they are "predicting" the appearance of the latest variant w/incredible accuracy. So what does account for their Nostradamus like powers? Something is happening at the time they say it will. I don't know what is causing it and I suspect, as discussed before, it is a neurotoxin of some kind.
Monkeys are doing exactly what humans are doing. There is some kind of transfer happening between people. This was mentioned as a real problem even by Pfizer in their clinical trials. People who didn't take the injection are getting sick around those who do. So he is describing a real event, even if he has been sent to lie about the true cause of that event.
I will make a prediction of my own. The next "variant" is going to be the one which causes severe neurological problems. I've already seen people in my town starting to walk in circles and they are definitely losing cognitive ability. I therefore believe we will be told these are symptoms of a new "variant", maybe the zombie? "variant".
So while I do not think this is the correct or complete explanation, the fact remains that it describes reality. Something is being done by these companies and governments and philanthropic organizations to people and I would like to know what that is. I believe this video can actually start to open up things enough for an investigation to begin.
Every single "variant" popped up after a drive of jabs.
When people get sick from the jab, how do you cover it up?
Say the virus mutated, that can take the death/injury count and insulate it from the side effects.
Even Mike Yeadon PHD called them scariants way back.
Walking in circles comes from brain damage, micro clots in the brain can do this. Heart issues can reduce blood flow to the brain... and so on. No tech needed, just the lipids which have done this in moderna's testing even pre-covid.
What do you mean you've "already seen people in [your] town starting to walk in circles..."?
Hi Amy, I mean people are aimlessly walking in circles of about 10 feet around. They appear to not know what they are doing.
I saw some strange types of behavior like this when the injections first hit. I hadn't seen it since that time. Now I'm seeing people turning in circles. It lasts for a few minutes and they seem disoriented. Then they go about their business.
I'm seeing a lot driving like that. Slow pull from the red light and lots of lane weaving.
They’re all on cell phones. Guaranteed.
No, actually they're not! That's what's weird.
Interesting! I see a ton of weaving and distracted driving, but nearly everyone seems to be looking down at a phone. The big trucks are scary to be next to, they drift off into other lanes a lot!
Insurance companies say accidents are up.
I'm also noticing people driving without their lights on too...way more than in the past. That is bizarre because most newer cars have the automatic lights feature.
That's interesting. I have noted, and this seemed more obvious in the fall, what I was calling "sleep walkers" in the grocery store. People, usually in pairs of small groups of 3 or 4, shuffling around slow and confused often in clothing that they may have slept in. They do not make eye contact. Returning home I would tell my husband, "It's the zombie apocalypse out there." I am not noticing it so overtly anymore.
Also, terrible driving. Like truly bad judgement on simple maneuvers. Or, crazily aggressive - without a plate! - as if there are no road laws.
Of course I have considered the jab as the culprit but I try to be fair and attribute possible over-use of prescription drugs. So, so, so many people are on drugs these days, legal and illegal.
Hi Amy, If you look at the work of Ed Dowd, he had to rule out other causes for all the disabilities and excess deaths as opposed to the cause being the jabs.
Insurance companies had normal amounts of accidents until the jabs began working their magic. People have been taking drugs for a long while and I haven't seen this before. Ed has done extensive statistical analysis which rules out other causes. To my knowledge, there hasn't been a statistical analysis of this behavior (at least publicly, I'm sure someone has done one) so we just have to look at the evidence and draw conclusions on what is the most likely cause.
alcohol deaths in the UK are sharply up: maybe they are just drunks?
Rob, I think Ed Dowd is a very good source. He has statisticians ruling out causes of excess deaths. They come from the jab. He's proven it. I would say, look at what he writes.
After that, I'm unable to comment because I am writing what I see. I haven't claimed any statistical analysis. I'm not trying to force you to believe me. That is up to you.
I would not be surprised about excess deaths from alcohol. Lockdown has caused untold harm, especially to children, but also to adults. Clearly deaths are related to this. These deaths are often drug/alcohol related and suicides.
Yep...Contagion meets Idiocracy...they are still watering the crops with Gatorade, because it's what plants love.
Brawndo, It has electrolytes, it's what plants need. lmao
They need electrolytes, too!
BRAWNDO: The Thirst Quencher!
Whatever people like Baric and Daszak have been tinkering with in labs for decades now, they are not "viruses." As no alleged "virus" in human history has ever been purified, isolated, and proven to transmit and cause disease in either human or non-human animals, Baric et al. are almost certainly conducting their alchemy primarily with DNA and RNA sequences of various origins—and sequences are not "viruses." Understanding this is crucial to dispelling and dispensing with the gain-of-fiction PSYOP—and the pseudoscience of "contagion" to boot. And until we consign both to the landfill of historical lies, "pandemics" will continue to be weaponized against humanity in service of the globalist predator class's antihuman aspirations.
Well said!
Well said!
Well said!
Well said!
How do dead particles called viruses mutate???
In this video Dr. Malone is attempting to explain how dead particles called viruses, such as SARS CoV-2, become “alive”. Why is this important? The whole genre of science depends on this process to be real. Is it? Judge it for yourself.
You can watch and listen to Dr. Melone’s fairytale about how dead viruses become alive, by yet to be revealed mechanism, at the 13 min mark in this video.
“This particle (virus) is really self-replicating genes… that aren’t really alive. They exist as a parasite in a way. They become alive when they get into our cells. It’s a parasitic relationship. I like to say: we are the food for the virus… I think it’s really good to think of this as a virus is a parasitic gene… that isn’t truly alive but it’s at the boundary of living and non-living.”
Keep in mind that in order for viruses to do what virologists claim they must do, such as infecting the host, but more so stealing the host cell’s machinery in order to replicate, proliferate and spread, viruses need to be alive. Otherwise, how would viruses do all these things?
What Dr Malone also attempts to do, either knowingly or not, is to explain another, more philosophical concept, rather than just the mechanism to fit the dogma.
Why would viruses do all those things? It makes little sense from an objective point of view.
What Melone is really attempting to explain is not how (he doesn’t) dead particles called viruses become alive, but rather, how they become animate. Because he probably knows the next never answered question would be:
How do dead, inanimate viruses steal the host’s cell machinery in order to replicate?
Without providing at least a theory, or a concept, how dead particles become animate, it is just nonsense.
So, what Malone is desperately trying to do is to pretend that everything in virology must be okay and we should accept his fairytale because it is the best thing to do for humanity when fighting those deadly gene therapies he helped to develop the great technology for but abandoned nevertheless. Why? Because it wasn’t working?
Melone’s statements are full of false, unverifiable beliefs and preconceived ideas beyond the scope of this comment to even scratch to surface in order to refute them all.
Just a few:
The self-replicating gene (s) fairytale is not new. The "origin of life science" fairytale spreaders use it all the time to try to explain how dead particles, similar to viruses, must have come to life in the so-called primordial soup.
All parasites known to science are living organisms. To call viruses parasites that become alive, somehow, is so absurd that it is beyond any excuse for someone who calls himself a scientist to even mention it.
Do you really believe that trans-humanisms is possible? Nobody knows what humans conciseness is or where it is? Do you think it is problem for trans-humanism propaganda?
I like quANTUM biOLogy. Do you know what it IS?
It is not possible to live forever. Life is quantum on the fundamental level we know about.
Material world seems to be made of quantum fields. Reality happens when those quantum fields vibrate. Technically, we were designed to live forever but something happens around the time when most of us reach 20-25 years old. It looks like quantum correlations change and we begin to age and eventually we die. To live forever, we would have to be connected to the source of those quantum fields and quantum vibrations...