Frankly I think about justice all the time. I don't hold up hope the mass murderers who control armies, police, spy agencies, most of judiciary are gonna start Nuremberg trials...
If they "cancel" Nuremberg on paper, it might actually spur trials and hangings in other forums.
It's interesting how all of the lingo jives with war, it's approached from a war footing -- not as public health emergency. The term "countermeasures" is not often used when referring to medical treatments, at least not in everyday speak.
The EU, like the US, has adopted a war footing as it pertains to medical and safety requirements. Basically, it's the medical version of giving automatic weapons to children because at this point, it's THAT serious. There are so few soldiers left to fight, and we could lose this war.
However, they picked the wrong illness to push this power grab effectively.
COVID has nearly the same infection fatality rate as the Flu, for kids it’s even less. The CDC’s own numbers show this -- and it was known early on. Yet, through propaganda, they expect people to accept that an illness (roughly equivalent to the Flu) killed 9 times as many people as the Flu? It's for that simple fact alone that I never bought into any of this.
As soon as that Texas judge ordered that the FDA trial data be released within (8) months instead of (75) years -- countries in the EU started immediately dropping the mandates. That can’t be a coincidence.
It's more likely that COVID would not kill with delay, at least not in an otherwise healthy person.
The reason I say that is because the amount of spike protein one might produce from the wild virus is drastically less than that produced by the jab. In natural infection the spike protein is attached to an entire virus. The spike protein, by itself, could have a more pathogenic effect than the spike protein along with the rest of the virus, like would occur through natural infection.
The wild virus is going to cause a the production of the virus, this happens around to the infection area (think polio vaccine) that was why they used the sugar cubes. Polio infections started in the GI tract.
There is no lipid nanoparticle transmission system for the wild virus. The Lipid nanoparticle delivery system has the ability to pass the Blood Brain Barrier. This means that spike proteins can end up being produced -- in the brain. Somewhere it might never go with a normal infection.
*** Objective: In the present review the BBB, mechanism of transport across the BBB, strategies to bypass the blood-brain barrier have been presented. The aptness of lipid nanoparticles for brain targeting has been highlighted. The proposed mechanism of uptake of the lipid nanoparticles, methods of prolonging the plasma retention and various methods of preparation for formulation of effective delivery systems for brain targeting have been included and dealt in this review.
Conclusion: Lipid based formulations can be designated as the current and future generation of drug delivery systems as these possess tremendous potential to bypass BBB and reach the target site due to their small size and ability to dodge the reticular endothelial system. However, these nanostructures need to be investigated intensively to successfully reach the clinical trials stage. ***
All cause mortality numbers follow the jab, not COVID. All cause mortality went up shortly after the jab mandates (at the point of highest jab participation).
Steve Kirsch said the following about excess deaths in the US just today:
*** The fact that 2021 and 2022 were excess death years suggests our main intervention made things worse, not better. And the 2022 numbers are incomplete according to the CDC. This is very unusual for excess deaths to be up like this. Usually, when you have a year with excess deaths, it is followed by a year of deficit deaths due to the depletion effect. This suggests something is at work that is killing people and it is not COVID. Hmmmm… wonder what it could be???? Hmmmm… gotta think about that one. ***
They aren't going to be able to explain away the excess deaths forever.
I love how some scam companies are selling USB devices that are supposed to "protect" people from ionizing radiation! LOL
The airport body scanners are more dangerous than 5G. High mass low kV X-Ray creates Compton scattering.
5G is really just spread spectrum anyway. There's nothing magical about it. I'm not sure where all the hype comes from. Why was nobody worried about WISP [Wireless Internet Service Provider(s)]?
I would be much more worried about something that the government is mandating that I inject info my body.
I've done extensive work with MRI machines. The machine is in a room that is a literal Faraday Cage. The whole room is lined with copper and earth grounded.
Most people think that it's to keep the magnetic field from "leaking out" but it's actually the opposite. MRI magnets are superconductors. They use (usually) liquid helium to keep the superconductor at superconducting temperature. Once at superconducting temperature the material has zero electrical resistance. So they run high current through the superconductor, then shut it off, the electrons keep running endlessly through the superconductor making a giant electromagnet.
The Faraday Cage is there to keep outside electromagnetic fields (or EMF) from interacting with the superconductor magnet, because those interactions weaken the superconductor's magnetic field through induction. Just like what happens with a transformer.
So the idea that someone can wear a bracelet to do anything related to EMF makes zero scientific sense. If it were true, your cell phone wouldn’t work while you’re wearing the bracelet! LOL
The only way to stay away from EMF is to get a horse and go live in the mountains somewhere. But, even at that, you would have to make sure that there are no microwave repeating towers anywhere within many miles of your location.
Basically EMF is everywhere all the time. The question is, to what level? Background levels aren’t really anything to be worried about, but if you’re in-line with a high power microwave antenna (or RADAR station) you could end up microwaving yourself!
The whole 5G scam is a way for people to make money by scaring people that don’t know any better. Like I said before, “I would be much more worried about something that the government is mandating that I inject info my body.”
After his election, DJT met with RFK Jr. (January 10, 2020), to discuss Kennedy's chairing a commission on vaccination safety. Bill Gates subsequently met with DJT and told him that would be a very bad idea. The vaccine safety commission never happened. What was DJT actually told by Gates?
At roughly the same time during a speech (January 2017) at Georgetown University, Fauc,i who was by then, attached to Gates at the hip according to RJK Jr. in his "The Real Anthony Fauci", predicted that a surprise outbreak (pandemic) would happen during the Trump administration (natural pandemics are not predictable).
Later that year, on October 5, 2017, DJT said "You guys know what this represents? Maybe it's the calm before the storm" while standing with a group of military personnel at the White House. He was asked what it meant and refused to clarify, instead saying, "you'll find out."
On March 20, 2020, SOS, Mike Pompeo made a very odd statement during a Coronavirus Task Force meeting, "We're in a live exercise here."
When DJT in March 2020 said HCQ could be "a game changer", Birx looked apoplectic and Fauci's body language changed. Whether DJT was creating reasonable doubt/plausible deniability for later or creating an opportunity for Mockingbird media to attack HCQ or both is still unknown.
yes, it's a military software. I was saying that in business this language is odd, so definitely came from military op, they hired this very expensive consultancy to run "strategic communications" (war propaganda).
Yes probably for translation out of military jargon too. The DOD does have a sub agency thst is focused on medical issues and the hospitals within the bases through out the US and abroad. It's called DHA or Defense Health Agency.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
It seems you were not at all taught the Catholic faith in your upbringing. I mean no disrespect. Fr Chris Alar has excellent talks on the actual Catholic faith on the Marian Father’s Divine Mercy Youtube channel. There are many very good websites - eg Catholic Answers and many good videos. The original sin was disobedience to God’s specific and basic instruction. God’s plan was for man was infused knowledge, which Adam and Eve had, but this was lost as a result of sin. After sin, we had to work and learn. A woman was chosen to do the most important job a human has ever done - to conceive, bear and raise the Saviour, God incarnate. She was made Queen of Heaven and earth above the angels. There have been many women honoured by the Church and declared doctors of the Church. It was women (Saints Catherine of Siena and St Brigid Sweden) who convinced the pope to return to Rome and end the Avignon papacy. The Lord’s greatest attribute is His Divine Mercy and He pours it out in abundance on all who repent and turn to Him. Those who choose eternal damnation are those who reject His graces and His mercy, even at the last. Please learn the faith you have rejected and you will see that it is a precious jewel. God bless.
Just saw this last night after watching your Rumble video. Very well done! How can this be so different for the Janssen “ vaccine”? There are too many Vaers to deny this with every bioweapon. Just wanted to share. Thanks for all you do. I upgraded my subscription to paid. I’ve been sending readers to you daily. All the best.
I wonder what has happened to Reiner Fuellmich? This attorney was interviewing numerous participants in the COVID scam basically for discovery. I wonder what he intends to do with this testimony. In the USA Dr. David Martin has filed a lawsuit in the Southern District court of Utah. This was several months ago. Considering the importance of these issues one could have hoped for a more prompt response. This probably means games will be played when more suits are filed. The one basic problem for both courts and congress is that they are both comprised of lawyers. Lawyers seem to be problem number one for those seeking justice.
Reiner is still active but there was evidently a rift between him and the others on that committee. Financial irregularities. I've no idea what the truth is. Sure doesn't help the cause though.
Yes, this is the Federal District Court of Southern Region of the Central District of Utah located in St George Utah. This is what they call themselves. This is a Federal District Court. Their webpage is I saw Dr. Martin with Stew Peters several months ago discussing the filing. More about Dr. Martin on Hope this helps.
Yes, that’s correct about Pompeo telling a White House press conference “this is a live exercise - we need to collect the data to get them to our scientists [pointing to Fauci] - this is not about retribution [against China])” to which Trump immediately interjected twice “YOU SHOULD HAVE... YOU SHOULD HAVE LET US KNOW!”.
Neither Fauci, nor Birx, nor the media reporters present reacted or questioned Pompeo’s remarks.
It was no slip of tongue. Here’s the full exchange:
Sasha, contrary to many, you know the true history: the Bolsheviks never left, they are at work under different names. First it was Russia, now it is the whole world.
In Europe this remarkable man Pascal Najadi has filed criminal charges of Abuse of Office under Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code against Swiss President Alain Berset, who is also that country’s former Minister of Health. He began by walking down to his local police station to report a crime.
Judith, thank you for posting this, a must see for all! Most of us feel so very helpless in a world of "people hiding behind UNTHINKABLE" (Pascal Najadi). Inability to find ONE of THREE THOUSAND Brigadiered Generals and above required to open an investigation of the DOD (now in control of public health) provides the perspective of the urgency with which we must act. Unless people are awakened as to what has been done, humanity will cease to exist when WHO adopts IHR in May. Forget WEF 2030! Perhaps T SHIRTS using Pascal Najadi's words DEFEND HUMANITY
STOP THE WHO IFR AGREEMENT on the front, the back would say CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMEN (ideas?) Just an idea from a grain of sand in a vast ocean facing destruction of humanity unless we act.
Eternally grateful
to God for the gifted, beautiful, organized minds of Sasha, Katherine Watt and all brave warriors (so many to name), the digital warriors for sharing comments exposing this corrupted plan to override God's plan of creation.
These are the ONLY documents that many regulators worldwide (including the MHRA and EMA and, I think, the FDA and TGA) will supply willingly under fOI when asked how they concluded that the vaccines were “safe and effective”:
Spot the missing information and the idiocy in the trials - especially think hard about how the trials were conducted and ask yourself "how did the companies know the jabs worked against covid when not one person in the trial was exposed to any virus stock?”
And how does jabbing people with the chemical concoction, letting them wander around in public then when they got a sniffle give them a PCR test (we all know how useless they are for diagnosis don't we boys and girls) then say "see, those jabbed got the sniffles and a positive test less than the unjabbed group means it's working!!!"
That is how the trials were generally conducted when you read the documents closely - but do NOT think too much into what was used as a placebo as that just confuses the matter even more: hint, most trials did NOT use saline or glucose that's for sure.
How can anyone with more than half a brain cell or an IQ bigger than their UK shoe size come to a "safe and effective" conclusion I have no idea once they read these documents.
Sasha, I'm sure you're connected with EU member Christine Anderson? Evidently she heads up a committee investigating the fraud and I saw this damning speech from her, as replayed on Dr. John Campbell's (2.6 million subscribers) channel:
The EU is being poisoned just as we north americans are. No surprises here.
Great work, Sasha. When this is over you and Katherine will be immortalized like Simon Bolivar! Except no iron horse in downtown washington.
Ursula wanted to do away with Nuremberg code. I was stunned... Just poof. Gone.
Sorry, there are .3x 8 billion people that think of Nuremberg daily
Ursula vanderCrazy is so off the deep end of reality its amazing.
I'm American, but I heard she wants to start brain chipping?
I'm hoping, expecting those Italians, Slavs, Poles and some others go berserk.
I REALLY HOPE they start right here in Texas. I really want Harrarri coming here trying this shit.
It would completely break the tension.
We welcome Christine Anderson of the EU who gave tyrdo shit publicly b4 the worls last fall!
Ursula wonderLier lol
The thing is that if they manage to pass their new WHO amendments, the Nuremberg code WILL be done away, just like that.
Yesterday the comments to this new amendments where published, but they still can not consider them at all.
You can read more about it here:
So, my comments were rash.
Frankly I think about justice all the time. I don't hold up hope the mass murderers who control armies, police, spy agencies, most of judiciary are gonna start Nuremberg trials...
If they "cancel" Nuremberg on paper, it might actually spur trials and hangings in other forums.
fake sasha, boo!
Bolivar was a revolutionary. Sasha and Katherine are counter revolutionaries
Sorry. Satan was a revolutionary. Saint Michael the Archangel was a counter revolutionary.
"Our" side has done nothing wrong, as Oster implied.
We are heroes in this
It's interesting how all of the lingo jives with war, it's approached from a war footing -- not as public health emergency. The term "countermeasures" is not often used when referring to medical treatments, at least not in everyday speak.
The EU, like the US, has adopted a war footing as it pertains to medical and safety requirements. Basically, it's the medical version of giving automatic weapons to children because at this point, it's THAT serious. There are so few soldiers left to fight, and we could lose this war.
However, they picked the wrong illness to push this power grab effectively.
COVID has nearly the same infection fatality rate as the Flu, for kids it’s even less. The CDC’s own numbers show this -- and it was known early on. Yet, through propaganda, they expect people to accept that an illness (roughly equivalent to the Flu) killed 9 times as many people as the Flu? It's for that simple fact alone that I never bought into any of this.
As soon as that Texas judge ordered that the FDA trial data be released within (8) months instead of (75) years -- countries in the EU started immediately dropping the mandates. That can’t be a coincidence.
I covered it here:
The public health = national security = war on disease ......... mentality has infected the world. I cover this in a very basic fashion here:
With everything you know about Spike protein, do you consider it unlikely that COVID can kill with delay?
It's more likely that COVID would not kill with delay, at least not in an otherwise healthy person.
The reason I say that is because the amount of spike protein one might produce from the wild virus is drastically less than that produced by the jab. In natural infection the spike protein is attached to an entire virus. The spike protein, by itself, could have a more pathogenic effect than the spike protein along with the rest of the virus, like would occur through natural infection.
The wild virus is going to cause a the production of the virus, this happens around to the infection area (think polio vaccine) that was why they used the sugar cubes. Polio infections started in the GI tract.
There is no lipid nanoparticle transmission system for the wild virus. The Lipid nanoparticle delivery system has the ability to pass the Blood Brain Barrier. This means that spike proteins can end up being produced -- in the brain. Somewhere it might never go with a normal infection.
This is from 2018:
*** Objective: In the present review the BBB, mechanism of transport across the BBB, strategies to bypass the blood-brain barrier have been presented. The aptness of lipid nanoparticles for brain targeting has been highlighted. The proposed mechanism of uptake of the lipid nanoparticles, methods of prolonging the plasma retention and various methods of preparation for formulation of effective delivery systems for brain targeting have been included and dealt in this review.
Conclusion: Lipid based formulations can be designated as the current and future generation of drug delivery systems as these possess tremendous potential to bypass BBB and reach the target site due to their small size and ability to dodge the reticular endothelial system. However, these nanostructures need to be investigated intensively to successfully reach the clinical trials stage. ***
All cause mortality numbers follow the jab, not COVID. All cause mortality went up shortly after the jab mandates (at the point of highest jab participation).
Steve Kirsch said the following about excess deaths in the US just today:
*** The fact that 2021 and 2022 were excess death years suggests our main intervention made things worse, not better. And the 2022 numbers are incomplete according to the CDC. This is very unusual for excess deaths to be up like this. Usually, when you have a year with excess deaths, it is followed by a year of deficit deaths due to the depletion effect. This suggests something is at work that is killing people and it is not COVID. Hmmmm… wonder what it could be???? Hmmmm… gotta think about that one. ***
They aren't going to be able to explain away the excess deaths forever.
Wrong post, this i sthe one:
And this:
Check out this substack. You might like it.
Mortality displacement is how the injection deaths were hidden, of course.
I love how some scam companies are selling USB devices that are supposed to "protect" people from ionizing radiation! LOL
The airport body scanners are more dangerous than 5G. High mass low kV X-Ray creates Compton scattering.
5G is really just spread spectrum anyway. There's nothing magical about it. I'm not sure where all the hype comes from. Why was nobody worried about WISP [Wireless Internet Service Provider(s)]?
I would be much more worried about something that the government is mandating that I inject info my body.
I've done extensive work with MRI machines. The machine is in a room that is a literal Faraday Cage. The whole room is lined with copper and earth grounded.
Most people think that it's to keep the magnetic field from "leaking out" but it's actually the opposite. MRI magnets are superconductors. They use (usually) liquid helium to keep the superconductor at superconducting temperature. Once at superconducting temperature the material has zero electrical resistance. So they run high current through the superconductor, then shut it off, the electrons keep running endlessly through the superconductor making a giant electromagnet.
The Faraday Cage is there to keep outside electromagnetic fields (or EMF) from interacting with the superconductor magnet, because those interactions weaken the superconductor's magnetic field through induction. Just like what happens with a transformer.
So the idea that someone can wear a bracelet to do anything related to EMF makes zero scientific sense. If it were true, your cell phone wouldn’t work while you’re wearing the bracelet! LOL
The only way to stay away from EMF is to get a horse and go live in the mountains somewhere. But, even at that, you would have to make sure that there are no microwave repeating towers anywhere within many miles of your location.
Basically EMF is everywhere all the time. The question is, to what level? Background levels aren’t really anything to be worried about, but if you’re in-line with a high power microwave antenna (or RADAR station) you could end up microwaving yourself!
The whole 5G scam is a way for people to make money by scaring people that don’t know any better. Like I said before, “I would be much more worried about something that the government is mandating that I inject info my body.”
After his election, DJT met with RFK Jr. (January 10, 2020), to discuss Kennedy's chairing a commission on vaccination safety. Bill Gates subsequently met with DJT and told him that would be a very bad idea. The vaccine safety commission never happened. What was DJT actually told by Gates?
At roughly the same time during a speech (January 2017) at Georgetown University, Fauc,i who was by then, attached to Gates at the hip according to RJK Jr. in his "The Real Anthony Fauci", predicted that a surprise outbreak (pandemic) would happen during the Trump administration (natural pandemics are not predictable).
Later that year, on October 5, 2017, DJT said "You guys know what this represents? Maybe it's the calm before the storm" while standing with a group of military personnel at the White House. He was asked what it meant and refused to clarify, instead saying, "you'll find out."
On March 20, 2020, SOS, Mike Pompeo made a very odd statement during a Coronavirus Task Force meeting, "We're in a live exercise here."
When DJT in March 2020 said HCQ could be "a game changer", Birx looked apoplectic and Fauci's body language changed. Whether DJT was creating reasonable doubt/plausible deniability for later or creating an opportunity for Mockingbird media to attack HCQ or both is still unknown.
I don't trust Trump. A good, honest leader would have forced HCQ to be allowed.
And he said military would deliver deathvax
There are dozens of reasons not to trust him.
Absolutely. He shoulda released 911, JFK files...
James Corbett is good on him.
Trump should also have released and pardoned Julian Assange. That he did not will always remain an indelible stain on his administration.
Agree. He shoulda called up Corbett, icke, , and these substacks.
Instead he hung around Birx, Fauci , and other cult members.
John F Kennedy gave his life for his country.
You talk in present about him???
Yes, Trump not only tried to bring forward HCQ but also MMS/chlorine dioxide, which the enemy tried to discredit as bleach.
Love your art!!!
I'm suspicious this is not real!
It is a fake account
Fantastic investigative work and reporting. Thank you!
RE Taskers and Task Orders per your recent interview with Dr Jane:
yes, it's a military software. I was saying that in business this language is odd, so definitely came from military op, they hired this very expensive consultancy to run "strategic communications" (war propaganda).
Yes probably for translation out of military jargon too. The DOD does have a sub agency thst is focused on medical issues and the hospitals within the bases through out the US and abroad. It's called DHA or Defense Health Agency.
Looks like you joined the club. The doppelganger comments club like Steve Kirsch and El Gato Malo.
..." in preparation for this “live exercise” (was it Pompeo who let this slip? Readers, please let me know in the comments)"
Learning about the DOD-run plandemic brought back what Mike Pompeo said
Mike Pompeo: "We're in a, we're in a LIVE exercise here!"
President Trump's response: You shoulda, you SHOULDA let US know!"
Here's a clip from Cspan:
DJT clearly knew. See below.
The Synagogue of Satan never rests.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
JFK, Hoover talked in somewhat similar ways. New World Order, A general term.
It's not new, and they don't want order
Link to JFK speech talking about vast conspiracy on here
I looked up to find speech... The results said he never made it. Liars. Coordinated. They alter history, at least in some peoples minds
They control so much
This deception is so deep.
It seems you were not at all taught the Catholic faith in your upbringing. I mean no disrespect. Fr Chris Alar has excellent talks on the actual Catholic faith on the Marian Father’s Divine Mercy Youtube channel. There are many very good websites - eg Catholic Answers and many good videos. The original sin was disobedience to God’s specific and basic instruction. God’s plan was for man was infused knowledge, which Adam and Eve had, but this was lost as a result of sin. After sin, we had to work and learn. A woman was chosen to do the most important job a human has ever done - to conceive, bear and raise the Saviour, God incarnate. She was made Queen of Heaven and earth above the angels. There have been many women honoured by the Church and declared doctors of the Church. It was women (Saints Catherine of Siena and St Brigid Sweden) who convinced the pope to return to Rome and end the Avignon papacy. The Lord’s greatest attribute is His Divine Mercy and He pours it out in abundance on all who repent and turn to Him. Those who choose eternal damnation are those who reject His graces and His mercy, even at the last. Please learn the faith you have rejected and you will see that it is a precious jewel. God bless.
Just saw this last night after watching your Rumble video. Very well done! How can this be so different for the Janssen “ vaccine”? There are too many Vaers to deny this with every bioweapon. Just wanted to share. Thanks for all you do. I upgraded my subscription to paid. I’ve been sending readers to you daily. All the best.
To Sasha: ( & everyone reading)
I wonder what has happened to Reiner Fuellmich? This attorney was interviewing numerous participants in the COVID scam basically for discovery. I wonder what he intends to do with this testimony. In the USA Dr. David Martin has filed a lawsuit in the Southern District court of Utah. This was several months ago. Considering the importance of these issues one could have hoped for a more prompt response. This probably means games will be played when more suits are filed. The one basic problem for both courts and congress is that they are both comprised of lawyers. Lawyers seem to be problem number one for those seeking justice.
Reiner is still active but there was evidently a rift between him and the others on that committee. Financial irregularities. I've no idea what the truth is. Sure doesn't help the cause though.
Does such an entity as "the Southern District court of Utah" exist? Link to this lawsuit, please?
Yes, this is the Federal District Court of Southern Region of the Central District of Utah located in St George Utah. This is what they call themselves. This is a Federal District Court. Their webpage is I saw Dr. Martin with Stew Peters several months ago discussing the filing. More about Dr. Martin on Hope this helps.
Why so coy? Why not tell what it is? Looks like spam to me!
It is spam
Yes, that’s correct about Pompeo telling a White House press conference “this is a live exercise - we need to collect the data to get them to our scientists [pointing to Fauci] - this is not about retribution [against China])” to which Trump immediately interjected twice “YOU SHOULD HAVE... YOU SHOULD HAVE LET US KNOW!”.
Neither Fauci, nor Birx, nor the media reporters present reacted or questioned Pompeo’s remarks.
It was no slip of tongue. Here’s the full exchange:
I remember him saying that at the time.
And London's 7/7.
Sasha, contrary to many, you know the true history: the Bolsheviks never left, they are at work under different names. First it was Russia, now it is the whole world.
In Europe this remarkable man Pascal Najadi has filed criminal charges of Abuse of Office under Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code against Swiss President Alain Berset, who is also that country’s former Minister of Health. He began by walking down to his local police station to report a crime.
Sasha appears and is referred to in the video.
I hope this case will snow-ball all around Europe.
Judith, thank you for posting this, a must see for all! Most of us feel so very helpless in a world of "people hiding behind UNTHINKABLE" (Pascal Najadi). Inability to find ONE of THREE THOUSAND Brigadiered Generals and above required to open an investigation of the DOD (now in control of public health) provides the perspective of the urgency with which we must act. Unless people are awakened as to what has been done, humanity will cease to exist when WHO adopts IHR in May. Forget WEF 2030! Perhaps T SHIRTS using Pascal Najadi's words DEFEND HUMANITY
STOP THE WHO IFR AGREEMENT on the front, the back would say CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMEN (ideas?) Just an idea from a grain of sand in a vast ocean facing destruction of humanity unless we act.
Eternally grateful
to God for the gifted, beautiful, organized minds of Sasha, Katherine Watt and all brave warriors (so many to name), the digital warriors for sharing comments exposing this corrupted plan to override God's plan of creation.
Excellent news!
Thanks for the link.
Getting rid of this impersonator is essential!
Yes, Sasha, it was Pompeo who confirmed the Live Exercise in the 20Mar20 presser:
These are the ONLY documents that many regulators worldwide (including the MHRA and EMA and, I think, the FDA and TGA) will supply willingly under fOI when asked how they concluded that the vaccines were “safe and effective”:
Spot the missing information and the idiocy in the trials - especially think hard about how the trials were conducted and ask yourself "how did the companies know the jabs worked against covid when not one person in the trial was exposed to any virus stock?”
And how does jabbing people with the chemical concoction, letting them wander around in public then when they got a sniffle give them a PCR test (we all know how useless they are for diagnosis don't we boys and girls) then say "see, those jabbed got the sniffles and a positive test less than the unjabbed group means it's working!!!"
That is how the trials were generally conducted when you read the documents closely - but do NOT think too much into what was used as a placebo as that just confuses the matter even more: hint, most trials did NOT use saline or glucose that's for sure.
How can anyone with more than half a brain cell or an IQ bigger than their UK shoe size come to a "safe and effective" conclusion I have no idea once they read these documents.
Sasha, I'm sure you're connected with EU member Christine Anderson? Evidently she heads up a committee investigating the fraud and I saw this damning speech from her, as replayed on Dr. John Campbell's (2.6 million subscribers) channel: