Is there a better way to turn ppl against one another? For vials with nothing leads one group to think 'conspiracy theorists', nothing happened to us. While many more vials are bombs just waiting to explode when an innocent, fearmongered person gets the jab to save their job. Then it kills or maims them. Unconscionable that a person, company, government, pharma or doctor would be part of this sordid culling scheme. I can not believe what has happened or is happening to America. We have been infiltrated by diseased degenerates.
That was when Reagan signed a law making Pharma Vaccines Liability Free. That's when they ramped up the children's vaccine schedule. Each and every one dangerous and unnecessary!! No crime, no punishment!!
I had a contract for a corporate system analysis with the Wellcome foundation in 1985. I had to move through their labs at one stage, fully suited, and they explained that they were working on a treatment for HIV/AIDS and were bioengineering a therapy. I thought no more of it.
In the hotel that evening, I got into conversation with a biochemist who worked for Shell. I told him about my experience at Wellcome and he confirmed that genetic engineering of 'bugs', as he put it, was common place at Shell. He further said that he had worked on bugs to 'eat oil' after the Torrey Canyon disaster:
What the BBC doesn't say is that the final solution was their genetically engineered bugs to eat the oil spills which the HMG directed Shell to solve in 1967/8.
"There were two main events that took place prior to the creation of recombinant DNA (rDNA), and the other prominent discoveries of the 1960s that put genome engineering on its path to revolutionize biology. The discoveries of the 1950s in the field of genetics paved the way for future study of genetics, biotech, and all things DNA-related. "
Thank you. Maybe also expand as some sort COVID pedia for other's stories as a searchable repository? Substack will be far more valuable too if it can provide a place for citations and references, documents as attachments, and searchability for that and for posts.
Even back before 2021 when random poisons were produced, I thought, 'they' could put anything in those vials, and cringed when I would see folks lining up for their lucky or not injections. The trust people had, once, and still, is so very ill advised as to be childlike. I guess that's where we are, a nation of many adult children, at this point.
Australia and Japan are testing lots. Looking, but I've seen a page where the TGA in Australia issues a pass/fail based on a test of each lot/batch produced. Not sure the testing methods or how vigorous. Also, a Japanese researcher put out an angry message that the Japanese authority tests each lot, knows the variance in each, but is not reporting publicly and has legal restrictions against private testing of the vials.
From a previous comment i made on Twitter vid (in Japanese) for researcher Takayuki Miyazawa, Kyoto University virologist / researcher, "Japan researcher confirms lot inconsistencies catalogued by the government, but kept from the public. This dropped a couple of weeks ago (mid November). Kyoto University researcher / professor, Takayuki Miyazawa, virologist with 300+ publications, veterinary degrees from Tokyo University. Two years at the University of London. Here he's talking, in Japanese, about wanting to test the vaccines but being prevented by the Pharma confidentiality contracts, rumor being they would be arrested for the attempt, a problem as mass producing these vaccines consistently is technically impossible according to him. He then had a meeting with a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. In the conversation he wanted to find out about their testing / testing methods expecting there to be as much as a 10x difference in 'performance' between lots. To which the ministry official said it's not that much. So you have the data? Yes. Well show it to me. Can't, because of confidentiality (the contracts). He did some research and any reference to this data is blacked out. To wit, and the reason he's pissed, the Ministry has been testing, and confirmed they have the data on which lots 'are and are not dangerous'. They've had the data. And shared it with no one. "
It's true that it's not possible to produce mRNA or DNA products to cGMP standards. This is one of primary reasons they always failed in development, despite 30+ years of attempts and $billions invested. And its not 10x difference between lots, it can be easily 100x,and probably 1000x vial to vial. The independent testing of vials is prohibited by the international contracts. In the US the vials are property of the DOD until they get injected into a person.
yes, anyone can privately test for purposes of identifying fraud. The DOD hasn't gone after anyone because they will lose. Anyone testing vials is protected as whistleblower.
Now I'm glad I brought up Dr. Cole's interview. This puts a very different light on it, all the more that you (Sasha) is putting it forward for reference. Back to the drawing board and more reading required. Thank you again Sasha!
I'm not sure that Ryan Cole got the vaxx vials. I thought Del Bigtree got them. I sent a message to BIgtree through his website to ask how he was able to secure the vials without getting into trouble with the DOD. No answer yet.
While DOD prohibits testing, anyone who obtains vials and tests them for the purposes of identifying fraud is protected under whistleblower status. That's why the government hasn't gone after anyone on this. They know they will lose bigly.
Yes. You're right. I missed that. Regardless, the question remains. How did Ryan Cole secure vials of the C19 "vaccines", analyze them in his lab in Idaho, and not get a visit from the DOD? I believe he was recently in Europe, so it is possible he got the Pfizer and Moderna vials there. It doesn't explain the J&J, though. Is it possible that Bigtree doesn't understand the DOD role? Unlikely, imo.
Bigtree is a gleaming head from Hollyweird, but I like Ryan Cole. I'm sure he knows the rules and the risks. I agree with Sasha. It was a very unprofessional interview (there have been many), but I definitely felt the viewers were being pushed to believe certain things and not believe others. It left me unsettled. While I agree with their assessment that the jabs are bad enough without all the scary stories of graphene oxide and self-assembling circuits, I'm not convinced.
For example, it should be easy enough to verify that the crystals that look like are chips are, in fact, cholesterol and/or salt crystals.
If they got these vials from an "official" source, it's possible they have been doctored. I was shocked by the blood experiments. One was hypertonic. One was hypotonic. If this was a common occurrence, wouldn't more people have dropped within minutes. Very strange.
I did get a preliminary response several hours later. They're looking into it. LOL.
Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward.
I read this with great interest. Your analysis of the available information is vitally important. There are so many varying claims about what is in the vials, often based on sampling from a very small pool of vials, leading to wide generalized claims about ‘what is in the shots’.
But as you point out, all of it is so rife with mismanagement and sloppy disregard for standard quality controls and manufacturing processes, it’s nearly impossible to make generalized conclusions. Except to say that this is a complete mess.
One question I wanted to ask was whether or not the findings of the studies that have found oddities and contaminants (pictured in the photos you shared) have been mapped against the ‘hot lots’. It would be interesting to know, for example, if the vials that Steve Kirsch reported on were from the large batch, late-roll-out period, or earlier. Similarly, interested to know what lots Dr. Nixon and others are looking at.
As a general observation, I was also curious to see how the AE distribution with lot size mapped against time and jab uptake—is that data available?
I can’t help thinking formulation of the vial contents may have changed over time (intentionally), given such lax inspection, scrutiny, and transparency.
Mapping to hot lots is almost impossible to do because the lot info is available largely for US distributed vials (doesn't mean all the components were made in the US), while vial testing has gone almost entirely overseas, many in the countries that did not report to VAERS. I found that 3 lots that contained mRNA and DNA contamination has some significant rate of adverse events (although not the largest, but these were from Europe, so hard to tell), and in one case when no mRNA was found the lots had practically no adverse events (these were from Canada).
Thanks for looking. I suppose that would also mean likely not connected to Yellow Card or other passive reporting? So little data—sleuthing blindfolded. Seems like some sort of standardized US research effort would be useful to analyze against VAERS.
Dr. Tenpenny is incorrect. She does not understand these issues. It is not because of the EUA. The "acceptance criteria" set by Pfizer for themselves, and agreed to by regulators is that the %mRNA integrity can be as low as 50% in a batch (bulk product). This is for the "approved" product, not EUA. Dr. Tenpenny is a celebrity making $$ on the internet, who has little practical knowledge if these issues. Edited: I do not dislike Dr. Tenpenny, and I do not believe she is a "controlled op", and I think she does a lot of useful work and education. Simply pointing that the specific statement was incorrect.
This is an incredibly meaningful comment. Perhaps it illuminates how the enemy likes to set up and play all sides. The enemy has proven itself adept at setting up the controlled opposition so that it guarantees the opposition will fail. One curious and perhaps related fact is that there appears to be no open group think dialogues where wide spectrum solutions are developed, improved, constructively critiqued, shared, and implemented. Our side relies on people who propose their own solution, and then too often the people with the different solutions spend time fighting each other rather than working together to pool resources and discover the best solution. But the enemy functions differently. It has think tanks where it develops, critiques, refines, and then monitors its programs, being agile and able to adapt. Further, it predicts and simulates all possible outcomes. This is much like how the SCADA AI optimization and predictive simulations and models I worked on function. It is very powerful. The last thing our enemy wants is for us to do anything like have groups working on this to derive the best possible solutions. I hope we can start doing that before it is too late. No matter how well meaning a solution or how smart the author, a single person doing this by themselves can never match the power of a group of diverse well meaning participants. This is not something to jump into. The enemy controls and monitors the internet. I am doing my best, so far alone, to try to figure out how to try this. Is anybody else on our side doing anything remotely like this? I have looked, but, cannot find one instance. If you know of one instance where there is a group of 3 or more individuals working together as well meaning equals to actively derive the best possible solutions to the growing global problems the world faces in this kind of way, please share.
You make a really valuable point. And you’ve expressed basically what I was thinking yet couldn’t fully articulate. Overall, I see so many splinters on our side - no cohesion or striving for a common message while our enemies have completely subordinated themselves to a common goal. This laser-focus is what makes them powerful & effective. Their reaching their goals while we’re all bickering & many are grifting.
Thank you for your reply. Merry Christmas. This is a complex topic that is probably best handled by a well meaning diverse group of people who are really interested in working together as equals to discover the root causes of all these issues and investigate the entire range of possible solutions with the goal to avoid the illegal and violent acts of desperation that might erupt if things continue to get worse for more people. The group would explore all options but never do anything illegal or plan or incite violence. The enemy will probably infiltrate and attempt to entrap. It controls the internet. In person would be best but maybe the internet is all we have? Substack appears to be a superior platform to many others? Should some of us each start our own Substack and support each other but each do our best or should we start out with one Substack? Should we consider other platforms? The enemy has the money to pay people to collaborate, sell out, grift, infiltrate, and/or lead controlled opposition groups which are set up to fail. The enemy likes to control all sides and, if we are successful, will reach into its bag of tricks to try to control us too. It controls and monitors the internet. This problem is too vast and too important for any one person to possibly handle alone, I believe we need to collaborate and start sharing ideas as soon as possible. Please share your ideas. Right now there are so many possibilities and questions. Thanks again.
EXCELLENT COMMENT its very clear to me most of the world does not understand controlled opposition and how nearly omnipresent it is being used by the enemies of mankind. Nothing connected to or coming from the Vatican/Jesuit Illuminati superstructure and ALL their agents can be trusted.
I think many of us have had similar thoughts but the problem is building the initial momentum. I could like with you and we would be a group of two and perhaps reach out to the other few people who have replied to your comment. But then what happens apart from us becoming our own private echo chamber? I don't have the skills or resources to do anything, especially where I am currently located. Perhaps I am one of the second or third tier individuals who can jump on when enough first tier people have found a way to get things off the ground. If, on the other hand, anyone can suggest a way I could contribute to get this up and running please someone let me know. I actually feel strongly about this and think it could be a lifetime battle. I have often wondered whether I might even devote the rest of my life to such a cause.
Here are my suggestions , first ALWAYS is preparedness to weather the storms now upon us, then group up, and team build, and reach out to all THE LIKE MINDED, you can reach in all possible ways . Educate yourself well on all the issues , and share with any willing to seriously listen. Become very aware of all natural remedies and treatments and share this info . Leave the cities if you can and team up on rural land with water and ability to grow food . Reach out to all those with children WE MUST PROTECT THEM or there is no future . Share the top level info like you find here on Dr Ana M. substack and people like K . Kingston and others. BE VERY AWARE of controlled opposition , like DJT , and DeSantis and anyone connected to the vast Vatican/Jesuit/Iluminati superstructure . Practice complete noncompliance. This battle is and will be for the rest of ALL of our lives because if we are not successful , we will not be alive.
Excellent. My goal might be too ambitious. I seek a full analysis or all reasonably viable root cause explanations of the issues the world faces and all possible solutions from as diverse a group with as many different perspectives and world views as possible. Then maybe something like Baysean Decision Tree Analysis to determine the best ones, perhaps presenting a range of results in a grid that anybody can understand. The enemy does this all the time in its think tanks. Perhaps we can even simulate and compare the ranges of results the different strategies offer? My engineering experience doing this has shown that it is vastly superior to following any one leader, innovator, or expert most of the time no matter how intelligent that leader might be. Right now I am stumbling around trying to figure out how to do this and welcome your perspective and constructive criticisms. It is time. Time is short, but some planning and discussion now should help in improving how this launches. I realize that this is probably overly ambitious but offer it anyhow. Thanks for you comments.
Thank you for that clarification. Dr. Tenpenny is actively trying to inform people about the breadth of mechanisms of injury from the shots, a tireless educator, and someone who has put her money on the line for a pioneering new therapy for heart health. Bottom line, nobody knows everything, and we need to, as readers here said, stitch together the big picture from people who are diligently hunting for truth.
I think searching for controlled opposition can predispose judgment, a hammer looking for a nail. People who are sifting for truth now have plenty of material to work with, and the patterns soon reveal who has a depth of insight to share, and who is simply enjoying the spotlight or shoveling B.S. I don't think Malone is C.O., he has put his life on hold to awaken the masses, but he says relatively little with so many words. Your work, Sasha, on the other hand is dense with insights. I look forward to reading more of your pieces.
I agree. The enemy has set in place systems that stoke divide and conquer in multiple ways. Sorry about being long winded. The last thing I want to do is keep you from your important work. I will try to take the kinds of things I wrote about elsewhere and not divert attention from the important things you are doing here. Your writings and comment trails are an important source of information and provide layered learning opportunities. I sincerely thank you.
I understand , its good to be careful on what we say and how, many may misunderstand . At the same time controlled opposition is EVERYWHERE , and its take knowledge , experience and discernment to sort if all out .
We are currently enjoying a relative respite from the cabal infiltrators, clowns, AI bots, trolls, and similar things that pollute comments in platforms like Bitchute. As the readership here grows, it is likely they will show up here in increasing numbers. And, yes, the controlled opposition is everywhere. The enemy set this whole thing up, making it easy for it to anticipate what opposition groups might form, and then start those groups with people it selected. I won't talk about specifics, because we cannot really know what might be going on in any particular situation, and it is mostly a waste of time to single out any one, for they all have their followers who adore them. This is a common enemy tactic, they do it with their corporations, police state useful idiots, and, now, in the massive controlled opposition movement. They like to create rock stars who just push the same stories around while never inviting dialogue or exploring the wide array of root causes and potential solutions. There is even a controlled opposition private club, and we ain't in it. Try contacting one of them? It is a joke. The rare places like this Substack are refreshingly different and I am enjoying it while it lasts.
Thank you Sasha for being factual regarding Tenpenny. It is shameful and sad how many people are using this c19 debacle as a grift. People like you, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, David Nixon, etc.., are heroes and Warriors for Truth, but sadly there are the Tenpenny types as well as the controlled opposition spooks like Malone, who muddy these already murky waters with their absolute bullshit. Heartfelt THANKS to you for keeping it real. People like you give us hope while working diligently to find answers and hold the balance for our survival as a human race. Blessings to you from Detroit!
See her recent interview by Jane Ruby. The two alternately outdo each other's mentionable lack of truly appropriate skill and knowledge, in my sense of their presentations.
Ruby, in fact, is mighty consumed with an unappealing and losing form of resentment. I say, then, "Try harder to let naturally competing and qualified others be themselves, Jane. It's more becoming -- and may even earn you more of those critical invites to seminars and panel discussions you so much covet."
Saw video and I don’t agree with ur assessment. Dr. Ruby is no more perfect than Peter McCullough who has yet to consider the synthetic snake venom peptide hypotheses proposed by Dr. Ardis as well as Dr. Braun. (Unbelievable that Dr. McCullough says he has NO TIME to read the profuse scientific literature/studies which expose the use of synthetic venom peptides in vaccines & medicines! This is a hubris blind-spot on his part or it suggests he’s compromised. His myopic view is doing a great DIS-service to Humanity despite all the praise he gets. Any time someone in the medical field or in government turns a “blind eye” 👁️ to available information or the law then they’re not working for the Truth. If Dr. Henry Ealy was eventually convinced about the venom aspect of the vaccines by reading the studies given to him by Dr. Ardis then wouldn’t it be equally so for Dr. McCullough & Dr. Ryan Cole, AND Dr. Robert Malone? In fact, Malone refuses to answer any questions about snake venom peptides. Why? Did he sign a non-disclosure agreement with the CIA & military contractors (his former employers)? There should be no holding back on anyone’s part in this war that is being raged against Mankind & the Human genome. Even Sasha admitted on Dr. Ruby’s show several months ago, based on the graphs/statistics of another colleague she was not in full agreement with (believe he was from Canada), that his graphs/statistical info. showed a worldwide envenomation as numerous countries showed a inordinate increase in infection all at the same time. I believe she proposed that there was no way this could occur unless it had been co-coordinated poisoning. It was an impressive interview. If you should read this comment, Sasha, can you respond by posting a link to that interview for the benefit of your readers unless you’ve changed your assessment or have any new insights to offer. (Sasha, love 💕 ur dedication to the Truth. Thank you for all your hard work on the frontlines. And I’m very impressed by your artistic skill. Novel approach in combining hard science with beautiful art.). As I’ve said before, either here or another Substack, all theories should be on the table as 50% of the ingredients of the shots remain unknown under the EUA. For any person, professional, or doctor to say that such and such is not possible then they are the blind leading the blind. Even attorneys like Reiner Fulmich have shown prejudice (foolish or calculated?) against nanotechnology and the possibility that nano-chips & nano-wires may exist in the vaccines. It’s not like there aren’t voluminous patents affirming nanotechnology in the vaccines. Again, how idiotic or blind can Fulmich be? So many professionals doing more harm than good as they outwardly discredit views, opinions, or theories that don’t align with theirs. My God, people are dying in hordes & yet most professionals are bickering over who is top-dog right? Despicable!
Thank you for your perspectives. You bring up several things I had not considered before. All this divide and conquer fighting by our side may be diverting resources and discussions of real solutions? We recognize that controlled opposition exists in multiple forms. Thank you for the learning opportunities. I am going to devote some time to trying to understand the associated information and adjusting my behavior based on the learning opportunities. You may want to explore the various threads in this post. I find more useful information and perspectives from a wide range of people on these comments than anywhere else I have visited on this internet for at least a decade.
"Agreed to by the regulators" -- those would be the folks who APPROVED the EUA? (One assumes without requiring quality standards...)
Before you describe Tenpenny as a grifter, perhaps realize that HER audience is vastly different from your audience... she's trying to get 'normies' to see something is wrong. She's trying to reach metaphorical "kindergartners" and teach them how to count to ten -- and to not take injected candy from strangers! (I hope you follow the metaphor: "candy from strangers" is a decades-old American warning....)
Your audience is much more educated and intelligent people who can (and *wish to*) follow medical science to some degree or other! Your "folks" are at least metaphorical "college students or even graduate students!" (And we all know lots of smart folks who have no interest whatsoever in learning anything about whether to take the next shot!)
To us (I include myself in the educated ones) it (possibly) matters if the murderous 'flaws' and contaminations are allowed by the EUA or the purchase contracts. To her audience -- sheesh! If we could just get them to recognize the damned stuff is poison and to QUIT lining up to take it!
Is it or is it not true that the companies can (and/or do) tweak production and ingredients under the EUA WITHOUT having to tell the regulators? How important is it for the 'regular folks on the street' to know the difference between EUA or company criteria accepted by regulators? The important part: will telling them this HELP US stop them from taking more poison!?
Let me recommend Dr. Peter Sandman's "risk communication" website www, His field (he pretty much invented it back at Three Mile Island) teaches how to REACH audiences; how to 'sort' your stakeholders and make sure you're addressing what they will listen to! Address them in *their( concerns, not the concerns belonging to a different stakeholder group -- or YOUR concerns! (I'm way 'over simplifying,' but truly, his stuff applies!)
You CANNOT get normies interested in whether it's an EUA or a govt contract. (Hell, we're just trying to get them interested in whether or not they should take another poison-shot!) They are not your audience! We are -- we care what steps were shorted, what evil was allowed. But slapping down a kindergarten teacher because she's not teaching calculus to toddlers does not serve us either!
I disagree with the approach of treating "normies" as imbeciles that need spoonfed information. That's how these people got into the category of normies to begin with. They were treated as imbeciles from birth by their family, educational system, media, and they seek this type of interaction instinctively. I don't dislike Dr. Tenpenny, but her primary objectives are to make money by having large audience relying on her words rather than teaching people "how to fish" for themselves. There are numerous "alternative celebrities" of this type.
That's why she goes into the territory she does not understand herself, it's ok for her since the goal is to keep the audience. That's my opinion. My approach is different. I do not make money from providing information to people, and I write my material in style that Dr. Tenpenny's audience is perfectly capable of understanding. That's why I am not concerned in capturing audience and I will any time defer to any expert in the field that I am not familiar with myself.
I am not suggesting they be treated as imbeciles; while recognizing many of them ARE -- think of the MOST average person you know. Now realize FIFTY PERCENT are BELOW that!
I'm suggesting that since the vast majority of people have *no interest whatsoever* in learning anything about medical details and specifics and studies and and and... that trying to reach them by offering medical details and specifics and studies will get us precisely nowhere! (And don't we all have boatloads of experience of that! Think of the useless attempts to get "normies" to STOP insisting on antibiotics for every viral infection!! They don't LEARN; they just go find another doctor who will write them the scrip!)
Trying to convince my sister or friends or neighbors to LISTEN by providing "a study showed...:" always got the answer, "I'm not going to read a study!" "No of COURSE you're not -- but I HAVE read them, so please please listen to me!" Gets nowhere. The answer is ALWAYS, "I listen to my doctor and do what he says." Or "I don't care. I'm getting the shot."
"Tenpenny's "primary objectives are to make money by having large audience relying on her words""
{sigh} And you know this because you've spoken to her about it?
Is not your primary objective to have a large audience relying on YOUR words? It's why we seek you out and read/watch you! Because we are interested in knowing the medical truth -- and you are providing the medical truth! You want a large audience because (I'm assuming) you (also) want to create a groundswell that will STOP the poisoning.
"rather than teaching people "how to fish" for themselves"
MOST people do not want to learn to 'fish for themselves' in medicine! Too complicated, too many big words, too much stuff to know, too intimidating, too much danger plus "I have good insurance"! It's why MOST people fall back on "I'll go with what my doctor says." You are starting from the premise that "if only" you can get them to LEARN what you want to teach them, then they will want to keep learning. I disagree with that (wholeheartedly, alas for the world!).
Don't know if you've ever taught school -- but LOTS of kids must be forced into classes, and forced to do home work, and forced to read; granted, there's damned little joy in actual learning offered to nearly all kids, and most of them NEVER read another book after they escape from school. It seems as if you are saying that trying to reach them *where they are* is just for money, and you will continue to try to reach them where they are not!
To you (and to some of us), it is important that the reason is not the EUA but the contract with the regulators. To the vast majority of people -- they don't give a damn either way! It means less than NOTHING to them! To me, as an example: I'm interested to read your correction, but I likely won't remember it, because it serves no purpose for me. This/your reader group is not the group I am trying to reach. I've got a classical musician sister, a retired lawyer sister with a novelist husband, and a corporate librarian cousin married to a lawyer. Not a G.D. ONE of them has any interest! They are all doubled and boosted! The musician hung up on me early 2020 when I was TRYING to get her to not take the shots; called me later, apologized, and added "anything-covid" to the list of things we do not talk about! (Her husband is the one who died horribly a few months ago after the booster.) The other sister and cousin ALSO both blocked my emails and said we will never discuss this. On what possible basis do you think that because they CAN understand what you offer, they would ever EVER listen to learn?
In 7th grade, my science teacher taught us a lesson I never forgot. (He was quite the realist. {wink}) He asked us to consider JUST how important we were to our parents.
('Why, we all KNEW we were VERY HUGELY important!')
Him: If you DIED today... do you think your parents would change what they eat for breakfast every morning? Would they change the path they drive to work every day?
Us: {blank stares} hmmm, never thought of that...
And most of the kids forgot it in an hour. It didn't MEAN anything to them. They were never going to think seriously about philosophical or existential stuff... (I thought it was clever and interesting and, being smarter than the average bear, I kept an eye on such concepts every since.)
Same thing with 'medical stuff' (or in this case, double whammy: medical CONTRACT stuff!). It will not EVER mean anything to them, and you trying to 'catch their interest' -- because they are CAPABLE of understanding -- has nothing to do with whether or not they will ever have ANY interest in understanding it. They mostly don't know that Thomas Renz is out with some other lawyers trying to get the law/courts to respond. They don't know about the vaxx-injured (never mentioned on the nightly news, doncha know!) and that there is no medical help offered almost everywhere. Even if they trip across a news story... they MIGHT go, "oh, good, someone is looking into that" and then go back to the game or the lies from MSM or whatever they like to do -- and never think of it again! NOT your audience. Small CHANCE they might be Tenpenny's audience...
(The normies will STILL never find your writings palatable. That they CAN understand in no way leads to, therefore they will WANT to understand! That's just eternal truth!)
Please consider, too: there nothing particularly 'honorable' about refusing to make money. I believe substack allows you to LET people contribute but still allows you to offer your stuff for free. Your audience -- the 'grad students' who rely on you for good solid education -- would quite likely be willing to support your work. NOT because you're asking, but because you're ALLOWING, and we find you worthwhile. Think about it: let US help you keep doing this, or just let us express our appreciation!
My objective is not to have audience. My objective is to put out reliable information on this topic, to the best of my knowledge and ability. If it helps just one person, I am happy. That's why I never use mainstream social media, I don't need the numbers. Those who refuse to learn and to seek the truth have doomed themselves, and there is nothing anyone can do, until they themselves decide to change their mind. I appreciate offers to monetize my work, but at this time I simply chose not to. That's just my approach to it. Again, I would like to clarify that I am not anti-Dr. Tenpenny, and I do not believe she is "controlled op", and she does valuable work.
This is an interesting but potentially volatile discussion. I note how divide and conquer may be working in this thread again. We all do our best in our own unique ways. My goal in writing this is to attempt to create a bridge that allows optimization of our resources towards a common goal, the creation of a better world. I hope to bring another factor into this conversation. At this stage it is a crude idea. Please feel free to constructively criticize and improve it. Perhaps the following is one way to resolve this conversation and join forces in ways that move towards real results and not take out frustrations by criticizing others in ways that support divide and conquer?
The enemy excels at divide and conquer. The numbers that follow assume a 99-1 distribution and are generalizations only. Our enemy generally uses the top 1% economically as its puppet control minions and pays them well for rubber stamping and carrying out its programs. The 1% are the main logistical power holders who implement the policies. It might be 3%, it might be 0.5%, the numbers are not as important as the concept which follows.
The enemy is adapt at creating what I will call 99-split for brevity. It splits the 99% so they are diverted into spending resources fighting each other. In this way, the enemy can abuse the 99% and prevent them from realizing that the 1% are their real root cause enemy. Examples of 99-split are: UKR vs RUS war, country vs country, religion vs religion, US left vs US right, jabbed vs un jabbed, etc. The enemy is constantly thinking up and providing 99-split programs, and, they work.
I discuss this concept whenever possible as shown by the following crude example. When at a grocery store lineup, it is put into a conversation with the clerk who is busy and has limited time, for example... How are you today? Good, and you? OK. Boy, the prices are sure going up fast? Yes, and we are having trouble with supply chains. Yes, since COVID hit all of use are suffering? Yes, that is true. Except the billionaires, generally they are doing better than ever? Yes, that is true. (I note that the clerk is showing obvious dislike of the billionaires from their body language and tone of their response.
The vast majority reveal that, despite normie or unjabbed, left or right, religion A or B, etc., they all know that their real root enemy is the 1%. No amount of brainwashing can divert the vast majority from realizing this. Before Occupy Wall Street there was much talk of a class war. Since Occupy, hardly anything. Try Googling CLASS WAR. You may find something from Warren Buffet, something on how Occupy rebranded the concept of a class war to something peaceful and ineffective, etc. Buffet's quote is still relatively easy to find. “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning." His class has escalated the war, paid its 1% well, and increased the suffering of the 99%.
Perhaps we do not need to wake up the 99%? Perhaps all we need to do is remind them of what they appear to have not forgotten, that the 1% are their real number one root cause enemy? Yes, this argument is incomplete and flawed, but, so far, my experience, and the experience of others shows it works.
Perhaps the enemy plans to split the 99% against each other and use them to destroy each other as it further escalates its class war? I will call this 99-split. Perhaps the reason it has not escalated its war against the 99% further and faster is that it fears that 99-split may organically erupt into 99-1, turning the 99% against the enemy's 1%, and thereby destroying it and its puppet infrastructure? Perhaps we can take this crude and flawed preliminary ideas, improve on them, and derive real courses of action that might generate significant positive results? Perhaps there is no need to wake anybody up, just remind most of what they already know and have perhaps not forgotten despite the efforts to divert and brainwash?
This is not well written and time is short, so I will send it as it is. I am an engineer, not a writer. If you have read to here, thank you. I am busy trying to figure out how to set up real dialogue about these kinds of ideas elsewhere. Any advice would be sincerely appreciated. Let's continue to dialogue and discover ways to work together?
I reject the notion that Dr. Tenpenny is making money of significance beyond her costs off of her internet presence. Let's not imply grifter. She is a working doctor, has been studying vaccines for decades, saving lives and preventing disability. I do think this is someone's misstatement that criteria for variance in the vials has anything to do with EUA. If she misstated herself, why not reach out and clarify? I am certain she would be gracious about that.
We must stop and prevent these verbal torch and pitchfork episodes on Substack. Let's save that for Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the substantial list of persons who were drivers of the intent to harm process as outlined in Sasha's presentations and articles. Stay focused and constructive.
All these countless documents and relationships among entities and contracts are so detailed, dense, and tedious it would be easy to confuse some details. Tenpenny is an informed and well-meaning presence in the resistance against vaccine harms. I think Sasha and her colleagues are doing amazing and breathtakingly courageous work, as are many others like Hedley Rees. I met the very dear Hedley on his Substack months ago when I realized his skills set was similar to that of the team in the pharma containment division my mom worked for as a technical editor, publisher, preparer of documents, manuals, test procedures, presentations, contract proposals and progress reports. The level of detail and precision required is excruciating, takes commitment and constant training, thus the need for technical writers of great competence to assist in that context to manage that tremendous burden. Mom would often have to pull teams of engineers together to reconcile some concerning discrepancies!
As I have been listening in on recent Twitter Spaces calls recently it is a wonderful relief to hear all manner of scientists, technicians, doctors, professionals in diverse fields, journalists, activists and concerned citizens communicate and hammer out disagreements, make clarifications, and deepen understanding. I would encourage Sasha and Hedley to schedule a Spaces with some time to circulate the notice, and invite many to be co-hosts (include Dr. Tenpenny and a savvy indy journalist or two to help with the flow and organization) while the rest of us listen or submit questions. Perhaps make this a regular round table. I would like to bring everyone's attention as well to another wonderful retired pharma executive who posts on Twitter @_aussie17, invite that person to the conversation in some way:
The patents also declare a very wide latitude concerning different 'embodiments', which would certainly help explain why so many different things are being found...
Also, the researchers are examining single drops out of the whole soluton in the vial at a time, right? So if everything isn't evenly dispersed throughout the whole solution, then that would also explain different findings. Not only is there variability between different vials, but there can be variability between different drops from the same vial
This is an important observation. I think generally there is a need for an attempt at more rigorous testing with some standard protocols so that results from different researchers can be better compared. A broad sampling of drops from single vials might be one place to start. Also, a means of controlling environmental contaminants from reaching the slides. Controlling for temperature and humidity, controlling for EMF exposure. Gathering as much provenance info as possible, including storage temps up until time of testing.
right, but lot numbers are still recorded in VAERS reports, at least until they start deleting these fields as they seem to have done with some of the myocarditis notes.
Great post and beautiful painting Sasha! Thank you. I have been following the fraud since day 1. You and Katherine Watt are the cutting edge of information for me. Walter Chestnut and J. Couey are doing a great job. Walter is honing in on the exact damage mechanism of the spike protein, which was obviously designed to do harm. We have a nasty combination of speed, greed and eugenics going on at the same time. Thanks for all you are doing to keep us informed. May God bless you and guide you in your work. Merry Christmas. Peace.
Thank you for posting. The mountains of clear evidence continue to grow. Evidence of layered, well planned, well financed, societal wide crimes against all life on the planet (with the possible exception of the 1%, who are somehow miraculously prospering while the rest suffer)? Again, I ask... What are the root causes of this situation? What are all the possible solutions? Where is real dialogue and discussion to analyze the entire situation, figure out how to really put an end to this, and create the best possible world? I guess it is up to those like me to figure out how to facilitate a situation to seek real answers to these questions? Any advice or insights would be sincerely appreciated. We have a planet that needs to be saved. We have an enemy adept at looking at every possible angle and making intricate connected well thought out plans that adapt to challenges as they arise. What do we do? Continue to collect evidence and work with rigged systems guaranteed to fail? Wait for somebody else to rescue us? Something else? What else?
Regarding what to do, the criminals are not going to bring themselves to justice. We as individuals have the obligation to 1)stop complying 2)tell the truth to everyone else
Thank you. I agree. But I am considering something a little different, as described in what follows. What I seek is dialogue with a range of diverse participants who will analyze the entire spectrum of possible descriptions of how the enemy operates, how its logistical communication and command chain networks function, and how its puppets function. Then analyze a full spectrum of possible solutions, perhaps concentrating on how to surgically eliminate its ability to operate by eliminating the power over others its puppets currently exert. In an effort to avoid violence, the entire spectrum of possible outcomes will be discussed openly. The discussion will remain lawful and peaceful. The NSA and others will be watching, and the cabal may try to insert agents and incite towards illegal activities, I.E. attempt to destroy the entire process. Some planning can help to ensure that the process works and is distributed to as wide an audience of good faith as possible while being adept at troll killing and identifying attempts to divert, incite, etc. As I see the growing tent cities of homeless victims where only a few short years ago upscale local organic food stores used to be, populated by victims who only a few short years ago had comfortable lives, I see the growing desperation, and wonder if the enemy plans for dividing and conquering them as it continues to make things worse. The violence appears ready to erupt organically unless peaceful solutions like I seek are discovered and worked upon. It appears that the enemy is adept at divide and conquer, using its 1% (maybe 0.5%, maybe 3%) puppet infrastructure to create something like 99-split, were it splits the 99% to fight each other through its 1%. This happens locally, regionally, nationally. The Ukraine - Russia war is one example. The US left versus right is another example. If somehow it became 99-1, where the 99% realize that their real enemies are the 1%, and peacefully eliminate the power over the 1% enjoy, perhaps our side might have a chance? This is only one of many possible solutions that are begging for dialogue. So far our side appears to have people offer these kinds of solutions but very little dialogue where the solutions themselves are creatively dialogued, constructively criticized, put through thought experiment tests, improved, and refined. This process of seeking the best solutions as a group is what I seek. I am not the best person to try to start this but, if required, I will start it myself. Advice would be sincerely appreciated. I realize you are busy and really appreciate what you do, so maybe it is up to others to do work like what I suggest?
Stop complying and telling the truth are JUST steps 1 & 2 that is far away from bringing the perpetrators and the complicit to justice and or removing them from the capacity to do more damage. Similar support to what Im saying here can be found in centuries of abuse, torture and pedo crimes by the Vatican/Jesuit superstructure and their many secret societies as well as our own corrupted banking and political class. Do I hear the echo of Mr Jeffereson's quote about a well known tree needing watering .
You & Katherine & others are doing a breathtakingly courageous work! I did my best to raise awareness of your work and was RT your articles and extracts and for the first time ever without warning I got permanent suspension from the FascistBird. I used #DeepStateCrimes. So your work IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. I pray for your wellbeing & safety! You are my Heroes. And Brook. And Keith and others! I pray your Courage find ways to take care of you and keep you and your families safe & joyous ❤
Dear Sally Merry Christmas to you and your family❤ And a very Happy New Year too!
PS. Thank you for the link and the time stamp. I listen to JC regularly. Learned a lot. I get frustrated listening to Australian doctors. Just because I do not have access to doctors that can treat me outside TGA Approved protocols. How do you feel about being treated by your GP in Australia in a hypothetical scenario of getting the latest Covid variant?
Thank you. I will study it. My career was in simulation and AI development engineering for SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems. I participated in several successful think tank developmental projects where we accomplished things that the leading world experts said were not possible. What I discovered was the power of collaborative effort with a diverse group of well meaning individuals. The best ideas often came from a wide spectrum of people. Make no mistake, our enemy is doing this, and doing it well, in its military and other think tanks, where it plans and adapts. We are relying on experts and the processes I have seen so far (I have not yet watched the video) are entirely different. I have searched but, so far, have seen no evidence of anything remotely similar on this massive internet being done by our side. Individual talented expert analysis and details are extremely important for understand the situation and keeping up with developments, but, we are currently lacking this kind of group collaborative effort. If I am wrong, please educate me. At this time I am hoping to do my best to start this. I think that it would be best if several started something like this in their own best ways and supported each other and collaborated. It is doubtful that any one approach will work. So far, legal attempts from some very talented expert teams have failed spectacularly. Our enemy has many advantages, including control and monitoring over the internet. This needs to be done carefully. Perhaps one of the most important things is to preface any such attempts as follows... The full spectrum analysis of all possible options includes non legal and violent options in an attempt to fully discuss and understand what is involved so they can be avoided when things get worse. The NSA and others will be watching. This will not be easy. But it is a moral imperative. The planet depends upon it. Now to watch the video you suggest. Thank you again for sharing it.
The "enemy" is Satan. He has been given but a little time to give it his best shot to take souls to hell with him. As you know, he has already been defeated at the Cross. The reason this is happening is to separate the goats from the sheep. Or the wheat from the tares if you will. Jesus know the end from the beginning. The Alpha and Omega. This whole scenario prophesied 2,000 years ago. II Corinthians 6:16-17 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell IN them, and walk IN them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Rev 18:23 ........for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by they SORCERIES (in the Greek sorceries is from the same word as PHARMAKEIA) were ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. Does this sound familiar? All those that work in the service of Satan are responsible for this evil upon the earth. And every single person on the planet will need to decide if the are FOR GOD (Jesus Christ) or AGAINST GOD. If you are not for him, you are against him.
In Ontario, the shots were offered at small pharmacies inside supermarkets. These locations got a limited number of doses and had short hours for getting the shot, one or two days a week, by appointment. They would always have saline for dilution of course but would get their few multi-dose vials, Moderna and Pfizer, delivered for the day's appointments only. Despite my pleadings, my healthy adult son who didn't need shots to continue working from home, and had no travel plans, no gym membership, nada reason, went to the supermarket near us and got his primary series, 3 weeks apart. He had no sign at all of immune stimulation from each shot, no pain or redness at injection site, nothing. And he got Covid anyway of course. So I became suspicious that perhaps the lone shot administrator at that pharmacy might have been giving saline. I wonder how often this happens, how many like-minded pharmacy techs are carefully, quietly doing the same, like that nurse in Germany who lost her license but didn't go to jail for choosing not to harm people?
A respected geopolitics commentator that I listen to frequently reminded his audience of the common practice in Africa for injectors to go through the motions and squirt the substance down the back of the person to be injected, they receive the card and go. This has been going on wide scale since early Bill Gates days of experimentation and sterilization with vaccines. It may be a large enough effect size to explain why they are doing so well despite claims of vaccination rates of any meaningful size.
It is also noteworthy that many celebrities or otherwise well-known figures have died suddenly / unexpectedly more than a whole year (!) after their "vaccination" series. Those who succumb to the effects within hours or just days of inoculation are perhaps dying of something akin to anaphylaxis. It's just odd that others are suddenly developing fatal blood clots or cardiac arrhythmia / myocarditis as late as 450 days post-jab. Getting jabbed and boosted really is very much like "Russian roulette"!
THEY have always been in control...can y'all say, 'anti-Christ'? & it seems that Rus is the only bulwark of salvation. [FYI-as a ukie kid, was indoctrinated in home&school to despise russia...who knew ? mea culpa]
[xxxx] is ready to begin enrollment for participants in the COVID-19 vaccine study and as a xxxx employee, you have first priority to become a participant. If you would like to be considered to participate in this COVID-19 vaccine study, please complete this survey, which will help us rapidly enroll people when the vaccine arrives.
The study lasts for 26 months. Participants will receive a $1,150 stipend for completing all eight visits over that period. There is no charge for the visits or lab costs. Injections will be given in the upper arm on Day 1 and Day 21. Patients will be randomly assigned to the study vaccine or placebo. Two of every three participants will receive the vaccine, while one of every three will receive the placebo – all of this randomly assigned.
Please click on the link below to take the survey:
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This Electronic Mail (e-mail) contains confidential and privileged information intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is sent. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or telephone.
So this is an employer that runs the clinical trial sending letters to employees to get enrolled in a trial??? That's actually against the law as far as I know.
I was in one in the 80’s for Wellcome as a volunteer as I worked for the company.Left in83 as I saw lots of babies die after pertussis vaccine.It was not investigated then at all.Just hushed up.Although a Swansea GP did publish a study that showed there were problems.
What were they doing giving tetanus vaccine to babies anyway I used to think?
These vaccines have always been dodgy.I was shocked when I saw the scant evidence for cholera and typhoid vaccines from the 1920’s.Wellcome seemed ethical but had dark heart then.
The findings explain why they murdered Kennedy. The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) had already started operating like a Mafia that it is today, and was exposed.
JFK - 1963 : Unveiled a Global Ruthless Conspiracy - Enslave the entire planet!
Just finished the article. This was phenomenal work, Sasha. Immense gratitude to you for writing it.
God bless!
Well said. It is truly fascinating Sasha!
Thank you Sasha for your doggedness, diligence and the clarity that you provide.
Is there a better way to turn ppl against one another? For vials with nothing leads one group to think 'conspiracy theorists', nothing happened to us. While many more vials are bombs just waiting to explode when an innocent, fearmongered person gets the jab to save their job. Then it kills or maims them. Unconscionable that a person, company, government, pharma or doctor would be part of this sordid culling scheme. I can not believe what has happened or is happening to America. We have been infiltrated by diseased degenerates.
Can you tell me about 1986? First time I've heard that
That was when Reagan signed a law making Pharma Vaccines Liability Free. That's when they ramped up the children's vaccine schedule. Each and every one dangerous and unnecessary!! No crime, no punishment!!
I had a contract for a corporate system analysis with the Wellcome foundation in 1985. I had to move through their labs at one stage, fully suited, and they explained that they were working on a treatment for HIV/AIDS and were bioengineering a therapy. I thought no more of it.
In the hotel that evening, I got into conversation with a biochemist who worked for Shell. I told him about my experience at Wellcome and he confirmed that genetic engineering of 'bugs', as he put it, was common place at Shell. He further said that he had worked on bugs to 'eat oil' after the Torrey Canyon disaster:
What the BBC doesn't say is that the final solution was their genetically engineered bugs to eat the oil spills which the HMG directed Shell to solve in 1967/8.
"There were two main events that took place prior to the creation of recombinant DNA (rDNA), and the other prominent discoveries of the 1960s that put genome engineering on its path to revolutionize biology. The discoveries of the 1950s in the field of genetics paved the way for future study of genetics, biotech, and all things DNA-related. "
These stories, no matter how limited in scope, need to be shared, processed, archived for revisiting, and to continue to build the big picture.
I have a treasurer trove of them and 20Gb of library files as I am sure many others have too. My colleague keeps a daily record:
Thank you. Maybe also expand as some sort COVID pedia for other's stories as a searchable repository? Substack will be far more valuable too if it can provide a place for citations and references, documents as attachments, and searchability for that and for posts.
Even back before 2021 when random poisons were produced, I thought, 'they' could put anything in those vials, and cringed when I would see folks lining up for their lucky or not injections. The trust people had, once, and still, is so very ill advised as to be childlike. I guess that's where we are, a nation of many adult children, at this point.
THANK YOU, Sasha Latypova, for this extraordinarily good breakdown of what is known to date about the contents of these deadly jabs.
To all readers: PLEASE copy and paste the link to Sasha's article so that more people can be properly informed.
If there is one single substack writer you should all be subscribed to, it is to this one.
Brilliant work here.
And your art work is truly phenomenal! I was convinced I'd overlooked one of the great masters of art. These should be on display in a museum.
Yes, excellent- much of that was known but it is more in depth in the production details.
The vaccine industry had already been known to have heavy metal contaminants and other issues with the lack of liability allowing it.
I already copied to my colleagues in Brisbane:
Australia and Japan are testing lots. Looking, but I've seen a page where the TGA in Australia issues a pass/fail based on a test of each lot/batch produced. Not sure the testing methods or how vigorous. Also, a Japanese researcher put out an angry message that the Japanese authority tests each lot, knows the variance in each, but is not reporting publicly and has legal restrictions against private testing of the vials.
From a previous comment i made on Twitter vid (in Japanese) for researcher Takayuki Miyazawa, Kyoto University virologist / researcher, "Japan researcher confirms lot inconsistencies catalogued by the government, but kept from the public. This dropped a couple of weeks ago (mid November). Kyoto University researcher / professor, Takayuki Miyazawa, virologist with 300+ publications, veterinary degrees from Tokyo University. Two years at the University of London. Here he's talking, in Japanese, about wanting to test the vaccines but being prevented by the Pharma confidentiality contracts, rumor being they would be arrested for the attempt, a problem as mass producing these vaccines consistently is technically impossible according to him. He then had a meeting with a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. In the conversation he wanted to find out about their testing / testing methods expecting there to be as much as a 10x difference in 'performance' between lots. To which the ministry official said it's not that much. So you have the data? Yes. Well show it to me. Can't, because of confidentiality (the contracts). He did some research and any reference to this data is blacked out. To wit, and the reason he's pissed, the Ministry has been testing, and confirmed they have the data on which lots 'are and are not dangerous'. They've had the data. And shared it with no one. "
It's true that it's not possible to produce mRNA or DNA products to cGMP standards. This is one of primary reasons they always failed in development, despite 30+ years of attempts and $billions invested. And its not 10x difference between lots, it can be easily 100x,and probably 1000x vial to vial. The independent testing of vials is prohibited by the international contracts. In the US the vials are property of the DOD until they get injected into a person.
Should add, not being critical of Dr. Cole. Just curious how he was able to test the vials in hopes more can privately test.
yes, anyone can privately test for purposes of identifying fraud. The DOD hasn't gone after anyone because they will lose. Anyone testing vials is protected as whistleblower.
Thanks Sasha, on this and many times over. Curious on that last point as regards to Ryan Cole's testing of vaccine contents on a recent episode of the Highwire with Del. This episode section has them testing starting at around 27 minutes in.
My friend Ana wrote an excellent response to this:
Now I'm glad I brought up Dr. Cole's interview. This puts a very different light on it, all the more that you (Sasha) is putting it forward for reference. Back to the drawing board and more reading required. Thank you again Sasha!
I'm not sure that Ryan Cole got the vaxx vials. I thought Del Bigtree got them. I sent a message to BIgtree through his website to ask how he was able to secure the vials without getting into trouble with the DOD. No answer yet.
While DOD prohibits testing, anyone who obtains vials and tests them for the purposes of identifying fraud is protected under whistleblower status. That's why the government hasn't gone after anyone on this. They know they will lose bigly.
Thank you!
Says here at 27 minutes 'Dr. Ryan Cole was able to secure' the vaccines. If you find out, please update us. Thanks!
Yes. You're right. I missed that. Regardless, the question remains. How did Ryan Cole secure vials of the C19 "vaccines", analyze them in his lab in Idaho, and not get a visit from the DOD? I believe he was recently in Europe, so it is possible he got the Pfizer and Moderna vials there. It doesn't explain the J&J, though. Is it possible that Bigtree doesn't understand the DOD role? Unlikely, imo.
Bigtree is a gleaming head from Hollyweird, but I like Ryan Cole. I'm sure he knows the rules and the risks. I agree with Sasha. It was a very unprofessional interview (there have been many), but I definitely felt the viewers were being pushed to believe certain things and not believe others. It left me unsettled. While I agree with their assessment that the jabs are bad enough without all the scary stories of graphene oxide and self-assembling circuits, I'm not convinced.
For example, it should be easy enough to verify that the crystals that look like are chips are, in fact, cholesterol and/or salt crystals.
If they got these vials from an "official" source, it's possible they have been doctored. I was shocked by the blood experiments. One was hypertonic. One was hypotonic. If this was a common occurrence, wouldn't more people have dropped within minutes. Very strange.
I did get a preliminary response several hours later. They're looking into it. LOL.
Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward.
Kari Black
?? again, if you find anything, do reply back and I'll do likewise. I'm quite curious.
It seems Australia was testing but the TGA chose to ignore contaminated batches
We see the insidious intent of blindfolding us built into the Pfizer et al contracts. Look also at what's happening to the entire country of Israel.
I read this with great interest. Your analysis of the available information is vitally important. There are so many varying claims about what is in the vials, often based on sampling from a very small pool of vials, leading to wide generalized claims about ‘what is in the shots’.
But as you point out, all of it is so rife with mismanagement and sloppy disregard for standard quality controls and manufacturing processes, it’s nearly impossible to make generalized conclusions. Except to say that this is a complete mess.
One question I wanted to ask was whether or not the findings of the studies that have found oddities and contaminants (pictured in the photos you shared) have been mapped against the ‘hot lots’. It would be interesting to know, for example, if the vials that Steve Kirsch reported on were from the large batch, late-roll-out period, or earlier. Similarly, interested to know what lots Dr. Nixon and others are looking at.
As a general observation, I was also curious to see how the AE distribution with lot size mapped against time and jab uptake—is that data available?
I can’t help thinking formulation of the vial contents may have changed over time (intentionally), given such lax inspection, scrutiny, and transparency.
Thank you so much for your work!
Mapping to hot lots is almost impossible to do because the lot info is available largely for US distributed vials (doesn't mean all the components were made in the US), while vial testing has gone almost entirely overseas, many in the countries that did not report to VAERS. I found that 3 lots that contained mRNA and DNA contamination has some significant rate of adverse events (although not the largest, but these were from Europe, so hard to tell), and in one case when no mRNA was found the lots had practically no adverse events (these were from Canada).
Thanks for looking. I suppose that would also mean likely not connected to Yellow Card or other passive reporting? So little data—sleuthing blindfolded. Seems like some sort of standardized US research effort would be useful to analyze against VAERS.
I watched an interview with Dr. Jane Ruby and Dr. Tenpenny.
Dr. Tenpenny said that as long as the jabs are under EUA, the company can tweak the production line up to 49% of ingredients.
So, it looks as if the manufacturing is a work in progress...the newer batches/lots may not have the same ingredients as the older batches.
Dr. Tenpenny is incorrect. She does not understand these issues. It is not because of the EUA. The "acceptance criteria" set by Pfizer for themselves, and agreed to by regulators is that the %mRNA integrity can be as low as 50% in a batch (bulk product). This is for the "approved" product, not EUA. Dr. Tenpenny is a celebrity making $$ on the internet, who has little practical knowledge if these issues. Edited: I do not dislike Dr. Tenpenny, and I do not believe she is a "controlled op", and I think she does a lot of useful work and education. Simply pointing that the specific statement was incorrect.
This is an incredibly meaningful comment. Perhaps it illuminates how the enemy likes to set up and play all sides. The enemy has proven itself adept at setting up the controlled opposition so that it guarantees the opposition will fail. One curious and perhaps related fact is that there appears to be no open group think dialogues where wide spectrum solutions are developed, improved, constructively critiqued, shared, and implemented. Our side relies on people who propose their own solution, and then too often the people with the different solutions spend time fighting each other rather than working together to pool resources and discover the best solution. But the enemy functions differently. It has think tanks where it develops, critiques, refines, and then monitors its programs, being agile and able to adapt. Further, it predicts and simulates all possible outcomes. This is much like how the SCADA AI optimization and predictive simulations and models I worked on function. It is very powerful. The last thing our enemy wants is for us to do anything like have groups working on this to derive the best possible solutions. I hope we can start doing that before it is too late. No matter how well meaning a solution or how smart the author, a single person doing this by themselves can never match the power of a group of diverse well meaning participants. This is not something to jump into. The enemy controls and monitors the internet. I am doing my best, so far alone, to try to figure out how to try this. Is anybody else on our side doing anything remotely like this? I have looked, but, cannot find one instance. If you know of one instance where there is a group of 3 or more individuals working together as well meaning equals to actively derive the best possible solutions to the growing global problems the world faces in this kind of way, please share.
You make a really valuable point. And you’ve expressed basically what I was thinking yet couldn’t fully articulate. Overall, I see so many splinters on our side - no cohesion or striving for a common message while our enemies have completely subordinated themselves to a common goal. This laser-focus is what makes them powerful & effective. Their reaching their goals while we’re all bickering & many are grifting.
Thank you for your reply. Merry Christmas. This is a complex topic that is probably best handled by a well meaning diverse group of people who are really interested in working together as equals to discover the root causes of all these issues and investigate the entire range of possible solutions with the goal to avoid the illegal and violent acts of desperation that might erupt if things continue to get worse for more people. The group would explore all options but never do anything illegal or plan or incite violence. The enemy will probably infiltrate and attempt to entrap. It controls the internet. In person would be best but maybe the internet is all we have? Substack appears to be a superior platform to many others? Should some of us each start our own Substack and support each other but each do our best or should we start out with one Substack? Should we consider other platforms? The enemy has the money to pay people to collaborate, sell out, grift, infiltrate, and/or lead controlled opposition groups which are set up to fail. The enemy likes to control all sides and, if we are successful, will reach into its bag of tricks to try to control us too. It controls and monitors the internet. This problem is too vast and too important for any one person to possibly handle alone, I believe we need to collaborate and start sharing ideas as soon as possible. Please share your ideas. Right now there are so many possibilities and questions. Thanks again.
EXCELLENT COMMENT its very clear to me most of the world does not understand controlled opposition and how nearly omnipresent it is being used by the enemies of mankind. Nothing connected to or coming from the Vatican/Jesuit Illuminati superstructure and ALL their agents can be trusted.
I think many of us have had similar thoughts but the problem is building the initial momentum. I could like with you and we would be a group of two and perhaps reach out to the other few people who have replied to your comment. But then what happens apart from us becoming our own private echo chamber? I don't have the skills or resources to do anything, especially where I am currently located. Perhaps I am one of the second or third tier individuals who can jump on when enough first tier people have found a way to get things off the ground. If, on the other hand, anyone can suggest a way I could contribute to get this up and running please someone let me know. I actually feel strongly about this and think it could be a lifetime battle. I have often wondered whether I might even devote the rest of my life to such a cause.
Here are my suggestions , first ALWAYS is preparedness to weather the storms now upon us, then group up, and team build, and reach out to all THE LIKE MINDED, you can reach in all possible ways . Educate yourself well on all the issues , and share with any willing to seriously listen. Become very aware of all natural remedies and treatments and share this info . Leave the cities if you can and team up on rural land with water and ability to grow food . Reach out to all those with children WE MUST PROTECT THEM or there is no future . Share the top level info like you find here on Dr Ana M. substack and people like K . Kingston and others. BE VERY AWARE of controlled opposition , like DJT , and DeSantis and anyone connected to the vast Vatican/Jesuit/Iluminati superstructure . Practice complete noncompliance. This battle is and will be for the rest of ALL of our lives because if we are not successful , we will not be alive.
Thank you. This is sincerely appreciated. There is room for reflection, adaptation, and self improvement.
Excellent. My goal might be too ambitious. I seek a full analysis or all reasonably viable root cause explanations of the issues the world faces and all possible solutions from as diverse a group with as many different perspectives and world views as possible. Then maybe something like Baysean Decision Tree Analysis to determine the best ones, perhaps presenting a range of results in a grid that anybody can understand. The enemy does this all the time in its think tanks. Perhaps we can even simulate and compare the ranges of results the different strategies offer? My engineering experience doing this has shown that it is vastly superior to following any one leader, innovator, or expert most of the time no matter how intelligent that leader might be. Right now I am stumbling around trying to figure out how to do this and welcome your perspective and constructive criticisms. It is time. Time is short, but some planning and discussion now should help in improving how this launches. I realize that this is probably overly ambitious but offer it anyhow. Thanks for you comments.
Thank you for that clarification. Dr. Tenpenny is actively trying to inform people about the breadth of mechanisms of injury from the shots, a tireless educator, and someone who has put her money on the line for a pioneering new therapy for heart health. Bottom line, nobody knows everything, and we need to, as readers here said, stitch together the big picture from people who are diligently hunting for truth.
I think searching for controlled opposition can predispose judgment, a hammer looking for a nail. People who are sifting for truth now have plenty of material to work with, and the patterns soon reveal who has a depth of insight to share, and who is simply enjoying the spotlight or shoveling B.S. I don't think Malone is C.O., he has put his life on hold to awaken the masses, but he says relatively little with so many words. Your work, Sasha, on the other hand is dense with insights. I look forward to reading more of your pieces.
I agree. The enemy has set in place systems that stoke divide and conquer in multiple ways. Sorry about being long winded. The last thing I want to do is keep you from your important work. I will try to take the kinds of things I wrote about elsewhere and not divert attention from the important things you are doing here. Your writings and comment trails are an important source of information and provide layered learning opportunities. I sincerely thank you.
I understand , its good to be careful on what we say and how, many may misunderstand . At the same time controlled opposition is EVERYWHERE , and its take knowledge , experience and discernment to sort if all out .
We are currently enjoying a relative respite from the cabal infiltrators, clowns, AI bots, trolls, and similar things that pollute comments in platforms like Bitchute. As the readership here grows, it is likely they will show up here in increasing numbers. And, yes, the controlled opposition is everywhere. The enemy set this whole thing up, making it easy for it to anticipate what opposition groups might form, and then start those groups with people it selected. I won't talk about specifics, because we cannot really know what might be going on in any particular situation, and it is mostly a waste of time to single out any one, for they all have their followers who adore them. This is a common enemy tactic, they do it with their corporations, police state useful idiots, and, now, in the massive controlled opposition movement. They like to create rock stars who just push the same stories around while never inviting dialogue or exploring the wide array of root causes and potential solutions. There is even a controlled opposition private club, and we ain't in it. Try contacting one of them? It is a joke. The rare places like this Substack are refreshingly different and I am enjoying it while it lasts.
Thank you Sasha for being factual regarding Tenpenny. It is shameful and sad how many people are using this c19 debacle as a grift. People like you, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, David Nixon, etc.., are heroes and Warriors for Truth, but sadly there are the Tenpenny types as well as the controlled opposition spooks like Malone, who muddy these already murky waters with their absolute bullshit. Heartfelt THANKS to you for keeping it real. People like you give us hope while working diligently to find answers and hold the balance for our survival as a human race. Blessings to you from Detroit!
See her recent interview by Jane Ruby. The two alternately outdo each other's mentionable lack of truly appropriate skill and knowledge, in my sense of their presentations.
Ruby, in fact, is mighty consumed with an unappealing and losing form of resentment. I say, then, "Try harder to let naturally competing and qualified others be themselves, Jane. It's more becoming -- and may even earn you more of those critical invites to seminars and panel discussions you so much covet."
Saw video and I don’t agree with ur assessment. Dr. Ruby is no more perfect than Peter McCullough who has yet to consider the synthetic snake venom peptide hypotheses proposed by Dr. Ardis as well as Dr. Braun. (Unbelievable that Dr. McCullough says he has NO TIME to read the profuse scientific literature/studies which expose the use of synthetic venom peptides in vaccines & medicines! This is a hubris blind-spot on his part or it suggests he’s compromised. His myopic view is doing a great DIS-service to Humanity despite all the praise he gets. Any time someone in the medical field or in government turns a “blind eye” 👁️ to available information or the law then they’re not working for the Truth. If Dr. Henry Ealy was eventually convinced about the venom aspect of the vaccines by reading the studies given to him by Dr. Ardis then wouldn’t it be equally so for Dr. McCullough & Dr. Ryan Cole, AND Dr. Robert Malone? In fact, Malone refuses to answer any questions about snake venom peptides. Why? Did he sign a non-disclosure agreement with the CIA & military contractors (his former employers)? There should be no holding back on anyone’s part in this war that is being raged against Mankind & the Human genome. Even Sasha admitted on Dr. Ruby’s show several months ago, based on the graphs/statistics of another colleague she was not in full agreement with (believe he was from Canada), that his graphs/statistical info. showed a worldwide envenomation as numerous countries showed a inordinate increase in infection all at the same time. I believe she proposed that there was no way this could occur unless it had been co-coordinated poisoning. It was an impressive interview. If you should read this comment, Sasha, can you respond by posting a link to that interview for the benefit of your readers unless you’ve changed your assessment or have any new insights to offer. (Sasha, love 💕 ur dedication to the Truth. Thank you for all your hard work on the frontlines. And I’m very impressed by your artistic skill. Novel approach in combining hard science with beautiful art.). As I’ve said before, either here or another Substack, all theories should be on the table as 50% of the ingredients of the shots remain unknown under the EUA. For any person, professional, or doctor to say that such and such is not possible then they are the blind leading the blind. Even attorneys like Reiner Fulmich have shown prejudice (foolish or calculated?) against nanotechnology and the possibility that nano-chips & nano-wires may exist in the vaccines. It’s not like there aren’t voluminous patents affirming nanotechnology in the vaccines. Again, how idiotic or blind can Fulmich be? So many professionals doing more harm than good as they outwardly discredit views, opinions, or theories that don’t align with theirs. My God, people are dying in hordes & yet most professionals are bickering over who is top-dog right? Despicable!
Thank you for your perspectives. You bring up several things I had not considered before. All this divide and conquer fighting by our side may be diverting resources and discussions of real solutions? We recognize that controlled opposition exists in multiple forms. Thank you for the learning opportunities. I am going to devote some time to trying to understand the associated information and adjusting my behavior based on the learning opportunities. You may want to explore the various threads in this post. I find more useful information and perspectives from a wide range of people on these comments than anywhere else I have visited on this internet for at least a decade.
Well stated. I could have been -- and should have been -- kinder to Jane. Maybe I was disappointed in her, and wryly so. I'll "try harder" next time.
In the meantime, Dr Tenpenny's view of the EAU issue remains flatly inaccurate, in case it's wholly true information we're all concerned with.
Once again, good job speaking up as you see it.
Thank you for the clarification.
"Agreed to by the regulators" -- those would be the folks who APPROVED the EUA? (One assumes without requiring quality standards...)
Before you describe Tenpenny as a grifter, perhaps realize that HER audience is vastly different from your audience... she's trying to get 'normies' to see something is wrong. She's trying to reach metaphorical "kindergartners" and teach them how to count to ten -- and to not take injected candy from strangers! (I hope you follow the metaphor: "candy from strangers" is a decades-old American warning....)
Your audience is much more educated and intelligent people who can (and *wish to*) follow medical science to some degree or other! Your "folks" are at least metaphorical "college students or even graduate students!" (And we all know lots of smart folks who have no interest whatsoever in learning anything about whether to take the next shot!)
To us (I include myself in the educated ones) it (possibly) matters if the murderous 'flaws' and contaminations are allowed by the EUA or the purchase contracts. To her audience -- sheesh! If we could just get them to recognize the damned stuff is poison and to QUIT lining up to take it!
Is it or is it not true that the companies can (and/or do) tweak production and ingredients under the EUA WITHOUT having to tell the regulators? How important is it for the 'regular folks on the street' to know the difference between EUA or company criteria accepted by regulators? The important part: will telling them this HELP US stop them from taking more poison!?
Let me recommend Dr. Peter Sandman's "risk communication" website www, His field (he pretty much invented it back at Three Mile Island) teaches how to REACH audiences; how to 'sort' your stakeholders and make sure you're addressing what they will listen to! Address them in *their( concerns, not the concerns belonging to a different stakeholder group -- or YOUR concerns! (I'm way 'over simplifying,' but truly, his stuff applies!)
You CANNOT get normies interested in whether it's an EUA or a govt contract. (Hell, we're just trying to get them interested in whether or not they should take another poison-shot!) They are not your audience! We are -- we care what steps were shorted, what evil was allowed. But slapping down a kindergarten teacher because she's not teaching calculus to toddlers does not serve us either!
I disagree with the approach of treating "normies" as imbeciles that need spoonfed information. That's how these people got into the category of normies to begin with. They were treated as imbeciles from birth by their family, educational system, media, and they seek this type of interaction instinctively. I don't dislike Dr. Tenpenny, but her primary objectives are to make money by having large audience relying on her words rather than teaching people "how to fish" for themselves. There are numerous "alternative celebrities" of this type.
That's why she goes into the territory she does not understand herself, it's ok for her since the goal is to keep the audience. That's my opinion. My approach is different. I do not make money from providing information to people, and I write my material in style that Dr. Tenpenny's audience is perfectly capable of understanding. That's why I am not concerned in capturing audience and I will any time defer to any expert in the field that I am not familiar with myself.
I am not suggesting they be treated as imbeciles; while recognizing many of them ARE -- think of the MOST average person you know. Now realize FIFTY PERCENT are BELOW that!
I'm suggesting that since the vast majority of people have *no interest whatsoever* in learning anything about medical details and specifics and studies and and and... that trying to reach them by offering medical details and specifics and studies will get us precisely nowhere! (And don't we all have boatloads of experience of that! Think of the useless attempts to get "normies" to STOP insisting on antibiotics for every viral infection!! They don't LEARN; they just go find another doctor who will write them the scrip!)
Trying to convince my sister or friends or neighbors to LISTEN by providing "a study showed...:" always got the answer, "I'm not going to read a study!" "No of COURSE you're not -- but I HAVE read them, so please please listen to me!" Gets nowhere. The answer is ALWAYS, "I listen to my doctor and do what he says." Or "I don't care. I'm getting the shot."
"Tenpenny's "primary objectives are to make money by having large audience relying on her words""
{sigh} And you know this because you've spoken to her about it?
Is not your primary objective to have a large audience relying on YOUR words? It's why we seek you out and read/watch you! Because we are interested in knowing the medical truth -- and you are providing the medical truth! You want a large audience because (I'm assuming) you (also) want to create a groundswell that will STOP the poisoning.
"rather than teaching people "how to fish" for themselves"
MOST people do not want to learn to 'fish for themselves' in medicine! Too complicated, too many big words, too much stuff to know, too intimidating, too much danger plus "I have good insurance"! It's why MOST people fall back on "I'll go with what my doctor says." You are starting from the premise that "if only" you can get them to LEARN what you want to teach them, then they will want to keep learning. I disagree with that (wholeheartedly, alas for the world!).
Don't know if you've ever taught school -- but LOTS of kids must be forced into classes, and forced to do home work, and forced to read; granted, there's damned little joy in actual learning offered to nearly all kids, and most of them NEVER read another book after they escape from school. It seems as if you are saying that trying to reach them *where they are* is just for money, and you will continue to try to reach them where they are not!
To you (and to some of us), it is important that the reason is not the EUA but the contract with the regulators. To the vast majority of people -- they don't give a damn either way! It means less than NOTHING to them! To me, as an example: I'm interested to read your correction, but I likely won't remember it, because it serves no purpose for me. This/your reader group is not the group I am trying to reach. I've got a classical musician sister, a retired lawyer sister with a novelist husband, and a corporate librarian cousin married to a lawyer. Not a G.D. ONE of them has any interest! They are all doubled and boosted! The musician hung up on me early 2020 when I was TRYING to get her to not take the shots; called me later, apologized, and added "anything-covid" to the list of things we do not talk about! (Her husband is the one who died horribly a few months ago after the booster.) The other sister and cousin ALSO both blocked my emails and said we will never discuss this. On what possible basis do you think that because they CAN understand what you offer, they would ever EVER listen to learn?
In 7th grade, my science teacher taught us a lesson I never forgot. (He was quite the realist. {wink}) He asked us to consider JUST how important we were to our parents.
('Why, we all KNEW we were VERY HUGELY important!')
Him: If you DIED today... do you think your parents would change what they eat for breakfast every morning? Would they change the path they drive to work every day?
Us: {blank stares} hmmm, never thought of that...
And most of the kids forgot it in an hour. It didn't MEAN anything to them. They were never going to think seriously about philosophical or existential stuff... (I thought it was clever and interesting and, being smarter than the average bear, I kept an eye on such concepts every since.)
Same thing with 'medical stuff' (or in this case, double whammy: medical CONTRACT stuff!). It will not EVER mean anything to them, and you trying to 'catch their interest' -- because they are CAPABLE of understanding -- has nothing to do with whether or not they will ever have ANY interest in understanding it. They mostly don't know that Thomas Renz is out with some other lawyers trying to get the law/courts to respond. They don't know about the vaxx-injured (never mentioned on the nightly news, doncha know!) and that there is no medical help offered almost everywhere. Even if they trip across a news story... they MIGHT go, "oh, good, someone is looking into that" and then go back to the game or the lies from MSM or whatever they like to do -- and never think of it again! NOT your audience. Small CHANCE they might be Tenpenny's audience...
(The normies will STILL never find your writings palatable. That they CAN understand in no way leads to, therefore they will WANT to understand! That's just eternal truth!)
Please consider, too: there nothing particularly 'honorable' about refusing to make money. I believe substack allows you to LET people contribute but still allows you to offer your stuff for free. Your audience -- the 'grad students' who rely on you for good solid education -- would quite likely be willing to support your work. NOT because you're asking, but because you're ALLOWING, and we find you worthwhile. Think about it: let US help you keep doing this, or just let us express our appreciation!
My objective is not to have audience. My objective is to put out reliable information on this topic, to the best of my knowledge and ability. If it helps just one person, I am happy. That's why I never use mainstream social media, I don't need the numbers. Those who refuse to learn and to seek the truth have doomed themselves, and there is nothing anyone can do, until they themselves decide to change their mind. I appreciate offers to monetize my work, but at this time I simply chose not to. That's just my approach to it. Again, I would like to clarify that I am not anti-Dr. Tenpenny, and I do not believe she is "controlled op", and she does valuable work.
This is an interesting but potentially volatile discussion. I note how divide and conquer may be working in this thread again. We all do our best in our own unique ways. My goal in writing this is to attempt to create a bridge that allows optimization of our resources towards a common goal, the creation of a better world. I hope to bring another factor into this conversation. At this stage it is a crude idea. Please feel free to constructively criticize and improve it. Perhaps the following is one way to resolve this conversation and join forces in ways that move towards real results and not take out frustrations by criticizing others in ways that support divide and conquer?
The enemy excels at divide and conquer. The numbers that follow assume a 99-1 distribution and are generalizations only. Our enemy generally uses the top 1% economically as its puppet control minions and pays them well for rubber stamping and carrying out its programs. The 1% are the main logistical power holders who implement the policies. It might be 3%, it might be 0.5%, the numbers are not as important as the concept which follows.
The enemy is adapt at creating what I will call 99-split for brevity. It splits the 99% so they are diverted into spending resources fighting each other. In this way, the enemy can abuse the 99% and prevent them from realizing that the 1% are their real root cause enemy. Examples of 99-split are: UKR vs RUS war, country vs country, religion vs religion, US left vs US right, jabbed vs un jabbed, etc. The enemy is constantly thinking up and providing 99-split programs, and, they work.
I discuss this concept whenever possible as shown by the following crude example. When at a grocery store lineup, it is put into a conversation with the clerk who is busy and has limited time, for example... How are you today? Good, and you? OK. Boy, the prices are sure going up fast? Yes, and we are having trouble with supply chains. Yes, since COVID hit all of use are suffering? Yes, that is true. Except the billionaires, generally they are doing better than ever? Yes, that is true. (I note that the clerk is showing obvious dislike of the billionaires from their body language and tone of their response.
The vast majority reveal that, despite normie or unjabbed, left or right, religion A or B, etc., they all know that their real root enemy is the 1%. No amount of brainwashing can divert the vast majority from realizing this. Before Occupy Wall Street there was much talk of a class war. Since Occupy, hardly anything. Try Googling CLASS WAR. You may find something from Warren Buffet, something on how Occupy rebranded the concept of a class war to something peaceful and ineffective, etc. Buffet's quote is still relatively easy to find. “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning." His class has escalated the war, paid its 1% well, and increased the suffering of the 99%.
Perhaps we do not need to wake up the 99%? Perhaps all we need to do is remind them of what they appear to have not forgotten, that the 1% are their real number one root cause enemy? Yes, this argument is incomplete and flawed, but, so far, my experience, and the experience of others shows it works.
Perhaps the enemy plans to split the 99% against each other and use them to destroy each other as it further escalates its class war? I will call this 99-split. Perhaps the reason it has not escalated its war against the 99% further and faster is that it fears that 99-split may organically erupt into 99-1, turning the 99% against the enemy's 1%, and thereby destroying it and its puppet infrastructure? Perhaps we can take this crude and flawed preliminary ideas, improve on them, and derive real courses of action that might generate significant positive results? Perhaps there is no need to wake anybody up, just remind most of what they already know and have perhaps not forgotten despite the efforts to divert and brainwash?
This is not well written and time is short, so I will send it as it is. I am an engineer, not a writer. If you have read to here, thank you. I am busy trying to figure out how to set up real dialogue about these kinds of ideas elsewhere. Any advice would be sincerely appreciated. Let's continue to dialogue and discover ways to work together?
I reject the notion that Dr. Tenpenny is making money of significance beyond her costs off of her internet presence. Let's not imply grifter. She is a working doctor, has been studying vaccines for decades, saving lives and preventing disability. I do think this is someone's misstatement that criteria for variance in the vials has anything to do with EUA. If she misstated herself, why not reach out and clarify? I am certain she would be gracious about that.
We must stop and prevent these verbal torch and pitchfork episodes on Substack. Let's save that for Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the substantial list of persons who were drivers of the intent to harm process as outlined in Sasha's presentations and articles. Stay focused and constructive.
All these countless documents and relationships among entities and contracts are so detailed, dense, and tedious it would be easy to confuse some details. Tenpenny is an informed and well-meaning presence in the resistance against vaccine harms. I think Sasha and her colleagues are doing amazing and breathtakingly courageous work, as are many others like Hedley Rees. I met the very dear Hedley on his Substack months ago when I realized his skills set was similar to that of the team in the pharma containment division my mom worked for as a technical editor, publisher, preparer of documents, manuals, test procedures, presentations, contract proposals and progress reports. The level of detail and precision required is excruciating, takes commitment and constant training, thus the need for technical writers of great competence to assist in that context to manage that tremendous burden. Mom would often have to pull teams of engineers together to reconcile some concerning discrepancies!
As I have been listening in on recent Twitter Spaces calls recently it is a wonderful relief to hear all manner of scientists, technicians, doctors, professionals in diverse fields, journalists, activists and concerned citizens communicate and hammer out disagreements, make clarifications, and deepen understanding. I would encourage Sasha and Hedley to schedule a Spaces with some time to circulate the notice, and invite many to be co-hosts (include Dr. Tenpenny and a savvy indy journalist or two to help with the flow and organization) while the rest of us listen or submit questions. Perhaps make this a regular round table. I would like to bring everyone's attention as well to another wonderful retired pharma executive who posts on Twitter @_aussie17, invite that person to the conversation in some way:
Happy New Year everyone with love, hopes for peace, free speech, transparency, civility, and much progress for reestablishing liberties of all kinds.
Yes, yes, and yes. Share and lift each other up in understanding. Support dialogue.
The patents also declare a very wide latitude concerning different 'embodiments', which would certainly help explain why so many different things are being found...
Also, the researchers are examining single drops out of the whole soluton in the vial at a time, right? So if everything isn't evenly dispersed throughout the whole solution, then that would also explain different findings. Not only is there variability between different vials, but there can be variability between different drops from the same vial
This is an important observation. I think generally there is a need for an attempt at more rigorous testing with some standard protocols so that results from different researchers can be better compared. A broad sampling of drops from single vials might be one place to start. Also, a means of controlling environmental contaminants from reaching the slides. Controlling for temperature and humidity, controlling for EMF exposure. Gathering as much provenance info as possible, including storage temps up until time of testing.
Since the "vaccines" are owned by the DOD until injected, identifying the lots would identify the source and put them at legal risk.
right, but lot numbers are still recorded in VAERS reports, at least until they start deleting these fields as they seem to have done with some of the myocarditis notes.
That they are owned by the DOD and the patent references should tell everyone all they need to know about the intent of all this
Great post and beautiful painting Sasha! Thank you. I have been following the fraud since day 1. You and Katherine Watt are the cutting edge of information for me. Walter Chestnut and J. Couey are doing a great job. Walter is honing in on the exact damage mechanism of the spike protein, which was obviously designed to do harm. We have a nasty combination of speed, greed and eugenics going on at the same time. Thanks for all you are doing to keep us informed. May God bless you and guide you in your work. Merry Christmas. Peace.
Thank you for posting. The mountains of clear evidence continue to grow. Evidence of layered, well planned, well financed, societal wide crimes against all life on the planet (with the possible exception of the 1%, who are somehow miraculously prospering while the rest suffer)? Again, I ask... What are the root causes of this situation? What are all the possible solutions? Where is real dialogue and discussion to analyze the entire situation, figure out how to really put an end to this, and create the best possible world? I guess it is up to those like me to figure out how to facilitate a situation to seek real answers to these questions? Any advice or insights would be sincerely appreciated. We have a planet that needs to be saved. We have an enemy adept at looking at every possible angle and making intricate connected well thought out plans that adapt to challenges as they arise. What do we do? Continue to collect evidence and work with rigged systems guaranteed to fail? Wait for somebody else to rescue us? Something else? What else?
Regarding what to do, the criminals are not going to bring themselves to justice. We as individuals have the obligation to 1)stop complying 2)tell the truth to everyone else
Thank you. I agree. But I am considering something a little different, as described in what follows. What I seek is dialogue with a range of diverse participants who will analyze the entire spectrum of possible descriptions of how the enemy operates, how its logistical communication and command chain networks function, and how its puppets function. Then analyze a full spectrum of possible solutions, perhaps concentrating on how to surgically eliminate its ability to operate by eliminating the power over others its puppets currently exert. In an effort to avoid violence, the entire spectrum of possible outcomes will be discussed openly. The discussion will remain lawful and peaceful. The NSA and others will be watching, and the cabal may try to insert agents and incite towards illegal activities, I.E. attempt to destroy the entire process. Some planning can help to ensure that the process works and is distributed to as wide an audience of good faith as possible while being adept at troll killing and identifying attempts to divert, incite, etc. As I see the growing tent cities of homeless victims where only a few short years ago upscale local organic food stores used to be, populated by victims who only a few short years ago had comfortable lives, I see the growing desperation, and wonder if the enemy plans for dividing and conquering them as it continues to make things worse. The violence appears ready to erupt organically unless peaceful solutions like I seek are discovered and worked upon. It appears that the enemy is adept at divide and conquer, using its 1% (maybe 0.5%, maybe 3%) puppet infrastructure to create something like 99-split, were it splits the 99% to fight each other through its 1%. This happens locally, regionally, nationally. The Ukraine - Russia war is one example. The US left versus right is another example. If somehow it became 99-1, where the 99% realize that their real enemies are the 1%, and peacefully eliminate the power over the 1% enjoy, perhaps our side might have a chance? This is only one of many possible solutions that are begging for dialogue. So far our side appears to have people offer these kinds of solutions but very little dialogue where the solutions themselves are creatively dialogued, constructively criticized, put through thought experiment tests, improved, and refined. This process of seeking the best solutions as a group is what I seek. I am not the best person to try to start this but, if required, I will start it myself. Advice would be sincerely appreciated. I realize you are busy and really appreciate what you do, so maybe it is up to others to do work like what I suggest?
Stop complying and telling the truth are JUST steps 1 & 2 that is far away from bringing the perpetrators and the complicit to justice and or removing them from the capacity to do more damage. Similar support to what Im saying here can be found in centuries of abuse, torture and pedo crimes by the Vatican/Jesuit superstructure and their many secret societies as well as our own corrupted banking and political class. Do I hear the echo of Mr Jeffereson's quote about a well known tree needing watering .
The analysis of what is really happening is here, and on Katherine Watt's substack
You & Katherine & others are doing a breathtakingly courageous work! I did my best to raise awareness of your work and was RT your articles and extracts and for the first time ever without warning I got permanent suspension from the FascistBird. I used #DeepStateCrimes. So your work IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. I pray for your wellbeing & safety! You are my Heroes. And Brook. And Keith and others! I pray your Courage find ways to take care of you and keep you and your families safe & joyous ❤
Lovely comment!
Catch the latest J C Couey video?
J C Couey
Australian doctors
Especially start at 30 min.
Happy holiday, Bibi!
Dear Sally Merry Christmas to you and your family❤ And a very Happy New Year too!
PS. Thank you for the link and the time stamp. I listen to JC regularly. Learned a lot. I get frustrated listening to Australian doctors. Just because I do not have access to doctors that can treat me outside TGA Approved protocols. How do you feel about being treated by your GP in Australia in a hypothetical scenario of getting the latest Covid variant?
Thank you. I will study it. My career was in simulation and AI development engineering for SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems. I participated in several successful think tank developmental projects where we accomplished things that the leading world experts said were not possible. What I discovered was the power of collaborative effort with a diverse group of well meaning individuals. The best ideas often came from a wide spectrum of people. Make no mistake, our enemy is doing this, and doing it well, in its military and other think tanks, where it plans and adapts. We are relying on experts and the processes I have seen so far (I have not yet watched the video) are entirely different. I have searched but, so far, have seen no evidence of anything remotely similar on this massive internet being done by our side. Individual talented expert analysis and details are extremely important for understand the situation and keeping up with developments, but, we are currently lacking this kind of group collaborative effort. If I am wrong, please educate me. At this time I am hoping to do my best to start this. I think that it would be best if several started something like this in their own best ways and supported each other and collaborated. It is doubtful that any one approach will work. So far, legal attempts from some very talented expert teams have failed spectacularly. Our enemy has many advantages, including control and monitoring over the internet. This needs to be done carefully. Perhaps one of the most important things is to preface any such attempts as follows... The full spectrum analysis of all possible options includes non legal and violent options in an attempt to fully discuss and understand what is involved so they can be avoided when things get worse. The NSA and others will be watching. This will not be easy. But it is a moral imperative. The planet depends upon it. Now to watch the video you suggest. Thank you again for sharing it.
The "enemy" is Satan. He has been given but a little time to give it his best shot to take souls to hell with him. As you know, he has already been defeated at the Cross. The reason this is happening is to separate the goats from the sheep. Or the wheat from the tares if you will. Jesus know the end from the beginning. The Alpha and Omega. This whole scenario prophesied 2,000 years ago. II Corinthians 6:16-17 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell IN them, and walk IN them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Rev 18:23 ........for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by they SORCERIES (in the Greek sorceries is from the same word as PHARMAKEIA) were ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. Does this sound familiar? All those that work in the service of Satan are responsible for this evil upon the earth. And every single person on the planet will need to decide if the are FOR GOD (Jesus Christ) or AGAINST GOD. If you are not for him, you are against him.
Pray for divine intervention.
...or at least a giant asteroid to hit Earth.
Or a small asteroid to hit mardelva?
I would accept just the DC perimeter.
Your art is amazing! So is your work on Covid. I’ll finish your article later.
In Ontario, the shots were offered at small pharmacies inside supermarkets. These locations got a limited number of doses and had short hours for getting the shot, one or two days a week, by appointment. They would always have saline for dilution of course but would get their few multi-dose vials, Moderna and Pfizer, delivered for the day's appointments only. Despite my pleadings, my healthy adult son who didn't need shots to continue working from home, and had no travel plans, no gym membership, nada reason, went to the supermarket near us and got his primary series, 3 weeks apart. He had no sign at all of immune stimulation from each shot, no pain or redness at injection site, nothing. And he got Covid anyway of course. So I became suspicious that perhaps the lone shot administrator at that pharmacy might have been giving saline. I wonder how often this happens, how many like-minded pharmacy techs are carefully, quietly doing the same, like that nurse in Germany who lost her license but didn't go to jail for choosing not to harm people?
I read on a FB page that a NZ nurse squirted a persons dose in the waste bin but signed that it was given bc she was sus about the harms
A respected geopolitics commentator that I listen to frequently reminded his audience of the common practice in Africa for injectors to go through the motions and squirt the substance down the back of the person to be injected, they receive the card and go. This has been going on wide scale since early Bill Gates days of experimentation and sterilization with vaccines. It may be a large enough effect size to explain why they are doing so well despite claims of vaccination rates of any meaningful size.
It is also noteworthy that many celebrities or otherwise well-known figures have died suddenly / unexpectedly more than a whole year (!) after their "vaccination" series. Those who succumb to the effects within hours or just days of inoculation are perhaps dying of something akin to anaphylaxis. It's just odd that others are suddenly developing fatal blood clots or cardiac arrhythmia / myocarditis as late as 450 days post-jab. Getting jabbed and boosted really is very much like "Russian roulette"!
I am really surprised that these products are very Safe and Effective despite their weird compositions!
I am quadruple vaxxed and all is fine:
That photo is beyond retarded, I laugh every time I see it, I can't help myself.
Poor America!
The Martians are now in control!
These madmen who govern us!
THEY have always been in control...can y'all say, 'anti-Christ'? & it seems that Rus is the only bulwark of salvation. [FYI-as a ukie kid, was indoctrinated in home&school to despise russia...who knew ? mea culpa]
Don't forget Gog and Magog.......they come from the North
Who could have anticipated that "Mars Attacks" would turn out to be such a perfect satire on the Covid Coup?
You are SO right! It's both hilarious and horrible. To think that this is the calibre of person who is US Secretary of Defense!
Breaking News!
The Evil Never Sleeps, It Waits!!!
There are companies in the US silently luring their employees with money to participate in new MmRNA trials for the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
See below e-mail. I've hidden the identities of the company and employee.
Wake up folks,
the Global Predators want to hurt you by all means necessary.
Those who survived the psyops may be tempted to risk their lives for $1000!
----------------New Trap--------------------------
From: Human Resources <>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:39 AM
To: [John Doe] <>
Subject: COVID-19 Vaccine Study Enrollment
Hi John,
[xxxx] is ready to begin enrollment for participants in the COVID-19 vaccine study and as a xxxx employee, you have first priority to become a participant. If you would like to be considered to participate in this COVID-19 vaccine study, please complete this survey, which will help us rapidly enroll people when the vaccine arrives.
The study lasts for 26 months. Participants will receive a $1,150 stipend for completing all eight visits over that period. There is no charge for the visits or lab costs. Injections will be given in the upper arm on Day 1 and Day 21. Patients will be randomly assigned to the study vaccine or placebo. Two of every three participants will receive the vaccine, while one of every three will receive the placebo – all of this randomly assigned.
Please click on the link below to take the survey:
Thank you,
Human Resources
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This Electronic Mail (e-mail) contains confidential and privileged information intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is sent. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or telephone.
So this is an employer that runs the clinical trial sending letters to employees to get enrolled in a trial??? That's actually against the law as far as I know.
This specific company surprised me because they're not in the health business, but is involved in Fed's projects.
It seems to me that the DOD has bribed them with $millions that they cannot refuse.
This is a criminal activity run by the government and its minions.
I was in one in the 80’s for Wellcome as a volunteer as I worked for the company.Left in83 as I saw lots of babies die after pertussis vaccine.It was not investigated then at all.Just hushed up.Although a Swansea GP did publish a study that showed there were problems.
What were they doing giving tetanus vaccine to babies anyway I used to think?
These vaccines have always been dodgy.I was shocked when I saw the scant evidence for cholera and typhoid vaccines from the 1920’s.Wellcome seemed ethical but had dark heart then.
The findings explain why they murdered Kennedy. The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) had already started operating like a Mafia that it is today, and was exposed.
JFK - 1963 : Unveiled a Global Ruthless Conspiracy - Enslave the entire planet!