A little over ten years ago my sister died in her early 60s of non-hodgkins lymphoma which she was diagnosed with just after she retired. At the receiving line at her funeral, some friends of hers said it may have been the vaccines she got as a kid. Nobody believed them at the time.

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Thank you, Sasha, for continued exposure of these stories. To me, they’re all examples of the same scenario (corruption). I have decided that the only answer is to never take any of these drugs.

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The tyranny of corruption has become a metastasizing cancer within our economic systems.

"A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”

From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare >>> Release date: Dec 19, 1979

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

All those who continue getting mRNA boosters, will eventually lose the game of Russian Roulette, if they haven’t lost already.

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes! More bullets being placed in the barrel.

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Unfortunately, members in my senior residence will die before their time and their death will be written off that they were old and had other problems anyway. After all, it can’t be this “safe and effective” COVID shots, or now also the RSV shots. And just wait until the flu shots are replaced with RNA shots. Nothing to see here.

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Fl u shots were already replaced with mRNA in 2022 All Children’s vaccines are bing replaced with mRNA

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And that why I refuse to vax my child. Currently no pediatric doctor will see him because I’m refusing to boost him.

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Protect your kids at all costs. Good job Mom! So many things we have to do now, in the face of public and professional scrutiny. But in the end, I believe our kids will win. They will be healthier and more grounded. Pharma can't be trusted. Now, let's tackle what they have done to our food supply!

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I hope so! The food in the schools are poisoned . I homeschool.

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Yup. I asked for a product insert of last years flu shot for my old age group. The usual animal bits and pieces and an adjuvant called MF59C.1. Guess where it leads. Last month Pfizer put out a product insert for this fall Covid shot; it has writing and warns of myocarditis and pericarditis. The Florida Dept of Health is recommending not to get the shot due to Myocarditis, POTS, autoimmune diseases and DNA damage.

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At this point, there's almost no reason to have any injections even tetnus is suspect. Data on what drives all these "diseases" and "viruses" looks more and more like they're science experiments gone wrong, and so are the "cures"....

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They know.

They all know. The smoking guns keep coming.

Thank you for this, Sasha.

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They knew. They all knew. Clinical trial data manipulation - dates, deaths, harms, etc. Then they pushed it on children.

This is a criminal conspiracy and those who executed and abetted the plan must pay.

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

this is like saying, if you want to try this brand new beer, you have to do a whole bag of meth beforehand

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If they supplied an 8 Ball of cocaine with a six pack of their brand, I'd go for it...

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Not that it is enforced, but in 1958 an amednment called the Delaney Clause made it illegal to put in food a known carcinogen. So, in the case of the bioweapon jab, they put in pieces and parts of the SV40 virus, a known oncovirus, because the jab was designed to cause harm, death and sterility. The Pfizer Papers make it clear the top regulators knew in advance of the EUA, that the jab would cause all sorts of horrible adverse reactions. Why.... can you say, "DEMOCIDE."

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Good comment, and backs up Dr Yeadon's speech to UK parliament: https://rumble.com/v3zq2jj-mike-yeadon-address-to-parliamentary-special-meeting-4122023.html

A poem:

Of all the words

In tongue and pen

the saddest of these are:

"Dr Y was right again."

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I’m bored and distressed if I’m right.

I only want to be wrong, to have everyone point at me and laugh hysterically.

Then I could vanish into my workshop and polish my old motorcycles.

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I know.

I only wanted to be left alone and renovate my house.

But they built a giant camp up the road from me and we had two years of warrantless arrests.

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How often I feel the same. Would LOVE to be wrong. Bless you Dr. Yeadon

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This gives true meaning to the word iatrogenocide

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Just another case of un-socialized medicine...

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As a supporter of some sane approach to health care (single-payor/collective/cooperative response), I fear that we will fare no better UNLESS we can break the stranglehold of allopathic medicine.

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A lot of irony in the term"allopathic medicine." Homeopathy was calling into question this "new system of medicine" from day one.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

In 1961 I received the live virus oral polio vaccine, given at school. My sister received the same in 1965. No one questioned it, parents did as they were told.

In 1977 I was enrolled in an elite science institute. My biology professor, a prominent globalist, technocrat, and 'futurist' told his small class of gifted students that our childhood polio vaccines contained SV40 which causes cancer in monkeys. He described the affair as "an interesting experiment" and that the result would only be known after a few decades.

In 2006, after months of lower abdominal/pelvic pains, inadequately investigated and said to be functional, my sister, aged 46, presented to ED with complete bowel obstruction from Stage 4 colon cancer. She was a fit and healthy nonsmoker. She died 2 years later. Due to her early diagnosis, I was started on a surveillance programme of colonoscopies. I'm still here, but each time they find more pre-cancerous polyps. There was no history of colon cancer in my ancestors.

In conclusion, I believe people with a (dark) God complex have been deliberately poisoning the population for who knows how many generations. Worse yet, IQs have been reported to be dropping by 7 points per generation (within the same families) for at least 3 generations. Despite recent revelations, populations may have passed a point of no return, unable to comprehend the assault or resist. Like many, I have returned to faith as the only remaining comfort.

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I stopped colonoscopy.

Too dangerous.

I drink Cats Claw tea from the bark of a tree in the Amazon.

Find it very soothing to the colon among other things.

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I agree I avoid all allopathy docs.

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I’m happy to see you say that! The findings of not only Cats Claw, but also fenben, among other things as curing cancer are amazing! So much has been suppressed and lied about since Rockefeller took over the AMA and med colleges!

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It was put in the polio vaccine, which is why baby boomers are dropping with cancer. All began in the 1960s.

Read Dr. Mary's Monkey.

You won't put it down.

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Dr. Mary’s Monkeys was a absolutely shocking book. It tied cancer and” science “ and,the political times,together, in a very frightening package. It was the beginning of my “awakening “,that’s for sure!

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Thx for recommending that book. Another excellent expose is The Virus and and the vaccine by Bookchim and Schumacher. These are very bad people who have filled the halls of the medical mafia.

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Hommage to Bernice Eddy...

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Check out this neurosurgeon on a podcast. Tells the story of Marys monkeys but it has even crazier details.


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Ironically just reading Beckers book now Body Electric. He is mentioned early in the podcast.

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But we all got the polio vax in the early 80’s too!

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Having had my own dealings with the FDA back in the 90s, I can assure you with 99.99% certainty that FOI requests of all communications between Bluebird Bio and politicians would reveal multiple exchanges between Senators Markey and Warren demanding passage of this new drug... It's all about the old Benjamins! Local jobs and grift for constituents and "representatives"...

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They wouldn’t even need to go far to deliver the Bennies to Liawatha or Mr. Frosty.

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Exactly. 30 years ago, we encountered their predecessors, Ted Kennedy and god's gift to the environment, John Kerry.

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deletedOct 13·edited Oct 13
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Understood. ...But, the window dressing of the Imperial Court jesters promoting the agenda of the REAL masters - the not-so-hidden 0.0001% - always gives a bit of cover that the hoi polloi seems to accept.

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deletedOct 13
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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Certainly part of the problem! It is particularly maddening as their entire zionist "religion" is built on a mountain of lies. ...Starting with "father Abram" - lestes, pirate, dealer in the purple (drugs), children and women... Nothing has changed in 2000 years except christianity came from the same roots and is now co-opted by these monsters. It is sad, but people are awakening to the centuries of fraud and control mechs promoted by evil men in service to the ruling psychopathy.

BTW, if one ever wishes to see a real life genocidal, racist, misogynist psychopath, then the odious Smotrich and Ben-Gvir are perfect poster boyz for the club.

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Drum roll......

You are such a good detective !!

Are you sure you didn't miss your calling?

We're sure you didn't !

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Oct 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

The need to take a pre-treatment chemo drug before they are effective. Effective at what? Other than making someone a lot of money.

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A bastardization of a bastardization, will it ever end?

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I’m continuing to be grateful for your research, discovery and revelations of this crime against humanity. I hope that the day will come when the perpetrators of this horrific crime will finally be brought to justice. As a Dartmouth alum myself I am very proud of you. Thank you Sasha

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It leads you to the conclusion, that all cancer is caused by their preventatives. That and another few markers.

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It's upsetting for me to think that if these trials that really harm people were being done in Africa many activists would be comparing this bullshit with slavery.

In first world countries it seems that very few people care about the damage done to the participants of these trials.

We are supposed to have law and institutions to make sure monstrosities like these do not happen.

Cancer is huge, but imagine the institutions decide that schizophrenia or depression are genetic disease, and they allow these trials with these genetic pseudotherapies on people. What then? Would the human lab rats be euthanized?

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If you haven't seen it, try to locate a documentary titled, "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death"

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