Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Emphasize this --> "Various statistics and estimates of the rising number of Americans disabled by the shots or still working but made chronically ill indicate that the problem is **far wider** than just the death toll."

Because? Most folks have no idea how many people have been slaughtered by ALL vaccines going back 200 years; BUT, still living. SBL's: Slaughtered But Living. SBL's outnumber the deaths from vaccines by 90%?

In pain, disabled, sick, deformed, F'd up (forever) eyes/vision. F'd up (forever) gut. F'd up skin (forever). F'd up brains/moods/thinking (really), every autoimmune disease known to mankind, cancers blah blah.

And, all of these folks are now on 3 gazillion $$ pills/meds $$ BECAUSE OF all the damn 'safe' $$ vaccines $$.


"ALL $vaccines$ are very dangerous. Hence, this is why, 40+ years ago, Big Pharma DEMANDED 100% immunity from any/all legal liability for ALL vaccines.

In the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan actually said to the companies, “Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (which subsequently merged with Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Injury Act." of 1986."

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

A bit strident, but spot on...

I can barely stand the assault on my psyche when I go out in public. All I see are obese, bent over postures, over-pronated walking from diaper shoes, and depressed or pissed off idiots enjoying the poisons of their environments. It's a horror show...

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

It's in the millions and that's the reason why borders to the global south were opened...replacement numbers and voters for Biden imo.

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Jun 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

I just made a similar reference to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in comments to a recent video Dr Ruby put out. It has been so derailed for sooo many years.

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Good on you. do you have the link?

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Ha. Amazing. I read your comment. Good job.

Then I went on and watched Dr JR's video. I like her. She's sassy & sarcastic for all the right reasons.

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Gotta sign in to view comments. Do you suggest I need a Rumble account?

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The SBL concept is a great one, and it needs to be more widely understood. Thank you so much for the information about the Vaccine Injury Act.

But if I may offer a small White Pill...

I think we are far more resilient and capable of recovering our health than we realize. Frankly, as bad as the fall-out from the covid injections has been, I'm surprised it's not worse. Same goes for all vaccines.

My husband and I have gotten much more serious about taking responsibility for our health over the last couple of decades, instead of visiting doctors or relying on their drugs and treatments. And we both feel healthier than we were in our twenties.

A small example: we have been experimenting with exercises for improving our eyesight. I used to need -8.0 diopter glasses (for nearsightedness/myopia); he needed +3.25 (for farsightedness/presbyobia). My prescription is now in the neighbourhood of about -3.0, and I experienced a few moments of -0.5 diopter vision just this morning. My husband never needs to wear reading glasses anymore.

It's taken us years to figure out the methods that work best and apply them... but it's just an example of how miraculous our bodies really are. If you figure out how to "align" yourself with the force that created you, are willing to put in the work, and can practice Patience, nothing is impossible.

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I do agree with many of your points.

The Human CNS is an amazing thing. Miraculous, as you stated.

It's just that too many of us turn to the exact opposite of what is needed to *help* our A.I. Supercomputer i.e., our Central Nervous System, heal our injuries/illnesses. "We" turn to even more poisonous meds / vaccines, more chemo, more doctors (uffa), more crazed surgeries etc.

You & hubby have obviously figured this out. So, good on you both. Spread the word.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

I’ve read thatUSA consumes 50% of all pharmaceuticals produced world-wide with life expectancy now dropping like a stone.


Pharmaceutical spending per capita in Canada stood at 914 U.S. dollars, in 2022. In comparison, the United States reported per capita spending of 1,432 U.S. dollars (2021). As for medical goods and services in general, the U.S. is among the countries with highest health costs worldwide. The higher costs in the United States are particularly obvious when compared to other high-income, developed countries.


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Herb garden con be started for less than $50. But together, our society has lost health, wealth, and mind.

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well done tho sadly Catherine too also skipped the big dollar incentivized hospital death protocols during Covid. Having personally witnessed I find myself still traumatized by the experience….

I assume everyone has read or listened to The Great Taking by David Webb

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Jun 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

I read it and passed it on to several people. They didn’t care.

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she didn't "skip" anything. There just is so much to cover, it's impossible to cover it all..

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Seems like murders in hospitals would lead the *pandemic* paragraph.

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I agree. She is a Financial Expert though. So her domain is Finances. But different priorities rate differently to different people. As far as I am concerned I agree wholeheartedly. I came across so many horror stories it's a Holocaust. Sacha herself linked a section of one of Todd Callender's accounts of what happened to one of his clients at those slaughter houses they refer to as medical centers and hospitals, which let to his death. The poor guy was tied up in his death bed because they found bruise marks around both of his wrists. After he was murdered, Todd said they weighted him and he weighted only 78 pounds!!!!!!... if I can remember correctly. Apparently they starved him to death, among other things. So I agree.

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I nowadays call hospitals The Killing Fields.

and the DHS the Department of Home Insecurity, ala Lucas Gage visit from the local Branch. https://www.bitchute.com/video/suGukyuNF0zc/

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"Hospitals" are by and large homicidals.

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Another Precious Jam, Peter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the first 30 mns, will do the rest tomorrow. This is guy is amazing. wish I could contact him and show him support. He was right on the mark with everything he said.

Thank you ever so much. And speaking of DHS, I thought they do that only in England. I saw a clip of a guy who has been paid a visit to his home by I think 2 cops. And the visit was about what he tweeted!!! Geee, I cannot thank you enough. Much Love to you and your family.

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I live alone though, just thought of my family, cue Elvis they should be singing "I'm with Gov. , I'm all shot up" 'yeh yeh yeh yeh" / All Shook Up song. though if Catholic, "I'm in love" might cut it... https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

might only be for subscribers, but for me, King King WITH Godzilla.... https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/http/MP3Download/June2024/Tq5P33/rense_062124_hr1.mp3 he probably gives his details there, he did write a book, which i could not , hmmm,,, "find" . good point made there, they should have visited the 'offended ones' before they visited him. arse end backwards, like the Talmud. all wrong.

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2020: man parachutes out of airplane. Parachute fails and man falls to ground. Taken to hospital. Declared dead on arrival but only after hospital’s testing him and providing ‘positive result for the CoV’. Cause of death therefore was the CoV and hospital receives an extra $40k.

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I’ll have to check it out! Thanks.

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Thank you Catherine/Sasha.

If possible, I have two questions. If these are too risky to answer, please ignore.

1. Catherine, have you ever run across documentation regarding the Perth Mint in Western Australia? It is a state-government backed mint that is very, very, dirty and processes a huge amount of local gold and gemstones for Five Eyes, BRICS nations, warlords, etc.

Over the past 20 years there have been numerous scandals regarding money laundering, and during the covid Emergency the net wealth of many of our leaders increased enormously for no apparent reason. A recent scandal involved gold doping to the ccp but that was a diversion - the real scandal was the international money laundering. Apparently the federal oversight body Austrac had 'forgotten'(?) to...well...provide oversight for a great many years. Given that Australia's covid response was a DOD operation (and Australia is a weird DOD/CCP operation) I was wondering if you had any thoughts/info on this.

2. Who gave the BIS sovereign immunity? Is it just a matter of the weird families who own them declaring themselves rulers of the world and that's that?

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I forwarded to CAF.

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

for a good history of the BIS see adam lebor's book, tower of basel


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wow, thank you.

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or 'oops' the Medibank data breach, they did not have more than username and login for their IT access, not SMS or email verification. but methinks to myself (apart from what a wonderful world)... maybe deliberate so we will beg the government for digital id, so we can be safe and effective like the jabs.


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lol Russia! Russia! Russia!

What a clown show. NSA fingerprints all over this. ASIO Mike should be behind bars.

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

On June 17th it was reported that Viet Nam had lost 3 of 5 of its undersea Internet network cables.

"Coincidentally," Viet Nam had scheduled a state visit by President Putin on June 20th (taking place now). The USA made it very clear that it was not happy about the visit.

So, did the DOD pull these 3 cables as punishment, as Catherine's article shows it is fully capable of?

Reuters (Rothschilds) report:


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It happens, but merely coincidence (like when our CIA is involved in a ‘color revolution’) hmmmm?!?

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3 of 5 is not a coinkydink.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

A stunning article! Most likely one of the most comprehensive broadsides I've ever read. So thank you. Quoted from the article: "Solutions require, first and foremost, that we enforce the good laws we already have—and this starts with holding DOD, HUD, Treasury and its banking depository, the New York Fed, responsible to obey financial management laws both currently and retroactively. Let’s get the $21-plus trillion back." {End quote]

Yes. And the mechanisms for accomplishing this task have been discussed numerous times on numerous web sites. I've posted links regarding *Revocation of Corporate Charters* many times. The audience eyes seemingly glaze over, and I can count on one hand the number of coherent responses I've received in the last decade. I won't bother to post links, as I'm sure those tiny toy cell phone screens can't follow legal text worth a shit...

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hi from Japan Paul.

I see we share the same values through our mutual regard for CAF, Sasha, Katherine, and company.

But I do see myself as a bit more black-pilled pessimistic in identifying with the eye-glazed majority. Maybe just getting old and near-sighted, but most laws and mechanisms appear to be purposely written to be opaque, labyrinthine-Matryoshka fine-print as a way of controlling the working class, not serving them.

As one example over here in Japan, TEPCO, the energy company responsible for the Fukushima meltdown was charged, found guilty, and forced to offer some financial assistance to those forced to relocate due to radioactive fallout. They complied with the letter of the law in offering a 'generous' amount money to those mostly rural, retired farmers ... by just filling out these forms. Stacks of forms so purposely obtuse so that few had the educational and legal resources to even understand those forms, much less fill them out and collect. The legal system had nothing to say about that because it had done its specified job ... to the letter of the law. No justice was served, and what little corporate captured journalism that existed at the time, had no intention of keeping this in the public's eye.

Maybe just my over simplified take on things, but although original charters and declarations were probably forged in the heat of righteous indignation (here thinking about the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Letter from Birmingham Jail) ... the emergent granularization and institutionalization of those voices inevitably become corrupt.

I am reminded of two quotes ... one attributed to Benjamin Franklin as a response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" to which he replied “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Long before the torching of Lahaina, defense of our 'dual-purpose labs' in Ukraine, the plandemic, the creation of corporate-captured banana republics, the Monroe Doctrine, or Manifest Destiny ... in all but name ... I think we began losing it the moment it was made.

The other quote attributed to Lao Tzu seems to represent the same phenomenon everywhere ... "The more laws the country, the more wicked the people."

Just a thought from a semi-retired linguist here, but laws appear to be the bloodiest side of the double edged sword of language. I prefer the lyrics to something by Steely Dan or Joni Mitchell. 🙃

Cheers Paul.

We are both caught in a rear-guard engagement.

But in our own ways, keep up the good fight.


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Steve: Great reply! Lao Tzu's philosophies are among my favorite works. Simple yet profound. Just enough words to weave the tapestry. Best regards to you, kind Sir.

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Steely Dan, "The Royal Scam" seems appropriate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IU1ZdDfXTY

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Hi John!

Indeed! The title alone sums it up. Just had another musical interlude on Kyle Young's grim Geoengineeering post (just followed Pasheen Stonebrooke there) ... https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/covid-crimes-pale-in-comparison-to/comment/59878373

Cheers buddy!

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i think a misquote of Marie Antoinette, for them the law, for us, everything.

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(sigh) .... That sounds right on the mark for cartels of bubble-bounded, self-entitled Cluster B's.

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Excellent musical tastes, Steve.

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Whoopee! I've found another perceptive thief in the night!

If I had only started music earlier in life, instead of plinking out bossa nova chords on the guitar, I'd rather forgo words altogether and go the way of Bill Evans, Chick Corea, or Herbie Hancock at the keyboard. But as my dad used to tell me, "if a bullfrog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped."

Meh. No one gets out of this room alive, so I mostly content myself with being an educated consumer of music, words, and accompanying ideas.

And I guess I owe a debt of gratitude to the sociopathic likes of Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, Bourla, and company for giving me anything to say at all ... if even just in comments.

Cheers BioMedWorks

You have excellent musical tastes. 😄

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OMG Steve..... Bill Evans.. Peace Piece is soooo heavenly!


And Herbie Hancock, too .... Canteloupe Island !


Sigh, nothing today compares with these guys.

- Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Followed on the spot!

Fantastic choices of music. Marry me. 😂

Will have to prep for a day with the kids at a local community center, but I have got to return your share with some of my favorites.

For Bill, it would have to be a toss-up between three pieces.

1 — His cover of Duke Ellington's "Reflection in D"


He also covered this in Marilyn McPartland's recorded interview with him.

I just had to buy that album too.

2 — "Symbiosis, First Movement ... "


There are only a few comments on this particular YouTube podcast, but if you want to read a more detailed piece on my love of the piece while being ambivalent about the album, mine is among those comments (copy-pasted from something I had written on Quora about 6 years ago).

3 — "Time Remembered" version from "Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra"


No ambivalence about this album at all, maybe one of my top three 'jazz' albums, as much for the orchestration by Claus Ogerman as Bill's chops. I could go on and on about the whole album, particularly other standouts such as "Prelude", "Granadas", and "My Bells" ... but will never get any work done today. I loved this version of "Time Remembered" so much, that I bought several versions of arrangement for guitar and finally got one down into finger muscle memory ... but being an amateur too shy to play even before friends, soon forgot this particularly difficult piece.

Oh wow! While searching, I found an unyet seen documentary about Bill I will have to watch ... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqHQowpjoLLe8doopEEiyBY4ZhyQxRyJ.

Hmmm ... some of the clips are not available here in Japan, so I will have to think about buying the DVD.


Chick gives me the most mixed feelings. For my ears, some of his electric RTF cuts sound a bit dated and market oriented. JMHO, but one electric exception is the album "Where Have I Known You Before" — not so much for production skills, or even technical music expertise ... but because the range of music styles on that album is breathtakingly huge ... from Stanley Clarke's wild, opening romp of "Vulcan Worlds" to the funk-drenched "Earth Juice" to the delicate piano solo of "Where Have I Loved You Before".


But even more than his electric line-ups, the first two acoustic RTF albums, featuring Brazilian favorites Airto Moreira and Flora Purim are even closer to my heart ... particularly the opening cut of the first album. Still gives me goose bumps. (This groupie actually briefly met and chatted with Flora and Airto at BlueNote Japan!)


So many other standouts from Chick catches my heart and soul, particularly his "Crystal Silence" album with Gary Burton, "Feelings and Things" being a favorite ...


And the whole "Piano Improvisations Vol. 1" album. I liked it better than Keith Jarret's more famous Köln Concert.



And Herbie, saving for last because I place him at the top of my pantheon.

Of course his Miles Davis years with Wayne, Ron, and Tony make up a big part of me, but I first discovered him through his "Head Hunter" years while in undergrad. "Thrust" and "VSOP" live still gets regular play on my van's sound system.

But then I went back to his solo albums and fell in love with "Maiden Voyage". Along with the title cut, Dolphin Dance, and Little One are favorites. And then his "American bossa" of "Speak Like a Child", all still get regular play from me.

Presuming you are familiar with Maiden Voyage and Dolphin Dance, here are "Little One" ...


and "Speak Like a Child" ...


(Comments under the podcast)

But what keeps Herbie closer to me than Bill and Chick is his continuing explorations, stand outs being his albums "Gershwin's World", "Possibilities", and "The Joni Letters".

A few favorite cuts ...

Gotta have my fix of Waye Shorter


This combination of lyrics, spoken word, and counterpoint ...


I was in the audience at "Select Live Under the Sky" ... only about a 10 minute drive from my apartment ...


And actually shook hands with him back when BlueNote Tokyo was still a tiny cellar dive, maybe back in the early 2000's.

The final for now, a heartbreaking "the making of" with Annie Lennox


Ooops gotta go. Will leave you with a musical blast from the past, less jazz but great memories ... https://steven45.substack.com/p/lifeguard

Cheers Laura!

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Wow Oh Wow Steve, will be playing these all day tomorrow as I write my next newsletter. So awesome. My thanks!

Funny, today is Brian Wilson's bday, and I posted on fb, the BBoys video for "Good Vibration" - Brian's masterpiece.


It uses an Electro-Theremin -- it sounds like a fire siren. This is why the video features firehouse and fire trucks. Flashbacks for me to my own childhood. [Dad was a fireman, we kids practically lived at the firehouse growing up.]

Music is Magic for me.

- Laura

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There was a lawyer I heard at a Bioneers conference named Tom Linzey and he helped rural

Midwest communities revoke their corporate charters to get polluting hog farms out of their towns. He called his program “Democracy schools.”

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Hello shaktideva: I hadn't heard of Tom Linzey, so looked up some web results. Seems he possessed the right attitude and was able to provide much needed traction in regard to Corporate Charter litigation. Many of his efforts were aimed toward Environmental issues, and on page 46 of this document he details the powers of States Attorneys General *Quo Warranto* legal actions. Here's the link: Killing Goliath: Defending Our Sovereignty and Environmental Sustainability through Corporate Charter Revocation >>> in Pennsylvania and Delaware >>> Thomas Linzey >>> 1/1/1997


Thank you for posting.

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You are welcome and equally grateful for your reply! I remember Tom brought his democracy school to a town in northern cal like Auburn or something many years ago. I didn’t attend and haven’t kept up with his work but when you mentioned corporate charter, it rang a bell.

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Revoking PREP and Patriot Acts would also be a good first start. Gonna be difficult if DOJ is part of the ‘system’.

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Getting rid of the PREP -, "Patriot" - and the Federal Reserve Acts, and making dual citizenships illegal (Dual Israeli/US citizenships in particular) would be a good start.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

One of the best "big picture" connecting of the dots I've read.

My one modest suggestion would be to urge average working-class readers like myself to follow up on that final "Take Action: What Can We Do?" section by looking for additional practical advice on how to avoid bondaged slavery such as the draft or confiscation of self and property under the pretext of health or climate emergencies.

From before the laws of Hammurabi, judging from the rise and fall of empires of the past, and what I see of how Japan Inc. works over here, I have little faith that treaties or law, no matter the best of intentions, can avoid being gamed by those who, through hell or high water, would have their way with us. Damned Cluster B's ... we are in a forever war of mankind against its own worst nature.

Maybe just my personal confession, but we (I) need to wean ourselves from Mammon's tit by seeking out and creating local communities with a parallel economy, not built on a calculated transaction of fiat proxies for naive self interest ... but smaller, more modest economies built on empathy, trust, and shared values.

It begins with the family, and those damned self-selecting sociopaths in charge have been pretty effective at robbing us of our sense of immediacy and involvement and replacing it with a ledger sheet of obligations to the unaccountable.

Not all of us have the resources, experiences, or skills to sift through the data behind the dots, or identify those warped and wicked wizards behind the curtain. But what we can do is get to know our neighbors well enough to know who to trust, and build something out of it.

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Brilliant and spot on as usual.

D &D. Debt and democide.

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They are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

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Killing...? It's roasted, stuffed and served on the table..

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wonderful! Love Solari. Catherine Austin Fitts is a national treasure.

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You better believe that… I discovered her 4 years ago has to Google her to make sure she was alive and well and SHE IS🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Thank you Catherine‼️♥️Sasha ‼️♥️and Katherine‼️♥️You are ALL NATIONAL TREASURERS♥️💋💋💋

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

"$4.3 trillion went missing from DOD and HUD. These balances would have been managed and transacted with the help of payment and IT contractors at DOD and HUD and the U.S. Treasury and its depository, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York."

A friend of mine, a brilliant economist once worked at the FED-NY. Only one thing he said about them, "Corrupt".

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post covid, pure evil. probably alien to the aliens.

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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

I love seeing the people of probity and good conscience coalesce into a like minded group. Now I feel we are heading in the right direction with clear and practical thinking. This is the only way to move forward.

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Yes,yes. But also would like to spawn some of this into other cloistered ‘echo chambers’. Hard task during hyped left-right (s)e-lection year.

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Jun 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent compilation. This is a valuable “share” to normies. Thank you.

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For those with eyes to see, and ears to hear. The rarefied understanding that the circle we see is actually an end view of a barrel aimed at us.

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Excellent, your comment needs to be written on walls across the Anglosphere, then translated and written on more walls.

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Very good relay of informations. Big thanks !

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"Last week, the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals agreed that mandating covid-19 “vaccines” violates the individual human rights of teachers and other staff of Los Angeles School Unified Districts (“LAUSD”), remanding a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County School District’s vaccine mandate for employees.

This gives some hope that Dr. Joseph Sansome’s case – which if successful, compels Florida’s governor to stop distributing covid injections – will be moved forward in the courts. After being dismissed the case is now in the Appellate Court. An appeal to which Dr. Francis Boyle has added his affidavit.

“It is my expert opinion that, [the covid injections] meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons [Convention],” his affidavit states."

Covid injections meet the criteria for biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction

Rhonda Wilson expose-news.com June 12, 2024


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Jun 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Glad to see collaboration here❤️. Solari subscriber for years now. So many parts to the terrain to understand and navigate, yet it is quite simple! Don’t underestimate yourself or cede your sovereignty over out of ease or convenience :). Easier said than done - to undo the path of convenience that has been orchestrated to funnel the mass of humanity into the pig pen of the technocracy . Thank you lovely Sasha.

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Sasha, your musings are my muse!

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Jun 22Liked by Sasha Latypova

CAF has been following the money for years. If she were a judge all the perps would be in jail and this world would be a better place.

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