From what I've read, US soldiers became ill after receiving an experimental vaccine along with terrible conditions in trenches. Treated with the new asprin, docs no idea of safe doses, plus of course bacterial pneumonia and flu jabs on civilians on top. Is any of our history correct, I wonder?
From what I've read, US soldiers became ill after receiving an experimental vaccine along with terrible conditions in trenches. Treated with the new asprin, docs no idea of safe doses, plus of course bacterial pneumonia and flu jabs on civilians on top. Is any of our history correct, I wonder?
From what I have read, autopsies done in "Flu" victims all had severe bleeding into their lungs. This is NOT caused by Influenza, but would be caused by the dangerously high doses of the new "miracle drug" Aspirin that they were handing out like candy. Also note that aspirin is an antipyretic (reduces fever) and fever is an important inhibitor of viral replication as well as stimulating the immune system (macrophage activity) . Studies have shown that artificially reducing one's fever during a viral infection such as flu will prolong the illness by at least a day. Fevers are GOOD unless they get high enough to cause neurological damage.
I was curious and looked up the aspirin angle for the Spanish flu. It's still rather controversial as an argument; because in countries like India where aspirin was not yet widely available, they didn't see much difference. So while I'm willing to concede that aspirin might've added to some fatalities, it's not the whole story by any means.
We all look for "the one thing" to prove/blame. John Rappoport who wrote a book on HIV/AIDS scam says same playbook used over and over again, blaming novel virus on varying non specific symptoms. Aspirin was just one aspect, I did mention other reasons.
Consider that India was a very poor country with a lot of undernourished people and poor public health and sanitation. Any epidemic hits such countries much harder, anyway
That doesn't argue against deaths being driven by the virus rather than aspirin, which probably wasn't used on poor and malnourished in India. You also have report after report in 1918 of remote islands where native adults almost all died out; but Western adults fared better (because there was more pre-existing experience / immunity to flu).
Another feature remarked upon at the time is that people who took to bed when ill fared better than those who tried to work through it, though there aren't any convincing stats of death by occupation to supplement this one. But you would expect anecdotal and observational reports in the opposite direction if treatment were driving deaths.
It was the experimental bacterial vaccines given to the soldiers, and later pushed on the public when the soldiers were returning home, telling them it was to protect them from diseases being brought back from overseas.
Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated - VacTruth
"American Indians seem to have had an especially high mortality. During the six month period from Oct. 1, 1918, to March 31, 1919, more than 2 per cent of the total Indian population died of influenza (6,270 in 304,854). This is about four times as great as the general mortality rate for the white population of the United States (2,057 : 527). The indicated case fatality was 8:5 per cent. The indicated attack rate - 242 per thousand is not very high, and no doubt is based on incomplete reports.
Among the Indian population of Saskatchewan, Canada (numbering 7,579), the case fatality was 11.2 and the mortality rate 647. The Indians throughout Canada seem to have been severely stricken. In Manitoba their mortality rate was more than 5,000 (750 deaths in a population of 14,179). In the province of Keewatin, 12 per cent of the Indians on the reservation are stated to have died from influenza. On Christian Island, Georgian Bay, out of a population of 275, forty-eight died of influenza.
In the Union of South Africa (Frost and Sydenstricker 1919b) the case fatality was 2.57 per cent in the European population ; 5.90 in the other than European races. The colored races there in contact with the whites appear to have had a higher attack rate (460 : 321 per thousand), as well as a high case fatality. This double susceptibility is reflected in a much higher death rate per thousand (Europeans, 8.27; other than Europeans, 27.19).
Interesting statements have been made by Crampton (1922) concerning racial differences in the Pacific Islands. It is said that at Tahiti the deaths among the pure blooded natives amounted to 15 to 25 per cent, among the half castes a distinctly smaller proportion, and among the whites тАЬvery few.тАЭ"
Wow, these experimental soldier vaxxes sure seem to slam down pretty hard on the natives...
I just finished a book about the Spanish flu, Pale Rider. Pretty interesting although I found myself having to ignore the author's unquestioning faith in vaccination in general. Native peoples in Alaska, as you say, were very hard hit. There were one or two small villages that were completely wiped out.
Especially back then, people were inclined to ascribe any differences racially. I think cultural prior exposure to related microbes is a much better explanation.
It is, and it strongly supports the interpretation that it was a return of a previously circulating version of influenza A, i.e. H1, which was active after 1847 but died out gradually - it would have died out in remote places years or decades before bigger countries. Ethnic trends in non-remote places are more ambiguous, so there were certainly other confounders; but overall a mountain of evidence that puts "soldier vaxxes" in fantasy territory.
I agree. IтАЩm hypothyroid & have lower body temp. I believe this prolonged my тАЬRonaтАЭ illness & also others in the past. I just donтАЩt generate high fevers.
My Rona temp got up to 102.8 at one point (an early, more severe variantтАФSummer 2020). These recent strains haven't been nearly as intense for most people.
One would expect, and could excuse, some drift if history were passed down only by word of mouth as in the ancient days. But drift in the written account takes nefarious, dishonorable intent on the part of today's "historians". Inexcusable.
I wonder about that all the time. If the leftists and slime-o-crats get their way, all past history will be re-written by insane A/I robots mimicking leftists. Over several decades, all past history sources could be abolished and the "new" history implanted. With the oldsters all gone, the younger generations wouldn't know the difference.
Exactly. That is why I have over 8000 files saved from the last three years. A lot of it is video too. Somehow I would like to leave it to humanity....
Especially reading revisionist historians views on concrete proof, aerial photos, logistics of deeds, and of course hidden allied deeds airbrushed away.
You are not the only one EH, I'm in a self-imposed "re-education camp" as well. I have moments of "to hell with it, what doesn't matter now" but I guess I want to know the truth before I move on.
I cannot vouch for the veracity of any of the following, but it will hopefully show that there are other versions of the truth that have been concealed.
Patrick Buchanan - Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
The Bad war by Ms King has a whole load of newspaper cuttings and reports that can be compared with what we are told today.
There is also a book by Carlos Whitlock Porter called - Made in Russia - The Holocaust. Which also shows how much of the truth we have been taught, cannot possibly be so.
David Coles video tour of Auchwitz, after which he had to change his name and go into hiding from ?
David Irvings books which can probably only be found on Torrents in much of the world.
There are also a series of videos that are pro Hitler and anti Jewish, but still contain a truly massive volume of factual information that I had never seen before, including filmed interviews with people who lived through the conflict.
Sorry. I missed your replies as Yahoo has started sending substack links to spam.
There are a series of films that are frequently removed from Rumble, but can usually be found elsewhere or when reuploaded.
Some of the films are long winded and repeat the same facts multiple times, but they are important enough to forgive that flaw.
IMDB reviews of the films and Goodreads reviews of the books are generally very positive, which surprised me, showing that many people can see beyond the purposeful deceit.
"Hellstorm" is a very good start and RAVries channel has previously hosted most of the others as well, though they keep on removing them.
I was reluctant to watch Europa the last battle, as (without watching it) I had considered it to be anti Semitic propaganda.
I finally went in knowing that it was anti Jewish and pro Hitler, but it is still very much worth a watch and most of the contents are dealt with factually, though a few claimed comments are questionable.
David Irving has many books. He is, of course discredited, Nick Kollerstrom has book Breaking the Spell, Rich Planet TV discusses many false flags. I was never a conspiracy theorist until Aug 2020 when I discovered Christian Drosten engineered the test for alleged virus by using sequencing from alleged SARS1 as no SARS2 isolated. Been down many rabbit holes since.
I've recently come across a couple of books by Viktor Suvorov (Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? and The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II), which throws some interesting, and pesky facts into the mix. I believe some of the accounts are in dispute as there are with any revisionist version of history. I've not finished reading them so can't make a recommendation either way at this point.
This is correct. And when the war was over, they also began pushing those same vaccines onto the public, telling them that the soldiers (who were sick from the vaccines) were bringing home diseases from other countries. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, author of The Poisoned Needle and Vaccination Condemned, was around during that time, and wrote about it.
1918 was not the birth of viruses. The default theory going in was that flu was caused by a bacteria, but culture results in 1918/19 didn't end up adding support. It wasn't accepted as being a virus until 1931-36. This didn't upend the consensus about the clinical course in 1918; it was widely agreed that aside from less common cases, most deaths were from bacterial pneumonia "settling in" in the wake of the acute disease; and this is what Fauci et al. mirror in their review in 2008.
"Virus" at the time of flu's acceptance as one, as well as before, simply meant "invisible disease causing thing," sometimes with filtering used to distinguish from a culture-resistant bacteria but this was flexible. Everything was tentative, there was debate and open-mindedness. They weren't simply imagining transmissible disease in human society because of seeing things in microscopes.
From what I've read, US soldiers became ill after receiving an experimental vaccine along with terrible conditions in trenches. Treated with the new asprin, docs no idea of safe doses, plus of course bacterial pneumonia and flu jabs on civilians on top. Is any of our history correct, I wonder?
From what I have read, autopsies done in "Flu" victims all had severe bleeding into their lungs. This is NOT caused by Influenza, but would be caused by the dangerously high doses of the new "miracle drug" Aspirin that they were handing out like candy. Also note that aspirin is an antipyretic (reduces fever) and fever is an important inhibitor of viral replication as well as stimulating the immune system (macrophage activity) . Studies have shown that artificially reducing one's fever during a viral infection such as flu will prolong the illness by at least a day. Fevers are GOOD unless they get high enough to cause neurological damage.
I was curious and looked up the aspirin angle for the Spanish flu. It's still rather controversial as an argument; because in countries like India where aspirin was not yet widely available, they didn't see much difference. So while I'm willing to concede that aspirin might've added to some fatalities, it's not the whole story by any means.
We all look for "the one thing" to prove/blame. John Rappoport who wrote a book on HIV/AIDS scam says same playbook used over and over again, blaming novel virus on varying non specific symptoms. Aspirin was just one aspect, I did mention other reasons.
Consider that India was a very poor country with a lot of undernourished people and poor public health and sanitation. Any epidemic hits such countries much harder, anyway
That doesn't argue against deaths being driven by the virus rather than aspirin, which probably wasn't used on poor and malnourished in India. You also have report after report in 1918 of remote islands where native adults almost all died out; but Western adults fared better (because there was more pre-existing experience / immunity to flu).
Another feature remarked upon at the time is that people who took to bed when ill fared better than those who tried to work through it, though there aren't any convincing stats of death by occupation to supplement this one. But you would expect anecdotal and observational reports in the opposite direction if treatment were driving deaths.
It was the experimental bacterial vaccines given to the soldiers, and later pushed on the public when the soldiers were returning home, telling them it was to protect them from diseases being brought back from overseas.
Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated - VacTruth
1918 "Spanish Flu" - Only the Vaccinated Died...
"American Indians seem to have had an especially high mortality. During the six month period from Oct. 1, 1918, to March 31, 1919, more than 2 per cent of the total Indian population died of influenza (6,270 in 304,854). This is about four times as great as the general mortality rate for the white population of the United States (2,057 : 527). The indicated case fatality was 8:5 per cent. The indicated attack rate - 242 per thousand is not very high, and no doubt is based on incomplete reports.
Among the Indian population of Saskatchewan, Canada (numbering 7,579), the case fatality was 11.2 and the mortality rate 647. The Indians throughout Canada seem to have been severely stricken. In Manitoba their mortality rate was more than 5,000 (750 deaths in a population of 14,179). In the province of Keewatin, 12 per cent of the Indians on the reservation are stated to have died from influenza. On Christian Island, Georgian Bay, out of a population of 275, forty-eight died of influenza.
In the Union of South Africa (Frost and Sydenstricker 1919b) the case fatality was 2.57 per cent in the European population ; 5.90 in the other than European races. The colored races there in contact with the whites appear to have had a higher attack rate (460 : 321 per thousand), as well as a high case fatality. This double susceptibility is reflected in a much higher death rate per thousand (Europeans, 8.27; other than Europeans, 27.19).
Interesting statements have been made by Crampton (1922) concerning racial differences in the Pacific Islands. It is said that at Tahiti the deaths among the pure blooded natives amounted to 15 to 25 per cent, among the half castes a distinctly smaller proportion, and among the whites тАЬvery few.тАЭ"
Wow, these experimental soldier vaxxes sure seem to slam down pretty hard on the natives...
I just finished a book about the Spanish flu, Pale Rider. Pretty interesting although I found myself having to ignore the author's unquestioning faith in vaccination in general. Native peoples in Alaska, as you say, were very hard hit. There were one or two small villages that were completely wiped out.
Especially back then, people were inclined to ascribe any differences racially. I think cultural prior exposure to related microbes is a much better explanation.
It is, and it strongly supports the interpretation that it was a return of a previously circulating version of influenza A, i.e. H1, which was active after 1847 but died out gradually - it would have died out in remote places years or decades before bigger countries. Ethnic trends in non-remote places are more ambiguous, so there were certainly other confounders; but overall a mountain of evidence that puts "soldier vaxxes" in fantasy territory.
In 2021 they showed the dangerous daily infactions. India Had 400.000 new infactions and 4.000 death a day. This ist 1% lethality.
In Germany WE Had at the Same day 3% lethality. ЁЯдФ So what you say about this?
I've wondered what would have accounted for the high death numbers in places like Okak, in northern Labrador, or in places like Cartwright, Labrador?
I agree. IтАЩm hypothyroid & have lower body temp. I believe this prolonged my тАЬRonaтАЭ illness & also others in the past. I just donтАЩt generate high fevers.
"Rona", huh? Lol!
My Rona temp got up to 102.8 at one point (an early, more severe variantтАФSummer 2020). These recent strains haven't been nearly as intense for most people.
Caught it Nov. 2020. Had antibody titer done July 2021. High antibodies, so there you go...Natural immunity
"Is any of our history correct, I wonder?"
History is the greatest fairy tale ever written....
One would expect, and could excuse, some drift if history were passed down only by word of mouth as in the ancient days. But drift in the written account takes nefarious, dishonorable intent on the part of today's "historians". Inexcusable.
And if the honest historians dare to try and tell the truth, they are likely to be sued, jailed, or worse.
You are right, this is why! Genesis 8:21 ---for the imagination of man's ----
Censored history is your best bet:
1918 "Spanish Flu" - Only the Vaccinated Died...
Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated - VacTruth
I wonder about that all the time. If the leftists and slime-o-crats get their way, all past history will be re-written by insane A/I robots mimicking leftists. Over several decades, all past history sources could be abolished and the "new" history implanted. With the oldsters all gone, the younger generations wouldn't know the difference.
Exactly. That is why I have over 8000 files saved from the last three years. A lot of it is video too. Somehow I would like to leave it to humanity....
Not much of what I have been told / taught as recent history, appears to be true.
WW1 and 2 are currently having their moment in my spotlight and have been feeling pretty angry as I am shown just how much we've been lied to.
Especially reading revisionist historians views on concrete proof, aerial photos, logistics of deeds, and of course hidden allied deeds airbrushed away.
You are not the only one EH, I'm in a self-imposed "re-education camp" as well. I have moments of "to hell with it, what doesn't matter now" but I guess I want to know the truth before I move on.
Any book you can advice?
I cannot vouch for the veracity of any of the following, but it will hopefully show that there are other versions of the truth that have been concealed.
Patrick Buchanan - Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
The Bad war by Ms King has a whole load of newspaper cuttings and reports that can be compared with what we are told today.
There is also a book by Carlos Whitlock Porter called - Made in Russia - The Holocaust. Which also shows how much of the truth we have been taught, cannot possibly be so.
James Corbetts videos on WW1 - and -
David Coles video tour of Auchwitz, after which he had to change his name and go into hiding from ?
David Irvings books which can probably only be found on Torrents in much of the world.
There are also a series of videos that are pro Hitler and anti Jewish, but still contain a truly massive volume of factual information that I had never seen before, including filmed interviews with people who lived through the conflict.
Be warned that some of the information is truly heartbreaking and if you're like me, will change you.
On several of David Irving's books!
About the video's you mention, you know a title or have a link?
Sorry. I missed your replies as Yahoo has started sending substack links to spam.
There are a series of films that are frequently removed from Rumble, but can usually be found elsewhere or when reuploaded.
Some of the films are long winded and repeat the same facts multiple times, but they are important enough to forgive that flaw.
IMDB reviews of the films and Goodreads reviews of the books are generally very positive, which surprised me, showing that many people can see beyond the purposeful deceit.
"Hellstorm" is a very good start and RAVries channel has previously hosted most of the others as well, though they keep on removing them.
I was reluctant to watch Europa the last battle, as (without watching it) I had considered it to be anti Semitic propaganda.
I finally went in knowing that it was anti Jewish and pro Hitler, but it is still very much worth a watch and most of the contents are dealt with factually, though a few claimed comments are questionable.
The link to the first part on RAVries Rumble channel has just been removed, but it can also be found on Brighteon -
Hitler -The greatest story never told, is one I haven't seen yet, as again it keeps on getting removed, but can be found on torrents.
I viewed David Coles visit to Auschwitz, after seeing some of the "facts" about the camp, fully debunked in the Europa series.
This talk by David Irving is also worth a watch
I have heard that is under threat from the usual book burners, so it may be worth saving things to storage while you can.
Good luck.
David Irving has many books. He is, of course discredited, Nick Kollerstrom has book Breaking the Spell, Rich Planet TV discusses many false flags. I was never a conspiracy theorist until Aug 2020 when I discovered Christian Drosten engineered the test for alleged virus by using sequencing from alleged SARS1 as no SARS2 isolated. Been down many rabbit holes since.
I've recently come across a couple of books by Viktor Suvorov (Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? and The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II), which throws some interesting, and pesky facts into the mix. I believe some of the accounts are in dispute as there are with any revisionist version of history. I've not finished reading them so can't make a recommendation either way at this point.
thank you !!! maarten.
This is correct. And when the war was over, they also began pushing those same vaccines onto the public, telling them that the soldiers (who were sick from the vaccines) were bringing home diseases from other countries. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND, author of The Poisoned Needle and Vaccination Condemned, was around during that time, and wrote about it.
Bingo!!! ЁЯТптА╝я╕Пyou got that right
No, it is all one big lie.
Yes, I have read a couple of accounts of that too. Haven't studied it enough detail to have an opinion, but it seems dodgy.
Even Fauci says bacterial pneumonia killed majority. Remember this was probably the birth of viruses, that invisible enemy.
1918 was not the birth of viruses. The default theory going in was that flu was caused by a bacteria, but culture results in 1918/19 didn't end up adding support. It wasn't accepted as being a virus until 1931-36. This didn't upend the consensus about the clinical course in 1918; it was widely agreed that aside from less common cases, most deaths were from bacterial pneumonia "settling in" in the wake of the acute disease; and this is what Fauci et al. mirror in their review in 2008.
"Virus" at the time of flu's acceptance as one, as well as before, simply meant "invisible disease causing thing," sometimes with filtering used to distinguish from a culture-resistant bacteria but this was flexible. Everything was tentative, there was debate and open-mindedness. They weren't simply imagining transmissible disease in human society because of seeing things in microscopes.
If you look at the possibility that viruses do not exist (terrain theory vrs germ theory) than all that was birthed was a huge mountain of cow manure.
Yeah helped along by mask wearing.