"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again . . . Take this great power away from them, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, 1927

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Excellent quote. I've had it on file for years. Good on ya...

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I had it as my signature on WarOnYouForum before it was taken down about a decade ago.

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RemovedJul 2
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We have been tested for centuries (milenia even), and failed miserably so far.

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Beautiful Iris! x

“If you have two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a hyacinth.”

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

IF you have 2 loaves of bread, and you are a bank, you eat one, and sell the other, for cash, which you then lend out, which creates a loan chain between banks, so that it is collateral for other loans, and you and them keep 10% required reserve, and lend out the remaining 90% at 8% interest: Lets say its pricey bread, like Base Culture, $10 per loaf.

You eat the first loaf, hypothecate the proceeds of the 2nd loaf and the chain of loans when repeated lets say 10 times you and the chain have wound up loaning out $58.64 on your $10 loaf of bread and earning $4.69 on your $10 loaf, or almost 50%.

This is a brief lesson in fractional reserve banking 😋😋😋.

Retired former CPA here, who's first job out of college was as a Federal Bank Examiner.

The problem with this is of course, if any of the loans go bad, which can collapse the whole chain... and requires the Fed to come in and bail it out (usually by borrowing/printing).

The answer to all this is sound hard asset based money, which leaves the holder with some value, regardless of what the govmt. does to the monetary unit.

The downside of this can be less economic activity, as harder to pump things up with smoke and mirrors. Its a trade off.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well said. The usury side of banking has gotten us to where we are today. *Actual* valuations are now completely detached from 'real' physical properties and assets. The markets are now 100% speculative. The ponzi game is falling apart due to pissing contests between international trade groups and diversified banking. It's a shit show...

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Removed (Banned)Jun 29
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Spam. Please find a different way to make a living...

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"It works like magic. With a few strokes on a computer, the Federal Reserve can create dollars out of nothing, virtually "printing" money and injecting it into the commercial banking system ...."


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In the rules of Monopoly, the board game, it says something like: "If the bank runs out of money you can take a blank sheet of paper, cut it to the right size and write whatever denomination you need on the new bills." Exactly what is done in quantitative easing. LOL

You just can't make shit like this up.

"Once upon a time in the west" you could melt 400 quarters, take the chunk of metal to the local junk yard and sell it for almost $100,-. If you do that today you'll get laughed at or an ass kicking.

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LOL - brilliant! Bloody brilliant! x

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If you only have two loaves of bread, you should have kept one of them as wheat so you can grow some more.

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what bankers are doing is speculating using the confidence in government to get more money. They are not farmers.

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Investors invest, bankers loan.

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Pretty soon, "money" will be just digital. Even easier to erase ?

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Digital currency's value to central banking, is that ALL of it can be accounted for. Nobody can hide money.

With cash and coins, your don't really know who has what and where. People can stuff mattresses and whatnot.

Knowing where every dollar is located allows for even greater speculation and manipulation.

Of course, they can turn it off, and lock you out of your accounts if you step out of line -- but they can do that now! They already did in Canada. Was it legal? It doesn't matter. They can do it, and the people without access will be screwed over long before any court decision.

What the central banks want is to know where the money is, so they can take it!

It would turn currency into gambling chips. Only there's no hard currency with which to "cash out."

It's more about control, and less about punishment. And, it's 100% f*cked up!

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Unless you run a Stasi, you won't be stopping people trading between themselves using whatever 'currencies' they choose. A doctor can treat dentists' children in return for the dentist treating the doctor's children.

A farmer could rent land to a market gardener for annual payment in fruit and vegetables. He could set it up as a 'charity' for 'supporting local people'.

A piano teacher could loan a piano to a chef for their children to learn on in return for him cooking them one slap up meal every quarter. They could teach the children in return for the chef sourcing them meat at trade prices for storage in their refrigerator.

All it comes down to is what people value different things at.

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Oh, of course, bartering will never go away.

I often use bartering as an example of why an "income tax" makes no sense.

If I repair your car, and I agree to do it for a bag of rice, does the government get some of my rice?

The level of control that can be gained by forcing a CBDC on the population is orders of magnitude greater than the control they have now.

If you have a mortgage, they can require that you pay your bank note in CBDC and not accept any other currency. Similarly they can do the same thing for rent, limiting people's accessibility to housing. Don't expect contract law to save anyone. Most contracts include payment through "approved" means. This can be changed along with the definition of, "what is approved."

Why did the government move to take 1,000 dollar bills out of circulation? Was it to stop organized crime? No, it was to keep people from being able to move large sums of money.

The federal government is full of professional "white collar" criminals. The Panama papers proved this. Damn near all of congress was involved in moving money around overseas to avoid taxes -- for whatever reason. They were moving large sums of money, and didn't want it tracked. Why? Because they are criminals. They were laundering money.

CBDC will make it easier for the criminal political class to keep their own people safe. It will completely hide the movement of money from anyone outside of the government -- more importantly outside of the government's purview.

Governments will use CBDC to punish people when they "step out of line politically" and they will use it to conceal their own illegal activities by keeping it in house.

For those who want control, it's a win-win.

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Here in Norway they did away with bank boxes before the new milenium.

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What was the reasoning? And I don't believe that cash is completely non-existent.

How do you like it?

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Ray Hendershot, master of watercolors.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

The flushing of the financial toilet should have occurred in 2008/9. That would have exposed the trillions of missing dark money in the U.S. treasury. Instead a band aid called quantitative easing (taxpayer to the rescue) was applied, Wall street was bailed out, bonuses paid to bankers, and the printing machines worked overtime. The can successfully kicked down the road to allow time for the going direct and the great reset to take place. And every politician is in on it!

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Andy, the bailout of the banks was the ultimate sign that our government doesn’t belong to us — but to the banks.

When we begin to understand this - and understand the bailout of the banks was a form of Democide, we have a more accurate understanding of reality: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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Read the article linked. Well done and very enjoyable. I was a died-in-the-wool brainwashed zombie for most of my life. Although a hippy and protestor against the Vietnam War, I fell into a complacency like most Americans through TV and censored propagandized news. 2008-9 began piquing something inside. I realized we had bailed out extremely influential, rich people. I also drove cab in a hugely tourist destination during that time period so I interacted with people from every sphere and every country. They enlightened me. People, in general, are very kind and Americans particularly. When I asked a question and they could see my genuine interest, I was literally given another college education...for I learned nothing such as they taught me in college so many years ago. 2015 at the age of 67 I red pilled completely. Fractional banking was one of the hardest concepts to understand because I couldn't understand the illogic but reading ZeroHedge helped tremendously. Have accomplished all your three steps. At my stage in life, I see particularly that the essential struggle is spiritual. My feeling is that those forces will be defeated. Oh...we will suffer, but they will be defeated.

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Hello Franklin. You seem to have an excellent grasp of the 'situation'. I've now witnessed four discrete adjustments to the Feral Reserve system. The 'adjustment' negatively affects real estate valuations and loan margins in smaller markets. The Obama sponsored bail-out was a greased skate board ride to Hell.

The assholes know exactly what they're doing. Thank you for you efforts...

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"Andy, the bailout of the banks was the ultimate sign that our government doesn’t belong to us — but to the banks."


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

- Thomas Jefferson -

He is now sitting in heaven saying "I TOLD YOU SO!"

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Of what little I understand of all this, this makes sense.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Money - specifically Debt - from the imaginary money created from interest- is the invisible chain that has held humanity captive since the days of Babylon.

So glad you have touched on this topic as I did a podcast on this last Sunday. We’re on the same wavelength: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/spiritual-sundays-freedom-vs-slavery

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War time economy.

Crash the market.

Pick up devalued entities.

Rinse, Repeat.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Safe travels Sasha. Make sure you take some time to smell the roses. About those iris's...I recognized them right off...Yesterday, in the rain, I was building a road into a small lake on the mountain where I live, and found two separate groups of beautiful flowers blooming near where pioneers must have had a homestead back in the 1800's. I found tiger lilies and....iris's, and marveled at the profoundly simple beauty God gives us daily to enjoy. They had to have been planted long ago, and became naturalized perennials. It brings to mind the importance of good financial planning and also execution of that plan. All that is left of the plans of those early pioneers are the flowers they planted. Real assets, as then, are just as important these days; money is subject to planned obsolescence, as history has shown. The folks that manipulate the currency have no real conscience to guide them, and destroy the lives of others to enrich themselves. "THEY" are identified by intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman in his book "CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: The Story of the Committee of the 300". All people would benefit from studying this non-fiction book that identifies the "one worlders", and using the information gleaned to thwart their evil plans which "THEY" have imagined against us. Not playing their game, and using solid assets to defend yourself actually helps everyone. Sasha's advice "do not comply" is very timely and wise. P.s. compare "germ theory" to "terrain theory", and note how "THEY'S" pharma's continue to defraud and sicken us. "THEY" are also trying to kill us. Read Coleman's historic record and see that what he warned us 33 years ago of has come to pass, and find out who "THEY" are...it is alarming, to say the least. "THEY" cause the trouble in the world, and then make money from it. I was shocked to recognize so many names and institutions identified by Coleman. The dots of global warming, Covid 19, ongoing wars, financial meltdown, illegal mass immigration, moral decay and bad drugs are all connected now. Thank you Sasha for providing light to shine on them and their evil deeds. God bless you and keep you.

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They like to think they can surpass Jehovah’s wonderful designs and creations…they are arrogant , narcissistic, fools whose judgement is in the pipeline soon from the Creator of the universe! Let them show me a rose that they have designed and made as beautiful as the ones in my garden here in England and I just MIGHT be able to call them “copycats” and imitators instead of fools …..

“they will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury…” - Ezekiel 7:19

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Right on the money Jacqueline. God is not mocked, and vengeance is His domain, He will repay. Jesus is our reward, and we are His heritage...the Day of the Lord is coming soon, according to the signs Jesus warned us to watch for (Matt 24: 1-51). WHAT was coming that we needed to be 'saved' from is also found in the testimony of Simon Peter, 2 Peter 3: 1-18. (both references from the KJV). The atheistic, genocidal miscreants will have no place to hide Jacqueline, as you well know. When you and I are at the table with Jesus and Jehovah in the kingdom of God, enjoying perfect health and everlasting life, with our Creator, they will be nothing more than dust and ashes, never to be considered again. God bless you Jacqueline for your testimony...I'll see you there, with love in Jesus Christ

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"The kingdom of God is within you", according to Jesus, addressed to EVERYONE who could hear. It isn't somewhere, sometime "up there", for a tiny minority of selected souls. In my world, that makes the whole difference!

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Dear Explorer, yes indeed Jesus said,"...for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you".

However, your assertion (regarding the kingdom of God) " It isn't somewhere, sometime "up there", for a tiny minority of selected souls".... IS JUST PLAINLY NOT TRUE. You have missed the entendre, either of any double triple or quadruple meanings of the word kingdom. Your statement perverts the gospel of the kingdom, also known as the gospel of the kingdom of God, and the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

And I write for one purpose, that is to clarify for any who may be interested in the truth of all things.

Jesus made his statement to the Pharisees, who doubting that Jesus was in fact God among us, (Immanuel), explained to them, (because they actually did not "have ears to hear")...they were hypocrites... when they demanded to know exactly when the kingdom of God should come, that it does not come with observation, because, according to Jesus, if you accept that Jesus is the King, then His kingdom is already established IN YOU.

His kingdom was to physically come later as well...as shown in scripture, but was figuratively described in many ways, likened to 'a grain of mustard seed', or as leaven hidden in three measures of meal, or the disciples arguing about who should be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, or the parable of the sower, likened to the kingdom of heaven.

The part you have apparently missed is another entendre of the word kingdom, which literally is a place...as used in my post to Jacqueline...to which you responded incorrectly. There is literally a place where the throne of God is, and where we will be going, who are 'saved'.

That place, New Jerusalem, where we are going, who are 'saved' is "coming down from God out of heaven", where we will meet Jesus on "the day of the Lord".

Many will not be 'saved'...because they loved not the truth, and the wrath of God is upon them.

Luke 13:23..."Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, {13:24} Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. {13:25} When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he

shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: {13:26} Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. {13:27} But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence

ye are; depart from me, all [ye] workers of iniquity. {13:28} There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [yourselves] thrust out. {13:29} And they shall come from the east, and [from] the west, and from the north, and [from] the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God. {13:30} And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last.

You will note the reference to "sit down in the kingdom of God", as well as the reference to those who were not accepted into the kingdom of God, and were "thrust out".

Another entendre you have missed regarding the word 'kingdoms', describes "the kingdoms of this world" as well as "the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ"...as in Revelation 11:15..."And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. {11:16} And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, {11:17} Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. {11:18} And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. {11:19} And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."

As you can clearly see, Explorer, you have missed the mark with your comment. However, the thing that is needed to be known, for the benefit of all, is that Jesus is coming back (to gather His elect into His kingdom (New Jerusalem, the city of God) and to judge the world by fire....and any who do not accept Him are literally incinerated. .We are literally "saved" from incineration at judgement day, by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, by the grace of God.

(2 Peter 3: (in it's entirety)...{3:1} This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in [both] which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: {3:2} That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

{3:3} Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, {3:4} And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation. {3:5} For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: {3:6} Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: {3:7} But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. {3:8} But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. {3:9} The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that

any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. {3:10} But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the

earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. {3:11} [Seeing] then [that] all these things shall be dissolved, what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in [all] holy conversation and godliness, {3:12} Looking for and

hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? {3:13} Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new

earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. {3:14} Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. {3:15} And account [that] the longsuffering of

our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; {3:16} As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be

understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. {3:17} Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away

with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. {3:18} But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him

[be] glory both now and for ever. Amen.

Explorer, I hope you find this tiny bit of absolutely critical knowledge useful, and I encourage you to study intensively, because the time is short. With Love in Jesus Christ. David

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With all due respect, truly, I ask: Has the Bible not been rewritten by those who wish to control us? I merely ask this as I did read somewhere recently, that for example the part about "the Rapture" was created by one of the Rockefeller's...not kidding. I wish I could find reference to the article that I read. I am still learning, but I do know that the KJV of the Bible has been modified. One of my friends, recommended the Marcionite Bible as he said this was the original? I have been reading that even the Nicene Creed was amended. Could you please put me straight on these matters? Thank you.

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EmEm33, thank you for asking a frank question, which I will approach honestly, with knowledge unfeigned to back up what I say. Obviously I cannot quote the entire Bible in this space, but I will provide some clarity.

I spent about three hours compiling the whole truth for you , but the forum will not allow me to use that much space...I have been prompted to "Please type a shorter comment". And so, not being a tech genius, I mailed it to myself, and will attempt to post it in three parts. I hope it works.

All original manuscript words in the KJV come from translating the Textus Receptus, and all additional English words (unchanged since 1611) are italicized to indicate they were added by the translators, for flow of language. I am not aware of any perversions of the KJV, Authorized Version, which is public domain, not privately held. It may be possible that there are counterfeits, but I have not seen any.

It is true, however, that two sketchy characters in the 1800's were hired by someone to pervert the Bible. The two were named Wescott and Hort, and they attempted, in the 1870's, approximately, to rewrite and change the ORIGINAL texts, to undo the 1611 KJV, around the time of Darwin's theory, and used the corrupted Alexandrian and Vaticanus texts to do so, claiming that they were older, therefore more accurate than the Textus Receptus. They were frauds, aswas there theory, and they admitted in letters to each other that they knew that what they were doing was wrong, but that there was a big paycheck waiting for them at the summation of their attempt to delegitimize the KJV and our Lord Jesus Christ, and remove or alter key doctrinal facts, introducing ambiguity, to foster doubt and division.

The 1611 King James Authorized version of the Bible is the same as it was when published, and is the ONLY TEXT WITHOUT A PRIVATE OWNERSHIP/COPYRIGHT. All other modern translations are based upon Westcott and Hort's evil work. The KJV is based upon the Textus Receptus, a culmination of about 5,000 original documents that were in substantial agreement, and interpreted by the very best and diligent language experts available in the world. The "New King James" is a different, modern "version" not to be trusted.

The NIV used to be owned by Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the Bart Simpson Show, and of Fox News fame, and is not legitimate in my view. NIV is used by "progressives", and their fruit is obvious, upon observation. It is based upon the work of Westcott and Hort, and is ambiguous at best, used by many who work to disrupt the truth, such as JW'S, whose "version" compares closely with the NIV.

Using "versions" other than the KJV is risky for maintaining true doctrine, and I do not recommend using anything BUT the KJV. Doctrine must be held true, or the truth is lost.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

And Biden and Trump are standing in front of the camera blaming each other for the mess we are in. And the American people haven’t caught on? The politicians are ridiculous side shows to distract from the powers that are really pulling the strings- the huge corporations, the DOD, the bankers, etc. Everybody involved in the scam gets their cut and the average person can’t understand why they can’t afford a house, a car, food, medical care…

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Yes. Those in back of the Reserve; UN; U.S. military; etc. are the movers and shakers. They've lived long on Earth and have connections to slightly higher dimensions. Like the Hydra, we citizens cut off one head and two more appear. Once we learn to cauterize the slit head, we'll make progress. Once the immortal head is cut, the creature is vanquished. Hercules is a prophecy rather than a Greek tale.

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But, somehow "they" don't like Trump very much.

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What? They love him! He is their bread and butter. He's in every other news story. Liberals go ballistic anytime his name is mentioned. If they didn't like him, they would ignore him. The liberal media withers on the vine without him. He did everything they (whatever powers are behind the "pandemic" efforts) needed him to do, which mostly included giving lip service to conservative ideas to keep republicans from engaging in civil war, but then doing the opposite.

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The demonization/adoration of trump is an example of Cult of Personality. Two deranged candidates do not inspire confidence, and all the precious worries over election fraud and our "democracy"? Sigh. . . .

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Distract, distract, distract… apparently it’s a very effective strategy.

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Let us hope that USA is still useful enough to be allowed to keep going?

This is such a scary time right now.

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I hear you. I keep thinking that the situation we are in is bad, but we are on the precipice of something much worse. I guess we will see what happens next.

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It doesn't help to know that twisted US foreign policy states a first strike of (our) nuclear weapons is "defensive".

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Quoted from the article: "Of course, this whole thing is a big confidence game, that could end very badly." Ya think?

The *stock* market confidence game and internationally leveraged bond issues have reduced actual purchasing power (cash) to near zero in real terms. The American dollar of 1912 is now worth less than a US penny. Many persons allege this is all due to Federal Reserve policy. Erm... What financial powers created the original Federal Reserve system? Blank stares abound...

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Like water, which always seeks its own level, fiat(paper) currencies also seek their own level, which is precisely zero. According to currency expert and author Aaron Day, there have been thousands of fiat currencies in recorded history, with an average lifespan(according to his research) of 27 years. In modern times, since roughly 1800, fiat currencies have had an average lifespan of roughly 100 years. The paper US dollar was established in 1913 with the advent of the US Federal Reserve system. This was quasi-fiat. The Fed could print money but only in relation to the amount of gold held in reserve. This was true until 1971 when all ties to gold were eliminated, creating a true “fiat” currency and the beginning of economic shenanigans that are just now coming to a head, after just 53 years of full fiat dollar status. If we have learned anything, it is that paper fiat currencies and central banks(that can print as much currency as they can get away with) eventually become an unmitigated disaster for the nations that employ them. For all of them, eventually the wheel barrel becomes more valuable than all the cash it can carry. The once vaunted petrodollar is now the debt dollar, and the sharks are circling the vault.

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There are some inaccuracies in the comment above. First the first US Treasury bank notes redeemable in gold coin were issued in 1865 and continued in use until made illegal by FDR in 1933 by the infamous EO 6102 and by the Congress in 1934. These notes were distinguished by a gold colored seal and redeemable for gold coin at any federally chartered bank. In 1914 the Fed started issuing dollar denominated paper (cotton) notes. However these notes were were also redeemable in gold coin until private ownership of gold was outlawed in 1933-4. After that, all notes were FRNs and pure fiat. It is very difficult to find a reliable source indicating whether the amount of issue of gold notes was covered by a fractional reserve of gold in the US Treasury. The best that I could come up with is that it was at a 40% ratio of gold to notes. This helped to restrain government spending.

After 1933, all government cotton notes were pure fiat but coins still retained their non-tokenized value as 90% silver and 10% copper, alloyed for greater strength against wear. Today it is known as “junk silver” and much sought after by preppers. In 1964, this was rescinded and all coins previously silver became copper alloy except the half dollar which did so in 1970. By the way, coins of either silver or gold were referred to as “species” and that word was used extensively in US banking in the 19th century. When a private bank said that its notes were redeemable in species, that meant in either silver or gold at the banks discretion. When Nixon “temporarily” slammed shut the Breton Woods gold window on August 15, 1971, it only affected other sovereign governments in regard to settling annual balance of payments, but prior to that, the open window did have some restraining influence of the Fed/Treasury/Congress running the printing presses at warp speed. This is from memory so don’t bet the farm on it.

Austrian school economists say that only gold and silver are money, and anything else claiming to be money is currency. JP Morgan is famous for his quote that “Only gold is money and anything else is credit.” When FDR outlawed gold to the public in 1933, the government redeemable price of gold was $23.60 per troy ounce. Today it is about $2360. On the basis of JP Morgan’s statement that only gold is money, we now have price inflation of exactly 100 times or 10,000%.

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Hello el Gallinazo: Excellent review of the process. For readers, here's a sanitized version of Roosevelt's Gold Program - signed in 1933: https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/roosevelts-gold-program

Mr Roosevelt was the most corrupt and destructive president in US history. That's why our media whores have made a hero of him...

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With all due respect, I am wondering if you would be able to explain to me why Economist Lynette Zang (X handle - TheLynetteZang) will only buy pre 1933 gold coins, versus the bullion and bars being sold today? She mentioned it on a podcast that she did, but never explained why and I don't recall the interviewer asking her the question....do you think it has something to do with the possibility of bullion being seized by the government once again through an EO?

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Yes, that is exactly it. Lynette loves to tell this story of how, when she was a teenager, her grandfather would show her his safe full of pre-1933 gold coins. He was not forced to turn them into the Fed because they were legally collectors items. This was at a time when in the USSA possessing gold coins or bullion was still illegal. So the answer is that it is a hedge against the chance once again when .gov would confiscate your real money (and then debase the dollar by almost one half the previous exchange versus gold.) However, it is also based on the idea that if .gov does confiscate gold once again it will exempt collectibles. I am under the opinion that they would not, so this strategy wouldn't work.

Bill Holter, who is a really sharp, no nonsense analysts, feels that buying US mint gold coins, even newer ones is a protection, because it would be really hard for .gov to sell you the coins and then turn around the next month and confiscate them. It obviously would face a huge class action suit. This is different form Lynette's position since 19th century UK gold coins, for example, would be collectors items but 2023 Eagles would not be.

Andy Schectman is the CEO of Miles-Franklin, a major dealer in PMs. Holter is a broker for MF. But Schectman pretty much doesn't think that they are going to go that confiscation route again and just believes that bullion is bullion. He usually does a lot of interviews and usually one every Tuesday evening with the blog site Liberty and Finance. He is very smart, well spoken, and knowledgable and well worth listening to.

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Fiat doesn't mean created as a debt, but anyway.

Gold coins such as the US eagle being $10 or the silver coin being $1 were actually fiat too.

Barter is generally considered to be a fair exchange of value, in that it is more easily recognized as being labor based. Which is why all fiat currencies, bastardized by usury, still have value to every day people. If you do a days work, you expect to trade that in for food and shelter, and fiat allows that.

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Technically you are correct. The term fiat comes from the Latin meaning by command. And technically a Canadian 1 ounce silver maple leaf in the US would be fiat while a silver eagle would not be. So for any country that has a currency designated by law as "legal tender," it is fiat. However the term has come to mean a legal tender currency that has no, or nearly no, intrinsic value. Since for whatever reason, gold and silver has been considered of high value, it was never really necessary to make it legal tender. In the early days of the Republic, the Mexican piece of eight was the most common currency in silver.

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Well technically, as if it really matters... you seem to be contradicting the reality. A $10 US gold Eagle coin was both fiat and worth $10 a century ago, well !00+ years ago. Also in 1912 to roughly 1914 I think, Canada also had a $10 gold coin, being fiat as well. Those were the days before Inflation. A dollar was a lot of money - whether paper or silver.

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1913, the year the countey was no longer a republic.

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wheelbarrow, not wheel barrel

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Yes you are correct. 😂

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

I'm no expert in this field, but I think one of the more interesting outcomes of the current high interest rates will be some sort of rest of the world debt crisis. I've seen some indications that there are quiet efforts to restrict US dollar flow to Asian countries like Korea and Japan. What happens when foreign countries and companies have to repay debts borrowed in dollars in appreciating dollars as their currencies fall against the dollar?

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Both real estate and luxury handbags have gone up 85%+ in price 2018 to 2024, pre and post pandemic. This is the trillions of fiat currency they have printed. How many new billionaires did "COVID" create? There's no business like pandemic business! 😃

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Absolutely the scariest part. I love the iris. Its delicate perfume resists replication.. Its textures are magnificent. Your watercolor captures it all.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

The dollar is backed by bombs - and a nuclear arsenal. (It used to be backed by gold - a commodity.)

That’s a pretty strong currency. One that is backed by bombs. Especially when so effectively “centralized” by a U.S. dominated NATO.

Its’ primary weakness is that currently NATO requires consensus from member nations to actually be of any value. (That’s where this all will be won or lost by people like you and I).

Commodities will always hold value - oil, gas,minerals,timber,food, etc.

As will promises of delivery of said commodities.

As the United States military becomes more and more isolated through ineffectiveness, and let’s face it, failure, currencies backed by commodities (and promises of delivery) will ultimately prevail in whatever is left of, or emerges from, the carnage that is coming.

Unless the U.S. and NATO can bomb the shit out of enough of the world to keep that from happening.

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You're prescient and correct. The current real value in the world is that the U.S. military acts as the enforcer to strip all countries of their natural assets, natural resources, and labor of their people. The U.S. military enforces this. Look at the conflicts. They aren't conflicts. They're protection rackets for those who sit on Vanguards' BOD and who direct these conflicts. We must laugh. The U.S. military inadvertently left behind 7 billion in weapons, equipment, and installations for the Taliban? Only fools believe that fairy tale. It's a big club and we ain't in it.

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Shhhhh!!! U.S. and NATO are hopelessly open to suggestion...

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USD is still the cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry hamper. The game is inflate or die, and they will inflate. Expect the Fed to tease interest rates lower later this year. We are going to rev up the printing presses again. Expect crypto, the Nasdaq and other risk assets to hit even higher highs as the dollar dilutes but continues to comprise over 80% of global daily currency exch volume.

Just MHO. Markets, including currency markets, exist to make fools of most of us :)

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Highly recommend watching this through for explanation


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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well, at least your art is good news! Beautiful as always.

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Jun 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

When the collateral is impaired the loan sours. Simple stuff. Since the dollar is the world reserve currency the collateral is the threat of violence on many levels. RIP JFK Kadaffi! For the dollar to lose this status the violence threat has to be extinguished.

Then ask your self why is ww3 ramping up? Putin formed the BRIC s to create an alternative to this violence back situation.

Ironically the violence is directed at his nation. Not to mention that the interest on 35 T is 1T/year and unfunded liabilities, over 200T ie, contracts, promises will not be met. War baby war! Out of the ashes a digital controller will arrive.

I’ve left out many events. Biggest is sanctions against Russia recently. 1971 off gold standard.

Suffice to say the debt based fiat currency is in its death throes. Here we is my fellow dollar lovers. Time to find a new relationship. I like silver, tools, precious stuffs like bic lighters ect. List is endless but needs to be needed when the shtf which is inevitable…

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