I cannot press the "like" button, because what is there to like, other than the truth is beginning to trickle out? I took two doses of this "stuff", and I am still here, kinda-sorta 🤞...

My conclusion: Trust was severely misplaced.

I do not plan to take any Pfizer or Moderna products again, ever... and while I routinely got every vaccine that I thought would be the least bit helpful, all are now suspect, and will require careful research before submitting to that "therapy" in future.

I think now, its back to old tried and true (and off patent) meds.

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I hope you and the other people that were conned or coerced make it through this madness.

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Many of us who were Lab Rats of Faucis' in many Countries (remember there were and are many Bioweapons' USA Labs throughout the World years before Covid11), we have already gone through an incredible number of illnesses, there was NO Diagnosis of Auto Immune Disorder until roughly 2010, so a victim was looked upon with curiosity by the Medical World and Signs & Symptoms were given Big Pharma treatments. This has been going on since the 1980s. Since then there are so many Chronic illnesses in the world.

This is one reason that people refused the Jabs. Read Dr Judy Mikovits book "Plague of Corruption" (free download) where she writes of the 2 monkeys mutated cells & HIV/XMRVirus 1980s.

This COVID11 has the spike which increases death from Heart and other illnesses.

I write this in honour of those that have suffered long before COVID and who contributed to knowledge bases through their pain and suffering, and forced to be their own Doctor, while being scorned quite often in many ways by the Medical World, people who lost their lives, incomes, careers ruined all, left with chronic illnesses, those things that are now becoming common place in the World.

This why a Thyroid Diagnosis became routine as Drs blamed the Thyroid for all the health problems many had. Thyroid patient sites topped the medical list on the Internet.

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I hope that more people will come to that conclusion. Vaccines are big business for some. And there have been so many lab leaks of pathogens and also vaccine trials in the past that have caused decease and sickness that it would probably be best to shut the whole vaccine complex down.

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and remember the HIV components' in Vaccines

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Your painting is magnificent.

This information you shared today is shocking and disgusting.

We work like dogs to pay taxes which go to schemers. We should really stop paying taxes.

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Fresh from (resentfully) doing my taxes, and knowing full well that there would be "consequences" if I did not "voluntarily" file them (and not emotionally prepared to deal with the fallout this year, sheesh) -- I could not help but notice that there are countless "medical" deductions for such things as PPE, tampons, prescription medicines, medical devices, therapy, visits to licensed doctors, hospitals, and so on..... even OTC meds that your doctor wants you to take. But missing:

organic food, herbal supplements, exercise classes, and pretty much anything actually preventive ("preventing screenings" however, like mammograms and colonoscopies are covered).

It's like they want you to be sick, they encourage you to do things to make yourself sick, and then they want you to take costly treatments which don't actually cure you from a disease that you maybe likely could have prevented in the first place, by not complying with their schemes to sicken you.... and they don't necessarily want to kill you off too soon, because there is profit in your being ill for a period of time. OMG what if we all just stopped complying? Yeah, I know, they put poison in the food and spray it from the air. Other than that, though....

It is all such a huge racket. But I do think people are waking up and change is coming.

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RESTORING HEALTH is CRUCIAL to fight all this. Grow your own food - cheaper anyway, use Heritage Seeds as Billy Gates owns a seed bank in the North Pole area, and GMO seeds are commonplace

TAXES read my comment above to Rosemary

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The 🐑'll ain't gonna! 😑

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There is a USA group that has stopped paying their taxes. Todd Callendar (legal) is involved in this area. Do research, not being a USA citizen I did not take deeper details. At this stage Membership is in the 25 million mark from memory.

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Sasha thank you again for your fearless clarity and integrity. One Sasha equal 1 million death cult vermin. You are shinning the flood light of truth on the dark story of the death cult, it shows the government, corporate, media, cult being a murderous criminal cartel. I look forward soon to the collapse and prosecution of the death cult and the rebirth of a just nation.

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Moderna's contractual preparations with the NIAID began in May 2019. They sent a prototype to Baric on Dec 16, 2019 for animal testing. CEPI announced on January 23, 2020 that they were awarding Moderna $1 million to commence manufacturing of their covid vaccine. They needed the WHO to declare a PHEIC so that the PREP Act could be invoked to cover Moderna's manufacturing activities. Anders Tegnell was on the WHO Emergency Committee and appears to have been influential in preventing the recommendation so Hatchett (CEO of CEPI) asked George Gao at China CDC (and a CEPI scientific adviser) for a favour which is why Wuhan was locked down.

Full story set out here.


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Sasha, You insight into contract reading is fascinating. You have really brought home for me the fact that this is a bio weapon.

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Gosh, if the New York Times only had a couple of Cracker Jack real journalists who would also do a deep dive into the "meat" of these contracts. So the world has ONE Substack author who took it upon herself the job of playing "watchdog" to Big Pharma and the Department of Defense. But thank God we have ONE such person.

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Apr 19, 2023
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They might "make an announcement," but nobody (who matters in the MSM) will cover said announcement. We can spread it far and wide on Substack. I've already done a cross-post of this to help with that effort.

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Moderna has been a "cut-out" for the DOD. What other US corporations are private facade for government agencies? Amazon, Google, possibly SpaceX? When does the US population start figuring it out?

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I still remember the day that I found out that the NIH owned half the patent on the moderna "vaccine". It was just a little after the roll out. I was so confused at what was going on before then but knowing that one little bit of information brought the picture into crystal clear focus. Before that, I couldn't make much sense of all the chaos and incompetence. I knew there was corruption but not to this level. The world was basically shut down, people were dying and all of it was so that Fauci's pet project could be rolled out. What a complete scam.

Oh, and the most ironic part of this is that Fauci's wife is head of ethics.

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Wow...! even though I have for about a year understood the fact that we citizens of the G20 were/are in a PsyOp Kill Box.. seeing the intimate contractual details you keep revealing is non the less astonishing... Thank you Sasha.. for eliminating any remaining doubt..

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My take from reading this: government makes moderna covid "vaccines" and pretends that Moderna made them by paying them lots of money, and by having lots of official paperwork to pretend it was following normal procedure.

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Yes. That's how it appeared to me, too. Money laundering scheme on top of it all.

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If only those around me would have the interest and find the time to read posts such as this, wow, dark days ahead.

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You make everything so crystal clear for regular people to understand. Thank you Sasha for your bravery and for speaking out against these horrific crimes on humanity.

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There's a new, free, powerful tool for anyone to easily search VAERS Covid-19 reports and see summarized results. You can search by batch number or symptoms, as well as location, age, vax date, and more.

Check it out and share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity.



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Amazing skill & research Sasha, thank you for lifting the veil of tyranny, corruption and genocide. While hard to swallow, I for one think that we need to know the truth!

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Excellent article as always! I'm really excited for the manufacturing part of Spikevax. I guess quality control wasn't done to the extent like for any other pharmaceutical drug. When my doctor tried to gaslight me about the vaccine side effects, I just showed her the data from EUDRAVigilance that heart problems do occur way more often than see "wants" to see. She suddenly went silent and then said that I was the only one in her medical practice who has this "side effect". As we all know the database in EUDRAVigilance regarding these novel injections is incomplete and totally rigged. Serious adverse events such as hospitalization and death have been deleted on purpose. I wonder if there's some access of the PSUR of Spikevax...

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NON of these people are heading into a court room or prison! ALL these evidence & deaths, excess mortality etc etc & yet..... NOTHING is happening in terms of justice .

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Its still early.

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I’m not even sure if they’ll ever be out on trial but I’m curious why you say “it’s still early@! What do you envisage ?

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This is one of the biggest genocides in history. It will never be forgotten or forgiven. The extent of it and the intent of it is only beginning to be realized, but that is an irreversible process. The terrorists who perpetrated this will be apprehended and prosecuted, or they will die on the run or in hiding.

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Well put & Amen to all of it

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