This makes a stellar collection of supporting evidence for the letter I wrote Ron—also in December 2022, coincidentally:

• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)

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Wow wow to you too. I have followed your work elsewhere. Did you get a response? I am in Europe not the US but have been following the sterling work of Ron Johnson for some time .I used to be a Democrat before the COVID scam but not any more.

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He requested this memo. We did work with his staffers for about 6 weeks on the final package. After which time nothing happened. At all.

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I’ve had a similar experience, earlier on & quite a bit less sophisticated and comprehensive than your & Katherine’s contributions.

I came at this situation from biological principals and showed that the design of the purported vaccines was unmistakably intended to cause harms.

As far as I know, nothing was done with what I drafted.

I was in touch again very recently. I understand his position, that citizens don’t want to hear about deep state conspiracies and intentionally harmful products.

I replied that it wasn’t necessary to attempt to disclose everything at once, but essential to paint a big enough picture that there can be no misunderstanding what’s going down here.

Best wishes and thavis,


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Thank you Mike. You were the one who inspired me to speak up in the first place, so it was not in vain, trust me.

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Given the fact that he knows it's not a nonsensical conspiracy, but rather a well founded reality based on death and injury statistics alone, it's lame and unconscionable for him to plead that citizens are not wanting to hear about it. Does he think they, and their beloved would rather be dead than be informed. Sheesh...

Meantime, sincerely, thank you for your relentless efforts all along this lengthy, unending and horrific debacle. He should take your advice.

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Thank you Mike Yeadon. I very much appreciate your contributions to exposing the criminal operations and operatives involved. Good on ya'...

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Wtf! This proves what James Corbett recently said. We have to realize there is no one in any government who can "save us." It is up to each of us, as sovereign individuals, to not comply, become self reliant and develop peer to peer networks to replace/defeat the corporate/military complex.

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A simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.

~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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I like the idea, of like-minded people banding together, and overcoming the evil which has taken over the world. I've been personally targeted with psychotronic and microwave based weapons for @ least 17 years. I've had 28 years of intellectual property stolen, driven from my home, and been deprived of the use and benefits of what my GOD-inspired mind created. My approach to the genocide-in-progress, and the murderers-in-charge, is almost purely spiritual. I've been safely escorted through the valley of the shadow of death, and I fear NO evil. My state of mind is radiantly constructive, positive, and resiliant, hand-made by me and the LORD of ALL. Each and every one of us with any awareness of our circumstances and any control over our minds can and MUST do the same, so that we can stare down the evil parasites sucking the life out of the world.

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ALL politicians in Congress are captured.

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Exactly, Renee Marie. That’s why we can’t depend upon them for anything, really.

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Relying on Congress to do anything is, unfortunately, nothing more than wishful thinking. They have demonstrated that they’re completely corrupted by corporate forces (lobbying*). I’m sure I sound like a ‘Debby downer’, but we must stick to facts and the truth, no matter how painful. The ‘high time’ for Congress to speak up was when all this first started, years ago. Can anyone list anything whatsoever that Congress has actually ‘done’ during all this? They sit on their hands, do a bit of posturing now and then…that’s it, as far as I can see. I’ve zero interest in their ‘talking’; only action counts. I very much appreciate Ron Johnson’s efforts, but he can’t fix things all by himself. I’ve tried calls and letters; I either get no response or an inane form letter spouting crap unrelated to my questions. Members of Congress do not live in our world. *Speaking of lobbying - does anyone else here remember Obama, during his campaign for prez the first time, promising to eliminate lobbying, as well as to never hire lobbyists to his administration? I do. What a pack of lies that was!

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We are an armed population having 30 years of experience in War...And, one would imagine these facts relevant to our psyche.

THEY ARE NOT...We're as pacifistic idiots waiting to kneel in front of the Brain Chipped Pedophiles burning whole communities with laser loaded satellites and demanding society accept the Ai/Bioweapons even though all know they're POISON.

Folks aren't so ignorant and stupid in this neck of the woods and it's amazing to observe so many accepting their ongoing 'Social Anomie' justifying inaction.

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What do you do when your life or lives of your loved ones are threatened? We underestimate the criminality of the Criminals. US Congress is either bought, compromised or both. That is our sad reality and nothing will change until we have a critical mass of aware and pissed off people. I don’t know how far we are from that critical mass but judging from people I personally know, I’d venture to say we are nowhere near.

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Like when Brian Kemp called for a signature audit in GA and the next day his daughter's boyfriend crashes his car and is incinerated. December 2020.

And yes, we're not even close to critical mass. My entire close/extended family is shot up - and trying to initiate ANY sort of serious conversation with these people is literally impossible.

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I’d venture to say you’re RIGHT.

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Sasha you are amazing! And Katherine! You both are my heros ❤ It is incomprehensible to me what is/has been happening. Personally I have pointed two high level people (senators in AU) to your work in 2022 and have NEVER heard ANY comments from them since. Incomprehensible! Thank you for your brilliant work!

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DO NOT GIVE UP. We all need to flood his phone lines about this.

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Also the general public, particularly the jabbed persons, don't wanna know.

A triple jabbed friend in the UK tends to minimise the aftermath of the injections (e.g. data, side effects) and tends to pick a ultra positive interpretation (e.g. this is temporary. Good aliens are helping us) and I realise, bc she didn't die or develope a disabling illness (tho she had a nasty cvd episode and so did her jabbed family members and her mother had a stroke recently), she thinks she is lucky and spared. this has already passed. So let's get back to 'normal'.

She unconsciously shuts negative information and in order to do that , she also compartmentalises her thinking. It's her defence mechanism. Also, to some degree ,she is still operating in the pre cvd mind set (windows 2019). I have noticed many people are acting similarly.

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You're correct -- they really DON'T want to know, and they certainly don't want any further discussion of it.

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Sep 11, 2023
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Tex, that was really a good summary describing the lay-of-the-land. Do you think your summary might describe the majority of Germans at the end of WWII. They desperately did what ever it took for the realities of the Holocaust to not be true.

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BAM! Interest of Justice is going to use all this hard and perfectly concise work and make something happen in court! Excellent work! Thanks a ton for your service!

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Nothing will ever happen, but they're blowing a lot of money on pretending! It's the government way. Clintons bj in the white house, 911 commission, rt 91 concert, covid, etc. Ron actually could be a pfizer board member lol. Maybe that's how they're collecting data to treat as misinformation, or for next time😬

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Sep 7, 2023
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You forgot The Beatles (and so many other bands).

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I'm almost 60, who said just now. Dont try to judge a book by a cover you haven't even seen. No ones beem on the moon, elections aren't real and you've only had the life they've allowed you to live. I don't live on grid, I dont shop, I dont pay taxes and don't get played by society, politicians or the elites.

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Not trying to be a smartass, but you're connected in some fashion if you're reading this and commenting. Right? Can you barter for internet service?

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Sorry to hear that after all the sterling work you put in. Suppose it must be difficult for someone like him fighting a corrupt tide.

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Yes...however at the same time, it's difficult for people to witness the deaths and injuries of so many loved ones while he waffles. In my opinion, it's an absence of bravery.

He should take inspiration from Sasha and Katherine.

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He should consider resigning in disgrace.

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And in my neck of the woods (Bay Area) people are still wanting their injections or worse, getting them because jobs are still “mandating”(illegally) but many people have zero effing clue.

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Yes, the compliant people among us will determine our fate going forward into the new assault we see coming now.

Knowing the outcome may be in their hands is frightening for all of us.

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A resounding, yes! Courage is in very short supply across all sectors for speaking truth to power.

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Unacceptable. He wears the badge of a US senator. He benefits from all the perks of office. He has a responsibility to protect his constituents and should have fallen on his sword if necessary. Instead, he folded. No more excuses.

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Once you realize that all of Congress has been bought off...

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Arent senators paid to do just that? Fight a corrupt tide? There are whole gov. departments and industry watchdogs that are PAID to fight a corrupt tide.

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Yes. But look how that’s going (yet more waste of taxpayer monies).

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The real reason for this is--I think--it's because he led you to believe he was on your side, get you to collect the evidence that you both worked so hard to assemble, and then bury it. This is the true face of politics. It's not about helping the people anymore (we should know this by now). This was done to demoralize you, and your noble cause. It wouldn't surprise me if he was a Freemason, because you know they have to keep their secret oaths before anything else. And that means quashing any attempts to right any wrongs since they worship Satan/Lucifer. At least this evidence has been assembled and cannot be disputed. So it's here for anyone to see/act on.

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I know he has not lived up to the hype. However, the alternative was something worse. At heart i want to believe that he and Rand Paul might be doing more if the senate were republican controlled. JD Vances mask bill Today was an example of one apple spoiling to bunch. There is not a single rational person who believes mask on children actually help them. Yet a dem stands up and proclaims let the health experts do what they "feel" will help the public good. Your work and Kathrine's work is logical and clear. If a private citizens could sue for damages a large part of the US would be jumping on that class action. There is more evidence here of a crime than in the OJ trial. And that is the real pain point, we have no collective power it seems in the judiciary to litigate. Federal Judges seem to be bought in the right order one to move the venue to the right circuit court where the judges decide there is no case standing for the plaintiff. The remedy to the courts is we have a free elections to get rid of these people causing these harms. The work has awakened so many to the crimes committed it is with that knowledge that we will not comply.

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There won't be free elections that are honest because the entire system is corrupt and those running it want it that way.

With respect to a Republican senate, I'm sick of that old canard/con. During the first 2 years of DJT's administration, they had the House and Senate and still failed to enact any of his signature campaign issues such as repeal and replacement of Obama Care or building his big, beautiful wall. There was always an ostensible reason why it couldn't happen but those were just excuses. Republicans never intended to do any of them, or they would have happened because they had the power. It has always been theater and those 2 years proved it.

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Totally agree with you--those 2 years proved it. Republicans are just tag-team partners with the Democrats (uniparty).

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I actually did get a response from Ron! He reached out to me as soon as Mike Yeadon shared my letter with him, and I had the opportunity to speak with him on the phone. I shared details here:


He has a more pragmatic approach than me, so the first thing he said is, “You know these bills are never going to pass, right?” ;-) He is understandably jaded about the political process, so his strategy is to focus on more watered-down bills that have a better chance of passing.

At the time, he was hesitant to use inflammatory language like “crimes against humanity,” but he seems to have become more emboldened as of late (https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/sen-ron-johnson-drops-bombshell-covid-engineered-by-global-elites-to-depopulate-planet/), so I was encouraged to see him willing to call what’s happening for what it is.

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There is something in the US senate called a filibuster. Any senator can stop all further senate business by declaring that he will use it until there is a full and complete presentation of the documents/evidence compiled by SL and KW. He could do it if he wanted to. He is unwilling to. Let's stop making excuses and get radically extirpative/surgical.

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That's somewhat encouraging, but why is he not out there in the way that THREE Australian Senators are for the last several months ? I had such high hopes when he convened the Hearings and all the most credible Doctors revealed their findings. All has come to no action to date. Meanwhile the American and Canadian public are still in the dark ! and the whole sham of masks and mandates is creeping in again! He needed to step up at least a year ago when he was given all the evidence. I am no longer counting on him. I would put more faith in a County sheriff at this point.

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Agree! Johnson placated and listened and that’s it. No action.

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What action has been taken by any county sheriff up to this point? How many county sheriffs are there in the U.S.? Over 3000. How many of these have arrested even one of the covid criminals? Any autopsies conducted on the vax-murdered? Any confiscations of the bioweapons?

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You are correct...I am just an enraged Canadian and thought that Sheriffs had lots of power and might do something good for the people.

I guess I just romanticized the whole idea of a Sheriff with their shiny silver star badge ....(having watched so many American movies over the years). You know 'there's a new Sheriff in town' kinda thing.

Oh well, basically I was saying that no one at the top will be going out on a limb to help.

That's been made pretty clear.

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No one at the top, the middle or the bottom of the power structure has acted and after almost 3 years of disability and death, it appears they never will. Where am I wrong?

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As far as I am aware, not one sheriff has arrested anyone or confiscated the product. I no longer think they ever will.

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They won't act either.

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They are soooo damn cocky, due to election fraud ; they don’t have to answer to the masses . Thank you Brave Sasha and Katherine W for giving it your all.

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Maa how about him moving to delete these acts? This should nor be allowed to stand. (Can you tell I am madder than a wet hen?)

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Haha, yes, that was my hope as well. There does seem to be molasses-paced movement in that direction the more people become injured, killed, and harshly awakened to what is occurring. Once the politicians sense the critical mass is so great that they can no longer mask it with election fraud, perhaps they'll start caring again what their voters think.

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Perhaps the voice will echo much louder reverberating out from the other end of the compound.

And then one can be certain that action is soon to follow.

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I replied yesterday but it didn't go through for some reason. It must be difficult for honest politicians in a sea of corruption. They have to walk a fine line to achieve anything without being suppressed or 'removed'. Thanks for the links.

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His re-election was a close call, as I recall. Since he stands alone (with the likely exception of JD Vance--three cheers for the Hillbilly (Eligy)), I think he needs to wean some of his colleagues off of Pfizer’s tit,(teat for those of you with sensitive eyes).

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This bs is beyond dem vs repub - neither give a sheet about us little people. All they all care about is $$ and power.

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It applies to both sides of the politics, rep and demo. All about power, by this time, even if there was no voting fraud/rape, the republicans and democrats should have acted for democracy and not like the rest of the demo bullshitters against democracy. The democrats should change their name to social democrats, almost full socialists, one step down before hailing full communism. However, i don't know what the republicans should call themselves these days. It really is a war on not understanding the implications of their socialist warmongering, instead of fighting for transparency they are hiding it. Try see economy and not inclusivity, motivating people to work with integrity as incentive then people don't have to fight for inclusivity. Everyone can work out his own economy as long as the incentives are there to work and not corrupted. Nothing is and should ever be for free, unless the taxpayer's money is used for a better life for the citizen's paying the taxes. There used to be a decent system in place for immigrants on merits.

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Johnson == Paul == ( Fill in your "leaders" name ) == ZERO action, morally weak, pathetic individuals. Peace.

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No, they are part of it. Just following their script. They are ALL on the same team.

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It’s just like a prosecutor and a district attorney...they have bbqs every weekend 😉.

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Prior to reading this article by Sasha, I had never been impressed by Congress people who talked a good game, but........Johnson was no different, he sounded sincere, blah blah, but......

I live in a state that was financially devastated by the actions of our governor and his health commissioner during the Covid brouhaha. The very selective shutting down of businesses was very suspicious. WalMart was open but the smaller businesses and the medium ones were closed, why was that? Our health commissioner was a former professor of infectious diseases at a very prestigious university. Said person went right along with WHO diktat, it made no sense. I wrote the person and the governor many times, but.....To this day, these two individuals are still pushing the vaccines and are basically incommunicadoon these issues of legitimacy of the vaccines. Governor is hugely wealthy, now that he is being challenged a bit by a few heads-up people he's resorted to talking louder when questioned. I cannot imagine that these two perps are protected by immunity clauses. Our attorney general never talks about the massive dangers of chemtrails and the horrible vaccines, these 3 are clearly shilling for Schwab, Gates, and the rest of the murder cabal. Likewise, the vote to enjoin the Ukraine war featured a big majority of Congressional support. If you think Congress supports the populace, guess again. Our political contingent is essentially worthless globalists. You know, our defense industries are fat and sassy thanks to ludicrous defense industry contracts. They yell out " jobs for everybody" as Biden sends tens of billions of dollars essentially wasted on the spilt blood of Ukrainian soldiers. A stupid country we are and we are retrogressing as we speak. Is there any hope for a country intent on self destruction?

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Barring Divine intervention, no.

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Nothing worse than a covert psychopath.

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Michael Janket.... this is an older documentary but spot on how we got to this stage of authoritarian corruption and ever increasing dissolution of our constitution and personal sovereignty... it’s especially an information vehicle to open peoples eyes who are still msm hypnotized.


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Amazing to see people we are familiar with today, who were there in their younger years (Shari Tenpenny, Dr. Tina Labow)warning us about all that could happen and now seeing that it has !

Thanks for posting that. Will share around as it’s a real eye opener.

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Thank you Wendy

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Ditto! In WV you speak of?

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Read my comment below...

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I think a few, like Trey Gowdy, who handed the gavel to Marjorie Taylor Green in Congress, and Rand Paul in the Senate. They hold hearings calling on the likes of Dr. Mengele...er... Fauci, then excoriate them for the public eye. Then....<crickets>. Nothing, nada, der nixt, der nein, der no!

All a façade. All for the sheeple, all for those that have first level thinking -- if that. Unfortunately, a large part of the population.

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Exactly. Nothing ever ever happens as a result of these Congressional exposures and humiliations. It seems the best we can hope for is that whatever is said in this public forum becomes something you’re allowed to quote from with a modicum of credibility. But you’ll never see conventional consequences.

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Sep 8, 2023
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Well that's interesting- never heard of the Pujo commission. Wow, so back then, Congress knew about the threat of private central banking families manipulating global stock markets? I don't think anyone in Congress knows that the central banks are private banks, except perhaps Sen Rand Paul, since his father, former Congressman Dr Ron Paul spent his career warning about the Federal Reserve.

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They're just outnumbered by the paid off shills.

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Morally reprehensible.

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Margaret Anna Alice...do you think it would help if we sent this to both representatives and senators? They all should at least be to.d....even if they know and don't want to pay attention.

Because quite frankly, they are responsible for this, and you know once the contracts come out, people are gonna sue because of the false narrative and the fact our govt. agreed they would hold Pfizer and Moderna harmless...????

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It certainly wouldn't hurt! The more people pester them, the harder we are to ignore. And then one day when the appearance of integrity becomes more valuable to them than bribery and blackmail, they might dust off this letter and run with the idea of #MakePharmaLiable to gain cachet in the newly recalibrated world.

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I really like the phrase "one day, when the appearance of integrity becomes more valuable to them than bribery"....

Love your optimism too.

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How about more pressure on local reps to take action? County sheriffs have been mentioned...states attorneys general? State representatives? Katherine and

Sasha have presented excellent material and analysis for the federal framework. Has someone done anything analogous with the local/state framework?

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Sep 9, 2023
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Also, David Martin has apparently tried this and in a recent interview has stated that only one sheriff (in OK) has had the stones to proceed.


In the same interview he states that he has decided to vacate the US criminal justice system because it's hopelessly corrupted.

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How would one approach a county sheriff about this? There needs to be articulation of a specific crime with adequate evidence presented that is concise and clear enough to compel a sheriff to act independently.

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Mistakes were NOT made.

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Great work, ladies! Your courage, perseverance, brain power and integrity are beyond anything imaginable!

In your "Letter to senator Ron", Margaret, your first appeal is to Childer's suggestion to rid pharma from its liability shield. It is a good thing to do in general, but in this case the pharma is protected contractually in its role of delivering the "large scale demonstration". Or as Sasha put it earlier "Pfizer already in court stated 'Please dismiss this case, judge. We did not defraud the government - we delivered the fraud that the government ordered"

So, Pfizer is as innocent as the Nazi doctors who "just" followed the orders (or profits). And the liability shield should be taken away from the government (by the government or..?)..

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Thank you, Klim, and point well-taken!

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Thanks MAA - reposting from above:

Call Senator Johnson’s office today and demand action and updates!!


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✊ Thank you, Patriot6335, and please report back with any findings!

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Impressive work as always. Yes, it should not be your job to take on this task ... but thank goodness you did take it on. Maybe Sen. Johnson will act on this information. (He actually needs 50 other senators to act on this evidence - good luck reaching even 1/10th of that number).

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He's been provided with facts and serious evidence on a silver platter by Sasha and Katherine ! as well as all the highly credentialed Doctors who testified at his Hearings. Even if he can't get anyone on side, he needed to inform the public on a daily basis as Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts has been doing for months. We are about to enter another fear promoted horror show and a vast number of the public are completely ill informed to deal with it.

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Speaking of Ron, this just in:


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Ok, the appearance of concerned action is there. I am just so jaded by now that that’s all I can come up with haha. Believe me, I want to remain hopeful, but times awaste in and my spidey sense is blaring.

Maybe we need a MAA Letter to All Senators In The Know, Pretending Not to Know !

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Seems like the Senator is working behind the scenes on gathering evidence. Though maddening slow. The hard pushback from the agencies seems to say he’s onto something. He’s not doing nothing, but more senators need to provide real support in addition to their loud voices. I’m in a blue state, with one party rule so any communication with my so called representatives is a waste of time. They always dismiss my comments & then proceed to tell me why it is what THEY believe is what matters. Any of you red staters need to be loud with your senators. I have family in ID so will try to have them put pressure on their reps. They only pay attention to THEIR constituents.

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Ron Johnson has always been a garbage Senator. I ought to know; I live in his state.

When I wrote him in recent years of my concerns about the COVID project and the various and obvious associated harms, he sent a canned response, which at least addressed those concerns in a generalized fashion...because they aligned with the work he'd already done to highlight the same or similar issues. But ask him to dig any deeper on his constituents' behalf? Forget about it. He's worthless.

Even with issues you'd think, as a Republican, he'd be hot to advocate for his constituents' rights (the IRS's bizarre backlog in recent years processing returns and their nonresponsiveness to attempted inquiries, or the whole mandated killshot and loss of careers some of us have been suffering for refusing), he's silent. Not a peep. (I had to turn to the state's Demo Senator for help with that. Unbelievable.)

He's a garbage politician, and isn't even qualified for that lowliest of lowly titles.

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Yes. He is just staging a show pretending to help. To distract people and make them think he is doing something to help them. Meanwhile the democide continues at an accelerating pace.

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Thus, he is complicit in all those harms, as well as in the disabling of real action by the portion of the public who would otherwise probably be more effective in their own advocacy. The result is that too many are twirling around uselessly to some little ditty that makes no ultimate sense.

He is a traitor.

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I also live in Wisconsin. Somewhere in Wisconsin a lumber yard is missing their idiot .

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Yep! Ain't gonna. 😑

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Damn straight, Bill! Where are the rest of our reps? No "vaccination" without representation!!!

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Sasha & Katherine... you were born for such a time as this 🫶

Thank you both

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So the one senator banging the vaccine injury drum the loudest has refused for almost a year to reveal publicly the known reasons why there’s so much vaccine injury, let alone lack of efficacy?

Good times.

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Vaccines have always been poison. Mandating them for children was their plan to weaken entire generations of innocent people.

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Also turned a lot of them gay and created the "gender dysphoria" we see going on.

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So disappointed. Where is he NOW on this matter???

David Martin also gave Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, & Ron DeSantis a letter or email(I forget) dated 2014 regarding the continuation of gain of function research. They have not brought this forth. Why are they not protecting the American people and others around the world from the harms of these bioweapons still being pushed into peoples arms!?! They have the platform to do so!!!

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The Parasites located in London who are the primary owners of equities for all governments, have always thought that they "own" us. That is really what "citizenship" is, "the American people" are just live stock to them.

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Correct. The parasite classes are well hidden in plain sight. All "royal" families of European descent. Rothschild's and Barkley's Bank conglomerates. All United Nations functional relationships, along with the entire Jesuit Vatican bureaucracy, which holds blind assets within the World Bank and Bank for International Settlements.

Everyone not mentioned above, are employees of the above parties whether they acknowledge it or not.

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Check out these Commonwealth appointed Parasites....astounding financial corruption all at the taxpayers expense...our Canadian Governor General's (representing the Queen or King, as the case may be) .... perks of the job...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7e34f22HXY

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Hello wendy perzow: Yes. The majority of the public are completely unaware of the history and intentions of Commonwealth constructs. The whitewashed version excerpted from Wikipedia. >>>

"The Commonwealth dates back to the first half of the 20th century with the decolonization of the British Empire through increased self-governance of its territories. It was originally created as the British Commonwealth of Nations through the Balfour Declaration at the 1926 Imperial Conference, and formalized by the United Kingdom through the Statute of Westminster in 1931. The current Commonwealth of Nations was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949, which modernized the community and established the member states as "free and equal"." [Ya, right...]

Most readers will be unable to connect the dots referring to dates of interest and implementation.


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Cuz it's all a crock after all !

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Bingo !

The root of all that we are facing now.

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Or flies.

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He, Martin, sports a huge Eye of Horus on his deltoid, left arm. Plenty heroes provided to keep us in hope. No-one is there to save us, no judge, law enforcement, polititian, doctor.

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I could care less about the tattoo.

I know there is no hero to save us. I just want the ones who are given evidence to speak up publicly, loud, and not stop.

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Well, like in the movies, they need to storm all major news stations, don't they? All these rallies and conferences they hold are attended by people who already know, same as people who read posts on Substack. Just saying!

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Thank you Sasha. Comprehensive. I will use it at the local level here in Florida. Are there any other "leaders" listening and taking action? I do not see it in Florida; DeSantis and LaDapo are, in the final analysis, part of the liars club. Peace.

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Ladapo was briefed early on on a lot of this. He knows and so does DeSantis, and I completely agree with your assessment of them.

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Thanks. As Denis Rancourt said a few years back, "The parasites are eating the host". Peace.

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His testimony at the Canadian National Citizen's Inquiry was so damning that our main stream media refused to air it....https://rumble.com/v2ohtte-physicist-dr-denis-rancourt-presents-his-findings-on-all-cause-mortality-ot.html.......the Inquiry travelled all across Canada, stopping at all major Cities, to hear various witnesses and what they suffered at the hands of Health Officials...none of it was broadcast on National or Local media...

And here is why.....a former CBC employee, Rodney Palmer, tells us why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACt9hrwTreU

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I agree. I recall his paper in April 2020: "Masks Don't Work". Dr. Rancourt is an honest man and scientist. Peace.

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They're chicken. See what happened to AG Paxton after he initiated action under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act....

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The passing of the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016 under the Obama Administration explains so much of exactly who enabled what.

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Sasha, you are both brilliant & brave…thank you!

Steve, I love reading your comments, very truthful and right on.

I’m in Boca Raton, where are you? 💝👩🏼‍🌾🙏🏻

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Hi Wendy. Thanks. Stuart. Peace.

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Yes and desantis allows a lot of children to be stolen in Fl. Have to feed the child sex rings/adrenochrome. Watch Take Care of Maya, will yank your heart out of your body.

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Thank you for your continued dedication to helping the human population.

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On his last day in office Trump issued to Dr Fauchi and Dr Birx executive commendations for their work on Operation Warp Speed. Lets not forget what was done to us and who did it. I guess this is five dimensional chess.

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"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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Wow! This is terrific. I will be sure to copy and paste this post far and wide. Thank you.

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and didn't he suggest drinking disinfectant or some such thing? And ppl still love him.

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I constantly ask myself what it’s going to take to turn the political tide. History, I believe, provides the answer: Defeat. This, I further believe, means the entirety of the machinery, likely starting with the largely invisible elites who are warring against humanity and continuing on to their political hacks - Democrats, Republicans, all of them.

This means there is no purely political solution, now earthly power coming to our rescue. This is both sobering and daunting, in a way that defeating Hitler or Tojo never was. But are we to become hopeless and quit, just run and hide? By no means!

God is still in charge, just as much as He was in 1953 or 2,000 years ago. The ultimate outcome then, the ‘history coming to a point’ as C.S.Lewis described it, is the same today as it was then. Those of us who “know” are called to fight. We must, for everything really big that God ever did was a partnership, however small His army.

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🐑 ain't gonna. 😑

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only one person right now can bring this to the public--Tucker Carlson. As for Congress, Matt Gaetz, a handful of others--the rest are captured by pharma donors.

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Tucker did an extreme BS softball interview with Trump, after which I lost hope for Tucker. Same for Glen Beck.

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Americans, however, have acclimatized to the fact they have a choice for president that has been pre-chosen for them. Notice how both candidates are usually highly compromised. They've all made their peace with the devil and they are beholden to their financial benefactors who donated the big bucks to their election campaigns. Trump is Deep State, what could be more obvious? I find it galling that so many people voted for Mr. Aimless/Shiftless who got so-called elected by 80+ million voters. Uncle Joe Stalin had it right when he said it's not who you vote for, it's who counts the votes". We may have voted for our last president in '20. Our political process is horrifically inefficient and dishonest. We let them write the laws, now we pay for what they have done to us. May be too late, we fight or we are done. As it stands now, we are dead men walking.

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Not one question on operation warp kill.

Hey, a great interview by Adams with Dr Shiva! Well worth listening to a champion of truth, reasoning and system’s analysis.

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That was an interesting interview indeed !

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Tucker is a tool. Supposedly they said Trump only agreed if Tucker didn't ask about covid... Yeah so why not mention that and call out Trump?

But Jimmy Dore is not, he calls out the BS and I'm glad!

Yesterday, Jimmy Dore did an interview with the green party candidate, Cornell West.

He wasn't afraid to challenge his bs. It was sad but much needed to see how phony that guy has become!

Same with Marianne Williamson..... Another phony who purposely ignores key issues.

He also challenged rfk jr on his views of Israel and Palestine. At least the dialogue is still open with rfk jr, but I think West and Williamson won't ever come back after how bad they did lol.

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yes—it was awful. Sasha, doing my best to circulate this.

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"only one person right now can bring this to the public--Tucker Carlson". Thank you for the laughs, today was a bad day (they're chemtrailing us to death over here)

Tucker Carlson (on 9/11): "My macro view is the obvious one, which is .. the buildings came down because a bunch of nutcases flew a plane in them"

Why would you put faith in anyone that believes in Mockingbird's BS narratives, he's compromised .. He's the king of limited hangouts though, undeniable.

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Tucker kept claiming that the REAL reason Trump lost was because of the suppression of the news of Hunter's laptop. Tucker wouldn't touch the obvious shenanigans with a 10 foot pole. If reports are correct, he denigrated Sydney Powell's efforts in shining a light on the obvious fraud.

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Yeah and they push the mail in ballots but both sides ignore that the electronic voting machines have the same issue they complained about during Bush Jr.... Closed source where the company itself can manipulate things.

All this talk about hacking is bullshit.

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Matt Gaetz is no less bought than the rest, his role to play is the rabble-rouser. If he were serious about anything, as soon as McCarthy caved on the debt-ceiling he would have played his card to oust him. Wasn't that supposed to be the "condition" for his support? They are ALL in the business of play-acting and self-enrichment.

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They are all useless pawns. There is only one who will save anyone and that's God. Do not put your faith in man, they will all betray you. Thede is alpt more suffering to be had but he will return. Pray for him to return quickly.

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Thank you for sharing all that. And for doing it. What do we do when no response comes? Unless I'm missing something, this would appear to have been black-holed, yes?

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yes. We are back to "vaccines bad" but "let's all unite, no toxic retribution, mistakes were made, blah blah"

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Well on the upside, they - our so called public servants - are showing their worthlessness. It's gonna be on us.

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Like bush sr said, if the American people truly knew what government has done, they'd chase us down the street and lynch us."

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No specific action or set of questions to be answered (or deadlines) are mentioned in the memo, so let you said, it could be taken as purely informational.

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I will use this memo, and send him a letter asking where things are at. It's something and surely can't hurt.

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Wow, two very smart ladies. Was there any feedback? It certainly deserved serious scrutiny.

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For those of us that don't have the details you do, we appreciate your work and diligence. You concisely bring the broad subject down to a laser focus that makes sense.

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Thank you both for your hard work. I’m spreading this information on my one remaining social media but I think more effectively sharing it with my friends. I now have 4-5 friends that understand what has happened during this Plandemic. We can freely discuss our findings. But the vast majority of people here in Chile either are afraid to go against the government assessments, or are brainwashed by the msm or don’t want to know because it might rock their boat. It’s far easier to bury the head even deeper.

The weapons used against people who question the “official” narrative are quite effective. We are labeled as “conspiracy theorists” in other words “crazy” by friends and family and canceled on social media. The appearance we are isolated and alone is quite a burden for most people. If ever a movement loud enough starts to take hold many many people will jump on board against the bioweapon.

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Excellent work and done in a very readable style for everyone to read--including Congressional people who are notorious for not reading well.

Today Michel Chussadovsky posted in Global Research, an excellent site for more international focus:


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Omg you two are the absolute best if all of us. Undying gratitude to you both. You are the heroes in this entire mess. I hope we can print this and send to all our politicians and reps in congress?

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Of course!

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Pack it up and wrap a noose around it. That might get attention.

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Not a bad idea....funny, but it would get the FBI invovled at least....

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It was meant to be funny. I strongly suggest you not do that. It's probably the only time law would act.

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This may seem disconnected but I see the relationship to our health concerns. The military is clearly involved in everything that is going on no matter the subject matter and this opinion piece by Caitlin Johnstone clearly describes the same kind of tactics with propaganda of the miliary/industrial/health complex that were used to lie and distract people from the same oligarchical control of the public and destruction of anything, anybody that gets in the way of the corporate elite. It is the same nefarious agenda. I tend to try to see the big picture and how all these parts of the puzzle fit under the same umbrella. Understand that it is both Parties that are involved even tho they wear different masks.


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