This is so well written. I would propose that this be in the package insert for all EUA products until they are abolished forever. Doctors and pharmacists should be required to read this aloud to the recipient before administering or recommending one of these substances. Perhaps states could consider adding that as a requirement as we work to dismantle this system.

The facts as laid out here are essentially a revolutionary text akin to "Common Sense" and widespread knowledge of this would lead to a collapse of confidence in our governing institutions. Under the false auspices of these rules, they could liquify ham sandwich and inject it into you with total immunity.

"Trust us" is the entire basis for the EUA system.

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I agree! I'd add to the comment you made about doctors reading this to every patient, that also it should be played over the intercoms at all pharmacies.

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Only those administering EUA products, which legitimate pharmacies have no business doing.

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And yet they do have “business” by and in doing so. With permission, as I’ve learned, meaning: compensated and without liability. It’s a whole corrupt web of malpractice to which we must be made aware as the sneaks come crawling out of the slime pile they’ve created.

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Jan 27, 2024
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Reposting this over and over again with no explanation make no sense. Adios!

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"...they could liquify ham sandwich and inject it into you..." — we wish!

If only it were something so innocuous.

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Unless the pigs in the ham were injected with sham (mRNA).

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Jan 27, 2024Edited
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"not capable", excellent perspective and right in imo

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New FDA final rule in the national registry just went into effect 3 days ago allowing for clinical trial research/experiments without informed consent on all humans regardless of age, health etc.


I’ve read the whole thing. It indicates that no informed consent needed however I can’t find anything that would prevent opting out by informing our healthcare providers to cease and desist in any and all clinical medical research/experiments upon our person(s) without our express written consent. This new final rule is really horrific. Sasha can you help to break this down and tear this apart and get word out about this. Thank you so much 🙏

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So this was approved back in December and is effective Jan 22 this year. I found information here https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/12/21/2023-27935/institutional-review-board-waiver-or-alteration-of-informed-consent-for-minimal-risk-clinical

Apparently they had fewer than 50 comments during the 'comment period'; it seems that there is no way to practice 'do not comply'.

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We need a controlled demolition of the entire edifice.

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Yes. As long as the present system of government continues to exist with the same type of people occupying the positions of power and control within it we don't stand a chance.

I will keep fighting but I will probably be killed by the system when I'm no longer able to push back their attacks at a personal level.

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Yikes! If you have any developmentally delayed individuals in your sphere please be ever more vigilant. This screams of potential mengele-level abuses.

I am always leery of terms like "minimal risk" especially in the government or medical context. Likewise when "risk/benefit" is discussed. They may as well say, "you take the risk while we reap the benefit."

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Thank you for linking the 'govinfo' document. I believe health care providers can be motivated away from potential genocide by presenting them with this Conditional Acceptance: >>>



Opening Statement: “Herein the terms “administration” and “administrators” refers to all parties providing and/or “mandating” vaccine services and products including vaccine Manufacturers, Marketers, Lobbyists, Distributors, Hospitals, Clinics, Physicians, Nurses, Government Agents and Agencies, Healthcare Providers, Elected Officials, Enforcement Persons, Agencies and Programs, and all other parties bringing “mandated” vaccines to application or to market in any way.”


Please read and comprehend the *intent* of the entire document.

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Hi Paul. Thank you also for providing this document. I would appreciate such instruments being used in the real world. However, as with all the so called rules now in place, how can it stand up in a true court of law? I reject any such substances and disapprove the whole spectrum of unknowns in my body. I’m concerned about any possibility that these monsters can try to make it physically forced upon us. And I think that’s where the shite will ultimately hit the veritable fan.

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This Conditional Acceptance of Vaccination is bogus to me. If they can kill me first who remains to sue them or seek justice in the courts? They don't care if they kill us and will count on our death to eliminate any pursuit of damages from liability. How many people have the resources to hire an attorney, even by a contingent fee of an award of damages, which no lawyer will take such cases??

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Hello Wayne Lusvardi. The "conditions" set forth in the document put the assailant on notice that you actually do not consent. If signed by the assailant, it informs them of the legal constructs involved. It is a bluff in answer to an intended fraud. At present, taking the injection is still optional. These assholes have no business injecting these products into anyone or any thing.

Very sorry to read about the loss of your brother. My eldest brother was murdered via injection January 9, 2022...

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So can someone provide a short blurb that we can print out and have attached to all our medical records. Are doctors even aware of this and they too should be outraged?

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They’re definitely NOT aware of this. Almost nobody knows about it. We are indebted to Katherine Watt for forensic archeology of decades of corrupt statutes relating to “public health” and to Sasha Latypova for bringing together all the elements at play to evade all forms of government agency evaluation of faux medical products.

The end result is almost everyone believes the lie that these “rushed vaccines” have nevertheless been subjected to proper review and regulation.

On the contrary, such regulations simply DO NOT APPLY to medical countermeasures while an HHS Secretary-decreed “public health emergency” is in force & the PREP Act applies.

Once these simple set of legal switches are all flicked to the “ON” position, intentionally harmful materials may be injected into you and your children by doctors and those acting under doctors instructions. And there’s absolutely no legal recourse.

You weren’t properly consented? Tough. Informed consent is not required.

You were injured or killed? So what? Everyone is covered legally, so don’t bother instructing an attorney-at-law.

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I agree but the FDA Rule is for minimal risk studies unrelated to even experimental vaccines from what I can understand from reading the Rule. Also see my above comment where I do not believe a Conditional Acceptance of Vaccine is worth the paper it is written on. My brother died in 2022 in a hospital in Los Angeles County with the worst Sepsis death rate, Pneumonia and the bugaboo COVID (to get bonus money for hospital), but the hospital authorized my brother's housekeeper to make his medical decisions once he was placed in a coma. I challenged this as Next of Kin, but the hospital ignored me and administered Remdesivir, Antibiotics and other procedures that violated everything my Vitamin Guru brother opposed. I sought out an attorney after my brother died, but no lawyer will take a COVID case no matter the circumstances.

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It’ll be interesting to see which research gets the “no consent required” waiver. The research must pose at most “minimal risk” which even the FDA would admit would not apply to administering vaccines. The risk of even “mild” adverse reactions is not “minimal” according to the definition. I think this mostly about research involving previously collected data, or based on surveys.

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Thank you so much, Sasha! You are a hero to humanity! I have been in the IRB (Institutional Review Board) industry within academia, for 21-years. I have been wondering whether this (nefarious) 'biological product' is actually a 'combination product' (a device, a software, a biologic, and a DNA-changer). God bless you!

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As far as I can make out through all the research I've conducted over the past three years no one outside of the manufacturers of this jab is sure about what is actually in it. Sasha herself has pointed to the extreme variability of the vaxx lots. We have a system that is being operated by maniacs. Nothing is beyond them. Except having a deep and enduring respect for life in general.

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So, everyone with a deeply inquiring mind & a very stiff spine needs to see Linda Moulton Howe's presentation about "Trantaloids, enemies of Humanity, who want Earth," on YouTube, as well as Col. Karl Nell at SALT, speaking to the reality of UFO/UAP/NHI here on Earth.

Personally the stunning levels of Aluminum, Mercury & other super toxins being injected into pregnant women & newborn babies, long before "C19" made me suspect that from high, high up the food chain, something or someone unfriendly to Humanity was controlling what was in the childhood injections & how many hit them, here in the USA, especially.

While we are far from perfect, we have articulated Human Freedom & God Given Inalienable Rights in our foundational documents & have/had some semblance of Freedom compared to much of the world, so if you are planning Totalitarianism, worldwide, or the extermination of Humanity, you would need to injure our population & our health first of all, imho, in order to take us off the "playing field."

Our kids are the sickest on Earth, in a nation not struggling with poverty.

There is a reason for that fact & it isn't just greed, if you ask me.

I asked Catherine Austin Fitts if "Mr. Global" was on or off planet. She said, "we don't know."

Personally, I think Karl Nell & Linda Moulton Howe might have just answered that question..

Stand strong for Human Freedom & Human Health & Human Property Rights.

Say no to Governments controlled by the US DoD, which may have already fallen into enemy hands.

(Just saying.)

Say no to dangerous injections, products, "medicines" being forced upon you or your family.

Say yes to local organic food & get involved with your representatives. Tell them "no more!"

Explain the facts to them about EUAs, toxicity of injections, lack of accountability by Government, Commercial or Medical entities & personnel, as well as the utter violation of all our Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights by the whole Covid Cartel.

Start at the levels they can comprehend & move forward bit by bit. Get evidence from Sasha & Katherine Watts as to how this crime was committed. Work for local Charters & local Control. Expose the WHO, the WEF, the HHS, the DoD & the whole Bio-weapons & Bio-security Industries.

Use Children's Health Defense & the FLCCC & American Association of Physicians & Surgeons as well as Doctors4CovidEthics, Sucharit Bhakti, etc., Denis Rancourt & Ed Dowd for information & statistics. Naomi Wolf also has great data, obtained through the court system from Pfizer.

Prove your case. Then get engaged politically. Let's take our Government back from whatever or whomever is controlling it!

It's really the only way forward that I can see. Trench informational warfare, winning one heart & mind after another.

Expose the recklessness of the PTB with human health, freedom, & life and return our society to Government "For, By and Of the People."

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Lovely painting, Sasha. The roses seem to glow from within. Thanks for sharing it.

(I appreciate the EUA memo, too)

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Beauty reminds us that truth prevails—your painting wafts of hope.

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Some people have an abundance of talent.

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"In summary, the process through which the EUA products enter interstate commerce and claims about their safety, efficacy or contents are based solely on the HHS Secretary opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Misrepresentation of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products is allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information. "

This is genious!

Ask the question " What reliable information do you have that supports your theory that these countermeasures are safe and effective?" of your provider. They will probably give you an answer that will allow you to assert a claim of "enticement to commit suicide or gross bodily harm".

In any event, they cannot posssibly provide informed consent and any coercive action at all is unreasonable under the circumstances.

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Absolutely right. “Informed consent” is a contradiction where ‘consent’ entails self-harm. If the subject isn’t aware of the harm then it’s *misinformed* and void of consent.

‘Consent’ in context of medical treatment implies risk calculation based on reliable data. But these are bioweapons in guise of “vaccines” rendering any talk of ‘consent’ fraudulent misnomer.

A more pernicious undercurrent at work here is the fashionable idea of individual sovereignty. But no one has sovereignty over his own life such as to decide on its termination.

Suicide is a mortal sin. One can no more ‘consent’ to suicide than to birth. To imagine otherwise is to turn away from God and make Gods of ourselves.

And that’s ultimately all “Covid” boils down to. To define such atrocity as “psychopaths” is accounting in clinical terms for divinising of the self, where man plays God, where no value is higher than self-gratification in whatever form. Also, no less delusionally, called ‘freedom’.

The proper term however politically incorrect for divinising of self is evil or sin which absolutely no one is free of.

For those who prefer naturalistic explanations, understood zoologically man is a predatory pack animal given to intraspecific violence.

It comes to the same thing.

The Catholic Church itself endorses Darwinian evolution as a biological theory not in contradiction with the dignity of the human person.

What biology can’t explain is the value of the individual person and his sense of right and wrong, and indeed of such a concept as biology and of truth itself.

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Informed consent is irrelevant here. These aren’t legally classified as medical products. Obviously thd media pretends that they are medical products, but pharma & the federal government are immune to your incorrect understanding.

I compare these injections, masquerading as vaccines, as less akin to all previous medical products than they are to police tape and traffic cones. These don’t require our informed consent, either.

I reached the conclusion that the only people worth trying to reach, despite the extraordinary levels of censorship under which people like me operate, are the general public.

Only people en masse have the slightest chance of causing those I call “The Perpetrators” to defer, redirect or even halt this astonishing Yeovil assault upon the people of the world.

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Thank you ever so much from the bottom of my heart for posting this this information is invaluable. Yes, I have followed all of this from the beginning, but to have this in a format, that we can present to the school or your employer is invaluable. Blessings always for all the good that you do🦋💕🦋

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Just tell them, "Your mandate is not my concern."

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This summary is phenomenal, super clear. For those with short attention spans or who learn visually, would you consider adding a few of your most excellent charts to this package of points?

You presented some excellent charts in your discussion here (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/full-recording-of-the-briefing-with). I took a few screen shots and printed them for my own use.

Or consider these three:

1. https://drive.proton.me/urls/JKHS9D1BPC#NnmyGu2ZweQQ - slide 12

2. From https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/do-fentanyl-dealers-violate-cgxp

2a: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fac535065-fbe5-4b4f-8287-5c44e7b14602_3993x2355.png

2b: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd28f4f62-7736-4ebb-9c2e-c4af9633378f_1601x958.png

❣️❣️❣️Love, love, love the roses! 🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Great synopsis and very well documented. I would add the following introductory sentences:

"This document reveals the extraordinary loophole that has been created in US medical laws and rules to allow COVID-19 "vaccines" to be produced, distributed and administered without following Good Laboratory Practices, Good Clinical Practice, Good Manufacturing Practices, informed consent, and without being scientifically assessed via clinical trials to determine if Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies are needed. In other words, all normal safety procedures that were originally established to protect Americans from harmful drugs have been avoided in Operation Warp Speed."

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Sasha a per usual you bring the Receipts. Fresh Hell. Now what? Do our best to disengage from the system and fight back. We must be Brave and Courageous. Knowledge is power. Thank u for all your hard work and effort. This Evil Surrounds us but we must not despair. Your continued contributions are so appreciated. Knowledge is power. Spelling will be their downfall. Thank you as always for the enlightenment.

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Looking at #11, they can put literally anything they want to put in the vial.

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You continue to amaze. I am deeply grateful there are talented, knowledgeable professionals like yourself willing to explain this incredibly convoluted criminality to people like me.

Beautiful roses!

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Thank you, Sasha. This fits in with my opinion that no one should ever be authorized to declare a so-called ‘emergency’. We all now know why they do it, and the results of same.

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Hello Cathleen Manny: You nailed it right here: 'no one should ever be authorized to declare a so-called ‘emergency’.' Yes. "Emergency" declaration is the basis of the entire fraud.

All such unlawful mandate needs to be eliminated from corporate sponsored fascism. Thank you for commenting.

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Jan 27, 2024
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Yo Blue Electric Storm: I just finished reading about 100 comments on various Substack pages. I'm pretty sure the 'calling wolf' story has been removed from all school libraries... Seems no one notices that All corporate wolf structures contain BIG nasty teeth, and gaggles of attorneys that munch on individual liberty...

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Brilliant. Thanks. Sadly, every institution in the West (especially the US Axis powers) is so hopelessly corrupt and anti-Human that one can expect NO justice for the people within its borders. ...And, we were told the Soviet Union was evil.. They were kindergardners compared to our Ruling Psychopathy.

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all related parties definitely need this thrust before their faces. even if they feign ignorance or believe their own b.s., they can't argue they didn't see it. amazing all the psychological defense mechanisms with these people... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&amp%3Butm_campaign=post&amp%3Butm_medium=web&amp%3BshowWelcome=true%20#vaccineinjuries%20#VaccineGenocide

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Well rounded synopsis. Too bad my state legislators only read fascist fiction.

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they should nevertheless, be bombarded with the Truth, as their staff see and screen all letters, and there are many more of them. Better chance of lighting that fire of truth in a mind.

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This is for those to use in their "legal fiction" capacity - who are and choose to be in contract with legislative democracies at all levels (local to fed) - none of the "govt" entities listed curently operate as Republican forms of government - they are all registered corporations and do not follow the original Constitution. When you live in the private - you are not in contract with them

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Mandates aren't contracts.

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Wasn't referring to a mandate being a contract. I am referring to the fact that everyone is in contract with corporate govt through the all caps Birth Certificate system - it is the originating point. When men and women break those contracts (taxes, licenses, registrations, etc.) then they don't exist as a "legal fiction" and instead live in the "private". All corporate governments today operate in the public space and the contracts we have with them per above keeps us in the public space where they set the rules and conditions

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Employers and public colleges enforcing edicts based on mandates usually require Social Security numbers. That usually requires a birth certificate, as do driver licenses. My grandmother was employed, and received social security. However, she had no birth certificate, so obtaining a passport to travel to London was an interesting process.

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Yes. Quite correct. Thank you for commenting.

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