The PREP Act, which might well be known as the "Make Crime legal" Act must be repealed. We need to advocate vociferously for its nullification. A similar fate befell a Vermont couple, whose young son was vaccinated at school against the expressed wishes of the parents and whose lawsuit against the school. Assault and battery with a deadly weapon has been legalized under the PREP Act. We should all recoil in horror at the immorality of this abusive act.

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Respectful Edit: "Make Mass Murder and Maiming Legal" Act.

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Edit is fully justified.

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I couldn’t say it better myself. I agree, that the prep bs has to be overturned ASAP. There should be no thinking about it, time wasted- but to make THAT an immediate act for potus to execute as an order for all time.

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Yes! Or perhaps the "Make Atrocities Legal" Act ... MALA for short.

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Sasha…I’m from Maine and also an attorney (although not practicing). I understand your points/arguments relative to how the COVID pandemic and response was orchestrated. Sadly, many do not understand the nuances of what has happened and why the extension of the PREP Act Emergency declaration to 2029 is very very very concerning.

I did want to make one point relative to your analysis. I DO think the argument can be made that the COVID vaccination campaign was experimenting on the masses. Why?

Well, I personally believe that the vaccine cards and agreements made at the state level for creating data lakes for analysis of outcomes was part of this “experiment.”

As you know, Moderna (founded around 2009/2010) had never had a product go to market….despite years of promising a platform that would “revolutionize medicine.” That platform is the mRNA platform.

Why had they not had any products…..because they could not get through clinical trials.

The COVID vaccine was a giant clinical trial, in my opinion. It also was designed to be able to collect data and cross reference with medical records, etc. No doubt, the likes of Thiel, Gates, Roux (who has secured MaineHealth into the Matrix here in Maine) will feed the data into their precious AI programs to try to work out the kinks of their beloved mRNA platform.

As an attorney, I would love to conduct discovery around where and how all the data related to jabs given and the health of those individuals is being used by big pharma and the philanthropaths.

As those of us in the resistance space are fond of saying, mistakes were not made.

Oh….and right before the pandemic, literally a year or so beforehand ….Maine, which is beholden to Gates, Roux, Apple, etc…..eliminated philosophical and religious exemptions related to vaccines. And it went hard at mandating them during the pandemic….medical sector, businesses, and university system.

Here is my substack showing how the vaccine cards are likely not about helping you to remember if you got a shot. lol. Not really that funny. But people need to stop trusting the government. Our government is no longer by the people, for the people and of the people. It’s a club and we are not in it. Notice how Congress was not required to get the jab. Go figure.


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My point was that for civil complaints claiming this was a "medical experiment" is not going to work - just like it didn't in this case. This needs to be part of a criminal prosecution.

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I understand. My comment is not meant as a criticism.

But I think we need to do a better job of educating the public that it is not just a shot….as my substack on the vaccine cards suggests, now they have the ability to access one’s health records as part of collecting data on the individual’s health….did any of the vaccinated understand that their personal health data may be in play? Remember, a big push in the healthcare sector by the tech guys has been for data sharing on individual patients. The argument has been you may be away from your hometown when you get sick and the hospital or doctor should be able to access your chart. In other words, they have been working towards creating in effect digital twins for all of us on much of what we do in real life. It is like a form of blockchain….but for data mining.

They make promises (false, IMO) about data privacy. They give you a number instead of your name, laughable….doesn’t pass the straight test. Think SS#s. It is just that the conducting of business in the digital realm allows them access to not only what you do, how you do it, but now…with the PREP Act and health systems….access to your body.

A gifted lawyer who actually digs into the details ought to be able to demonstrate how it was an experiment and then be able to show how vulnerable one is to this invasion of our body, privacy and data.

And it is good time to remind people of this with Musk and Thiel flanking Trump. And should RFK start talking about mining data….caveat emptor. The road to hell is often paved with good intentions. And I’m not convinced that everyone in the medical freedom space has good intentions.

Thank you for your work.

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In the UK, Palantir (Thiel) were awarded a contract with our National Health Service - for a £1 deal (one pound!) with then Health Secretary Matt Hancock in March 2020 at the outbreak of the "Pandemic" Special ministerial powers bypassed patient confidentiality rules, allowing the company to process patient data.

In Nov 2023 Palantir was awarded a £330 million contract to create a new data management system the Federated Data Platform providing "joined up" NHS services. This could be the worlds largest population health dataset.

Stated goals are " to make NHS datasets more open to business, researchers, and citizens."

The NHS in the UK has data on everyone as it was until very recently our only health provider. So its data will cover the entire 70 million population, just the thing to hand over to a spyware company.

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Read my substack on the vaccine cards….I suspect it is a global system they are building, not one unique to the US or UK. Strikes me that again, these technocrats are transnational individuals/entities pursuing the centralization of power for purposes of dictating the terms and conditions of humanity. Kind of frightening when you think of how technology can now be weaponized against us…everything from biosurveillance, drones, AI, facial recognition….that is all before you get to the guns, bombs, missiles, etc. How easy it will be for them to simply erase an individual if one does not play by their rules. The push by them is to electrify everything (in the name of climate change) so they can collect data on everything and reign supreme in the digital realm which is fast replacing reality for far too many.

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I have just subscribed.

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Our Health administration was called "Public Health England"

They changed the name in the pandemic to "UK Health Security Agency"

Sounds to me as if health is now a military matter.

I put this link up a lot, but it tells you how planned this is.

The EU Hera


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Canada too is in the processes of centralizing health data in coordination with the WHO.

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Yup. Seems like no one's trained in Criminal or Constitutional Law. Gee! I wonder how that happened... Pfffttt!

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I left the practice of law long ago….my gut told me if I didn’t my soul would not remain intact. Hard to maintain one’s integrity in that field, especially these days.

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Yet amazingly the majority of "practitioners" apparently still think they are serving justice and doing good!

Doctors and lawyers are supposed to be among our best and brightest.

The intellectual/moral status of many law students alarms me.

Their capacity for logical reasoning is limited.

Their moral compasses are often faulty or even virtually non-existent.

Significant numbers of law students' backgrounds, have not equipped them with strong critical analytical skills and moral values, and law is just an attractive, profitable money making business.

Regrettably the "legal machine" often operates on profit regardless.

Law students challenged about the the logic of their arguments, can be unwilling and even unable to correct their deficiencies.

The fact that many are completely unaware of their deficiencies, is a serious concern.

Logic and morality are qualities with declining value tragically.

Universities are actively encouraging this decline.

Strong moral values are often not encouraged in professors or students.

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Thanks for your comment.

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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Wow that’s a horrible injustice!

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Disgusting Insane Psychopaths!

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The solution is clear, get your kids out of the government schools! Sending a child to be “educated” by known psychopaths is criminal and negligent at this point!

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Yes, but many parents are not in financial positions to provide home schooling. Often times, both parents need to work to pay household expenses, and this is not chance coincidence...

The "plan" to enslave both parents into an inflated market system has been in place since the late nineteen teens. See: 1916 income tax, etc...

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Yes and they must decide what’s more important…many families have made the conscious decision to put their children’s well being ahead of making more money. We did…it’s insanity to keep making the same mistake day after day and letting your enemy have possession of your children!

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Excellent point !!!

Like my Dad used to tell us kids growing up.

Doing the right thing can sometimes be hard, but in the long run it’s always the best thing to do.

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Exactly, Paul!

"Why tax only half the population when you can tax them all?"

- John D. Rockefeller jr. -

Then he gave $ several million to the Suffragette movement.

This reminds me of a story about a little bird that refused to fly south for the winter. When it got cold enough he changed his mind, and started flying. He didn't get far because his wings froze, and he fell to the ground.

As he laid there, a cow came along and dropped a big dung on him. This warmed him up and mad him happy. He then started chirping and flapping his wings to get out from under the crap. Then a fox came and swiftly killed and ate him.

Now for the moral to the story: The one who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy. The one who digs you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend. So, if you're warm and happy in a pile of shit, you are better off shutting up.

...., or the short version: The grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence.

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Hello GreaterIrahell. LOL! I got a chuckle out of your story. Thanks. Made my day.

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You are correct Mark.

The ONLY correct answer to how to handle this if you have any children, is to...........


If you have ANY children, and do NOT want them subjected to murderous shots, to pedofilic policies, to false historical stories, and to dangerous social surroundings, then MOVE THEM TO A SAFE LEARNING LOCATION........NOW !!!!

Folks, it is really not this hard, and I can guarantee you there are lots of other folks in the areas where you live who are "Home Schooling" their children.

If you are a Christian, then these Home Schooling groups are in abundance. If you are not, then you may need to search a little harder.

But bottom line, there are systems in place, and organizations in place, who will help you to be within your own state laws, and find some tremendous materials to be presented to children of ALL ages.

You will NOT be disappointed it you get this done, and I can guarantee you that you children will get a BETTER & a SAFER education, than they will in ANY Govt school...........

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If millions of parents pull their children out of schools, the cabal will fold like a cheap suit. Needless to say, this is not going to happen because most parents are full of cheap manure. Money and comfort are more important to them than their children.

The cabal knows it and will continue with their poisoning strategy.

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Indeed. get the kids out of the schools - out of the hospitals and clinics - never go near a doctor - protect your family's natural good health with all you have - we need to be thinking of living on a boat in a remote island archipelago, eating fish, growing veg, using barter, staying clear of big human populations, as far far away as possible. This ruling defends the right to state sanctioned murder of our children with impunity. What else is the PREP Act? And not just children. Anybody.

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I hope Maine health loses everything when this is appealed to the US Supreme Court!

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With all due respect, the US Supreme Court - like all Supreme courts, is about as *supreme* as an old garden hose. Maybe even less...

There are so many levels of "court" in the United States, a guy would think playing tennis was big business...

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I assume you mean, that little water gets to the garden where it is most needed, since the hose is full of holes!

The "courts" are major hosts of "tennis tournaments".

This is called the "adversarial system of justice".

Has essentially nothing to do with real justice.

The players are masters at whacking balls back and forth, to show off skills, win points and impress the impressionable!

Qualified players work the lower courts, honing their skills, enhancing their reputations and increasing their earnings.

The best players can go all the way to the supreme court where the stakes are high.

Court tennis, like political tennis, is big business.

There is also great entertainment value in "the show".

Our cultural values are deeply rooted in our spectacular shows.

Some might question those values.

The rest never seem to notice, the holes in the garden hose.

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You’re not wrong, sorry to say.

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You would be violating christian ethics for *not* thinking the way you do, Sasha. The Bible is completely on your side, as in Isaiah 3:11 (Int'l Standard Version)

How terrible it will be for the wicked! Disaster is headed their way, because what they did with their hand will be repaid to them.

Righteous anger is a virtue.

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There is still forgiveness available in Jesus name.... but the opportunity is not open forever. There comes a time where God 'hardens their hearts'

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Well as you know, there have been no arrests after 45 days of the Trump Admin. No perp walks, and no release of relevant files for JFK, Epstein, MLK, RFK, 9/11, J6 and so on. A lot of talk but no action. And so the PREP act continues til 2029, thanks to the global puppet.

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There will be no arrests with respect to any of those issues. This was a carefully planned and executed, intentional depopulation and enslavement program and it is still underway.

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The enemy is under siege and the enemy is our DNA, they’re working things out and 2029 won’t stop this forever war, even when Trump is gone other Larry’s and co will take over. No arrests, no executions, no enslavement programs, we will not even feel or be aware of this most silent surgery on our DNA. Forget Gaza, Taiwan, Ukraine the real war is against us.

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My maxim of the past 5 years continues to ring true, "Nothing EVER happens to these people." I wish, just once, that would be proven wrong.

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As intended. They serve at the pleasure of the globalist cabal that is responsible for the attack on humanity.

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Release these files and the whole government will crash!

Can't have that!

Addicts must be supplied with their hopium!

Politicians must have hot air balloons to fly around on!

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This was an Assault and Battery. Why can't it be re-litigated as such without concern for what was injected? A&B is a criminal offense! Medical malpractice, which is how it was filed is not.

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I believe all these cases need to be framed as criminal cases, but there are no prosecutors today that will take this on. I personally met with the AG of Idaho, and the only thing he had to say is that "federal courts are corrupt". Ok then!

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Yeah district courts are corrupt too but I wish that some attorney would bring this up under criminal law. I worked in the medical department of a state prison and although I had medical malpractice insurance I was obligated to buy additional insurance for protection against criminal charges because when prisoners sue they always sue for violation of civil rights and med mal would not cover that. It just is not clear why children given injections against the will of their parents can't sue for criminal A&B as well. Where are all the good lawyers? Are there any?

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Possibly a few.

I suspect that they are afraid of the alligators in the swamp.

Rightly so.

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What is pissing me off with RFK Jr. is the fact that the December 31, 2029 extension of the PHE can be annulled now. Becerra was never properly seated as HHS Secretary, as he never had a valid oath of office on record (5 USC section 1331 and 1332). There is no affidavit oath of office, meaning that under the federal codes, all orders and contracts by Becerra are illegal and annulled.

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this is a good point. As a matter of public interest, someone should FOIA the same documentation for the current admin. I would like to see RFK Jr's oath of office on paper. Trust but verify.

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Just sent in the request. Will report as soon as I get an answer...or non-answer.

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I read that information on Becerra, but wonder if the PREP act tied to PHE can be challenged for those reasons. Certainly a legal avenue to travel!!

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Ooops...it's actually 3331 and 3332...https://xavierfigueroa.substack.com/p/post-27-part-iv-do-not-take-no-for

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Correct. Yet no States Attorneys General nor Constitutional sheriff's have filled writs of Quo Warranto against Xavier Becerra nor any other Treasonous or Seditious party. Odd, that... Not...

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So disheartening and completely predictable, as you point out. One minor comment: in this sentence “ Until the PREP Act declaration remains in place, nothing will change” I think you mean “As long as the PREP Act…”

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"When injustice becomes law , rebellion becomes duty! " T. Jefferson .

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People will rebel if you confiscate their cell phones. This is the only thing they care about.

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We are living in unspeakable times. We share your outrage at this injustice and ongoing crime against humanity.

If ANYONE hear has the direct ear of Trump, RFK Jr., or a high-ranking member of House or Senate, now's the time to cash in that chip. THIS MAD MURDER MUST STOP NOW!

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Both Trump and Bobby are pathologic liars, their ears are useless.

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if that happened to me and my family, I would be absolutely livid and out for blood!!! 😖

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Bla bla bla what a load of shit. !!

So basically rape is also ok??

That is a crazy violation of human rights and informed consent. They basically raped the kid. !! People look at it this way! They raped the kid with a bioweapon meant to sterialise and kill people!! Apperently its all it is able to do! mRNA should be seen as a weapon ! And these judges and doctors and shit head for brains who does this should be regarded as terrorists! What if this kid dies?? Please tell me what is the difference if a criminal shoots a child or a doctor injects a lethal injection?

Please tell me what the difference is??

Its a violation of the nürember code - you know that one that was made because the Nazis did the exact same shit as the Nazis are doing now!!

The Oviedo convention was also set up to declare proper ethics ! But im sure the fascist dictatorship shithole called the usa did not sign onto this!

The human rights? Remember the refugees they could not force vax because it violated their human rights?

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omg your comment reminded me of this case in Austria.


"An Iraqi refugee who was sentenced to six years in jail for raping a 10-year-old boy had his sentence overturned by Austria’s Supreme Court because it wasn’t clear if the boy said no to the encounter.

Amir A. confessed to the rape after getting arrested at the swimming pool. He admitted he knew the action was wrong, but that it was a “sexual emergency”"

Declare an 'emergency' (pandemic) and you can do anything to children.

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