Hello Sunshine. Thank you for your views. I honor them.
My belief is that there are great people who can help to solve this who are not Christian and do not believe in the Bible. I myself do not want to censor or exclude based on religion. The enemy excels at religious divide and conquer. My focus is on real physical things we can do for ourselves without divine intervention. I do not believe that only God can solve this. I believe that we are all God, and we must solve this ourselves, as a group. Evil is evil irrespective of religion. Good is good irrespective of religion. I do not believe in the power of Satan over me and say f*ck it, I will not allow that putrid energy into my consciousness, whatever it is or isn't. My belief is that negative evil power comes in several forms, with several different names, and there are multiple ways to eliminate it from one's own life, and then, together, from the world. I fully intend to eliminate that energy or die trying. Every person has a right to their beliefs and this is not a criticism. It is, rather, a plea to not imply that those who are good people, who are moral, who practice their own version of the golden rule, who are intelligent, who are courageous, and who are not Christian are somehow deficient and should not be honored for what they are as long as they act positively and in good faith.
I honor your right to have your beliefs. But divine intervention is not what I am seeking in the Solution Seeking. If this is not acceptable to you or others, I honor your decisions and freedom.
Hello Sunshine. Thank you for your views. I honor them.
My belief is that there are great people who can help to solve this who are not Christian and do not believe in the Bible. I myself do not want to censor or exclude based on religion. The enemy excels at religious divide and conquer. My focus is on real physical things we can do for ourselves without divine intervention. I do not believe that only God can solve this. I believe that we are all God, and we must solve this ourselves, as a group. Evil is evil irrespective of religion. Good is good irrespective of religion. I do not believe in the power of Satan over me and say f*ck it, I will not allow that putrid energy into my consciousness, whatever it is or isn't. My belief is that negative evil power comes in several forms, with several different names, and there are multiple ways to eliminate it from one's own life, and then, together, from the world. I fully intend to eliminate that energy or die trying. Every person has a right to their beliefs and this is not a criticism. It is, rather, a plea to not imply that those who are good people, who are moral, who practice their own version of the golden rule, who are intelligent, who are courageous, and who are not Christian are somehow deficient and should not be honored for what they are as long as they act positively and in good faith.
I honor your right to have your beliefs. But divine intervention is not what I am seeking in the Solution Seeking. If this is not acceptable to you or others, I honor your decisions and freedom.
Thank you.
You're welcome Sunshine. We are all important in making it happen. Onward!!
Yes!! Warm feeling of gratitude. Thank you.