Our enemy has been using silent weapons for quiet wars to systematically harm and hypnotize people to get to the state we are at now. Of course a similar thing was done in Nazi Germany too. It has been spending countless billions of our tax dollars in things that started out like MKULTRA and later went even more underground and secretive.
These two links expose some of what the enemy is doing to harm all of us. Some of us can still somewhat navigate this, but we have all been harmed and effected, it is easier to deny the inconvenient truths than to research them, make one's own decisions, and do more to protect our loved ones and ourselves from what the enemy is doing to all of us. We can spend hours looking at infinite information and never take any real steps to protect ourselves or figure out HOW to stop our enemy from harming us? Like a stuck record, I keep stating my belief that this HOW is my highest priority right now, and I invite you to reconsider your priorities too, how you spend your time, when is enough information enough, how many more long videos are enough, etc.?
The Class War Waged By The Root Cause Enemy Of Humanity - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars – Attempt At Full Scope Discussion And Some Solution Suggestions
Please consider looking at what I post above and taking the required steps to protect your loved ones and yourself. As Dr. Mecola said in the 2nd link above "And I am especially grateful for helping me personally understand that I was delusionary arrogant about my ability and belief to think that I could somehow be immune to being damaged by EMF exposure".
May you and your loved ones live meaningful, long, healthy, and happy lives.
Our enemy has been using silent weapons for quiet wars to systematically harm and hypnotize people to get to the state we are at now. Of course a similar thing was done in Nazi Germany too. It has been spending countless billions of our tax dollars in things that started out like MKULTRA and later went even more underground and secretive.
These two links expose some of what the enemy is doing to harm all of us. Some of us can still somewhat navigate this, but we have all been harmed and effected, it is easier to deny the inconvenient truths than to research them, make one's own decisions, and do more to protect our loved ones and ourselves from what the enemy is doing to all of us. We can spend hours looking at infinite information and never take any real steps to protect ourselves or figure out HOW to stop our enemy from harming us? Like a stuck record, I keep stating my belief that this HOW is my highest priority right now, and I invite you to reconsider your priorities too, how you spend your time, when is enough information enough, how many more long videos are enough, etc.?
The Class War Waged By The Root Cause Enemy Of Humanity - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars – Attempt At Full Scope Discussion And Some Solution Suggestions
EMF Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (5G+, Cell Phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, Etc.) – Facts, Solutions, and Ongoing Discussion
Please consider looking at what I post above and taking the required steps to protect your loved ones and yourself. As Dr. Mecola said in the 2nd link above "And I am especially grateful for helping me personally understand that I was delusionary arrogant about my ability and belief to think that I could somehow be immune to being damaged by EMF exposure".
May you and your loved ones live meaningful, long, healthy, and happy lives.