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I was born in Calgary but came to the US to practice engineering, so I am a dual citizen. What happened in Canada is a significant incentive for me to double down on my best efforts to discover and act on HOW to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the world. Now I doubt I will visit Canada again before we win this war and bring the enemy to justice. We must win this. We must work together to figure out HOW. I do not rely on any one news source anymore and am skeptical of everything, including myself, for self change has the most immediate positive effect. These days I get dozens of news links weekly, as well as private emails. Some of that gets put into periodic Web Links Of Interest posts in the Solution Seeking Substack. Here is the most recent Web Links Of Interest. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/web-links-of-interest-february-4 . My hope is that people will treat everything with reasonable skepticism and not ever rely on any sources of information. My hope is that people will neither lead nor follow, but all become more powerful sovereign individuals who cannot be fooled. We can work together to solve this, as equals, honoring each other's attributes. Let's win this war.

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