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I don't think people in the US realize how thoroughly corrupt European countries are. I think it's a "grass is greener" syndrome. Everything that we see in the US like revolving doors between industry and government (a legalized form of bribery) takes place in the EU and even the independent countries.

Here's a short clip about how the head of fishery regulations in Norway changed the laws to permit diseased fish to be sold to the public so that her former employer can keep selling toxic fish meal to Norweigan fish farms. Health recommendation: DO NOT eat any farm-raised fish esp. salmon. If it is not specifically labeled "wild caught" assume it is farm-raised https://youtu.be/RYYf8cLUV5E?t=2489

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Even so, we here in the US were shortchanged by comparison to the Europeans:

Here is the 11th October 2022 emergency press conference held by six members of the European Parliament; these civil servants had serious questions about how the COVID project had been handled globally and were advocating passionately on behalf of their constituents’ well-being in demanding answers:


00:48 – MEP Francesca Donato (Italy)

04:38 – MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania)

12:56 – MEP Virginie Jeron (France)

15:01 – MEP Sylvia Limmer (Germany)

18:26 – MEP Ivan Sincic (Croatia)

22:41 – MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)

During the press conference, they took Pfizer to task for violating trust in the scientific community, for failing to provide requested information on clinical trials to the European Medicines Agency (counterpart to CDC), which would have allowed MEPs to be properly informed before they voted to authorize the use of experimental products on the populace.

On 31st October 2022, EU Parliament held a large conference on "COVID" corruption, which took place in Strasbourg, France: https://odysee.com/@joelraboni:c/%F0%9F%87%AC%F0%9F%87%A7-Professor-Perronne's-conference-at-the-European-Parliament-in-Strasbourg-(720p):2

(Video of the event also available at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5SHWoYeTv7bo/)

Aside from Senator Ron Johnson’s hosted presentations in Congress giving a forum to American frontline doctors and nurses and to those injured by the experimental products, I am unaware of similarly successful political efforts to begin to address these critical public health issues here in the US, so long as we’ve all been under the spell of COVID and the drug company control of the narrative.

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This clip is solid as we need an INT'L approach w/ US•g¤v being so liable. Dr David Martin, Dr Richard Fleming, myself and some other prominent whistleblower discussed the legal recourses this weekend:

It's on 6 platforms now and the times are the same for the key speakers. We had 7,000 unique listeners during the initial talk & all call out UNC and heart failures. The best platforms:





A key takeaway I'm hearing is that I've established legal standing by being persecuted & prosecuted on the court docket of Superior court. Malicious prosecution & Deprivation of rights under any color of law are the civil counter options before mass tort:

Dr. David Martin = 33 min. in

Dr. Richard Fleming = 1:35 (1 hour, 35 min in)

Geoff Wexler = 3:16 (3 hours 16 min. in)

The NüKING 👑💣💉 of Ma§§ Tort


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Great clip. Thanks!

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And here's a whistleblower Canadian farmer explaining how the "guv" interferes to keep milk prices rising and farmer's have to go along to get along.


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