Wow! I am familiar with using GIS maps and this has been a great presentation raising the right questions .
There is so much implicating evidence of a crime against the people of Lahaina and the other location on Maui that we haven’t even heard about before.
There were satellites over the area of both these fires at the time they started, I think Sasha revealed those as well?
There is so MUCH evidence, yet is beyond our ability to fully understand and put all the pieces together enough to take it court and explain it to a judge (if an honest one could be found).
We have been attacked before, but I think Maui is the most “in your face and BTW fuck you” that we have ever seen. Like the bully that asks “What are you going to do about it?” because they know there is nothing that we can do to stop them, even if we figure out how they did it.
" I think Maui is the most “in your face and BTW fuck you” that we have ever seen. Like the bully that asks “What are you going to do about it?” because they know there is nothing that we can do to stop them, even if we figure out how they did it."
This is exactly how I have come to see it. Too much that is now undeniable, whereas before (all the way back to JFK) there was room for doubt. No longer.
recall all HI elected officials who voted for the rebuild plans without public input. Even the publicity for the attempt gets it out there, they do not like controversy. Use their names !! And make sure the reasons for recall pass muster locally.
Put up signs on private property with website/video addresses where visitors will see them. T shirts. encourage the people posting on YT to keep it up. I think most people have no idea about the HI Home Lands issue
I like the way you think. We all have to think outside the box. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. Nothing is ever over - things can always change.
C.Fitts said she doesn't believe their numbers are correct. She thinks far less took it but democrats were the majority who did and she wondered why would they kill their own voting base? Cause they will cheat anyway.
I totally agree with you, Rust! I live on Maui and everyday I am amazed by how completely ruthless, bold and in your face this ongoing assault is. It's like they're saying "We did this. We know you know we did this. We're not even trying to hide it. And, BTW, we're going to go on doing this and there's nothing you can do about it. You will be strong-armed and gaslit on a daily basis and learn to love it like good little masochists." But they're wrong. We are pushing back like never before:
This is prob what they want you to think……..that it’s hopeless and just give up and live off the land. Don’t get me wrong, they have all the power and military tech but those soldiers and cops have to be willing to assail their own ppl
They do that on the regular or did you sleep in a cave during the 'Rona lockdowns?
Police routinely allow BLM and AntiFa and black flash riots go unchecked, while they harass (and jail) conservative movements. Local and state police are little more than highway bandits ordered to generate revenue for the government. They are are corrupt mafias that do as they please with no accountability.
The weather has been weaponized. The WTC in NYC was toasted with a similar forensic signature. This covert weapons system is the biggest issue of our time and involves stacked functions.
I would like to see anonymous judges in these cases. When ruled my a mafioso style government, it would be for their protection and we would have more transparency and fairness in rulings.
"Trust me and 3 generations of my family to tell you - this is a BAD, VERY BAD SIGN."
Thank you, Sasha, for all the Great things you are doing. You are indeed a blessing to everyone. All your efforts of warnings only reveal the true Love you have in your heart for Humanity. This is the most precious thing, and you have it. May the LORD continue to bless you and watch over and protect your family.
"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:11 NLT
Sasha. We are lucky to have you. You are a very real Wonder Woman. Grateful for your perspective. Looking at where you are making your stand for humanity fortifies me to stay here and fight too.
Look up Dutchsinse on Utube. He shows satellite images of dozens of fires simultaneously igniting in Canada , with clear skys and no lightening. He just posted that the government is not letting him livestream any location. Indeed, THEY can do that. He must be over "The Target"
Hello Robbin: Geoengineering and weather control has been ongoing for over 70 years. It is NOT an experiment, and the DOD spends over $200 Billion on weather warfare operations - per year. The United States is not alone in these "experiments".
I am a devout atheist. Therefore I believe if there is a God, he's a completely worthless piece of stinking shit. At least Satan doesn't lie about his intentions...
Green knew it beforehand and totally condoned it. Sometimes I get the feeling that the sayanim involved in these intrigues are all operating under the threat of exposure or life endangerment. Getting people to accept fire and murder is an extreme stretch. Really now, what's in it for those slimeballs that went along and totally prostituted themselves with their mendacity? Tell me differently, but my hunch, no real stretch, indicates that the Tribe is behind ALL of this, worldwide. They will grind our bones to make their bread......
there are fully/somewhat lucid groups of people that think this world is holographic, and that most people are NPC, and may be swept off the field without a thought. Others are well paid to look the other way, mammonites, for whom the cash is all.
Really, all you have to do is threaten someone's family and you can probably get most people to commit crimes. Then you have the added bonus of being able to threaten to expose them if they reveal the truth.
However, with around 5% of the population being psychopaths, there are some who don't need much coaxing.
Reading a kids book with the littles and it illustrates how effortless manipulation and coercion is--stepfather threatens to kill the family dog. Yeah, well that’s what psychopaths do! Child repents her attack of conscience and commits the crimes required. Very educational.
In studying building biology, I remember learning how many germans hated the square, concrete buildings built for them right after WWII, and would often resort to sleeping in tents instead. Buildings are meant to be designed with natural elements, and thus more resistant to fires, EMF radiation, etc:
I live in an affluent part of the US, but there has been an increasing number of new high-rise developments, which are advertised as "luxury", but look like they are built in the best traditions of the soviet post-war block, square soulless hideous jail-like structures painted some sort of gloomy color and blocking the sun, tall and thin to maximize square footage, and they are not even free! And they keep and keep building, one has to wonder why, why would anyone even want to live in those as at current rates they are often more expensive than a much nicer townhome across the street.
they will be bringing out building standards and demand retrofits. At some point they will say buildings of a certain age must be torn down. So they can build more stack n pack. Will be retrofitting unused office towers to residential stack n pack.
They give the illusion of safety, like a gated community. SF has a tall, expensive residential building built on soft ground that is literally thanks!
And of course neither the Democrats or Republicans of any state or federal government are doing anything to stop it, meanwhile the brainwashed constituents in America continue to hate-fight each-other over which side of Satan’s ass is the good side. And of course none of the state or federal investigative agencies or mainstream media reporters think this is suspicious either. Perhaps this is also part of “their” well calculated plan—and it’s working—because I don’t trust or like hardly anyone in my country anymore. I never used to be this way, but since 9/11, and now a repeat with the Scamdemic, I’ve become more and more resistant to friendships than ever before.
I get it. Between betrayal by most of my 'friends" cause I wouldn't take the poison to the divisiveness of the post covid era it is hard to make friends even if you want to open up...hope you find your tribe.
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. 19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should.
I also think surveillance may have been a part of these buildings that Sasha speaks of such as hidden microphones, etc. Now we will have security cameras, hidden cameras and even WiFi that can map a location showing who/what is in a room and that is counting nosy neighbors or the ubiquitous cell phone.
So like Winston Smith they had to abscond to the fields in summer to find the privacy that enables intimacy away from the watchful eye?
I'd be curious if that is, indeed, what she was thinking.
I find it useful to find romance only with party loyalists, and then to make sure that my mobile device cameras are unobstructed for clear facial recognition, accurate ledger updating, and to enable a complimentary thrill for the odd human scanner who reviews our dossiers.
The last thing I need is my social credit score dipping for having bed a non-conformist or free-thinker, even if it were a cynical wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. At least not until the A.I. can reliably tell the difference between love, lust, and competitive acrobatic monkey sex pursued for mere sport & mutual, consenting curiosity ...and at which point it can award social credit points for performance accordingly. Then I promise to transcend such superficial prejudices. Pinky swear.
I grew up in a small community in an area of large fire danger. This community is/was located in the central sierras of calif. Early in the summer every year (I live my youth there of about 18 years) they would put in fire breaks and on windless nights in early summer do a control burn of sections at a time. Set fire to the grasses. This would provide and extensive fire break around the community preventing fire from escaping the community to burn the brush and forest around the community as well as protect the community from wild fires.
Given what the authorities say they knew and the that the Hawaiian government owned large tracts of land around Lahaina something like this could have been done. This is ancient know how. The old timers told me the Indians would set fire to the grass and forest lands every year at the beginning of the rainy season. This protected the forest and grass lands against build up of fuel which would do catastrophic damage as well as make the under-story of the forest brush free. The old timers lamented the government decree preventing such fires.
In August 17, 2013 (Calder fire, Camp Fire (Paradise Ca) to name a few recent fire disasters)the Rim fire show the ignorance that informed the decision to ban control burns. These fires burned incredibly hot. Then the forest service and Cal Fire decided to let them burn. This mismanagement of the forest also allowed SPI to log within the National forest.
From web site: Fires are a part of the forest ecosystem. Plants and animals have evolved in the presence of fires but after decades of fire suppression and "hands-off" management policies, public land has unnaturally dense forests, which are prone to catastrophic wildfires. These crowded forests contribute to fires that race through the crowns of the trees making them nearly impossible to fight, worsen the soil due to the higher than normal heat intensity, and unnecessarily put human lives, animal habitats and water quality at risk.
The truth is old timers and the Native Indians have been prevented from the old ways that kept the forest safe from forest fire damage. SPI's holding didn't suffer from fire. Why are corporate holdings free of forest fires and public lands etc suffer catastrophic damage?
Much more could be said from personal experience here in the Central Sierras.
"Some cars had aluminum melted, while the grass right next to them is ok, and other cars remain intact."
While I'm not disputing for one moment that the Lahaina fires stink of corruption and deliberate clearance of the indigenous population, having lived through catastrophic wildfires, I need to emphasise that this sentence is no reason for suspicion. Wildfires are completely chaotic. This kind of thing happens all the time. For instance, my house was completely gutted and the fire burned so hot that the glass in the windows melted and the gas bottle exploded. Outside on the patio was a wooden table with a plastic tablecloth on it just a metre away from the house. Both survived. The plastic tablecloth had just one burn hole in it.
Links on bitchute are working now
Thank you!
Any chance for a link to the full video?
This is how I received the videos.
I see. Thank you for replying
Wow! I am familiar with using GIS maps and this has been a great presentation raising the right questions .
There is so much implicating evidence of a crime against the people of Lahaina and the other location on Maui that we haven’t even heard about before.
There were satellites over the area of both these fires at the time they started, I think Sasha revealed those as well?
There is so MUCH evidence, yet is beyond our ability to fully understand and put all the pieces together enough to take it court and explain it to a judge (if an honest one could be found).
We have been attacked before, but I think Maui is the most “in your face and BTW fuck you” that we have ever seen. Like the bully that asks “What are you going to do about it?” because they know there is nothing that we can do to stop them, even if we figure out how they did it.
I hope they are wrong as more is exposed.
" I think Maui is the most “in your face and BTW fuck you” that we have ever seen. Like the bully that asks “What are you going to do about it?” because they know there is nothing that we can do to stop them, even if we figure out how they did it."
This is exactly how I have come to see it. Too much that is now undeniable, whereas before (all the way back to JFK) there was room for doubt. No longer.
What are we going to do about it…
That is the key.
recall all HI elected officials who voted for the rebuild plans without public input. Even the publicity for the attempt gets it out there, they do not like controversy. Use their names !! And make sure the reasons for recall pass muster locally.
Put up signs on private property with website/video addresses where visitors will see them. T shirts. encourage the people posting on YT to keep it up. I think most people have no idea about the HI Home Lands issue
I like the way you think. We all have to think outside the box. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. Nothing is ever over - things can always change.
especially considering that any armed uprising is exactly what they want
Its close but 911, and the slaughter at Rt 91 are pretty high up there too!
At least Covid was clever.
They have injected at least 5 Billion people with it. 660 million injections in USA
C.Fitts said she doesn't believe their numbers are correct. She thinks far less took it but democrats were the majority who did and she wondered why would they kill their own voting base? Cause they will cheat anyway.
I totally agree with you, Rust! I live on Maui and everyday I am amazed by how completely ruthless, bold and in your face this ongoing assault is. It's like they're saying "We did this. We know you know we did this. We're not even trying to hide it. And, BTW, we're going to go on doing this and there's nothing you can do about it. You will be strong-armed and gaslit on a daily basis and learn to love it like good little masochists." But they're wrong. We are pushing back like never before:
This is prob what they want you to think……..that it’s hopeless and just give up and live off the land. Don’t get me wrong, they have all the power and military tech but those soldiers and cops have to be willing to assail their own ppl
They do that on the regular or did you sleep in a cave during the 'Rona lockdowns?
Police routinely allow BLM and AntiFa and black flash riots go unchecked, while they harass (and jail) conservative movements. Local and state police are little more than highway bandits ordered to generate revenue for the government. They are are corrupt mafias that do as they please with no accountability.
The weather has been weaponized. The WTC in NYC was toasted with a similar forensic signature. This covert weapons system is the biggest issue of our time and involves stacked functions.
I totally agree about Maui and you nailed it.
I would like to see anonymous judges in these cases. When ruled my a mafioso style government, it would be for their protection and we would have more transparency and fairness in rulings.
"You are a wise woman."
"Trust me and 3 generations of my family to tell you - this is a BAD, VERY BAD SIGN."
Thank you, Sasha, for all the Great things you are doing. You are indeed a blessing to everyone. All your efforts of warnings only reveal the true Love you have in your heart for Humanity. This is the most precious thing, and you have it. May the LORD continue to bless you and watch over and protect your family.
"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:11 NLT
Sasha. We are lucky to have you. You are a very real Wonder Woman. Grateful for your perspective. Looking at where you are making your stand for humanity fortifies me to stay here and fight too.
Look up Dutchsinse on Utube. He shows satellite images of dozens of fires simultaneously igniting in Canada , with clear skys and no lightening. He just posted that the government is not letting him livestream any location. Indeed, THEY can do that. He must be over "The Target"
Dutchsinse has been over the target on most things over the years.
Hello Robin: I rarely post my poetry, but this one came to mind as I watched the idiocy: >
MacArthur’s Park
Frankincense and sandalwood, cedar and myrrh
Bullocks, lambs, people, rams
Petrochemical products and plenty of trees
Our gods smile through the murk and mire
Spin whole galaxies round and round
Oblivious to our stupidity and cruelty
Unmoved by our damp Prozac minds
We watch the ice melting
Watch the ozone burn away
Beg the fire to be kind
Char the lathe of heaven
6/29/2001 PV
Hello Robbin: Geoengineering and weather control has been ongoing for over 70 years. It is NOT an experiment, and the DOD spends over $200 Billion on weather warfare operations - per year. The United States is not alone in these "experiments".
I am a devout atheist. Therefore I believe if there is a God, he's a completely worthless piece of stinking shit. At least Satan doesn't lie about his intentions...
Thank you. We all must keep digging and talking.
Green knew it beforehand and totally condoned it. Sometimes I get the feeling that the sayanim involved in these intrigues are all operating under the threat of exposure or life endangerment. Getting people to accept fire and murder is an extreme stretch. Really now, what's in it for those slimeballs that went along and totally prostituted themselves with their mendacity? Tell me differently, but my hunch, no real stretch, indicates that the Tribe is behind ALL of this, worldwide. They will grind our bones to make their bread......
What "tribe" would that be? The Bushes, Cheney, Biden, Harris, Ovomit, CIA, FBI, Clinton, Pelosi, etc.?
including but not limited to the above?
there are fully/somewhat lucid groups of people that think this world is holographic, and that most people are NPC, and may be swept off the field without a thought. Others are well paid to look the other way, mammonites, for whom the cash is all.
Really, all you have to do is threaten someone's family and you can probably get most people to commit crimes. Then you have the added bonus of being able to threaten to expose them if they reveal the truth.
However, with around 5% of the population being psychopaths, there are some who don't need much coaxing.
Reading a kids book with the littles and it illustrates how effortless manipulation and coercion is--stepfather threatens to kill the family dog. Yeah, well that’s what psychopaths do! Child repents her attack of conscience and commits the crimes required. Very educational.
In studying building biology, I remember learning how many germans hated the square, concrete buildings built for them right after WWII, and would often resort to sleeping in tents instead. Buildings are meant to be designed with natural elements, and thus more resistant to fires, EMF radiation, etc:
I live in an affluent part of the US, but there has been an increasing number of new high-rise developments, which are advertised as "luxury", but look like they are built in the best traditions of the soviet post-war block, square soulless hideous jail-like structures painted some sort of gloomy color and blocking the sun, tall and thin to maximize square footage, and they are not even free! And they keep and keep building, one has to wonder why, why would anyone even want to live in those as at current rates they are often more expensive than a much nicer townhome across the street.
they will be bringing out building standards and demand retrofits. At some point they will say buildings of a certain age must be torn down. So they can build more stack n pack. Will be retrofitting unused office towers to residential stack n pack.
They give the illusion of safety, like a gated community. SF has a tall, expensive residential building built on soft ground that is literally thanks!
Although I'm an architect, the statement "designed with natural elements" is ambiguous to me...
And of course neither the Democrats or Republicans of any state or federal government are doing anything to stop it, meanwhile the brainwashed constituents in America continue to hate-fight each-other over which side of Satan’s ass is the good side. And of course none of the state or federal investigative agencies or mainstream media reporters think this is suspicious either. Perhaps this is also part of “their” well calculated plan—and it’s working—because I don’t trust or like hardly anyone in my country anymore. I never used to be this way, but since 9/11, and now a repeat with the Scamdemic, I’ve become more and more resistant to friendships than ever before.
I get it. Between betrayal by most of my 'friends" cause I wouldn't take the poison to the divisiveness of the post covid era it is hard to make friends even if you want to open up...hope you find your tribe.
Sasha, outstanding comment on the government housing and everyone must heed this warning. I saw this article yesterday and got chills.
-The Australian dream of a quarter-acre block with a front and back yard is dead, now replaced with the convenient ideal of the '15-Minute City'
It will end up like this if we are lucky:
It is what I want. A city in which Incan be a digital slave, own nothing and eat zee bugs.
Thank you to all the Globalists freaks that thought of all this!
Ephesians Chapter 6
The Full Armor of God
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. 19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should.
I love Ephesians, in particular 6 12.
Praise God!
Amen, brother (or sister)
Why were they conceived in Summer?
Only time of year when families weren't huddled densely together making intimacy with non-family members possible?
In America we had cars for enabling sex away from parental surveillance in the post war period. Where did your generation have to go to get it on?
I thought she meant that it was so cold in winter that no one wanted to undress. Maybe you are right, however.
I also think surveillance may have been a part of these buildings that Sasha speaks of such as hidden microphones, etc. Now we will have security cameras, hidden cameras and even WiFi that can map a location showing who/what is in a room and that is counting nosy neighbors or the ubiquitous cell phone.
So like Winston Smith they had to abscond to the fields in summer to find the privacy that enables intimacy away from the watchful eye?
I'd be curious if that is, indeed, what she was thinking.
I find it useful to find romance only with party loyalists, and then to make sure that my mobile device cameras are unobstructed for clear facial recognition, accurate ledger updating, and to enable a complimentary thrill for the odd human scanner who reviews our dossiers.
The last thing I need is my social credit score dipping for having bed a non-conformist or free-thinker, even if it were a cynical wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. At least not until the A.I. can reliably tell the difference between love, lust, and competitive acrobatic monkey sex pursued for mere sport & mutual, consenting curiosity ...and at which point it can award social credit points for performance accordingly. Then I promise to transcend such superficial prejudices. Pinky swear.
Hi Sasha and commissariat,
I grew up in a small community in an area of large fire danger. This community is/was located in the central sierras of calif. Early in the summer every year (I live my youth there of about 18 years) they would put in fire breaks and on windless nights in early summer do a control burn of sections at a time. Set fire to the grasses. This would provide and extensive fire break around the community preventing fire from escaping the community to burn the brush and forest around the community as well as protect the community from wild fires.
Given what the authorities say they knew and the that the Hawaiian government owned large tracts of land around Lahaina something like this could have been done. This is ancient know how. The old timers told me the Indians would set fire to the grass and forest lands every year at the beginning of the rainy season. This protected the forest and grass lands against build up of fuel which would do catastrophic damage as well as make the under-story of the forest brush free. The old timers lamented the government decree preventing such fires.
In August 17, 2013 (Calder fire, Camp Fire (Paradise Ca) to name a few recent fire disasters)the Rim fire show the ignorance that informed the decision to ban control burns. These fires burned incredibly hot. Then the forest service and Cal Fire decided to let them burn. This mismanagement of the forest also allowed SPI to log within the National forest.
From web site: Fires are a part of the forest ecosystem. Plants and animals have evolved in the presence of fires but after decades of fire suppression and "hands-off" management policies, public land has unnaturally dense forests, which are prone to catastrophic wildfires. These crowded forests contribute to fires that race through the crowns of the trees making them nearly impossible to fight, worsen the soil due to the higher than normal heat intensity, and unnecessarily put human lives, animal habitats and water quality at risk.
The truth is old timers and the Native Indians have been prevented from the old ways that kept the forest safe from forest fire damage. SPI's holding didn't suffer from fire. Why are corporate holdings free of forest fires and public lands etc suffer catastrophic damage?
Much more could be said from personal experience here in the Central Sierras.
"Some cars had aluminum melted, while the grass right next to them is ok, and other cars remain intact."
While I'm not disputing for one moment that the Lahaina fires stink of corruption and deliberate clearance of the indigenous population, having lived through catastrophic wildfires, I need to emphasise that this sentence is no reason for suspicion. Wildfires are completely chaotic. This kind of thing happens all the time. For instance, my house was completely gutted and the fire burned so hot that the glass in the windows melted and the gas bottle exploded. Outside on the patio was a wooden table with a plastic tablecloth on it just a metre away from the house. Both survived. The plastic tablecloth had just one burn hole in it.
All very thought provoking material. I’m
Of the opinion this was a planned event ( DEW). Will the Hawaiian people tolerate this? Will Congress tolerate this?
Justice moves so glacially slow in our society!
I hope karma moves faster!
You are amazing. Thank you, as one human to another.