Quoted from the article: 'Kozyrev’s “Causal Mechanics” paper was published for this event, describing the principles of his theory of time as the source of non-nuclear stellar energy. This work provided a fundamentally different view of the universal forces of nature, of life itself, acting simultaneously everywhere, defying the thermal death and giving us the World that, quoting Kozyrev “sparkles afresh, renewed each day”.'
I once had a friend well versed in many facets of 'relativity' and motion theory. He had apparently discovered some of Kozyrev's studies in the early 70's, and introduced me to the concept that all things are eventing - all at the same time. It was difficult for me to embrace this concept, as I had been taught more "linear" associations of time and spacial relationship. How could an event occurring hundreds of light-years away be immediately "known". It seemed counter-intuitive...
No one understands the mechanisms by which individuals within flocks of birds or schools of fish can simultaneously change direction. There are no observable communication devices nor evidences of a "follow the leader" sequence. Do we *understand* time? Erm... Maybe not.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). A moment in time is past, present and future, depending on your reference point. Time is something I never seem to have enough of. It frequently remains me of a song about “time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future” and “if I could bring back time…” or something like that.
At the speed of light all events are simultaneous. An eternity. You can look at it as the collapse of space or time. All electromagnetic radiation vibrates at the speed of light, not only light.
Hello currer. Yes. The speed of light seems to be an objective mathematical force. The Eisenstein definition E=MC squared is difficult to dispute, although many have tried...
I consider eternity as the "space between" all measurable objects, particles, or states of matter. Everything touches the space between. The space between events in absolute darkness, yet is not in any way 'evil'...
'space time' is an attribute of this physical universe, as is speed of light (time). Universe includes all the unseen realms of quantum physics, our mind/soul/spirit and the dynamism of free will. We interface the seen and unseen worlds in quantum space, right inside our physical bodies, the vehicles of our minds in the material world.
Many birds have been scientifically proven to use quantum mechanics in navigation; i.e. quantum entanglement. So, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn they also use QM for orientation within the flock.
I watched the first few minutes and found the initial presentation Quite interesting. Quantum field associations and the prospect of "consciousnesses" as being embedded in these associations, makes more sense than most linear theory... Thanks aj. Best regards.
Was it the Bushmen of the Kalahari who were stunned when they discovered that Laurens Van Der Poste couldn't hear the stars moving in the heavens and was thus so disconnected from the Earth?
It’s not too much of a stretch to realise that some of our current politicians would gladly step into Stalin’s shoes given half a chance. In Australia, and no doubt elsewhere in the UK and Europe, citizens are rewarded for spying on their neighbours. If for instance someone buys a new car, the neighbour might question whether he’s paying his taxes, and possibly shop him on suspicion alone. Then there were those during Covid who reported on people for travelling away from home or refusing to wear a mask. Oh, yes, all that dictatorial people in authority need is a compliant population and their numbers are mounting.
This is a story, "for the ages." The life history of KOZ-ee-rev (I think that's the correct pronunciation) makes the biographies of all other polymaths, like Tesla, da Vinci or Einstein; by comparison, seem like tales of boys in short pants.
You may not agree with everything the writer believes but this story unfolds beautifully. The miracle of the sudden appearance of the textbook in the jail cell (like the completely unexpected manifestation of the devoted engineer/assistant) seem like examples of the principle in action or confirmations of the basic theory. Everything around us, even the deepest part of our sun, is filled with a unique energy:
"...Tectonic activity on the Moon is consistent with Kozyrev’s theory that celestial bodies, just as everything else present in nature, are alive, continuously drawing their energy from the flow of time..."
Time itself is a God-given energy which proceeds from -- and confirms -- the divine Alpha and Omega. There's so much to think about here. Can't say anything more, except to urge you to share it with friends you think might be interested.
"I would like a bit of a break from the military covid op. I am sick of it, I hate it, I despise those who are responsible and those who blindly obeyed, as well as those who keep obeying and keep staying willfully blind. I hate writing about it. I want to write about people I admire and not about the ones I hate."
I read you loud and clear, Sasha. I feel the same way, but we can't let it break us. It's better to take a break fom IT, and live to fight another day. That way the powers that shouldn't be don't win.
I really enjoyed your previous post on Kozyrev, so I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this post. The drawing is beautiful. Did your daughter complete a drawing of herself?
Thanks for this info on Kozyrev... Fascinating person.
Your daughter obviously inherited a few genes from her mom!
Thought the following from the USSR (1958) might be of interest - there is some merit to boosting those young immune systems! Certainly better that vaxxx...
As though more than half of humanity is more dead than alive.
As though even the thought of being more fully alive scares more than 50% of humanity half to death because to feel more alive is too terrifying to feel because it brings more to the fore the awareness that death is always too close.
So a question occurs. What would trigger critical mass aiming for the life light above all within each? Please lets all wake up before we all go to sleep, or get put to sleep.
"Something strange about the human condition. - As though more than half of humanity is more dead than alive." Yes, I've noticed this, and you are being gracious at 50%...
I see it as *programmed* death wish. The program is shared delusion or Folie à deux. Many live in a perpetual motion world - chasing what is already existent. Frustrating to witness the desperation that should not be. The "light" is invisible yet everything is manifest...
The light above all within each, many have seen this light in you and all of us, that’s the meaning of the word/greeting “Namaste”. Like Kozyrev there are mystics of the inner world who have discovered inner planets, stars and suns each having different vibrations, radiations. God is OM or AUM, he is the one who expires and inspires cosmosses, like we breathe in and out God.
This was so very interesting, thank you. I have a degree in science, but I never felt like I really knew much of anything. I never thought time was a constant and I could not wrap my head around a hard limit to anything including the speed of light. But I could 'solve' equations so I was awarded a piece of paper. Haha
Thanks Sasha for introducing us to Kozyrev - a man for our times- his explanation of the intercession of the Holy Spirit in helping him survive in prison and its influence on his understanding of time was profound - an indomitable spirit was present in this man.
The day to day regurgitation of the Covid debacle has also left me cold - continuous informed scientific evidence of its effects with no acknowledgement by our government has become proof of the war they are waging on us. Please continue postings like Kozyrev that gives us hope.
"However, I found Kozyrev’s biography translated into English, abridged included in a science journal article. The English translation is very awkward and some IMO very important information about the history of the repressions against scientists in the 30’s by Stalin’s regime is omitted."
"The new regime’s objective was to eliminate any traces of self-governance in academia, such as replacement of the leadership previously elected by scientific peers with the Communist Party-appointed administrators."
"Note: if you think this totalitarian horror is only possible under a communist regime, this approach is very similar to the arrests of the J6 “insurrectionists” on made-up terrorism charges, or intense prosecution and lawfare against doctors who are trying to treat their patients during the DOD-faked “covid pandemic”, or scientists who do not want to participate in fraud - the standard approach of fabricating plots by the national security-intelligence apparatus for political aims."
None of this is surprising IMO, considering psyence today is totally and utterly captured. Captured by the decendants of the insane people that ran the USSR into the ground thirty plus years ago, and then spent the better part of two decades looting the remains.
We are living in a time very similar to when Christopher Colombus came back to Europe stating that the world is a sphere, and not a pizza., As everyone knows he was excommunicated for that.
The people who today can be compared to the pope of the 1490's are calling people like us flat earthers. How Orwellian is that?
In the course of my life, the more I concerned myself with physics, I realized that I was actually a meta-physicist. And then I increasingly played with that idea. And if you asked me, my dear Heinz von Foerster, what is a meta-physicist? I would say the following: There are questions among those we ask about the world that it is possible to answer. How old are you? Well, you can look that up in a catalog. Born in 1911. That means he is 90. Or you can ask questions which cannot be answered, like for example, tell me what was the origin of the universe? Well, then I could give you one of the 35 different theories. Ask an astronomer and he says there was this Big Bang about 20 million years ago. Or ask a good Catholic and he says everyone knows that God created the world and after 7 days he was weary and took a break, and that was Sunday. So there are different, very interesting hypotheses about the origins of the universe. That is, there are so many different hypotheses because the question cannot be answered. So all that is relevant is how interesting the story is that someone invents to explain it."
Dammbeck replies: "Of course, we are very close to art there. If it's a matter of inventing a good story, a poetic story..."
Foerster agrees: "Exactly, exactly. That's what it is. There is a struggle between two or three or even ten different poets. Who can invent a funny, amusing or interesting story so that everyone immediately thinks that's what must have happened!"
Dammbeck: "But science, and your own research, those are not just inventions or good stories? Surely they're based on mathematics, on numbers, on provability, on indisputable scientific data?"
Foerster: "Well, yes, but these days there is already so much data that it is no longer possible to include all the different data in your story. And then artificial data is invented, for example, particles... Then particles are invented that do whatever it is we don't understand. So in my opinion, particles are always the solutions to problems that we can't solve any other way. That is, they are inventions that help to explain certain problems. Those are particles. ... I maintain that each particle we read about in today's physics is the answer to a question that we can't answer."
Dammbeck: "But that's terrible! How can we let a worldwide networked system of machines grow more or less into infinity if it is based on theories that apparently have holes or are only good stories, I mean on such shaky foundations? Isn't that dangerous?"
Foerster: "Well, in this worldwide functioning system of machines, all theories are correct. And of course that's what people want. And why are they correct? Because they can all be deduced from other theories and stories. ... It goes on deducing indefinitely. ... That's the good thing about it. You can go on forever."
Dammbeck asks: "In logic?"
Foerster answers: "Yes, precisely."
Dammbeck probes further: "But in reality?"
To which Foerster replies: "Where is reality? Can you show it to me?"
Thanks for the very interesting story. Unfortunately I don't speak nor write or read the Russian language. The Russian scientific books I read were translated into German( thanks to the former existence of DDR). Russian scientists do have a special way of viewing the world. About 'the moon being visited by humans', well, possibly it was faked. I remember what M. Armstrong(an American) wrote about 911: one jet-plane flew right into the apartment of DoD destroying the total administration. DoD's shortage was estimated at about 1 trillion usd. Not only that but also Armstrong's administration about the corrupt banks. What has been done by the Nazi's, communists were human activities, not imaginable to most humans. That is also the case with the covid-injections. I leave that aside as I am more interested in the ideas of causal mechanics/time which stimulates my thinking. By the way, your daughter is talented in drawing. P.S. Armstrong was put into custody without any proces for 7 years and also tortured; that happened in a special prison. He survived somehow and is still alive.
From the previous post, it looks like Kozyrev had some understanding that the speed of light is not constant. This concept is discussed by Barry Setterfield (https://barrysetterfield.org/), both in simplistic terms and more technical terms. He also discusses creation by plasma, rather than strings or big bang, in some of his youtube videos; this would have taken all of 3 or 4 minutes.
I don't agree with some of his theological views, but his science is pretty good.
Quoted from the article: 'Kozyrev’s “Causal Mechanics” paper was published for this event, describing the principles of his theory of time as the source of non-nuclear stellar energy. This work provided a fundamentally different view of the universal forces of nature, of life itself, acting simultaneously everywhere, defying the thermal death and giving us the World that, quoting Kozyrev “sparkles afresh, renewed each day”.'
I once had a friend well versed in many facets of 'relativity' and motion theory. He had apparently discovered some of Kozyrev's studies in the early 70's, and introduced me to the concept that all things are eventing - all at the same time. It was difficult for me to embrace this concept, as I had been taught more "linear" associations of time and spacial relationship. How could an event occurring hundreds of light-years away be immediately "known". It seemed counter-intuitive...
No one understands the mechanisms by which individuals within flocks of birds or schools of fish can simultaneously change direction. There are no observable communication devices nor evidences of a "follow the leader" sequence. Do we *understand* time? Erm... Maybe not.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). A moment in time is past, present and future, depending on your reference point. Time is something I never seem to have enough of. It frequently remains me of a song about “time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future” and “if I could bring back time…” or something like that.
Schools of fish remind me of starling birds flying their elaborate patterns.
Turns out starlings do this by following their neighbors. No central control but a distributed mimicry.
At the speed of light all events are simultaneous. An eternity. You can look at it as the collapse of space or time. All electromagnetic radiation vibrates at the speed of light, not only light.
Hello currer. Yes. The speed of light seems to be an objective mathematical force. The Eisenstein definition E=MC squared is difficult to dispute, although many have tried...
I consider eternity as the "space between" all measurable objects, particles, or states of matter. Everything touches the space between. The space between events in absolute darkness, yet is not in any way 'evil'...
'space time' is an attribute of this physical universe, as is speed of light (time). Universe includes all the unseen realms of quantum physics, our mind/soul/spirit and the dynamism of free will. We interface the seen and unseen worlds in quantum space, right inside our physical bodies, the vehicles of our minds in the material world.
Many birds have been scientifically proven to use quantum mechanics in navigation; i.e. quantum entanglement. So, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn they also use QM for orientation within the flock.
Quantum robins: https://phys.org/news/2011-01-quantum-robins.html
Might it have something to do with God? The scriptures say "All things testify of God". I add, if you look.
I watched the first few minutes and found the initial presentation Quite interesting. Quantum field associations and the prospect of "consciousnesses" as being embedded in these associations, makes more sense than most linear theory... Thanks aj. Best regards.
Sasha looks like your daughter found her calling. 100 years from now collectors will be bragging, "i have a latypova!"
"which one?"
I was stricken by the facial expression - particularly the eyes. Incredible head posture and mood. Yikes!
Agree nymusicdaily, a real nice sketch !
Was it the Bushmen of the Kalahari who were stunned when they discovered that Laurens Van Der Poste couldn't hear the stars moving in the heavens and was thus so disconnected from the Earth?
It’s not too much of a stretch to realise that some of our current politicians would gladly step into Stalin’s shoes given half a chance. In Australia, and no doubt elsewhere in the UK and Europe, citizens are rewarded for spying on their neighbours. If for instance someone buys a new car, the neighbour might question whether he’s paying his taxes, and possibly shop him on suspicion alone. Then there were those during Covid who reported on people for travelling away from home or refusing to wear a mask. Oh, yes, all that dictatorial people in authority need is a compliant population and their numbers are mounting.
i suspect 'two tier Kier'......'do more harmer Starmer' already has.........
- & it would seem he finds Stalin's shoes mighty comfy.
.......send help when you can.
This is a story, "for the ages." The life history of KOZ-ee-rev (I think that's the correct pronunciation) makes the biographies of all other polymaths, like Tesla, da Vinci or Einstein; by comparison, seem like tales of boys in short pants.
You may not agree with everything the writer believes but this story unfolds beautifully. The miracle of the sudden appearance of the textbook in the jail cell (like the completely unexpected manifestation of the devoted engineer/assistant) seem like examples of the principle in action or confirmations of the basic theory. Everything around us, even the deepest part of our sun, is filled with a unique energy:
"...Tectonic activity on the Moon is consistent with Kozyrev’s theory that celestial bodies, just as everything else present in nature, are alive, continuously drawing their energy from the flow of time..."
Time itself is a God-given energy which proceeds from -- and confirms -- the divine Alpha and Omega. There's so much to think about here. Can't say anything more, except to urge you to share it with friends you think might be interested.
"I would like a bit of a break from the military covid op. I am sick of it, I hate it, I despise those who are responsible and those who blindly obeyed, as well as those who keep obeying and keep staying willfully blind. I hate writing about it. I want to write about people I admire and not about the ones I hate."
I read you loud and clear, Sasha. I feel the same way, but we can't let it break us. It's better to take a break fom IT, and live to fight another day. That way the powers that shouldn't be don't win.
I really enjoyed your previous post on Kozyrev, so I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this post. The drawing is beautiful. Did your daughter complete a drawing of herself?
Thanks for this info on Kozyrev... Fascinating person.
Your daughter obviously inherited a few genes from her mom!
Thought the following from the USSR (1958) might be of interest - there is some merit to boosting those young immune systems! Certainly better that vaxxx...
Thanks for your voice and vision, Sasha.
we slept outside all the time. I currently sleep with a window open - negative temps outside.
Yes! Let the evil humors dissipate!
Thanks for writing this. I first heard of Kozyrev from Clif High. His is an incredible story.
Chills to the bone.
Something strange about the human condition.
As though more than half of humanity is more dead than alive.
As though even the thought of being more fully alive scares more than 50% of humanity half to death because to feel more alive is too terrifying to feel because it brings more to the fore the awareness that death is always too close.
So a question occurs. What would trigger critical mass aiming for the life light above all within each? Please lets all wake up before we all go to sleep, or get put to sleep.
"Something strange about the human condition. - As though more than half of humanity is more dead than alive." Yes, I've noticed this, and you are being gracious at 50%...
I see it as *programmed* death wish. The program is shared delusion or Folie à deux. Many live in a perpetual motion world - chasing what is already existent. Frustrating to witness the desperation that should not be. The "light" is invisible yet everything is manifest...
The light above all within each, many have seen this light in you and all of us, that’s the meaning of the word/greeting “Namaste”. Like Kozyrev there are mystics of the inner world who have discovered inner planets, stars and suns each having different vibrations, radiations. God is OM or AUM, he is the one who expires and inspires cosmosses, like we breathe in and out God.
Good words.
"Good words" boomerang !!
This was so very interesting, thank you. I have a degree in science, but I never felt like I really knew much of anything. I never thought time was a constant and I could not wrap my head around a hard limit to anything including the speed of light. But I could 'solve' equations so I was awarded a piece of paper. Haha
Thanks Sasha for introducing us to Kozyrev - a man for our times- his explanation of the intercession of the Holy Spirit in helping him survive in prison and its influence on his understanding of time was profound - an indomitable spirit was present in this man.
The day to day regurgitation of the Covid debacle has also left me cold - continuous informed scientific evidence of its effects with no acknowledgement by our government has become proof of the war they are waging on us. Please continue postings like Kozyrev that gives us hope.
"However, I found Kozyrev’s biography translated into English, abridged included in a science journal article. The English translation is very awkward and some IMO very important information about the history of the repressions against scientists in the 30’s by Stalin’s regime is omitted."
"The new regime’s objective was to eliminate any traces of self-governance in academia, such as replacement of the leadership previously elected by scientific peers with the Communist Party-appointed administrators."
"Note: if you think this totalitarian horror is only possible under a communist regime, this approach is very similar to the arrests of the J6 “insurrectionists” on made-up terrorism charges, or intense prosecution and lawfare against doctors who are trying to treat their patients during the DOD-faked “covid pandemic”, or scientists who do not want to participate in fraud - the standard approach of fabricating plots by the national security-intelligence apparatus for political aims."
None of this is surprising IMO, considering psyence today is totally and utterly captured. Captured by the decendants of the insane people that ran the USSR into the ground thirty plus years ago, and then spent the better part of two decades looting the remains.
We are living in a time very similar to when Christopher Colombus came back to Europe stating that the world is a sphere, and not a pizza., As everyone knows he was excommunicated for that.
The people who today can be compared to the pope of the 1490's are calling people like us flat earthers. How Orwellian is that?
I wonder if Korzrev was skeptical of the direction that physics went into, primarily quantum mechanics.
Here's some playlists pointing out how ridiculous their "proof" is. Fantasy world.
And here's Heinz von Foerester on where physics started inventing particles in other to fulfill formulas.
In the course of my life, the more I concerned myself with physics, I realized that I was actually a meta-physicist. And then I increasingly played with that idea. And if you asked me, my dear Heinz von Foerster, what is a meta-physicist? I would say the following: There are questions among those we ask about the world that it is possible to answer. How old are you? Well, you can look that up in a catalog. Born in 1911. That means he is 90. Or you can ask questions which cannot be answered, like for example, tell me what was the origin of the universe? Well, then I could give you one of the 35 different theories. Ask an astronomer and he says there was this Big Bang about 20 million years ago. Or ask a good Catholic and he says everyone knows that God created the world and after 7 days he was weary and took a break, and that was Sunday. So there are different, very interesting hypotheses about the origins of the universe. That is, there are so many different hypotheses because the question cannot be answered. So all that is relevant is how interesting the story is that someone invents to explain it."
Dammbeck replies: "Of course, we are very close to art there. If it's a matter of inventing a good story, a poetic story..."
Foerster agrees: "Exactly, exactly. That's what it is. There is a struggle between two or three or even ten different poets. Who can invent a funny, amusing or interesting story so that everyone immediately thinks that's what must have happened!"
Dammbeck: "But science, and your own research, those are not just inventions or good stories? Surely they're based on mathematics, on numbers, on provability, on indisputable scientific data?"
Foerster: "Well, yes, but these days there is already so much data that it is no longer possible to include all the different data in your story. And then artificial data is invented, for example, particles... Then particles are invented that do whatever it is we don't understand. So in my opinion, particles are always the solutions to problems that we can't solve any other way. That is, they are inventions that help to explain certain problems. Those are particles. ... I maintain that each particle we read about in today's physics is the answer to a question that we can't answer."
Dammbeck: "But that's terrible! How can we let a worldwide networked system of machines grow more or less into infinity if it is based on theories that apparently have holes or are only good stories, I mean on such shaky foundations? Isn't that dangerous?"
Foerster: "Well, in this worldwide functioning system of machines, all theories are correct. And of course that's what people want. And why are they correct? Because they can all be deduced from other theories and stories. ... It goes on deducing indefinitely. ... That's the good thing about it. You can go on forever."
Dammbeck asks: "In logic?"
Foerster answers: "Yes, precisely."
Dammbeck probes further: "But in reality?"
To which Foerster replies: "Where is reality? Can you show it to me?"
Thanks for the very interesting story. Unfortunately I don't speak nor write or read the Russian language. The Russian scientific books I read were translated into German( thanks to the former existence of DDR). Russian scientists do have a special way of viewing the world. About 'the moon being visited by humans', well, possibly it was faked. I remember what M. Armstrong(an American) wrote about 911: one jet-plane flew right into the apartment of DoD destroying the total administration. DoD's shortage was estimated at about 1 trillion usd. Not only that but also Armstrong's administration about the corrupt banks. What has been done by the Nazi's, communists were human activities, not imaginable to most humans. That is also the case with the covid-injections. I leave that aside as I am more interested in the ideas of causal mechanics/time which stimulates my thinking. By the way, your daughter is talented in drawing. P.S. Armstrong was put into custody without any proces for 7 years and also tortured; that happened in a special prison. He survived somehow and is still alive.
From the previous post, it looks like Kozyrev had some understanding that the speed of light is not constant. This concept is discussed by Barry Setterfield (https://barrysetterfield.org/), both in simplistic terms and more technical terms. He also discusses creation by plasma, rather than strings or big bang, in some of his youtube videos; this would have taken all of 3 or 4 minutes.
I don't agree with some of his theological views, but his science is pretty good.
Fascinating story...thank you!