Why does any sentence about a drug treatment or vaccine have to be redacted? These volumes of redactions tell any person with a functioning brain that big lies and cover-ups are occurring and have been from Day 1 of this charade.

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Oops, the Israeli government did Nazi those agreements...

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The world is run by psychopaths. Personal discernment on every issue is a necessity. Gotta trust your bullshit sensors and your intuition to keep healthy and as sane as possible in this insane asylum. I still have faith that we will wake up en masse in time for a soft landing to this madness. Otherwise why even bother to carry on?

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Governments 'not able to find documents' is an old wheeze: here's part of classic BBC comedy show, now 40 odd years old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ4sOdqdxaw

Odd that the Israeli Government can actively try to kill its own people, but that's absolutely fine, but if some Hamas para-gliders do likewise, that's the most despicable and disgusting evil on the planet, worthy of mass extermination.

By the Israeli Government's own logic, the Israeli people should be issuing an extermination order on the entire Knesset for knowingly engaging in terrorism, since they 'have a right to defend themselves against warring adversaries'.

You can see why I never became a diplomat, Sasha.....

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I can’t help but think the truth will never come out as our media is owned by the same people that are ok as using humans as lab rats.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Reports are appearing that prior to the invasion several Israeli spy balloons which cover the Gaza border were taken out of service.

Egypt's intelligence warnings that a Hamas attack was being planned on the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur were ignored.

The invasion took place at 07.15 yet the Israeli government imposed a media blackout for 90 minutes which prevented the public from being alerted.

The venue of the music festival was abruptly changed to a less secure site days before.


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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

You are not too jaded or making these observations through a paranoid lens. You are connecting dots by utilizing what's called critical thinking with your eyes wide open.

The governments know full and well days before these types of documents are to be released that this is about to happen and they gauge what they believe will be the public reaction. The pattern of inciting external distractions (war is the most useful one for governments) is a long proven historical fact under such circumstances.

I have a close friend who spent the last four months in Israel, she is an American-Israeli, and spent another month there in 2022. She has family there.

All I will say is that she has reported that unusual numbers and ages of people in Israel are constantly getting ill. Take it for what it is worth but this person is a rock solid source and knows what to look for and what she is seeing.

Fortunately she and her son flew back to the States three weeks ago.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Most likely most governments, including the good 'ol USA, signed agreements with Pfizer such as the South Africa contract.

Contains info about South Africa's contract with Pfizer:


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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

If this isn't a smoking gun, I've never seen one. If the Israeli gov't would offer up its citizens for the largest human experiment in history, why wouldn't it allow them to be sacrificed by Hamas for political gain? When will people wake up to the fact that their governments are trying to kill them?

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

It’s pretty easy to see the patterns now. False flag .. government causes and allows destruction.. does not protect their own citizens.. goal is larger conflict. Hopefully greater population can see this. Seems a lot of Israeli are seeing this.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Pfizer in the long run, even at this moment will prove itself as a much worse Nazi than the Holocaust, and for those who’re not blind all GOV & DOD.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wow Sasha you have hit the target again! I have lost count on how many times your analysis and investigative reporting has been correct.

It is clear as day that this is a WHO/ World Homicide Organization and DOD/ Department Of Death, eugenics program. Anyone paying attention from the very beginning of this confusing mess of ‘ information’ could see the blunders. Sasha you have enlightened us all for many months. Katherine Watts has been a great ally as well on the legal issues. So here we are.

The truth is now laid bare for all to observe ‘Safe and Effective’ is a absurd marketing statement and a complete lie. As Gerald Celente says ‘when all else fails they take you to war. Money laundering and vaxx are obviously connected. Along with many other nefarious activities. All governments and bureaucrats alphabet agencies are completely complicit in this criminal cartel running the world.

Here in Canada they still want people to take a untested unique mRNA RSV/ Covid/Flu shot. Oh ya and Mr. Tam /ccp /provincial health minister and military Health Officer Bonnie Henry are shoving the mask propaganda. Unfortunately some public is still falling for it. But a-lot has changed. People are waking up and questioning the continued ‘suspended’ mandates in our Canadian courts.

If they can lock us down again for another fake agenda they will. Climate Scamdemic is next up. Unfortunately, yet again, Israel as you have pointed out, is definitely ground zero for the propaganda. This was a inside job...planned attack to distract from the real world deaths of innocent civilians who were coerced into taking the poison.

The Palestinian people are also victims of these atrocities. Being abused also by their corrupt government handlers.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak and I am grateful to learn every day more about the world through your work.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Was this orchestrated attack precipitated by the truth about global covid atrocity coming out and people realizing what has been done to them and why - the ultimate goals of the cabal? Is the globalist cabal behind the puppets in the Israeli government (and all other major governments) unhappy with the population reduction numbers achieved so far, e.g. far short of the Deagel predictions (population reduction targets were US -70%, Israel -63%) and now needs to push for the next phase of destruction - the kinetic global war?"

Yes, and yes.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I sense a terrible feeling of impending doom in this thread and I certainly can understand why. So, I think I will insert a bit of good news. First, because of the great work of people like Sasha Latypova and numerous others, this current round of poison shots are being rejected at a rate of 98%!! That means those of us who can do little more than share the truth and a few bucks are having a significant effect. I would add to that the fact that a very courageous lady Judge in Costa Rica has upheld the right of the petitioners to challenge the state on the grounds of Nuremberg style crimes that were committed. The state was arguing that the entire case be thrown out but this Judge, having actually read the entire 200 pages of evidence presented , all but laughed at the Attorney General of Costa Rica and threw HIS whole argument out. There's still a long road ahead but at least there's finally a slight breeze from the rear for the first time. And finally, has anyone seen poor Pfizers latest earnings report? PAINFUL!! As for me, I will pray for those earnings reports to continue the current trend and I will pray twice daily for the safety of the lady Judge in Costa Rica. She's going to need the support.

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"Is the globalist cabal behind the puppets in the Israeli government (and all other major governments) unhappy with the population reduction numbers achieved so far, e.g. far short of the Deagel predictions (population reduction targets were US -70%, Israel -63%) and now needs to push for the next phase of destruction - the kinetic global war? "

Yup, imo ya hit the nail on the head! (quite the irony in the land've "the hammer" i.e. Maccabee). Israel (sadly) wuz just a pawn in the game played by those in the cabal. Never a gift ta the Jewish people (patsied agin'!) but ruther just a valued game piece fer the British Crown (those nice folks with corgis, right?) who figgered they could CONTROL the Middle East an' "earl" (oil!) if they bought themselfs a country cuz the puppets, as ya say--those at the top, were bought, sold, and wrapped up in a blue n' white flag. Some mebbe thought, ok, this is a one-sided bargain but we'll make it work...others, certainly, knew they were sellin' out their people. It wuz only a matter of time 'fore The Crown (& Global Cap. Incl--which has folks've all faiths at their poker table--includin', sad ta say, Jews lackin' any moral compass) called in the chips. The good people of Israel don't realize they were flim flammed an' shim shammed from the start. It's a fixed fight to empty the country, THEN The Prince (er "King") steps in... ta use a purdy crude term (usually I'm a lady but...): they wuz schtupped. DAWs next? Mebbe not only cuz bio-tech labs abound there... But I DO think the goal is tabla rasa... blank slate the country... It IZ a holocaust (we are all part've a global one...) an' imo, a tragedy... prayin' for all the good people yonder with not one iota (or sheckel) of sympathy fer their rotten leaders that sold 'em out...

Thanks fer showin' the "bill of sale".... sale= dirty in French, an' 'deed it wuz

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As far as I'm concerned, there's no doubt about it: Israel let Hamas get away with it so that it could unleash the fires of hell on Gaza. The Gazans were sacrificed, but so were the young people who were having a "rave" not far from the wall. Zionist fanaticism knows no bounds.

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