May 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

“Coin operated” 🎯

Knocked that one out of the ball park Sasha!! 👍🏻😂

The more you drill down Sasha the the clearer the picture becomes. Absolutely one your best interviews with Ms. Joy and words cannot thank you enough for all truth and info you provide for humanity’s sake.

Thank you Sasha 💐💐

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May 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

Loved that one too. Another to add to my collection of witry quotes😁

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

You know how hard this information will be for the mind controlled? What I have come to understand is that all of this cultural and medical manipulation of mind and body they used to disassociate people from their centre can be reversed. Picture the outline of a human being pummelled with their poisons, you'll see that their center is fractured, disempowered, like a ship adrift. What is a glorious process is when TRUTH starts to rule their thoughts that disembodiment starts to turn and reverse. Once they start the process of of reversing all of that disassociation, the spirit reconnects with the soul, heart and mind and they feel empowered, grounded, alive, and WHOLE for the first time in decades if not in their whole lifetime.

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well said. That's why it is so important to start with true words.

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I've lived it Sasha. No words can describe that transformation and yes, faith in a higher power helped. My council, all councils, governors, politicians repeating, repeating and repeating and if asked what the words they repeat really mean they wouldn't know how to answer that question. Madness is all about but the power of all of us is shifting that in the right direction.

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The "dissociation" from the spirit is being deployed via electromagnetic saturation of the environment. The entire planet is being electromagnetically hacked to pieces, and the majority of Earth's inhabitants haven't a clue. Truth is a wily beast in the Lunatic Kingdom...

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It's why we have to remind the that if they are aware of it all they are not subjugated or a victim of it. It's magic by the glory of God.

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

"P"HARMA, We should all drop the "F" sounding p and call it for what these Demons correctly in our face named it. HARMA! You all know what they can do with the F.

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Feb 19 word on the (wall)street, "There's a killing to be made on MRNA". The charts clearly tell that story.

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All it takes is another fake 'emergency' to inflate that bubble again!

All of those pesky adverse effects will throw a wrench into that plan soon though.

EVs and AI are also bubbles that will pop soon too, when their reality is understood.

Follow that mrna, ventilator and remdesivir money to see who benefited from them.

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RemovedMay 26
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Killing to be made ... :) That phrase works on so many levels

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Check this out. It's one of those stunning things you stumble across occasionally.


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As an avid supporter of Internet Archive, here is what they have from Toynbee.


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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

What's interesting, is when we entered WA from TX during covid, our phones wanted to install a state sponsored track and trace app. Oh hell no. I found out later that you can't even remove their software if you allowed it to be installed. Nice huh?

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha.

I just listened to your very enjoyable interview with James Delingpole. I was wondering if I may ask you a question about something very intriguing.

In the interview you talked about the vaccine manufacturing process, specifically: use of AI on the manufacturing floor (elimination of people), how they combined the 'shit' from different batches into giant 'batches,' and how the campuses (vaccine vs. other drugs) were physically separated.

Is there somewhere I can learn more about this? Or perhaps you have written an article?

This is all very interesting. Thanks again.

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The use of AI was published by Moderna in their press releases. They were always touting their "full digital" production. I didn't write an article on this, but should be findable on the internet. The vax offices being separate from drug divisions, that was my experience working with phrama clients. I never worked in vaccines, and never ran across people from vaccine divisions, even though we routinely had meetings with 100's of staff discussing cardiovascular safety issues. So all therapeutic areas would show up, but vaccines never attended those events. Re batches being combined, it's in this article toward the end: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/nobody-knows-what-is-in-the-vials

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Thank you kindly - this is all just wild.

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also see this article by Katherine today. Explains quite a lot: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-fda-buildings-as-virtual-mailboxes

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I saw this. I restacked it because I thought I saw the same thing when I looked into the Australian Novavax contract. I saw (virtually) odd buildings/floors of buildings that I could not explain. They did not look like anything was happening in them, but of course not being there I could not confirm.

I did not pursue it because I thought I was going crazy and was not sure what I was seeing - I did not have the correct word for it.

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May 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent article getting into nitty gritty of the logistics. Prima facie implausible for *any* complex product to be produced on such a scale over such a narrow timeframe yet this basic truth has scarcely registered in the public domain.

From the article:

**Now imagine simultaneously asking several direct competitors - Ford, GM and Toyota to produce 1,000,000 new cars each in the next 6 months.**

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Always clear as a bell! 🙏💪✊👍

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Always 🎯

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great interview! I was only going to listen for 1/2 hour and ended up listening to the whole show...and took a few notes! Thanks!

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha, your interview with Shannon Joy was very rewarding, informative, exciting, and therapeutic. Some great humour also. I wish I was there in person with a nice cup of lemon-ginger tea and a chunk of pemmican. The two of you together have synergy uncommonly found in the world. I am forwarding this video again to family...one of whom is now referring to you on first name basis...we are making progress. To know you is to love you. P.s. 'Summer in Yountville' is evoking some very pleasant memories for me...not unlike Shannon, I find myself coveting many of your works of art Sasha. You truly are a gift from our Lord, who will also say, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha since toynbee doesn't intimidate you, think you would appreciate all 1367 pages of carroll quigley's magnum opus, tragedy & hope. visionary stuff, comparative euro/western civilizations, emphasis on the economics, early industrial revolution through about 1960. interesting guy - someone who was sufficiently adjacent to the cabal to be allowed access to the council on foreign relations archives. but had a deeply conflicted relationship with them. he could see the evil https://ia800601.us.archive.org/23/items/TragedyAndHope_201709/Tragedy_and_Hope.pdf

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Yes. Excellent work by Carroll Quigley. His insight into political interactions and behaviors was stunning.

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

All day I have been refelcting on Memorial Day and all of the dead Soldiers that gave their lives in how many wars? since the founding of this country, we called the land of the Free. Then, I reflect on the current war that began in 2019, the Covid 19 war, and wonder how we, humanity (not the gov) can create a day of Memorial for all the Dead and Maimed souls that we want so desparetley to remember and help. This day, of course will be a world wide event to bring awarness and keep their memories alive. Because you know, “When All Else Fails They Take You To War – Gerald Celente

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I think it important to realize that military personnel are just as brainwashed, misinformed, and stupid as the civilian populations they're hired to slaughter. I have ZERO respect for anyone pretending to protect civilians. They're lying, and they know damn well they're lying.

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Agree, wouldn't it be nice if they all threw down their weapons and refused these bloody wars?

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It would be even nicer if they'd open fire on their commanding officers...

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I watched and enjoyed the whole interview, but I went to the rumble channel so I could subscribe to Shannon's channel. You were brilliant as usual, Sasha. Thank you.

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May 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wonderful watercolor.

I’m now reading the peloponession war ; I should finish it in about 60 years. Holy cats is it ever long and the print is small, but if it will enlighten me….. worth the journey.


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May 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great interview. Thanks as always. However, there was one blooper unrelated to the covid con that needs attention. Shannon needs an education about "safety" deposit boxes as a potential place to store your valuables like gold. She made a totally innocent and well intended comment (and I once believed it myself), but we don't want our friends and neighbors to fall for the safety deposit box con. A cardboard box in the back yard would actually be an improvement. I have several acquaintances, mostly through work over the years, who have lost their boxes through bank mergers only to be told by the acquiring bank that they've never heard of them. One man was in court for nearly six years trying to get the contents from his "safety" deposit box (imagine his legal fees). Luckily it was mostly family photos and such he was protecting from fire and he finally prevailed, but what if it had been something he needed access to in a timely manner? As far as I know, he was never awarded his legal costs but at least he finally got his belongings back. Private storage is even worse through no fault of their own. If readers of this comment are unaware of the US Vaults story, you can read about it here in Business Insider:


When I read about this story as it unfolded, I nearly fell out of my chair. It was undeniable proof that the US Constitution is now null and void. It's completely preposterous that every box holder at US Vaults was a drug dealer, but judges have mostly gone along with this criminal charade. This is not where you want your life savings friends. I also think the State bullion depositories are a trap, again through no fault of their own. Ask yourself a simple question. As the empire collapses financially and no one will accept their worthless paper money, where are the Feds likely to go for real money? States may try to resist and say no (or not), but I wouldn't want my gold caught in the middle of a legal war between the State and the Federal Government. Stay vigilant friends, think critically and avoid the traps.

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yes, good point. I don't endorse safety deposit boxes in any banks.

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May 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha is always worth an encore listen or 3.

Covers so much ground. You not only get informed on the crimes committed in the name of DOD & DARPA you also get exposed to concepts like LLM (Large Language Model). Never heard of it but it before makes lots of sense.

And then there is the art stuff. I'm not even close to being a Renaissance man so it is informative and enjoyable to listen to a Renascence woman who has a brain that works comfortably in, across & between many head spaces. Moral, artistic, scientific ... I am sure I missed a few.

Time is limited so there's little choice but to filter what we consume. Generally I find myself listening to clips but I typically listen to the full interview if it is Sasha

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