Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.


Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


It's time for friends and relatives of the dead and for concerned citizens to collect signatures to form these juries. They should proceed peacefully but with courage and determination and bring cell phones and be ready to record any interference they face.

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Right on. Felony Murder charges should be levied against ALL identifiable doctors and medical staff who performed the act. Relatives of the deceased can subpoena medical service records from hospital or clinic administrators.

Chasing pharmaceutical companies and collaborators with lawsuits is complete nonsense... The assembled Grand juries need to press for Criminal indictments and prosecution.

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The Kingdom Of God Is Within You

1894 philosophical treatise by Leo Tolstoy

Christianity Not as a Mystic Religion But as a New Theory Of Life


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Thank you for posting this link - challenging.

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Not evangelizing, just sayin'.

It's valuable because Tolstoy thought non-violence was powerful. He corresponded with William Lloyd Garrison's son and with Gandhi about it.

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Not on board the non-violent resistance train.

Not sure Yahshua advocated this.

Not sure it works.

Just think it is worth thinking about.

If all the think tanks concentrated on this, we might have peace not war, but I doubt it.

Evil people will always arm themselves and non-violent resistance is not likely to disarm them.

Freedom costs.

However, most blood baths are not about real freedom, just the illusion of freedom.

Marx claimed religion was the opium of the masses, so he tried to eliminate religion, but had no liberating alternative.

Neither governments or religions offer real freedom.

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step off the track then

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Good one , Yet Another Tommy ! Citizen Grand Juries ! Every state needs this !

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We have an official People’s court built and ready to go. Seriously. It’s all go

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That Johns Hopkins website was ready way to quickly - great point by Dakkak.

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Because they rehearsed all of it in EVENT 201.

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the revolution will not be televised, unless you're on the internet on channel 201

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Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Beautiful art Sasha. Thank you for the interview. We keep on learning

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Just try to imagine the sheer scope of the satanic evil and criminality in the form of the number of perpetrators involved in this genocidal undertaking. Federal and state governments, the entire medical industry, all MSM, Big Pharma, major drug store chains, all public education and most of private education. All 100% corrupted by Federal Government money, not to mention cowardice and immorality. A great cleansing is coming to our land, one way or the other.

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These are troubling times. Still, I've read the book, and Jesus wins in the end.

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The End Times

The Book of Revelation describes the end times as a period of great turmoil and upheaval, marked by wars, natural disasters, and social unrest.

It speaks of a final conflict between good and evil, culminating in the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth.

The book also describes a period of 1,000 years, known as the millennium, during which Christ will reign on earth.

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Maybe but maybe not. Look at what Stalin did in Russia and did anything ever happen to those people? Nope, because they stayed in power.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

At 11:52 Sasha comments: "[A] Huge amount of planning went into this." Yes indeed...

And those invested in the corporate system - both before and after the alleged pandemic, only have themselves to blame. None of this would have been possible without collusion and racketeering adjuncts delivered to your door via corporate syndication.

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So what I would like to know is do other countries have these same evil legal laws in place like the U.S. where there is no liability for anyone. ??

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Hello Gabriella: The 'no ,liability' scam is in reference to alleged immunity to lawsuit. The 'legal' construct generally follows the dictates of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. For a whitewashed definition of the FSIA Act see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Sovereign_Immunities_Act

Of course this "Act" applies to corporate dictatorships as well as governmental agency, as these mechanisms are interactive. Refer to the Wikipedia entries: "Definition of "foreign state" These 'no liability' policies are simply intended to shelter portfolio bond holders from financial risk. The ploy is international in scope.

Criminal Laws are a different case altogether, as most countries and jurisdictions have clearly stated Criminal codes and prosecutable Laws. Thank you for your curiosity.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova


Did you 'enjoy' working with FDA Dr. Norm Stockbridge when you did the cardio safety testing? That testing protocol was his 'masterpiece'.

He was the driving force that booted me out of his division, when I identified Sudden Death in kids on clonidine/Ritalin combo off-label for ADHD back in the '90's.

-Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Author

I did not work at the FDA. I submitted data to them on behalf of my clients, and I interacted with them in that context. I went to their conferences, and presented on technical topics. I knew Norman Stockbridge. I can't say I "enjoyed" interactions with him. They were professional. I didn't witness him doing what Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks have been doing, that's a whole different level, pure evil. I know Robert Califf. In mid-2000's myself and my colleagues stopped him from making an illegal price-fixing industry cartel. He is a thorough crook.

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Sasha, my "enjoyed" comment was sarcastic, of course. Norm is such a complete misogynist, and he was controlled by Bob Temple. Ray Lipicky let him take over CardioRenal when he retired. Ray kinda told me it was all corrupt, but he tried to keep his mind on his research projects. [I was part of his team working on the Placebo Control HTN Drug safety project]. I knew Califf from the Advisory Committees. Had one of his INDs too, to review. He started out legit, but got sucked into the evil power circle. Janet, I know pretty well. She, too, quickly joined the evil elite and was put in power positions early on. I only met Peter Marks in the mid 2000's when I applied for a med officer position in his newly created Office, and found him to be soooo creepy. But then instead I went and worked for Fauci... unfortunately he turned out to be the worst of the bunch.

- Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha very brilliant in how she makes these connections.

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Excellent interview! She is very smart and understands that this is much more about control than profits. It is something elite have discussed in books, meeting and conferences for over 100 years. It is only now that they have the means to do it. By removing 7.5 billion people they will have a population they can control. The control will be absolute. Bless you all!!

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thank you

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Thank you Sasha. My comments were sincere. People do not listen to you at their own peril. They should remember the painting--Saturn eating its own children. The collaborators will be eliminated along with us. Your art is beautiful!! Keep up your valuable work.


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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Has it occurred to you that the remaining 500 million would be the smart(er) ones that would essentially be ungovernable, probably armed to the teeth, and in a not-so-good mood?

Bless you if you consider yourself to become part of the 7.5 billion, bless you. LOL.

This entire 7.5 billion business has never made sense to me, since the only way for criminal elites to stay on top is by maintaining a fairly vast population of dumbasses that supports them.

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Hello Russell Blaylock: Good to see you on this page. I've posted links to your articles and comments for years. You've been spot on many, many times over. Good on ya'...

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Thanks Paul and bless you. The Lord said--"...those who remain faithful to the end." That hopefully is us. Sasha does a wonderful job and is very courageous. She stands out among the defenders of the faith and all that is good and decent and so do you!

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Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

The goal is also to destabilize. Of course the middle- and upper-middle classes are historically the most stabilizing force in society. To target them serves this purpose as well.

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Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

You have a good touch with the brush.

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Jun 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

I enjoyed the interview with you and Mike Dakkak Sasha. It was very well done, and I wish everyone I care for could see what you have seen and revealed. My intuition is concerned about your safety Sasha, for taking on the predatory Blob. We have experience, by the way, with predators up here in the mountains, and it is usually intuition that alerts you to them. God designed us that way. We deal with them on a strictly kinetic basis...safe and effective, 100% absolute efficacy, unlike the "vaccines". I hope the "Blob" sees fit to leave you alone Sasha, long enough for the courts to put them away. I think most of us are in agreement. (We love you).

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I am not at all concerned for my safety. Thanks.

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Excellent interview, one of your best. Interesting you bring up DARPAs P3 program...I cover it in my book. Nobody talks about that.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Birx is at it again. Now she wants to test every cow every week for bird flu. Poor cows: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3WEurPD4CvQP/

Related: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/21/93/b9/2193b90a35d2c5a7fc43b9273961b7e0--far-side-comics-cartoon-jokes.jpg

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Yeah but that's not Birx. Why is someone pretending to be her?? There are many many people who quickly notice that isn't her.

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Jun 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

These thugs preplanned the problem so they can be the solution. In which it was the mrna bioweopens too depopulate

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha absolutely brilliant as usual. I love the magic dragon analogy and tge facts regarding no mention of the Spanish Flu by the international health body in 1922. And of course the flashing red Covid map developed by CIA Hollywood. Interesting to note that Hopkins was a sponsor of the Covid war game exercise in 2019, event 201 or was it event 21, along with the CIA Bloomberg and the Rockefeller foundation wasn’t it? Then it’s the John’s Hopkins map on the world stage via internet and television. Must be a coincidence. :)

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Jun 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am so grateful for all the work Sasha does. She is a light in this darkness.

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