Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

So our government gave itself permission to kill citizens. We cannot get help from Congress or Judicial branches as they've been Epsteined or paid off, Law enforcement is a modern day Praetorian Guard and only follows orders,

What is the appropriate citizen response and when should it start?

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yeah, so many people think these congressional hearings help but as Sasha says, they're more of a loosening of a steam valve. Nothing will ever change this way.

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Just wait when the BRIC will destroy the stinking US Dollar, the change will come very fast, just be patient !!!!!

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political theater. Just like frank zappa said. Politics is theater for ugly people.

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If it were ancient Rome he would fall in his sword...

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Clif High discussed this today on his substack channel. It may come to violence if the guilty decide they can trample on the Constitution and all American citizens. But here citizens have the right to bear arms. Who would voluntarily surrender their personal protection to a corrupt, murderous criminal organization.

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Thing about 2A is that nobody every seems to use them against government, only other civilians...

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In this case it’s likely those “civilians” include pharmaceutical company execs that are responsible for murdering children.

If your children were harmed by the shots, would you shoot your neighbour or find someone responsible to shoot at?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Unfortunately, given the power centers at play, only the economic collapse of the empire with a correlated loss of the dollar as international currency, may allow any "change". Our roles in the end may be quite simple...survival!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Your communication skills are excellent in relaying the research you have done that keeps us all informed. Love your artwork. You are an inspiration to many. I will pray for you!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

The ability to clearly tell painful truths is why we just have to love Sasha L. The sun rises and sets and Sasha speaks the truth.

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

It took a while to sift through everything but I eventually realized that Sasha is the best person to listen to.

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I agree. She is fearless!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great comment Jean! Sasha truly is a constant in this exasperating world of tumult. Excellent interview by Johnny Vedmore!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

The rain on your watercolor is beautiful.

One time I printed one of my photos on watercolor paper with an ink jet printer and then ran the paper under water to wash some of the ink away.

It was a softer version of the original print.

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha ,you are amazing!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

reminds me of home. Originally from Belgium, not as many windmills as the Netherlands, but we still have quite a few, and some still working.

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Beautiful painting. Lived in Groningen for a few months in 1990. Helped a pig farmer on his farm. Lovely experience, lovely people, especially in retrospect, with all that is going on.

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Love the yellows in that windmill painting.

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Her blue hues are my favorite

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if you read "war is a racket" by smedley buttler and 'confessions of an economic hitman', by Perkins, you will see, that the US military indeed, the whole government) has been captured for a really, long time. more than long enough to plan and execute this operation. Since they will not Tell us who captured them, we can guess, among other things, by observation of Who Benefits. Follow the money and power.

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Ah yes, both excellent reads indeed. Had more of the citizenry chosen those works and spent less time swallowing the Hollywood version of reality, we might have not fallen into this hole as deeply. Either way, regarding the following of the money and power....don't shine light where it is NOT allowed. Shortly, we will have a law disallowing even the attempt.

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I hope not, because i cannot help myself. Its like if they told me i have to stop talking or die, my last words would be ““then kill me now you accursed for all eternity to torment demon spawn”.

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Love the grainy look. Wonderful artwork!

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

grainy but definitely not cheesy. that windmill looks hungry though :)

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hey! It’s well do know a lot about this theme that overloaded all our circuits since 2020, so to speak. But here that was a Crystal clear

Composite from you and JV.


Also the art is very fresh and a beautiful technique. ❤️🤗

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Jun 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Most people are not comfortable with terms like treason, bioweapons, lawful murder, etcetera.

Most still see covid as nothing more other than a scary pandemic, they thankfully survived.

Most still cannot read the clear writing in the sky - geoengineering is simply not a possibility.

Some people at times amaze, concern, shock, frustrate, even infuriate me.

Then I remember how many times I had to be slapped in the face, soaked with buckets of cold water and slammed against brick walls, before I finally woke up.

Via the mixed blessing of repeated, unusual experiences, I was forced to eventually wake up, face the facts and learn to deal with them.

This makes me more gracious towards the unenlightened on a good day!

On a bad day, I cannot really justify the cost of making any further effort, to try to stop some people from walking off the cliff!

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Love the last two comments. Struck a chord on this end.

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Jun 7Liked by Sasha Latypova


Johnny is one of my favorites

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Jun 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Bravo Sasha, identifying the Trump administration in the launch of this Satanic biowarefare attack on mankind World Wide is rarely verbalized. Trump seems to have no desire to clarify his involvments - or perhaps I have missed his explanations!

Well done again.

Jim D.

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As far as the political class, highly corrupted as it is, this effort serves both sides of the delusional aisle.

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Jun 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Fantastic 30-min quick summary of all we've dealt with to date. Well done! Forwarding on...

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