Also, if the soul can be it actually your soul?
This was one of the problems I had with the book "Old Man's War" because at one point in the process, the mind is mapped, saved, replicated, and put in a new body.
I kept pointing at the old dead body that was disposed of as "that was you, you may not perceive it as you from your new perspective...but that was you."
I've started writing a couple times some science fiction about the "soul catcher" because in truth that would be the only way I would go along with possible transhumanism. You could very well get an AI to mimic me online...but it wouldn't actually be me, but rather an interactive performance based on whatever reference was out there. But suppose you could capture and house that indescribable something that was my actual soul. Well, that would be something...and also wild speculation.
Isn't soulcatcher another name for Satan? He wants souls to rule over for eternity, right?
I think Sasha is right....they can destoy, maim, infest, infect, but your soul is from might need an excocism to expell the squatters, but I trust that God will always know exactly where are souls are...unless we turn away from him.
God may not be any of the things I can conceive him to be....but if you look at the blast of light from when a sperm connects with an is hard not to beleive in one's God given soul.
This reminds me of the movie 7th Day with Arnold where they basically make a copy of your pet...and also do the same with people. And like I said, wild speculation. But it does speak to a certain amount of priming where we are "sold" on the concept of transhumanism.
As a counterpoint to that, I remember that Stephen King movie, where the daughter wanted her dead cat to come back...and they got it, but it wasn't the same cat.
Well Pet Sematary you basically were burying your cat in a demonic spirit repository. What you got looked like your cat, your son, your wife, but it wasn't. The interesting thing about the book is it talks a lot about temptation.
The premise is "what would you do to spend an extra day with your wife or son? What lengths would you go? A lot of people say things like "I'd give up quite a lot to spend one more hour with my mother." And the hope would be "something went wrong last time...but it will be different this time simply because I want it to be different."
Stephen King also primed me for pandemics. When I heard the hype I expected Captain Tripps, what I got was Captain Kangaroo, or Captain and Teneille. It also didn't help that there is the "19" designation to Covid. For those familiar with King, 19 means something.
To say normal life went "nineteen" in 2020 isn't wrong in that Dark Tower makes perfect sense.
I am a huge fan of Stephen King, but King in reality is much more disappointing. His stance on books and censorship is ridiculous. Would he seriously be okay if his book Pet Sematary was on the elementary school reading list? And yet he wants all kinds of crap apparently in school libraries. And no...not including a book in a school library is not "banning" it.
Anyhow enough of my stream of consciousness discussion. I'll have to go back and watch Practical Magic again.
I very very disappointed in King...but you had some really great observations on both him and human I like your stream of consciousness....(captain Tripss to Captain kangaroo...laughed off my chair, a keeper!)...And as an elementary school librarian, I so agree with you...not having a book that is NOT age appropriate is not banning it. Stupid man...reminds me of all the other grown up democrats I know that still think their party is the one of JFK.....they all grew up in houses with the palms from palm Sunday attached to his picture in the living room...they cannot accept, even with the world falling down about their ears, that "dems are good, republicans are bad" stopped applying over 20 years ago...cannot reframe their thinking (too old) into US vs. the elites (of any party). I hate to be an ageist (cause I'm old) but really, when you get old you can't change the habits of a lifetime, not even in your thinking, let alone upgrade to your cell phone....I see it in all my friends and I see it in me (I refuse to get a new cell phone until this one really craps the bed and then I am getting a degoogled phone). Honestly, I had to listen to 20 minutes of complaints yesetrday cause a friend of mine just moved and cox gave her a new remote and she wants her old one back (EXCUSE ME BUT- THEY DONT MAKE THEM ANYMORE).
So I do think their should be age limits for all politicians and the few bureaucrats we will hopefully allow to supervise one agency at most in DC...time to rip it all down, imho.
Where do you come to the understanding the soul is capable of being replicated? By the replication of the mind which is seated in the brain which is a physical organ like all other organs?
The body is not you anymore than the house you live in is you. It isn't possible the body was ever you.
The soul is not in the mind. The body is not you. God made this very clear many times.
Exactly!! They have cut themselves off from the One Creator, and are now in an existential crisis, and, in their terror seek to destroy life in hopes they can create something better of their own devise. Fools.
The Universe is One Song, & it is Consciousness Itself. Alignment with the Infinite is an Inherent Human capacity. We do not need machines for Spiritual Growth. In fact they hamper it immensely.
Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Narcissism explains a lot about this current "elite" class as well...
I have to disagree. Yuval Noah Harari and his ilk are atheists. They don't believe in the soul. Since death is the end for them, they're looking for ways to "live forever". They plan to upload their consciousness to the Cloud where they will live forever. Whatever Yuval uploads (if they ever reach that point), will not be human or alive.
One good solar flare pointed in the right direction and poof. :)
Plant, tend, harvest, transport, and cook their food?
Clean their pool filter and drain?
Over the holiday, I played a clip of Harari talking about "useless people" and what to do with them (drugs and video games) for my son who is in graduate school. I think he thought I'd gone round the bend to crazy town. I pointed out that Harari was on MSNBC and CNN and other media and that he was Klaus Schwab's sidekick. I told him that Schwab's WEF soirees were attended by heads of state, corporate bigwigs, A-list celebs, and power brokers we'd never heard of. I told him that Schwab was Kissinger's protege.
In a normal word, Harari and Schwab would be recognized as lunatics in need of medication. Instead, they are lauded.
We cannot ignore them.
We cannot dismiss their evil plans.
Yes, they're crazy.
Yes, they're psychopaths.
And they're on MSNBC, CNN, etc.
This information has a way of focussing the mind. ;).
My son was shocked. Maybe mama isn't crazy after all.
Nice post and I believe you are right on the WEF. I'm helping forward a foi request on about our PM Anthony Albanese and his ties to the WEF. We yave treason at the highest levels , all our country's do.
How many serfs do you need though. Seriously, they're at the point were there are too many people to control, too many unaccounted for and too many escapes for the animal farm. Too many staying unvaxxed, too many waking up. Too top this off I believe that China will be mass producing humanoid robots from 2025 and whether right or wrong they believe we're no longer needed.
Personally they can get well fucked and the only useless eaters I see are the sociopaths
And they might electrocute themselves when they try to change the pool filter.
We are legion. They are few.
And most (though psychopathic) are idiots who rely on others for basic tasks.
My husband worked with a guy from a very wealthy family in Ecuador. They fled when he was a teenager or young man because of political turmoil. He told us he'd never even gotten himself a glass of water before they came to the US. It boggles the mind.
100%. There are many reasons for our position in the animal kingdom and anger, vengence and self sacrifice played its part. The risking of the self for our loved ones and others is powerful.
More so because the sociopaths cannot understand or predict it, they aren't capable of the same for the same reason.
They are parasites and I don't believe human beings, afterall to be human is to love.
Uploading one's consciousness is pure fantasy. Consciousness cannot arise from matter alone. At least, no one has any inkling of an idea of how that may happen. (That's called the "Hard Problem of Consciousness".)
The transhumanists have sold their souls (which they never really believed in anyway) and - as they identify solely as body - it is their bodies that they want to preserve.
Hence all the anti-aging, cryogenic preservation, etc technologies they spend their money on.
Actually, she comes from early American farming families in New England, as I do too. And when big Ag came into her family's area of Pennsylvania to put all the local farms out of business, her father, (or grandfather, ) started organizing.
They won.
Fighting for the "little guy" & a level playing field, has always
True enough- it's all a shell game. Why working and living from our heart is the best insurance policy against BS. What are you doing to support yourself in these times? Prayer, fasting, meditation?
Creating transhumans and sabotaging God's creation are not necessarily mutually excluding concepts or practical objectives. Transhumanism would sabotage God's design with a counterfeit design.
Though from my understanding of what's written in the bible, God will not allow that evil to succeed but will allow it to seem as if it's succeeding for a time according to his plan and to his glory.
good point. also remember how the human genome project got all excited when they finally finished the project...then sheepishly tried to sell us on the theory that 95% of it was "junk?"
It’s actually generous of you to have written this piece.
On the remote control of thoughts and actions using injected digital technology, it needs only to be pointed out that we have no idea what a thought is.
A basic tenet of investigational biology is that it’s not possible to interfere constructively with that which isn’t understood.
I’m more concerned with people too readily believing BS & with batons and boots (which they’ll use like the always have) if the propaganda doesn’t work well enough.
I am quite interested in this discussion. I am interested for a number of a reasons starting from actually existing “evidence.” What is visible in Dark Field is unseen before Covid-19 injections. Is a truth claim that what is observed is nano-technology with an antenna supportable?
I have asked the Dark Field observers if they have tried reaching out to scientists like Michael Levin- an American developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, where he is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. Levin is a director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University and Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology. He is also co-director of the Institute for Computationally Designed Organisms with Josh Bongard. No interest in doing so.
So their truth claim at best is that the blood artifacts exist at micro-scale. Not nano scale. X is in the blood. X not previously observed in live blood. Hypothesis tries to explain the micro-scale objects with the Transhuman money flow. Is this a fair representation?
yes, correct. Just pointing something on microscopy image and then spinning an entire "OMG they making us into transhumans" narrative out of it. That's what this blog genre boils down to.
Ana Mihalcea also believes in a 30000 year old teachings of Ramtha, channeled by JZ Knight.
I design integrated circuits, working down on the nano scale, and they are very limited in their scope and function, and certainly cannot be cladestinely delivered with a vaccine, and even if they could, powering them to function would be problematic in vivo. Sasha's treatment on this subject was spot-on in comparison to the wild speculations of Dr Mihalcea. I wrote my own post after watching Ana's video, on this subject.
Mike I know I have sent you this before but I do think it bears closer scrutiny. The MAC phenomenon. I think it's a problem when Christianity precludes investigation.
Where are the antennas, amplifiers, computational units, memory, management entities, and power sources necessary to implement even the device discovery protocols you claim to see operating? How have you defined the message flow among the component hierarchy of those requisite transceiver components?
Er. Why anything ? You asked some questions. If I'm not working, I'm sleeping, or turning compost, or something. In none of these states am I inclined to spend time explaining to people who have no intention of listening. I pointed you in a direction. Even that was wasted effort. It really is the end of human civilisation when people take an idea offered, as a personal insult.
You are so grand and selfless a hero to be leading the new enlightenment. I am sorry that I have angered you, your highness. But honestly sir, you blither in the great academic tradition of Dunning & Kruger poster children.
In 1945 CS Lewis wrote the 3rd book of his science fiction ‘Space trilogy’ titled: That Hideous Strength. It was about a very powerful institution called N.I.C.E.(National Institute for Coordinated Experiments) that had attained secret communications with demonic forces with the objective of collaborating with them to take over the earth(sound familiar?). The NICE had some kind of mysterious and controlling relationship with government and had 3 primary thrusts to their evil schemes:
1. Massive and coordinated propaganda to convince people that they were actually on a mission to solve humanity’s problems and ultimately save them
2. Depopulation using Public Health as the primary control tool to first subjugate and eventually destroy the human population
3. Transhumanism, put forth as a technological work in progress and exemplified by the fact that the “Head” of NICE was an actual transhuminist human head(no body just a talking head, lol)
Again this was written in 1945 and I just read it last year. I was literally stunned by the book and story line. I could not put it down and cannot recommend it highly enough. I don’t want to spoil the story, but you could tell, in a cleverly disguised way, that Lewis was skeptical of the transhumanist agenda narrative in a way that he was not regarding the Massive Propaganda and Depopulation agendas. Very well crafted science fiction story and so very fascinating to read in 2023(or 2024!)
Interesting read Sasha, must have taken you a while to write that. I agree with you I think and that I have a question for you, Dr David Nixon shows analysis of the covid vials of these square chip looking objects and when he places more EMF near to the sample it apparently self assembles. What would be your opinion on what we're seeing? Ryan Cole who I dislike is trying to say that it's salt crystals and there's no Graphene only mRNA. I think there's no mRNA but lots of Graphene. Dr Ana Michaela draws blood from a patient and leaves iit overnight and the next day says it's formed into a large clot - isn't blood supposed to coagulate after leaving the body? - I did put this question to her but she never replied.
In the foreword to the book Lewis said that his intent was to write a book about “devilry”. The book most certainly paints a very realistic portrait of the nature of evil and how evil really operates. The title of the book provides a cunning hint.
One more comment on the transhumanist narrative. In purely human terms I agree with Sasha and Katherine’s assessment 100%. However we do not live in a purely human world. Satan, the biblically described prince of this earth, has powers that defy human imagination. The Bible describes ancient creatures who were called the Nephilim. They were known as giants that were incredibly powerful and are found in ancient histories outside the Bible. What were they? The Bible describes them as products of demon angels that mated with human women. They were, in short, transhuman. They were not part machine, but they were not human. Does Satan have power over technology? Could he “occupy” a machine? These are just some of the many questions that could be asked. We are talking about very mysterious and powerful forces here and no one has all the answers. Read Jonathan Cahn’s “Return of the Gods” to fully understand the context.
This sounds insane but I had an exorcism over the phone. Those things we talked to seemed to understand technology perfectly. They knew the exact moment my phone battery would give out for instance and timed it accordingly. The exorcist told me that they knew how to mess up signals and other technical things. They can see more of the physical world than we do though they are not physical themselves.
Yuval Harrari got that wrong too. God can create inorganic life. Angels--and to some extent--human beings are life that exists independent of biology.
Brien, what, by chance, since you seem to grasp some biblical knowledge, do you know about the book of Enoch? I just ask because I recently came across someone talking about it. I consider myself to be a Christian, but honestly, I’m not an expert on the Bible & my prior understanding of who I thought wrote it. Anyway, blessings to you in the new year! 😊
Funny you should ask Monica. I read the Book of Enoch for the first time last year. I also did some research on it to try and understand how the church, and in particular the early church fathers, viewed the book. Of course Enoch himself was a well known biblical figure although there is not much written about him. He was “7th away from Adam” according to the Bible, meaning he was a 7th generation descendent of Adam, the grandson of Seth(son of Noah) and the father of Methuselah(most famous for being the oldest recorded living human being ever, having died at 976 years of age). Enoch the man was considered righteous by God and was thus highly regarded in biblical history.
His book did not ‘make the cut’ as part of the divinely inspired canon of the Bible, however it was a highly regarded book by the church fathers and was considered to be historically accurate for a very long time. It was more popular prior to the Renaissance than it is today. I would characterise the book as quite “fantastical”, using that word to mean it contains stories that read more like myth and legend than historical fact. My own view after researching and reading it is that it is a reliable source of factual history, although parts are difficult to read. The most famous part of the book is Enoch’s story of the Nephilim, the legendary half demon angel, half human “Giants” first mentioned in Genesis. Enoch devotes a good deal of the early portion of his book to describing how they came to be and what they did on the earth. He describes them as an attempt by Satan to disrupt the human lineage that would ultimately lead to the Messiah, which I found very interesting. The book is utterly fascinating if you are interested. Of course over the millennia there has certainly developed a mythology around the Nephilim, but Enoch’s account(he lived when they were still roaming the earth and he surely was an eye witness to their reality) is detailed enough to make you very glad these creatures are no longer around. I recommend the book highly, especially the first half, but try and get a good translation that attempts to clean up Enoch’s 4,000+ year old language. You can find it on Amazon. Happy New Year to you,
Brien, thank you so much for taking time out to reply & to give so much detail & thought! It is really appreciated. I was wondering about the book of Enoch because a customer at my work was talking about it, as one point in our very interesting conversation, & he did mention the Nephilim, & he said the book of Enoch is the only book that is written from a first account experience. & then I read a comment about the book of Enoch to either a different video or an article I had on another site. I’ve been reading a lot the last 3 years after Covid, so everyday my mind is blown more & more! Thank you again for your explanation! 😊
Read it and enjoy. There are many books not in the Bible yet referenced in the Bible. I listed them but it’s in my study and I’m not. Enoch and Jasher are both good reads.
Read this book in college about 1962 or 63, I think. At that time I considered it as entertaining but outlandish fantasy. Now, we’re living it.
I have read the space trilogy again every 10 years or so. Still don’t understand how the man, who obviously dealt in truth, could produce the gaslighting and word salad coming from the deceivers mouths so convincingly back then. It’s an ability I don’t have or care to have.
He never said the word "technocrat" but that's what those creepy megalomaniacs were. I recently reread it. The baddies at NICE were also anti nature and anti natal. Cartoonish but just realistic enough to make you believe. There are some people IRL who act or even look like cartoons. Extreme dedication to a bad ideology can do that to a person. I've met a few kept in mental wards. But most don't wind up there. (Many end up running and filling mental wards instead.)
I just read the trilogy but That Hideous Strength blew my mind. I was shocked to see the word “technocracy” in that book. I still haven’t looked to see who actually coined the term but I did not realize it had been around that long.
I think he understood the nature of evil quite well. That it clothes itself in the good, the mild mannered, the respectable and the admired, and that it is very patient and incremental. This is, in a nutshell, the operating strategy of Satan. Lewis got that. He demonstrated that he got it in That Hideous Strength and also in the Chronicles and most especially in The Screwtape Letters. This is something that the western world in particular has not grasped, and it is a fallout of the rejection of God and the substitution of the Godhead of Man. It is the ultimate fall of Mankind, which started with a fall in understanding, a failure to grasp what was happening.
You may also want to read C.S. Lewis' first book post-Conversion, Pilgrim's Regress. I'm about one-third through it, and it's very interesting, including covering themes we've all become quite attuned to this decade.
Who in their right mind would go along with this insanity? They didn't have me at masks and vaccines starting in 2020, so why would I go along with anything these evil monsters are looking to dish out moving forward? Live in faith, not fear! People only believe in Government and these technocrats when they don't truly have God in their life!
The vast mass of the sheep don't want to see it, think the sheepdog or shephard will save them, someone else will take care of it, I just don't want to be the one that is not part of the herd.
They don't want to think, they just want their creature comforts and entertainment.
I'm trying to set up an outside system with others. Locally IRL. The more of us there are, the better our chances. Unless I can do something to reboot my physical system with a super healthful diet or vitamins I won't survive long. But I'd prefer dying outside their smart cities. Kind of fatalistic about its inevitability. People are just too complacent and lazy.
Most of those deceived were smart enough and educated enough. They were just vain. mentally lazy, and didn't care about those who were truly suffering from the lockdowns and masks. Politicians, celebrities and other super successful big wigs praised their behavior as kind and considerate. So they went along with them.
I tried two years ago, but no interest really...I might try again, but it will take something truly earth shattering to get people together methinks. Hope I'm wrong.
OK, Sasha. I have to comment. You summarized your thesis as follows:
" is impossible to integrate (in survival- and reproduction-competitive way) a living organism and a man made object/technology"
You have made an absolute negative claim. How many times people made this mistake....
Impossible? What are the barriers to this impossibility? The "technology of the human body" (which is another word for human biology) is just that, - technology. So, imagine that it can be dealt with as an engineering problem. And we have some goddamn good engineers.
So I want you to take a step back and think about the claim you are making.
Further, what about the MAC address emitting phenomenon? It's well documented, it's testable, it's repeatable, and it hasn't been falsified. If you emit a MAC address, you have technology inside your body that emits a radio signal in the 2.4 Gh range that is digitally formatted and can be dented using a BLE (bluetooth low energy) protocol. Our biology is analog, so whatever EM signal we emit, it's not digitally formatted.
So that falsifies your "impossible" thesis. I am making no "mind control" claims, so please don't go there. Can we at least agree that the MAC address emitting phenomenon demonstrates that it is indeed possible to integrate biology (aka evolved technology) with designed technology (aka technology in the conventional sense).
"Impossible? What are the barriers for this impossibility? The "technology of the human body" (which is another word for human biology) is just that, - technology. So, imagine that it can be dealt with as an engineering problem. And we have some goddamn good engineers."
I explained in my article the barriers to this impossibility - neither you, nor a single scientist or engineer in the world have the faintest clue on how the human body functions. Claims of machine man integration are a dumb joke. If you insist on this integration, please discuss this on your substack. I have nothing to prove to you, and I am not obligated to answer your questions. I have no such interests.
I am sorry, Sasha, but you did not address the MAC address Emission phenomenon.
Are you avoiding addressing it? "I am not obligated to answer your questions"
No, you don't. But then you cannot claim that you won the argument.
...And what's with the tone? - "discuss it on your own substack"...
This is truly below my expectation of civility. I raised a valid scientific question, and I got a personally charged response that you don't even tolerate my presence in your comment section? Sasha, you don't even know me! Please return to civility.
Wow, Sasha, you disrespected Dr. Ber in a huge way! He asked a very valid question about the MAC addresses and you totally blew him off, and by doing so, you put yourself in a very bad light. Your petty and dismissive response shows you are not up to a scientific debate at all. I have to write you off as a reliable source of scientific information. Too bad.
I see this phenomenon doing a bluetooth search on my android mobile phone.
See this one I did in Nov, in school playing fields with kids at sports practice. They are not allowed mobile phones on them, they were in the changing rooms way out of bluetooth range. Found 24 MAC codes all of which had no known device identifier. What are these codes, they have to be coming from those kids bodies. I never saw these strange codes before 2021.
Maybe the word in question,"integration", is up for debate, or understanding. You can hold your phone and emit a Mac address. If someone did not know your phone was separate from you, they would think it was a part of you...aka "integrated". Maybe, what is emitting the Mac address from within the body, is not integrated with the bodily cellular system, but operating separately, and being fueled by the bodies electrical system, however faint that might be? At.07 volts, it would seem an imposibily to animate anything but, who knows? Or maybe it is some kind of reflection or refraction of a signature in the plasma field, or ether?. We are bombarded by so much radiation carrying information. It would be fun to have Dr Horton, Dr Mihalcea , Dr Latipova and other experts on radiation poisening to have a discussion on how it effects the bodily systems. It sure doesn't make people any smarter, so one would have to surmise that it isn't information or conciousness being exchanged, but an unfortunate reaction or thoughtful.conclusion that someone comes to when they are being poisoned by radiation waves. 🤷🤷🤷 Dunno..thinking out loud with my limited intellectual capacity. God Bless and Happy New Year!
I invite everyone to see Dr Ana Mihalceas DEC 27 SUBSTACK article. She and some of her colleagues have the answers to the Mac Address and other phenomina related to the covid Vax contents.
The message received loud and clear, - you are rude to people who ask you reasonable questions, and you look down upon me personally. God bless your uncivil soul!
What also clear, is your inability and/or avoidance to address the MAC Address Emitting Phenomenon in people.
Let that also be a part of the record.
Now, for more arrogance and condescension, please, dear Sasha.
You and several other obnoxious individuals appear on my page and demand answers to your ideas. When politely told that this is my newsletter, I did not invite you, and you are not entitled to demand any time nor effort from me - you have the audacity to call me rude? I answered MAC address question several times, please learn to read.
If you are convinced the dead, buried 6 feet under can emit MAC, answer these questions (for yourself, not for me as I already have an informed opinion...35 years of designing integrated circuits)
These are just starter quesions:
What frequency is the MAC addresses is transmitted .
What is the antenna dimension required to transmit at that frequency.
How do they get the antenna formed in vivo via injection.
What power is needed.
How is that power derived in-vivo in a dead body buried six feet under
You confuse two distinct things: biology, the science of living things, and the human organism, its *object*. To speak of “human biology” is to consider the human organism under universal principles we call “biology”. But these principles cannot themselves be understood biologically any more than the human person himself.
We commonly speak of “my body” or “my biology”. But the ‘my’ or ‘I’ is not and could not be an object of biology. For biology there is only the organism, no examination of which will yield the ‘I’ or self or soul - choose your own term - the entity responsible for the possibility of the science of biology, or any science at all where we posit universal truths, where unlike other creatures we regard man himself as a natural kind subject to the same laws governing all living creatures understood organically.
The question at issue here is about the limits of such knowledge and its application in the service of man’s desire for dominion over his fellows. This question could be considered from ethical, philosophical, theological positions. It couldn’t be biological or technological because the nature of biology and technology and their applications are the very things in question.
Abiding theme of this blog is not science or technology as such but their deployment in the service of political and economic chicanery.
Questions of right and wrong or true and false are not questions to which any science or any technological application of science could supply an answer. They are questions prior to the possibility of any science at all.
Blue, she's said it's impossible 🙄 "failed ideas".... "Several times'... Just stop believing your lying eyes already ;)
Sasha's position seems to take the extreme end of valid consideration and then auto-invokes grounds for complete dismissal in entirety. Logic to me would be to establish what is known and realistic, not jump to the "they can't control your mind so your whole suggestion is mute/ridiculous". It's early days of understanding, but there would appear to be something to the BLE phenomena. Enough to not actively try and bury it. Hmmmm.
Always telling it like it is. A woman after my own heart. Truth is all to often not welcomed (for some). I have a good friend who is a virologist and she had convinced me of the fact that merging man with machine is just a pipe dream of the Satanists. She also said her field is a total lie created to feed billions to the fraudulent medical complex. For speaking her truth she too was ruined but she will never back down from what she has proven to be true. Her story is similar to Dr. Judy Mikovits story. Awesome article.
TRANSHUMANISM - The goal with transhumanism is to merge us to computer for control and more. The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us : You are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a super computer for a better ¨you.¨ The New You:(
And then, they will say that robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our own factories... Insane. We all have to say no to this diabolical agenda.
I’m sorry to hear of your son. I have a loved one with metal around a portion of the spine. Mending the flesh, healthcare such as gold fillings or pins/plates in bones, is not what the scripture is speaking to, as it reads. It has to do with a kingdom (power) attempting creation or changing creation of man. May your year have grace and love.
Daniel’s script was a warning to us of a type of control used in the final government of man, over man. Limiting life. It is apparent in today’s government use of forced mRNA changing vax which killed and the AI robotic interface with human mind.
Transhumanism: The danger, Sasha, is that 'they' will hurt many in pursuit of their satanic goal. The artificial mRNA platform is, I would say, an essential component of their toolkit for 'hacking' into the 'software of life'. And as we have witnessed, there were especially dangerous Lots with deadly or life-changing consequences for many who were unfortunate enough to be receive an injection from such a Lot. As Mike Yeadon put it in early 2022, based on the analyses of Lot variability carried out by you and your colleagues in late 2021, it was pretty obvious that "experiments were being carried out within the experiment".
Happy New Year Sasha! Wishing you & yours all the best! Lovely essay - bang on. I can’t help but think of the epic Yuval Harari troll - the guy who claims man is hackable can’t hack his own lack of muscle mass or baldness. 🤭
Glad to see you mention the bombing of Japan. I never understood how that could have been true with the way radiation was explained, and the logical explanation was a welcome relief. If it doesn’t make sense and the story contradicts itself, it didn’t happen the way it’s told
Transhumanists want to live forever by merging with the soul, yet failing to comprehend that the soul already lives forever.
Also, if the soul can be it actually your soul?
This was one of the problems I had with the book "Old Man's War" because at one point in the process, the mind is mapped, saved, replicated, and put in a new body.
I kept pointing at the old dead body that was disposed of as "that was you, you may not perceive it as you from your new perspective...but that was you."
I've started writing a couple times some science fiction about the "soul catcher" because in truth that would be the only way I would go along with possible transhumanism. You could very well get an AI to mimic me online...but it wouldn't actually be me, but rather an interactive performance based on whatever reference was out there. But suppose you could capture and house that indescribable something that was my actual soul. Well, that would be something...and also wild speculation.
Isn't soulcatcher another name for Satan? He wants souls to rule over for eternity, right?
I think Sasha is right....they can destoy, maim, infest, infect, but your soul is from might need an excocism to expell the squatters, but I trust that God will always know exactly where are souls are...unless we turn away from him.
God may not be any of the things I can conceive him to be....but if you look at the blast of light from when a sperm connects with an is hard not to beleive in one's God given soul.
Like I said, wild speculation.
This reminds me of the movie 7th Day with Arnold where they basically make a copy of your pet...and also do the same with people. And like I said, wild speculation. But it does speak to a certain amount of priming where we are "sold" on the concept of transhumanism.
As a counterpoint to that, I remember that Stephen King movie, where the daughter wanted her dead cat to come back...and they got it, but it wasn't the same cat.
Same theme with Practical Magic...
Well Pet Sematary you basically were burying your cat in a demonic spirit repository. What you got looked like your cat, your son, your wife, but it wasn't. The interesting thing about the book is it talks a lot about temptation.
The premise is "what would you do to spend an extra day with your wife or son? What lengths would you go? A lot of people say things like "I'd give up quite a lot to spend one more hour with my mother." And the hope would be "something went wrong last time...but it will be different this time simply because I want it to be different."
Stephen King also primed me for pandemics. When I heard the hype I expected Captain Tripps, what I got was Captain Kangaroo, or Captain and Teneille. It also didn't help that there is the "19" designation to Covid. For those familiar with King, 19 means something.
To say normal life went "nineteen" in 2020 isn't wrong in that Dark Tower makes perfect sense.
I am a huge fan of Stephen King, but King in reality is much more disappointing. His stance on books and censorship is ridiculous. Would he seriously be okay if his book Pet Sematary was on the elementary school reading list? And yet he wants all kinds of crap apparently in school libraries. And no...not including a book in a school library is not "banning" it.
Anyhow enough of my stream of consciousness discussion. I'll have to go back and watch Practical Magic again.
I very very disappointed in King...but you had some really great observations on both him and human I like your stream of consciousness....(captain Tripss to Captain kangaroo...laughed off my chair, a keeper!)...And as an elementary school librarian, I so agree with you...not having a book that is NOT age appropriate is not banning it. Stupid man...reminds me of all the other grown up democrats I know that still think their party is the one of JFK.....they all grew up in houses with the palms from palm Sunday attached to his picture in the living room...they cannot accept, even with the world falling down about their ears, that "dems are good, republicans are bad" stopped applying over 20 years ago...cannot reframe their thinking (too old) into US vs. the elites (of any party). I hate to be an ageist (cause I'm old) but really, when you get old you can't change the habits of a lifetime, not even in your thinking, let alone upgrade to your cell phone....I see it in all my friends and I see it in me (I refuse to get a new cell phone until this one really craps the bed and then I am getting a degoogled phone). Honestly, I had to listen to 20 minutes of complaints yesetrday cause a friend of mine just moved and cox gave her a new remote and she wants her old one back (EXCUSE ME BUT- THEY DONT MAKE THEM ANYMORE).
So I do think their should be age limits for all politicians and the few bureaucrats we will hopefully allow to supervise one agency at most in DC...time to rip it all down, imho.
I'm glad I'm not alone. First thing I thought of was Captain Tripps, too. Although that lifeline might have been more interesting.
The protagonist in that story was an idiot.
What part of "Don't inter the bodies of loved ones in accursed burial grounds!" did he not get?
Ahhhhh Pet Cemetery!😳
Pet Sematary.
You spelled cemetery correctly, but the book had it misspelled because children sometimes buried pets there and had made the sign over it.
So clever of you to remember the name of the movie! That was it!! Thank you!
Your last statement is truly beautiful and so inspirational. We should all be taken aback by the power of God.
Where do you come to the understanding the soul is capable of being replicated? By the replication of the mind which is seated in the brain which is a physical organ like all other organs?
The body is not you anymore than the house you live in is you. It isn't possible the body was ever you.
The soul is not in the mind. The body is not you. God made this very clear many times.
No one has this understanding that the soul is capable of replication, that's the point.
Exactly!! They have cut themselves off from the One Creator, and are now in an existential crisis, and, in their terror seek to destroy life in hopes they can create something better of their own devise. Fools.
The Universe is One Song, & it is Consciousness Itself. Alignment with the Infinite is an Inherent Human capacity. We do not need machines for Spiritual Growth. In fact they hamper it immensely.
Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Narcissism explains a lot about this current "elite" class as well...
Psychopathy explains it to Christians and Non-Christians alike.
I have to disagree. Yuval Noah Harari and his ilk are atheists. They don't believe in the soul. Since death is the end for them, they're looking for ways to "live forever". They plan to upload their consciousness to the Cloud where they will live forever. Whatever Yuval uploads (if they ever reach that point), will not be human or alive.
One good solar flare pointed in the right direction and poof. :)
Could even be worse than that. They may just hate the species and want us all gone, for the greater good of course.
I hear you, but...
Who would do their laundry?
Plant, tend, harvest, transport, and cook their food?
Clean their pool filter and drain?
Over the holiday, I played a clip of Harari talking about "useless people" and what to do with them (drugs and video games) for my son who is in graduate school. I think he thought I'd gone round the bend to crazy town. I pointed out that Harari was on MSNBC and CNN and other media and that he was Klaus Schwab's sidekick. I told him that Schwab's WEF soirees were attended by heads of state, corporate bigwigs, A-list celebs, and power brokers we'd never heard of. I told him that Schwab was Kissinger's protege.
In a normal word, Harari and Schwab would be recognized as lunatics in need of medication. Instead, they are lauded.
We cannot ignore them.
We cannot dismiss their evil plans.
Yes, they're crazy.
Yes, they're psychopaths.
And they're on MSNBC, CNN, etc.
This information has a way of focussing the mind. ;).
My son was shocked. Maybe mama isn't crazy after all.
Nice post and I believe you are right on the WEF. I'm helping forward a foi request on about our PM Anthony Albanese and his ties to the WEF. We yave treason at the highest levels , all our country's do.
How many serfs do you need though. Seriously, they're at the point were there are too many people to control, too many unaccounted for and too many escapes for the animal farm. Too many staying unvaxxed, too many waking up. Too top this off I believe that China will be mass producing humanoid robots from 2025 and whether right or wrong they believe we're no longer needed.
Personally they can get well fucked and the only useless eaters I see are the sociopaths
I've heard humanoid robots are terrible cooks.
And they might electrocute themselves when they try to change the pool filter.
We are legion. They are few.
And most (though psychopathic) are idiots who rely on others for basic tasks.
My husband worked with a guy from a very wealthy family in Ecuador. They fled when he was a teenager or young man because of political turmoil. He told us he'd never even gotten himself a glass of water before they came to the US. It boggles the mind.
100%. There are many reasons for our position in the animal kingdom and anger, vengence and self sacrifice played its part. The risking of the self for our loved ones and others is powerful.
More so because the sociopaths cannot understand or predict it, they aren't capable of the same for the same reason.
They are parasites and I don't believe human beings, afterall to be human is to love.
Uploading one's consciousness is pure fantasy. Consciousness cannot arise from matter alone. At least, no one has any inkling of an idea of how that may happen. (That's called the "Hard Problem of Consciousness".)
They don't let small little details like reality get in the way of their plans. In normal times, Harari would be recognized as a lunatic.
Yes, a barking lunatic, and one can tell he's out to get even for life has wronged him.
It does, the whole point is you don't want yours in hell for eternity.
Transhumanism fails when there is no worthy soul to "humanize"
The transhumanists have sold their souls (which they never really believed in anyway) and - as they identify solely as body - it is their bodies that they want to preserve.
Hence all the anti-aging, cryogenic preservation, etc technologies they spend their money on.
Catherine Austin Fitts is always the smartest person in the room, imho!
Actually, she comes from early American farming families in New England, as I do too. And when big Ag came into her family's area of Pennsylvania to put all the local farms out of business, her father, (or grandfather, ) started organizing.
They won.
Fighting for the "little guy" & a level playing field, has always
been in her DNA, it seems!
True enough- it's all a shell game. Why working and living from our heart is the best insurance policy against BS. What are you doing to support yourself in these times? Prayer, fasting, meditation?
Creating transhumans and sabotaging God's creation are not necessarily mutually excluding concepts or practical objectives. Transhumanism would sabotage God's design with a counterfeit design.
Though from my understanding of what's written in the bible, God will not allow that evil to succeed but will allow it to seem as if it's succeeding for a time according to his plan and to his glory.
Has that not indeed been the 'Purpose Driven Death of Evil' since it's inception at the fall?
good point. also remember how the human genome project got all excited when they finally finished the project...then sheepishly tried to sell us on the theory that 95% of it was "junk?"
This, everything in nature is about efficiency and if not used it withers and weakens and over time is removed.
Very good, Sasha.
It’s actually generous of you to have written this piece.
On the remote control of thoughts and actions using injected digital technology, it needs only to be pointed out that we have no idea what a thought is.
A basic tenet of investigational biology is that it’s not possible to interfere constructively with that which isn’t understood.
I’m more concerned with people too readily believing BS & with batons and boots (which they’ll use like the always have) if the propaganda doesn’t work well enough.
Sorry mate, couldn't help myself.
Thank you from Australia, we all shared your information and you have helped alter the flow of lemmings over the cliff.
I am quite interested in this discussion. I am interested for a number of a reasons starting from actually existing “evidence.” What is visible in Dark Field is unseen before Covid-19 injections. Is a truth claim that what is observed is nano-technology with an antenna supportable?
Is it "nano"? - NO, the observations are at the micro-scale, not nano.
Is it "technology"? - could be, but nothing here demonstrated as input-output-control or purpose.
Is it antenna? - NO. it may look like an antenna, but it has not been demonstrated functioning as one.
I have asked the Dark Field observers if they have tried reaching out to scientists like Michael Levin- an American developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, where he is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. Levin is a director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University and Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology. He is also co-director of the Institute for Computationally Designed Organisms with Josh Bongard. No interest in doing so.
So their truth claim at best is that the blood artifacts exist at micro-scale. Not nano scale. X is in the blood. X not previously observed in live blood. Hypothesis tries to explain the micro-scale objects with the Transhuman money flow. Is this a fair representation?
yes, correct. Just pointing something on microscopy image and then spinning an entire "OMG they making us into transhumans" narrative out of it. That's what this blog genre boils down to.
They are trying. Believers must address the issue.
It has. The MAC Address phenomenon.
Scroll down and hit red 'Show'.
Ana Mihalcea also believes in a 30000 year old teachings of Ramtha, channeled by JZ Knight.
I design integrated circuits, working down on the nano scale, and they are very limited in their scope and function, and certainly cannot be cladestinely delivered with a vaccine, and even if they could, powering them to function would be problematic in vivo. Sasha's treatment on this subject was spot-on in comparison to the wild speculations of Dr Mihalcea. I wrote my own post after watching Ana's video, on this subject.
Dr. Mike - how does one get in touch with you, if at all possible?
You can write a comment with your email.
I don’t know if there’s a direct messaging facility,
I get around 500 messages on email and a similar number on all other platforms.
That means it isn’t possible to read them let alone reply to them all.
Hi Dr. Mike - thanks.
My email is
Please send me a mail - and then when I reply I will put in the subject heading
"World Scientific Industrial Research Organization."
Mike I know I have sent you this before but I do think it bears closer scrutiny. The MAC phenomenon. I think it's a problem when Christianity precludes investigation.
Thanks John. I’m yet to be convinced about this, but it remains in my “maybe” pile.
Where are the antennas, amplifiers, computational units, memory, management entities, and power sources necessary to implement even the device discovery protocols you claim to see operating? How have you defined the message flow among the component hierarchy of those requisite transceiver components?
DE: See Sabrina Wallace and Internet of Things literature.
Er. Why anything ? You asked some questions. If I'm not working, I'm sleeping, or turning compost, or something. In none of these states am I inclined to spend time explaining to people who have no intention of listening. I pointed you in a direction. Even that was wasted effort. It really is the end of human civilisation when people take an idea offered, as a personal insult.
You are so grand and selfless a hero to be leading the new enlightenment. I am sorry that I have angered you, your highness. But honestly sir, you blither in the great academic tradition of Dunning & Kruger poster children.
Watch your toes.
In 1945 CS Lewis wrote the 3rd book of his science fiction ‘Space trilogy’ titled: That Hideous Strength. It was about a very powerful institution called N.I.C.E.(National Institute for Coordinated Experiments) that had attained secret communications with demonic forces with the objective of collaborating with them to take over the earth(sound familiar?). The NICE had some kind of mysterious and controlling relationship with government and had 3 primary thrusts to their evil schemes:
1. Massive and coordinated propaganda to convince people that they were actually on a mission to solve humanity’s problems and ultimately save them
2. Depopulation using Public Health as the primary control tool to first subjugate and eventually destroy the human population
3. Transhumanism, put forth as a technological work in progress and exemplified by the fact that the “Head” of NICE was an actual transhuminist human head(no body just a talking head, lol)
Again this was written in 1945 and I just read it last year. I was literally stunned by the book and story line. I could not put it down and cannot recommend it highly enough. I don’t want to spoil the story, but you could tell, in a cleverly disguised way, that Lewis was skeptical of the transhumanist agenda narrative in a way that he was not regarding the Massive Propaganda and Depopulation agendas. Very well crafted science fiction story and so very fascinating to read in 2023(or 2024!)
Thanks, I will need to put this on my reading list!
I think you will enjoy it very much.
Interesting read Sasha, must have taken you a while to write that. I agree with you I think and that I have a question for you, Dr David Nixon shows analysis of the covid vials of these square chip looking objects and when he places more EMF near to the sample it apparently self assembles. What would be your opinion on what we're seeing? Ryan Cole who I dislike is trying to say that it's salt crystals and there's no Graphene only mRNA. I think there's no mRNA but lots of Graphene. Dr Ana Michaela draws blood from a patient and leaves iit overnight and the next day says it's formed into a large clot - isn't blood supposed to coagulate after leaving the body? - I did put this question to her but she never replied.
In the foreword to the book Lewis said that his intent was to write a book about “devilry”. The book most certainly paints a very realistic portrait of the nature of evil and how evil really operates. The title of the book provides a cunning hint.
One more comment on the transhumanist narrative. In purely human terms I agree with Sasha and Katherine’s assessment 100%. However we do not live in a purely human world. Satan, the biblically described prince of this earth, has powers that defy human imagination. The Bible describes ancient creatures who were called the Nephilim. They were known as giants that were incredibly powerful and are found in ancient histories outside the Bible. What were they? The Bible describes them as products of demon angels that mated with human women. They were, in short, transhuman. They were not part machine, but they were not human. Does Satan have power over technology? Could he “occupy” a machine? These are just some of the many questions that could be asked. We are talking about very mysterious and powerful forces here and no one has all the answers. Read Jonathan Cahn’s “Return of the Gods” to fully understand the context.
This sounds insane but I had an exorcism over the phone. Those things we talked to seemed to understand technology perfectly. They knew the exact moment my phone battery would give out for instance and timed it accordingly. The exorcist told me that they knew how to mess up signals and other technical things. They can see more of the physical world than we do though they are not physical themselves.
Yuval Harrari got that wrong too. God can create inorganic life. Angels--and to some extent--human beings are life that exists independent of biology.
Expires tomorrow
Brien, what, by chance, since you seem to grasp some biblical knowledge, do you know about the book of Enoch? I just ask because I recently came across someone talking about it. I consider myself to be a Christian, but honestly, I’m not an expert on the Bible & my prior understanding of who I thought wrote it. Anyway, blessings to you in the new year! 😊
Funny you should ask Monica. I read the Book of Enoch for the first time last year. I also did some research on it to try and understand how the church, and in particular the early church fathers, viewed the book. Of course Enoch himself was a well known biblical figure although there is not much written about him. He was “7th away from Adam” according to the Bible, meaning he was a 7th generation descendent of Adam, the grandson of Seth(son of Noah) and the father of Methuselah(most famous for being the oldest recorded living human being ever, having died at 976 years of age). Enoch the man was considered righteous by God and was thus highly regarded in biblical history.
His book did not ‘make the cut’ as part of the divinely inspired canon of the Bible, however it was a highly regarded book by the church fathers and was considered to be historically accurate for a very long time. It was more popular prior to the Renaissance than it is today. I would characterise the book as quite “fantastical”, using that word to mean it contains stories that read more like myth and legend than historical fact. My own view after researching and reading it is that it is a reliable source of factual history, although parts are difficult to read. The most famous part of the book is Enoch’s story of the Nephilim, the legendary half demon angel, half human “Giants” first mentioned in Genesis. Enoch devotes a good deal of the early portion of his book to describing how they came to be and what they did on the earth. He describes them as an attempt by Satan to disrupt the human lineage that would ultimately lead to the Messiah, which I found very interesting. The book is utterly fascinating if you are interested. Of course over the millennia there has certainly developed a mythology around the Nephilim, but Enoch’s account(he lived when they were still roaming the earth and he surely was an eye witness to their reality) is detailed enough to make you very glad these creatures are no longer around. I recommend the book highly, especially the first half, but try and get a good translation that attempts to clean up Enoch’s 4,000+ year old language. You can find it on Amazon. Happy New Year to you,
I just read it last year as well because he mentions the “watchers” which Daniel quotes to Nebuchadnezzar and I couldn’t find other info about them.
Brien, thank you so much for taking time out to reply & to give so much detail & thought! It is really appreciated. I was wondering about the book of Enoch because a customer at my work was talking about it, as one point in our very interesting conversation, & he did mention the Nephilim, & he said the book of Enoch is the only book that is written from a first account experience. & then I read a comment about the book of Enoch to either a different video or an article I had on another site. I’ve been reading a lot the last 3 years after Covid, so everyday my mind is blown more & more! Thank you again for your explanation! 😊
Correction: Your words "Seth (son of Noah)". Noah had 3 sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Yes of course. I meant Shem not Seth. Thank you
This explanation might be of interest to you too:
Read it and enjoy. There are many books not in the Bible yet referenced in the Bible. I listed them but it’s in my study and I’m not. Enoch and Jasher are both good reads.
Read this book in college about 1962 or 63, I think. At that time I considered it as entertaining but outlandish fantasy. Now, we’re living it.
I have read the space trilogy again every 10 years or so. Still don’t understand how the man, who obviously dealt in truth, could produce the gaslighting and word salad coming from the deceivers mouths so convincingly back then. It’s an ability I don’t have or care to have.
He never said the word "technocrat" but that's what those creepy megalomaniacs were. I recently reread it. The baddies at NICE were also anti nature and anti natal. Cartoonish but just realistic enough to make you believe. There are some people IRL who act or even look like cartoons. Extreme dedication to a bad ideology can do that to a person. I've met a few kept in mental wards. But most don't wind up there. (Many end up running and filling mental wards instead.)
I just read the trilogy but That Hideous Strength blew my mind. I was shocked to see the word “technocracy” in that book. I still haven’t looked to see who actually coined the term but I did not realize it had been around that long.
I think he understood the nature of evil quite well. That it clothes itself in the good, the mild mannered, the respectable and the admired, and that it is very patient and incremental. This is, in a nutshell, the operating strategy of Satan. Lewis got that. He demonstrated that he got it in That Hideous Strength and also in the Chronicles and most especially in The Screwtape Letters. This is something that the western world in particular has not grasped, and it is a fallout of the rejection of God and the substitution of the Godhead of Man. It is the ultimate fall of Mankind, which started with a fall in understanding, a failure to grasp what was happening.
You may also want to read C.S. Lewis' first book post-Conversion, Pilgrim's Regress. I'm about one-third through it, and it's very interesting, including covering themes we've all become quite attuned to this decade.
He is shunned and regarded as not worthy of discussion in academic English departments. “Reactionary,” etc.
Just being a heterosexual, white man who openly practiced Christianity would be enough to get him off the syllabus.
You got that right.
Who in their right mind would go along with this insanity? They didn't have me at masks and vaccines starting in 2020, so why would I go along with anything these evil monsters are looking to dish out moving forward? Live in faith, not fear! People only believe in Government and these technocrats when they don't truly have God in their life!
The vast mass of the sheep don't want to see it, think the sheepdog or shephard will save them, someone else will take care of it, I just don't want to be the one that is not part of the herd.
They don't want to think, they just want their creature comforts and entertainment.
I just don't want to go over the cliff with them.
I'm trying to set up an outside system with others. Locally IRL. The more of us there are, the better our chances. Unless I can do something to reboot my physical system with a super healthful diet or vitamins I won't survive long. But I'd prefer dying outside their smart cities. Kind of fatalistic about its inevitability. People are just too complacent and lazy.
Most of those deceived were smart enough and educated enough. They were just vain. mentally lazy, and didn't care about those who were truly suffering from the lockdowns and masks. Politicians, celebrities and other super successful big wigs praised their behavior as kind and considerate. So they went along with them.
I tried two years ago, but no interest really...I might try again, but it will take something truly earth shattering to get people together methinks. Hope I'm wrong.
Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice and follow me.
“Live in faith, not fear! People only believe in Government and these technocrats when they don't truly have God in their life!”
Well said!
Thanks Veronica, nice name, grandmother, mother and sister Veronica's! Veronica wiped Jesus' face when he carried the cross!
OK, Sasha. I have to comment. You summarized your thesis as follows:
" is impossible to integrate (in survival- and reproduction-competitive way) a living organism and a man made object/technology"
You have made an absolute negative claim. How many times people made this mistake....
Impossible? What are the barriers to this impossibility? The "technology of the human body" (which is another word for human biology) is just that, - technology. So, imagine that it can be dealt with as an engineering problem. And we have some goddamn good engineers.
So I want you to take a step back and think about the claim you are making.
Further, what about the MAC address emitting phenomenon? It's well documented, it's testable, it's repeatable, and it hasn't been falsified. If you emit a MAC address, you have technology inside your body that emits a radio signal in the 2.4 Gh range that is digitally formatted and can be dented using a BLE (bluetooth low energy) protocol. Our biology is analog, so whatever EM signal we emit, it's not digitally formatted.
So that falsifies your "impossible" thesis. I am making no "mind control" claims, so please don't go there. Can we at least agree that the MAC address emitting phenomenon demonstrates that it is indeed possible to integrate biology (aka evolved technology) with designed technology (aka technology in the conventional sense).
Looking forward to your measured response.
"Impossible? What are the barriers for this impossibility? The "technology of the human body" (which is another word for human biology) is just that, - technology. So, imagine that it can be dealt with as an engineering problem. And we have some goddamn good engineers."
I explained in my article the barriers to this impossibility - neither you, nor a single scientist or engineer in the world have the faintest clue on how the human body functions. Claims of machine man integration are a dumb joke. If you insist on this integration, please discuss this on your substack. I have nothing to prove to you, and I am not obligated to answer your questions. I have no such interests.
I am sorry, Sasha, but you did not address the MAC address Emission phenomenon.
Are you avoiding addressing it? "I am not obligated to answer your questions"
No, you don't. But then you cannot claim that you won the argument.
...And what's with the tone? - "discuss it on your own substack"...
This is truly below my expectation of civility. I raised a valid scientific question, and I got a personally charged response that you don't even tolerate my presence in your comment section? Sasha, you don't even know me! Please return to civility.
you are not entitled to my time nor attention. Please go away.
Wow, Sasha, you disrespected Dr. Ber in a huge way! He asked a very valid question about the MAC addresses and you totally blew him off, and by doing so, you put yourself in a very bad light. Your petty and dismissive response shows you are not up to a scientific debate at all. I have to write you off as a reliable source of scientific information. Too bad.
Controlled opposition.
I see this phenomenon doing a bluetooth search on my android mobile phone.
See this one I did in Nov, in school playing fields with kids at sports practice. They are not allowed mobile phones on them, they were in the changing rooms way out of bluetooth range. Found 24 MAC codes all of which had no known device identifier. What are these codes, they have to be coming from those kids bodies. I never saw these strange codes before 2021.
See this screen recording from my phone.
Her tone is always like that if you disagree with her or share views that don’t align with hers.
Clearly there is proof in the patents of this technology & in white papers
yes, you got that right. you have nothing to gain by being here, wasting your time.
Maybe the word in question,"integration", is up for debate, or understanding. You can hold your phone and emit a Mac address. If someone did not know your phone was separate from you, they would think it was a part of you...aka "integrated". Maybe, what is emitting the Mac address from within the body, is not integrated with the bodily cellular system, but operating separately, and being fueled by the bodies electrical system, however faint that might be? At.07 volts, it would seem an imposibily to animate anything but, who knows? Or maybe it is some kind of reflection or refraction of a signature in the plasma field, or ether?. We are bombarded by so much radiation carrying information. It would be fun to have Dr Horton, Dr Mihalcea , Dr Latipova and other experts on radiation poisening to have a discussion on how it effects the bodily systems. It sure doesn't make people any smarter, so one would have to surmise that it isn't information or conciousness being exchanged, but an unfortunate reaction or thoughtful.conclusion that someone comes to when they are being poisoned by radiation waves. 🤷🤷🤷 Dunno..thinking out loud with my limited intellectual capacity. God Bless and Happy New Year!
I invite everyone to see Dr Ana Mihalceas DEC 27 SUBSTACK article. She and some of her colleagues have the answers to the Mac Address and other phenomina related to the covid Vax contents.
She is a lost case Len, like Cole, McCullough, Shawn, Malone ....
yes, you are so right! You are also very intelligent, and I am very stupid, and therefore please go to Len's substack to discuss your favorite topics.
Why are you so condescending?
why are you rude and act entitled?
I don't think anyone is a lost case. Lost case to what? to facts? to reality?
Eventually you will have to face it, and change your opinion, or dig deeper in the land of denialism.
"I am not obligated to answer your questions"
So far sounds like denialism and avoidance.
....I know, I know, I am not welcome here.
eventually you will have to face the reality that I do not take you seriously.
The message received loud and clear, - you are rude to people who ask you reasonable questions, and you look down upon me personally. God bless your uncivil soul!
What also clear, is your inability and/or avoidance to address the MAC Address Emitting Phenomenon in people.
Let that also be a part of the record.
Now, for more arrogance and condescension, please, dear Sasha.
You and several other obnoxious individuals appear on my page and demand answers to your ideas. When politely told that this is my newsletter, I did not invite you, and you are not entitled to demand any time nor effort from me - you have the audacity to call me rude? I answered MAC address question several times, please learn to read.
Len, MD. You can read my substack on this subject.
If you are convinced the dead, buried 6 feet under can emit MAC, answer these questions (for yourself, not for me as I already have an informed opinion...35 years of designing integrated circuits)
These are just starter quesions:
What frequency is the MAC addresses is transmitted .
What is the antenna dimension required to transmit at that frequency.
How do they get the antenna formed in vivo via injection.
What power is needed.
How is that power derived in-vivo in a dead body buried six feet under
You confuse two distinct things: biology, the science of living things, and the human organism, its *object*. To speak of “human biology” is to consider the human organism under universal principles we call “biology”. But these principles cannot themselves be understood biologically any more than the human person himself.
We commonly speak of “my body” or “my biology”. But the ‘my’ or ‘I’ is not and could not be an object of biology. For biology there is only the organism, no examination of which will yield the ‘I’ or self or soul - choose your own term - the entity responsible for the possibility of the science of biology, or any science at all where we posit universal truths, where unlike other creatures we regard man himself as a natural kind subject to the same laws governing all living creatures understood organically.
The question at issue here is about the limits of such knowledge and its application in the service of man’s desire for dominion over his fellows. This question could be considered from ethical, philosophical, theological positions. It couldn’t be biological or technological because the nature of biology and technology and their applications are the very things in question.
Abiding theme of this blog is not science or technology as such but their deployment in the service of political and economic chicanery.
Questions of right and wrong or true and false are not questions to which any science or any technological application of science could supply an answer. They are questions prior to the possibility of any science at all.
Blue, she's said it's impossible 🙄 "failed ideas".... "Several times'... Just stop believing your lying eyes already ;)
Sasha's position seems to take the extreme end of valid consideration and then auto-invokes grounds for complete dismissal in entirety. Logic to me would be to establish what is known and realistic, not jump to the "they can't control your mind so your whole suggestion is mute/ridiculous". It's early days of understanding, but there would appear to be something to the BLE phenomena. Enough to not actively try and bury it. Hmmmm.
Always telling it like it is. A woman after my own heart. Truth is all to often not welcomed (for some). I have a good friend who is a virologist and she had convinced me of the fact that merging man with machine is just a pipe dream of the Satanists. She also said her field is a total lie created to feed billions to the fraudulent medical complex. For speaking her truth she too was ruined but she will never back down from what she has proven to be true. Her story is similar to Dr. Judy Mikovits story. Awesome article.
TRANSHUMANISM - The goal with transhumanism is to merge us to computer for control and more. The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us : You are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a super computer for a better ¨you.¨ The New You:(
And then, they will say that robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our own factories... Insane. We all have to say no to this diabolical agenda.
I do not consent! We do not consent!
Amen. Daniel described the final kingdom trying to mix iron with clay. Doesn’t work and trying, is the abomination.
I’m sorry to hear of your son. I have a loved one with metal around a portion of the spine. Mending the flesh, healthcare such as gold fillings or pins/plates in bones, is not what the scripture is speaking to, as it reads. It has to do with a kingdom (power) attempting creation or changing creation of man. May your year have grace and love.
Daniel’s script was a warning to us of a type of control used in the final government of man, over man. Limiting life. It is apparent in today’s government use of forced mRNA changing vax which killed and the AI robotic interface with human mind.
Transhumanism: The danger, Sasha, is that 'they' will hurt many in pursuit of their satanic goal. The artificial mRNA platform is, I would say, an essential component of their toolkit for 'hacking' into the 'software of life'. And as we have witnessed, there were especially dangerous Lots with deadly or life-changing consequences for many who were unfortunate enough to be receive an injection from such a Lot. As Mike Yeadon put it in early 2022, based on the analyses of Lot variability carried out by you and your colleagues in late 2021, it was pretty obvious that "experiments were being carried out within the experiment".
Happy New Year Sasha! Wishing you & yours all the best! Lovely essay - bang on. I can’t help but think of the epic Yuval Harari troll - the guy who claims man is hackable can’t hack his own lack of muscle mass or baldness. 🤭
lol, yes! Couldn't even make himself a little less turd-looking...
Double bravo 🙌 🙌 !
I always saw Harari as someone trying to warn us.
Bravo 👏!
Glad to see you mention the bombing of Japan. I never understood how that could have been true with the way radiation was explained, and the logical explanation was a welcome relief. If it doesn’t make sense and the story contradicts itself, it didn’t happen the way it’s told
I like your style lady!
Don't you just?
People are already “plugged into the internet.” Wires are not necessary.
Like obeying traffic lights.
Thank you Sasha.
Cheers Sasha, that’s another thing that I don’t have to worry about :)
Thank you for this and Happy New Year. ❤️