I've come to believe that research of this nature, whether the actual researchers admit it to themselves or not, is a form of battle damage assessment, in this case for bioweapons. That is a process used by the military to assess the damage caused by their weapons systems to enemy targets.

The agents behind these weapons need to know how well they are doing their job and the civilian research scientists happily comply. Otherwise, how would we explain the proficiency with which researchers select and focus in on specific things like this crosslinked fibrin clot issue? They are prompted for the purposes of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomb_damage_assessment .

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Wow! Of course. Wow! Twisting it is just more word salad but is really to give the additional marching orders to the creators of the bio weapon. That was not on my radar. Wow!!

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Wow, indeed! Listened to a Del Bigtree interview of Naomi Wolf on “The Pfizer Papers” where she arrived at a similar conclusion.

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Frankly, very concerning!

But the big question is: just how many people have circulating spike protein and how many have these white fibrous clots growing in them?

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What do you think? The fibrin-

fibrinogen-spike interaction occurs & the result is the white fibrous string-like clots, except the rate at which it occurs is variable, so this distinctive clotting comes sooner for some, later for others. Plus the presence of spike proteins degrades the specific cells (KC?) that keep cancer cell formation in check, leading to turbo cancers.

Frankly if I was among the vaxxed (which I'm not) I'd much prefer facing down a Long Shark Syndrome. Swim faster! 🥳

'Mos maiorum'.

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least if we all do. Except, of course, the people in those shit-hole countries where the misleaders are screaming about equity.

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Sasha - a sincere thank you for referencing (and also recommending) my Substack.

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you are welcome :)

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Well done Laura!!!

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The human race is under assault in 2 major ways. The macro has been bastardized with “climate change” nonsense, hysteria, and now we are finding out, egregious manipulation. The micro has been bastardized by a willful assault on the human body in which articles like this make so obvious. A hypnotic deep denial adds fuel to the fire of this insanity. The incineration of all mRNA “vaccines” should have happened “yesteryear”!! Only keep samples as evidence so that the psychopaths who planned, developed, and implemented this monstrosity are held accountable……The amazing mechanisms of the macro and micro are fragile and not to be taken for granted.

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they are trying to take away our right to connect with inner and outer nature. its an uprooting of humans.

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Not to mention trying to survive in the microwaved environment of the (weaponized) 5G perpetrators!

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Somewhat of a correction: The incineration of all *persons* involved in mRNA research and deployment should happen immediately. Not yesterday...

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If anyone is not already aware of him,a fellow countryman of mine John O'Looney a funeral director from milton keynes in England,has been bravely blowing the whistle on this subject for the past four or five years.Take a look at his videos and interviews and get in touch with him to lend support.He's happy to correspond with anyone about this.

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John is a gem. Saw his very early reports about clotting. He began asking fellow undertakers and they confirmed John’s findings. He’s indeed a stalwart in his profession.

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hes a total hero but will be in big trouble for all the things he says online. Hes a lovely chap and I kind of wish he had stuck to talking about clots which he might have gotten away with ., At this point he has broken most of the online rules. Hes no coward at least.

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I love the light-hearted way you write about what could be boring pathology of spike proteins. The “acadadummies” spells out your new coined phrases perfectly, Keeping my chuckles at a minimum so I don’t annoy my colleagues. Pls don’t change the manner of your prose. And do buy “spike support” from the sponsors The Wellness Company! Bravo!

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I do appreciate that you read the comments and, sometimes respond. Many Substackers post something and you wonder if they ever read the comments. This means that you care enough about what others think, even if they don’t agree with you. I know it is a time-consuming task, so thank you.

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Wow. This is a huge and neon red puzzle piece that was previously whitewashed. But now it is visible and indisputable…despite the attempt to blend in neutral colors.

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Thank you Sasha. After 4 months in hospital with aplastic anemia and hemorrhagic stroke, my husband’s blood showed lots of fibrin. Nothing to see here they told us. We worked with a macroscopist who monitored his blood in the ensuing months, and were very glad to get rid of the fibrin.

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Rid of fibrin? Using blood thinners?

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You can get rid of fibrin with proteolytic enzyme supplements - nattokinase, serrapeptase, and lumbrokinase.

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Oh my!!! Rat poison?! Yikes. Thanks for all of your info. I’ll make this my next research project. That may also explain my latest diagnosis of osteopenia. I’m on it!

And you are so right about supplements. You gave an excellent reminder that with proper diet and lifestyle, they shouldn’t be necessary. I just flipped out when my husband got the shots. Stubborn thing; he’s so wishing he had listened to me.

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I’ve got my husband; alas, vaxxed, taking Zelenko’s NAC supplement Detox, for a couple of years now. Do you suppose this supplement will be a lifelong thing?

I’ve been taking it too to combat all things shed-upon. Do you suppose I will be a lifelong subscriber to this supplement too?

I hope this is working.


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He will not need to take it forever if he makes the proper diet and lifestyle changes. We only use NAC as medicine for acute flu-like symptoms, but I do not necessarily object to it being perpetually. NAC is a precursor to glutathion, an important "anti-oxidant.". If your husband's cellular energy production capacity normalizes, his native glutathion production will be sufficient. He should know when to stop taking it by the way he feels - his symptoms are gone and he feels energetic.

I just looked at the ingredient list for Zelenko's Z-Detox. I do not recommend taking it except very briefly for acute illnesses. It contains several ingredients that are detrimental to your health if taken long term. One of them is quite literally rat poison - cholecalciferol. I'm not kidding. Do an internet search for "cholicalciferol rat poison." For all of the readers that are shocked by this, yes I know "the dose makes the poison." Taking a daily dose of cholicalciferol AKA vitamin D3 will not cause acute organ failure like the dose given to a rat does, but it will chronically disrupt your calcium homeostasis and can actually cause osteoporosis. Get your vitamin D by getting in the sun, folks. For more information on why you shouldn't take vitamin D3, look at the work of Jim Stephenson on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform.

I recommend purchasing bulk NAC powder and making your own capsules. That is what I do. If that is too much work, find capsules (preferably gelatin) that are NAC only and have the fewest extra ingredients (exipients). You could mix it in water or juice, but it smells and tastes disgusting to me.

For what I consider to be the best supplement routine, check out "The Root Cause Protocol". Google hasn't shadow banned them yet, so the top result should be their website. Their handbook is a free download. It is a step by step guide to recovering your health by changing your diet and gradually adding in supplements that your body needs for efficient energy production and "you" synthesis. After you read it, you will know why I say to not take Z-Dtox except for acute illness. They are not selling anything. The handbook is Morley Robbins' gift to humanity. Don't take the rice bran though. It is disgusting rancidness and full of anti-nutrients.

Also, start listening to Jay Feldman's "The Energy Balance Podcast" on YouTube or any podcast platform, beginning with episode 1. Jay and Mike discuss the "Bioenergetic Theory of Health" as pioneered by Dr. Ray Peat.

A related podcast that I highly recommend is "The Rooted in Resilience Podcast" made by the "Strong Sista's" Ashley and Sarah Armstrong. They can be found on YouTube and all the major podcast platforms as well. Skip their early work. They realized the error of their keto/carnivore/intermittent fasting lifestyle and recovered their health using Ray Peat's principles. Start with Dr. Mercola's interview of Ashley and the Armstrong sister's interviews of Kathleen Stewart.

BTW, my mom is a retired OR nurse.

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Which brand do you use of nattokinase? Do you have to use all 3 you mentioned? Supplements are the wild wild West.

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Yes, indeed.

For a good source of supplement guidance, see my reply to Staci RN.

We use Arthur Andrew Medical brand nattokinase and serrapeptase. We buy directly from them by stocking up when they have a 20% off sale several times a year. I take the maintenance dose (two very small capsules) of nattokinase every day just for prevention. It is half the cost of the serrapeptase, which my wife prefers.

My dad had a blood clot that completely occluded a vein running from his ankle to his groin. It was caused by wearing a knee brace too long and too tightly. (He was not jabbed.) We had him on nattokinase, serrapeptase, plus the Boluoke brand of lumbrokinase made by Canada RNA. They have done clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness. You can find it on Amazon.

There are a wide variety of opinions out there as to which of the three is more effective. Most say serrapeptase or lumbrokinase. If you have known blood clots, it may be best to cycle through all three.

A friend of mine used the Arthur Andrew Medical brand serrapeptase exclusively to completely resolve a huge mass of blood clots in her lower leg. . A doctor had wanted her to go straight to the ER but she refused. Her life-long varicose veins also improved dramatically. Another female friend takes it daily to keep down respiratory symptoms caused by breast surgery induced inflammation. In my dad's case (he is 80yo), the enzymes were only partially successful (at least 50%), so he ended up having to take Eliquis also. He was left with some residual plaques, but blood flow has been restored.

Time is of the essence when dissolving clots. Persistent clots can turn into plaques, which are much harder to remove because they are in between two layers of endothelial cells. Read "The Clot Thickens: The enduring mystery of heart disease" by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick to understand the process of clots turning into plaques.

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Eliquis does not dissolve clots. It just thinned the blood until his body did its job.

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Correct, it does not dissolve clots. I should have been more clear. Thinning the blood is actually a misnomer. Eliquis slows down or prevents blood clot formation by inhibiting a step in the very complex process. In my dad's case, the clots were forming faster than the proteolytic enzymes and his natural clot dissolving mechanisms could dissolve the fibrin in the clots, so Eliquis slowed the clotting process enough that the enzymes and his body could remove what was present. I researched all the classes of "blood thinners," and Eliquis seemed to be the safest one with the least amount of negative effects.

As a postscript, he ended up with a small amount of residual "clots" that may end up being permanent, considering his age. Although there is no way to know for sure, I believe they are "plaques," not clots. Plaques, which are protected from dissolving mechanisms by a layer of endothelial cells, normally form in arteries but can form in veins under certain circumstances.

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Thanks for the info!

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I think this mechanism is what is destroying our placentas—causing small for gestational age placentas, abruption, fibrin deposition, and stillbirth.

And it’s not just injected woman experiencing this.

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So who else? Do you mean women that have babies with injected man? I worry , because my uninjected daughter's boyfriend is one time covid injected. They don't have baby plan's yet, but I worry...

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Neither partner is injected. But as Dr. Ana milhcea has shown blood contamination is showing up in everyone due to vax Shedding, chemtrails and food/water contamination of nanoparticles.

I know 3 women who are married to vaxxed men. 2 had miscarriages but then were then able to have full term infants. The third remains infertile.

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he may well have been lucky. many/most jabs were inert if mccullough is correct.

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I've always wondered whether they're placebos or if they contain advanced nanolipids containing delayed payloads. In my own case, I took the Moderna shot, which uses the lipid known as SM-102 containing formaldehyde which doesn't break open for six months. Then when it does break open, the chloroform breaks down into phosgene, causing the same symptoms as victims of mustard gas in WWI ( shortness of breath etc )

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oh my . I'm sorry you took that. Are you sure on the 6month thing ? is that well known ??

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So is it shedding? On those experiencing it not va**ed?

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Both non vaxxed and vaxxed are experiencing it. Shedding is a huge factor but also earth and food contamination with nanoparticles.

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Excellent article part 2 Sasha! Thank you!

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The injections consist of mass-produced weaponized coronavirus RNA using modern enzyme technology that rapidly replicates DNA and RNA. They are extremely dangerous and they don’t provide protection from anything, because the immune system cannot produce an immune response to either DNA or RNA, both of which are composed of nucleotides, which are chemically different from proteins. All successful vaccines are made from purified proteins derived from bacteria or viruses.

The weaponized “novel” coronavirus RNA does what all virus RNA does, only it’s more virulent than the “normal” coronavirus RNA, which only causes a “common cold.". It attacks and hijacks the cells of the vascular endothelium to cause the cells to replicate its viral RNA, which is released into blood and propagates throughout the body. This explains the “self replication” they are yapping about.

Normally the coronavirus is confined to the lungs. When the weaponized mRNA is introduced into systemic circulation, it attacks and hijacks the cells of the vascular endothelium, which is a delicate layer of cells that line the inner surface of all blood vessels and is the sole cellular component of capillaries. The resulting systemic inflammation and damage to the vascular endothelium causes the vascular endothelium to release BOTH von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AND tissue factor (TF) directly into systemic circulation in excessive quantities. It’s like a “silver bullet” that hits the bulls eye of the mammalian stress mechanism. Depending on the relative quantities of TF and VWF released into blood, and how fast they are released, this activates the stress mechanism in such a way that it mimics every form of disease thus far described.

The VWF activates factor VIII, which adds cross links of vitronectin, fibronectin, plasminogen, and Gelsolin to soluble fibrin to produce monomers of insoluble fibrin that polymerize into strands that entangle blood cells into viscoelastic clots and regulate flow resistance in capillaries to determine organ function. Insoluble fibrin is inherently unstable because its plasminogen cross links spontaneously deteriorate into plasminogen that attacks and dismembers the insoluble fibrin into “fibrin split products.” This reduces microvascular flow resistance and increases organ perfusion, and therefore increases organ function.

The TF activates factor VII, which converts soluble fibrin into collagen monomers, which are called “amyloid protein.” The amyloid polymerizes into collagen. Collagen is normally formed in extravascular tissues where factor VIII is absent, so it lacks cross links and plasminogen, so is far more stable and strong than insoluble fibrin. Subclinical stress mechanism hyperactivity generates harmful amyloid protein monomers that deposit in tissues, causing various forms of chronic illness, and on the inner surfaces of arteries, which causes atherosclerosis.

The only difference between insoluble fibrin and collagen is the presence of cross links in the insoluble fibrin, and their absence in collagen.

Normally insoluble fibrin is generated and disintegrated in accord with autonomic balance in capillaries to regulate microvascular flow resistance

When VWF prevails over TF, then insoluble fibrin generation increases blood coagulability above a critical threshold and causes “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation” (DIC) that can disrupt oxygen transport and delivery and cause a form of sudden death. This is a known phenomenon that usually happens in critically ill patients who are dying. Something similar happens when people are overdosed with Epogen (artificial erythropoietin). This causes excessive red blood cell production; when red cell mass rises too high it lowers blood turbulence below a critical threshold, whereupon spontaneous systemic coagulation begins.This is a pretty horrible way to die, and usually the victim knows he or she is dying, and begins to cough up massive amounts of blood from the lungs prior to death, and bleed from every oriface.

When TF prevails over VWF, it generates excessive amyloid protein that polymerizes into collagen that forms the “white clots” in arteries that are surrounded by amyloid monomers. This obstructs cardiac output, disrupts oxygen transport and delivery, and causes death so suddenly that the victim barely realizes that they are dying before they lose consciousness due to oxygen depletion in the brain.

This mass murder could be stopped in its tracks if doctors understood its cause. It could be treated with intravenous magnesium sulphate (commonly used to treat eclampsia) which would simultaneously paralyze the viral RNA and inhibit the inflammation of the vascular endothelium, and salvage the victims. But the best approach is to avoid any and all RNA injections of any sort.

Doctors understand NONE OF THIS www.stressmechanism.com

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What are your qualifications to opine on this? Physician? Medical researcher? PhD in molecular biology?

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I am a board-certified American anesthesiologist. My medical school “basic sciences” education coincided with the sojourn of Dr. Johannes Rhodin, a famous surgeon researcher and expert on the stress theory of Dr. Hans Selye, who hypothesized that a single “stress mechanism” operates continuously to repair tissues and regulate blood flow and organ function. When the stress mechanism becomes hyper-activated by environmental stresses, it begins to waste its substrates and produce excessive and defective versions of its products, which are soluble fibrin, insoluble fibrin, thrombin, and collagen, all of which are closely-related. This manifests as disease. Selye’s ideas had been the “prevailing paradigm” of international medical research for some 30 years but were being abandoned for failure to find any clue of any testable mechanism that could explain them, and Dr. Rhodin hoped that one of us students would remember Selye’s theory and somehow find the elusive stress mechanism. Some 30 years later I stumbled upon fresh information about coagulation factor VIII which served as a “Rosetta Stone” that enabled me to find the stress mechanism. You can learn about this via my website www.stressmechanism.com, where you can download copies of my published papers. Medical revolution is now inevitable.

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I saw him lecture at Penn State in the 70’s. I vividly remember the lecture on stress with his ancent!

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I think you are confusing me with someone else, but I’d be interested to know who the other person was. Penn State produced some very interesting research during that era.

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Hand Selye was the guest lecturer. His theory on stress was the topic

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Compelling insights.

is there a therapy or treatment protocol you would recommend to people grievously injured by a bad sarscov2 infection, contracted from friends who were vaccinated prior to infection?

Advice for people who can FEEL the fibrin clots transiting their ventricles a few times a day is in very short supply

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The trouble is, medicine has never encountered so devious and deadly an agent that hyperactivates the mammalian stress mechanism, so nobody knows for sure how to treat it. I would first suggest a series of chelation therapy treatments. EDTA is a powerful anticoagulant that binds to Ca+ and inhibits thrombin. This should inhibit TAFI and promote spontaneous disintegration of insoluble fibrin clots by plasmin. It should also open the capillary gate, paralyze remaining mRNA particulates and promote their expulsion from the body, and it should be relatively harmless. You could also try intravenous magnesium sulphate or trisodium citrate, both of which should have similar effects. Also, you could try streptokinase, which was considered a “miracle drug” for heart attacks and strokes in the late 1980’s but it was too effective for its own good and has been banished from North America and must be obtained from its manufacturer in Germany.

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“Sucessful vaccines”??

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The micro-clotting may be another mechanism by which the shots stimulate cancer. As the Metabolic Theory of Cancer shows, when cells switch from predominately aerobic to predominately anaerobic metabolism they develop cancer. So with the shots causing micro-clotting throughout the body, they must be causing small pockets of lowered oxygen levels, which would mean more tendency to develop cancer in those pockets. And these clots would reduce the blood flow from bringing NK cells to access those cancerous cells to destroy them.

And doctors are seeing young patients (normally not subject to cancer) presenting (ie. first visit) with advanced stage 4 metastasized "turbo" cancer i.e. cancer wide-spread in the body.

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Just reminded me of Jo Linder German body builder & YouTuber who took the shots and found micro clots at his regular check ups and underwent plasmapheresis twice (he said all this in a Podcast interview). A few months after the podcast ep, he died of aneurysm.

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bodybuilders also are using alot of peptides, hormones, etc., which might interact badly.

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I refer to your very first paragraph: the positive feedback helps to carry on. I feel sad that we cannot give the same to Katherine for her tremendous work. Of course there are people who like to attack her because history, something that proves the corruption, cannot be unseen. Please pass onto her our deepest appreciation.

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Thank you Sasha and to Laura and all the others diligently working on this serious adverse event that over time may be coming into less opaque focus.

The August 2024 Nature article, "Fibrin drives thromboinflammation and neuropathology in COVID-19" fails to explain on its own the "Spike Protein" concept at all.

A footnote on it references a November 2021 Nature article, "The N501Y spike substitution enhances SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission", that itself references an August 2020 Nature article, "Structural and functional properties of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: potential antivirus drug development for COVID-19". This one references a February 2020 article, "Functional assessment of cell entry and receptor usage for SARS-CoV-2 and other lineage B betacoronaviruses" -- which itself references a September 2016 Annual Review of Virology article, "Structure, Function, and Evolution of Coronavirus Spike Proteins".

This 2016 article states in part: "The transition from prefusion to postfusion conformation of the spike protein must be triggered, leading to membrane fusion."


The author of the 2016 article frankly admits he can't say for sure how this happens, and that knowledge is lacking: "Understanding the structure and function of coronavirus spikes and their evolution can enhance our understanding of the origin of viruses and the evolutionary relationship between viruses and host cells."

"Structure determinations of coronavirus S1 domains provide insight into the evolution of coronavirus S1. The finding that betacoronavirus S1-NTDs have a galectin fold indicates a host origin of coronavirus S1-NTDs. The origin of coronavirus S1-CTDs is less clear. Alphacoronavirus S1-CTDs and host galectins also share some similarity in the structural topologies of their (β -sandwich folds (Figure 8a), although this similarity is less significant than that between S1-NTDs and host galectins (Figure 5e,f). β-Sandwich folds are common and stable structures, and two β-sandwich folds may result from convergent evolution with protein stability as the evolutionary driving force. However, two β-sandwich folds with related structural topologies may indicate a common evolutionary ancestor when a significant number of their constituent β -strands are connected in the same order. Thus, there is a possibility that S1-CTD and host galectins are evolutionarily related. One possible scenario is that after S1-NTD was generated through gene capture, S1-CTD was generated through gene duplication of S1-NTD (Figure 8b). S1-CTDs appear to evolve at a quickened pace, as evidenced by the different tertiary structures between alpha-and betacoronavirus S1-CTDs. This may be associated with their location on the very top of the prefusion trimeric spike (Figure 2), which is the most protruding and exposed area on virions. Hence, S1-CTDs are under heavy selective pressure to escape host immune surveillance. The resulting fast-paced evolution of S1-CTDs may have permanently erased their evolutionary traces, except for the limited information from their structural topology. Whether S1-CTDs originated from host galectins or not, the two-domain structure of S1 gives coronaviruses two potential receptor-binding domains: The more structurally and functionally conserved S1-NTD uses sugar as the fallback receptor, whereas the more aggressively evolving S1-CTD exploits novel protein receptors (Figure 8)."

Given this, and the fact the August 2024 Nature article also fails, on its own, to adequately discourse Spike Protein [instead relying on footnotes that trace back to the 2016 article]. . . given this failure to adequately define a key term, "Spike". . . . what kind of nonsense is this?

In addition, no human beings are examined in the August 2024 article. . . prior to reading it, this is precisely what I was expecting. Instead, its key component, "Spike", is not adequately discoursed in this article, and it ultimately relies on reference to a 2016 which frankly admits: I D K.

Another dimension of this ongoing "morality play" -- in addition the the mRNA shots -- is the simple fact a disease was correctly referred to as "pneumonia" way back in 2019.


The below data, from CDC/Wonder, shows the number of deaths from pneumonia [ICD8=480-486; ICD9=480-487; ICD10=J18], from 1968 to 2022. By year column #1, death counts column #2, population in USA at the time column #3; and deaths per 100,000 in column #4:


1968 66430 199533564 33.3

1969 62394 201568206 31

1970 59032 203458035 29

1971 55690 206782970 26.9

1972 57594 209237411 27.5

1973 57428 211361965 27.2

1974 52576 213436958 24.6

1975 51387 215457198 23.9

1976 53989 217615788 24.8

1977 49889 219808632 22.7

1978 54267 222102279 24.4

1979 45030 224635398 20

1980 54619 226624371 24.1

1981 53731 229487512 23.4

1982 48886 231701425 21.1

1983 55854 233781743 23.9

1984 58894 235922142 25

1985 67615 238005715 28.4

1986 69812 240189882 29.1

1987 69225 242395034 28.6

1988 77662 244651961 31.7

1989 76550 247001762 31

1990 79513 248922111 31.9

1991 77860 253088068 30.8

1992 75719 256606463 29.5

1993 82820 260024637 31.9

1994 81473 263241475 30.9

1995 82923 266386596 31.1

1996 83727 269540779 31.1

1997 86449 272776678 31.7

1998 91871 276032848 33.3

1999 63730 279040168 22.8

2000 65313 281421906 23.2

2001 62034 284968955 21.8

2002 65681 287625193 22.8

2003 65163 290107933 22.5

2004 59664 292805298 20.4

2005 63001 295516599 21.3

2006 56326 298379912 18.9

2007 52717 301231207 17.5

2008 56284 304093966 18.5

2009 53692 306771529 17.5

2010 50097 308745538 16.2

2011 53826 311591917 17.3

2012 50636 313914040 16.1

2013 56979 316128839 18

2014 55227 318857056 17.3

2015 57062 321418820 17.8

2016 51537 323127513 15.9

2017 55672 325719178 17.1

2018 59120 327167434 18.1

2019 49783 328239523 15.2

2020 53544 329484123 16.3

2021 41917 331893745 12.6

2022 47052 333287557 14.1

Where did pneumonia go in the most recent three years shown above--the "disease" which this "panic" "pandemic" "emergency" was all -- we were told -- was all about?


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The Banksters Will Lose The 500 Year Battle

...news from the front


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