I believe in real science, it’s just that people who choose to do it honestly (like me) often choose topics no one cares about. We won’t get big bucks or big reputations but we also won’t have to lie, or to have our results stolen, distorted or politicised. I once or twice did something moderately useful by mistake and immediately everyone else steals it and distorts it. So I prefer doing quiet, useless things!

But Sasha seems spot on with all this bioweapon/ pandemic fakery. And it would be really good to get more people to understand this but I fear most just can’t, they are too brainwashed.

(I have just today proved something quite useless and it is true and not previously known and my fellow authors and I feel happy. We are bohemian scientists - poor but honest. We do exist).

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I've been working as a journalist, with a few exceptions in my life, for 30 years. I've written thousands of stories and was even publisher of my own weekly newspaper for seven years. On Substack, I've written hundreds of articles in 15 months, including many on topics nobody else in the world has written about.

I mention this only to say there's no way in hell any mainstream "journalism" organization would ever hire me as a journalist today ... Because I wouldn't write the stories my bosses want me to write.

The real "truth-seeking" journalists are unhirable in the big and important news organizations - probably like real "scientists" find it hard to do real and important scientific experiments. They definitely can't secure any funding ... and if they do perform some real science, the prestigious science journals won't publish their results.

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I agree All about securing funding indeed ! One of my son’s best friends from schooldays is a Professor working in the field of genetics He knows I do not believe in the various theories of evolution but believe that all life was designed and created by God We have interesting amicable discussions ! Here’s the point: he secretly confessed to me a few years ago that his work in this specialised field has now led him to the ultimate conclusion that , life could not have arisen spontaneously but was designed and created by some unimaginable Intelligence..probably the God that I talk about with him …(we never get into heated arguments we are great friends) So , I asked why not mention this line of thinking in his various research papers ? He laughed: Don’t be naive Jaqui…(I’m not a bit naive ..I knew the answer before he said it! Lol) ..we wouldn’t get any funding whatsoever and the lab would be closed within a week if we don’t attribute everything we find to “evolutionary” processes etc So what’s that got to do with John’s talking point?

The love of Money rules this world in EVERYTHING on every level It is a false god and therefore any truth is obscured , especially to the masses, when this false god commands it to be so

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Thanks for this anecdote. I have felt for a long time that the notion of this universe being an accident and not a result of intelligent design to be impossible. Good to see your friend come to this realization.

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Excellent comment! Thank you for sharing! This is powerful!

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These facts of which you write are devastating to a humongous segment of our older population who were schooled upon a constitutional republic where you knew your neighbors, didn’t lock your car or house doors, stopped along the highway to help a stranded motorist, saved loose change for a special occasion, teachers and police officers were pillars of the community, washed and reused aluminum foil from the previous nights homemade dinner, comedy was celebrated, the paperboy came by once a month to collect and receive his tip, and the elderly were treated with some semblance of respect.

I believe all of this was celebrated and accomplished by having only three television channels, depending upon if the antenna on the roof was pointing in the right direction, and only one local newspaper hand delivered weekly or monthly. What used to be referred to as the news were fact based stories containing the who, what, when, where, how’s and why’s.

As it has been repeated over and over, “follow the money” and there you will find all of the reasons our society is now doomed.

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The good old times you write about are mostly fiction, the narrative imposed by those 3 TV channels that everyone religiously watched and believed, because they had no access to information to verify it independently. During the same time you write about Nazi imports were running the country, committing heinous crimes and atrocities at home and abroad, as their intellectual and moral heirs are doing now, except now WE KNOW.

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You took the words out of my mouth. The sad reality is majority of Americans beLIEve centuries, millennia old lies. It’s all a construct and many previous generations had plenty of intel to gain intelligence about our world history but they loved the system. I am saddened all generations have misunderstood the spiritual world is far larger than the material. Love you Sasha and have much respect for all your work.

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I was there Sasha, growing up in the 60’s, so all that I described is the truth, not fiction. The comfort of what it was like living in a safe environment will never be known again.

The little bit of television we watched were scenes of the Vietnam War, to which each child I grew up with had a Dad serving in the military in some capacity, and a few of our fathers never made it back home. We watched and witnessed personally the true anguish of warfare and the destruction of life as we knew it as the truth unfolded about our governments involvement in planning and executing the demise of millions of lives in other countries and on other lands. Witnessing our troops coming home battered and beaten physically and mentally and the college campuses inflamed with justified disgust and vitriol for the government helped to create the distrust within our country that is on full display still today.

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I know it is the truth that there were these close bucolic neighborhoods. The same way it is the truth what the US Gov and the CIA were doing at the time. It's all documented. It was all well compartmentalized. Until it wasn't.

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Yep… now, today, we with eyes wide open realize the full truth and how far our government will go to demoralize, degrade and destroy the lives of its citizenry. The American dream they sold us on every street corner was never intended to benefit any of us, it was only designed to enslave the people and enrich themselves.

The whole time Sasha, as you know, it has been widely circulated throughout history that a man, born of God, named Jesus, was sent to live amongst the people, to warn us of the coming ages where evil would continue to prevail in the hearts of many and if we recognize and accept that through Him, the shedding of His own blood, we have been gifted and afforded another way of life, an eternal life with Him, one that centers upon His grace and forgiveness, that we too offer grace and forgiveness. By faith in Him, we can be transformed spiritually into His warriors, not of sword and armor, but of His generous love and His great mercy.

It is HE and HIS word who we should concentrate upon instead of the things of this world. It’s all written down for each of our benefit, edification and purpose within the New Testament.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

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I miss those days when family & community were close!

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If there is a grange in your area, they evolved as a service to communities and families. Most are dying or dead, but within their framework, there are great possibilities !

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Try to live to the motto: live simply, so others can simply live.

Loss of close family and community is not progress.

We have to fight to restore the ties that bind.

Accepting the fragmentation of family and the destruction of cohesive communities, is to surrender our quality of life.

We can do whatever we can to strengthen valuable bonds, not just let go.

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you cant get it by fighting my friend. It is face to face otherwise you get the loss of family and fragmentation that you rightfully bemoan.

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Thank you for your description of my childhood. Yes, three TV stations. Milk delivered in glass bottles on the front porch - not homogenized, but real.

And then . . . my dad burned our trash in a concrete object in the back yard; I do not know what happened to the ashes or the tin cans. No plastic then. And I still look for the 5Ws in the news, and rarely find them. I begin to suspect that TV was the beginning of the end of newspapers.

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I went to journalism school in the early 90's and the 5W's was still taught. I knew journalism was dead when I began reading "cut and paste" items in the local rag, where the items were literally cut in mid sentence, with no grammar linking to the next cut sentence. Reading anything in the "paper" is unintelligible now - no correct grammar or spelling, and forget about the subject.

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Feb 2, 2024
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And cell phones? They used to be leashes; now they are nooses......

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take your head out of the noose if you dont like it.

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How true

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Thank you! That book is new to me. I ordered it.

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[Steve Webb] removed

(Seymour Hersch) sidelined

Brightbart took his last walk

Tucker Carlson TCN new media mogul to be......

And so on.....

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It's time to create the new systems where these kinds of integrities are financially honored. Those of us who have integrity certainly deserve systems like that. And we can probably invent them. :)

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Of course we can!

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I loved it a couple of days ago when The Gateway Pundit published my Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words

Why We Need our State 2nd Amendment Militias back in Force and Effect https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words

We independent thinkers that are exposing the lies of the elite need to just keep doing it. Some think Tucker is “controlled opposition” because he is rich and after all if you’re rich you have to be on “their” side. I don’t think so. I think the reason he was kicked off FOX was because he questioned the drug companies influence and the crap they peddle. He is a guy who really doesn’t care what those who oppose him think. He doesn’t have to! He is a welcome voice screaming the truth out to so many of us that have become sick of the way things have been going to our country, our way of living, our race, our beliefs, our morality. Thanks for what you have done for the TRUTH.

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Welcome to the world of AI Bill.

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You got it! Look at all those redacted papers.

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Some questions about investigative reporting:

Woodward and Bernstein in the 70s were probably "encouraged" by some of the TPTB to go 'all in" with their investigative research.

I wonder about those journalists in the 60s and early 70s who reported from Viet Nam. They were able to get their reports televised.

Was that any different? Were our media really open to true investigative journalism, or were there any Powers That Be at that time that pushed the broadcasting of those reports? I am remembering, in particular, the pictures of the Southeast Asian monk who set himself on fire in the street, as well as the picture of the Vietnamese child running down the street towards the camera, afire with Napalm.

I do know that during WWII, our media of that time did influence what news was published, and what news was not,

but I don't know if conflicting, investigative journalism was allowed, and when it might have been allowed.

Was any of this different from Assange and Snowden? If so, in what way was it?

Who determines what cannot be reported in order to protect our country? And how serious does the item need to be to make the reporting wrong, hurtful to our country, or even a serious crime?

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I think that picture of the naked girl whose clothes had been burned off by a Napalm attack on her village - which was the cover of Life Magazine - probably did more to end that war than anything. One picture.

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My experience has been the same over the last 15 years. The story is already in. My experience is that my job is to put numbers to the story. It is supposed to be the other way around; use the data, research, and exploratory analysis in order to then curate a story.

I refuse to put fake numbers to a fake story...(you become what you do; i.e. do fake work long enough and you become a fake person)

I keep thinking that the bubble economy is going to pop someday where truth might once again become relevant.

When is this nightmare going to end?....jeeessshh..

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Agreed. I can't do fake either. An old quote comes to mind, though I can't remember who to credit. Something like know who you are or you'll fall for anything.

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"Economy" has become very liquid. "Money" is not what the majority believes that it is.

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hey Bibi--thank you for your comment re;

"Economy" has become very liquid. "Money" is not what the worry ..."

that is amazing how you were able to succinctly curate a insightful response. I want to party with you. Lets hook up!


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haha. You sound like ..... me! :-)

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There are a million reasons we have to fight for our lives. Your post gives some real ones. May humanity continue to realize what is important and fight for it. One of my saddest thoughts is the scientist who has held out their work as a gift to the world and been attacked in ways from silencing to death.

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💕 To you, your bohemian scientists and Sasha Latypova 💕

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I am still.amazed at how some, so easily, steal the successes of others. I'm sorry about that

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Feb 1, 2024
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hey moon..thank you for contributing to the community re;

:"Your own integrity is a much bigger reward than any celebrity.

It gives fullfilment..."

omg! so true ! can you share your YouTube channel?

hey sasha--is it possible to get rid of these bots? clogging up the comments?

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I'm intrigued by what I think is the key question of our Covid times: Was this really a "deadly" virus that warranted turning the world upside down to ... save massive numbers of lives?

Several narratives have emerged. In the skeptical press, the idea that there was no new "novel virus" - that the entire Pandemic was contrived - seems to be gaining currency. I agree this theory might be true.

If it is, think of the bogus tests that were approved to "prove" we had a "deadly" virus - the PCR Covid test of course , but also all the antibody tests must all be awful and frauds as well. So one scandal should be that everyone who matters in science and medicine relied on two tests that were frauds (probably intentionally so).

My contrarian thought - which is definitely taboo - is that we probably did have a new contagious virus, probably produced in a lab - it just wasn't "deadly." That is, yes, the mad scientists succeeded in creating a new virus - but this coronavirus (like all other coronaviruses) wasn't deadly or wasn't a threat to anyone except the very old with multiple co-morbid conditions.

Of course, the official narrative - the one that counts - is that we had a very contagious virus and it WAS as deadly as any "virus" since, say, the Spanish Flu. This virus also spread throughout the world ... AFTER the lockdowns (to prevent spread) and, for some bizarre reason, started to become "deadly" in the Spring of 2020 - outside the normal "cold and flu" virus season.

Still, the key to the entire operation was not the narrative that we had a contagious new virus - it was the narrative that this was an extremely dangerous and lethal virus. If this virus wasn't any more deadly than the flu or a typical ILI bug, what was the big deal? Why did we all panic and willingly give up our freedoms?

Answer: Because we were assured by everyone who mattered that this was a "deadly" new virus. The big spike in alleged "Covid deaths" is all that really mattered. And we finally got those in northern Italy and New York City .... but were these really "Covid deaths?"

On the big questions, my "early spread" theory reaches the same jaw-dropping conclusion as the group who believes there was no "novel virus." There either was no new virus at all or, if there was/is, it wasn't deadly. So something else explains all the "Covid deaths." And that "something else" is iatrogenic deaths - ordered by CDC protocols. By our own government.

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CDC protocols resulting in death (and incentivized in some cases by increased payments to hospitals):

Ventilating covid patients

Decreased use of antibiotics for infected patients

Use of toxic drugs like Remidesivir

What is clear, when All Cause mortality is studied (denisrancourt.ca) , is that the death counts were highest in certain political Jurisdictions, at times adjacent to other stated that had no increased mortality. Viruses know no borders. Rules do.

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The CDC also controlled the PCR test protocols. This agency controlled WHO got a PCR test (and who didn't). They also controlled WHEN these tests became widely administered (which was AFTER the lockdowns).

If my memory is correct, only a couple hundred American citizens had received PCR tests by, say, mid Februaryy 2020. The CDC was only testing people who had recently returned from China. If you remember, the first "confirmed" cases in America were Americans who had just come back from Wuhan. Well, if you only test people who have just returned from Wuhan, the only "positives" your test is going to find is ... people who just returned from Wuhan.

We don't know what those tests would have "found" if everyone with ILI symptoms was getting one. I can make a guess though.

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From my 2021 notes re PCR tests:

The case & death numbers were vastly inflated from the getgo (phony Ferguson mortality projections and equally phony Drosden PCR tests) to exaggerate the threat to scare people to death and prime them w fear so they'd ultimately beg for the vax.

Public health emergency of international concern declared by WHO was basis for US emergency use authorization Jan 22, 2020 even tho there weren't that many cases yet……….

By feb 12-14 they had the cases because Drosden supplied his PCR test at cycle threshold 45—————while anything over 35 cycles gives 97% false positives. (Franfurt only goes 24CT) Western cos. 40-45.

January 23, 2020, Christian Drosden PCR test paper:

phony, non-peer reviewed but published paper foisting totally unreliable PCR tests on the world Adopted by the WHO as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study)” https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/about-that-gold-standard-pcr-test-and-the-who-retraction/ SINCE SCRUBBED FROM INTERNET

https://www.worldtribune.com/scientists-find-fatal-errors-in-paper-which-fueled-global-pcr-driven-lockdowns/ :

Scientists find fatal errors in paper which fueled global PCR-driven lockdowns

by WorldTribune Staff, December 9, 2020

The creators of the RT-PCR test, the most commonly used coronavirus test, published instructions in January 2020 for how to test for the virus (scientific name SARS-CoV-2). The paper admitted the test was created “without having virus material available,” instead relying on the genetic sequence published on the Internet by Chinese scientists.

The paper, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time PCR”, was published on Jan. 23, 2020 in Eurosurveillance (Europe’s journal on infectious disease surveillance, epidemiology, prevention and control).

The testing method yields between 80 and 97 percent false positive results. / ANI

The paper by lead authors Christian Drosten and Victor Corman was published 24 hours after it was submitted, “clearly evading peer review,” investigative journalist Celia Farber noted in a Dec. 3 analysis for Uncoverdc.com.

The Jan. 23 paper provided the “recipe,” or work flow for the Covid-19 diagnostic test which was quickly applied worldwide after it was accepted as the standard of testing by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“In the harrowing months that followed, amid lockdowns, economic collapse, school closures and widespread panic, few were aware of the immense problems with the paper, which tragically offered a testing method that would yield between 80 and 97 percent false positive results, due to a non existent gold standard which would be the virus itself,” Farber wrote.

On Nov. 30, the paper was challenged by 22 international scientists who wrote a letter demanding the paper’s retraction, along with an extensive critique citing 10 errors in the paper the scientists deemed “fatal.”

One of the 10 fatal errors is the fact that Eurosurveillance published the paper 24 hours after it was submitted.

“Twenty-four hours,” noted London-based Dr. Kevin Corbett, one of the scientists who authored the review. “That never happens. It takes months to get a review done. They turned this around in 24 hours. It was waved through, it was not peer-reviewed. There’s no standard operational procedure for this test. There’s major and minor concerns about this paper and we go through it all here. it should be retracted. If they retract it, it means the whole thing falls to bits. The whole edifice collapses. It’s a house of cards built on sand and we’ve just moved the sand.”

The scientists’ review, titled “External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-Cov-2 Reveals 10 Major Flaws At The Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences For False-Positive Results”, was led by Dr. Pieter Borger, an expert on the molecular biology of gene expression. Several other esteemed names are associated with the paper including Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer and outspoken critic of much of the so-called science beneath the WHO’s global lockdown, masking, and school shut-down measures.

Borger, in an interview on his Twitter feed, said: “The virus wasn’t in Europe and the paper was already finished.” He said these facts “should have been on television long ago. I explained it on LinkedIn, but you get banned if you do.” Regarding PCR he said, “You are not detecting a virus.”

“Once I heard a good comparison,” Borger continued. “If you go to a junkyard and you find a wheel or a hubcap from a Mercedes, and a steering wheel of a Mercedes, can you infer that you are in a Mercedes garage at that moment? If you only see those two parts? No, you can’t. You don’t know anything about it… you only know you have a steering wheel, you can find those things everywhere. In every junkyard you can find them.” He describes the RT-PCR tests as having “no relevance for the diagnosis whatsoever.”

Corbett confirmed that the PCR test paper was written in the absence of a viral isolate, among many other problems.

“Every scientific rationale for the development of that test has been totally destroyed by this paper. It’s like Hiroshima/Nagasaki to the Covid test,” Corbett told Farber. “When Drosten developed the test, China hadn’t given them a viral isolate. They developed the test from a sequence in a gene bank. Do you see? China gave them a genetic sequence with no corresponding viral isolate. They had a code, but no body for the code. No viral morphology.”

Asked to define “viral morphology,” Corbett said:

“In the fish market it’s like giving you a few bones and saying that’s your fish. It could be any fish. Not even a skeleton. Here’s a few fragments of bones. That’s your fish. Listen, the Corman/Drosten paper, there’s nothing from a patient in it. It’s all from gene banks. And the bits of the virus sequence that weren’t there they made up. They synthetically created them to fill in the blanks. That’s what genetics is; it’s a code. So its ABBBCCDDD and you’re missing some what you think is EEE so you put it in. It’s all synthetic. You just manufacture the bits that are missing. This is the end result of the geneticization of virology. This is basically a computer virus.”

Corbett said: “There are 10 fatal errors in this Drosten test paper. Public Health England is a co-author on it. All the public health authorities across the EU have co-authored this paper. But here is the bottom line: There was no viral isolate to validate what they were doing. The PCR products of the amplification didn’t correspond to any viral isolate at that time. I call it ‘donut ring science.’ There is nothing at the center of it. It’s all about code, genetics, nothing to do with reality, or the actual person, the patient.”

Critics of the scientists’ review of the PCR test paper contend that the virus has been isolated “all over the world.”

To those critics, Corbett responded: “Yes, there have since been papers saying they’ve produced viral isolates. But there are no controls for them. The CDC produced a paper in July, I think it was, where they said: ‘Here’s the viral isolate.’ Do you know what they did? They swabbed one person. One person, who’d been to China and had cold symptoms. One person. And they assumed he had it to begin with. So it’s all full of holes, the whole thing.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~

my notes:

PCR test completely unscientific and looks like done sloppily on purpose to produce as many false pos as possible so their agenda ending with the vaxes, the lockdowns all based on the same Drosden test, recommended by WHO as gold standard and other pcr tests use drosden as blueprint, they know can't tell infections but making a fortune. also claims asymptomatic infections to make everyone afraid of everyone, no symptoms………..

Drosden participated in secret Feb 1 2020 Welcome Trust redacted meeting, quite possibly to gloat over getting media to buy into Drosden phony PCR

Drosten (sometimes referred to as "the Anthony

Fauci of Germany) was on the distribution list for the emergency emails

involving Fauci, and was the senior author

who drafted and rushed the January 21, 2020 non-peer-reviewed paper:"Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus by real-time RT-PCR”.


the entire pandemic is a lie based upon intentional misuse of PCR.

It is NOT a diagnostic test but a "screening" test, at best. Kary Mullis invented the test and said this ...

"...with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. Because if you can amplify one single molecule up to to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that it’s meaningful. ... It’s just a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was gonna hurt you or anything like that.”

FDA and the CDC recommend running the test at up to 45 cycles. A CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [6]: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only.” See pdf page 38 (doc page 37). This document is marked, “Effective: 12/01/2020.” That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of Dec 2020. “For Emergency Use Only” refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called “Emergency Use Authorization.”

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Richard, what's your assessment of the accuracy or validity of the Covid antibody tests? Can or were they "manipulated" just like the PCR tests apparently were?

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A black hole I never explored. Have not seen any analyses of antibody tests which supposedly detect protein antibodies developed in reaction to Covid. Are the same antibodies developed after exposure to flu? No se. Even more important to the psyop. is question of home tests and what they are measuring to make people think they do or don't have covid. Is the protein measured only characteristic of covid, or of other infections as well, both viral and bacterial. I suspect it will be a long time before we have answers to this one.

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I also have not delved into the serology, the purported detection of circulating antibodies. However, unlike PCR-based methods, which didn’t exist when I was doing my PhD, I did develop & use enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAs). The basic principle is to use the fact that antibodies can be used as components or tools in detection methods for almost anything.

I have to be exquisitely clear that I’m referring to deliberately generated antibodies as tools at this point. I am not talking about the antibodies that you & I might have made in response to some foreign substance, living or dead, that has been somehow introduced into our bodies.

As a second concept, claimed infections by the alleged virus could be supported by either of two methods.

1. Detection in blood of the virus or a viral protein such as spike.

2. Detection in blood of circulating antibodies to spike.

Completely different concepts.

To do 1, using ELISAs or a fundamentally similar approach to detect something, first you need the something that you wish to develop a method to detect.

That’s very important. You cannot create a tool to detect something without a sample of the thing to be detected.

So when we’re told, “We have detected viral infection because we’ve measured spike protein in blood samples”, ask where they got the original spike from in order to develop the test method. Obviously, they never have had it. However, they could make part of it, using the genetic sequence. But if the origins of that genetic sequence are shrouded, everything that follows from it is likewise mysterious. To measure spike in a sample, you need deliberately created antibodies to spike, which you can accomplish by injecting, say, a donkey, with your polypeptide which it is claimed is part of authentic spike. A couple of weeks later, you draw blood from the donkey and create serum by allowing it to clot & drawing up the clear serum, which contains any antibodies. Now you stick the antibodies to a plate, add a biological sample such as plasma from a human, and if there’s spike in it, that spike sticks to the donkey anti-spike antibody on the plate. You can detect that spike by using a second anti-spike antibody, classically from a different species, such as a sheep (that had also been injected with spike & serum collected). That second antibody would have had a colour-creating enzyme chemically bound to it, so that when you add your colourless starting material, colour develops in your plate only if your second antibody finds the spike bound to the first antibody, the latter itself previously stuck to the plate. So that’s one way to develop a test for eg spike protein. Do note though that we’ve only got liars word for it that what they inoculated the donkey with really was a piece of spike, itself synthesised using the dubious genetic sequence. I’ve no way to know what it is that they’re really detecting in this test. In order to qualify the test, it’s necessary to show what it doesn’t respond to & this “cross reactivity testing” has to be very thorough. If it’s not done well enough, the test will be positive, but it might be because something other than spike, circulating in your blood, stuck to the original donkey antibody. You can I think see how complicated this all is and how readily it could be deliberately subverted. Does anybody think it would NOT have been subverted in order to yield the kinds of results the perpetrators wanted to see?Note that commercial reagents could then be sold to hundreds of labs around the world. Scientists using it who are not involved in the fraud use it at face value to knock out thousands of scientific papers. The thicket of lies accumulates rapidly.

The second use is to develop methods purporting to detect antibodies to the virus, in this case viral spike protein.

Again, when we’re told “We have detected (naturally created, in your body) antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein”, a very good question is “How did you develop a test for antibodies which you say are directed to this viral protein?”

Just as with detecting spike protein itself, you need authentic spike or a part of it in order to detect circulating antibodies to spike. The purported spike this time is first stuck to the plate. Then the serum sample from a human you think might have been “infected by the virus” is added. If there are anti-spike antibodies in the sample, they’ll adhere to the spike you stuck to the plate. You then wash the plate and detect human antibodies by using a second reagent, something like enzyme labelled sheep anti-human serum (generated by inoculating sheep with any human antibody, bleeding the sheep, then labelling their antibodies).

But the claim that you’ve detected circulating antibodies in human blood samples turns exquisitely on how well you set up the method & generated the tools you’ve used. If the so-called partial viral spike protein actually contains domains to something that humans routinely encounter and might raise antibodies to, well, your “test for antibodies to spike protein” is completely subverted. Again, I ask the rhetorical question about whether there’s any chance that the liars working for the perpetrators did what they claimed is worth asking.

Personally, I do not trust the claimed methods for detecting ANY of the purported viral proteins OR claimed methods for detecting antibodies to the purported virus or viral proteins in human samples.

I think it’s naive in the extreme to read any of those papers, thinking they are measuring what is claimed to be being measured.

Now, I might have wrongly & harshly misjudged the scientists who honestly & diligently worked very carefully to develop the methods to detect various alleged viral proteins and antibodies to same.

I hope they’ll contact me, hotly to explain how there’s no doubt whatsoever that what’s being detected using those commercial kits is anything but what they say, and here are the dozens of control experiments, making that unequivocally clear, at which point I’ll prostrate myself in a grovelling apology.

Or, tumbleweed. You decide.

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Thanks. In my "early spread" research, I can't use PCR tests to "prove" early cases ... because they weren't being given at the time (plus, I don't trust them). I therefore rely heavily on antibody tests, which if positive, are supposed to show strong evidence of "prior infection." If half the people I've identified who had Covid symptoms in November and December 2019 (and later tested positive with an antibody test(s)) actually had Covid, then tens of millions of people had Covid ... with no noticeable spike in all-cause deaths.

In other words, is every antibody test ever given that produced a "positive" result ... wrong?

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Well done Richard!

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The first "cases" in America were diagnosed based on genetic sequences. NOT symptoms. They ignored the fact that a genetic sequence is NOT a virus.

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I may be able to dig through records, but I believe we in Hospital & LTC, who followed CDC required protocol, were required to line up 2 days a week for those PCR tests, even at that time. Red state

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That's quite interesting!

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Did the Funston flu kill people who had neither taken vaccines, nor overdoses of that miracle drug Aspirin? Did the Chapel Hill coronavirus kill people vaccines hadn't given comorbidities such as asthma, or were outright murdered such as in NYC? As you personally have pointed out, the PCR Covid test did not even exist until it was quite a Johnny-come-lately.

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As I've also pointed out: If someone could go back in a time machine and started administering PCR Covid tests in, say, December 2019, those tests would have produced far more "positive results" than they produced in April 2020. They would have "found" tens of millions of "cases."

Of course, the definition of a "case" was changed. Pre-Covid, it was a "medical case," meaning that someone was sick enough to go to the doctor or get some kind of treatment - or take some NyQuill. Post Covid, they dropped "medical" from the case definition.

A "case" was anyone who tested positive on a DNA sequence test. Probably 80 percent of these "cases" didn't even have a cough or the sniffles.

But, yes, in my strong opinion, officials intentionally delayed the roll-out of the PCR tests to conceal evidence of "early spread." They also did the same thing with the antibody tests.

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Tests would have been positive a thousand years ago. What molecules do the tests look for? Where are these molecules found? Scientists have never isolated and sequenced a "virus." All the scammers had to do was include some common molecules in their sequence, then test for it. Doctors never questioned what a positive test actually meant.

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I think that's possible. I do think 25-cycle PCR tests might be more likely to "catch" real Covid cases. Even the NY Times ran a story saying 94 percent of "Covid cases" wouldn't have been "Covid" if lower cycle thresholds were used.

I had/have more faith in the accuracy of antibody tests. Much of my "early spread" hypothesis is based on the large number of people who had "Covid" symptoms and later tested positive via an antibody test.

I've found Americans in at least 17 states who tested positive for antibodies and had Covid symptoms in November or December 2019. Were all of these antibody results wrong? If half of these results were "false positives," you'd still have overwhelming evidence of early spread.

So the "no novel virus" group is really saying all the PCR tests AND all the antibody tests are "junk" tests. This might be true, but that's one hell of a scandal in itself.

Science and medicine have been relying on antibody tests for decades. Should we throw out all those results?

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Again you don't even know what you're testing for. You don't know what those molecules are. I don't care how many cycles you run. You don't know what the "virus" sequence is comprised of in the first place.

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I can see how someone could create an entirely bogus pandemic via one bogus test. If you think Covid-19 is a real disease, or caused by a certain virus, how would you prove it or test for it?

In your opinion, are every one of the antibody tests compromised and not detecting real infections?

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While I have no legitimate or informed opinions on the virus vs no-virus debate or the authenticity of the antibody tests, the results of our Semi-quant spike antibody tests done through LabCorp and Quest were very interesting. No family members were vaxxed for COVID 19. After our entire family got "COVID" or "whatever it was" in January of 2022, my husband, 1 son, and 1 sister, barely tested positive on the antibody test with 5.6 the highest number. My other son (who has never had any vaxxes) and my elderly mother (who has barely had any vaxxes over the course of her lifetime) both tested negative for antibodies. We all had symptoms of "whatever it was" (high fever, headache, cough, fatigue, dizziness, etc.) and tested positive on the home PCR tests (again required for return to work), but recovered with minimal sequalae. (I did not test for either antibodies or PCR as I didn't need to prove "immunity" for job purposes.)

A friend of the family (also unvaxxed for COVID 19) and coworker of my husband, tested positive on the antibody test in the thousands. She went on to develop "Long COVID" and was almost completely debilitated (couldn't even walk a block) until going through a detox protocol for over a year.

While this doesn't illuminate anything regarding the authenticity of the antibody tests (and obviously is a case of 1 family and 1 friend), I find it interesting that the antibody test for "whatever it was" mirrored the impact of our respective course of illness.

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According to the CDC, the only way to definitively diagnose measles is not by symptoms (which used to be the criteria) but by a PCR test. I am sure the same situation exists in other diseases, but I have not looked. I think that jeopardizes the authenticiity of the CDC's statistics of diseases.

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Guess I didn't have measles, then. No PCR test in 1962! (My sister and I didn't see a doctor about it at all.)

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What it the antibodies were background signals?

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I don't know. What would that mean - they aren't picking up a real, specific disease? If that's the case, the antibody tests are a sham ... which would be "news," right?

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I did pay 30 dollars for an anti body test. They then said the machine didn't work, or something. That my results would be there later in the afternoon. I arrived later, they had nothing for me. They gave me a website to check in with later. I could never get into it.

This makes me wonder. Being the "why" girl, I'll dare to ask now, again. Any ideas why someone wouldn't be able to get their results?

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Maybe someone in the organisation does not believe in the work, the 'assessments' being made? That they are random and harmful, so best to not be revealed.

There was a case of someone 'obstructively helpful' you could say, recently like this in court...I am struggling to remember which test being done...could have been HPV. The results were 'positive' to the extent that treatment would have been suggested. The diagnosed people remained clueless of the test result, got on with their lives, and vast majority continued in good health. The judge listened to those tested remaining oblivious to the results, and whom were extremely grateful for the protection the employee administered by not passing on the test results. The judge did not deem the employee had acted criminally.

To be honest I think that so many of these tests are essentially a flirt with the devil, as it cant be fully known what they are assessing....but once deemed 'positive' you have received a curse from the devil...the doubt, the simmering worry about your well-being will likely be pervasive...

But it is so hard to circumvent our attachment to the medical system/industry eh!

The truthful answers to the 'whys' of life are so often buried in the mire...

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the case of the obstructively helpful person in the dr surgery is this below, sent by a friend...

"Did I send you the case of an assistant at a doctor's cabinet the other day? She won a court case for not having shared positive results of cervical pap smear test with the patients. All but one of the"patients" continued their happy, healthy life thinking the test was negative, only one actually needed treatment. All the others were healthy and the positive test result would have triggered the whole hell of cancer treatment for all of them. Those patients thanked the woman profusely and this is why she ultimately was acquitted."

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Feb 11, 2024
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Then they sure held them back. You had to lie about visiting China or being in physical contact with Chinese people to get one until about April, 2020. Then they became hard to avoid.

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Hello Bill Rice: You ask: "If this virus wasn't any more deadly than the flu or a typical ILI bug, what was the big deal? Why did we all panic and willingly give up our freedoms?"

Erm... Most civilians gave up their freedoms because they had been well primed by 'Movie' scripts and television programming for at least a decade. As proven by the existence of "Event 201" ( https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise) the 'pandemic' was extremely well planned. There are other hints, but most civilians avoid anything that conflicts with perceived "realities". Hollywood has *ruled* public perceptions for over 65 years.

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Yes to the lie of the PCR "test". And the antibody test. PCR was designed to be a laboratory procedure to make more of some biological thing. Its creator claimed repeatedly that it was NOT diagnostic, but it was so convenient for the COVID fraud that even scientists who should have known better, accepted it. What we really had was a PCR pandemic!

NOW "they" are using the same "test" to prove that commercially-raised fowl have COVID and should be killed en mass. Just another lie.

Iatrogenic is the word that more people need to understand. You are correct, that was the main cause of deaths in hospitals - the one place we thought we would be safe.

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Bill. Please read this. It shows the US deaths total over 2020, 2021 and 2022 is at most, 60,000 . That's 20k [per year. Also note that I showed the IFR was only .1% om March 8, 2020. These two are all you need to answer your questions. https://drreidsheftall.substack.com/p/how-many-people-died-in-the-us-during?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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We have something that GeoffPainPhD said was Id'd with TEM. I am here a skeptic. Not that there wasn't something found as imaging is real, but could they even be the quantum dots that can mimic a virus (or what is called a virus) as stated by Francis Collins (former head of FDA) in his blog.

Just saying that even K. Mullis (RT-PCR inventor) questioned as to the proof that a virus among the homosextual community caused AIDS. Did he also make the claim that Mr. " I am the Science", Dr. Fauci was a fraud?

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I think he said he wanted to punch Fauxi. Who doesn't?

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That's about how it has boiled down. We've got a bunch of sociopathic murders for profit on our hands.

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And could there have been a bioweapon release, a seeding in certain areas?

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Feb 2, 2024
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Damn straight. Good on ya.

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Feb 2, 2024Edited
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Hello moon: Yes. Katherine Watt has nailed the legal analysis down to a T. My belief is that she's produced the most concise summary of 'legal' collusion available on the internet. Ms Latypova often wraps the package up, and offers *unique* insights. Bravo to both...

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Thank you for all your hard work fact finding and logic and reason.

If everyone here has not seen Yuri Brezmenov interview on You tube ( if it is not scrubbed yet) it is helpful for Americans to understand they " have been played ". Lied to for a long time about a lot of things. Nixon's own tapes had him saying " Americans are suckers ! ".

Couple versions of Obama saying the same/similar thing. They know. They have all used it against us. Many of us can handle learning everything we thought and "saw " ( moon landing - who the hell was on the moon filming the landing? How come we can't do it again? NASA actually says they "lost " the technology !😀) and were taught is false, many cannot handle it and have to reach all around to defend the propaganda ploys instead of having an open mind to consider the simple possibilities we were lied to for someone else's gain and control. And entertainment for the Psychopathic Wealthy Leaders in the population.

They want you dead.

Do Not Comply.

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And I don't call those leaders. Those are demons. And yes, we can handle the truth- a big fat crazy lie is harder to swallow, with all those blaring red flags.

And while I was too young to hear nixon, I certainly have heard both obamas and killary talk about us and our country like we are stupid

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Our Human Bodies Are Water Based.

Nothing Derived From Manufactured Metals Or Petroleum Should Be Injected Into Them.

Nothing. Not A Goddamn Particle.

Next Question ...

( There Shouldn’t Be Any. )

( And There Never Should Have. )


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Exactly. Toxins the whole time.

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All of virology is shady.

Think about it, they shoot tons of liquid into mice and they get sick. Did they ever run a control experiment with saline? They would get sick with that too in the quantities used.

Rabies is even worse... They "proved" it by injecting the liquid directly into the brain. (Also no controls done) Yeah that's natural, inject it into the brain... What shitty science!


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Farewell is in order. They have abused this field wildly. Seems to draw the sociopaths. I guess, who else could do it?

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Throughout human history people have been prone to false beliefs and superstition. We laugh at the past and label such people "ignorant" as if science has changed any of that. If anything, modern elite interests are capitalizing on the same things old elites used to drive wars, famines and changes in society - like the industrial "revolution" etc.

And each time there were a few in society that could see this and would try to communicate it to the rest. Today it is easier to hear these voices due to communications tech that we all use.

To me, the only difference between the same situations in the past and now, is that people DO have a choice to inform themselves and discover the facts - the facts are all there to be read (like you have done). And yet, people don't reach out for them - they continue to respond in the old historical way and so are easily manipulated.

I don't think we will see a great jump in history in our times - neither forward, nor backward. The Empire of Evil may seem strong, but it is not - it is creating the illusion of it, like a deranged Wizard of Oz...

So there you have another layer to explore - how will those of us who are more awake to the problems deal with our own challenges? And what are our real challenges? To discover and communicate the truth, yes. Mostly among ourselves, because those who refuse to think won't do so anyway. What is OUR challenge, if I may be permitted to be counted among the awakened people?

As in any war, the battle is conducted by soldiers (a small portion of the population) and is won by the best strategist, not even the biggest army necessarily. And those strategists are even fewer that the battalions of their soldiers. Who are our strategists?

The rest of the population will struggle, suffer, then go back to normal life, then back to war and so on...soldiers also obey orders, they are not strategists. So what we need is good strategists in this battle of evil with humanity, because each time it happens that is what it always is.

And one last thought - after each such battle we have had in history, life improves in some way. As if war and death clear the way for something new to emerge. How long will we need war and suffering before we learn to advance peacefully and improve our lives? As long as human nature itself is prone to evil and to aggression and the irresistible desire to be...God.

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Somehow the majority of the population has to become convinced they have been fed "false narratives." That would require some important false narrative being conclusively debunked. The false narrative that Covid was a novel - and "deadly" virus - might be one such debunked narrative that would qualify as a "truth bomb" powerful enough to wake (enough) people up to the truth.

Alas, it's the journalists - and the mainstream media - that sets and protects all the false narratives ... so the same people/organizations would have to debunk a key false narrative. This has not happened because 100 percent (not 99 percent) of the key journalism organizations are completely captured and won't do this work.

Until one or more of these important "truth-seeking" organizations become uncaptured, I'm afraid nothing will change. All we can do is try to debunk false narratives on Substack or the alternative media (although this journalism, sadly, doesn't count) .... and hope some of our truths reach more people and maybe save a few more lives.

When the NY Times (the leader of "pack journalism") becomes an apostate to the Captured Club - and then other well-known journalism organizations follow their lead - important narratives could and would change imo.

(The politicians will follow the important narrative. They want votes and to stay in office. If voters realize the authorized narratives are scams, they'll replace any politician who keeps feeding them proven lies.)

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Very good- particularly the last paragraph and this:

"The majority of people seem to be unable to forming unique, independent thoughts and get through their lives by repeating the words they hear from others. This includes large swaths of those who are nominally considered intelligent, but are simply good at repeating the smart-sounding words, kiss up to their superiors and get diplomas."

Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions.

Asking the wrong questions also ensures they will always draw wrong conclusions. Thus, we have a deluded public wrongly determining: "It was a new virus and a few bad actors." And we have the subversive actors who purport to oppose the official Covid narrative pretending to believe: "It was a bioweapon that needs to be contained next time."

Those who have fallen for the manufactured "deadly man-made virus" story are understandably terrified and desperate for explanations and for heroes and for "bombshell reports" that will mitigate their fears. They want some simplistic, reassuring answers that can explain it all away and let them go back to sleep.

They don't want to be overwhelmed by talk about a global cabal or conditional UBI or programmable CBDCs or digital IDs or mass surveillance rolled out across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises. This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement.

Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the biosecurity state.

By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological "terror" campaigns.

How can we stop these popular but either deluded or deceitful actors from inadvertently—or purposely—promoting fear? Or, more realistically, how can we help the hangers-on of these perceived "heroes" to stop giving credence to their claims—to stop automatically deferring to their opinions and advice?

One way is to show people that when they uncritically accept any statement as fact, regardless of the insubstantiality of the claim and the evidence that refutes the claim, they are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction, are incapable of thinking critically or evaluating ideas rationally, and can be easily duped.

Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of "Covid" are a fiction, that there was no "pandemic" and no "novel virus" and no "lab leak," the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.

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Well said.

I for one do not see Kennedy's point of characterizing the man-made virus as a bioweapon even though he goes to great lengths to make that case. I do see the vaccine as a bioweapon. To me the virus is a great story that deliberately distracts the population. Is it possible that fear killed some people?

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My Aunt was literally scared to death. Trapped in the hospital, no family allowed. She had a stomach ache. More than possible.

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The “cure” was the virus

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To your point: " Essential hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism were the most frequent conditions, whereas obesity, anxiety and fear-related disorders, diabetes with complication, and CKD were the strongest risk factors for death among hospitalized patients with COVID-19. "


Not that there is such a thing as a Covid death.

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I bring all of the pandemic/not a pandemic discussions on myself because of all the Substack's I read, but 2024 is barely started and after years of this topic I am growing weary. Throw in the southern border of the US, and the exhausting political discussions of an election year and I am not sure I am up for it. Maybe I just need a week or two off, with no reading of news or Substack to decompress before the long, tedious, lies filled year ramps up even further. I am at the point where the Normies are making me insane, and most conversations leaving me feeling at best unsatisfied, and at worst agitated.

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Time to laugh at the insanity and stupidity of it all....

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I'm either on the cutting edge and see things most people don't or I am the one that is insane and stupid. Either way, it is worth a laugh.

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Definitely take time away.

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We always thought that the swine flu was named after the pigs in the enormous industrial "farms" in Mexico, while in truth it was named after the malditos who perpetrated this fraud.

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Hi Sasha.

That final paragraph nicely sums it up, and begs the question of the reader, what does it mean to be human? Had a short exchange with Mathew Crawford about this earlier today, and referenced a discussion between you and Catherine Austin Fitts where she said historically, slavery has been, by far, the most profitable 'business' ... https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/lies-and-gaslighting-over-the-military/comment/48560730

Though I find myself more often black-pilled than red,

cheers, and keep up the good fight.

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It was never about the virus. It was always about the vaccine.

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Spinning my wheels for a couple of years, trying to connect dots. While I firmly believe there was a new virus, it did not prove the deaths that were talked about. I worked Hospital, LTC and medical records, for a bit. The mass chaos was not from death- we didn't even have many cases. But the new regs from CDC all required those pcr tess 2xs a week. Symptom or not (strange, not that we have some -who say, at least, that we have evidence they were never accurate).

If the test showed positive, you were sent home for 14 days. If you had exposure to anyone or potential exposure, you also quarantined. With the crazy new protocols for cleaning and sanitizing, ordering with lack of supply, hoping for trucks to arrive, all with reduced staffing for months on end- having to perform for 3 people, at times. That was new reg- it was not the bug. This is why our hospitals & LTC & medical records all were at the busting point.

It is beginning to look like it was all to get those nanoparticle technologies, hidden when the initial testing of the product took place.

Forf industreeaw revowootion. They plan to usurp the energy for all their crazy tech deeds right from the human body. Swab said that at last years damos forum...unless the clip was doctored- it never helps to do that.

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I am a connect-the-dots person and this has been a challenge. I agree that we had a novel virus, but in hindsight it had an infection fatality rate much lower than the advertised 2%-3%(still low to shut the whole world down) and probably closer to the flu(0.2%)if proper treatment had been allowed and humane and proper protocols had been followed in hospitals(for patients AND staff). But we turned around and mass vaccinated while the virus was allegedly still circulating. I do not believe that the virus itself was ever a pandemic. There were weird things that happened in places like NYC and in Italy and other spots around the world that did not appear to be happening in most places. I believe there are nefarious explanations for some of it(eg, NYC). But it was a time of intense PsyOps, intense propaganda and intense gaslighting by the media and by health officials. The fact that so many people didn’t see through it and went along with it is still the biggest shock of my time on this planet, now 66 years. There was just so much wrong with all of the mechanics of it, everything about how it was managed and how it was messaged and how people were treated. That should have put the LIE to the whole ball of wax, all of it, but it didn’t. People fell in line like zombies. It was just awful, and I found myself surrounded by friends and family and acquaintances that didn’t see it. In fact they joined the gaslighting of the unvaxed, and the ‘deniers’, often in a really nasty way, many of them. Families split up and many remain so.

I don’t know whether it could happen again or not. They seem to be itching to do it again. If they do, I pray we pass the test the second time, but I’m not holding my breath.

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Can't agree more. With all you say here.

We need to get back to sanity.

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Thank you again for bringing the truth out about the devious planning over decades to create fear of world wide pandemics.

I was surprised to see mention of agent orange. As a veteran I was in Vietnam during Operation Ranchhand for the widespread spraying of the Country. Ostensible to defoliate the jungle and deprive enemy fighters hiding cover. The dioxin in the agent orange is acknowledged as presumptive cause of the dozen plus nasty illnesses listed on the Veterans Administration website.

Millions of gallons was sprayed everywhere from all types of aircraft , trucks and even hand sprayers.

As expected it entered the water supply that everyone depended upon by rain washout.

The Army water filtration systems -Erdalators-used simple diatomaceous element filters (no carbon) which passed the dioxin into our troop consumed drinking, bathing, cooking and washing supplies.

Jim D

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At one time I was a skeptic of "Gulf War Syndrome," but not anymore. I think all the vaccines the troops were given very possibly does explain all these illnesses and symptoms. If there's one group that have been guinea pigs for every possible vaccine, its U.S. service members.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you, and so many. My son was on mission a couple of years ago, doing some of the same? Of course, they can't talk about it, and I understand

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I have also known people who died from serious ailments that are said to agent orange. Then, is that the same product they eventually made to "fertilze" our gardens? Maybe it was weed control. Regardless, it's crazy thar we still allow such poisons. It's crazy that we send our youth to die in wars we don't believe we shoukd be in. Let the ollies fight their own wars. Oh..I guess they are!

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"Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too."

If you hear/read "virus", you know immediately, it's either an idiot or a deceiver if not even a professional criminal. So what are those enabling all these virus and infection (also never proven!) laws, who are the same who enable all of these climate bs laws?

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Quoted from the article: "Reality, after all is not what is, it’s what you believe." Yup. I like David Martin's take on it: "I’ve never met a fact that can overwhelm belief.” - David E. Martin -

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I also Do Not Believe "The Science". i. e. the science of lies.

The Science of Lies | Windows on the World - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/the-science-of-lies--58395378 (starting at ~3:00)

Science, the word is now become synonymous with the most appauling and apealing lies of the modern era. Yes, we way past the theoretical science of Hawking etc. We are talking about modern, I mean post modern. The science now is merely - "the science", we are talking about - just the audacious ability to lie as a process of development for the drivers of global change. That's what "the science" is. I repeat that: the audacious ability to lie as a process of development for the drivers of global change. Nowadays of course they call it sustainable development, social equity, diversity and resilience. Net Zero is in fact a measure of brain function in the new system. It's about depopulation after all.

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People need to 'get' ... once and for all ... this is a hostile takeover of the World ... that has been in effect ... for well over 100 years ...

We are now in an 'endgame' ... Act I has been 'Covid' ... Acts II & III are coming ... this year ... very soon ...

The people lying to us are either evil ... or stupid ... or both ...

When someone is lying ... they are the enemy ... or working for/being used by the evil people destroying us ...


Once Acts II & III are unleashed on us ... it will be too late ... there will be no way 'back to the future'

The masses .. the 'goldfish' ... need to be woken up now ... we only have a matter of weeks!

Great work as usual Sasha ... thank you


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What do you think Acts II and III will be? How do you know there will be an Act III?

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Why don't you give me a 3 sentence summary?

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Sure ...

Are you a 'goldfish'?

If the answer is 'no' ... then you don't need to read it!

(I love 'summarizing')

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