Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

I believe in real science, it’s just that people who choose to do it honestly (like me) often choose topics no one cares about. We won’t get big bucks or big reputations but we also won’t have to lie, or to have our results stolen, distorted or politicised. I once or twice did something moderately useful by mistake and immediately everyone else steals it and distorts it. So I prefer doing quiet, useless things!

But Sasha seems spot on with all this bioweapon/ pandemic fakery. And it would be really good to get more people to understand this but I fear most just can’t, they are too brainwashed.

(I have just today proved something quite useless and it is true and not previously known and my fellow authors and I feel happy. We are bohemian scientists - poor but honest. We do exist).

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I'm intrigued by what I think is the key question of our Covid times: Was this really a "deadly" virus that warranted turning the world upside down to ... save massive numbers of lives?

Several narratives have emerged. In the skeptical press, the idea that there was no new "novel virus" - that the entire Pandemic was contrived - seems to be gaining currency. I agree this theory might be true.

If it is, think of the bogus tests that were approved to "prove" we had a "deadly" virus - the PCR Covid test of course , but also all the antibody tests must all be awful and frauds as well. So one scandal should be that everyone who matters in science and medicine relied on two tests that were frauds (probably intentionally so).

My contrarian thought - which is definitely taboo - is that we probably did have a new contagious virus, probably produced in a lab - it just wasn't "deadly." That is, yes, the mad scientists succeeded in creating a new virus - but this coronavirus (like all other coronaviruses) wasn't deadly or wasn't a threat to anyone except the very old with multiple co-morbid conditions.

Of course, the official narrative - the one that counts - is that we had a very contagious virus and it WAS as deadly as any "virus" since, say, the Spanish Flu. This virus also spread throughout the world ... AFTER the lockdowns (to prevent spread) and, for some bizarre reason, started to become "deadly" in the Spring of 2020 - outside the normal "cold and flu" virus season.

Still, the key to the entire operation was not the narrative that we had a contagious new virus - it was the narrative that this was an extremely dangerous and lethal virus. If this virus wasn't any more deadly than the flu or a typical ILI bug, what was the big deal? Why did we all panic and willingly give up our freedoms?

Answer: Because we were assured by everyone who mattered that this was a "deadly" new virus. The big spike in alleged "Covid deaths" is all that really mattered. And we finally got those in northern Italy and New York City .... but were these really "Covid deaths?"

On the big questions, my "early spread" theory reaches the same jaw-dropping conclusion as the group who believes there was no "novel virus." There either was no new virus at all or, if there was/is, it wasn't deadly. So something else explains all the "Covid deaths." And that "something else" is iatrogenic deaths - ordered by CDC protocols. By our own government.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary.

This Orwell 1984 T is perfect for these times: t.co/EKkMWeTAPG

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for all your hard work fact finding and logic and reason.

If everyone here has not seen Yuri Brezmenov interview on You tube ( if it is not scrubbed yet) it is helpful for Americans to understand they " have been played ". Lied to for a long time about a lot of things. Nixon's own tapes had him saying " Americans are suckers ! ".

Couple versions of Obama saying the same/similar thing. They know. They have all used it against us. Many of us can handle learning everything we thought and "saw " ( moon landing - who the hell was on the moon filming the landing? How come we can't do it again? NASA actually says they "lost " the technology !😀) and were taught is false, many cannot handle it and have to reach all around to defend the propaganda ploys instead of having an open mind to consider the simple possibilities we were lied to for someone else's gain and control. And entertainment for the Psychopathic Wealthy Leaders in the population.

They want you dead.

Do Not Comply.

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All of virology is shady.

Think about it, they shoot tons of liquid into mice and they get sick. Did they ever run a control experiment with saline? They would get sick with that too in the quantities used.

Rabies is even worse... They "proved" it by injecting the liquid directly into the brain. (Also no controls done) Yeah that's natural, inject it into the brain... What shitty science!


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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Throughout human history people have been prone to false beliefs and superstition. We laugh at the past and label such people "ignorant" as if science has changed any of that. If anything, modern elite interests are capitalizing on the same things old elites used to drive wars, famines and changes in society - like the industrial "revolution" etc.

And each time there were a few in society that could see this and would try to communicate it to the rest. Today it is easier to hear these voices due to communications tech that we all use.

To me, the only difference between the same situations in the past and now, is that people DO have a choice to inform themselves and discover the facts - the facts are all there to be read (like you have done). And yet, people don't reach out for them - they continue to respond in the old historical way and so are easily manipulated.

I don't think we will see a great jump in history in our times - neither forward, nor backward. The Empire of Evil may seem strong, but it is not - it is creating the illusion of it, like a deranged Wizard of Oz...

So there you have another layer to explore - how will those of us who are more awake to the problems deal with our own challenges? And what are our real challenges? To discover and communicate the truth, yes. Mostly among ourselves, because those who refuse to think won't do so anyway. What is OUR challenge, if I may be permitted to be counted among the awakened people?

As in any war, the battle is conducted by soldiers (a small portion of the population) and is won by the best strategist, not even the biggest army necessarily. And those strategists are even fewer that the battalions of their soldiers. Who are our strategists?

The rest of the population will struggle, suffer, then go back to normal life, then back to war and so on...soldiers also obey orders, they are not strategists. So what we need is good strategists in this battle of evil with humanity, because each time it happens that is what it always is.

And one last thought - after each such battle we have had in history, life improves in some way. As if war and death clear the way for something new to emerge. How long will we need war and suffering before we learn to advance peacefully and improve our lives? As long as human nature itself is prone to evil and to aggression and the irresistible desire to be...God.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova


Our Human Bodies Are Water Based.

Nothing Derived From Manufactured Metals Or Petroleum Should Be Injected Into Them.

Nothing. Not A Goddamn Particle.

Next Question ...

( There Shouldn’t Be Any. )

( And There Never Should Have. )


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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Very good- particularly the last paragraph and this:

"The majority of people seem to be unable to forming unique, independent thoughts and get through their lives by repeating the words they hear from others. This includes large swaths of those who are nominally considered intelligent, but are simply good at repeating the smart-sounding words, kiss up to their superiors and get diplomas."

Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions.

Asking the wrong questions also ensures they will always draw wrong conclusions. Thus, we have a deluded public wrongly determining: "It was a new virus and a few bad actors." And we have the subversive actors who purport to oppose the official Covid narrative pretending to believe: "It was a bioweapon that needs to be contained next time."

Those who have fallen for the manufactured "deadly man-made virus" story are understandably terrified and desperate for explanations and for heroes and for "bombshell reports" that will mitigate their fears. They want some simplistic, reassuring answers that can explain it all away and let them go back to sleep.

They don't want to be overwhelmed by talk about a global cabal or conditional UBI or programmable CBDCs or digital IDs or mass surveillance rolled out across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises. This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement.

Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the biosecurity state.

By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological "terror" campaigns.

How can we stop these popular but either deluded or deceitful actors from inadvertently—or purposely—promoting fear? Or, more realistically, how can we help the hangers-on of these perceived "heroes" to stop giving credence to their claims—to stop automatically deferring to their opinions and advice?

One way is to show people that when they uncritically accept any statement as fact, regardless of the insubstantiality of the claim and the evidence that refutes the claim, they are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction, are incapable of thinking critically or evaluating ideas rationally, and can be easily duped.

Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of "Covid" are a fiction, that there was no "pandemic" and no "novel virus" and no "lab leak," the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

I bring all of the pandemic/not a pandemic discussions on myself because of all the Substack's I read, but 2024 is barely started and after years of this topic I am growing weary. Throw in the southern border of the US, and the exhausting political discussions of an election year and I am not sure I am up for it. Maybe I just need a week or two off, with no reading of news or Substack to decompress before the long, tedious, lies filled year ramps up even further. I am at the point where the Normies are making me insane, and most conversations leaving me feeling at best unsatisfied, and at worst agitated.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

We always thought that the swine flu was named after the pigs in the enormous industrial "farms" in Mexico, while in truth it was named after the malditos who perpetrated this fraud.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hi Sasha.

That final paragraph nicely sums it up, and begs the question of the reader, what does it mean to be human? Had a short exchange with Mathew Crawford about this earlier today, and referenced a discussion between you and Catherine Austin Fitts where she said historically, slavery has been, by far, the most profitable 'business' ... https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/lies-and-gaslighting-over-the-military/comment/48560730

Though I find myself more often black-pilled than red,

cheers, and keep up the good fight.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

It was never about the virus. It was always about the vaccine.

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you again for bringing the truth out about the devious planning over decades to create fear of world wide pandemics.

I was surprised to see mention of agent orange. As a veteran I was in Vietnam during Operation Ranchhand for the widespread spraying of the Country. Ostensible to defoliate the jungle and deprive enemy fighters hiding cover. The dioxin in the agent orange is acknowledged as presumptive cause of the dozen plus nasty illnesses listed on the Veterans Administration website.

Millions of gallons was sprayed everywhere from all types of aircraft , trucks and even hand sprayers.

As expected it entered the water supply that everyone depended upon by rain washout.

The Army water filtration systems -Erdalators-used simple diatomaceous element filters (no carbon) which passed the dioxin into our troop consumed drinking, bathing, cooking and washing supplies.

Jim D

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too."

If you hear/read "virus", you know immediately, it's either an idiot or a deceiver if not even a professional criminal. So what are those enabling all these virus and infection (also never proven!) laws, who are the same who enable all of these climate bs laws?

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Quoted from the article: "Reality, after all is not what is, it’s what you believe." Yup. I like David Martin's take on it: "I’ve never met a fact that can overwhelm belief.” - David E. Martin -

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Feb 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

I also Do Not Believe "The Science". i. e. the science of lies.

The Science of Lies | Windows on the World - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/the-science-of-lies--58395378 (starting at ~3:00)

Science, the word is now become synonymous with the most appauling and apealing lies of the modern era. Yes, we way past the theoretical science of Hawking etc. We are talking about modern, I mean post modern. The science now is merely - "the science", we are talking about - just the audacious ability to lie as a process of development for the drivers of global change. That's what "the science" is. I repeat that: the audacious ability to lie as a process of development for the drivers of global change. Nowadays of course they call it sustainable development, social equity, diversity and resilience. Net Zero is in fact a measure of brain function in the new system. It's about depopulation after all.

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