I am in complete agreement. It had long ago occurred to me also that, if a highly infectious agent that was also lethal in many people could exist, it would have to occur just once in history and we wouldn’t be here any more.
It’s all terrorism.
Don’t beLIEve, as our friends from Sheep Farm Studios remind us.
Agreed Mike. But why on earth is this not obvious to my mum? There is some propaganda aspect here that is off the charts. If you try to cheat her over the electricity bill she is all over it in a flash - but inject poison and believe it is making you healthy when it kills you - no problem. What I can't fathom is why they all fell for such an obvious scam. I care about those sheep. They have been duped.
Programming. Movies and TV portray utility companies as evil, and doctors and hospitals as good. Think of all the medical dramas with noble protagonists, from Dr. Kildare, to Marcus Welby, MD, even up to the flawed Dr. House.
Maybe your mum (and mine too ) doesn’t see it because there has been a generational prepping or grooming to condition us to believe we ardd ex saved by science ( ie: Ist world countries have economic stability due to well vaccinated citizens and advanced medicine that saves them from being 3rd world slums). Instead of acknowledging good nutrition, sanitation, clean drinking water and adequate shelter as needed for good health they report our salvation is due to big Pharma../ modern medicine
The response to the electric bill is more “in your face “ if your monthly bill increases .. but the jabs have been the long con with a storyline no one was permitted to question ( that should have been a warning right there)
I deducted that early on too when I heard Dr. Mc Cullough interviewed by Dr. Peter Breggin and he said some people will be resistant to the (so called) novel virus. I thought about all the horrible diseases in the past and how there were always people taking care of the sick and they, for whatever reason, did not die. Then I thought too, the human race would have died out a long time ago if EVERYONE was affected with a past deadly disease.
The purpose of compulsory schooling is to infect the mind with a virus that arrests their ability to think critically. I'm glad I couldn't pay attention or who knows what I would mistake for truth. 😏
Personally and through friends and family I know of four with brain tumours (one already dead), destroyed kidney, chronic AF, three others with various cancers, a few strokes, two heart attacks, blood clots, and many constantly ill. And today I learned of another with a serious heart condition and one with MS type symptoms.
Of all the people I know that resisted, all are as healthy as they were in 2019.
Don't fall for the trap of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - retribution is of DARKNESS!
Fortunately, we come from a wide mix of genetic stock, evolved over a very long time. We don't all share the same vulnerabilities as revealed in the UK Challenge Trial (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9) where nearly half were immune to purpose planted infection. The Princess cruise ship showed similar results for more seniors.
If anything, taking the Covid shot may have introduced a vulnerability that might not have ever been there.
That study is a pile of baloney. It first assumes they already have a sample of Sars-Co2 with no proof. Then they use the PCR to confirm infection which is also bogus. If you have no proof of alleged virus how can you make a PCR test for it? Third, a PCR is useless in diagnosing anything. So what did they "innoculate" the people with? Probably some toxic decaying organic material they called a virus. Made some people sick...go figure. I'll bet if you drank some spoiled milk some people would get sick, too.
ha, ha, in that second paper, a man has pneumonia, they run a sequence program on his snot which matches some of the snot sequence of the alleged virus that was never proven to exist. So both snots had some matching DNA which makes sense since both are humans and both had pneumonia. They used PCR --which Drosten admitted they had no human viral sample of covid when they made the primer--to confirm infection. You can't make a test for something you didn't have in the first place. Then they administer remdesivir, a known kidney and liver toxin "for compassionate use". He's lucky he survived the "cure".
Ivor Cummins interviewed Prof Wolfgang Wodarg last September in Sweden just before his talk. Dr Wodarg has an interesting sense of humor, yes? Near the end of the interview, he mentioned that if a virus is really lethal, then its a failure. (No virus wants to kill its host because it will die as well). He went on that the best virus is one you don't even know you have, because it will stay with you without any damage. (loosely paraphrased) here's an entertaining link:
Sherman - Dr Wodarg has obviously done good work in his field, for example, he helped quash an earlier European pandemic years ago & was involved in trying to investigate the C19 scam-demic w/Reiner Fuellmich & the German Corona Investigative Committee etc.
However, if you & others aren't familiar with this CIC (Corona Investigative Committee) interview, Wodarg was very dismissive & hostile to both Lanka & Kaufman when they were trying to share vitally important info around investigations of no-virus history etc.
I was actually stunned by this interview when I watched it at the time, as Reiner & Wodarg were usually open to discussion in other CIC/"covid-related" interviews. But in this case Wodarg especially & very clearly tried to shut down the good doctors'no-virus evidence.
Watch this > Dr Kaufman & Dr Lanka on the Corona Investigative Committee Session 90
Video info: Dr Kaufman and Dr Lanka were invited to be on the Corona Investigative Committee to discuss the virus isolation fraud. Unfortunately, the Corona Investigative Committee were not interested in analysing the facts put forth by Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman. Instead, they were only interested in discrediting them.
Video poster's comments: My opinion of the Corona Investigative Committee is that they are full of controlled opposition. They are not interested in human health but instead are only interested in preserving their fraudulent medical system. They are here to waste all of our time so that people do not learn that because viruses do not exist, they do not have to subscribe to pharmaceuticals. Most importantly, they don't want you to discuss the process that virologist claim to find viruses because if they did, it would expose their religious belief system in germs.
So the Corona Committee's doctor proclaimed he isn't interested in the scientific papers and instead asked irrelevant questions. He used ample amount of logical fallacies even demanding that Dr Kaufman and Dr Lanka prove viruses do not exist. No one on this planet can prove something doesn't exist, all we can do is disprove the claim of existence. Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman have provided enough evidence to disprove the claims of virus existence.
Making such logical fallacies and also accusing Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan having monetary motivations as their sole incentive for refuting virology demonstrates to me that this committee is not interested in finding the truth and ending this COVID scam.
My recommendation is to NOT waste your time with the Corona Investigative Committee.
I am posting the segment to preserve the Committee's foolishness and to demonstrate that Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman acted with integrity and honour.
1 year, 11 months ago (First published February 6th, 2022)
Also, see link below on this CIC session which comes to a similar conclusion on Wodarg.
See > CIC, Session 90 - "The Virus of Power" - Projekt Immanuel - Feb 9, 2022
A short statement on the 90th meeting of the (unofficial) German Corona Inquiry Committee, to which, amongst others, Dr Stefan Lanka and his colleague Dr Andrew Kaufman, were invited.
Immanuel Project aims to enlighten, to provide factual information from the fields of science and to take an appropriately neutral standpoint. Although we may occasionally criticise someone’s statements, decisions or actions, we do not attack anyone personally, nor do we take anyone’s side. Therefore, we do not want to say too much about this particular session, yet we would like to address certain statements made by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg on the subject of science and the virus evidence issue.
Without going into detail at this point, we feel that the session bore the inappropriate title, “The Virus of Power” and we too are very disappointed by the meeting itself and are of the opinion that the committee cannot claim to have made an attempt to seriously deal with the virus evidence issue.
The Corona Committee of Inquiry took a very combative approach towards the Corona Crisis many months ago, as Dr. Reiner Fuellmich himself has made clear in various interviews, they are primarily concerned with proving that the Corona crisis is a major, premeditated crime. This confrontational approach is already in stark contrast to Dr. Lanka’s more neutral approach which shows that the Corona Crisis is first and foremost the inevitable result of misguided developments in both science and society. No one denies that a great many entities from politics and business shamelessly exploit the Corona Crisis for their own purposes and interests. If the virus evidence issue and the work of Dr. Lanka had been seriously addressed, the Committee would automatically have had to question many of its previous findings, conclusions, accusations and expert opinions.
Everyone should always question all "covid" players & Dr Wodarg is no exception. His opinions on viruses, including the statement that the best kind of virus is one that doesn't kill you, is similar to virology claiming that viruses are nearly invisible & very contagions, but we (virologists) can't prove it to you scientifically w/any experiments (over the past 100+years). so just trust our "authority" & stop discussing no-virus evidence/proof.
Sorry, I also find the no-virus distracting, as I had watched the Lanka/Kaufman presentations early in the plandemic. Personally never completely bought in, as something is affecting some people's health, and they could never fully explain this. Worse, quite a few near the top of this field have mentioned the science has changed over the past 20 years, detection methods have changed too. Eventually Stephan Lanka's theories may be proven or properly challenged, as we learn of other vaccines for more common diseases that may never have been fully isolated either. Right now, bigger fish are tugging on the line, so to speak: It could be that a shot-in-the-arm can never work as a universal flu shot or for any mutating coronavirus. (Still trying to figure how to reach antigens in the upper respiratory tract?) Maybe the vaxx program for the past 60 years is built on sand, waiting to crumble? We are living in interesting times, but Tinkerbelle? A closed mind never wins anyone over.
Virology/ germ theory is one of the top distractions in human society over the last century. Perhaps it qualifies as the No.1 distraction. Certainly in the arena of healthcare it's top of the charts.
Obsession with the 'virus' has distracted us from the 4,732,982 other factors at play - factors that make far more sense and have more science behind them.
The fact that you are looking for (the no virus camp to provide you with) a monocausal explanation of disease before you give up 'the virus' means you still haven't escaped the Rockefeller healthcare paradigm. And by paradigm I mean highly profitable scam.
Yeah, some time ago, learned that during the Spanish Flu, most died from bacterial pneumonia and aspirin overdoes, which was new at the time. The polio "virus" outbreak mostly disappeared after the halt of using DDT. Assumptions are made or ignored about toxins and drug interactions, and many being used in the outdoor environment should never have been let out the laboratory door. The casual use of both puts any seat at this 4-year theater production into question. Still, its difficult to ignore a video of Ralph Baric pointing to a slide and explaining his work to a classroom of students. Where to draw the bioweapon line?
Bioweapon propaganda (GoF, lab leaks etc) is designed to get people to accept 'viruses' as a threat and injections of bioweapons as a cure.
Gates has warned us of a bioweapons attack sparking the next 'pandemic'. The easiest way to way to achieve this would be through the use of EMF from the new wireless infrastructure that's just been installed on every street corner.
Using microwaves to create actual 'bodies in the streets' and hospitals filled up with sick people (for real this time) would be a great bait and switch. It would also put a nail in the coffin of the 'no pandemic', 'no virus', 'no contagion' camp.
Astroworld 2021 had all the hallmarks of a microwave induced mass casualty event and test run. People were passing out all day, had breathing difficulties, feelings of intense 'doom', nose bleeds, vomiting and defecation, cardiac arrest etc.... these are all symptoms of microwave radiation. It was passed off as a 'crowd crush' disaster even though many were caught on film dying of cardiac arrest in wide open spaces.
An Astroworld-like mass casually event in several major cities around the world would be enough to scare the shit out of the public and have them begging for more lockdowns, door-to-door vax and digital ID/ Vax passport.
WHUT?!? > "Personally never completely bought in, as something is affecting some people's health, and they could never fully explain this."
The doctors, scientists & data statisticians have ALL explained this... the CDC & foreign govts all manipulated their statistics to call the annual flu, pneumonia & respiratory illnesses COVID. Look at the stats... there was no pandemic of any new or novel COVID but the same ole flu/pneumonia/respiratory illnesses that folks suffer from every year. Did COVID actually cure flu/& related illnesses? ;-)
Perhaps certain geographic regions (only cities/urban areas) were attacked with toxins (like in NYC's subways when they "disinfected" them) but 2020 deaths/ mortality annual stats STILL remained nearly the same as in previous years. Death stats don't lie unless they are deleted, manipulated or with-held.
See > The Vigilant Fox 🦊 @VigilantFox 5:53 PM ∙ Feb 22, 2023
@TuckerCarlson Reads from "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022
"The CEO of the One America insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40% higher than it was before… https://t.co/fvhOxVDhJP
By 2017, around 2.8 million Americans died. 2018 was about the same again. 2019, about the same again. Not surprisingly, 2020 saw a spike, smaller than you might imagine, some of which could be attributed to COVID [not true, this was renaming the annual flu etc] and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. [yes, treatment protocols promoted - ventilators/rhemdesivir were DEADLY]
But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the One America insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40% increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking, and not only for the devastated families and communities that directly experience the deaths. Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40%.
Right out of the gate, Tucker had an epiphany — realizing that he knew no one who died of COVID before the mRNA injections rolled out.
More info on this here >
Excess Mortality Goes Mainstream in Earth-Shattering Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson Interview - “In 2021, [AFTER the experimental jabs] the [mortality] stats people expected went off the rails.” The Vigilant Fox - Feb 25 2023 -
Now, try to explain that to me & everyone - no increased mortality before the jabs during a so-called "pandemic" but massively increased deaths #s in 2021.
Is it your habit to Take a quote out of context often? Sorry, misconstrued the “no virus” position exists, as something is still making people sick.
Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out, well aware this is the fifth faked pandemic since 1976, also aware the all cause mortality numbers have not returned to baseline since clot/kill shots rolled out in developed nations the most. Also did you know that Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, NC already had sars-cov2 developed in 2018? Sick and twisted tale, for sure!
Quote: "It was a chimeric sequence all right, but not one spliced together by Ralph Baric."
"Computer programs combined small genetic sequences together which could have come from anywhere. Bacteria, pollen, human, didn't matter.
I’m still watching this one and though I would share it with you all." > >
> Dr Sam Bailey - A Farewell To Virology – Part Two (Dr Mark Bailey and Steve Falconer) - This is Part 2 of the film version of Dr Mark Bailey’s essay A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), produced by Steve Falconer. Part 1 of the film can be found here, and Part 3 is currently in the early stages of production. The "Farewell to Virology" essay can be downloaded from here …
Charles Richet received the Nobel Prize in 1913 for proving that any foreign protein injected causes irreversible harm and/or death. Vaccines are the very foundation of the profits of the medical cartel.
Lets just leave it that its clear you did not watch the Dr Wodarg interview. Second, there's an interesting book "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr Suzanne Humphries. Suggest you read it, If you have not already done so. Its an eye opener.
It's actually the other way round... believing in the virus fairy is a lucrative scam.
Billions of farma $$$ taken to the bank as Agenda21/depop/BBB rolls along.
Calling yourself skeptical doesn't make you a skeptic when you're actually an apologist for pseudoscience that undermines the brilliance of scientific method.
If you can't prove "viruses" are isolated elements that cause disease, they don't. Piling cells on a slide & culturing them w/many various chemical toxins/poisons to make the cells react & die doesn't prove "viruses" exist or are dangerous.
Early scientists trying to show "virus" contagion proved that culturing any cells - not just the claimed "viral" cells - with poisonous/toxic chemicals will kill them. It's toxicology we should focus on in human health & not on a bogus virology..
Dr. Yeadon: exactly. Whenever someone says to me ‘but what if there’s an extremely deadly pandemic? I tell them two things: 1. There’s no such thing, and even if there was, nothing would matter anyway, as we’d all be dead no matter what we did; so stop living in fear. 2. Were you worried about a deadly pandemic before early 2020? Think about it!
Sasha & Mike, I've been following & sharing your terrific work for some time now. I understand the 4 points (plus item 0) outlined by Sasha. Apologies if my question has been covered.
I understand there's been an ongoing "no virus" debate. We even see debate about infectivity between people. We also see plenty of reporting on variants & the evolutionary (correct term?) trees that diagram them.
In your opinion, what's circulating in society during the past couple years? Rapidly mutating viruses? RNA clones? Nothing? Manufactured toxins released at regular intervals?
Dr Yeadon - I'm not sure I totally agree with you - if you look for genetic variants resistant to disease, you can have relative decimation of populations then building up again after the resistant start to breed again.
You're saying that you need a lethal agent that infects every single human and kills all of them too.
Myxamatosis in rabbits is highly infectious and highly lethal, but it never caused rabbits to be totally wiped out.....
Universal DNA damaging is a more uniform way of wiping out humans. You know, catastrophic destruction of the protective Ozone layer and inability of humans to hide inside safe environments be that deep under the sea oi deep inside mountain ranges.
There may be unusual circumstances in which you’d be right.
I restrict my remarks to acute respiratory illnesses. Apologies if I didn’t make that clear.
Gates, Schwab and King Charles are however only interested in using fear of extraordinarily unlikely things in order to conttol & then kill lots of people.
Nothing has ever happened in human history that would remotely approach the extent of population risk that o might accept central control.
Malign individuals explicitly chose spreading pathogens as something they could use to insist on activity above the level of nation.
The same people also chose climate change for the same reason.
The same people also claim earth is overpopulated.
See “Club of Rome”.
I’m sure you are aware of this but in case others are not.
I cannot think of circumstances where corruptible & stupid central authorities should have the power to override my decisions as a responsible citizen.
I’m very much concerned that a majority favours central government conttol if there is something scary going on.
It’s going to be the death of our freedoms followed very likely by loss of our actual lives if we stand back in letting others dominate debates and if we fall into compliance.
BTW that 37 second clip is pretty amazing for the fact that RFK gives a synopsis of characters involved in what he acknowledges as fake pandemics in the past and in the next breath states "this pandemic", involving the same cast of characters and institutions, is not fake.
That's top tier cognitive dissonance right there. And because he's RFK he'll get a pass on such an obvious faux pas.
"These past pandemics that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear which involved Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust were fake. This one run that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear and was orchestrated by Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust is not fake."
How in the hell do you get away with people taking you seriously when you make such patently ludicrous statements.
I don't take this as RFK Jr saying this pandemic is real while the others were fake. To me this is saying the others in the past were clearly fake, therefore the present one is also fake.
I agree in a literal sense. That IS what he said--but as you pointed out, he just laid out every single person involved in this "not fake" one were the exact same players who'd faked the others. My question is, if he was "clearly" asserting this one was NOT a faked pandemic, then what possible reason would BW have to sit on this podcast for nearly 18 months before releasing it? Because people like you, mv and I--along with a whole bunch of others (the crowd's growing by the day) are capable of comparing "cast lists"--and realize that claim exposes a "coincidence" they'd rather keep swept under the rug.
They are barreling ahead with the biosecurity narrative and need for PPP's for pandemic preparedness.
RFK, McCullough, Malone, Kory et al are all fully on board with this and provide the "alternative" narrative that validates the need for the biosecurity framework.
The important component is to ensure that the public believe "Covid was real" and therefore countermeasures, whatever form they take, are necessary.
That what Malone, RFK, Kory, McCullough say publicly on Monday often contradict what they say on Tuesday (with both days declarations easily debunked with hard evidence) matters little as the psychology of faith-based hero worship and mass propaganda going full blast.
In a rush so didn't explain that great- you are correct the crowd that is questioning the entire narrative and these "alt-dissidents" is growing.
RFK is not a savior, why hang on his every word and action. No one man can be all things to all people. He is not infallible or omniscient. In the real world people are wrong but acknowledge when they are wrong RFK thinks covid is from a lab leak, I believe he is wrong. Thinks we should just move on restructure all agencies but not seek more accountability. What about Constitutional laws?
No mention ever, no interested in repealing if he treats them as if they do not exist. Gaza no problem for RFK a true Israeli supporter and thus supports genocide why not forgive and forget covid democide is kinda like being a Gazan. Move on he is not what you think he is.
And double think. Like the ability to take the phrase "they've faked pandemics, but this one is real" and interpret it to believe what you believe, or want us to believe. Double think is the ability to believe that two things which are contradictory are both true. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Say it over and over mv. Practice your skills.
Allen - The entire RFK Jr deal (running for President) is suspect to me as imo he's prob being paid off to be a distraction. Remember who supports him & defends his bald inconsistencies re: farma's evils & supports his political info dodges as being reasonable? Steve Kirsch, for one, pushed Jr's Prez candidacy from the very beginning. Kirsch, the tech billionaire who also has investments in biosecurity & has been a diversionary par excellence around the virus lies by denying the reality of all the no-virus proof brought forward by the medical truth-tellers now.
So Junior is simply doing the bidding of the power elites too, even if he has also done some good thru CHD & the exposure of farma in the vaccine wars against our children. And yet , after all of his work against deadly vaccines in the childhood vaxx schedule, Jr says he's not "anti-vaxx". Why?? That's not strategic, folks - it's just counter-intuitive & flat-out perfidy to me. We're in a chess game & it's critical to always question every major player's actions & motives.
Hmm, I wonder. He's said elsewhere his wife has chosen the jab, against his advice. He hinted she'd had 3. Or possibly he meant 3 family members. Said he wasn't the boss in his own home. Soooo.... he's gonna be covered in shedding, plus all the flights, meet n greets, constant pressure etc. Does he have the time to sit and consider?
There was no pandemic or epidemic for that matter because there is no such thing as a contagious particle neither natural nor manmade. If the controllers could create a dangerous spreading pathogen, they would have done so long ago and they would have already achieved their goal of full spectrum control of the world's population. So they fake their pandemics instead, which is not hard to do because of the widespread belief in the illusion of contagion. All they have to do is strategically sprinkle their highly toxic substances in several locations, tell everyone it's a dangerous virus, and have their bought-off politicians, fake scientists and mockingbird press feed the pandemic narrative 24/7.
“They” wanted to create a bioweapon, that’s what all the gain-of-function work was about. Where’s the evidence that the “virus” killed a lot of people? What we got, which really was a bioweapon, were the vaccines.
The problem is, can you imagine if he'd actually said that this was a fake pandemic? I'm not sure this would've helped his cause in aiming to become the next president. Priorities!
Yes! Malone blasted you over and over on Malik’s podcast about this. Whenever he was pressed by Malik he used the word bullshit. Malone is consistent and has put out some good information, however he still propagates the “potential” deadly pandemic scenario with no evidence other than a west Africa village. He falters because he’s still plugged into the “defense against.....” scenarios.
Very similar to the nuclear deterrence industry that has postulated the absolute necessity for otherworldly budgets to prevent nuclear Armageddon.
Based on my vast experience in engineering at the highest levels, I tend toward Sasha over Malone regarding credibility.
By the way, he characterized your analysis as placing the DoD in the top position, even though, based on his interview with Malik, he credits Marks and Kadlec as directing DoD efforts. So back to an Intelligence Agency/ DoD op in America.
None of this explains the global op. Mercifully he at least brought up the Kissinger report.
There is a very simple explanation. His own wealth and the $billions in contracts he got for his clients (with a hefty fee, no doubt, enabling a "homestead" of horses $500K a head) all depends on the pandemic preparedness racket. I will be writing a series of articles about this interview, there is so much good stuff here! Ahmad did a stellar job.
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that. I think he’s jealous that you have shown more courage to really speak up about all you have discerned. As I said in my original comment, he does say many things that I know to be valid regarding government contracts especially in the defense industry. However I also know you don’t get debt free with a horse farm if you weren’t fully committed to playing the game for a long time even when you knew a lot of what you were doing (Malone drafting bids and proposals) was bogus. Can I use that word? Or should I have said not better than a placebo?
During the interview he admitted to how easy it was to make proposals and then disappear in the cancer treatments field.
He is not jealous, he is just fearful for his income stream from bullshit "announced" pandemics of invisible nothingness for which trillions of bucks need to be spent to "prepare".
"Below is a list of projects from 2011-2016 that Robert Malone and I (RW Malone MD, LLC) have provided direct leadership and proposal management in. That is almost ten billion dollars in the last five years. We helped win 562 million in contract awards and nine billion in IDIQ awards. That is ten billion dollars that these companies may not have won with out involvement. That is a whole lot of really important research that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for us, particularly Robert. It is kind of mind blowing.
We are still looking for funding for our Zika clinical trials but the US Gov appears to have decided to not fund any anti-viral clinical research (and we are just about ready to go). So, I am on the hunt for our next big project. I was told by a "big" project management firm that other day, we we work for about a tenth of what they do... But our success rate is over 95%, while theirs is below 50%.
We work our asses off, we work smart, we don't really advertise, we have clients that have been with us for years and we haven't raised our rates in a decade. So, as I am completely discouraged with our government again over their response to Zika, I have to remember our wins. Because we are doing something right. We may not fund big conferences, or big dinners at awards nights but we bring in the contracts for our clients, we write solid scientific proposals that get funded and we don't brag (much)..."
Just watched the interview--interesting how often--especially when the question seems difficult to answer for Malone--he defaults into a kind of "do you know who I am!" type of indignant response.
I thought the interviewer was pretty good, trying to keep Malone on track.
Thanks for sharing--I unsubscribed to Malone when he said something to the effect that the next time/pandemic we may need to quarantine...fuck that noise...
I also thought it was interesting that Malone's response to the Ed Dowd/Denis Rancourt (sp?) all cause mortality studies was that he agreed with the studies but that "doesn't mean there was not a pandemic".
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that supposed to be one of these "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" type of deals?
or to say the same thing another way; just because we didn't have evidence that there was a pandemic, doesn't mean there was not a pandemic. good argument dude...jeeessshh...
The reason he gave for saying there was a pandemic is because the WHO had previouly changed the definition of a pandemic to an event of concern not requiring any number of deaths. Malik should have pushed back on Malone's apparent acceptance of the WHO's manipularion of the meaning of words. The next thing they'll be telling us is that 5 year old girls can choose to be boys and boys can be girls if that's what they wish. Oh wait. That's exactly what they're telling us. Does Malone go along with that as well?
It helps to chuckle your way through it. I couldn't help thinking to myself "This will be fun. Elmer Fudd (with a British accent) interviews a cranky and squinty eyed Mr. Magoo."
According to Wikipedia, "Mr. Magoo is an elderly, wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of comical situations as a result of his extreme near-sightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem."
lol. He has anger management problems. Bob, don't get stressed so much! It's bad for your microbiome... Sarah, maybe you can suggest some pilates and breathing exercises... :)
The one complete giveaway from those weaving false narratives is their failure to offer the faintest, plausible reason why numerous people, with similar intellectual horsepower and deep expertise in a related field, would come up with a completely different explanation, lacking in the contradictions that falsehoods almost always have.
Put another way, and this is directed at me.
The censor / smearers cannot ever come up with a single, faintly plausible reason for why I say what I do.
I don’t dislike my former employer.
I don’t like limelight, not that I get much.
I not only have not made a red cent from my work, instead investing a six figure sum to not limit what I think is worth doing and in small ways helping a few others, but I have declined every opportunity to make any money from my work.
It disgusts me, doing that. It’s not like I lost economically important positions, though I was dismissed as an adviser to the boards or the CEO of three privately held biotechnology companies in the US. I was all but economically retired and enjoying tinkering at the edges. I declined offers to helm new start ups or being involved in them. I’ve done that, and it’s no longer of any interest. As an aside, I would now not accept a commission in this sector. Corruption is endemic in a way I never suspected.
I have not accepted & will not accept anything, in money or in kind, to me or to a relative, out of any of this.
So, anyone bad mouthing me is entitled to say I’ve got things wrong. I certainly have. Remember, unlike the perpetrators, I do not have a copy of the script.
But you can be sure of this. I sincerely believe what I say.
I know with certainty that malign lunatics are intentionally harming & killing other people. Nothing that people involved in such crimes should be given the time of day, let alone believed.
Why did you never suspect that the corruption is endemic? Wakefield woke me up in 98 and no vaccines entered my family after that ( well almost). The drug pushers justify killing their own people and making a ton of money on the side in exactly the same way arms dealers do; they claim their weapons are protecting the majority and if a few have to fall they it is terribly sad but acceptable. That is the logic. This explains the weird silence around excess death. Governments behave as if the vaccine injured and dead are collateral damage for the greater good and we - Medical Freedomers - are traitors. I am a traitor for not wanting to take drugs? That is how upside down this is.
I asked my wife about this in 2020 as it became obvious to me that I’d failed to see what was there for decades.
She pointed out that all I’d ever done since we met, 40 years ago, was almost monomaniacally work hard. Never stopping for deeper thought.
Assuming most things weren’t relevant or of interest to me.
Knowing I had my mission, and I was focussed upon it.
Until you’re prompted, why would one question?
On Wakefield, I recall with shame how simple it had been to destroy him in public. I never once asked myself, “Why is he saying this?” As soon as you ask that question, it’s almost impossible to find answers other than “He sincerely believes it”.
I write that out, because I’m now Wakefield, aren’t I?
How many people ask “Why is Yeadon saying what he is?”
Not many. And they’ll snooze, just like I did all those years ago.
I would call it completely planned considering Event 201 (https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/) was right before it in Oct 2019 for a pandemic that could never have happened (as you stated) and has never happened in all of history. These monsters show us most everything before they actually do it, apparently. And, Kary Mullis the inventor of the PCR test died right before all of this too, APPARENTLY of pneumonia. He wasn't a fan of fraudchi, either. Also, Dr. David Martin has said there were patents for the "virus" dating back 2 decades prior.
One of the key things we all should have learned over the past four years is that no mainstream published research can be trusted. This distrust extends to patents. Just because someone, especially the DoD and its agents, are able to get a patent doesn't mean the science or viability of their "creation" is real. Whenever news of any sort is widely distributed, it should be assumed it is serving a particular objective or goal of our aspiring controllers. This is especially true with scientific news, Based on my research I believe all the patents Martin told us about serve to keep us believing in the notion of contagion and fearful of each other. The story of an intentionally leaked lab made virus was deliberately planted as an alternative narative for those of us who are always skeptical of the official story.
I agree with you. The whole lab leak bat cave nonsense is a distraction from the truth that there never was any novel "pathogen" and never any "global pandemic". You are right, the real point was to make us all scared stiff of each other to get acceptance for the poison shot. What worries me is that next time the "pathogen" will be presented as far more deadly and there will be no saying no to the shot. I feel as if it is high time to get far far away fast.
I think there are too many of us that would fight back against a forced jab. Why do that when they have so many other ways to attack us? MSM runs stories on the other scams every day including threats of WWlll, climate collapse, cyber shutdown, alien invasion and financial collapse, all of which could be used to justify martial law and mandatory relocation to 15 minute cities (fancy name for concentration camps). A certain number of us will die just worrying about such things. I don't think you can get very far away, David. Every country is in on the NWO plans. Best to find a place to take a stand with like minded people. The more the better.
I fear you may well be right. I have recently been reading a history of the Roman Empire by Durant ( fantastic book) and we can see the ebb and flow of freedom, oppression, war, poverty, power over the centuries. But they did not have our technology. What we are into now is, for me, a really decisive change. The future is not going to look like the past. Basically it will be 2020, 2021, 2022 for ever. How soon? Five years? How far away can we get? Humm that is what I am worrying about.
I started thinking this morning about how we all can agree on the "facts". And what exactly a fact is. Given the levels of corruption we have seen and the massive number of compromised people out there it surely is harder than ever to ascertain facts. I'm talking about facts that matter here. Things that affect people's lives. Studies are faked, data not released, MSM prints stories that intel dreams up. Wikipedia, some say, is CIA and they have a team of people up there who will re-edit anything that starts to look like the truth.
Our clan here is on a quest for the truth yet it seems harder and harder to find it.
Interesting perspective. I was thinking that what Martin told us just makes us aware of how dangerous these minions are and how we need to be aware. I haven't fully decided my opinion of Martin. Are you saying you don't trust Martin and that he was an unlimited hangout or controlled opposition or that just that the patents he presented were to throw us off the truth?
I appreciate your perspective though. What do you think is the actual situation?
They want us to be fearful of each other. Just as important, they want us to fear their technological super powers. So published announcements or even "suppressed" whistle blower disclosures of scientific and technological advancements have to be independently verified before accepting them as fact. Four years ago I discovered that there is no such thing as contagious particles. The best resources for understanding this truth are Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman and Drs Sam and Mark Bailey. Once I understood this basic fact, I went back and reviewed the works of members of the so-called health freedom movement. In particular, I realized that the film Plandemic was released suspiciously early in 2020. I believe that several but not necessarilly all of the doctors and scientists interviewed for that film are deep state agents. Of the several I am highly suspicious of Mikki Willis, the films director and Judy Mikovits and David Martin. David Martin is a freemason, probably high level. You can verify this without much trouble. If you don't know the history of freemasonry in instigating revolutions and civil wars, you will also need to study that. Actors such as Martin have a simple but crucial role to play in advancing the goals of the elitists. You probably know some basic techniques of sheep and cattle herding. The entire herd isn't always compliant. The rancher has to move the entire herd from the grass depleted north forty acres to the fresh grass of the south forty. On the way a dozen or so cows manage to wander away from the main herd and are headed toward the east side of the property. The rancher doesn't fret. He sends his son by horse or ATV not ro bring the strays back to the herd, but simply to steer them to the south pasture. That's what's happening with us. They are steering each group of us strays to the same pasture, but not necessarily by the same route. They know each of us better than our loved ones know us. They have all our information, not because of surrepticiously implanted microchips (also disinformation), but because we have voluntarily given it to them. I am a trained behaviorist. In my youger days you could say I was a technologist. I know precisely how to manage and more importantly shape behavior. The techniques I know can be used for good or evil just like any other tool.
Fascinating. I did know that Martin was a freemason and I was suspicious of that. I found some things on his websites and his basic website confusing especially the lack of information regarding the movement. Judy Mikovitz was also a bit perplexing for a number of reasons. I don't understand how her husband died in the hospital. Why would she, of all people, bring her husband to the hospital? I still wonder then if she's a deep state agent, was she really in jail and did all those things with fraudchi really happen?
Regarding Martin and the patents: So, let's just say that the patents are real, why would the dod or any pharma company or tech company need to have patents for these very dangerous viruses (as they are portrayed) if they are to be an illegal gain of function product? Wouldn't those organizations not want to expose that information? Wouldn't they want to keep it a national secret for security purposes so that other countries can't spy on these patents and use them themselves against the US? Something just doesn't add up there, either.
Regarding Dr. Kaufman. I wish I could remember what he said early on that didn't make sense to me and made me wonder about him. I'll have to take a look at his work again.
Dr. Richard Fleming is another that made sense to me early on but now it's hard to even find him. What are your thoughts regarding him?
I've also wondered how some of these "freedom" fighters are able to travel freely all over the world apparently freely while others have somehow died (Dr. Bushard and others) or are in jail illegally (Reiner Feullmich) or were threatened with jail (Dr. Suckrit Bhakdi).
I do have to go back and review Dr. Sam Bailey. I'm not sure I've come across Tom Cowan.
What do you think these minions (actors) think will become of them once their masters don't need them anymore to do their dirty work?
How do you think we win this when so many believe in these freedom fighters (which makes them no different then those who got the shots because their critical thinking skills are not being used well and their just following these actors)? How do we come together to stop all these infiltrators of the freedom movement when so many are being told different things by different actors and believing them?
I'd love to read your thoughts on who you think is being truthful and is on the side of good: Kennedy, Trump, McCoullough, Dr. AnaMaria Mihalcea, Pierre Kory (I'm pretty sure he's controlled opposition - according to Dr. Henry Ealy, Kory has stolen his work as has Tess Lowrie, and apparently Kory's NAC supplement has nanotech in it) Karen Kingston, Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin Fitts, Edward Dowd, etc. There are so many that I can't think of them all right now. Interesting how there are so many, too. How they became so known and famous in this so called freedom movement and so fast is interesting, too.
Do you know of Amazing Polly and what do you think of her and her claims regarding those who are at the very top of this freedom movement and are probably making a ton of money (she has a whole chart): Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand, etc.?
Igor Chudov: More to the point, why fuss about the covid "pandemic", but not about cold, flu, herpes, HPV, etc. pandemics? Do we want perpetual lockdown and "mandatory" injections?
Giordano may be a well-spoken clown. He does however tell us something important: that the U.S. DoD budget is 5x what it needs to be to defend America. He says that we are always preparing for the next war. American taxpayers (and everyone) should think deeply on this admission, and what it means about the global economy.
The penny drop moment for me was my ever more desperate search for the mother lode of really good quality clinical experimentation, where what we’re told is routine, the transmission of symptomatic respiratory illness from a sick person to a well person, at some very considerable rate, was demonstrated.
I could not find any such paper. I found quite a few attempts reported, all of which were failures.
The conclusion is that acute respiratory illnesses, which we habitually ascribe to viruses, are in fact neither contagious nor therefore caused by easily transmitted, submicroscopic entities.
To be fair to them, others had arrived at that conclusion in different ways.
It’s neat when evidence of completely different kinds converges on the same spot.
We do appear to be dealing with WMDs deployed with mal-intent.
The twaddle from the top obviously has no sound scientific, medical, intellectual or moral basis.
Yet, despite the fact that the PCR test is not fit for purpose as a diagnostic tool, and therefore we have no proven cases of “covid “, otherwise enlightened bods are regularly kicking covid case statistics around, as though they were relevant to prove whatever.
If there was no pandemic, no proven cases, why are we kicking dead balls around at all?
The vaccine adverse events stats are the critical one to focus on.
Reputable front line doctors, consistently report “something” that was distinctly clinically different from any known illness, with a distinct symptomatic cycle, needing new treatment plans and sometimes resulting in death regardless.
These same doctors, also credibly report deaths among doctors and nurses treating the initial “covid” outbeak, which is apparently very unusual, and clearly raises questions.
Many people report having had “something”, that made them extraordinarily ill and fearful.
Evidence may suggest, that respiratory illnesses are not contagious.
However, other family members do tend to get “the flu”, if one member gets sick.
Likewise, people in work environments.
Childhood illnesses, caused by whatever, do seem to transmit easily, but not consistently, regardless of the degree of exposure.
I believe it was Alex Krainer who said that the economy had to be shut down to avert another banking collapse. Lockdown was the tool to accomplish this.
If you have bet the ranch on red and the roulette wheel shows black, in general you need to find a way to distract the House so that you can rob enough people blind that the House won't end up shooting you for unpayable gambling debts????
Dr Mike Yeadon: "Pandemic" seems to be a matter of definition. The common cold is pandemic, so why fuss about it? To rationalize permanent lockdown, massive fiat expansion, and forced injections?
It’s funny (peculiar, not ha ha) that you mention “public health”. I absolutely let off steam today on my Telegram channel about this exactly. Let me copy my post script to something related to “public health”.
Ps: I greatly dislike the phrase “public health”. I think it’s a charade. There’s really no such thing, except statistically, because it’s nothing more than the aggregate of all the private health situations, by which I mean the aggregate of the personal area under the curve of myriad decisions that you’ve mostly made & each of us has made, that bear on our individual health, measured in a very large number of ways. All that’s lost in this ghastly pretence that there’s a monolithic “public health”, that perhaps in some way affects yours. Of course, it might, but it’s absolutely not inevitable. The aggregation of the outcomes of all those individual can loosely be called “public health”, but it’s close to meaningless, once you really start to think about it.
Consider mean / mode BMI of the adult population in a Western country over the last 60 years. It’s moved up several points. Does that mean we’re all fatter / heavier? Not necessarily. That’s one possible finding. But you can’t tell it from the “public health” numbers, and there’s little to nothing you can do, top down, to alter it. The only thing that works is when individuals & small groups, say families or a group of friends, decide something, and then it can move. I’m fortunate to be pretty much the same BMI now as 40 years ago. So is Joanna. Our kids call us affectionately “The Sticks”, but we haven’t done anything special, just not got deeply into eating factory “food”, and ee happen to like moving around a lot. That’s all it’s taken. I don’t know what public health is in relation to this. Or in relation to likelihood of becoming sick. It’s not a top down phenomenon. It’s a useful pretence for the powerful to seek to wage war on the individual.
"It’s a useful pretence for the powerful to seek to wage war on the individual." Exactly.
After years of research for specific health issues, I've come to realize that there are so many variables that make each of us individual that even in one's own family with the same genetics or similar, reactions based on epigentics, lifestyle (including sleeping and eating habits), environment, toxic load, mineral imbalances, etc. make us uniquely individual that makes a one size fits all scenario impossible.
Agree wholeheartedly. I found this meagre definition of public health…
Public health is the organised response by society to protect and promote health, and to prevent illness, injury and disability
.…if this were true, public health should be campaigning for peace in the world and ending war…they should be fighting against the DOD not teaming up with them 🙄
Love what you wrote. I am not a medical professional but your description of “Public Health” is precisely how I have felt about it but never could articulated it like you have.
Dr Yeadon, I live in Ontario, Canada and your description of "Public Health" is the tool of choice by Canadian politicians to sell and maintain a "single payer" socialist health care system. The Federal government takes tax dollars out of the taxpayers' pockets (about 43% of every tax dollar and a "health premium" of a max $1000 in Ontario) and disburses it through a convoluted health bureaucracy to the "public health" system. In return, Canadians get mediocre at best results (ranked bottom of most Western countries). Canadians discover that not all health concerns are covered and must pay out of pocket or seek treatment outside Canada (about 60,000 Canadians seek health care every year internationally). "Public Health" sells the steal!
It'd certainly improve if people stopped prescribing pills for depression and instead prescribed 'provision of kindly friends, a new welcoming environment, a loyal dog and a sensible exercise regimen'.
I had a depression during my PhD and when I worked in a Swiss ski resort for a winter, people I've remained grateful to all my life; healthy exercise; and healthy eating lifted it pretty instantly. Female psychos in my family trashed all the good work in April 1990.
An aspect of the whole plandemic scenario that doesn't get nearly enough attention in Canada is that we were groomed for this whole exercise for generations.
For years, Canadians used to brag about our "universal healthcare." Like all things communist, it sounds so wonderful in theory, but as you explained, it has disastrous consequences in real life. What "universal healthcare" too often translates into is healthy people who take responsibility for their own wellness paying for the "health care" of those who don't. (And that "health care" is often anything but.)
If you're going to peg your national identity on a system whereby the fruits of your labour are siphoned off to the medical-industrial complex via corrupt government policies, expect to lose your country.
Anna, you're over the target! Yes, ' universal health care sounds good from far but far from good. And yes, we've lost our country, probably back to days of confederation. That's another cluster f..k. The British overlords have never let go of us, they're evil and operate behind the curtain, same as the globalist hidden societies.
The City of London is definitely a big problem, for us and everyone else. Things would be entirely different if Brits like Mike Yeadon were running the show!!
Free health care is not "communist". You must be a Yank invoking that silly notion.
The fact that Canada's "free" health care is subpar isn't because it is free, it's due to bad management, same for Australia, same for the UK. Many countries have free universal health care and at a very high quality. It depends on the quality of management and the amount of bureaucratic corruption.
The US has a very expensive user pays system and delivers extremely low quality 'care' to the majority.
I'm not a Yank. I'm Canadian. A tax-paying Canadian who hasn't been able to get a GP for decades. I have several family members spread across the country who are in the same boat.
For me, it's been a blessing in disguise. I have taken responsibility for my own health - educating myself and improving my lifestyle - such that I have virtually eliminated my need for allopathic medicine.
Unfortunately, that doesn't get me out paying the taxes. Taxes that are paying our completely corrupt doctors to tell us to do things like take the covid jab.
I grew up in the UK with the NHS single payer socialist health care system and it was fantastic. Ever since the conservative money grubbers came to town they have been trying to dismantle it and starve it of funds. Just because the MSM has brainwashed us, don't be afraid of the word "socialist".
My first experience of A&E in 1973 was sitting waiting for 2hrs for a doctor to diagnose ' you need an XRay', which my father knew before we even arrived. They then gave me rather too much anaesthetic when setting the broken bones and they had a frantic couple of hours trying to wake me.
I survived, but it wasn't a vista of a well-functioning, efficient system. It was one needing to tell government that 'we need more money'.
Totally agree. There was an interesting interview of Arizonan Republican seniors by BBC when Obamacare was introduced. They interviewed people who had lost their homes due to illness. The reporter said that Obamacare would prevent that. They said “but it’s socialized medicine”
Jeremy Corbyn introduced fantastic anti-globalist policies at the Labour Party conference in UK but of course was smeared as being anti-Semitic. What a load of bollocks!
Public Health is hygiene, indoor plumbing, work place safety, seat belts, environmental protection, and information/education on healthy lifestyles. Not mass medication: clean water, not poisoning the water with fluoride. Medication is always a personal decision, never a public decision. Just look at the fluoride fiasco, and the total vaccine fiasco, of which these mRNA shots are only the worst example.
I doubt any single factor is THE driver. The deepest deep state figures & their senior stakeholders certainly use ownership plus control of the worlds CBs to control everything.
“Money makes the world go around” for sure.
The long run driver for these diabolical people seems to be total control and depopulation appears both an objective and an enabler of tyrannical control.
No motive that would make sense to ordinary people seems apparent.
Excuses of overpopulation, resource depletion and climate change are all lies, as far as I can tell, each actively popularised by these same individuals and their groups.
It’s viral to decentralise and prepare to resist and survive.
The control system they are creating is inherently unstable and will be maintained only with huge effort and application of energy.
Malone gets asked point blank at the outset of the interview if he believes there was a pandemic and he says yes and then dissembles as he is wont to do.
Poor Robert shows his true colors as he is mildly challenged and starts kicking and screaming like and a petulant child.
BTW the mystery of who invented the wheel has now been solved- it was Robert Malone! Don't believe it- ask him.
Mr Malone, now agrees/subscribes of US policy of Depopulation agenda- to keep World population below 8 Bil - after seeing "Kissinger Report", before that he stayed away from "DePop" (probably stating it BS). I am wondering, has he never heard abt Kissinger report in his life before this point with so many connection in Alpha-Soup agencies.
He runs "Substack as Business, and treats his subscribers as Clients" - funny !!
on Sasha, other than "lot of Shit"
Malone: She makes a lot of statements that are unsubstantiated. Sasha makes wild claims that this is a DoD controlled operation, I haven't seen that document.
: I am an expert in Govt. affairs and writing Documents contracts and regulatory affairs. I've written OTA contracts.
One will go crazy if listens whole thing - 2 h 17 mins.
Thanks for the link. I, for one , usually don't listen (can't bear) to Malik, as I find him a poor interviewer with a slow learning curve (in addition to sounding ego centric and ego driven) but will try to speedy listen to his one.
I think they figured out gain of fiction... Self amplifying bullshit!
The one that takes the cake is Baric talking about developing a corona virus that causes myocarditis. GTFO, we know myocarditis happens from the toxic shots, not con-vid.
Like rfk, plenty of sci fi fantasy believers think that these scammers, like Baric and the ones you mentioned are for real. The new one they're obsessed about is self amplifying blabla... Haha
The truth is that they're no different than the wizard of oz who hides behind a curtain of lies and hype.
Great post! An MD in our community who worked at a large 600 bed hospital told us the PCR was accounting for approximately 95% false positives. They saw Covid patients but no where near pandemic levels. This prompted looking at the PCR package inserts. The first concern, in addition to the CTs, is the nasal samples are collected and transported in tubes that contain a LYSATE. The LYSATE essentially kills all bacteria and viruses in the transport media. . This explains why these tests were never approved for folks with NO symptoms. The manufactures went off label using the EUA you’ve discussed multiple times 21 USC 360bbb. These emergency laws need to urgently be repealed. It is likely they will need this strategy for disease X or whatever next they are planning.
There's nothing remotely relevant in killing bacteria and viruses or not as to whether a PCR test functions or not. Every PCR cycle raises temperatures to over 90C, which is why the polymerase enzyme used in PCR is from a hyperthermophilic bacterium, one of the few organisms that lives in extremely hot springs.
A PCR reaction requires intact RNA and/or DNA, it doesn't need intact organisms.
The cost of 1 billion tests for intact infectious virus and/or live bacterial isolates would make such testing regimens uneconomic.
"Who here still believes covid was a real viral pandemic? Or even an epidemic? Welcome! We don’t judge! Actually we do - you are an idiot if after 4 years of this charade you still believe that was an epidemic." LOL!
Sasha, I both love and hate you. I refuse to believe English is not your first language; you're writing is so perceptive, witty and droll, I'm turning progressively greener with envy with every new post!
Timothy - if you live in a country for several years, you start dreaming in your 'new language' if you live every day using that language all day.
Obviously, if you surround yourself with native speakers of your mother tongue and don't engage with the language of your host nation, you don't become as fluent as Sasha has.
I lived in Austria in 1982/3 and my German was pretty much as good as my English at the end of it.
I feel like step #4 is key to this whole thing. Any degree of hypochondria combined with fear will produce symptoms of some sort. Then those that are not hypochondriacs will perceive that the situation is real and the whole thing escalates into what we have today. Pure evil.
Totally agreed. Of course did the operators know while preparing and planning that hypochondriacs were the essential group of useful iditiots in the execution of the psyop. Those people in great numbers credibly affirmed to almost suffocate because of the unicorn bug. Hypochondria is a serious issue of perceptual disorder. One key instrument in the tool box of mass psychosis.
To my knowledge there is not a single convid death case outside of the facilities. Convid became fatal as soon as treatment came into play. I would call hypochondria one of the most important "underlying conditions" when it comes to plandemics.
Stress does cause illness because it weakens the immune system by depleting the body of key nutrients: zinc, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, etc. So, being a hypochondriac is not a good thing.
These monsters know how to play these games and they have enough "doctors", "scientists", and 'psychologists" on the payroll to make it all come together.
A great piece so clearly outlined that even I couldn't miss the most important message! Pandemics aren't real, if they were we wouldn't be here!!! Can anyone imagine a simpler and more logical truth to remember after reading this outstanding note? Thank you, Sasha.
Giordano's drug agent to create high mortality 'sentinel' cases reminds me of the 'novichok' assassination or the guy (or was it more than one?) who was supposedly killed by repeat radioactive substance exposure. Those stories always seemed extremely suspect. Untraceable drugs to fake disease cases might be pulled straight from assassination programs, which have long had overlap with chemical / bio warfare programs
Even the ones in lab coats like Ralph Baric are salesmen. Bullshit salesmen.
I also apply this to the "scientists" like Kariko and Dr Malone who claim to have developed mRNA tech. I've yet to see it work at all. I actually think the mRNA story is there to hide the fact that the platform itself, the lipids and contaminants are the problem.
When they claim spike protein damage😆 what they're seeing is the result, not the cause of cell damage and death. Germ theory is such horse shit.
Fauci bought over 100 million in bullshit from Baric so most unfortunately it appears to be a highly profitable career. I hope we can change that soon.
I am in complete agreement. It had long ago occurred to me also that, if a highly infectious agent that was also lethal in many people could exist, it would have to occur just once in history and we wouldn’t be here any more.
It’s all terrorism.
Don’t beLIEve, as our friends from Sheep Farm Studios remind us.
Agreed Mike. But why on earth is this not obvious to my mum? There is some propaganda aspect here that is off the charts. If you try to cheat her over the electricity bill she is all over it in a flash - but inject poison and believe it is making you healthy when it kills you - no problem. What I can't fathom is why they all fell for such an obvious scam. I care about those sheep. They have been duped.
Media programming, priming. So many ripe minds
Programming. Movies and TV portray utility companies as evil, and doctors and hospitals as good. Think of all the medical dramas with noble protagonists, from Dr. Kildare, to Marcus Welby, MD, even up to the flawed Dr. House.
Maybe your mum (and mine too ) doesn’t see it because there has been a generational prepping or grooming to condition us to believe we ardd ex saved by science ( ie: Ist world countries have economic stability due to well vaccinated citizens and advanced medicine that saves them from being 3rd world slums). Instead of acknowledging good nutrition, sanitation, clean drinking water and adequate shelter as needed for good health they report our salvation is due to big Pharma../ modern medicine
The response to the electric bill is more “in your face “ if your monthly bill increases .. but the jabs have been the long con with a storyline no one was permitted to question ( that should have been a warning right there)
I deducted that early on too when I heard Dr. Mc Cullough interviewed by Dr. Peter Breggin and he said some people will be resistant to the (so called) novel virus. I thought about all the horrible diseases in the past and how there were always people taking care of the sick and they, for whatever reason, did not die. Then I thought too, the human race would have died out a long time ago if EVERYONE was affected with a past deadly disease.
Now most people are infected with the mind-virus that kills common sense or a sense of self-preservation.
The purpose of compulsory schooling is to infect the mind with a virus that arrests their ability to think critically. I'm glad I couldn't pay attention or who knows what I would mistake for truth. 😏
Personally and through friends and family I know of four with brain tumours (one already dead), destroyed kidney, chronic AF, three others with various cancers, a few strokes, two heart attacks, blood clots, and many constantly ill. And today I learned of another with a serious heart condition and one with MS type symptoms.
Of all the people I know that resisted, all are as healthy as they were in 2019.
Don't fall for the trap of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - retribution is of DARKNESS!
Fortunately, we come from a wide mix of genetic stock, evolved over a very long time. We don't all share the same vulnerabilities as revealed in the UK Challenge Trial (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9) where nearly half were immune to purpose planted infection. The Princess cruise ship showed similar results for more seniors.
If anything, taking the Covid shot may have introduced a vulnerability that might not have ever been there.
That study is a pile of baloney. It first assumes they already have a sample of Sars-Co2 with no proof. Then they use the PCR to confirm infection which is also bogus. If you have no proof of alleged virus how can you make a PCR test for it? Third, a PCR is useless in diagnosing anything. So what did they "innoculate" the people with? Probably some toxic decaying organic material they called a virus. Made some people sick...go figure. I'll bet if you drank some spoiled milk some people would get sick, too.
ha, ha, in that second paper, a man has pneumonia, they run a sequence program on his snot which matches some of the snot sequence of the alleged virus that was never proven to exist. So both snots had some matching DNA which makes sense since both are humans and both had pneumonia. They used PCR --which Drosten admitted they had no human viral sample of covid when they made the primer--to confirm infection. You can't make a test for something you didn't have in the first place. Then they administer remdesivir, a known kidney and liver toxin "for compassionate use". He's lucky he survived the "cure".
Ivor Cummins interviewed Prof Wolfgang Wodarg last September in Sweden just before his talk. Dr Wodarg has an interesting sense of humor, yes? Near the end of the interview, he mentioned that if a virus is really lethal, then its a failure. (No virus wants to kill its host because it will die as well). He went on that the best virus is one you don't even know you have, because it will stay with you without any damage. (loosely paraphrased) here's an entertaining link:
The Professor who Cracked the Code - Wodarg Explains All - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/jhUsu7UH29w/ - - this short interview needs more views!
Prof. Wodarg also has an e-book: Professor Wodarg's excellent book here, an heirloom piece! https://www.false-pandemics.com/
Sherman - Dr Wodarg has obviously done good work in his field, for example, he helped quash an earlier European pandemic years ago & was involved in trying to investigate the C19 scam-demic w/Reiner Fuellmich & the German Corona Investigative Committee etc.
However, if you & others aren't familiar with this CIC (Corona Investigative Committee) interview, Wodarg was very dismissive & hostile to both Lanka & Kaufman when they were trying to share vitally important info around investigations of no-virus history etc.
I was actually stunned by this interview when I watched it at the time, as Reiner & Wodarg were usually open to discussion in other CIC/"covid-related" interviews. But in this case Wodarg especially & very clearly tried to shut down the good doctors'no-virus evidence.
Watch this > Dr Kaufman & Dr Lanka on the Corona Investigative Committee Session 90
ShiYuMeng - https://www.bitchute.com/video/TtpqJHy2Ez2b/
Video info: Dr Kaufman and Dr Lanka were invited to be on the Corona Investigative Committee to discuss the virus isolation fraud. Unfortunately, the Corona Investigative Committee were not interested in analysing the facts put forth by Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman. Instead, they were only interested in discrediting them.
Video poster's comments: My opinion of the Corona Investigative Committee is that they are full of controlled opposition. They are not interested in human health but instead are only interested in preserving their fraudulent medical system. They are here to waste all of our time so that people do not learn that because viruses do not exist, they do not have to subscribe to pharmaceuticals. Most importantly, they don't want you to discuss the process that virologist claim to find viruses because if they did, it would expose their religious belief system in germs.
So the Corona Committee's doctor proclaimed he isn't interested in the scientific papers and instead asked irrelevant questions. He used ample amount of logical fallacies even demanding that Dr Kaufman and Dr Lanka prove viruses do not exist. No one on this planet can prove something doesn't exist, all we can do is disprove the claim of existence. Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman have provided enough evidence to disprove the claims of virus existence.
Making such logical fallacies and also accusing Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan having monetary motivations as their sole incentive for refuting virology demonstrates to me that this committee is not interested in finding the truth and ending this COVID scam.
My recommendation is to NOT waste your time with the Corona Investigative Committee.
I am posting the segment to preserve the Committee's foolishness and to demonstrate that Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman acted with integrity and honour.
1 year, 11 months ago (First published February 6th, 2022)
Also, see link below on this CIC session which comes to a similar conclusion on Wodarg.
See > CIC, Session 90 - "The Virus of Power" - Projekt Immanuel - Feb 9, 2022
A short statement on the 90th meeting of the (unofficial) German Corona Inquiry Committee, to which, amongst others, Dr Stefan Lanka and his colleague Dr Andrew Kaufman, were invited.
Immanuel Project aims to enlighten, to provide factual information from the fields of science and to take an appropriately neutral standpoint. Although we may occasionally criticise someone’s statements, decisions or actions, we do not attack anyone personally, nor do we take anyone’s side. Therefore, we do not want to say too much about this particular session, yet we would like to address certain statements made by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg on the subject of science and the virus evidence issue.
Without going into detail at this point, we feel that the session bore the inappropriate title, “The Virus of Power” and we too are very disappointed by the meeting itself and are of the opinion that the committee cannot claim to have made an attempt to seriously deal with the virus evidence issue.
The Corona Committee of Inquiry took a very combative approach towards the Corona Crisis many months ago, as Dr. Reiner Fuellmich himself has made clear in various interviews, they are primarily concerned with proving that the Corona crisis is a major, premeditated crime. This confrontational approach is already in stark contrast to Dr. Lanka’s more neutral approach which shows that the Corona Crisis is first and foremost the inevitable result of misguided developments in both science and society. No one denies that a great many entities from politics and business shamelessly exploit the Corona Crisis for their own purposes and interests. If the virus evidence issue and the work of Dr. Lanka had been seriously addressed, the Committee would automatically have had to question many of its previous findings, conclusions, accusations and expert opinions.
Everyone should always question all "covid" players & Dr Wodarg is no exception. His opinions on viruses, including the statement that the best kind of virus is one that doesn't kill you, is similar to virology claiming that viruses are nearly invisible & very contagions, but we (virologists) can't prove it to you scientifically w/any experiments (over the past 100+years). so just trust our "authority" & stop discussing no-virus evidence/proof.
Sorry, I also find the no-virus distracting, as I had watched the Lanka/Kaufman presentations early in the plandemic. Personally never completely bought in, as something is affecting some people's health, and they could never fully explain this. Worse, quite a few near the top of this field have mentioned the science has changed over the past 20 years, detection methods have changed too. Eventually Stephan Lanka's theories may be proven or properly challenged, as we learn of other vaccines for more common diseases that may never have been fully isolated either. Right now, bigger fish are tugging on the line, so to speak: It could be that a shot-in-the-arm can never work as a universal flu shot or for any mutating coronavirus. (Still trying to figure how to reach antigens in the upper respiratory tract?) Maybe the vaxx program for the past 60 years is built on sand, waiting to crumble? We are living in interesting times, but Tinkerbelle? A closed mind never wins anyone over.
"Sorry, I also find the no-virus distracting"
Virology/ germ theory is one of the top distractions in human society over the last century. Perhaps it qualifies as the No.1 distraction. Certainly in the arena of healthcare it's top of the charts.
Obsession with the 'virus' has distracted us from the 4,732,982 other factors at play - factors that make far more sense and have more science behind them.
The fact that you are looking for (the no virus camp to provide you with) a monocausal explanation of disease before you give up 'the virus' means you still haven't escaped the Rockefeller healthcare paradigm. And by paradigm I mean highly profitable scam.
Yeah, some time ago, learned that during the Spanish Flu, most died from bacterial pneumonia and aspirin overdoes, which was new at the time. The polio "virus" outbreak mostly disappeared after the halt of using DDT. Assumptions are made or ignored about toxins and drug interactions, and many being used in the outdoor environment should never have been let out the laboratory door. The casual use of both puts any seat at this 4-year theater production into question. Still, its difficult to ignore a video of Ralph Baric pointing to a slide and explaining his work to a classroom of students. Where to draw the bioweapon line?
" Where to draw the bioweapon line?"
Bioweapon propaganda (GoF, lab leaks etc) is designed to get people to accept 'viruses' as a threat and injections of bioweapons as a cure.
Gates has warned us of a bioweapons attack sparking the next 'pandemic'. The easiest way to way to achieve this would be through the use of EMF from the new wireless infrastructure that's just been installed on every street corner.
Using microwaves to create actual 'bodies in the streets' and hospitals filled up with sick people (for real this time) would be a great bait and switch. It would also put a nail in the coffin of the 'no pandemic', 'no virus', 'no contagion' camp.
Astroworld 2021 had all the hallmarks of a microwave induced mass casualty event and test run. People were passing out all day, had breathing difficulties, feelings of intense 'doom', nose bleeds, vomiting and defecation, cardiac arrest etc.... these are all symptoms of microwave radiation. It was passed off as a 'crowd crush' disaster even though many were caught on film dying of cardiac arrest in wide open spaces.
An Astroworld-like mass casually event in several major cities around the world would be enough to scare the shit out of the public and have them begging for more lockdowns, door-to-door vax and digital ID/ Vax passport.
WHUT?!? > "Personally never completely bought in, as something is affecting some people's health, and they could never fully explain this."
The doctors, scientists & data statisticians have ALL explained this... the CDC & foreign govts all manipulated their statistics to call the annual flu, pneumonia & respiratory illnesses COVID. Look at the stats... there was no pandemic of any new or novel COVID but the same ole flu/pneumonia/respiratory illnesses that folks suffer from every year. Did COVID actually cure flu/& related illnesses? ;-)
Perhaps certain geographic regions (only cities/urban areas) were attacked with toxins (like in NYC's subways when they "disinfected" them) but 2020 deaths/ mortality annual stats STILL remained nearly the same as in previous years. Death stats don't lie unless they are deleted, manipulated or with-held.
See > The Vigilant Fox 🦊 @VigilantFox 5:53 PM ∙ Feb 22, 2023
@TuckerCarlson Reads from "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022
"The CEO of the One America insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40% higher than it was before… https://t.co/fvhOxVDhJP
By 2017, around 2.8 million Americans died. 2018 was about the same again. 2019, about the same again. Not surprisingly, 2020 saw a spike, smaller than you might imagine, some of which could be attributed to COVID [not true, this was renaming the annual flu etc] and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. [yes, treatment protocols promoted - ventilators/rhemdesivir were DEADLY]
But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the One America insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40% increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking, and not only for the devastated families and communities that directly experience the deaths. Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40%.
Right out of the gate, Tucker had an epiphany — realizing that he knew no one who died of COVID before the mRNA injections rolled out.
More info on this here >
Excess Mortality Goes Mainstream in Earth-Shattering Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson Interview - “In 2021, [AFTER the experimental jabs] the [mortality] stats people expected went off the rails.” The Vigilant Fox - Feb 25 2023 -
Now, try to explain that to me & everyone - no increased mortality before the jabs during a so-called "pandemic" but massively increased deaths #s in 2021.
Is it your habit to Take a quote out of context often? Sorry, misconstrued the “no virus” position exists, as something is still making people sick.
Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out, well aware this is the fifth faked pandemic since 1976, also aware the all cause mortality numbers have not returned to baseline since clot/kill shots rolled out in developed nations the most. Also did you know that Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, NC already had sars-cov2 developed in 2018? Sick and twisted tale, for sure!
NO - Baric didn't develop or discover or invent a so-called "SARS-Cov-2 virus".
Guess you missed this Baric/virus/SARS-Cov2 explanation Sherman?? Read on...
> December 20, 2023 - SARS-CoV-2 Origins Explained
Farewell to Virology Part 2 - Charles Wright - C’s Newsletter
Quote: "It was a chimeric sequence all right, but not one spliced together by Ralph Baric."
"Computer programs combined small genetic sequences together which could have come from anywhere. Bacteria, pollen, human, didn't matter.
I’m still watching this one and though I would share it with you all." > >
> Dr Sam Bailey - A Farewell To Virology – Part Two (Dr Mark Bailey and Steve Falconer) - This is Part 2 of the film version of Dr Mark Bailey’s essay A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), produced by Steve Falconer. Part 1 of the film can be found here, and Part 3 is currently in the early stages of production. The "Farewell to Virology" essay can be downloaded from here …
Listen to this interview now
Charles Richet received the Nobel Prize in 1913 for proving that any foreign protein injected causes irreversible harm and/or death. Vaccines are the very foundation of the profits of the medical cartel.
You sound like a kook. Are you?
Lets just leave it that its clear you did not watch the Dr Wodarg interview. Second, there's an interesting book "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr Suzanne Humphries. Suggest you read it, If you have not already done so. Its an eye opener.
Good. No-virus is a destructive scam.
SaHib -
It's actually the other way round... believing in the virus fairy is a lucrative scam.
Billions of farma $$$ taken to the bank as Agenda21/depop/BBB rolls along.
Calling yourself skeptical doesn't make you a skeptic when you're actually an apologist for pseudoscience that undermines the brilliance of scientific method.
If you can't prove "viruses" are isolated elements that cause disease, they don't. Piling cells on a slide & culturing them w/many various chemical toxins/poisons to make the cells react & die doesn't prove "viruses" exist or are dangerous.
Early scientists trying to show "virus" contagion proved that culturing any cells - not just the claimed "viral" cells - with poisonous/toxic chemicals will kill them. It's toxicology we should focus on in human health & not on a bogus virology..
Goodbye, Tinkerbell!
Watch & learn > DR. TOM COWAN: THE CONTAGION MYTH. - doubtingmantis
7 months, 2 weeks ago (First published June 2nd, 2023)
Dustin Aaron Moskovitz is a criminal https://rumble.com/v41qk14-recorded-livestream-with-dr.-david-martin-facts-matter-conference-copenhage.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
Dr. Yeadon: exactly. Whenever someone says to me ‘but what if there’s an extremely deadly pandemic? I tell them two things: 1. There’s no such thing, and even if there was, nothing would matter anyway, as we’d all be dead no matter what we did; so stop living in fear. 2. Were you worried about a deadly pandemic before early 2020? Think about it!
What about the Native Americans? They all didn't die off from nothing. Millions of people died from infectious diseases
Respectfully, you read that somewhere and chose to believe it.
Sasha & Mike, I've been following & sharing your terrific work for some time now. I understand the 4 points (plus item 0) outlined by Sasha. Apologies if my question has been covered.
I understand there's been an ongoing "no virus" debate. We even see debate about infectivity between people. We also see plenty of reporting on variants & the evolutionary (correct term?) trees that diagram them.
In your opinion, what's circulating in society during the past couple years? Rapidly mutating viruses? RNA clones? Nothing? Manufactured toxins released at regular intervals?
Thanks in advance.
Dr Yeadon - I'm not sure I totally agree with you - if you look for genetic variants resistant to disease, you can have relative decimation of populations then building up again after the resistant start to breed again.
You're saying that you need a lethal agent that infects every single human and kills all of them too.
Myxamatosis in rabbits is highly infectious and highly lethal, but it never caused rabbits to be totally wiped out.....
Universal DNA damaging is a more uniform way of wiping out humans. You know, catastrophic destruction of the protective Ozone layer and inability of humans to hide inside safe environments be that deep under the sea oi deep inside mountain ranges.
There may be unusual circumstances in which you’d be right.
I restrict my remarks to acute respiratory illnesses. Apologies if I didn’t make that clear.
Gates, Schwab and King Charles are however only interested in using fear of extraordinarily unlikely things in order to conttol & then kill lots of people.
Nothing has ever happened in human history that would remotely approach the extent of population risk that o might accept central control.
Malign individuals explicitly chose spreading pathogens as something they could use to insist on activity above the level of nation.
The same people also chose climate change for the same reason.
The same people also claim earth is overpopulated.
See “Club of Rome”.
I’m sure you are aware of this but in case others are not.
I cannot think of circumstances where corruptible & stupid central authorities should have the power to override my decisions as a responsible citizen.
I’m very much concerned that a majority favours central government conttol if there is something scary going on.
It’s going to be the death of our freedoms followed very likely by loss of our actual lives if we stand back in letting others dominate debates and if we fall into compliance.
Best wishes
BTW that 37 second clip is pretty amazing for the fact that RFK gives a synopsis of characters involved in what he acknowledges as fake pandemics in the past and in the next breath states "this pandemic", involving the same cast of characters and institutions, is not fake.
That's top tier cognitive dissonance right there. And because he's RFK he'll get a pass on such an obvious faux pas.
"These past pandemics that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear which involved Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust were fake. This one run that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear and was orchestrated by Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust is not fake."
How in the hell do you get away with people taking you seriously when you make such patently ludicrous statements.
I don't take this as RFK Jr saying this pandemic is real while the others were fake. To me this is saying the others in the past were clearly fake, therefore the present one is also fake.
"And I'm not saying this one is a fake pandemic, cause it isn't."
That's what he said- clear as a bell. Not sure how in the world you interpret it as the exact opposite of what he said.
I agree in a literal sense. That IS what he said--but as you pointed out, he just laid out every single person involved in this "not fake" one were the exact same players who'd faked the others. My question is, if he was "clearly" asserting this one was NOT a faked pandemic, then what possible reason would BW have to sit on this podcast for nearly 18 months before releasing it? Because people like you, mv and I--along with a whole bunch of others (the crowd's growing by the day) are capable of comparing "cast lists"--and realize that claim exposes a "coincidence" they'd rather keep swept under the rug.
They are barreling ahead with the biosecurity narrative and need for PPP's for pandemic preparedness.
RFK, McCullough, Malone, Kory et al are all fully on board with this and provide the "alternative" narrative that validates the need for the biosecurity framework.
The important component is to ensure that the public believe "Covid was real" and therefore countermeasures, whatever form they take, are necessary.
That what Malone, RFK, Kory, McCullough say publicly on Monday often contradict what they say on Tuesday (with both days declarations easily debunked with hard evidence) matters little as the psychology of faith-based hero worship and mass propaganda going full blast.
In a rush so didn't explain that great- you are correct the crowd that is questioning the entire narrative and these "alt-dissidents" is growing.
RFK is not a savior, why hang on his every word and action. No one man can be all things to all people. He is not infallible or omniscient. In the real world people are wrong but acknowledge when they are wrong RFK thinks covid is from a lab leak, I believe he is wrong. Thinks we should just move on restructure all agencies but not seek more accountability. What about Constitutional laws?
No mention ever, no interested in repealing if he treats them as if they do not exist. Gaza no problem for RFK a true Israeli supporter and thus supports genocide why not forgive and forget covid democide is kinda like being a Gazan. Move on he is not what you think he is.
there are tons of things open to interpretation in this world these days
Oh my.
exactly, all we have is our own common sense
And double think. Like the ability to take the phrase "they've faked pandemics, but this one is real" and interpret it to believe what you believe, or want us to believe. Double think is the ability to believe that two things which are contradictory are both true. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Say it over and over mv. Practice your skills.
Like fossil hunting with Epstein.
The first paragraph is so mind blowing with truth that it should become a mantra. Holy f---! Outstanding stuff Ms. Sasha Latypova👍😎
Ummm. The entire piece is so good. 🥵
mv - but that’s EXACTLY what RFK, Jr. said. Your interpretation makes no sense. Perhaps you need to review the video?
Allen - The entire RFK Jr deal (running for President) is suspect to me as imo he's prob being paid off to be a distraction. Remember who supports him & defends his bald inconsistencies re: farma's evils & supports his political info dodges as being reasonable? Steve Kirsch, for one, pushed Jr's Prez candidacy from the very beginning. Kirsch, the tech billionaire who also has investments in biosecurity & has been a diversionary par excellence around the virus lies by denying the reality of all the no-virus proof brought forward by the medical truth-tellers now.
So Junior is simply doing the bidding of the power elites too, even if he has also done some good thru CHD & the exposure of farma in the vaccine wars against our children. And yet , after all of his work against deadly vaccines in the childhood vaxx schedule, Jr says he's not "anti-vaxx". Why?? That's not strategic, folks - it's just counter-intuitive & flat-out perfidy to me. We're in a chess game & it's critical to always question every major player's actions & motives.
"We're in a chess game & it's critical to always question every major player's actions & motives."
Completely agree.
Hmm, I wonder. He's said elsewhere his wife has chosen the jab, against his advice. He hinted she'd had 3. Or possibly he meant 3 family members. Said he wasn't the boss in his own home. Soooo.... he's gonna be covered in shedding, plus all the flights, meet n greets, constant pressure etc. Does he have the time to sit and consider?
There was no pandemic or epidemic for that matter because there is no such thing as a contagious particle neither natural nor manmade. If the controllers could create a dangerous spreading pathogen, they would have done so long ago and they would have already achieved their goal of full spectrum control of the world's population. So they fake their pandemics instead, which is not hard to do because of the widespread belief in the illusion of contagion. All they have to do is strategically sprinkle their highly toxic substances in several locations, tell everyone it's a dangerous virus, and have their bought-off politicians, fake scientists and mockingbird press feed the pandemic narrative 24/7.
“They” wanted to create a bioweapon, that’s what all the gain-of-function work was about. Where’s the evidence that the “virus” killed a lot of people? What we got, which really was a bioweapon, were the vaccines.
Why do you care what he does move on from this phony.
The problem is, can you imagine if he'd actually said that this was a fake pandemic? I'm not sure this would've helped his cause in aiming to become the next president. Priorities!
Sasha God bless you and thank you for your cleared eyes and logical brain. I am spreading this everywhere i can.
I'm with you on this Duchess. Just shared Sasha's post with about a dozen 'private' FB groups.
Good question. How come a pandemic (or pandemic emergency measures) were declared after so few cases of an unexpected, natural disease?
It makes no sense!
So, we are left with two related possibilities:
1) This pandemic was PLANNED
2) It was not planned, but they immediately knew what the virus was and how nasty Baric's HIV/sarbecovirus chimera was.
I always lean towards possibility number 1 of course
it's #1, but many of the perpetrator class themselves believe their BS and act as if it's #2.
Yes! Malone blasted you over and over on Malik’s podcast about this. Whenever he was pressed by Malik he used the word bullshit. Malone is consistent and has put out some good information, however he still propagates the “potential” deadly pandemic scenario with no evidence other than a west Africa village. He falters because he’s still plugged into the “defense against.....” scenarios.
Very similar to the nuclear deterrence industry that has postulated the absolute necessity for otherworldly budgets to prevent nuclear Armageddon.
Based on my vast experience in engineering at the highest levels, I tend toward Sasha over Malone regarding credibility.
By the way, he characterized your analysis as placing the DoD in the top position, even though, based on his interview with Malik, he credits Marks and Kadlec as directing DoD efforts. So back to an Intelligence Agency/ DoD op in America.
None of this explains the global op. Mercifully he at least brought up the Kissinger report.
There is a very simple explanation. His own wealth and the $billions in contracts he got for his clients (with a hefty fee, no doubt, enabling a "homestead" of horses $500K a head) all depends on the pandemic preparedness racket. I will be writing a series of articles about this interview, there is so much good stuff here! Ahmad did a stellar job.
I even qualified for a pair of STFUs, I believe.
And I’m such a mild-mannered guy. Lol.
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that. I think he’s jealous that you have shown more courage to really speak up about all you have discerned. As I said in my original comment, he does say many things that I know to be valid regarding government contracts especially in the defense industry. However I also know you don’t get debt free with a horse farm if you weren’t fully committed to playing the game for a long time even when you knew a lot of what you were doing (Malone drafting bids and proposals) was bogus. Can I use that word? Or should I have said not better than a placebo?
During the interview he admitted to how easy it was to make proposals and then disappear in the cancer treatments field.
He is not jealous, he is just fearful for his income stream from bullshit "announced" pandemics of invisible nothingness for which trillions of bucks need to be spent to "prepare".
Promo Code: Charles Wright
Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD
President at The Malone Institute
Published Apr 4, 2016
+ Follow
"Below is a list of projects from 2011-2016 that Robert Malone and I (RW Malone MD, LLC) have provided direct leadership and proposal management in. That is almost ten billion dollars in the last five years. We helped win 562 million in contract awards and nine billion in IDIQ awards. That is ten billion dollars that these companies may not have won with out involvement. That is a whole lot of really important research that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for us, particularly Robert. It is kind of mind blowing.
We are still looking for funding for our Zika clinical trials but the US Gov appears to have decided to not fund any anti-viral clinical research (and we are just about ready to go). So, I am on the hunt for our next big project. I was told by a "big" project management firm that other day, we we work for about a tenth of what they do... But our success rate is over 95%, while theirs is below 50%.
We work our asses off, we work smart, we don't really advertise, we have clients that have been with us for years and we haven't raised our rates in a decade. So, as I am completely discouraged with our government again over their response to Zika, I have to remember our wins. Because we are doing something right. We may not fund big conferences, or big dinners at awards nights but we bring in the contracts for our clients, we write solid scientific proposals that get funded and we don't brag (much)..."
You gotta listen to that interview- just got through it- need a coffee.
Malone goes absolutely berserk-o in the second hour. That's all I'll say on this for now.
yes, that's a good one. Reviewing it myself.
Just watched the interview--interesting how often--especially when the question seems difficult to answer for Malone--he defaults into a kind of "do you know who I am!" type of indignant response.
I thought the interviewer was pretty good, trying to keep Malone on track.
Thanks for sharing--I unsubscribed to Malone when he said something to the effect that the next time/pandemic we may need to quarantine...fuck that noise...
I also thought it was interesting that Malone's response to the Ed Dowd/Denis Rancourt (sp?) all cause mortality studies was that he agreed with the studies but that "doesn't mean there was not a pandemic".
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that supposed to be one of these "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" type of deals?
or to say the same thing another way; just because we didn't have evidence that there was a pandemic, doesn't mean there was not a pandemic. good argument dude...jeeessshh...
The reason he gave for saying there was a pandemic is because the WHO had previouly changed the definition of a pandemic to an event of concern not requiring any number of deaths. Malik should have pushed back on Malone's apparent acceptance of the WHO's manipularion of the meaning of words. The next thing they'll be telling us is that 5 year old girls can choose to be boys and boys can be girls if that's what they wish. Oh wait. That's exactly what they're telling us. Does Malone go along with that as well?
It helps to chuckle your way through it. I couldn't help thinking to myself "This will be fun. Elmer Fudd (with a British accent) interviews a cranky and squinty eyed Mr. Magoo."
According to Wikipedia, "Mr. Magoo is an elderly, wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of comical situations as a result of his extreme near-sightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem."
"Sasha says a lot of shit"
Ooopsies, Bob. It's called truth.
And it's pronounced just like it's spelled.
Kind of like Sasha's name is.
I see both of these are hard for you.
lol. He has anger management problems. Bob, don't get stressed so much! It's bad for your microbiome... Sarah, maybe you can suggest some pilates and breathing exercises... :)
The one complete giveaway from those weaving false narratives is their failure to offer the faintest, plausible reason why numerous people, with similar intellectual horsepower and deep expertise in a related field, would come up with a completely different explanation, lacking in the contradictions that falsehoods almost always have.
Put another way, and this is directed at me.
The censor / smearers cannot ever come up with a single, faintly plausible reason for why I say what I do.
I don’t dislike my former employer.
I don’t like limelight, not that I get much.
I not only have not made a red cent from my work, instead investing a six figure sum to not limit what I think is worth doing and in small ways helping a few others, but I have declined every opportunity to make any money from my work.
It disgusts me, doing that. It’s not like I lost economically important positions, though I was dismissed as an adviser to the boards or the CEO of three privately held biotechnology companies in the US. I was all but economically retired and enjoying tinkering at the edges. I declined offers to helm new start ups or being involved in them. I’ve done that, and it’s no longer of any interest. As an aside, I would now not accept a commission in this sector. Corruption is endemic in a way I never suspected.
I have not accepted & will not accept anything, in money or in kind, to me or to a relative, out of any of this.
So, anyone bad mouthing me is entitled to say I’ve got things wrong. I certainly have. Remember, unlike the perpetrators, I do not have a copy of the script.
But you can be sure of this. I sincerely believe what I say.
I know with certainty that malign lunatics are intentionally harming & killing other people. Nothing that people involved in such crimes should be given the time of day, let alone believed.
Why did you never suspect that the corruption is endemic? Wakefield woke me up in 98 and no vaccines entered my family after that ( well almost). The drug pushers justify killing their own people and making a ton of money on the side in exactly the same way arms dealers do; they claim their weapons are protecting the majority and if a few have to fall they it is terribly sad but acceptable. That is the logic. This explains the weird silence around excess death. Governments behave as if the vaccine injured and dead are collateral damage for the greater good and we - Medical Freedomers - are traitors. I am a traitor for not wanting to take drugs? That is how upside down this is.
I have no explanation.
I asked my wife about this in 2020 as it became obvious to me that I’d failed to see what was there for decades.
She pointed out that all I’d ever done since we met, 40 years ago, was almost monomaniacally work hard. Never stopping for deeper thought.
Assuming most things weren’t relevant or of interest to me.
Knowing I had my mission, and I was focussed upon it.
Until you’re prompted, why would one question?
On Wakefield, I recall with shame how simple it had been to destroy him in public. I never once asked myself, “Why is he saying this?” As soon as you ask that question, it’s almost impossible to find answers other than “He sincerely believes it”.
I write that out, because I’m now Wakefield, aren’t I?
How many people ask “Why is Yeadon saying what he is?”
Not many. And they’ll snooze, just like I did all those years ago.
What interview? Do you have a link? Thanks
Never mind, I found it
I would call it completely planned considering Event 201 (https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/) was right before it in Oct 2019 for a pandemic that could never have happened (as you stated) and has never happened in all of history. These monsters show us most everything before they actually do it, apparently. And, Kary Mullis the inventor of the PCR test died right before all of this too, APPARENTLY of pneumonia. He wasn't a fan of fraudchi, either. Also, Dr. David Martin has said there were patents for the "virus" dating back 2 decades prior.
One of the key things we all should have learned over the past four years is that no mainstream published research can be trusted. This distrust extends to patents. Just because someone, especially the DoD and its agents, are able to get a patent doesn't mean the science or viability of their "creation" is real. Whenever news of any sort is widely distributed, it should be assumed it is serving a particular objective or goal of our aspiring controllers. This is especially true with scientific news, Based on my research I believe all the patents Martin told us about serve to keep us believing in the notion of contagion and fearful of each other. The story of an intentionally leaked lab made virus was deliberately planted as an alternative narative for those of us who are always skeptical of the official story.
I agree with you. The whole lab leak bat cave nonsense is a distraction from the truth that there never was any novel "pathogen" and never any "global pandemic". You are right, the real point was to make us all scared stiff of each other to get acceptance for the poison shot. What worries me is that next time the "pathogen" will be presented as far more deadly and there will be no saying no to the shot. I feel as if it is high time to get far far away fast.
I think there are too many of us that would fight back against a forced jab. Why do that when they have so many other ways to attack us? MSM runs stories on the other scams every day including threats of WWlll, climate collapse, cyber shutdown, alien invasion and financial collapse, all of which could be used to justify martial law and mandatory relocation to 15 minute cities (fancy name for concentration camps). A certain number of us will die just worrying about such things. I don't think you can get very far away, David. Every country is in on the NWO plans. Best to find a place to take a stand with like minded people. The more the better.
I fear you may well be right. I have recently been reading a history of the Roman Empire by Durant ( fantastic book) and we can see the ebb and flow of freedom, oppression, war, poverty, power over the centuries. But they did not have our technology. What we are into now is, for me, a really decisive change. The future is not going to look like the past. Basically it will be 2020, 2021, 2022 for ever. How soon? Five years? How far away can we get? Humm that is what I am worrying about.
I started thinking this morning about how we all can agree on the "facts". And what exactly a fact is. Given the levels of corruption we have seen and the massive number of compromised people out there it surely is harder than ever to ascertain facts. I'm talking about facts that matter here. Things that affect people's lives. Studies are faked, data not released, MSM prints stories that intel dreams up. Wikipedia, some say, is CIA and they have a team of people up there who will re-edit anything that starts to look like the truth.
Our clan here is on a quest for the truth yet it seems harder and harder to find it.
Wikipedia is totally controlled.
Agree. I think we have to work together to piece the truth together.
Not necessarily, if it's about giraffes. Anything politically or medically significant, yes.
Patents are claims; not fact. When I was in medicinal chemistry, I found their veracity well below 50%. No Organic Synthesis are patents!
Interesting perspective. I was thinking that what Martin told us just makes us aware of how dangerous these minions are and how we need to be aware. I haven't fully decided my opinion of Martin. Are you saying you don't trust Martin and that he was an unlimited hangout or controlled opposition or that just that the patents he presented were to throw us off the truth?
I appreciate your perspective though. What do you think is the actual situation?
They want us to be fearful of each other. Just as important, they want us to fear their technological super powers. So published announcements or even "suppressed" whistle blower disclosures of scientific and technological advancements have to be independently verified before accepting them as fact. Four years ago I discovered that there is no such thing as contagious particles. The best resources for understanding this truth are Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman and Drs Sam and Mark Bailey. Once I understood this basic fact, I went back and reviewed the works of members of the so-called health freedom movement. In particular, I realized that the film Plandemic was released suspiciously early in 2020. I believe that several but not necessarilly all of the doctors and scientists interviewed for that film are deep state agents. Of the several I am highly suspicious of Mikki Willis, the films director and Judy Mikovits and David Martin. David Martin is a freemason, probably high level. You can verify this without much trouble. If you don't know the history of freemasonry in instigating revolutions and civil wars, you will also need to study that. Actors such as Martin have a simple but crucial role to play in advancing the goals of the elitists. You probably know some basic techniques of sheep and cattle herding. The entire herd isn't always compliant. The rancher has to move the entire herd from the grass depleted north forty acres to the fresh grass of the south forty. On the way a dozen or so cows manage to wander away from the main herd and are headed toward the east side of the property. The rancher doesn't fret. He sends his son by horse or ATV not ro bring the strays back to the herd, but simply to steer them to the south pasture. That's what's happening with us. They are steering each group of us strays to the same pasture, but not necessarily by the same route. They know each of us better than our loved ones know us. They have all our information, not because of surrepticiously implanted microchips (also disinformation), but because we have voluntarily given it to them. I am a trained behaviorist. In my youger days you could say I was a technologist. I know precisely how to manage and more importantly shape behavior. The techniques I know can be used for good or evil just like any other tool.
Fascinating. I did know that Martin was a freemason and I was suspicious of that. I found some things on his websites and his basic website confusing especially the lack of information regarding the movement. Judy Mikovitz was also a bit perplexing for a number of reasons. I don't understand how her husband died in the hospital. Why would she, of all people, bring her husband to the hospital? I still wonder then if she's a deep state agent, was she really in jail and did all those things with fraudchi really happen?
Regarding Martin and the patents: So, let's just say that the patents are real, why would the dod or any pharma company or tech company need to have patents for these very dangerous viruses (as they are portrayed) if they are to be an illegal gain of function product? Wouldn't those organizations not want to expose that information? Wouldn't they want to keep it a national secret for security purposes so that other countries can't spy on these patents and use them themselves against the US? Something just doesn't add up there, either.
Regarding Dr. Kaufman. I wish I could remember what he said early on that didn't make sense to me and made me wonder about him. I'll have to take a look at his work again.
Dr. Richard Fleming is another that made sense to me early on but now it's hard to even find him. What are your thoughts regarding him?
I've also wondered how some of these "freedom" fighters are able to travel freely all over the world apparently freely while others have somehow died (Dr. Bushard and others) or are in jail illegally (Reiner Feullmich) or were threatened with jail (Dr. Suckrit Bhakdi).
I do have to go back and review Dr. Sam Bailey. I'm not sure I've come across Tom Cowan.
What do you think these minions (actors) think will become of them once their masters don't need them anymore to do their dirty work?
How do you think we win this when so many believe in these freedom fighters (which makes them no different then those who got the shots because their critical thinking skills are not being used well and their just following these actors)? How do we come together to stop all these infiltrators of the freedom movement when so many are being told different things by different actors and believing them?
I'd love to read your thoughts on who you think is being truthful and is on the side of good: Kennedy, Trump, McCoullough, Dr. AnaMaria Mihalcea, Pierre Kory (I'm pretty sure he's controlled opposition - according to Dr. Henry Ealy, Kory has stolen his work as has Tess Lowrie, and apparently Kory's NAC supplement has nanotech in it) Karen Kingston, Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin Fitts, Edward Dowd, etc. There are so many that I can't think of them all right now. Interesting how there are so many, too. How they became so known and famous in this so called freedom movement and so fast is interesting, too.
Do you know of Amazing Polly and what do you think of her and her claims regarding those who are at the very top of this freedom movement and are probably making a ton of money (she has a whole chart): Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand, etc.?
Yep, and the UN listed all of the countries that purchased corona virus testing kits pre-2019. A Rothschild took out a patent in 2015 on similar too.
MurderNA and Phizer were awarded by Darpa 30 million dollar 5 year contracts in 2014 to develop the mRNA goop.
So many smoking guns.
There was only pneumonia. You are assuming there was a virus. The methods used to create the alleged virus sequence have been debunked.
Even Fauci said the Spanish flu was caused by masks
Bacterial pneumonia anyway. I wrote about that. It's not just that he said that, but took pains to research how to do it again. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/bacterial-pneumonia-versus-viral
Nuts! Pneumonia is secondary, a complication. Your obfuscation helps nothing!
Igor Chudov: More to the point, why fuss about the covid "pandemic", but not about cold, flu, herpes, HPV, etc. pandemics? Do we want perpetual lockdown and "mandatory" injections?
Giordano may be a well-spoken clown. He does however tell us something important: that the U.S. DoD budget is 5x what it needs to be to defend America. He says that we are always preparing for the next war. American taxpayers (and everyone) should think deeply on this admission, and what it means about the global economy.
Wow! A sober comment! Seems quite a few commentators are feeling real uppity. They doth protest too much, methinks...
The penny drop moment for me was my ever more desperate search for the mother lode of really good quality clinical experimentation, where what we’re told is routine, the transmission of symptomatic respiratory illness from a sick person to a well person, at some very considerable rate, was demonstrated.
I could not find any such paper. I found quite a few attempts reported, all of which were failures.
The conclusion is that acute respiratory illnesses, which we habitually ascribe to viruses, are in fact neither contagious nor therefore caused by easily transmitted, submicroscopic entities.
To be fair to them, others had arrived at that conclusion in different ways.
It’s neat when evidence of completely different kinds converges on the same spot.
No wonder some call the discipline viroLIEgy.
They couldn't even transmit the Spanish flu.
Did they check for recovered immunity? Marconi caused "the Spanish flu"?
We do appear to be dealing with WMDs deployed with mal-intent.
The twaddle from the top obviously has no sound scientific, medical, intellectual or moral basis.
Yet, despite the fact that the PCR test is not fit for purpose as a diagnostic tool, and therefore we have no proven cases of “covid “, otherwise enlightened bods are regularly kicking covid case statistics around, as though they were relevant to prove whatever.
If there was no pandemic, no proven cases, why are we kicking dead balls around at all?
The vaccine adverse events stats are the critical one to focus on.
Reputable front line doctors, consistently report “something” that was distinctly clinically different from any known illness, with a distinct symptomatic cycle, needing new treatment plans and sometimes resulting in death regardless.
These same doctors, also credibly report deaths among doctors and nurses treating the initial “covid” outbeak, which is apparently very unusual, and clearly raises questions.
Many people report having had “something”, that made them extraordinarily ill and fearful.
Evidence may suggest, that respiratory illnesses are not contagious.
However, other family members do tend to get “the flu”, if one member gets sick.
Likewise, people in work environments.
Childhood illnesses, caused by whatever, do seem to transmit easily, but not consistently, regardless of the degree of exposure.
Some questions persist for thinking bods.
No pandemic.
Hard to fit a nasty lethal new virus in those data.
So why the economy wrecking measures?
Why the warp speed intentionally toxic injections.
Answers on a postcard.
No more space is required.
There are no explanations that fit all the observations so well as planetary coup, digital tyrannical control and very likely depopulation.
I believe it was Alex Krainer who said that the economy had to be shut down to avert another banking collapse. Lockdown was the tool to accomplish this.
Agree entirely.
Just trying to connect all the dots, answer the unanswered questions.
To try to understand exactly what happened, where, when, how and why.
So that we are well informed and better prepared to protect ourselves in future.
If you have bet the ranch on red and the roulette wheel shows black, in general you need to find a way to distract the House so that you can rob enough people blind that the House won't end up shooting you for unpayable gambling debts????
Dr Mike Yeadon: "Pandemic" seems to be a matter of definition. The common cold is pandemic, so why fuss about it? To rationalize permanent lockdown, massive fiat expansion, and forced injections?
Hear, Hear!
The two worst inventions of diabolical mankind were Central Banks and Public Health. Without them we would still be free.
It’s funny (peculiar, not ha ha) that you mention “public health”. I absolutely let off steam today on my Telegram channel about this exactly. Let me copy my post script to something related to “public health”.
Ps: I greatly dislike the phrase “public health”. I think it’s a charade. There’s really no such thing, except statistically, because it’s nothing more than the aggregate of all the private health situations, by which I mean the aggregate of the personal area under the curve of myriad decisions that you’ve mostly made & each of us has made, that bear on our individual health, measured in a very large number of ways. All that’s lost in this ghastly pretence that there’s a monolithic “public health”, that perhaps in some way affects yours. Of course, it might, but it’s absolutely not inevitable. The aggregation of the outcomes of all those individual can loosely be called “public health”, but it’s close to meaningless, once you really start to think about it.
Consider mean / mode BMI of the adult population in a Western country over the last 60 years. It’s moved up several points. Does that mean we’re all fatter / heavier? Not necessarily. That’s one possible finding. But you can’t tell it from the “public health” numbers, and there’s little to nothing you can do, top down, to alter it. The only thing that works is when individuals & small groups, say families or a group of friends, decide something, and then it can move. I’m fortunate to be pretty much the same BMI now as 40 years ago. So is Joanna. Our kids call us affectionately “The Sticks”, but we haven’t done anything special, just not got deeply into eating factory “food”, and ee happen to like moving around a lot. That’s all it’s taken. I don’t know what public health is in relation to this. Or in relation to likelihood of becoming sick. It’s not a top down phenomenon. It’s a useful pretence for the powerful to seek to wage war on the individual.
"It’s a useful pretence for the powerful to seek to wage war on the individual." Exactly.
After years of research for specific health issues, I've come to realize that there are so many variables that make each of us individual that even in one's own family with the same genetics or similar, reactions based on epigentics, lifestyle (including sleeping and eating habits), environment, toxic load, mineral imbalances, etc. make us uniquely individual that makes a one size fits all scenario impossible.
Agree wholeheartedly. I found this meagre definition of public health…
Public health is the organised response by society to protect and promote health, and to prevent illness, injury and disability
.…if this were true, public health should be campaigning for peace in the world and ending war…they should be fighting against the DOD not teaming up with them 🙄
Love what you wrote. I am not a medical professional but your description of “Public Health” is precisely how I have felt about it but never could articulated it like you have.
Thank you for this!
Dr Yeadon, I live in Ontario, Canada and your description of "Public Health" is the tool of choice by Canadian politicians to sell and maintain a "single payer" socialist health care system. The Federal government takes tax dollars out of the taxpayers' pockets (about 43% of every tax dollar and a "health premium" of a max $1000 in Ontario) and disburses it through a convoluted health bureaucracy to the "public health" system. In return, Canadians get mediocre at best results (ranked bottom of most Western countries). Canadians discover that not all health concerns are covered and must pay out of pocket or seek treatment outside Canada (about 60,000 Canadians seek health care every year internationally). "Public Health" sells the steal!
Sounds awful and not far from outcomes at least in “our NHS” (spoken in hallowed voices).
I think they could flush the entire edifice, replace it with nothing, and “public health” would improve!
It'd certainly improve if people stopped prescribing pills for depression and instead prescribed 'provision of kindly friends, a new welcoming environment, a loyal dog and a sensible exercise regimen'.
I had a depression during my PhD and when I worked in a Swiss ski resort for a winter, people I've remained grateful to all my life; healthy exercise; and healthy eating lifted it pretty instantly. Female psychos in my family trashed all the good work in April 1990.
Thanks for laying out those dollar figures, Andy.
An aspect of the whole plandemic scenario that doesn't get nearly enough attention in Canada is that we were groomed for this whole exercise for generations.
For years, Canadians used to brag about our "universal healthcare." Like all things communist, it sounds so wonderful in theory, but as you explained, it has disastrous consequences in real life. What "universal healthcare" too often translates into is healthy people who take responsibility for their own wellness paying for the "health care" of those who don't. (And that "health care" is often anything but.)
If you're going to peg your national identity on a system whereby the fruits of your labour are siphoned off to the medical-industrial complex via corrupt government policies, expect to lose your country.
Oh, we already have.
Anna, you're over the target! Yes, ' universal health care sounds good from far but far from good. And yes, we've lost our country, probably back to days of confederation. That's another cluster f..k. The British overlords have never let go of us, they're evil and operate behind the curtain, same as the globalist hidden societies.
The City of London is definitely a big problem, for us and everyone else. Things would be entirely different if Brits like Mike Yeadon were running the show!!
Free health care is not "communist". You must be a Yank invoking that silly notion.
The fact that Canada's "free" health care is subpar isn't because it is free, it's due to bad management, same for Australia, same for the UK. Many countries have free universal health care and at a very high quality. It depends on the quality of management and the amount of bureaucratic corruption.
The US has a very expensive user pays system and delivers extremely low quality 'care' to the majority.
I'm not a Yank. I'm Canadian. A tax-paying Canadian who hasn't been able to get a GP for decades. I have several family members spread across the country who are in the same boat.
For me, it's been a blessing in disguise. I have taken responsibility for my own health - educating myself and improving my lifestyle - such that I have virtually eliminated my need for allopathic medicine.
Unfortunately, that doesn't get me out paying the taxes. Taxes that are paying our completely corrupt doctors to tell us to do things like take the covid jab.
I grew up in the UK with the NHS single payer socialist health care system and it was fantastic. Ever since the conservative money grubbers came to town they have been trying to dismantle it and starve it of funds. Just because the MSM has brainwashed us, don't be afraid of the word "socialist".
My first experience of A&E in 1973 was sitting waiting for 2hrs for a doctor to diagnose ' you need an XRay', which my father knew before we even arrived. They then gave me rather too much anaesthetic when setting the broken bones and they had a frantic couple of hours trying to wake me.
I survived, but it wasn't a vista of a well-functioning, efficient system. It was one needing to tell government that 'we need more money'.
Totally agree. There was an interesting interview of Arizonan Republican seniors by BBC when Obamacare was introduced. They interviewed people who had lost their homes due to illness. The reporter said that Obamacare would prevent that. They said “but it’s socialized medicine”
Jeremy Corbyn introduced fantastic anti-globalist policies at the Labour Party conference in UK but of course was smeared as being anti-Semitic. What a load of bollocks!
Public Health is hygiene, indoor plumbing, work place safety, seat belts, environmental protection, and information/education on healthy lifestyles. Not mass medication: clean water, not poisoning the water with fluoride. Medication is always a personal decision, never a public decision. Just look at the fluoride fiasco, and the total vaccine fiasco, of which these mRNA shots are only the worst example.
I agree, Roger. Thank you for that important distinction.
To cite you time and again in my debates has become one of the most powerful arrows in my quiver. Holding our tongues is not an option.
What do you think about the central banks being behind all of this?
I doubt any single factor is THE driver. The deepest deep state figures & their senior stakeholders certainly use ownership plus control of the worlds CBs to control everything.
“Money makes the world go around” for sure.
The long run driver for these diabolical people seems to be total control and depopulation appears both an objective and an enabler of tyrannical control.
No motive that would make sense to ordinary people seems apparent.
Excuses of overpopulation, resource depletion and climate change are all lies, as far as I can tell, each actively popularised by these same individuals and their groups.
It’s viral to decentralise and prepare to resist and survive.
The control system they are creating is inherently unstable and will be maintained only with huge effort and application of energy.
I think you meant Public "HELL-th"..... 😅
We need ALL hands on deck ASAP to start turning around our beloved America from falling off the cliff completely!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Wanted to draw your attention to this interview where you are mentioned by ego maniac Malone- it's somewhere around the 30 minute mark:
Malone gets asked point blank at the outset of the interview if he believes there was a pandemic and he says yes and then dissembles as he is wont to do.
Poor Robert shows his true colors as he is mildly challenged and starts kicking and screaming like and a petulant child.
BTW the mystery of who invented the wheel has now been solved- it was Robert Malone! Don't believe it- ask him.
I thought of listening, then realised 2.5 hours? Really? Nope, beyond my attention span! Credit to you!
Lol, I can’t stand to listen to Malone for 2.5 minutes!
So among other things - so far what i watched
Mr Malone, now agrees/subscribes of US policy of Depopulation agenda- to keep World population below 8 Bil - after seeing "Kissinger Report", before that he stayed away from "DePop" (probably stating it BS). I am wondering, has he never heard abt Kissinger report in his life before this point with so many connection in Alpha-Soup agencies.
He runs "Substack as Business, and treats his subscribers as Clients" - funny !!
on Sasha, other than "lot of Shit"
Malone: She makes a lot of statements that are unsubstantiated. Sasha makes wild claims that this is a DoD controlled operation, I haven't seen that document.
: I am an expert in Govt. affairs and writing Documents contracts and regulatory affairs. I've written OTA contracts.
One will go crazy if listens whole thing - 2 h 17 mins.
Thanks for the link. I, for one , usually don't listen (can't bear) to Malik, as I find him a poor interviewer with a slow learning curve (in addition to sounding ego centric and ego driven) but will try to speedy listen to his one.
I think they figured out gain of fiction... Self amplifying bullshit!
The one that takes the cake is Baric talking about developing a corona virus that causes myocarditis. GTFO, we know myocarditis happens from the toxic shots, not con-vid.
Like rfk, plenty of sci fi fantasy believers think that these scammers, like Baric and the ones you mentioned are for real. The new one they're obsessed about is self amplifying blabla... Haha
The truth is that they're no different than the wizard of oz who hides behind a curtain of lies and hype.
They couldn't even transmit the Spanish flu .... https://www.ggarchives.com/Influenza/TheRosenauExperiment-1918-1919.html
Horse shit!
Great post! An MD in our community who worked at a large 600 bed hospital told us the PCR was accounting for approximately 95% false positives. They saw Covid patients but no where near pandemic levels. This prompted looking at the PCR package inserts. The first concern, in addition to the CTs, is the nasal samples are collected and transported in tubes that contain a LYSATE. The LYSATE essentially kills all bacteria and viruses in the transport media. . This explains why these tests were never approved for folks with NO symptoms. The manufactures went off label using the EUA you’ve discussed multiple times 21 USC 360bbb. These emergency laws need to urgently be repealed. It is likely they will need this strategy for disease X or whatever next they are planning.
There's nothing remotely relevant in killing bacteria and viruses or not as to whether a PCR test functions or not. Every PCR cycle raises temperatures to over 90C, which is why the polymerase enzyme used in PCR is from a hyperthermophilic bacterium, one of the few organisms that lives in extremely hot springs.
A PCR reaction requires intact RNA and/or DNA, it doesn't need intact organisms.
The cost of 1 billion tests for intact infectious virus and/or live bacterial isolates would make such testing regimens uneconomic.
"Who here still believes covid was a real viral pandemic? Or even an epidemic? Welcome! We don’t judge! Actually we do - you are an idiot if after 4 years of this charade you still believe that was an epidemic." LOL!
It was intercontinental. Knock off Malone's horse shit!
Sasha, I both love and hate you. I refuse to believe English is not your first language; you're writing is so perceptive, witty and droll, I'm turning progressively greener with envy with every new post!
She has a crate of really sharp pencils doesn't she? Enjoy her writing immensely too.
Timothy - if you live in a country for several years, you start dreaming in your 'new language' if you live every day using that language all day.
Obviously, if you surround yourself with native speakers of your mother tongue and don't engage with the language of your host nation, you don't become as fluent as Sasha has.
I lived in Austria in 1982/3 and my German was pretty much as good as my English at the end of it.
I feel like step #4 is key to this whole thing. Any degree of hypochondria combined with fear will produce symptoms of some sort. Then those that are not hypochondriacs will perceive that the situation is real and the whole thing escalates into what we have today. Pure evil.
Totally agreed. Of course did the operators know while preparing and planning that hypochondriacs were the essential group of useful iditiots in the execution of the psyop. Those people in great numbers credibly affirmed to almost suffocate because of the unicorn bug. Hypochondria is a serious issue of perceptual disorder. One key instrument in the tool box of mass psychosis.
To my knowledge there is not a single convid death case outside of the facilities. Convid became fatal as soon as treatment came into play. I would call hypochondria one of the most important "underlying conditions" when it comes to plandemics.
Stress does cause illness because it weakens the immune system by depleting the body of key nutrients: zinc, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, etc. So, being a hypochondriac is not a good thing.
These monsters know how to play these games and they have enough "doctors", "scientists", and 'psychologists" on the payroll to make it all come together.
Don’t You Get It ?
The Sky Is Falling .
A great piece so clearly outlined that even I couldn't miss the most important message! Pandemics aren't real, if they were we wouldn't be here!!! Can anyone imagine a simpler and more logical truth to remember after reading this outstanding note? Thank you, Sasha.
Boo! No one ever gets sick other than by accidental poisoning?
Giordano's drug agent to create high mortality 'sentinel' cases reminds me of the 'novichok' assassination or the guy (or was it more than one?) who was supposedly killed by repeat radioactive substance exposure. Those stories always seemed extremely suspect. Untraceable drugs to fake disease cases might be pulled straight from assassination programs, which have long had overlap with chemical / bio warfare programs
Also, Giordano reeks of salesman.
he is a salesman. That's his only job.
100% salesman. The brains I know have the hardest time during public speaking. This guy is polished like a radio DJ.
Even the ones in lab coats like Ralph Baric are salesmen. Bullshit salesmen.
I also apply this to the "scientists" like Kariko and Dr Malone who claim to have developed mRNA tech. I've yet to see it work at all. I actually think the mRNA story is there to hide the fact that the platform itself, the lipids and contaminants are the problem.
When they claim spike protein damage😆 what they're seeing is the result, not the cause of cell damage and death. Germ theory is such horse shit.
Fauci bought over 100 million in bullshit from Baric so most unfortunately it appears to be a highly profitable career. I hope we can change that soon.