I am in complete agreement. It had long ago occurred to me also that, if a highly infectious agent that was also lethal in many people could exist, it would have to occur just once in history and we wouldn’t be here any more.

It’s all terrorism.

Don’t beLIEve, as our friends from Sheep Farm Studios remind us.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

BTW that 37 second clip is pretty amazing for the fact that RFK gives a synopsis of characters involved in what he acknowledges as fake pandemics in the past and in the next breath states "this pandemic", involving the same cast of characters and institutions, is not fake.

That's top tier cognitive dissonance right there. And because he's RFK he'll get a pass on such an obvious faux pas.

"These past pandemics that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear which involved Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust were fake. This one run that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear and was orchestrated by Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust is not fake."

How in the hell do you get away with people taking you seriously when you make such patently ludicrous statements.

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha God bless you and thank you for your cleared eyes and logical brain. I am spreading this everywhere i can.

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Good question. How come a pandemic (or pandemic emergency measures) were declared after so few cases of an unexpected, natural disease?

It makes no sense!

So, we are left with two related possibilities:

1) This pandemic was PLANNED


2) It was not planned, but they immediately knew what the virus was and how nasty Baric's HIV/sarbecovirus chimera was.

I always lean towards possibility number 1 of course

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Giordano may be a well-spoken clown. He does however tell us something important: that the U.S. DoD budget is 5x what it needs to be to defend America. He says that we are always preparing for the next war. American taxpayers (and everyone) should think deeply on this admission, and what it means about the global economy.

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The penny drop moment for me was my ever more desperate search for the mother lode of really good quality clinical experimentation, where what we’re told is routine, the transmission of symptomatic respiratory illness from a sick person to a well person, at some very considerable rate, was demonstrated.

I could not find any such paper. I found quite a few attempts reported, all of which were failures.

The conclusion is that acute respiratory illnesses, which we habitually ascribe to viruses, are in fact neither contagious nor therefore caused by easily transmitted, submicroscopic entities.

To be fair to them, others had arrived at that conclusion in different ways.

It’s neat when evidence of completely different kinds converges on the same spot.

No wonder some call the discipline viroLIEgy.

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hear, Hear!

The two worst inventions of diabolical mankind were Central Banks and Public Health. Without them we would still be free.

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wanted to draw your attention to this interview where you are mentioned by ego maniac Malone- it's somewhere around the 30 minute mark:


Malone gets asked point blank at the outset of the interview if he believes there was a pandemic and he says yes and then dissembles as he is wont to do.

Poor Robert shows his true colors as he is mildly challenged and starts kicking and screaming like and a petulant child.

BTW the mystery of who invented the wheel has now been solved- it was Robert Malone! Don't believe it- ask him.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

I think they figured out gain of fiction... Self amplifying bullshit!

The one that takes the cake is Baric talking about developing a corona virus that causes myocarditis. GTFO, we know myocarditis happens from the toxic shots, not con-vid.

Like rfk, plenty of sci fi fantasy believers think that these scammers, like Baric and the ones you mentioned are for real. The new one they're obsessed about is self amplifying blabla... Haha

The truth is that they're no different than the wizard of oz who hides behind a curtain of lies and hype.

They couldn't even transmit the Spanish flu .... https://www.ggarchives.com/Influenza/TheRosenauExperiment-1918-1919.html

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great post! An MD in our community who worked at a large 600 bed hospital told us the PCR was accounting for approximately 95% false positives. They saw Covid patients but no where near pandemic levels. This prompted looking at the PCR package inserts. The first concern, in addition to the CTs, is the nasal samples are collected and transported in tubes that contain a LYSATE. The LYSATE essentially kills all bacteria and viruses in the transport media. . This explains why these tests were never approved for folks with NO symptoms. The manufactures went off label using the EUA you’ve discussed multiple times 21 USC 360bbb. These emergency laws need to urgently be repealed. It is likely they will need this strategy for disease X or whatever next they are planning.

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Who here still believes covid was a real viral pandemic? Or even an epidemic? Welcome! We don’t judge! Actually we do - you are an idiot if after 4 years of this charade you still believe that was an epidemic." LOL!

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Sasha, I both love and hate you. I refuse to believe English is not your first language; you're writing is so perceptive, witty and droll, I'm turning progressively greener with envy with every new post!

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

I feel like step #4 is key to this whole thing. Any degree of hypochondria combined with fear will produce symptoms of some sort. Then those that are not hypochondriacs will perceive that the situation is real and the whole thing escalates into what we have today. Pure evil.

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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova



Don’t You Get It ?

The Sky Is Falling .


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Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

A great piece so clearly outlined that even I couldn't miss the most important message! Pandemics aren't real, if they were we wouldn't be here!!! Can anyone imagine a simpler and more logical truth to remember after reading this outstanding note? Thank you, Sasha.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Giordano's drug agent to create high mortality 'sentinel' cases reminds me of the 'novichok' assassination or the guy (or was it more than one?) who was supposedly killed by repeat radioactive substance exposure. Those stories always seemed extremely suspect. Untraceable drugs to fake disease cases might be pulled straight from assassination programs, which have long had overlap with chemical / bio warfare programs

Also, Giordano reeks of salesman.

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