The WEF, WHO, UN & CCP are all about to start WWlll to stop from being held accountable for all their Crimes Against Humanity!

Chinese balloons are dry run for EMP bombs to render our military bases & us helpless.

They want to be the OWO/NWO & they want mass depopulation.

It’s why they have weakened our military & left so much equipment overseas & why they are money laundering so much money through Ukraine before our economy collapses!

Pray, because we need a miracle from God to stop them.

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Yes, pray. We need a miracle from God to prevent all life from being lost. Jesus himself prophesied that the final days of great tribulation would have to be cut short. On our own, we would do ourselves in. The number of ways we have now for doing that is multiplying.

WWIII has already begun, and there have been many casualties, with many more to come. It is the most under-reported war in all of history.

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WWIII is already underway. Ukraine, coerced "vaccination" of biological weapons, 2020 installation by stolen election of an anti-American administration. We are already experiencing it.

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It's a different sort of war, chemical/biological/stealth/conventional with threats of nuclear, but the casualties are a dead giveaway.

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The balloon is a hoax Sheila. Everything is done now to distract people. ¨Don't look here. Look overthere.¨

If you want to learn more about what it is going on behind the curtain, watch those two videos.

DEEP STATE COLLAPSE - Unfolding Disclosure Plan

2023 - Rise of the Earth Alliance

¨This is the trailer for the "What's Coming in 2023: Global Revolution & SSP/ET Disclosure" webinar to be held on Feb 18, 2023. Trailer covers how the Deep State’s planetary control agenda is increasingly being exposed. What were once major issues that were opaque and difficult to understand, are now being clearly seen and exposed by a growing coalition of people all over the planet. Dedicated truth tellers investigating core issues are daily releasing their findings through alternative media sources.

The Deep State’s imminent collapse will facilitate major disclosures in 2023 about secret space programs, flourishing undersea and underground cities, artifacts from ancient civilizations, and visiting extraterrestrial life, all of which have long been kept secret by the global control system.¨ Dr. Michael Salla 6:33 min


BRAVE by Elena Danaan. 4:24 min

To the men and women of the Earth Alliance, from Earth and outer space, fighting for our freedom.


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Thank you Mario for your comment & yes I agree many things are being done to distract & to keep people from discovering the truth.

My views come from the Bible & while I readily admit I am no expert I do believe that the NWO/OWO/Great Reset/Earth Alliance or whatever you want to call it, globalization is not good.

The Antichrist will come during great chaos & will be viewed as a hero & will set up a OWO & bring peace for a few years.

He will facilitate a 7 year peace treaty with Israel as well, but after 3 1/2 years he will break that treaty & bring great wrath on everyone who won’t take his “mark” or “chip”.

We can see all these things happening before us now.

The WEF, WHO & UN have been working decades to install their students in positions of power in America & most governments worldwide.

They are distracting us in MANY ways while they work behind the scenes trying to install their digital currency & take away our medical freedom among other things.

It says beware of those who come in the End Times saying “peace & prosperity”, for their true plans are for massive depopulation & destruction.

We know the CCP has bought ALOT of property in USA, much of it near Military based.

Also Bill Gates buying up our farmland & the many food processing plants destroyed.

I hope you are right & God blesses us with more time & peace & prosperity, but we see all the corruption of our government, pentagon, FBI, CIA, DHS, Top Military Brass, etc... I don’t see them saving America & globalization will only give the evil few super rich at the top complete control over us?

That’s the reason God separated us at the Tower of Babel in the first place, because He knows that globalization is bad for the world.

These are my beliefs, and many others, that I’m sharing.

God bless & protect everyone.


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The ballon was just shot down, but the real one with the nuclear EMP bomb must be on its way ...

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Does anybody wonder what was in it? Destruction of evidence is a good thing? OK, maybe if it were shot down on approach, but after passing over the country?

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Pretty sure the government is making it into something it isn't. It's just a weather balloon that was blown off track and China told America about it as soon as it happened. The west has lost their minds and is looking to create stories to drive whatever their narrative is. If they really shot it down and that isn't just some lie, I'm surprised. I was reading sonar21.com comments yesterday and these guys were saying that if they could shoot it down they already would have. These balloons have no heat signature so a missile can't lock onto it and shooting it down requires a special type of plane. Who knows. I heard it was at 48,000 feet and they found out about it because a plane nearly ran into it. What plane flies at that altitude? All these made up distractions drive me nuts.

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Chinese generals have clearly stated they intend to start a war with the USA. They see the USA as potential long term resources for them as they intend to dominate the globe.

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Do you know any Chinese Generals? What source for that claim?

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The Chinese are not dumb enough to use an EMP. The use of an EMP (and possibly just a normal nuke) over any country with nuclear power plants would result in an extinction level event. Image a Fukushima disaster at hundreds of NPPs. End of game. I am hopeful that all nuclear armed states are smart enough to see that.

BTW, Google had numerous balloons that they floated around the world several years ago and no one really cared other than the flight dangers they posed..

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Not dumb enough, but maybe desperate enough. China is struggling to feed its population because of the shortage of fertile land, and if they were to occupy a country for its resources that would be the US (the CCP's interests on that are well documented). Yes you're right an EMP attack on the US eastern coast would result in catastrophic loss of life, worldwide.

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China has been successful on commercial terms to secure huge amounts of agriucultural land and products from Africa. No condescending neo-colonial garbage - commercial transactions and they state that it is a Win-Win. US land is being purchased by the Chinese (and Arab states) too but that could be arbitrarily siezed.... They are focusing on Zone B.

Key thing to remember, so not ascribe your world view to other parties. China does not see the world the same way the West does. Neither do Russia, Latin America, India, Africa, etc...

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Excellent points you make, thank you. So Zone B is the African continent ? I had heard they've secured a lot of land in Africa but don't know if that represents a lot given their large population.

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Zone A is the "West", that is NATO plus Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand - The American Empire. Zone B is everyone else that is now actively creating a multi-polar world. At present, Zone B is roughly 80% of the population and a rapidly growing 50% of the global economy.

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Hope you’re right but if the CCP & Russia get desperate enough who knows?

I am no expert, but I have read that here is different levels of power for EMP bombs & they could use smaller EMP bombs over smaller areas to spread fear & chaos?

Or they could use them to spread disease or whatever.

I don’t believe they were just multiple CCP weather balloons that got blown off course though.

Just my humble opinion.

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IMO, the warnings about EMPs are actually projection.

The balloons are noise. The thousands of civilian and military satellites are able to gather enormous quantities of info that, in all likelihood surpass the balloon's capabilities.

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Could be, nothing at this point would surprise me from any government, including America & especially any & all associated with the WEF, WHO & UN.

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I read the Patrick Delaney article linked here and also several of the articles linked therein and following that article.

The "legal" framework put in place to execute this covid holocaust is more pervasive than I suspected. It leaves me dizzy with fear of my own government and my own doctors. Appalled. Disgusted. Verging on hopeless to be able to guarantee my own freedom and safety --both politically and medically.

I will continue to resist. But governance by executive order is destroying the U.S. before those edicts can eventually be nullified by the courts -- and even then the proper, decent outcome is not guaranteed. We're already under totalitarian rule.

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I'm seeing a lot of articles and some researchers stating that you are claiming that the DoD fully produced the vaxx which I don't think is an accurate portrayal of your work. Geoff Pain (in the ass) seems to have started that.

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I don't follow stupid people on the internet :) that's a life hack :)

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Funniest & most accurate statement i've seen for a while, LMAO, the real deadly virus on this planet is ignorance, far too many people invest heavily in protecting it everyday that whole generations of society have been idealogically subverted off the back of sophisticated social engineering programs in which the end result is a majority of society are unable to recognize Truth when it's in front of their face.

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I am sooo thankful for people such as Sasha Latypova❗️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻...This presentation is a tour de force...all substance...no fluff...stunning❗️❗️...She does an incredible job of making what our government ...and those who are directing world affairs are accomplishing...

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OMG. This is insane. I just found this site through your site or another...I've lost track: https://michaelyon.substack.com/p/us-government-pouring-money-into. I knew there was a push to infiltrate, but Americans are totally blind to this. In retrospect, it's been happening since I was in my twenties, fifty years ago....

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Sasha’s a gifted, brilliant Artist. Ok, so yes, we’re being exterminated by the evil people in control, but at least we can enjoy her God given talent as a Painter.

Let’s seek and obey Him while there’s still time to do so.

A podcast I recommend: Getting to Know Your Bible.

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Thank you for the podcast 'getting to know your bible'.

I'm listening now.

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Except that there has only been a 40% increase in excess mortality in the US in the age group mentioned, relative to a low year. This number is relative (usually to the very low year of 2019 or 2015-19 average (the teens were all very low deaths, as longevity in the West goes up and up)

the actual or absolute number are

an increase in death rate of 0.148% from 2019 to 2020, a 0.027% increase in deaths from 2020 to 2021 and a 0.107% drop in deaths 2021 to 2022 (up to December).

(Just like relative vaccine efficacy sounds better, 95%, compared to placebo that absolute 0.85%.)

I guarantee that if age and population death rates in 2021 or 22 were compared with years before the low of the teens, they would show a decrease in deaths.


Either way the population of the states seems to have increased by 4 million since 2019, so not such a genocide just yet



the vaccine narrative is changing Billy boy is admitting they don't work and have adverse reactions and said for day 1 some people would die of it. They are moving on.


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Why are you claiming to know more than actual statisticians and even coming up with a hypothesis and stating it as a fact, excusing vaccine related deaths as inconsequential, nonexistent? This raises so many red flags for me and should for anyone. You sound like a new flavor of psy-OP trying to get your "theory" heard on a page where people are flinging theories to see what sticks.

Comparing 1800's life expenctancy to now then extrapolating death rates from it is a new low.

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I agree. Red flag alert. Utter rubbish. Peace.

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How dare you! Graveyards are overflowing into adjacent cemeteries. Even the NFL is dying off, specially on the 33rd yard line...

Everybody gonna die but me!

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Interesting Info from way back: "The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise R Transforming the Enterprise to Meet Long-Range National Needs" Aug 2010 by the Dept of HHS. Details medical Countermeasures and how the govt would "respond faster and more effectively to bioterrorism or an infectious disease" Also, BARDA casts a wide net of public private partnerships.

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As an update to 'why' the power has poisened so many, OPEC released their 2022 oil production and consumption numbers. The shocking result:

OPEC total oil sold has declined 35% over just the last four years. Our financial system cannot survive such a decline in Energy. Most of the major militaries in the world anticipated this. Read more at:




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Sasha, I want to encourage you or your readers to look at alternate perspectives about covid and vaxx war being waged against humanity. Jeff Nyquist (historian and strategic military researcher) in his blog recently wrote on the ideological and strategic war being foisted on the west by communist nations of China and Russia. I recommend a reading of this for a wider perspective on this biological war: https://jrnyquist.blog/2023/02/03/the-politics-of-biological-warfare-and-the-inversion-of-blame-part-i/

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Thanks for continuing to write.

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Take a look at BARDA Strategic Plan 2022-2026. Interesting.

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BARDA Strategic Plan 2022-2026 May 2022. Interesting read along with info from JPE-CBRND.

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Found some interesting info: " The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Review. Transforming the Enterprise to Long-Range National Needs" Aug 2010 from the Dept of HHS'

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Found some interesting info: " The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Review. Transforming the Enterprise to Long-Range National Needs" Aug 2010 from the Dept of HHS'

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Staggering. This ties it all together. This answers the "How" in a way that has not been answered previously. The implications of this are profound and very disturbing. We are, quite literally, under attack. The same "pseudo-legal" hall of mirrors has been replicated in the UK, Australia and no doubt many other pathetically complaint vassal states. It is going to be very hard to tear this monster apart, with its lockstep matrix of control and vast web of blackmail holding it all together. Thank you to Katherine and Sasha for your efforts in this global struggle for truth and freedom.

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