Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

The more you know, the more Terrain "therapy" or simply not attacking yourself with so many dangerous products is the only thing to do.

So good food, exercise, love, air, sun, water is a must!

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As always, regardless of your beliefs about infection...

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Dr McCullough also promotes the fear of the bird flu and sells a kit for it through TWC that includes useless crap like tamiflu.

He's a grifter and promotes fear of pandemics, just like he did with covid.

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yes. DrGeoffPain sent out the warning, and the pics of people and brands that are on the playlist of that company. Vigilant fox is on there, unfortunately Epoch times, Russell Brand, Catturd, and several others I thought were true.

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Polly putting up very convincing arguments once again... not always proofs, but just as the interconnections of all manner of players during the 9/11 false-flag, too many coinciding cozy relationships to all be accidental.

Something very off indeed.

I remember when I was trying to obtain Ivermectin, and TWC came along with their kits, and I don't know why exactly, but I wasn't falling for it, I felt that I needed to wait a bit and observe, and I never felt convinced that those kits were not bogus... never felt certain that they were bogus, but never felt they were not anyway.

Now I'm even more suspicious, and more convinced than ever that my gut feelings about TWC were justified.

Thanks for the links.

In exchange, here's a great link for you to look into: http://www.takeoverworld.info/grandchessboard.html

Well, actually, in case you were to miss it: http://www.takeoverworld.info/brzezinski_quotes.html

This is someone who was advisor to US presidents for 40-50 years... obviously his ideas were valued, and some ideas they are!

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" ...., but just as the interconnections of all manner of players during the 9/11 false-flag, too many coinciding cozy relationships to all be accidental."

Anything can happen once.

If it happens twice I consider it a coincidence.

If it happens three or more times it is done on purpose.

Three buildings fell at free fall speed into their own footprint that day, one of which had only small scattered office fires.

Building seven was reported as collapsed at 10:30 AM by NBC, again at 12:30 by CNN, and finally at 3:55, 25 minutes before it actually fell.

There were four planes hijacked that day. One of which made a small hole in the ground that had no room for a 757. Another of the planes were seen on a radar screen in a TV studio. If my memory serves me correctly it was UA175.

Then there were the five dancing Isralis in NJ that day who went on Israeli TV to say they were only there to document the event.

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thanks! glad they have been found out, but not known enough yet.

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Woah! Thanks for that!

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It's depressing when you realise they aren't genuine, especially if you previously had a measure of trust in them :(

Though Russell Brand I have never thought right for several reasons...

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never liked him, either. Seems we still possess a bit of sound suspicion

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I def think RB was legit. Sex addict not good but I do think he was gotten to prob like JFK Jr. I mean if they threaten your family whatcha gonna do? It's too easy to call everyone Controlled Opposition. it's obvious to me that those calling out like that are witting or unwitting agents for "intel"

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Soviets had their Operation Trust. perhaps there is also an Operation Distrust to go with it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trust

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Oh...Vigilant Fox is far more than on the playlist. 😅

He's the editor in chief for TWC's Kanadian Billiionaire's Propaganda network:

"I founded Vigilant News Network (VNN) as a free and open network to bring people the latest unmanipulated stories and have partnered with amazing truth telling outlets such as The Gateway Pundit. We will not compromise our integrity for anyone or anything. VNN is not funded by investors with outside interests. I am solely funding it from my businesses’ and are welcoming other conservative advertisers – and will continue to do so. I want to tell the stories the mainstream media hides.

This is the truth you deserve and VNN will always bring you stories based on facts and truth. WWW.VIGILANTNEWS.COM

I am not for sale. My companies are not for sale. We are just getting started.

Join us, in building a better future.







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Also Karen Kingston and many others. That company is making some serious bank and not helping to fix the situation.

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Thank you for warning others. I didn't know that.

Will watch out and doubt what Dr. McCuulough pushes out from now on.

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Yes, he's a wrong-un imo

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At least he is not referring to the med beds produced by the super soldiers on the moon which is also believed by many people and advertised by some self acclaimed scientists and healers :-P

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Stunning Still life today, Sasha. Amazing!

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

I clicked through and read Vigilant Fox's post. It all seems so plausible, so believable, with an earnest-looking Doctor-do-gooder-McCullough advocating for it. Sasha, what would we do without you. I've turned to food-as-medicine through a farmer in the regenerative agriculture movement to keep me and my loved ones as healthy as possible. And when it's my time, it's my time. Giving it to God.

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks for calling out the BS!! It's terrifying how much nonsense is out there.

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We are child-like human beings in a system of constant liars. It does my head in. I look for big picture as it is too easy to manufacture science papers, events and facts.

Many ppl are calling out Assange as Controlled Opposition ....yet he massively damaged the MIC. He must be legit

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The MIC survived Assange without a scratch.

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The off-switch is the guillotine for the perpetrators of these crimes. After fair trials, of course.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Heh, heh... I thought the guillotine Was the trial. If their heads don't fall off, they're a witch. If their heads do fall off, they were incompetent witches...

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So you think seeking justice for the ruling class' attack on humanity amounts to witch trials. Good to know that's what you think.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

No. I was being facetious. The 'justice' classes in America and elsewhere, have reduced themselves to groups of illiterate slobs. Their "trials" play out with the same efficacy as the Salem witch trials. Recent Supreme court rulings are an example.

The justice system has been intentionally broken by the International BAR Association under the exigency of the British crown and influences of Black Nobility. The toilet needs a good scrub and flush...

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Mrs. Latypova. I am a 67-year-old Frenchman, neither a doctor nor a health professional. I wanted to congratulate you for your remarkable work, and for the tone of your writings which I greatly appreciate. Your confidence, your courage, your knowledge, your outspokenness and your choices make you a beautiful person like one we would like to meet more often. Well done. Beautiful, long and happy life. Philippe Lasbats.

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thank you!

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Very nice comment. I agree.

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Nattering Nabob of Negativity....how dare you go against the narrative....Lord Fauci...the SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be cancelled. LOL

The funny thing is that the dangers of mRNA have been known ...like forever! It has never worked and the deadly potentials were long known. But then again, don't go against the SCIENCE you Nazi.

Excellent piece. Thanks....Pax

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Nattering Nabob of Negativity." One of my favorite quotes. Spiro Agnew was referring to members of the media at the time the statement was made. First used by Agnew in a speech on September 25, 1970. Ah, the memories...

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Yeah.... I always thought it clever :-)

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

The off-switch getting triggered happens only once the people have risen in volume and anger, and some of these criminals are prosecuted and hung in the public square. Until then, the insanity will continue. The military contractor site Deal predicted back in 2015 a USA population drop to 100 million people by 2025. Fortunately, enough brave people were able to slow down the lockdown and kill shot plan, but I think we are going to drop to under 200 MM in the next 3 years or so, one way or the other. We are in the survival of the fittest territory already. Buckle up, put your game face on and be ready to put courage into action. If you know, you know.

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deletedJun 27
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I see that one as optimistic. I have Georgia Guidestones on my mind / willy nelson song, georgia on my mind. down to 500m globally. and that is only if the robot sex is not good enough for the controllers.

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they don't want pesky ppl like us questioning things. They want more Asian ppl who are easier to control. OTOH they don't want anyone. They would happily exterminate us all and have robots do their bidding

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deletedJun 28
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They gave us the internet for it is their way to control us. Google =CIA operation. the answers to every conceivable question are invariably wrong. At least in stuff that matters. as my friend at the ministry of Truth would say. Wikipedia is a CIA front

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The problem is people's propensity to latch onto these characters. There's no scenario where that fact doesn't get taken advantage of. So people need to stop doing that. The "resistance" littered with people that behave exactly the same way as the people they accuse of being NPCs. Consuming these supposedly dissident accounts in the same blind fashion that regular people watch the news, is really no better than guzzling CNN.

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I'll stick to the original gene therapy.....sperm and ovum. I'm good. If I haven't got it, the genetics, already, I don't need it. All of their sciences are just Deuteronomy 28:15-end whereby they harm you under the guise of helping. It's a mental illness, you know? Wouldn't let a nut concoct anything for me, no matter what "sciences" they claim.

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“Science falsely so-called”

You know where that phrase comes from?

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No, but I'm sure you will tell me. Please do. I'm a student too.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

The McCullough axis of grift continues.

siRNA, Tamiflu, statins. All for our health. 🙄

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Mom, RIP. Statins☠

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sorry to hear.

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Not to be redundant, but Mr McCullough is a complete fraud. He's such a deep fraud he doesn't even know he's a fraud. Rant, rant, rant...

Thanks for remarking on the 'Statin' myth. According to Wikipedia > "Statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of medications that reduce illness and mortality in people who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease." Ya right. They are also a major cause of premature dementia, Alzheimer disease, type two diabetes, and sudden heart attack. Otherwise, a great money maker for pharma-jerks... Wonderful!

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Another great article. Thanks.

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

I unsubscribed from vigilant fox when I saw them on the page with the McCullough and Co firm selling drug packages deemed quite dangerous. And yes their article was also copied by the Dutch Frontnieuws, I left a reaction and a warning there. I totally agree with Simon here, about the terrain therapy and taking good care of yourself, meaning, eating healthy, staying away from doctors and hospitals until no other option, using natural cures if need be, and most of all : throw out that TV if you have not already, and select very carefully what is being preached as truth. Everywhere. Use those cans of common sense ! Ah if those were for sale I would donate them to all I could.

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I got scared when the vigilant fox started following me. I am not even a content creator. I am vocal against vax and TWC…

I guess that did it.

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oops ! I might have to check in my own followers. I don't want any vigilant fox on my trail either. I will take the real ones any time

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Jun 27Liked by Sasha Latypova

Blinded by their own delusions of superior intellect and their arrogance, "experts" live within artificial echo chambers populated with well-papered peers who reinforce their colleagues with the belief that they have all become as gods. Science and medicine (and the academics who control them) have discovered a few things about the way biology works, but for all of their brilliance they have been unable to create or even copy life. Life is far, far more complex and mysterious than all of our self-proclaimed savants understand. They persist in their tragically narrow-minded and provincial views that life is merely a machine that can be genetically manipulated or chemically tweeked to "create" the New Man (apparently a soul-less automaton being the goal sought). These activities are doomed to failure and, yet, will be pursued with vigor as material and professional greed know few bounds. We shall see...

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Can we trust anyone who hides behind a pseudonym?

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People, physicians included, have been offed for getting too close to pharma's truth. Pseudonyms are sometimes the only way to go and it's up to the reader to perform their due diligence to determine whether or not they're trustworthy. That may be difficult sometimes, but I'd rather the whistleblowers remain alive.

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Pseudonym or not, it's best to not trust too much anyone on the internet. Journos and grifters who exploit the diseases of people are not to be trusted at all.

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Would you rather that everyone have a number tattooed on their arm?

You Have No Inalienable Rights On The World Wide Web

only those granted by the United Nations...


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