We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy. And it's all for the love of money, global domination and godhood.

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Wow...Well Stated! The only change I would sadly make is that it is not only our Nation but much of our World that we now live in. Praying for God’s Light & Love to reverse that destruction 🙏

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Totally agree with you that's it's a global problem. Remember, when America sneezes, the whole world catches a cold.

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Yes. But all financial methods require collaboration between multiple operatives. The behavioral modes are repetitive and aberrant. Money may drive the bus, but the bus is filled with defective persons. Where do they come from, and where do they live? Are they married and loved? Do they produce children? These are defective persons exhibiting defective behavior. When social "normalcy" produces abnormal behavior, who do we blame? ?? ???

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I blame BlackRock Investments, World Economic Forum, Bank Of International Settlements, JP Morgan Chase,Trilateral Commission North America, Council On Foreign relations, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Institute, U.S. Department of Defense, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to begin with.

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Hello Franklin: Yes. I agree. You name the names of corporate "entities", yet not the names of the executive classes employing associates within the corporate construct. I would submit ALL common guilt lies within the corporate "construct".

The corporate construct has erected all the immoralities of social stratification and enslavement of the human soul. The collective needs a divorce from the fabrications of the "legal" classes. Revocation of ALL forms of Corporate Charter, Corporate syndication, and Corporate franchise need to be initiated. >>> https://ratical.org/corporations/TCoBeij.html

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That's the tip of the "iceberg" my friend. The Council of 13 are the ones who own these evil bastards. Good luck in bringing any of them to justice for the centuries of atrocities they have brought upon humanity.

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Excellent observation. Your word "destroy" is absolutely perfect. It is our light of truth that is our best weapon that saps them of their power.

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Jul 31, 2023Edited
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How about all official government buildings to start with? Then, the monuments.

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Jul 28, 2023
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amen and amen

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They don't mention how Mila got A-T to begin with? 1478547 CDC childhood sicko injection schedule perhaps? Modern medicine is quackery. White coats and stethoscopes should be replaced with black robes and a scythe so patients know where they're really going. They are the embodiment of death not health. The future is the way back - Amish, TCM, ahh hell leaches probably work better than most 'cures' today. How we got here is perfectly laid out in one fine book, "Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America."

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How did she get it? It's a genetic defect that can manifest at birth or even prenatally.


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The words prenatal and birth appear exactly zero times in your link, yet the words "genetic mutation" and "during the first ten years of life" appear a dozen times. You didn't think I'd read it did you? Youth cancers prior to 1950 were extremely rare. Hmmm, wonder what changed after that?

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Spot on. Just like autism is a 'neurodevelopmental disorder' that has gone from 1 in 10,000 children decades ago, to 1 in 10 inner city black boys today. I'm sure the explosion of cases is due to better diagnosis. The cause has moved from refrigerator mother who traumatized her child, to 'poor genes'. Never the toxic concoctions. No need to look into that because the science is settled.

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There are a zillion causes of cancer. That cancer can be associated with this genetic disorder does not prove what you are trying to make it prove.

This prevalence study has data from the 1960s and 1980s. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1684065/

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Did you even read your own link? The genetic mutation results in tumors and cancers, among many other wonderful conditions. Perhaps you should read the literature I recommended in my OP and then get back to me.

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I never said it didn't.

Ataxia-Telangiectasia was first described in 1926, well before the current vaccine schedule.


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Jul 31, 2023
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McDonald's doesn't like people learning about health? What a surprise! 😀

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This was an excellent post! Here are some of my favorite quotes:

"Which child isn’t “immunocompromised”, really, after 70+ injections of health from CDC?” - I think @Good Citizen mentioned this as well. Literally millions of children are immunocompromised due to "the science."

“This assertion is not science based - it is a “biodefense” cult perpetuating itself through mythology.”

To echo @James Filbrid's post, and to tie into your verbiage on mythology, we see that this world of "medicine" that we have is completely based on Scientism's Dogma Religious Cult. The sooner we start to see this world that scientism built for what it is, and when we see what the world could really be, that is when we, as a people, start to truly heal ourselves and the world.

Here are few articles on Scientism and Spirituality, if anyone is interested:



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Love the flat earth series. I hope people read it.

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People still laugh because they just haven't looked into it, kinda like childhood vaccines. It took me a while, but I finally got to the point of asking myself -"They've literally lied about EVERYTHING else, why not that, too? When one realizes the purpose was to minimize God's ultimate creation, Earth-> just another planet and man -> are we really alone? and the added bonus of being able to steal unlimited amounts of tax dollars for NASA and "space exploration", it makes a lot of sense.


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100%. Me too.

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Hello Franklin O'Kano: Scientism is not confined to western definitions of scientific dogma. Science should be LIMITED to studies of Naturally occurring phenomena, period. Instead, "science" is now perverted by technological manipulation of aberrant effects caused via technology. The bus has already left the cliff... Here's a wonderful example of bio-defense stupidity. >>> Weaponizing Biotech: How China's Military Is Preparing for a 'New Domain of Warfare' >>> By ELSA B. KANIA and WILSON VORNDICK >>> AUGUST 14, 2019 >>> https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2019/08/chinas-military-pursuing-biotech/159167/

Note the date of the article…

Excerpt: “In 2016, the potential strategic value of genetic information led the Chinese government to launch the National Genebank (国家基因库), which intends to become the world’s largest repository of such data. It aims to “develop and utilize China’s valuable genetic resources, safeguard national security in bioinformatics (生物信息学), and enhance China’s capability to seize the strategic commanding heights” in the domain of biotechnology.

The effort is administered by BGI, formerly known as Beijing Genomics Inc., which is Beijing’s de facto national champion in the field. BGI has established an edge in cheap gene sequencing, concentrating on amassing massive amounts of data from a diverse array of sources. The company has a global presence, including laboratories in California and Australia.” [End quote]

Boy, I feel much safer knowing all this… Readers may peruse multiple links within the text.

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The Vaccinated

Sold Their Natural Immunity

- For Nothing.

The Unvaccinated Held On To Their Natural Immunity

And It Is Now Worth

More Than Anything.

More Than Anything That Anyone "Owns".


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I really like your Fu.

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The Vaccinated Are A Mutant Species:

Homo Injectus.

Which Is Latin For:

UnNatural Being.


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Jul 31, 2023
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Biological Inferiori

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I must say I'm struggling to define how the A-T 'gene therapy' 'worked' on the terminally ill child.

1. Did the scientist demonstrate that a functional A-T protein was produced at 'normal' levels in a large percentage of cells where its expression is important?

2. Did the scientist demonstrate significant reversal of symptoms displayed by the terminally ill child?

If not, they can't say that their therapy 'worked'.

Are they saying that they took some form of biopsy and demonstrated intact genomic DNA with the mutation corrected?

That doesn't prove the therapy worked, does it? For that, you need to prove functional protein expression and meaningful clinical improvements.

As for $2.3m for 6 months treatment: what's the comparative cost of 6 months of Factor VIII treatment?? You can hardly say that this is an 'advance' if the cost of this is 50-100 times more expensive as Factor VIII protein treatment.

I'd like to see the medical rationale for such an exorbitant price, myself. You'd need an absolute transformation in the quality of life to justify it, you know.

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good questions. even when a theoretically "functional" protein is produced - that is still a non-self protein in the body which will result in the body attacking itself in some way. And that protein to begin with is still a theoretical, poorly understood target.

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Yeah, I had discussions 30 years ago about at what point in life you should be trying gene replacement therapy and concluded that, really, it needed to be at a time when the immune system was sufficiently immature that the self/non-self discriminatory apparatus had not developed (i.e. in utero or in pretty early childhood).

I could see haemopoietic stem cell gene replacement therapy possibly working as you do the 'CRISPR recombination' ex vivo and then select out the cells which have a functional gene now installed. Whether you have the ability to flush out recombinant stem cells if things don't go to plan is something that ought to be critical to the acceptance of possible therapies, since if that were possible, you could retain some unmodified stem cells and then simply return to the initial starting point.

But in vivo CRISPR therapies seem hare-brained at best to me.

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My personal view on the question at what point should gene therapies be attempted is - never. It will never work. It is a fundamentally an anti-life approach to medicine, and stems from a fallacy about what life really is.

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I love hearing you spell this all out. All they had to do was ask themselves "what is best for the heart and soul of the child." Even the parents missed the mark.

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Correct. All genetic experimentation should be banned, world-wide. "Modifying" the essential building blocks of life is an experiment in entropic insanity.

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That's definitely a reasonable view to hold, and maybe one major strand of reflection after 60 odd years of the gene therapy life (it was first enunciated as a theoretical possibility in 1964) should be how you could or could not determine whether it were theoretically impossible.

I'm not totally sure that a clear conclusion could be reached, because the uncertainties concerning a variety of matters are so huge that it might ultimately be a futile exercise. But at least if some vague sense of what the realistic theoretical limits to possibilities are, then greater pragmatism and realism might come to the field.

It's always easy for those of us who are fortunate to be born healthy to hold strong views about the limits of medicine, but I don't think we should be the sole arbiters - just as I don't appreciate fully healthy judges telling terminally ill people living in perpetual agony that they have to keep on senselessly suffering until they finally conk out.

The patients must also have a voice in all of this....obviously, when the patients are children, things become much more complicated and values much more blurred....

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I am not a proponent of senseless suffering at all. I am a proponent of keeping subconscious, conscious and material together (father, son, holy spirit) in the trinity arrangement as it is designed by our loving Creator. The problem with the gene therapy fallacy is that it is based on breaking this triangle, first in the subconscious plane - which is very powerful but cannot distinguish between imaginary and real, and then in the material plane. And yes, 60 years of failure should have been a good indicator of what is possible or not.

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Sasha - the first thirty years were pretty much not involving any patients - it was scientists developing tools, vector systems and animal models. I'm not even sure whether high-throughput screening technologies for vector constructs has ever been attempted - I did suggest early in the 21st century how a modular approach to generating such libraries could be done in logical and achievable ways. Whether anyone ever bothered doing that, I don't know.

I wouldn't say that gene therapy has been a total failure - there have been successes with topical applications for Epidermolysis Bullosa. Also, there have been successes treating the eye - maybe because you have a very tightly controlled arena for gene delivery, rather than having to go systemically.

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To be born ‘healthy’, is, mostly, a worthy beautiful and ‘noble’ achievement by a well nurtured and loved woman. May the science deliver on the limits to that more noble goal first. To die intellectually, in a certain form of superior ignorance, on the altar of this nonsense acid base fiddling, and tunnel vision of sorts, seems farcical. They, the patients, are you one day.

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100% Agree.

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Yay! Glad you're looking at this too, Sasha! I used that Malone quote in this one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mealy-mouthed-malone and then found the Hatfill he was quoting and did another episode on an interview with both of them: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/black-pill-hatfill-and-malone. Together they laugh about pandemics with 40% mortality and how we'll have to stack bodies or 'get out the BIG excavator' as Malone says. Mark Kulacz and I talk about that interview here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XhcINukF2ZV4/. The cesspool just keeps getting deeper.

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Jul 28, 2023
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I LOVE that quote! I don't know Robert Higgs but now I think I should. In the interview with Mark (and in my book) I talk about anarchy being rule by rules rather than by rulers. The word comes from an- without and archons, who were the Greek rulers and landlords.

And my system describes how to take the money created by mortgages and distribute it according to a set of rules with measurable criteria, rather than taking power over us from the banksters only to hand it to another set of mobsters in gov't.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Hmmm but is the corruption of science a cause or effect? If you're talking about the BIG cesspool, I'd say it's the form of money that gives those who create it power over others, and forces the rest of us to serve them in order to survive--and not recognize that we're doing that in order to save face. I think that's the original cognitive dissonance and the topic of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Thank you, Mensch, for checking out my book! I read a number of people who subscribe to the pathocracy theory: Margaret Anna Alice, CJ Hopkins and Harrison Koehli, who writes Political Ponerology among them. Here's where I disagree. I think psychopaths are made, not born, and you could sweep the entire hierarchy of institutions and organizations clean of them and have the same corruption within a generation or less.

As long as we have a system that rewards and promotes ruthlessness, the most ruthless will always rise to the top. If you change the system, you take power over others away from the psychopaths. Who would they be without that? I don't think we even know.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Thank you, Mensch, for posting the whole summary of my book (with blurb!) on your notes, and for subbing me. Looking at who else you read, I feel in good company.

And I appreciate having a conversation at this depth. It's an important question and one I've been meaning to respond to in detail. So I'm going to post an episode with my response, given this instigation. I always find Winter Oak enlightening, and you lay out the alternatives well. Thank you again!

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Our culture whether East or West requires as a premise to be immunocompromised and mentally disordered which they call normal and healthy, but because of these premises they experiment with therapies that at the best maintain these pathological life conditions. Nature doesn’t work that way it changes, replaces or renovates, as a result all these therapies we only become sicker and deadlier.

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Nature is very amendable... Nature will snuff our sorry asses for screwing with processes we don't even have to understand. Growing quality food would be more profitable than committing mass suicide. Technology is a trap, period.

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It is hard to face the reality that the world in which we currently live has turned upside-down. Now the unethical has become scientific, and the unscientific has become ethical.

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I’m not buying what they’re selling. I’ll die of old age before taking any of it.

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Love the artwork!!

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Always comes down to $. Sad.

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The rat bastards:( I always Thought they were just using people as Guinea pigs! They will be the main course at a pigs picnic once the sheep Realize their Children are being poisoned at set up for “helpful “ medical torture.

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RUDOLF STEINER (1861-1925)

“The time will come, and it may not be far off, that people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.”

“The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”

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Rudolf Steiner was a brilliant metaphysical philosopher, and was spot on regarding many "spiritual" aspects... Alas. His analyses of physics were not particularly astute... He was of course, ridiculed by the JP Morgan, Randolph Hearst, Rockefeller Institute controlled press during the 1920's...

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Seems like many of these "scientists" have gone beyond the "lab rat" or "monkey" trials to determine safety and effectiveness of their latest "treatments" (cures are NOT in the picture!), and have gone straight to humans -- both the terminally ill (they can't be accused of killing them) -- and the perfectly healthy (that is until they participate in the experiment). Why kill animals? You just get PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on your backs, and rabid activists that raid your lab and release into the wild all your mice, rats, ferrets, monkeys, etc. Nobody really cares about humans anymore -- all of this is about a war on humans (as is the whole climate change fiasco).

When my significant other was dying of esophageal cancer, he told me NEVER to donate to any cancer organization because none of them want to "research" for a cure" -- a cure would, obviously destroy a multi-billion/trillion dollar industry and they certainly don't want that!! Now, when I get phone calls asking for donations for various diseases, I just tell them: "I do NOT contribute money to diseases of any type" and especially cancer even though I've know 9 people to die of turbo-cancer since 2021 and 3 more who are dealing with turbo-cancer currently. It perpetuates the illusion that cancer is a "curable" disease, when what science is looking for to make it a "treatable" disease that costs millions for families and insurance companies! The money is what they are after -- not the cure!

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As of Dec 2022, a bi-partisan legislation sponsored by Cory Booker and RAND PAUL passed, there is no longer a requirement by the FDA for big pharma to do animals trials prior to moving on the human subjects (the new lab rat). Apparently, Faici's beagles made a big impact on Rand Paul. 🙁

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So, it's true! Humans have become the new lab rats!! Of course, because humans are dispensable -- there's way too many of us on the planet -- just over 8 billion -- so the need of the eugenicists is to reduce our numbers to less than a billion. Animals will be better for the planet -- except for cows whose constant farting may add more methane to the atmosphere. Rather than trying to keep we humans from eating beef, consumption of cows would be a good thing. I agree that beagles are cute little dogs. My dad always had a beagle to take hunting in the fall. However, they bark way too much for my taste.

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Beagles are hunting dogs with a very long ancestry: moreover, they have been bred to trust humans, and are also known to be very affectionate - so experimenting on them is the cruelest betrayal. Worthy of The Science......

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