Remdesivir inhibited a wide variety of pathogens by killing the host.

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Never quite thought of it like that…but yes it most certainly did.

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That's absolutely what it was. Look at the statistical differences between the NIH hydroxychloroquine and Remdesivir studies. HCQ killed no one. Remdesivir killed at a high rate, but Fauci said it cleared the virus.

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Good one! Sadly, I know of several folks who were terminated by the USG DOD/DARPA/HHS/NIAH mandated Remdesivir protocols.

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Brilliant Sasha, I am promoting you each time I could and this substack article, over the target and in line with my take that Malone is complete fraud con man...see my stack


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Brilliant Sasha, I am promoting you each time I could and this substack article, over the target and in line with my take that Malone is complete fraud con man...see my stack


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On April 29 the Malone/ASPR/Alchem/Northwell trials were underway with Famotidine and Hydroxychloroquine. This combination was likely not generating deaths necessary to preserve the illusion of a deadly novel coronavirus. Therefore the trials shifted from Hydroxychloroquine to Remdesivir.

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Very interesting. Even at the time it was shocking to hear Fauci "say the quiet part out loud" - although the media buried it per link above:

--He said the mortality benefit of remdesivir “has not yet reached statistical significance.”--

Really?? Something is declared "standard of care" - at USD $3,500 pp - with no survival benefit??

(A sinister view is that the so-called "mortality benefit" only reached statistical significance after remdesivir was rolled-out and the corpses started piling up.)

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I dunno, I think the financial motivation for remdesivir (in patent) would have been the main one for the switch there, but I’m not familiar with the specifics.

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No you dunno when Julian Assange was arrested or what he was charged with either.

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Just like the vaccines prevented covid deaths. Can't die of covid, if the vaccine got you first.

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Don't see Biden in your list of potential defendants???? Seems he ran with the Covid agenda, post-Trump, no?

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Thanks, Lawrence. Please see this Post about BIDEN's crimes re. 'vaccnes' and more. https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/joe-bidens-and-his-masters-fall-is-freedoms-rise

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Good work! Restored my faith, friend. I realize the process of posting blogs is much less involved than re-configuring text and images on web sites, but the obvious absence of Slow Joe's visage in your rogues gallery of evil-doers was rather suspect and disconcerting -- especially since the Prosecute 'Em billboard and list of indictments were signed, "Don Paul, January to June, 2023". That's 2 1/2 years under Beijing Biden's "leadership"!

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Feb 27Edited


"A total of 681 patients were enrolled from November 20, 2018, to August 9, 2019, at which time the data and safety monitoring board recommended that patients be assigned only to the MAb114 and REGN-EB3 groups for the remainder of the trial; the recommendation was based on the results of an interim analysis that showed superiority of these groups to ZMapp and remdesivir with respect to mortality. "

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Same as with cancer which often has the same outcome as Remdesivir

In my opinion the best way to sum up the inhibitory mechanism (for clinicians & science geeks) is to paraphrase the words of the late great Norm Macdonald

Cancer never wins. From my understanding it's at best a draw

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😱😱😱 gooood 1 K!

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Doc Malik is a straight-shooter. Thanks for sharing his podcast Sasha!

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Really? Have you listened to his interviews? Have a listen to a few and make up your mind then.

He's the most shallow of all the wannabe podcasters I've listened to.

Sasha did a good job of editing out all his idiocy so that it's bearable.

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Sorry - to be honest I commented too quickly, and didn't look at most of the article. My fault on that one.

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I hope to see you on his podcast!

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This is very alarming. Just watched on Rumble on Waking the World up. Self Spreading Vaccines . Del Bigtree is on the show.

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Feb 27
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Gatkeeeprrrrr!!! Traitrrrrrrr! Virrrrrusssss!

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I heard him asking the question with an open mind. He asked no vax camp hero Sam Bailey onto his podcast and she refused.

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Feb 29
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Everyone is on their own journey. Discounting someone or calling them gatekeepers because they are not fully on board with a certain hypothesis is no different to what happened to us during the last 4 years e.g ‘if you question the ‘science’ you’re an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracy theorist, an irresponsible human who doesn’t care about other humans….’ and so on. There is a lot of information out there that most of us normal people are still trying get our heads round. It’s ok to be unsure and to question. I can appreciate someone’s view but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with every stance they take. If we fall into the trap of feeling suspicious because someone doesn’t agree with what we believe to be important, then that erodes trust, and breaks down our ability to stand against global tyranny. Surely that just falls into the hands of the globalists; they won’t even need to have gatekeepers! All we can do as individuals is continue to do our research, keep an open mind and listen to our gut. Case in point, I listen to Doc Malik and massively appreciate the work he is doing, but I also believe in the incredible work the Baileys etc al are doing

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Mar 8
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Thanks for sharing your article, it’s great work and clearly well researched. However I’ve come to realise over the years that the world isn’t black and white and every single human on this planet has an agenda. Sometimes the agenda is self serving or to protect family, sometimes it is altruistic, and sometimes it is a combination of all those. The danger comes when we put people on pedestals or judge them by our own expectations and truths which just leads to betrayal and disappointment. The truth is like a puzzle, and there are pieces of the puzzle in everything we listen to and read. As I mentioned before what works for me is to keep an open mind and learn to rely on that inner knowing or instinct. Eventually you start to see the connections and the pieces fall into place. We all have our ways I guess!

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OK, I’m curious... if you believe viruses do not exist, then a) what is your assumed motivation for this conspiracy?

b) what do you think causes the symptoms of these diseases instead?

c) do you believe in bacteria?

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Mar 8
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C) They were all honest questions, I never said you didn’t believe in bacteria, I was simply clarifying whether it was only infection with viruses that you reject.

b) I haven’t exhaustively read your substacks, but the one I did look at largely listed a bunch of old studies of very small sample sizes and uncontrolled protocols that had fairly obvious reasons why purposeful-infection wasn’t likely to be achieved (like trying to infect animals with a human virus that has not evolved to infect those species, or trying to infect with a virus that requires blood to blood transmission via a blood-sucking insect vector).

Something makes people have the symptoms of measles, Ebola, yellow fever, herpes. Whether we call it a virus or something else, it makes little difference, that’s just semantics. I don’t really see how this is a useful topic to obsess on.

a) pharma didn’t need to invent a new category of organism to make money, they could still have made money by saying an illness was caused by a bacteria or a toxin, just as easily as if it were a virus.

Like the flat-earth theory, this theory is strange to me because the level of conspiracy (over people and through time), is SO large it just beggars belief. There is also not a clear motive - hand waving about money without proving why specifically viruses needed to be made up to gain said money is not convincing.

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Mar 8Edited
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Lol I think you are a troll, all personal attacks with no substance. You are right though, after seeing a few of your cited articles I did indeed get bored because I saw yellow fever, knew that was a mosquito-born virus, and realised you haven’t done your due diligence on your examples so why should I? I started with an open mind, but when I realised you haven’t applied a critical eye to your own work, I stopped wasting my time.

Even if viruses were actually all a fraud, you are doing the movement a disservice by causing division. This is how the 911 movement was derailed. Talk about your lack of belief in vaccines, sure, but dismissing people who are working hard to fight the covid-response malfeasance is NOT helpful.

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“If you could get us tickets to Davos, we could meet at the CIA booth…”

Excellent 😎🙃

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Classic. Truly classic. hahahaaaaa. On the ground laughing so hard

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Also, his avoidance of the 'provenance of the “live virus”' reminds me of how Luc Montagnier ran away from Carey Mullis after Carey asked him where he could find the scientific paper that identified HIV caused AIDS.

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I will always question whether Cary Mullis’ death was natural. Healthy, active surfer in his early 70s. Timing was just a bit too convenient (Aug 2019). May he RIP. Can you imagine how quickly the PCR ruse would’ve come undone if he was alive in 2020-2021?

Still can’t believe there are still millions, including “medical professionals” who actually use those tests!

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I look at Assange's arrest the same way in retrospect.

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How long can you imprision a journalist, without charge or trial, for publishing the communications of war criminals?

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His arrest? If you mean for rape, yeah it was bogus

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Everyone is “baffled” as to how a fit active man could conveniently die. A lot of us wonder in view of the last few years. I smell a rat.

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late in life montaignier had the humility to disavow his earlier "findings" regarding aids and hiv

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Thank you...yes he did. I'm kinda suspicious of Montaigners death also ...although he was old and not in good shape.

Probably I will never believe most things ever again, after these recent years.

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I think you are wise to remain skeptical, because the world we view through our mass media lenses is largely a world of make believe.

But the narrative spinners can't make us believe it without our consent, can they?

This song is one of the corniest country & western hits ever, and not for those who hate singing cowboys, but what an apposite title!


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That checked him out a tad early.

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Did he? Got a link to that?

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Yes, I hear this about Montagnier, but I have yet to see where he says that.

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When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, The foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.

Proverbs 29:9

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That was so painful to read, Sasha. I can't imagine sitting through that entire interview like you did. Thank you for bearing that burden and for breaking this down for all of your readers. Hopefully Steve Kirsch will finally realize that Malone is looking more like his CIA handler than an actual freedom fighter.

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Either you have to wonder how dumb and naive Kirsch and RFK Jr are hanging out with Maloney, or else they're in on the gag.

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Kirsch, April 2020 set up the Covid Early Treatment Fund to promote “cheap” drugs to fight C-19. (What a great guy watching over the little people). He recruited, as reported in his bio on Wiki…”what MIT Technology Review called "a powerhouse board" of scientific advisors including Robert Siliciano and management by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.” Do you need more? He is part of the bigg team fake.

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Isn't he also RFK Jr.'s campaign manager?

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Layers of NGO elitism. Gag me. They can all throw in when it gets close to the election finish line. Sucking on the teat of profligate government.

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Not sure about campaign manager, but he’s certainly up there somewhere. I remember Kirsch, sometime last year saying “I’m trying to get RFK jr to run for president”, somewhere in Kirsch substack newsletters. Before I unsubbed.

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The big Psyop!!

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No one gets elected President without the CIA's approval...and the DOD monster.

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Based on all of the conversations that I have seen with Kirsch, especially his weekly VSRF interviews, Steve Kirsch appears to be genuine and naive, but maybe I am also naive as well.

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The most I see in Kirsch is scandalous journalism where he would sacrifice scientific integrity for clicks and views. Perhaps he has some good points, but I would not trust him by just his word alone.

I was once on his team helping to validate his findings, among other things. He dismissed me when I offered criticism instead of endorsement for one of his escapades. He called it "the most important article I have ever written in my life". That turned out to be a complete baloney but he never admitted it....


My comments should still be there if you are interested.

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Ding, ding, ding. It's often said keep your friends close and your enemies closer; however, that's not always the case. In fact, it seldom is. Who people align themselves with, and especially those with certain "backgrounds and affiliations", should always be heavily scrutinized and carefully considered. Kirsch is definitely "one of those", as is RFK, Jr. Leopards don't change their spots; and it seems you can't completely cleanse the "liberal" out of those who think they've somehow risen above it. Those who are amoral, like Kirsh and RFK, will stay that way, no matter what "snips" of another ideology they may latch onto and incorporate. At the core of their being, they are still always who they were, regardless of who or what they pander to at a given moment.

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They are gagging it for sure!! Typical MO.

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Kirsch is the same puke calling for population control!! Who the fuck does Kirsch think he is God? Like short man syndrome Malone?? I have a video of Malone in Hawaii talking to high school students and telling them that COVID 19 changes your DNA but the mRNA shots did not!!! Complete liar!!

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What a swamp to watch, did you say over 4 hours


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How can Senator Ron Johnson put up with Malone sitting next to him of late. It really ruins the show.

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You might consider they are on the same team.

I have a hard time believing someone who was committee chair for Homeland Security for 6 years is a man of the people despite appearances.

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That is always a question. But it was so good to see Senator Johnson stand up publicly for the people with adverse events (as they so gently call incapacitation and bankruptcy). But, ya never know.

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It’s called politics. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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Because as much as I admire Senator Johnson, he was not going to run again. He changed his mind, and most of us were glad. BUT, something changed and my suspicions are that now he is trapped or decided to go with the DOD and all its pro war/pro defense contractors machinations. He has to have Malone...to keep pointing away from the DARPA BARDA DOD CIA operation...they had total control. Defense is now gonna be protected at all costs.

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What you say fits right in.

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As I read this I was wondering the same thing. I spent hours watching Senator Johnson's recent hearing.

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R.M. “I have existing non-disclosure agreements and those typically last 5-10 years.”

AM: “How many more years left on them?”

RM: “Probably another 4-5.”

“Probably”? In other words, it might not be unreasonable to speculate RM “probably” just started some brand-new non-disclosure agreements, that last 5 years, and have 4-5 to go.

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Yes- wish Dr. Malik had probed a bit deeper on what specifically those NDAs allow, and restrict Malone from talking about. Would be great to see those NDAs.

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Malone wasn't being an easy interviewee, and Doc Malik seems to want to stay on good terms with all his guests.

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That's hardly a fair critique of Malik's interview with Malone. He challenged him in a meaningful manner, essentially on the global pandemic bs.

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Malik could have iushed back a lot more, but like I say he didn't seem to want to argue.

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Good catch. The way he worded it (and I’m sure it was to deceive), I missed the as little as 5 years for NDAs.

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You're a hell of a writer in addition to everything else. Stay the course!

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My elderly wife was actually given a course of Remdesivir in a public hospital here in Australia after being admitted for something else (a chronic condition nothing to do with Covid). That was because we are completely brainless here in the Antipodes, so we have to mimic America whenever an intellectual challenge comes up. She was unvaccinated and tested positive in the hospital. I think the Remdesivir was some kind of psychologically-driven anti-anti-vaxx tactic, becasuse she had no respiratory symptoms. She was put in isolation in the hospital. I was confined at home. It was a nightmare scenario. She survived with no ill effects, but the entire episode was deeply troubling, as it revealed a deep, dark hole at the centre of our society. People - including doctors and nurses - now believe in 'science' but have lost compassion and the power of logical thought. Medicine - once a healing art - has been reduced to mechanical tests and mindless protocols.

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Well said/written! Thank you.

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Thank you Sasha. It is so obvious that Malone is full of sh!t. He didn't have the virus or any virus.

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You can use the same name for Bobby mal one. Sin-a Mon. Means with sin, of the devil.

I couldn't wade thru his pseudo science bullshit but I had to unsubscribe because he kept talking about his damm horses and his freaky wifey, oh and plus that nagging feeling of being lied to

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All it took was reading a few of his substacks and a couple of his early interviews to get a read on that emotionally-impaired narcissist. He does get the prize, however, for the biggest ego and for being able to pontificate, ad nauseum, and spew nothing but garbage.

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These are the ideal characteristics of a scientific genius. Just look at Galileo and Einstein and the rest. Completely unscrupulous, narcissistic liars who peddle lies to further their pseudo-science. It all comes down to who is backing you financially. In Galileo's case, it was the royal elites and certain factions in the Vatican, in Einstein's case the bankers and the Rockefellers. There is nothing new under the sun.

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Well stated.

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Wow, we’re throwing Galileo and Einstein out with the bath water too then are we? Pseudo-science, lol.

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he makes you pay for commenting.

His blog is boring

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I'm considering becoming a "citizen journalist" with cam&mic. Why?

I live in the same town as the Malones.😜

Bound to interact again & have to document him in action personally.


So many Q's, so much potential for comedy vid to rival his blog!


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Greetings Neighbor.

- - he only gets positive comments on his blog.

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His Telegram channel doesn't allow comments. His posts are way to long. I can't work out how he has the time to do all his farm work, and write papers and massive substacks and books. Doesn't add up.

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He’s a deeply intelligent person. Reminds me of someone I know, has had many hobbies and worked as a consultant in similar fashion to Malone, but a different industry. Everything he says is internally consistent and credible. I was thinking Sasha was someone to listen to, and so I thought oh maybe Malone IS dodgy, but no, this “take down” doesn’t pan out either. So now I’m not sure about Sasha. Damn.

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He wasn't consistent and credible on Doc Malik's podcast, he was angry and dismissive.

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agree. he utilises a lot of immigrants, cheap labor.

They are a constant on his property so he can jet around

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Malone is living large, like most owned by the government doing favors and shit.

He lives up the road from me about 45 minutes away. Nice piece of property, nice very nice spread.

Cinnamon looks happy. You must give him oreos or vienna fingers cookies.

Cookies always make bears look adorable

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Brilliant post, Sasha. Thanks for getting this out there.

I was hopeful that RM might prove to be a genuine whistle-blower type who could help set the record straight on the COVID Plandemic. As the months passed, however, his actions indicated a disturbing level of self-service and misdirection clearly intended to deceive. The Most-Interesting Man in Medicine remains unapologetic for and defensive of a lifetime of work in biowarfare. I expect that he and Fauci actually slap each other on the back behind closed doors. Any man with a conscience would be apologetic for advancing bio-warfare on Humanity in the name of ? ...profit?, self-aggrandizement?, service to the Offense Industry? A humanitarian would be begging forgiveness for his anti-Humankind work at every venue - instead, silence and more puffery.

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“The Most Interesting Man in Medicine…”. Beyond brilliant. Well


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Wish I could claim origin for same, but stumbled over this a couple of years ago - about the time he sued the Breggins...

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What evidence is there that he worked in biowarfare? All of his products seemed to be defensive, he wasn’t doing gain of function to make pathogens worse.

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LCN... His career has been working for DOD/DARPA/etc. IMO, there is no such thing as bio-defense. It is all dual purpose research to develop and deploy BIOWEAPONS. The record is extensive and damning.

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I am RoTFLmAo! "Did Jill beat you senseless that day? Did you fall off your tractor?" Yes, all day every day!

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I doubt I'm the only one who thought he has a looked squirrely/devious look and didn't trust him a long time ago - the "inventor of mRNA" and then he claims he took the jab, yeah, right. He proved his shiftiness by suing the Breggins and others.

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You are definitely NOT the only one.

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You're a hell of a writer along w everything else. Thanks for all you do. I'm not sure how Malone has fooled anyone, but there it is.

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