I was greatly encouraged when I learned about this case and pleasantly amazed to see the DoD named as the defendant.

I referenced George Watts’s heartrending case in the following piece:

• “Letter to the Stanford Daily” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-stanford-daily)

Critically, Chief Deputy Coroner Timothy Cahill Jr. attributed George’s death to “COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.” Cahill says, “The vaccine caused the heart to go into failure.”

This is a rock-solid case demonstrating causation and may pave the way for future lawsuits. I hope it sparks a domino effect and ultimately a class action lawsuit on behalf of the families of victims worldwide.

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The company I work for sent out an email celebrating the FDA approval and then after a few months mandated the jabs as a required condition to remain employed. I submitted my religious exemption and was put on unpaid leave for 6 months at which time they no longer required me to get jabbed with no apologies or explanation.

Many folks in management are ex-military and had gotten jabbed even before the mandate. Their mindset from being in the service is that rolling up your sleeve for various shots is routine and not even worth a question.

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Good on you for standing up, Steshu. I do hope you can find a more trustworthy employer or means of survival, though, as they have proven they will sacrifice you on the altar of compliance at the next opportunity.

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Thank you Margaret. I’m positive that the underlying mindset hasn’t changed much. I’m capable of walking again, forever next time, but the salary is better than so many coffees and I can’t imagine enough folks would buy them for me.

I do think your comments/posts have been outstanding and you seem to be laser focused.

Perhaps when the dust settles in the not too distant future, all the bright Substackers can meet up for a big group meeting somewhere nice. Right now I sometimes find the stray insightful critical thinking person on a hiking trail or even at the local Publix.

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Yes WE are out there...hiking, biking, shopping, eating in restaurants, traveling, commenting back and forth with each other.

I even ‘met’ someone on Substack last June, we exchanged emails, then finally met in person in August. Even though we live in States that are not only very far apart geographically, but are politically as well (him in a red to purple state, my state VERY BLUE), we are of total ‘like mind’ and have managed to eeek out a ‘relationship/friendship’ over the past year.

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Jun 4, 2023
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yes!! away from the people that plod along in their mindless, controlled fall. ------------- I, Grampa

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Jun 5, 2023
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How many of us will be around twenty years from now because we stood are ground.

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At least we’ll all be in the same concentration camp. I keep reading about the next “virus” they’re going to release that will need emergency shots. Rinse and repeat…

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Unless we wake more people up and demand solutions:

The way out of this mess:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

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Hello Margaret Anna Alice: This "lawsuit" was initiated September 7, 2021. It is appropriate to ponder the number of civilians who have been maimed or murdered since that date...

Lawsuits will not STOP corporate/criminal activities such as collusion, racketeering, egregious criminal frauds and extortion, acts of international terrorism, nor the documented murders of civil populations.

Reacting to clear-cut demonstrations of the above cited acts - via lawsuits, will not STOP the ongoing slaughter...

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They stopped Vioxx (https://www.drugwatch.com/vioxx/lawsuits/). They stopped asbestos baby powder (https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/8900000000-compensation-for-cancer). They stopped the federal travel mask mandate (https://healthfreedomdefense.org/hfdf-lawsuits/federal-travel-mask-mandate/).

I understand we need to wage a multi-front war on crimes against humanity, but lawsuits are one of the more powerful tools we have at our disposal and should be pursued in addition to other courses of action.

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5G cell towers on and next to homes and nursing homes have exploded, organic food in stores no longer safe, gourdes of vaccines given to every age (to supposedly spare you the worst effects of some infliction) toxic water, toxic chemtrailed skies and soil...lots of work to do. Perhaps it’s time to light our torches and grab our pitchforks!

I’m considering going to the local copy shop to get a bunch of copies to pass out in my neighborhood. Post it on a community coffee shop cork board the people that need to see this won’t see it.

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My five-tine pitchfork is waxed and ready.

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The Better Way Conference is addressing all of those issues and more:


If you want print-friendly files (whether for your printer or to have printed up as postcards or flyers) of “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem) to pass out, you’ll find PDFs here:


Knightess Duckworth (@ms_duckworth) also had the brilliant idea of reading it aloud at her local council meeting, an experience she shared in this tweet:


She writes across several tweets:


Local Council meeting last night. In the Public’s question section I asked if I may read out a poem about the last three years.

I read all of this:

Mistakes Were NOT Made:

An Anthem for Justice

by Margaret Anna Alice


I just asked them to recognise that we had a number of vaxed injured behind closed doors.

There was stunned silence.

Today I emailed them all a copy of the poem with all the links intact.

Try it, anywhere you can.

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5 Tine Pitchfork Delivered, Free Shipping $41.06 (Depending on Sales Tax) Home Depot https://www.homedepot.com/p/Razor-Back-5-Oval-Tine-Forged-Manure-Fork-2826500/204476211

They are calling it a "Manure Fork" so I figure it is suitable and proper for the purpose. Oddly, mine was delivered the afternoon of Monday Nov 7th. Premonition ?? Anyone have a good line on solid Torches ??? lol

(I have been informed Home Depot has since raised their price, but I left it to show inflation since Oct 29th 2022)

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The pending full ban on incandescent lights so we are now forced to use LED bulbs under the guise of "energy saving" can likely be added to the list. Just the brief research reveals there may be a hidden agenda as well from LED lights ability to spy (??), LI-FI technology and likely health issues associated with LED lights. Need more research though

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The fact that incandescent lights need to be banned is enough research for me because its likely a big fat lie. Whatever anyone mandates, I do just the opposite

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True, but we"ll have a full ban since August so no way to resupply the stock. So much for free market. Very fishy indeed

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I agree with most of your points except for the chemtrails which I have inquired about in many forums. No-one has been able to provide any credible sources that account for or explain 'chemtrails'. I have also talked to people that saw the trails in the 50s/60s. I am inclined to go with this explanation: "The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high altitude is of much lower vapor pressure and temperature than the exhaust gas. The water vapor contained in the jet exhaust condenses and may freeze, and this mixing process forms a cloud very similar to the one your hot breath makes on a cold day."

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If you want to dig in to this a good place to go is https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

For a long time I just thought global warming/climate change was just a hoax so that well connected governments/investors/bankers could get rich off of it and leverage it into gaining global control over nations. BUT it looks like they themselves are actually causing it. Anyway Dane Wigginton's documentary "The Dimming" is available on his site and might be worth your time.

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So, you’re against believing your own eyes when you see cross cross lines in the sky that resemble a plaid pattern?? Then other days it’s clear? They’ve admitted to cloud seeding and sun dimming to counter so called “climate” change. And geoengineering has been going on since the 1800’s.

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I see the criss cross from commercial airlines yes. But I don't know for sure they are chemtrails. Interesting how I saw none when travel was shut down during the height of "cov".

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Hi Andie, I live in Spain and there have been so many comments about the abundance of chemtrails in the sky that the national weather service finally admitted that they were attempting to modify the weather. Very shortly after that, they disappeared. I haven't seen anymore for several weeks, but the government admitted they were doing it.

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Hello Andie: Denial isn't just the name of a river in Egypt...

See chemical substances used in the following patent, then ask yourself whether you consented to become a guinea pig or hamster in this "experiment". >

United States Patent # 3,899,144

Were et al.

Aug. 12, 1975 https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/e2/7e/b7/1cd2b149012545/US3899144.pdf

There are hundreds of such patents detailing the technology.

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Seeking credible sources is not the same as denial. This is why I don't normally partake in online forums- comments like this.

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So how did high concentrations of barium and aluminum get in my rain water ? Analysis was done over 20 years ago by an independent local lab.

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Barium is everywhere , incl. in plastics, rubbers, paint, carpets, ceramics, furniture, fertilizers, & pesticides. If all these sources leach into groundwater (lakes, rivers etc), it will also be in rainwater. I am not ruling out possibility of chemtrails, though I have not come across conclusive info. If you do, please share!

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Please see Reinette Senum Substack as she is launching a lawsuit against those responsible for chemtrails. She has lots of good info.

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Andie, I'm with you on this view. 👍

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How do you know that organic food in stores is not safe?

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Do you think red leaf organic lettuce should stay looking fresh for 6 weeks? Do you wash your produce before you eat it? But can’t remove the wax no matter what you do? The organic produce is the worst offenders in regards to being sprayed with bill gates Apeel a polymer that the brag can’t be removed. And they don’t put a sticker on all. Cut your next organic apple and see how long it takes to rot….

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Anytime I'm being charged more for something w the understanding that it's worth more, I now want proof. Even if there are legitimate organic growers, chemicals dropped from above or drifting from non organic fields is a serious threat.

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But I asked you how do you KNOW this to be true vs. I say so, or I've heard it. Do you have a cite or site?

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Jun 4, 2023
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Target has this on their NON GMO/organic lemons "coated with food grade resin and/or vegetable wax". Can't post the picture but it was on Dr. Jane Ruby's Telegram page. https://t.me/DrJaneRuby/10802

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Yep. Target also sells pocket swimsuits for trans men.

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sadly, the co-opted court system levies a back room deal agreed upon fine , and the stock values jump back up , and few go to jail for the mass murders. hopefully this will change via the standard avenue , mass protest in the street

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Hello again Margaret Anna Alice: These suits are simply settlements over commercial contract clauses and and the "economic" rules of same. The consumer and/or investor pays the adjusted cost of those remaining in business. Law "suits" work fine for persons who enjoy the appearance of such apparel...

Today's article is about conditions which resulted in a felony case of Murder in the First Degree. Murder is a punishable act within district courts of Law. The responsible parties belong in prison for life.

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No arguments from me, except I think prison is too light of a sentence:


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As much as I detest cruel and unusual punishments, I'm afraid we do need to bring back the guillotine. Its a horrible way to die but we do not have prison facilities for the sheer numbers we will have to indict.

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And the only real deterrence.

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Jun 4, 2023
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Scaphism comes to mind.

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You're not the first person I've heard suggest that 😁

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Vioxx and baby talcum powder were fraudulently mismarketed. Both have legitimate uses. (Muscle aches of flu for Vioxx, and allowing bicycle inner tubes to slip into place without kinking for talcum powder. Possibly also allowing easier donning and doffing of latex gloves. But talcum powder should not be used internally.)

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Should not even be used for gloves. Nowhere it can be inhaled.

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They should also file criminal charges. Murder.

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Does that apply to "collateral" death of a civilian?

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Its not collateral, its intentional killing of civilians. The non-random variation in the lethality of the batches, among other things, prove it. A war crime on top of many other war crimes including an undeclared war on the world's population. A genocide.

People have to wake up to this, and if there's a death in the family from these shots they should insist that murder charges be filed.

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He was an enemy of the United States. See the 1917 Trading with the Enemy act, and the 1933 Executive Order 6102. And yes it was declared; on 06 April 1917. While it's still a war crime, you'll have to show the defendants were not acting in their official capacity. Off to the work camps if you survive: https://plandemicseries.com/plandemic-3-the-great-awakening/

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You need to explain more and provide sources. Enemy of the United States my a$$.

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You take $20 FRNs down to your nearest Federal Reserve Branch bank and freely redeem them for St. Gallens? Prove it!

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I don't understand you.

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Prosecutor files criminal charges, not a private individual. No prosecutor in the United States is ready to do that.

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Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many frankenshot victims in those states.

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Sorry, Kansas, not Montana. Montana is considering it.

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Your perception, intelligence, talent, courage, and sheer mastery of language is astonishingly and brilliantly outstanding. I am in awe.

Everytime I read you, I marvel at our sheer good fortune in having you here, in this place, and at this time.

God bless you.

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Thank you!

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Let's hope our legal system has not be corrupted beyond redemption. It only takes a spark to start a brush fire. I hope that you and Katherine Watt are helping with this case.

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This is a very real concern. With such absolute corruption imbedded into the structural framework of corporate quasi-governmental service agencies (and with the repeated judicial stonewalling that has been an ongoing problem as numerous parties have unsuccessfully attempted to get justice in the courts over the blatantly obvious tyrannical overreach)......it would be pathologically naive to assume that the justice system has not been similarly infiltrated and purchased by the same global financiers. This has indeed happened, although it hasn't been effective with all judges and all courts....there are still some uncorruptible people out there, albeit they are few and far between.

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Oh believe me I am not naive when it comes to the corruption in every fiber of our government including the corrupt, from stern to stem, judicial system. That is why I made the point......this is strong case as is the case that this bio weapon countermeasure was created for genocide but with the corrupt, lawless system in place the chances of this case succeeding is slim. I would not doubt if it was thrown out of court.....not for lack of merit.....but because of the lack of virtue in the judicial system.

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Hello Kay Allen: Thank the erasure of the Original Thirteenth Amendment and the American Bar Association for the corrupted state of our lost Republic...

Speaking of erasure: Nearly all reference to the Original Thirteenth Amendment has been scrubbed from the internet in just the last six months. This Wikipedia definition has also been edited. > 13th Amendment - Titles of Nobility Amendment - Wikipedia


The American Bar Association (see term: "Esquire") is a surrogate child of the crown temple Bar > https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/british-accreditation-registry-crown-temple-b-a-r/ (see term: Barrister)

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So true! And not only that, but the hijacking of birthright political status, Article 4 Section 2A Citizen(ship) under Public Law into default 14th Amendment citizen(ship) under Statute....the complete and total identify theft of Americans, Enlishwo/men and living men and women in just about every other organic unincorporated Nation on Earth by the despicable parasite foreign agents of the British Accreditation Registry, the self-same scum who don't wish for it to be known that they are exactly what the original 13th Amendment specifically outlawed. From what I gather, its language was actually manipulated in at least one of the later Constitutions....I'm not sure whether Municipal or Territorial or even which corporate iteration of the the de facto agencies calling themselves "the" government. It's hard to get a hold of the original paperwork to confirm, as the same parasites also control the media delivery systems.

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Yes. And every passed Amendment since the erasure of the original Thirteenth Amendment has been an act of certifiable treason. The courts are now financed by ambulance chasers, whilst commercial commerce is owned by incorporated and syndicated mafia cartels.

For your perusal: >

From: The Missing 13th Amendment: No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office

August 6, 2019


‘the last known publication was in the Nebraska territory in 1860). Once again the 13th Amendment was caught in the riptides of American politics. South Carolina seceded from the Union in December of 1860, signaling the onset of the Civil War. In March, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated.

Later in 1861, another proposed amendment, also numbered thirteen, was signed by President Lincoln. This was the only proposed amendment that was ever signed by a president. That resolve to amend read:

“ARTICLE THIRTEEN, No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.”

In other words, President Lincoln had signed a resolve that would have permitted slavery, and upheld states’ rights. Only one State, Illinois, ratified this proposed amendment before the Civil War broke out in 1861. In the tumult of 1865, the original 13th Amendment was finally removed from the US Constitution.

On January 31, another 13th Amendment (which prohibited slavery in Sect. 1, and ended states’ rights in Sect. 2) was proposed. On April 9, the Civil War ended with General Lee’s surrender. On April 14, President Lincoln (who, in 1861, had signed the proposed Amendment that would have allowed slavery and states rights) was assassinated.

On December 6, the “new” 13th Amendment loudly prohibiting slavery (and quietly surrendering states rights to the federal government) was ratified, replacing and effectively erasing the original 13th Amendment that had prohibited “titles of nobility” and “honors”.”

What was the Civil war actually about? Read the entire article several times…

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Military commanders are legally considered to be federal district court judges.

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Hopefully not the same ilk that has been actively endorsing and pushing the genocide agenda through bioweapon shots, past practices of human experimentation (project Seaspray, publically acknowledged to lay firmly upon the door of the good old US military) and spraying hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic chemicals across every inch of Earth since the 1940s. Hopefully not those individuals who continue to make all this possible.

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Jun 4, 2023
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Robe, dress, suspenders, coveralls; what's the difference? (Granted, last 2 have 2 leg tubes.)

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Is this finally the break needed to stop this junk jab? What a beautiful depiction...you are very talented with the human body!

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Sometimes all it takes is a pebble like this to start an avalanche. Who knows, maybe it'll even make it on CNN? (wishful thinking I know)

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In learning about the the history of the Third Reich, I discovered that all of the policies which led to the atrocities of the Holocaust were made into law. It gave everyone who participated in them the freedom to act and the confidence to know that the government would never prosecute. Isn’t this so similar to what the DOD as well as the FDA and all the other agencies have done since 2020, maybe even before?

After WW2 ended, a handful of the criminals were brought before tribunals where they were convicted and punished for war crimes. Looking at what occurred we see that the message of Never Again” they hoped to convey was fairly useless. War crimes have never slowed down only being brought up against “the other side.”

And of course the disciples of these monsters brought into America by the CIA in Operation Paperclip have been given a blank check to continue there assault on humanity on behalf of the ruling fascist elites. It’s all a rich man’s trick.

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These judges should have anonymity. One cannot rule fairly if possibly being threatened. We should never rule out that possibility when viewing any decisions made that threaten the narrative.

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Paradise Lost is poignant and beautiful, Brave Sasha.

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The link to the Epoch Times article demonstrates the transparency you (Sasha) have in your work. For those that click the link to read the commentary from Debbie Lerman, notice the 0% support she has in the comments from Epoch readers. Sasha's work and others is penetrating a larger and larger audience. Everyone can help, even if just spreading the work to family and friends AND talking with them about it. On a side note, go Novak Djokovic!!!

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Someone I know who took it; I send information... he says, (stop sending me this stuff... I don't give a damn.... I don't give a shit about it...) so sad.

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We all know people who have repelled the information, i just let it go and I don't waste

my time on them. Eventually, some of them wake up.

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Thank you for being so critical in this forward motion with your reporting (and Katherine). You are true fellow human being Sasha. Love from Australia!!

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One can pray. I just hope nobody is suddely DISAPPEARED!

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PS.. Is there a possibility that they would or could add more folks injured to this case?

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As more prople die after the shots more people will publically accuse the DOD. This change in public opinion will inevitably influence the courts to decide these cases properly. I believe a Utah District court recently threw out Dr David Martin's case. Hopefully with more filings this will changs. NO MORE SHOTS!

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This is encouraging. Perhaps this tragic loss of a beautiful young man will not be in vein. I look forward to your updates on this.

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We know it was "in vein." Let's hope it was not in vain.

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A Freudian slip for sure. I thought about editing my comment, but the slip is fitting... I'm so saddened by all the nonsense going on, but the good and noble work of so many is encouraging.

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I'm hopeful that relentless truth telling will eventually make even the most dedicated "Branch Covidians" realize that they've been deceived.

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DoD in black and white .. This is indeed a very important case, i hope others will follow.

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All of the criminals. including Gates, Fauci, Walensky, etc. should be charged with Crimes Against Humanity in a Nurenberg 2 framework.

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The real criminals are in our DOD,...our military industrial complex.

And the people above them who put the legal kill box into place, and who are still pulling the strings.

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BUT even I am NOT THINKING BIG ENOUGH...I was not seeing the forest for the trees.

Oracle Films



May 8

Shaping the Future Agenda – The Digital World Brain

A presentation by Swedish researcher and author Jacob Nordangård, Ph.D. @JacobNordangard

https://twitter.com/i/status/1655569337787219968Is this the future we want?

Watch the full presentation here: https://rumble.com/v2m9loo-jacob-nordangrd-shaping-the-future-agenda-the-digital-world-brain-oracle-fi.html


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Hello Miguel Stroe MD: I've heard the Nuremberg 2 meme repeated over and over these last two years. The Nuremberg trials were glorified theater to assuage the guilty masses. As in all other wars, WW II was just another bankers war. A war of theft and murder dressed up in terror.

The protagonists were the general public, who yielded to the artifice of mass propaganda, and sent their sons and daughters into battles which produced no winners. Everyone lost.

Also: There are no clear "Lawful" dictates defining "Crimes Against Humanity". The title is an ideology lacking enforceable prosecution.

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Yeah and don’t forget Trump & Pence, respectively the “Father of the Vaccines” and his servant “Renfield”!

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Except that the Trump vax was therapeutic HCQ not mRNA as is my understanding. Pence is a vile pedophilic reprobate. And please don't caste aspersions on one of my long term fav characters Renfield.

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