Great! We need Dr. Yeadon's clear explanations as to why these injections were always toxic, & literally designed that way, not accidentally contaminated.
Find a way to get it to me (either a link — you can use to generate a link that’ll last up to 7 days if it’s 2gb or less on a free/anonymous account) or find someone who can contact me directly (like @Gigaohm Biological or @Jessica Hockett) to pass on the link to it.
Indeed, they are! I saw your video on The Expose. Thank you for your unrelenting pursuit of truth and justice. We are all appreciative!
I have a different legal tact to suggest, but am not sure who to suggest it to. I've been watching JJ Couey's (PhD, Biology) presentations (to Medical Doctors on COVID Ethics International, and other presentations on his GigaOhmBiological channel on Twitch) on how there did not even need to be a virus, which you also believe could be true. He's also posited that there could have been a virus, but which was mass produced via conversion to a DNA clone then to RNA clones, with those seeded in several spots across the world to give the illusion of a fast-spreading infectious virus. I believe he also discusses this in RFK Jr's new book.
My thought is this... This information, along with the now-known information that the mRNA and LNP technologies were considered by the FDA just a couple of years before the Plandemic was declared to be too toxic for use in humans, could form the basis for the argument that any substance containing either (let alone both) should never have been granted EUA status. And, further, that the EUA status and almost complete lack of safety, efficacy, compositional, manufacturing, and virtually any other, standards associated with the EUA status, grant manufacturers/distributors/dosers of such substances a pseudo legal framework wherein they may freely maim and kill as they see fit, all with the blessings of the US Government. Or, vice versa - the USG maiming & killing with the blessings of pharmaceutical companies.
If you have any suggestions re. to whom I could direct this suggestion, I'd be very appreciative. This more round-a-bout avenue may possibly yield fruit while the more frontal attacks have not so far, and may not ever, given the current political climate of such rampant and widespread corruption. It might be worth a try. Also, I may pursue legal action myself, re. my husband's death last August. I've been considering it for some months now. Thank you.
You’re absolutely right that these preparations could never have been safe and effective and at no time did public health realities have justified it anyway.
Unfortunately there is no legal path.
If you follow Sasha Latypova on Substack, based on Katherine Watts legal research, these are not even legally classified as medical products.
Instead, they’re “covered countermeasures”. They are not authorised based on evidence, merely the unsupported opinion of the HHS Secretary that they “may be of use”. There’s no basis for legal challenge.
Legislators would need to cancel the set of absurd laws first.
I have to say that I don't understand how laws can usurp the Constitution...! These substances - and the tactics used to get them into arms w/ no informed consent - violate numerous sections of the Constitution. How can there be "no legal path"? I know what you're going to say in response - it will be the same things Sasha and Katherine Watt have been saying. However, it still remains that laws do NOT usurp the Constitution, at least they didn't USE to... Is there trepidation to use such an argument?
Not sure if you remember me, Dr. Yeadon, but we had a long conversation on Metatron's Substack back in 2021, I believe, when you were coming out with the concept that the actions of Governments worldwide were designed to harm, not help, the People.
My conclusion also was that the harms had to be intentional, once you looked at all their actions logically. Every single thing they did increased illness, death, harms to kids, & society, etc., and saying that publicly was honest & courageous. You brought light into the darkness for me, personally, by stating your position.
We have commented back & forth occasionally since.
However, lately I've been concerned about your "no virus" stance & have posted concerning my life experiences studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, with Naturopathic & Physician friends, with breeding Thoroughbred Horses & German Shepherd Dogs, as a mom, and as someone who came out of a family of 7 kids & who had Chicken-pox, Measles, Mumps, Mononucleosis, who has dealt with Rabies, Parvo, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, West Nile, Parvo & Herpes.
Each with it's own infectivity rate & methods, course & severity of disease, & possible aftereffects.
I also caught Covid-19, likely Delta strain, when it was in my area, and after a visitor in my home also came down with it a couple of days afterward. Four people, all friends or employees, caught it at the same time.
Not one of us had taken the vaccine, or worked in close quarters where others had.
It left me with issues that 2 years later I'm finally shaking off.
Additionally I've followed Charles Rixey, USMC, & Kevin W. McCairn PhD, on the effects of this "bug" and they are making sense to me.
The US's Bio-weapons programs are very, very real & must be stopped, imho. Please consider their thoughts & the material Charles has researched & made available on his Substack "Prometheus Shrugged" and on Kevin McCairn's X thread with many interviews & discussions.
Thank you for all that you do to help others understand the current situation that we are in, with regards to the frank Monster running the Western World today.
PS- the moderator on your Telegram channel has banned me for telling the truth of my personal life experiences, as well as the position of many of my friends who treated the sick during Covid.
(My Telegram handle is "Intelligent Energy.")
I have posted there because of my fear that telling people no viruses exist is giving the Bio-weapons Industry a free pass from people who SHOULD be holding them accountable- people of integrity & experience like yourself & those who respect you highly, as I do, and I hope that Bio-weapons development can be prohibited, worldwide. (Additionally RFKjr's book on Wuhan goes deeply into this aspect of the military industrial complex.)
Why hasn't anyone used the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989?
To implement the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction, by prohibiting certain conduct relating to biological weapons, and for other purposes.
(2) the term `toxin' means, whatever its origin or method of production--
`(A) any poisonous substance produced by a living organism; or
`(B) any poisonous isomer, homolog, or derivative of such a substance;
`(3) the term `delivery system' means--
`(A) any apparatus, equipment, device, or means of delivery specifically designed to deliver or disseminate a biological agent, toxin, or vector; or
`(B) any vector; and
`(4) the term `vector' means a living organism capable of carrying a biological agent or toxin to a host.'.
So to me, it's common sense hit them with their own bullshit. Is there a stockpile yes. Does the biological weapon have a vector? Yes. Then it is a bioweapon.
These constructions are unquestionably toxic-by-design. They’re intentionally harmful. The mechanisms of toxicity do not flow from necessary design features in order to accomplish any therapeutic purposes.
I can stand these allegations up in court, based both on technical qualifications and professional experience. Few others can do this. I’d love a day in court to nail these evil people & those who sponsored them to cause harm to billions of innocent people.
There is no question in my mind at this point that every single Governor, attorney general, person in Congress, and both Presidents. Even though I know that isn't Joe Biden. Are guilty. It just amazes me that this continues to go on.
Yes I know there are Acts in place. But so far just about every attorney has to be in my mind failing on purpose.
I have watched you since the beginning and I know when people are lying because their answers bring different results. But you have been consistent since day one the people that I can truly say that I’ve been consistent throughout this entire thing are you Catherine Austin Fitts and Sasha Latypova.
I thank you for speaking up when no one believed you and you didn't bend or fold speaks volumes. You are a rare breed in this society today.
Old values are the best values people today are too scared of what others think.
I would have never in a million years ever believed the people in America would lay down so quickly. I never would have believed this would have lasted this long.
People truly have lost their minds. I have done everything in my power to try and get this stopped. I have written 100s of times to these elected officials, schools, and sheriff's departments.
But once I get someone in my mind I don't stop and will not stop until this is brought down.
It is remarkable that it’s continued so relentlessly.
While we must continue to speak out, I’m now turning to steps necessary to side-step the diabolical lunatics when they come in for the control of every individual that they so clearly want.
At this point, it appears many are complicit. Their actions (non action) makes them so. I know it's hard to hear, but take off the glasses everyone, and fight back. We need you all!
We're all anxiously awaiting that day, as well! Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for all you've done to get the truth out. You are incredibly brave, and we all appreciate your unrelenting push for truth and justice. God bless.
I do not nor can I comprehend anyone who pushed this idea to begin with. I'm sure you remember the Tylenol incident. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a scientist, I'm a TRUTHER. Along the way, these last few years, ppl have tried to rewrite history. I watched as ppl scorned others for not getting the shot, driven and fueled by the MSM which was fueled by the 100% corrupted Federal Government. By this, I mean down to the copy boy, we don't go to work and not know what the scuttlebutt is, FACT. They were/ are doing the bidding of The Puppet Masters (TPM). I have been repeating myself the entire time like a broken record. Until people realize just how deep this goes and HOW long it's been going on, the scope of it, these things will continue. Right now, they are busy (probably got them ready to go, just like the covidsmovid shots were ready) adding m-RNA to the other shots that ppl, blinded, line up for. This is my point, they feel aware now about covidsmovid shots but are unable or unwilling to extend that school of thought. There were several things combined to produce the apathy that I noticed at the beginning of this (crapdemic). A DELIBERATE ASSAULT MEANT TO RESULT IN DEATH (MURDER) AND DEBILITATION.
It is and has been by
Expose the Fed gov till the cows come home, but who will pay?
The Federal Government makes decisions based on the best interests of State Street, Black Rock, and Vanguard NOT the best interests of the PEOPLE (US).
This did not start 4 years ago, it's been evolving for many years. And it is DIABOLICAL. I see ppl speak/write about this part or that part, etc. However, I see no one willing to to speak/write the words that need to be stated.
The plight of the generations born after GenX, SMH, it so crystal clear that it is deliberate. The Department of Education came into existence to introde abstract concept teaching into schools, beginning in kindergarten after GenX.
This is the same time that CDC's shots schedule started growing exponentially, coincidences DO NOT exist.
TPM needed groups of people easily manipulated.
Did you know that schools teach kids that white ppl invented racism and slavery. They teach them that words/definitions do not matter, (social constructs). Colleges in America have Karl Marx gracing the walls. They don't learn about art, music, the beauty that ppl have given us throughout the years. They do not have any knowledge of civics. These concepts are upheld by the MSM. I suspected that this mindset had infiltrated professions and I was right on the money. For about 25 years the psych, MD's, the Law (attorneys, police, JUDGES), teachers, etc, fields have seen increasing numbers of people with this mindset. I saw a college-age male answer the question "What is a woman?" with ''My therapist said it's a state of mind." (words aren't important). The judge who presided over the nurses case is another example. The lawyers who aren't reading the law, I could write till Christmas about all that I have observed, interacted with, been subjected to.
TPM own around 5% of nearly everything, including social media, they may not have come up w the concept, however they understood the power behind it. All these things combined w/ the intentional dumbing down of society which I noticed 37 yrs ago
Climate change, they started using the word change because they couldn't keep up with the lies, whether we will perish from an ice age or burn up. We never hear about China who produces 3 times the pollution of number 2 on the list, instead they keep building manufacturing plants.
They can and do manipulate the weather. Mid west shortage of water, mysterious 1000 yr flood in my state back in 2015, now thousands and thousands dead in my sister state of NC, a magical place that was decimated by a 'hurricane' that I was awake for and experienced saw/felt some very strange things. Oddly, I heard the phrase '1000 yr flood' again in conjunction with NC.
I don't know if you are still reading at this point. I bring these things up, seemingly random, however, they are all connected. This doesn't cover a quarter of what I could write (food, soil, chemicals which exacerbate those born after GenX especially if they get shots) It's vital for people to understand that this is a group of ppl who for the most part own a piece of everything. Social Credit scores, carbon credits (already beginning Mastercard has a card checks how yr purchases hold up to carbon consciousness purchasing). They want a society of debauchery, kids aren't kids, drugs, sexual everything. CN has drug paraphernalia vending machines and MAID. I believe the UK has just approved a similar program.
And many don't blink an eye.
Those investment companies should be treated as banks are.
Shane, I think you nailed it.. this Fake vaccine is in reality a very carefully formulated Slow Kill Bio Weapon being used to execute a global Psyop.. it's production and distribution are a direct violation of BWAT Act of 1989..
Shh, be quiet Sir............"this Fake vaccine is in reality a very carefully formulated Slow Kill Bio Weapon being used to execute a global Psyop....." You Sir are "f"ing up my "hard core" mask, needle fantasy. I want the fairy tale, the mask, the needle, I do. It has to be real. It just has to be. IT IS REAL....right? Because if its not then my life sustaining fantasy is ruined forever, and what about my 10,000 count box of masks I just bought on credit, or my upcoming 9th booster next week? You ruined it, Sir. Thanks for nothing.
That is precisely what I have said in three recent talks to events organized by parliamentarians in Germany and Croatia.
Both have been censored. Interestingly, it’s only me who was censored, at least in Germany.
Tonight, I’ll say the same things at the U.K. parliamentary committee room, organised by Andrew Bridgen. I wonder if they’ll permit the audience to hear from me?
I believe I am like kryptonite to the official narrative.
Because they transfected their kids and they want them to keep getting injected until quality of life declines. Even the most boosted have begun to figure this out.
Because the people that have implemented these rules are in on the circus.
Does it matter who implements what and where.
Clearly globally the evidence is clear to see now but we are nearly 4 years in on this plan.
It’s been recorded literally everywhere what these poisons are doing yet why is it that nothing is being done to cement justice for humanity ?
Because the judicial systems globally are all in on the plan.
What’s it going to take to get the justice humanity is needed
Someone with huge balls and powerful justice and has the power to stop the genocide needs to be used to start criminal proceedings against everyone involved across the globe ? Who is this going to be?
Thus far there is no one willing to stand up for humanity unless it effects them directly where numbers of their family drop right in front of their eyes and they can see it is these vaccines killing them.
But they are called this but the reality is they are clearly not.
"We know we need to break the law to put this poison on the market, so, we need to make a parallel universe where the illegal things are called legal and we are good. Let’s call it EUA. Stroke of genius, I must admit."
This summarizes exactly what they have been doing at all levels on so many things: creating parallel universes where it is legal. The fig leaf pretense is covered and the killbox is erected. Nits makes lice and all. I've always bristled at anyone who makes the legal argument that it is about just this poison19 vaccine or that this is about just Covid: that almost emboldens them for an entirely new sham pretense for next round...
The same people that created religion created medicine, languages and law. Everything is words, and in other words, everything is vibration. Sounds simple, but the reality is, people don't listen (in silent thought/meditation - this is why artists can often break through more BS). Most people only see with the eyes in their eye sockets.
The law courts of man have their uses but ultimately they are not the judges to fear. (I'm not religious (but know religions.)) The war is in peoples own heads/hearts first. The only way to win is not to play.
Right on the dime. There is more truth in silence than in chaos. The agenda of men continue to foul creation with multitudes of words, describing nothing... Birds sing. Man moans...
You might be wrong. Religion came as Christ came to earth, giving the examples on how to live a good and holy life. Does everyone master that? No! But it's in the journey, the trying, that counts.
No, religion would not approve of this current day nonsense-it is of the evil one.
", we need to make a parallel universe where the illegal things are called legal and we are good." Now apply that to EVERYTHING you have ever been taught by a stranger in your entire life. Work out from that position with new's really quite simple. We all already have "it."
Hello Amy Sukwan: Seems people prefer pointing their fingers at three letter agencies or simple titles like "Coke" "drugs" "Covid". Any short fricative will do. It's relatively easy to appear a genius in this diminutive universe...
Government has behaved this way always. Read the Pentagon Papers. Or anything on the Nuclear Industry. Or the "vaccine" Industry.
It's always shocking. When I was an elected official , (a very "green" one,) I was confused by how much "illegal" dumping of problem chemicals & nutrients was going on.
Finally Florida Department of Environmental Protection employees took me aside and explained their actual job to me- "We write permits to make the illegal, legal!"
That's it. That was their whole reason for being.
Sigh. What the Public doesn't know does hurt them.
i worry that if any of these misguided if well-intentioned lawsuits gets traction, it will set a dangerous precedent - they all seem to buy into the argument that there was this scary scary pathogen and no mention of how it always mysteriously stopped at the state line
EUA measures are neither investigational nor experimental but this one is a prototype. meaning that it's the first in a planned series.
we've been warned.
love that kettle and the story it tells. i'll never look at a still life the same way again - though my favorites so far are all portraits
Generally, there is little chance of "precedent" because these suits are dismissed on "other grounds" without even touching on any of the evidence or substantive legal arguments. And when these things wind their way up to SCOTUS, they simply refuse to hear the case at all, let alone make any comments about it.
Yeah, the "dangerous pathogen" acted so strange. Moving from state to state and not arriving in some states until months later. It closed down mega-cities first and then spread out from there. My state closed down several months before the state east of us closed down. The entire west coast closed down simultanously except for those just east of us. Almost like a storm moving from the Pacific Ocean eastward to the inter-mountain regions.
hardly. working hypothesis: the covid antibodies found in spain, italy and france in 2019, and in british columbia in january 2020, simply reflected whatever common cold was circulating at the time. which was then used to trigger positive pcr tests. there were also multiple chemical weapons and 5g deployed which were lethal in some cases.
i've been saying since 2020 that this is all an experiment, i think that the plandemic was an opportunity to see what chemical weapons in the arsenal work and how effective they are, so as to gear up for the next one
Is it possible the deployment of 5G caused radiation poisoning? Were the symptoms similar to the body ridding itself of dead cellular debris? Our cells go through apoptosis.
What was the purpose of the PCR tests? Was the PCR test being using to diagnose a virus (not it's purpose).
pcr was used because it's not a diagnostic tool to begin with - and this was rebranding it as such.
as was rebranding the common cold as a deadly plague.
EMF affects both circulatory and respiratory systems, flulike symptoms. massive 5g rollout in many cities no doubt contributed to this, and continues to contribute to ongoing excess mortality.
Gosh...It’s almost like the lawsuits are intentional distractions....Nodding at you, Texas v Pfizer. Gonna go ahead and try Pfizer Bad again to see if maybe this time a square peg will fit through a round hole.
I read Texas v Pfizer and it seems like a tremendous waste of time, effort, and attention...or more likely, a tremendous attention distraction.
It appears, much like Brook Jackson's case, that it is based on the assumption that theses products came to market in way consistent with how products considered vaccines have historically come to market. It then contends that Pfizer should be held accountable to standards for an entirely different procedure and product (which would be a traditional vaccine).
I realize that I am WELL outside my scope here...but doesn’t the Notice of Declaration Under the PREP Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID–19, [the use of Covid 19 products "shall not constitute clinical investigation," use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective], make this whole lawsuit a waste of time? Under these stipulations, Pfizer was never expected to deliver a product that was either safe or effective. So can Pfizer be held accountable for "not delivering" (a safe and effective vaccine) what was "not ordered" (a safe and effective vaccine)?
The suit is full of all the ways Pfizer didn’t deliver proper clinical trials, data interpretation, efficacy, etc, which are all true and terrible…but Pfizer never had an obligation to deliver any of those things.
Did Texas hire Pfizer to make a vaccine? I see in section 151 that they try to address this...
"In addition, while the U.S. government was initially Pfizer’s principal purchaser, Pfizer had plans all along to commercialize its vaccine to the public and consumers along more traditional payor models. And more recently Pfizer has in fact converted to traditional payment and distributions models, with State Medicaid, private insurance, and individual consumers picking up the tab. See, e.g., Letter from HHS Secretary on COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage (Sept. 22, 2023). But Pfizer still has not cured its false and misleading representations about its vaccine, which were crucial to Pfizer securing and maintaining the vaccine’s level of success. And Pfizer’s commercialization of the vaccine into the normal payor model occurs as the company is entrenched—thanks to its misrepresentations—as the dominant COVID-19 vaccine provider in the United States with little realistic prospect of losing that position."
Doesn't this go back to the PREP Act shield?
[The use of Covid 19 products "shall not constitute clinical investigation," use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective].
Can Pfizer be held accountable for not conducting clinical investigations that they didn't have to conduct? Can Pfizer be held accountable for pushing an unsafe, ineffective, toxic products, when it clearly states that none of this is required?
As I understand it, the only loophole that exists is if willful misconduct can be proven. Considering the event of willful misconduct, "no access for plaintiffs, to civil courts for judicial review, and no entity to whom civil liability can attach, for injuries and deaths caused by covered medical countermeasures, unless and until HHS and/or Attorney General/DOJ first file enforcement action against manufacturers and prove willful misconduct proximate to injury or death - 42 USC 247d-6d(c)(5)" .
I'm honestly trying to understand. I would love to see how this case, or any of the others mentioned in the post, will blow everything wide open...but even if Pfizer gets taken to the cleaner, how does that help? Pfizer can be dissolved and repackaged as Schmizer or Pfizderna, or Pfohnson & Pfohnson.
Aren't the changes to our legal structure, and the departments therein (DOD, HHS, DOJ) the real issues? Continuing to blame Pfizer continues to look like part of the OP to me....
I'm convinced it is all a pre-fabricated smoke screen to divert and delay, step by step creating precedence . Many other law suits will be filed and log jammed because, "Well, Texas v Pfizer is still working it's way through the labyrinth, and until that decision is rendered it would therefore be improper to proceed with this one."
You asked: "Doesn't this go back to the PREP Act shield?" Yes. Along with the "legal" (yet unlawful) policy issues which Ms Latypova and Katherine Watt have uncovered in recent posts. The scam is just lipstick painted on multiple racketeering syndicates.
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” >>>
- Heinz Alfred Kissinger - >>> (May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023)
You gotta sue INDIVIDUALS [Live People not Corporations] "in private capacity" and allege a crime. Insurance companies won't defend allegations of crimes. They can't. Make your opponent pay for a lawyer themselves. Learn how to file yourself. Learn the process and make the opponent spend THEIR OWN MONEY to get you "off off them in court." It works. Aside from that, lawsuits can be a waist of time, mind energy and funds. Unless, like me, "SOMETIMES YOU MAKE IT A HOBBY." I do "that" hunting evil, "Pro Re Nata."
Pfizer is an easily accessible and very public whipping boy. If Texas looks like it will win the lawsuit, Pfizer will negotiate an out of court settlement prohibiting further action. Even if Pfizer loses the case in court, they will accept this little tap on the wrist and say "okay you caught us, it was an emergency etc, we will do better next time".
The general public doesn't want to know. That is a far bigger problem than the poison vaccines, the EUA or the FDA, and other three-letter agencies like the DOD. If the people, democrats, republicans, libertarians, independents, and anyone else were livid and making a scene, maybe we could turn the tables. Unfortunately, all I see are sheep afraid to make any waves.
The fact that the uptake of boosters is so low, tells me that most sheep DO want to live, and have linked the jab to death and injury. That's why the censorship is becoming extreme. But it's also a process of shedding the all those predicting only doom and gloom, much of humanity has been indoctrinated to believe we are insignificant, incapable sheep. As a Canadian from European descent I think many people worldwide are ready to accept the possibility this was an intentional act of war against the people by the USA military/govt. Maybe they're not ready yet to accept their own governments dirty role yet, but it's a start.
There are millions of people making waves but the table turning is a revolution. Most people do not want that. What kind of waves are you proposing and what type of table turning do you want?
I want recognition that the shunning and vilification of people who chose not to get jabbed was unnecessary and wrong. I want the CDC and other organizations to stop propagandizing the vaccines and pushing them on kids and adults. I could go on and on, but you probably get the point. I know people who died from ridiculous hospital protocols when they were sick and others who have died from the actual "safe and effective" vaccines. In my small community, the vocal minority (majority) are still fully onboard with the vaccine protocols, or at least not willing to accept it was all bullshit. Maybe millions of people on the fringe are "making waves," whatever that means, but government, NGOs, and a large part of our country still either push or believe the same things that were pushed on us for the last three years. I want fact-checkers, doctors, and neighbors to recognize what was done. Yes, it is a tall order considering the level of propaganda that has been doled out, but I am fed up with the lies. If you are happy with a minute minority chatting in a bubble about the atrocities, then ok. I want this out in the open and discussed in mainstream media. What has gone down in the last nearly four years would make George Orwell blush.
You might not be an attorney but, you sure could be. And, in some capacity you should consult them. I grew up in a house full of them. Most think they are smarter than they are. They need help on this!
They do. Right? Yeah, everything except "law." They know "procedures." They know how to triangulate along with the opposing counsel and judge to make you lose. They know how to make you pay for that. Sweet deal.
In Australia we didn't have any fancy EUA to fall back on so the government simply "authorised the administration of a poison". Straight up, right there in the wording.
1. I, Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, to authorise a person to supply or administer a poison, hereby authorise the person(s) occupying the class of position in Column 1 of the attached Schedule to perform the statutory functions in Column 2 of the attached Schedule, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) set out in Column 3 of the attached schedule.
Yes. I've suggested this angle multiple times to a silent audience. The Constitution describes trial by jury. >>> Sixth Amendment: "Right-to-trial-by-impartial-jury" >>> See: Also see: >>>
"In all criminal cases – not necessarily all civil cases – the defendant has the constitutional right to have a jury of their peers at trial (note that “peers” often means citizens, See Citizen; also note that a blue ribbon jury would violate this right). This right can be found in the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution where it states, “the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.” See Impartial Jury. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that a jury’s verdict is not tainted by biases that jurors may harbor before being presented with the evidence of the particular case. Readily recognized biases include gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. To exclude potentially biased jurors, either party to the suit may use a peremptory challenge during the jury selection process."
A judge is NOT, and never has been, "peer" to the People. The same is currently true of States Attorneys General as well as lawyers sporting BAR titles as "esquire".
Well, legislators are NOT licensed to practice medicine on anyone. Even if there's a politician who also happens to have a license himself, licenses are NOT granted to any company, group, or association. They can ONLY be granted to a qualified INDIVIDUAL. When passing legislation, or issuing an executive order which PRESCRIBES DRUGS to anyone, (let alone millions of people) this is the text-book definition of "practicing medicine."
Additionally, it is unlawful (even for a licensed doctor) to prescribe drugs to someone he has never even spoken to, let alone treated. I am wondering if we might file civil suits for wrongful deaths/injuries based upon the CRIME of practicing medicine without a license? When the damage results from an outright criminal act, (which can easily be proven) immunity is lost.
Since we can't seem to locate any prosecutors willing to do ANYTHING about any of these crimes against humanity, (cowards ALL) it seems civil suits for criminal wrongs is the next logical step? I mean, there is no requirement that a person be criminally convicted (or even charged) for a party to sue (and win) by going into court demanding damages caused by criminal acts.
The laws prohibiting the practice of medicine without a license are extremely clear-cut, and our legislatures, governors, and even POTUS, have ALL been actively prescribing DRUGS without a license to practice medicine. State courts? Under State laws? I mean, the federal courts are far too corrupt to have a shot there. And besides, I don't think federal laws prohibit the practice of medicine without a license.
I wasn't talking about killing people. I was talking about how the licensing requirements are currently being VIOLATED, in that legislators are practicing medicine without a license when they pass laws wherein they're prescribing drugs to people. You missed the context (thread) completely.
Again, I do NOT agree with the evil licensing system. What I have said , is that we should use the other side of that blade against the evil-doers.
And the allegation that I was suggesting we murder them is WRONG, (even though they deserve it.) And I have already studied the history of the AMA, along with many other vile institutions. I get it. But it might be easier at this late stage to use at least some of their own weapons against them, where we see an opening to do so.
That, plus the fact that the whole EUA fraud was based on a fake "emergency" that never existed. Plus the legal fact that 'fraud vitiates everything based on it', so their whole fake parallel universe is vitiated by the fraud that led to it.
It also looks like this is a prime candidate for RICO prosecutions, but it would be almost impossible to find anyone willing to take that prosecution on.
Then there is the issue about if the right to informed consent can be 'lawfully' waived by a third party, which I highly doubt.
Only in an Open Air Asylum could one expect that Bioweapons are patentable, FDA authorized, MD approved, Propagandized in every manner shape and form by GOV and NGO's alike and available for FREE at your local Pharmacy.
Attorneys are experts at law, but applying the laws to something so complex is not easy, they need someone like you on their team for guidance.
With that said, as someone that worked in the electronics field and watching corps like Qualcomm create lawsuits from their lame patent library successfully because.the judge didnt understand the subject matter, so it works all way around.
Look how stupid our Supreme Court can be. Some of the judges are retarded.
You assert a very valid point. Back in Shakespeare days or even the later 18th century when the US Constitution was being drafted a judge and some lawyers were considered sufficient to decide the "merits" of a case. However, with the vast growth of science and technology since then humankind has moved beyond the feasibility of a judge and lawyer possessing the required knowledge and expertise to decide many of today's cases. But we (our societies) are still stuck in this sphere of "let me manipulate the words to decide the fate of the human race." Just like humans moved from verbal story telling to books to radio to TV to internet to cell phone, so too do we need to update our legal system beyond judges and lawyers, as issues litigated have moved vastly beyond the manipulation of a word or phrase as determinants of proofs to the fair and proper application of justice.
I was again censored in the U.K. parliament related event tonight.
It was claimed there were technical issues with external links, such that McCulloughs speech was lost,
But mine wasn’t through a link. I’d recorded it & sent it 4-5 days ago. I verified that it played ok at the event end.
Especially galling because I was also censored at the weekend at the Croatian parliamentarians event.
Two weeks earlier, at the AfD organised conference in Germany, I was also censored.
They most really be concerned about what I plannedI to say.
I just emailed you. Please send me the video and I will publish.
Did you end up getting the video?
Great! We need Dr. Yeadon's clear explanations as to why these injections were always toxic, & literally designed that way, not accidentally contaminated.
Do you still have a copy? You could upload it to Rumble and I’m sure many would be happy to share it.
I wrote to the Peoples Party of Canada about the AfD incident and received no response.
It seems that no official parties in Canada will stand against medical tyranny, despite appearances.
Looks like we’re going to need a copy of that so we can caption it and put it everywhere… (and clip it as well)
Find a way to get it to me (either a link — you can use to generate a link that’ll last up to 7 days if it’s 2gb or less on a free/anonymous account) or find someone who can contact me directly (like @Gigaohm Biological or @Jessica Hockett) to pass on the link to it.
I consider that a very good if backhanded endorsement of your views, and I’m sure many others will feel the same.
It can’t be long before they will have to listen.
Indeed, they are! I saw your video on The Expose. Thank you for your unrelenting pursuit of truth and justice. We are all appreciative!
I have a different legal tact to suggest, but am not sure who to suggest it to. I've been watching JJ Couey's (PhD, Biology) presentations (to Medical Doctors on COVID Ethics International, and other presentations on his GigaOhmBiological channel on Twitch) on how there did not even need to be a virus, which you also believe could be true. He's also posited that there could have been a virus, but which was mass produced via conversion to a DNA clone then to RNA clones, with those seeded in several spots across the world to give the illusion of a fast-spreading infectious virus. I believe he also discusses this in RFK Jr's new book.
My thought is this... This information, along with the now-known information that the mRNA and LNP technologies were considered by the FDA just a couple of years before the Plandemic was declared to be too toxic for use in humans, could form the basis for the argument that any substance containing either (let alone both) should never have been granted EUA status. And, further, that the EUA status and almost complete lack of safety, efficacy, compositional, manufacturing, and virtually any other, standards associated with the EUA status, grant manufacturers/distributors/dosers of such substances a pseudo legal framework wherein they may freely maim and kill as they see fit, all with the blessings of the US Government. Or, vice versa - the USG maiming & killing with the blessings of pharmaceutical companies.
If you have any suggestions re. to whom I could direct this suggestion, I'd be very appreciative. This more round-a-bout avenue may possibly yield fruit while the more frontal attacks have not so far, and may not ever, given the current political climate of such rampant and widespread corruption. It might be worth a try. Also, I may pursue legal action myself, re. my husband's death last August. I've been considering it for some months now. Thank you.
You’re absolutely right that these preparations could never have been safe and effective and at no time did public health realities have justified it anyway.
Unfortunately there is no legal path.
If you follow Sasha Latypova on Substack, based on Katherine Watts legal research, these are not even legally classified as medical products.
Instead, they’re “covered countermeasures”. They are not authorised based on evidence, merely the unsupported opinion of the HHS Secretary that they “may be of use”. There’s no basis for legal challenge.
Legislators would need to cancel the set of absurd laws first.
I have to say that I don't understand how laws can usurp the Constitution...! These substances - and the tactics used to get them into arms w/ no informed consent - violate numerous sections of the Constitution. How can there be "no legal path"? I know what you're going to say in response - it will be the same things Sasha and Katherine Watt have been saying. However, it still remains that laws do NOT usurp the Constitution, at least they didn't USE to... Is there trepidation to use such an argument?
Not sure if you remember me, Dr. Yeadon, but we had a long conversation on Metatron's Substack back in 2021, I believe, when you were coming out with the concept that the actions of Governments worldwide were designed to harm, not help, the People.
My conclusion also was that the harms had to be intentional, once you looked at all their actions logically. Every single thing they did increased illness, death, harms to kids, & society, etc., and saying that publicly was honest & courageous. You brought light into the darkness for me, personally, by stating your position.
We have commented back & forth occasionally since.
However, lately I've been concerned about your "no virus" stance & have posted concerning my life experiences studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, with Naturopathic & Physician friends, with breeding Thoroughbred Horses & German Shepherd Dogs, as a mom, and as someone who came out of a family of 7 kids & who had Chicken-pox, Measles, Mumps, Mononucleosis, who has dealt with Rabies, Parvo, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, West Nile, Parvo & Herpes.
Each with it's own infectivity rate & methods, course & severity of disease, & possible aftereffects.
I also caught Covid-19, likely Delta strain, when it was in my area, and after a visitor in my home also came down with it a couple of days afterward. Four people, all friends or employees, caught it at the same time.
Not one of us had taken the vaccine, or worked in close quarters where others had.
It left me with issues that 2 years later I'm finally shaking off.
Additionally I've followed Charles Rixey, USMC, & Kevin W. McCairn PhD, on the effects of this "bug" and they are making sense to me.
The US's Bio-weapons programs are very, very real & must be stopped, imho. Please consider their thoughts & the material Charles has researched & made available on his Substack "Prometheus Shrugged" and on Kevin McCairn's X thread with many interviews & discussions.
Thank you for all that you do to help others understand the current situation that we are in, with regards to the frank Monster running the Western World today.
PS- the moderator on your Telegram channel has banned me for telling the truth of my personal life experiences, as well as the position of many of my friends who treated the sick during Covid.
(My Telegram handle is "Intelligent Energy.")
I have posted there because of my fear that telling people no viruses exist is giving the Bio-weapons Industry a free pass from people who SHOULD be holding them accountable- people of integrity & experience like yourself & those who respect you highly, as I do, and I hope that Bio-weapons development can be prohibited, worldwide. (Additionally RFKjr's book on Wuhan goes deeply into this aspect of the military industrial complex.)
Thank you,
Why hasn't anyone used the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989?
To implement the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction, by prohibiting certain conduct relating to biological weapons, and for other purposes.
(2) the term `toxin' means, whatever its origin or method of production--
`(A) any poisonous substance produced by a living organism; or
`(B) any poisonous isomer, homolog, or derivative of such a substance;
`(3) the term `delivery system' means--
`(A) any apparatus, equipment, device, or means of delivery specifically designed to deliver or disseminate a biological agent, toxin, or vector; or
`(B) any vector; and
`(4) the term `vector' means a living organism capable of carrying a biological agent or toxin to a host.'.
So to me, it's common sense hit them with their own bullshit. Is there a stockpile yes. Does the biological weapon have a vector? Yes. Then it is a bioweapon.
These constructions are unquestionably toxic-by-design. They’re intentionally harmful. The mechanisms of toxicity do not flow from necessary design features in order to accomplish any therapeutic purposes.
I can stand these allegations up in court, based both on technical qualifications and professional experience. Few others can do this. I’d love a day in court to nail these evil people & those who sponsored them to cause harm to billions of innocent people.
There is no question in my mind at this point that every single Governor, attorney general, person in Congress, and both Presidents. Even though I know that isn't Joe Biden. Are guilty. It just amazes me that this continues to go on.
Yes I know there are Acts in place. But so far just about every attorney has to be in my mind failing on purpose.
I have watched you since the beginning and I know when people are lying because their answers bring different results. But you have been consistent since day one the people that I can truly say that I’ve been consistent throughout this entire thing are you Catherine Austin Fitts and Sasha Latypova.
I thank you for speaking up when no one believed you and you didn't bend or fold speaks volumes. You are a rare breed in this society today.
Old values are the best values people today are too scared of what others think.
I would have never in a million years ever believed the people in America would lay down so quickly. I never would have believed this would have lasted this long.
People truly have lost their minds. I have done everything in my power to try and get this stopped. I have written 100s of times to these elected officials, schools, and sheriff's departments.
But once I get someone in my mind I don't stop and will not stop until this is brought down.
It is remarkable that it’s continued so relentlessly.
While we must continue to speak out, I’m now turning to steps necessary to side-step the diabolical lunatics when they come in for the control of every individual that they so clearly want.
At this point, it appears many are complicit. Their actions (non action) makes them so. I know it's hard to hear, but take off the glasses everyone, and fight back. We need you all!
Thank you, and yes, we few must be joined, urgently, by many more people & we need them to me spending significant chunks of their time doing so.
It’s a numbers game in large part & as I’ve said many times, we have to get more voices involved if we’ve any hope of deflection or delay.
The perpetrators probably cannot believe their good fortune so far.
We're all anxiously awaiting that day, as well! Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for all you've done to get the truth out. You are incredibly brave, and we all appreciate your unrelenting push for truth and justice. God bless.
I do not nor can I comprehend anyone who pushed this idea to begin with. I'm sure you remember the Tylenol incident. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a scientist, I'm a TRUTHER. Along the way, these last few years, ppl have tried to rewrite history. I watched as ppl scorned others for not getting the shot, driven and fueled by the MSM which was fueled by the 100% corrupted Federal Government. By this, I mean down to the copy boy, we don't go to work and not know what the scuttlebutt is, FACT. They were/ are doing the bidding of The Puppet Masters (TPM). I have been repeating myself the entire time like a broken record. Until people realize just how deep this goes and HOW long it's been going on, the scope of it, these things will continue. Right now, they are busy (probably got them ready to go, just like the covidsmovid shots were ready) adding m-RNA to the other shots that ppl, blinded, line up for. This is my point, they feel aware now about covidsmovid shots but are unable or unwilling to extend that school of thought. There were several things combined to produce the apathy that I noticed at the beginning of this (crapdemic). A DELIBERATE ASSAULT MEANT TO RESULT IN DEATH (MURDER) AND DEBILITATION.
It is and has been by
Expose the Fed gov till the cows come home, but who will pay?
The Federal Government makes decisions based on the best interests of State Street, Black Rock, and Vanguard NOT the best interests of the PEOPLE (US).
This did not start 4 years ago, it's been evolving for many years. And it is DIABOLICAL. I see ppl speak/write about this part or that part, etc. However, I see no one willing to to speak/write the words that need to be stated.
The plight of the generations born after GenX, SMH, it so crystal clear that it is deliberate. The Department of Education came into existence to introde abstract concept teaching into schools, beginning in kindergarten after GenX.
This is the same time that CDC's shots schedule started growing exponentially, coincidences DO NOT exist.
TPM needed groups of people easily manipulated.
Did you know that schools teach kids that white ppl invented racism and slavery. They teach them that words/definitions do not matter, (social constructs). Colleges in America have Karl Marx gracing the walls. They don't learn about art, music, the beauty that ppl have given us throughout the years. They do not have any knowledge of civics. These concepts are upheld by the MSM. I suspected that this mindset had infiltrated professions and I was right on the money. For about 25 years the psych, MD's, the Law (attorneys, police, JUDGES), teachers, etc, fields have seen increasing numbers of people with this mindset. I saw a college-age male answer the question "What is a woman?" with ''My therapist said it's a state of mind." (words aren't important). The judge who presided over the nurses case is another example. The lawyers who aren't reading the law, I could write till Christmas about all that I have observed, interacted with, been subjected to.
TPM own around 5% of nearly everything, including social media, they may not have come up w the concept, however they understood the power behind it. All these things combined w/ the intentional dumbing down of society which I noticed 37 yrs ago
Climate change, they started using the word change because they couldn't keep up with the lies, whether we will perish from an ice age or burn up. We never hear about China who produces 3 times the pollution of number 2 on the list, instead they keep building manufacturing plants.
They can and do manipulate the weather. Mid west shortage of water, mysterious 1000 yr flood in my state back in 2015, now thousands and thousands dead in my sister state of NC, a magical place that was decimated by a 'hurricane' that I was awake for and experienced saw/felt some very strange things. Oddly, I heard the phrase '1000 yr flood' again in conjunction with NC.
I don't know if you are still reading at this point. I bring these things up, seemingly random, however, they are all connected. This doesn't cover a quarter of what I could write (food, soil, chemicals which exacerbate those born after GenX especially if they get shots) It's vital for people to understand that this is a group of ppl who for the most part own a piece of everything. Social Credit scores, carbon credits (already beginning Mastercard has a card checks how yr purchases hold up to carbon consciousness purchasing). They want a society of debauchery, kids aren't kids, drugs, sexual everything. CN has drug paraphernalia vending machines and MAID. I believe the UK has just approved a similar program.
And many don't blink an eye.
Those investment companies should be treated as banks are.
Shane, I think you nailed it.. this Fake vaccine is in reality a very carefully formulated Slow Kill Bio Weapon being used to execute a global Psyop.. it's production and distribution are a direct violation of BWAT Act of 1989..
Shh, be quiet Sir............"this Fake vaccine is in reality a very carefully formulated Slow Kill Bio Weapon being used to execute a global Psyop....." You Sir are "f"ing up my "hard core" mask, needle fantasy. I want the fairy tale, the mask, the needle, I do. It has to be real. It just has to be. IT IS REAL....right? Because if its not then my life sustaining fantasy is ruined forever, and what about my 10,000 count box of masks I just bought on credit, or my upcoming 9th booster next week? You ruined it, Sir. Thanks for nothing.
Because then they have to admit it is a BioWeapon and that's when all hell breaks loose.
Oh I think not...I believe that is what is driving much of the censorship. I believe that revelation would galvanize serious support.
That is precisely what I have said in three recent talks to events organized by parliamentarians in Germany and Croatia.
Both have been censored. Interestingly, it’s only me who was censored, at least in Germany.
Tonight, I’ll say the same things at the U.K. parliamentary committee room, organised by Andrew Bridgen. I wonder if they’ll permit the audience to hear from me?
I believe I am like kryptonite to the official narrative.
Right because what else is it? We know that it isn't what we told and the Public Health Emergency laws (EUA 21 USC 360 bbb) appears to corroborate it.
You keep at it!
Did someone in mainstream media say BioWeapons today?? I think not...
Because they transfected their kids and they want them to keep getting injected until quality of life declines. Even the most boosted have begun to figure this out.
Because the people that have implemented these rules are in on the circus.
Does it matter who implements what and where.
Clearly globally the evidence is clear to see now but we are nearly 4 years in on this plan.
It’s been recorded literally everywhere what these poisons are doing yet why is it that nothing is being done to cement justice for humanity ?
Because the judicial systems globally are all in on the plan.
What’s it going to take to get the justice humanity is needed
Someone with huge balls and powerful justice and has the power to stop the genocide needs to be used to start criminal proceedings against everyone involved across the globe ? Who is this going to be?
Thus far there is no one willing to stand up for humanity unless it effects them directly where numbers of their family drop right in front of their eyes and they can see it is these vaccines killing them.
But they are called this but the reality is they are clearly not.
Oh, I figured this much from day one.
"We know we need to break the law to put this poison on the market, so, we need to make a parallel universe where the illegal things are called legal and we are good. Let’s call it EUA. Stroke of genius, I must admit."
This summarizes exactly what they have been doing at all levels on so many things: creating parallel universes where it is legal. The fig leaf pretense is covered and the killbox is erected. Nits makes lice and all. I've always bristled at anyone who makes the legal argument that it is about just this poison19 vaccine or that this is about just Covid: that almost emboldens them for an entirely new sham pretense for next round...
The same people that created religion created medicine, languages and law. Everything is words, and in other words, everything is vibration. Sounds simple, but the reality is, people don't listen (in silent thought/meditation - this is why artists can often break through more BS). Most people only see with the eyes in their eye sockets.
The law courts of man have their uses but ultimately they are not the judges to fear. (I'm not religious (but know religions.)) The war is in peoples own heads/hearts first. The only way to win is not to play.
Right on the dime. There is more truth in silence than in chaos. The agenda of men continue to foul creation with multitudes of words, describing nothing... Birds sing. Man moans...
A lot of wisdom in your response.
You might be wrong. Religion came as Christ came to earth, giving the examples on how to live a good and holy life. Does everyone master that? No! But it's in the journey, the trying, that counts.
No, religion would not approve of this current day nonsense-it is of the evil one.
As Oscar Wilde truly said...
“Disobedience was man’s original virtue.”
Trump pushed it. He said he’s fire the head of the FDA if he didn’t get his way. I can never forgive that.
", we need to make a parallel universe where the illegal things are called legal and we are good." Now apply that to EVERYTHING you have ever been taught by a stranger in your entire life. Work out from that position with new's really quite simple. We all already have "it."
Hello Amy Sukwan: Seems people prefer pointing their fingers at three letter agencies or simple titles like "Coke" "drugs" "Covid". Any short fricative will do. It's relatively easy to appear a genius in this diminutive universe...
Government has behaved this way always. Read the Pentagon Papers. Or anything on the Nuclear Industry. Or the "vaccine" Industry.
It's always shocking. When I was an elected official , (a very "green" one,) I was confused by how much "illegal" dumping of problem chemicals & nutrients was going on.
Finally Florida Department of Environmental Protection employees took me aside and explained their actual job to me- "We write permits to make the illegal, legal!"
That's it. That was their whole reason for being.
Sigh. What the Public doesn't know does hurt them.
i worry that if any of these misguided if well-intentioned lawsuits gets traction, it will set a dangerous precedent - they all seem to buy into the argument that there was this scary scary pathogen and no mention of how it always mysteriously stopped at the state line
EUA measures are neither investigational nor experimental but this one is a prototype. meaning that it's the first in a planned series.
we've been warned.
love that kettle and the story it tells. i'll never look at a still life the same way again - though my favorites so far are all portraits
Generally, there is little chance of "precedent" because these suits are dismissed on "other grounds" without even touching on any of the evidence or substantive legal arguments. And when these things wind their way up to SCOTUS, they simply refuse to hear the case at all, let alone make any comments about it.
so far. but agreed, the courts have been captured and weaponized under Turning Point Model Act
Which makes them complicit. There is guilt there too
Yeah, the "dangerous pathogen" acted so strange. Moving from state to state and not arriving in some states until months later. It closed down mega-cities first and then spread out from there. My state closed down several months before the state east of us closed down. The entire west coast closed down simultanously except for those just east of us. Almost like a storm moving from the Pacific Ocean eastward to the inter-mountain regions.
virus stopped at the state line - denis rancourt study
Are we certain there was a dangerous virus?
hardly. working hypothesis: the covid antibodies found in spain, italy and france in 2019, and in british columbia in january 2020, simply reflected whatever common cold was circulating at the time. which was then used to trigger positive pcr tests. there were also multiple chemical weapons and 5g deployed which were lethal in some cases.
i've been saying since 2020 that this is all an experiment, i think that the plandemic was an opportunity to see what chemical weapons in the arsenal work and how effective they are, so as to gear up for the next one
Is it possible the deployment of 5G caused radiation poisoning? Were the symptoms similar to the body ridding itself of dead cellular debris? Our cells go through apoptosis.
What was the purpose of the PCR tests? Was the PCR test being using to diagnose a virus (not it's purpose).
pcr was used because it's not a diagnostic tool to begin with - and this was rebranding it as such.
as was rebranding the common cold as a deadly plague.
EMF affects both circulatory and respiratory systems, flulike symptoms. massive 5g rollout in many cities no doubt contributed to this, and continues to contribute to ongoing excess mortality.
tell me more!
I think you are correct...We've been warned...
I try to keep Pepto-Bismol and Alka-Seltzer cold plus in my medicine cabinet at all times for all types of stomach bugs and respiratory viruses.
Hot sauce works well and is safer. Bismuth is for desperation.
🔥🔥🔥thank you Sasha.
How many different ways can this be said???
Gosh...It’s almost like the lawsuits are intentional distractions....Nodding at you, Texas v Pfizer. Gonna go ahead and try Pfizer Bad again to see if maybe this time a square peg will fit through a round hole.
Lawsuits are almost always appeasements. What is the alternative course of action in this scenario?
I read Texas v Pfizer and it seems like a tremendous waste of time, effort, and attention...or more likely, a tremendous attention distraction.
It appears, much like Brook Jackson's case, that it is based on the assumption that theses products came to market in way consistent with how products considered vaccines have historically come to market. It then contends that Pfizer should be held accountable to standards for an entirely different procedure and product (which would be a traditional vaccine).
I realize that I am WELL outside my scope here...but doesn’t the Notice of Declaration Under the PREP Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID–19, [the use of Covid 19 products "shall not constitute clinical investigation," use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective], make this whole lawsuit a waste of time? Under these stipulations, Pfizer was never expected to deliver a product that was either safe or effective. So can Pfizer be held accountable for "not delivering" (a safe and effective vaccine) what was "not ordered" (a safe and effective vaccine)?
The suit is full of all the ways Pfizer didn’t deliver proper clinical trials, data interpretation, efficacy, etc, which are all true and terrible…but Pfizer never had an obligation to deliver any of those things.
Did Texas hire Pfizer to make a vaccine? I see in section 151 that they try to address this...
"In addition, while the U.S. government was initially Pfizer’s principal purchaser, Pfizer had plans all along to commercialize its vaccine to the public and consumers along more traditional payor models. And more recently Pfizer has in fact converted to traditional payment and distributions models, with State Medicaid, private insurance, and individual consumers picking up the tab. See, e.g., Letter from HHS Secretary on COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage (Sept. 22, 2023). But Pfizer still has not cured its false and misleading representations about its vaccine, which were crucial to Pfizer securing and maintaining the vaccine’s level of success. And Pfizer’s commercialization of the vaccine into the normal payor model occurs as the company is entrenched—thanks to its misrepresentations—as the dominant COVID-19 vaccine provider in the United States with little realistic prospect of losing that position."
Doesn't this go back to the PREP Act shield?
[The use of Covid 19 products "shall not constitute clinical investigation," use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective].
Can Pfizer be held accountable for not conducting clinical investigations that they didn't have to conduct? Can Pfizer be held accountable for pushing an unsafe, ineffective, toxic products, when it clearly states that none of this is required?
As I understand it, the only loophole that exists is if willful misconduct can be proven. Considering the event of willful misconduct, "no access for plaintiffs, to civil courts for judicial review, and no entity to whom civil liability can attach, for injuries and deaths caused by covered medical countermeasures, unless and until HHS and/or Attorney General/DOJ first file enforcement action against manufacturers and prove willful misconduct proximate to injury or death - 42 USC 247d-6d(c)(5)" .
I'm honestly trying to understand. I would love to see how this case, or any of the others mentioned in the post, will blow everything wide open...but even if Pfizer gets taken to the cleaner, how does that help? Pfizer can be dissolved and repackaged as Schmizer or Pfizderna, or Pfohnson & Pfohnson.
Aren't the changes to our legal structure, and the departments therein (DOD, HHS, DOJ) the real issues? Continuing to blame Pfizer continues to look like part of the OP to me....
I'm convinced it is all a pre-fabricated smoke screen to divert and delay, step by step creating precedence . Many other law suits will be filed and log jammed because, "Well, Texas v Pfizer is still working it's way through the labyrinth, and until that decision is rendered it would therefore be improper to proceed with this one."
You asked: "Doesn't this go back to the PREP Act shield?" Yes. Along with the "legal" (yet unlawful) policy issues which Ms Latypova and Katherine Watt have uncovered in recent posts. The scam is just lipstick painted on multiple racketeering syndicates.
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” >>>
- Heinz Alfred Kissinger - >>> (May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023)
You gotta sue INDIVIDUALS [Live People not Corporations] "in private capacity" and allege a crime. Insurance companies won't defend allegations of crimes. They can't. Make your opponent pay for a lawyer themselves. Learn how to file yourself. Learn the process and make the opponent spend THEIR OWN MONEY to get you "off off them in court." It works. Aside from that, lawsuits can be a waist of time, mind energy and funds. Unless, like me, "SOMETIMES YOU MAKE IT A HOBBY." I do "that" hunting evil, "Pro Re Nata."
Pfizer is an easily accessible and very public whipping boy. If Texas looks like it will win the lawsuit, Pfizer will negotiate an out of court settlement prohibiting further action. Even if Pfizer loses the case in court, they will accept this little tap on the wrist and say "okay you caught us, it was an emergency etc, we will do better next time".
I think I love your Still LIfe paintings the best of all your art pieces. Thank you for all the work you do to expose the madness.
I agree.
The general public doesn't want to know. That is a far bigger problem than the poison vaccines, the EUA or the FDA, and other three-letter agencies like the DOD. If the people, democrats, republicans, libertarians, independents, and anyone else were livid and making a scene, maybe we could turn the tables. Unfortunately, all I see are sheep afraid to make any waves.
The fact that the uptake of boosters is so low, tells me that most sheep DO want to live, and have linked the jab to death and injury. That's why the censorship is becoming extreme. But it's also a process of shedding the all those predicting only doom and gloom, much of humanity has been indoctrinated to believe we are insignificant, incapable sheep. As a Canadian from European descent I think many people worldwide are ready to accept the possibility this was an intentional act of war against the people by the USA military/govt. Maybe they're not ready yet to accept their own governments dirty role yet, but it's a start.
There are millions of people making waves but the table turning is a revolution. Most people do not want that. What kind of waves are you proposing and what type of table turning do you want?
I want recognition that the shunning and vilification of people who chose not to get jabbed was unnecessary and wrong. I want the CDC and other organizations to stop propagandizing the vaccines and pushing them on kids and adults. I could go on and on, but you probably get the point. I know people who died from ridiculous hospital protocols when they were sick and others who have died from the actual "safe and effective" vaccines. In my small community, the vocal minority (majority) are still fully onboard with the vaccine protocols, or at least not willing to accept it was all bullshit. Maybe millions of people on the fringe are "making waves," whatever that means, but government, NGOs, and a large part of our country still either push or believe the same things that were pushed on us for the last three years. I want fact-checkers, doctors, and neighbors to recognize what was done. Yes, it is a tall order considering the level of propaganda that has been doled out, but I am fed up with the lies. If you are happy with a minute minority chatting in a bubble about the atrocities, then ok. I want this out in the open and discussed in mainstream media. What has gone down in the last nearly four years would make George Orwell blush.
Au contraire, lawfare and murder are the greatest political tools in the matrix.
I have adopted this same pinion in the last three years.
You might not be an attorney but, you sure could be. And, in some capacity you should consult them. I grew up in a house full of them. Most think they are smarter than they are. They need help on this!
Whaaat!!!??? You just burst my bubble. I thought every lawyer knows everything there is to know.
They do. Right? Yeah, everything except "law." They know "procedures." They know how to triangulate along with the opposing counsel and judge to make you lose. They know how to make you pay for that. Sweet deal.
In Australia we didn't have any fancy EUA to fall back on so the government simply "authorised the administration of a poison". Straight up, right there in the wording.
1. I, Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, to authorise a person to supply or administer a poison, hereby authorise the person(s) occupying the class of position in Column 1 of the attached Schedule to perform the statutory functions in Column 2 of the attached Schedule, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) set out in Column 3 of the attached schedule.
15th July 2021.
Etc, etc.
I thought you were pranking me but no:
And while we're at it, we might examine state laws prohibiting the practice of medicine without a license;-)
Yes. I've suggested this angle multiple times to a silent audience. The Constitution describes trial by jury. >>> Sixth Amendment: "Right-to-trial-by-impartial-jury" >>> See: Also see: >>>
"In all criminal cases – not necessarily all civil cases – the defendant has the constitutional right to have a jury of their peers at trial (note that “peers” often means citizens, See Citizen; also note that a blue ribbon jury would violate this right). This right can be found in the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution where it states, “the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.” See Impartial Jury. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that a jury’s verdict is not tainted by biases that jurors may harbor before being presented with the evidence of the particular case. Readily recognized biases include gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. To exclude potentially biased jurors, either party to the suit may use a peremptory challenge during the jury selection process."'s_peers
A judge is NOT, and never has been, "peer" to the People. The same is currently true of States Attorneys General as well as lawyers sporting BAR titles as "esquire".
That is creative. Who are the practitioners? It would not be difficult to begin reporting people.
Well, legislators are NOT licensed to practice medicine on anyone. Even if there's a politician who also happens to have a license himself, licenses are NOT granted to any company, group, or association. They can ONLY be granted to a qualified INDIVIDUAL. When passing legislation, or issuing an executive order which PRESCRIBES DRUGS to anyone, (let alone millions of people) this is the text-book definition of "practicing medicine."
Additionally, it is unlawful (even for a licensed doctor) to prescribe drugs to someone he has never even spoken to, let alone treated. I am wondering if we might file civil suits for wrongful deaths/injuries based upon the CRIME of practicing medicine without a license? When the damage results from an outright criminal act, (which can easily be proven) immunity is lost.
Since we can't seem to locate any prosecutors willing to do ANYTHING about any of these crimes against humanity, (cowards ALL) it seems civil suits for criminal wrongs is the next logical step? I mean, there is no requirement that a person be criminally convicted (or even charged) for a party to sue (and win) by going into court demanding damages caused by criminal acts.
The laws prohibiting the practice of medicine without a license are extremely clear-cut, and our legislatures, governors, and even POTUS, have ALL been actively prescribing DRUGS without a license to practice medicine. State courts? Under State laws? I mean, the federal courts are far too corrupt to have a shot there. And besides, I don't think federal laws prohibit the practice of medicine without a license.
Military subcontractors and “engineers.”
A "license to kill" ;-)
I do not agree with the licensing premise. However, it is a knife that can cut BOTH ways if we'll use it.
I wasn't talking about killing people. I was talking about how the licensing requirements are currently being VIOLATED, in that legislators are practicing medicine without a license when they pass laws wherein they're prescribing drugs to people. You missed the context (thread) completely.
Again, I do NOT agree with the evil licensing system. What I have said , is that we should use the other side of that blade against the evil-doers.
And the allegation that I was suggesting we murder them is WRONG, (even though they deserve it.) And I have already studied the history of the AMA, along with many other vile institutions. I get it. But it might be easier at this late stage to use at least some of their own weapons against them, where we see an opening to do so.
It looks like calling the shot a poison is what should be addressed.
That, plus the fact that the whole EUA fraud was based on a fake "emergency" that never existed. Plus the legal fact that 'fraud vitiates everything based on it', so their whole fake parallel universe is vitiated by the fraud that led to it.
It also looks like this is a prime candidate for RICO prosecutions, but it would be almost impossible to find anyone willing to take that prosecution on.
Then there is the issue about if the right to informed consent can be 'lawfully' waived by a third party, which I highly doubt.
Yes I think so too
Only in an Open Air Asylum could one expect that Bioweapons are patentable, FDA authorized, MD approved, Propagandized in every manner shape and form by GOV and NGO's alike and available for FREE at your local Pharmacy.
We certainly do live in interesting times
Who would have ever guessed?!
The Chronically Vaccinated
Are Lying To Themselves.
They Can Never Be Trusted Again
About Anything.
Attorneys are experts at law, but applying the laws to something so complex is not easy, they need someone like you on their team for guidance.
With that said, as someone that worked in the electronics field and watching corps like Qualcomm create lawsuits from their lame patent library successfully because.the judge didnt understand the subject matter, so it works all way around.
Look how stupid our Supreme Court can be. Some of the judges are retarded.
You assert a very valid point. Back in Shakespeare days or even the later 18th century when the US Constitution was being drafted a judge and some lawyers were considered sufficient to decide the "merits" of a case. However, with the vast growth of science and technology since then humankind has moved beyond the feasibility of a judge and lawyer possessing the required knowledge and expertise to decide many of today's cases. But we (our societies) are still stuck in this sphere of "let me manipulate the words to decide the fate of the human race." Just like humans moved from verbal story telling to books to radio to TV to internet to cell phone, so too do we need to update our legal system beyond judges and lawyers, as issues litigated have moved vastly beyond the manipulation of a word or phrase as determinants of proofs to the fair and proper application of justice.