There was no Pandemic. There was a global coup with iatrodemocidal persuasion. There is rampant legislative corruption rising to the level of treason. There is complete abdication of responsibility for protection of the public by all federal agencies and departments especially the DOD and HHS. There is almost uniform acquiescence by the medical profession to this atrocious state of affairs. If this all sounds rather cynical it's because the situation is exactly this bad. Are you catching on yet?

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I hate to agree, but yes. We all have representatives, and should try to talk to them directly about Sasha's work, and share her summary, here: https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/summary-of-everything-and-quick-links?r=h5j98&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

I also think RFK, Jr. Is the candidate most likely to address this... he is already familiar with Sasha, and told me directly that he will fix it.

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I will remind him if needed.

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Exactly right

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Thank you.

Awesome painting!

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Bioethics? What's that? Most people assume they have rights, without knowing how to claim them. Thank you for pointing out the statutory nature of this debacle.

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"Most people assume they have rights, without knowing how to claim them."


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They 'assume' they have rights, but how many *assume* they have responsibilities? Sorry. I digress...

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Well said Paul! I actually never thought of it that way, but I know exactly what you mean. You sound like you could be a decent philosopher! What's your background, are you a teacher, if you don't mind me asking?

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Hello Roman: I think I was born with a huge amount of skepticism - and a large heaping of cynicism. I've studied many different science and technology subjects. --- Spent quite a lot of time perusing comparative religions, Chinese, Persian, Pagan, and classical philosophies. I'm limited to offering *teaching moments* to those who are open to my rants. I have enjoyed your many posts and comments. Good on ya!

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Thank you so much Paul! I appreciate your support and insight...any current religion you're studying now, or that you like more?

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Erm... I'm not doing much *study* these last years, but have found some wonderful insights described by Native American clan leaders. Here's one of my favorites:

Humankind has not woven the web of life.

We are but one thread within it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

All things are bound together.

All things connect.

- Chief Seattle, 1854 -

The purity of the concept is stunning...

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Several semesters ‘bioethics’ was forced fed.

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Oh boy, sounds fun...): did you learn anything useful Miriamnae?

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I just checked out your stack…amazing. I’ll be checking in to study.

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Thank you so much Miramnae! So glad you see some value.

There is a lot of info to digest, but feel free to start here:


The beginning is a marketing video for our EMF masterclass, but if you skip a little down below, you'll get an overview of EMF, etc.


Let us know what questions you have.

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To run back to dad and his Bible…

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Let's force the friggin "legislators" to UNCHANGE the friggin laws so these corrupt plandemic perpetrators can be prosecuted.

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Hello matt0723: The Legislative branch of government has been largely infiltrated and hijacked by corporate (read: foreign) and domestic operatives since about 1861. The Executive branch hasn't been legitimate since the early 1980's. (See electronic "tally" system.) And the Supreme Court has been a complete deception for over 150 years, and Americans have been fast asleep.

The only way to force compliance with Rule of Law will be through States Nullification - combined with civil revolt. The 'plan' has been beautifully executed. There will be no winners...

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Well said Paul!!! I think, at this point, it’s not about us; it’s about the children.

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Spot on, Paul! Nullification is what Texas is doing on its border with Mexico. Our founders intended the grand jury and citizen militia to be the grass roots remedy for corruption, but, alas, both have been usurped by fascist imperial interests.

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💯 agree with your comments, Paul & Max. You both stated the situation perfectly.

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Feb 29
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Jeeeze! I kinda resent you talking about my mother like that... You may not be aware that your head is also severable. Be careful with that machete...

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I spoke to a congressman about this. He claims he had no idea any of this is going on....I shared Sasha's work with him. Let's see if he gets back to me. But we should all share Sasha's summary of her work: https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/summary-of-everything-and-quick-links?r=h5j98&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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If he didn’t know this was happening, he was not doing his job and should be fired

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And then the Pfizer rep came knocking

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We're working on it TN. Nullification legislation. HB2795-SB2775. About to get to Committee.

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The legal structure that made democide possible was put in place over time. The DOD is running the show

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Thank you, Dr. Latypova.

Thank you, Dr. Ruby.


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The medical system is corrupted to the core. It is a juggernaut of big pharma, medical and biotechnology companies, universities and research companies and labs, ngos,trusts, foundations, politics and lobbies. With many competing entities, the patients are lost in the shuffle. Medicine is unfortunately about profits and not patient care.

I fear that with censorship of medical information, coupled with the overreach of ngos, the patients are at the short end of the stck.

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Yeah, but we rank like 69 in outcomes

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Excellent comment!

"Medicine is unfortunately about profits and not patient care."

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That the virus exists or not is not the issue at all, but that we have a sickness industry, a medical military industrial complex that’s the real boogeyman we should focus on.

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Active comment... I think about the kids who are mandated to receive vaccines, especially as Miss Sasha mentioned, that the traditional vaccines are now are moving toward mRNA versions, and if the supposed target of those injections is scientifically invalid, then the injections should stop. The same argument could be made for our pets- are the lives of our pets being shortened through unneccesary injections? Same for livestock for which an array of mRNA "vaccines" are being developed- seems like an issue that ought be thoroughly examined. I spent over 3 decades in genomics, sequencing genomes of various organisms (all isolated) and working with genome databank sequences (developing and running PCR tests,) and after examinating the methodology sections of various papers claiming to have discovered "viruses," I have yet to find anything that satisfies scientific validation requirements for such claims. My two cents worth- I hope you and your family are and remain healthy.

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Warp speed and EUA means there’s no need of any scientific validation of mRNA vaccines, you say they should stop? They will never stop why should they? At the end you suggest me and my family are in good health? No, cannot be and I accept fully this breaking up, this rupture. Is there a way that I can forget or forgive? That’s not in my power any longer, after seeing that nearly all vaccinated will develop blood clots, yesterday I watched the Highwire on the clot thickens…….I cried, really. But on the other hand I laughed too. Now Pfizer is in the Michelin Guide as a 3 star restaurant, they got their 3rd star for creating a menu that is original in their combination…..in the shot there are calemaris, spaghetti, vermicelli, green peas, cauliflower, little tomatoes, eel, rubber bands, cling shot clots….who in the restaurant branch can come up with such a fatal menu?

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I agree, under the current scientific dogma regarding viral pandemics and the larger concept of contagion, no end of scientifically unvalidated EUA mRNA "vaccines" is in sight. And, yes, the suffering caused by these poison injections is gut wrenching. Personally, I've attended 3 dropped-dead-suddenly funerals, and have several friends with periodic illness bouts since taking their Trump shots. For those reasons, and with my over 3 decades experience of the methodologies and technologies used to create unscientific pandemic hoaxes, I continue to argue that the scientific evidence (or lack thereof) of "viruses" and of contagion deserves critical attention. Finally, I did not intend to suggest the health of your family, I was simply wishing, or hoping, or praying (if you believe in that) that you and your family remain healthy.

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The existence of a phony virus is exactly the issue as day follows night.

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Dr. Bachrach and Dr. Sidney Breese announced that they had successfully photographed a virus with an electron microscope. The Technology had been introduced in 1945, results were disappointed and photographic detail was difficult, if not impossible to obtain. But recently, metallic shadowing helped add dimension and clarity to specimens, and Bachrach and Breese, after an untold number of miscues, snapped a crisp image on a plate of glass negative. The micrographs revealed something never before witnessed: a spherically gray ball, one-millionth of an inch in diameter and even smaller than the tiny polio virus. Now the foot-and-mouth disease virus could be seen in striking detail, as well as bluetongue, Rift Valley fever, African swine fever, fowl plague, sheep pox, Newcastle disease, goat pulmonitis, Mycobacterium butyricum, Teschens disease, vesicular stomatitis, virus diarrhoea of cattle, rinderpest, and 12 germs listed as N (Nipah??). Extract from the book LAB 257 Plum island from 2004, permission of brief quotations embodied in critical articles. Nobody ever questioned the existence of viruses before 2020, strange very strange, why? Viruses do exist, nobody knows the extent of their actiradius and nobody knows when they kill their selves nobody knows who they infect some and not others, nobody knows if they’re really capable of a real epidemic not even mention a pandemic? Know for sure Sars-CoV-2 was never a virus but a human made bio weapon.

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Shuuussssh... You'll wake all the sleepers who meme the theme that 'viruses don't exist'.....

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No Nobel Prize.

I would think that this would be front page headlines. Odd that all diseases that require a vaccine disappeared in the 20th century due to sanitation, refrigeration, nutrition and outlawing toxic chemicals

What's a virus? A poison.

Even Pasteur abandoned germs before he died

Some say diseases are a fungus. Maybe they found one in their telescope.

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All diseases appeared or reappeared because or as a result of too much sanitation, refrigeration, nutrition (glyphosate, antibiotics, preservatives, pesticides, plastics, synthetics and don’t forget we eat medications they put in our food, the cumul defies all imaginations...) and especially because of those of outlawing chemicals, no need to bring in viruses, so called sanity is doing it’s harm unlimited…even Pasteur abandoned germs before he died adding…..you still need a corpus delict.

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Feb 23, 2024
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Mum and dad have died years ago, all ideas are welcome, can you come up with some herbs? Don’t forget most of us have a different body because of the gene therapeutic vaccine, so most herbs will not have the same effect and maybe their effect will last only for a limited time….

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Feb 23, 2024
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Yes I’m a boogeyman and I don’t see the human race very healthy speaking generally. Do I have a health issue, of course I have I have to deal with a lot of people with a degenerative immune systems, autoimmune diseases, take for instance bipolarity the number has risen with 250% since medication came on the market, not very empowering in interaction and what about the rest to get some positive energy from? Talking about herbs I’ve passionately studied them for about 60 years now, and their effect on humans not only herbs but also the nutritional value of food, to give you an idea nutrition has diminished with factor 7, to have the same nutrition for an apple you must eat 7. Practiced Hatha and Raja yoga in a mystic school in India 6 full years and the love of my life is classical Homeopathy more than half a century. So yes herbs and remedies do work except they don’t cure any longer but give relief, other people, other lifestyles too much stress, other limits, different diseases. I don’t agree with a healthy mind in a healthy body, most great spirits sacrificed their body….Buddha was sick for 40 years, Shankara got only 23 years and many so called saints all died before they got 50!

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Feb 24
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No, no, the body and mind are one, and one step further body, mind and soul are one, but you are not the body not the mind not the soul, for a Judea-Christian mind impossible to conceive. All mystics in the East left a teaching to get rid of that false identification. Buddha even talks about Anatta, no soul so what is the essence of all these teachings? It’s to SEE like in a movie that you watch something that’s constantly in transit, moving. One step more, everything is empty of essence…..there’s no car no driver there is only the driving, same with a river a river is stagnant so the only thing that’s there is streaming. And concerning a human being, he’s only a becoming. A 3 year old meeting when he’s 8, and at 30 meeting yourself when you’re 80, who is the real you? The young child, the adult or the old one, who might by then have forgotten himself. Let all these ages meet and talk, probably they don’t know each other only vaguely. Secondly there has never been someone like you, and you’ll not be repeated. Very difficult to find a suitable medicine, one shoe fits all will not do.

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also highly recommended: the aftertalk portion of the interview https://rumble.com/v4ee920-after-talk-with-sasha-latypova-identifying-controlled-opposition.html

breezy and entertaining with commonsense advice on how to filter out the infiltrators and chaos agents in our movement

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Thank you, was just going to search for it.

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Feb 22, 2024
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Feb 23, 2024
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Gravity, inertia, entropy, magnetic polarity, photosynthesis, F=MA, E=MC squared, periodic table, sexual and asexual reproduction, respiratory system, pulmonary system, or to be more general: physics and chemistry are laws of nature. You seem to be beguiled by the serpent to partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If so, you see yourself as the god of wisdom, and scorn your maker, who sustains your very life; so your eyes see only chaos, your ears hear only noise and the one you love the most can only be yourself.

The good news is: like the rest of us sinners still living in the natural world, God isn't finished with you yet.

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Thank you Mr Fiedler. Couldn't have stated it better. Bravo!

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Regarding what is and isn't a "pandemic", logic has gone out of the window. If the WHO get their way (and they probably will), THEY will be the only arbiters of what's a pandemic, whether I, Sasha, Jane or anyone else agrees or not is neither here nor there.

The WHO can dream up any old nonsense and tell us "this is a pandemic" and unfortunately we can disagree all we like as well as calling out their stupidity but effectively (in terms of lockdowns, restrictions, travel bans, mandates and 'vaccines') it'll be a "pandemic" (albeit in name only)

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This is already the case. The laws are already on the books in all countries, including US that make pandemics a thing that is announced by a single individual (HHS sec) because he thinks there might be one.

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Indeed, "... because he thinks there might be one".

Australia 21 January 2020: The nation's CMO (Chief Medical Officer) made the decision to add "Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential" to the Biosecurity Listed Human Diseases Determination.

Australia was a central player in starting the 'pandemic' based on the abuse of extraordinary powers to "declare" there might potentially be one. These are purely POLITICAL instruments.


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Australia looks quite bad. I feel sorry for the people.

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It is bad - and most people aren't even aware of it.

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Thanks Sasha. Also I worry greatly about the "soon to be adopted" (almost certainly), WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments which will give the hated WHO the power to declare this stuff, no matter how patently bogus it is.

Unfortunately knowing it's a load of crap won't help us get on a plane if travel is suddenly banned, or make it any easier to refuse the "approved vaccinations" if the WHO say that's what we "must" have.

All we can do is refuse and see where that takes us

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WHO has no jurisdiction here. The international laws are not enforceable in a country, no matter what treaties are signed. It's the national and state laws that matter. That's what we need to focus on.

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I suppose the situation regarding the WHO and which "powers" they end up having will vary from country to country

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Nullification: it was Virginia's (anti-federalist) response to Adams' Alien and Sedition Act.

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Love that still life!

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I never tire of hearing you talk; I always takeaway something new. Thank you for being a voice of truth.

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Most of the lies that these people live by

are pretty baked in.

It makes perfect sense

that they die trapped in a lie.


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Shasha, these last two interviews (Dr Jane Ruby & Elizabeth) have been very informative and have given me a spark of hope, believe it or not.

I have been in disbelief (despair really) about the fate of the University Students who are still under vaccine mandate at 70 US Universities. They of course were denied informed consent before being given the non-choice of taking the shot or being barred from the University. I want to change that.

To destroy the mandates if not the vaccines themselves requires a groundswell from a broad swath of the public that will make the courts afraid not to hear cases against the Universities.

The 70 Universities who still have their vaccine mandates in place have created an unrecognized opportunity to send a massive shock through the system and in one fell swoop destroy the legitimacy of the authoritarians who are waiting for a second opportunity to force their will on us.

To create that seachange event I have been working on a plan to have a massive Multi-University Informed Consent blitz campaign / challenge for these students. The spark for this idea came from my many sparring matches with vaccine promoters, telling them that if they still believed they needed to get these shots they could do some science with their next booster to prove the vaccines are safe.

Basically I would tell them that they personally could do the clinical science of the Post Marketing Active Surveilance that the FDA waived for Big Pharma at the beginning of the mass rollout of the vaccines -- especially the blood tests looking for d-dimer and troponin.

It is a surprise to most that the heart can take on damage without presenting outward symptoms and the only reliable way to detect subclinical damage is to catch it as it happens by having blood draws once a week for at least 8 weeks post injection and looking for the revelant enzymes.

I would end these challenges saying "If either of these enzymes spike up you have clinical PROOF that the shot caused an 'off target' effect and damaged your vasculature and heart. It's just science. You believe in the science right? Get back to us with those lab results."

In addition to the blood tests, I have been telling men that a quick and dirty way to see if Fauci and Bourla have damaged them is by getting their swimmers checked out with a fertility test. The thought of damaged gonads gets the guys to pay more attention it seems than alerting them to possible heart damage. It's a guy thing. If Fauci and Bourla fried my 'boys' I can say that I would be really angry!

So I am asking for help. This is an undertaking that is beyond my skill set.

To inform the students about the shots requires a booklet that can be put into their hands... an illustrated, well written and bullet proof booklet.

This is the stage of the process where I am at, organizing my thoughts about what information needs to be in the booklet and how it should be presented for maximum impact to motivate the students to decide how best to act on the information. Your last two interviews inspired a lot more thinking about including an explanation about the unusual regulatory environment that allowed these products to skip the normal rubric of Active Monitoring.

The students also can't just be told how the shot can hurt them, they also need to have handy information about who in their area is willing to do the blood draws if they choose to go forward with the shot.

It's my hope that once a first draft of the booklet exists, a patron can be found who believes in the cause enough to offer to underwrite the printing of the booklets as well as the blood tests.

Once you have large groups of students from the Ivy League to the Community College with clinical results in hand who have parents angry as hell, then the possibility of class action law suits with a groundswell of public support become possible. Lawsuits are definetly out of my wheelhouse and are the only part of the plan that Mike Yeadon quibbled about in his feedback to me.

I would love to have enough volunteers to hit all 70 Universities at the same time to catch them by surprize and have them on the back foot. I am afraid that if the blitz only happens in 5 or 6 Universities the rest will move to block the activity, preventing the large public groundswell needed to overcome the inertia of institutional capture and corruption at the federal level.

Turning Point USA has a presence at most of these Universities and once they understand the objectives of the Informed Consent Plan may be willing to have volunteers help distribute the literature.

These kids are America's future. I hope I can find the people who as a team can help these kids fight off this destruction of their future.

I welcome any and all feedback.

Thank You Sasha for everything you have been doing,

From a simple Cowboy in New Mexico.

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I had a ruptured disc at L4-5 in 1979. The treatment was chymo-papain, an injection (enzyme) into the disc to reduce the bulge. Papain is a derivative created from papaya. Interesting to hear that that the papain drug is widely used in industry, including the PCR test. By the way chymo-papain, for me was a failure The injection consumed more than was expected, leaving me with a much reduced L4-5 "disc".

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Loving the still life!

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