Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

The purpose of 9/11 was to implement the Patriot Act which destroyed the Bill of Rights and all our freedoms 😥

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There is much more to it, for example it was to induce in people a paralyzing fear, to allow Larry Silverstein grab $3.2 million, start war in Iraq and erect the FREEDOM tower, a symbol of slavery, etc.

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Correction: Larry Silverstein made over $4.1 Billion (with a B) on an initial investment of less than $50 Million. Pretty good profit margin for the little prick...

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Thanks for correction - I did really underestimate that money changer...

Btw: I copied numbers from Wiki-lies.

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That does seem to be the case I reckon, and therefore, I reckon being the Bill of Rights is no longer in place neither is the Constitution for that matter federally. So, that suggest federal authorities need to be stripped of power.



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Here - from where I reside this is considered some good music...


The Bill of Rights resides in our minds or it don't.

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Thank you again, Sasha--and thanks to Dr. Ealy for his own decades! I posted yesterday on Substack with encouragements for the 'On Guard' gathering this coming weekend. I hope that you dig them!


You and Dr. Nass and Dr. Kory are pictured in the banner for this post.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

A paper published in April 2020 in BioRxiv by Yuri Deighan pointed out the furin cleavage site in the in silco sequence of this "virus"....that does not happen without human intervention. My alert warning system immediately went off in 1000 decibels. Then a young 36-year-old healthy doctor died from thrombocytopenia after injection. Holy sh!t. STOP the genocide.

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What pisses me off is how many in the "medical establishment" lost all repute must know but they are too afraid of big harma to say what they know inside - it pisses me off and they are complicit.

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If you want to go one step deeper into the hole, then lets go.

What pisses me off about some smart folks supposedly, PhD's, and such is they are subsumed by the system and though smart in one way they have become robot zombies unaware of how stupid they have become in the eyes of many not afflicted with mammon and the inability to think individually.

Group think hypnotized PhD's are the worst as they struggle for dwindling grant money.....losers....

Some of us know better and the time for choices is upon us - put what you got on the table and let the facts speak for themselves.


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Well said.

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Well connecting the dots, a furin cleavage unnatural speaks to a lab created entity that some call a virus and others just consider poison.

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Yes Sandy, I believe that furin cleavage was patented by Moderna in 2016?

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Hey AJ, I haven't scoured all of the insane Moderna patents, but I would not be surprised!! And I misspelled in silico, but I think people, like Sasha, who know what that is, know how to fill in the blank :-)

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Yes, there's so much!

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Do not back down. The atrocities that big pharma has committed is unbelievably criminal!

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Is it global healing.com is there a phone nbr/address?

Thank you for your exposing our crooked DOD.

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Together with the other crooked DoDs in other countries. Australia was hit hard with all the Covid rubbish.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent discussion outlining the bigger picture--which is the thing most people can't understand, and that prevents them from understanding the rest. Even I have to hear it told multiple times.

I think it's the magnitude of the "plan" that causes people to live in perpetual denial. Regardless, it is documented and will take time to penetrate the masses.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

The children will know the truth because of freedom fighters such as Henry and Sasha.

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I'm planning on listening to this but I want to say the tree in the image - it seems as if it has been through some tough times but remains alive and vibrant in a nice grass field of green and tan coloring with some other trees similar across the way.

You know I appreciate your artistry.


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Now just for the sake of having a little imagination with the image....does the viewer notice the direction of the shadow in the image?

Lets assume "north" in the image is where north normally is placed on some maps and such - for the sake of discourse. Ok, the shadow presents in the "south" of the image and the distance the shadow at it greatest moment is away from the tree direct give one an indication of the time of day....correct? I mean if the sun was direct above it would be 12 noon at the equator. So, in this image one can discern that it is either early morning or approaching sunset and yes I know the slope of the terrain affects the shadow - what you think I am - a dummy? I'm thinking tis early morning given the fog in the background when the dew of the morning evaporates in the early sun, but I could be wrong....


I appreciate your artistry.

I made an offer early on - maybe you want to make a deal later?



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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova


Many of us are very proud of you!


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You've been far more transparent than many others in this movement. We are losing patience with those too afraid or for whatever reason not discussing the obvious. Maui better be covered by all of them because of the massive crimes against humanity that link to prior crimes we now all see are connected including Paradise. I'm trying to be patient but the clear connection of the infrastructure of five gee to the injections and the serious heart issues is in our face now. I've metered it for three years. Levels are three to four times higher than the recent readings that have been consistently going up. Just in time for school season? People I know having heart issues suddenly, ER visits, and more all suddenly happening. All I can say is "it's high" especially in downtown areas and specific big box stores, highways and if you've got a newer car and a roaming cell phone? I smell bacon cooking.

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Bacon. 😂

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What you said about doing this for your kids resonated with me. I'm relatively new to your rabbit hole and still reading/listening to basic stuff. So I won't have any good questions for a while.

I have suspected we are at war this whole time and but I have no experience to understand what modern biowarfare actually looks like. I suspected that's where we were based on the level of propaganda and intentional disorder. The disappearance of common sense across the board.

"All warfare is deception." - Sun Tzu

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Love you heart and your art Sasha!

If you are worried about the survival of your contributions, I pray that you can take your message to Commissions, Councils, and Boards "ON THE RECORD" during "Public Participation" to elected officers who can be held legally liable for maladministration if they ignore the remedy you offer.

Those records must be retained for posterity. They can be easily shared to your booming audience. Just think, if just 1% of your audience followed your lead at their Commissions, Councils, and Boards and held their electeds liable for their actions or, refusals to act, great improvements would be made in short order.

Here is an example of what I pray you can do and share with your audience. I pray they might follow your lead. Only a few follow mine...all in God's time.


Love you for what you do and, prayerfully, will find time to do.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

The criminals wrote the law to say that the crimes for them is legal. Withdraw from the UN. The COVID narrative was a premeditated genocidal program of racketeering co-conspirators who violated Federal Statutes in the US and were doing so with impunity and under the protection of the WHO. Clear violation of the Clayton Act. Withdraw from the UN and it's criminal associates.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Everything stems from that declaration of a national emergency- changing election laws by unauthorized entities, printing money, etc etc- this is why finding out exactly what happened with the coverup of the origins of Covid. It’s been revealed that Fauci went to the CIA to get the agency’s help- but I wonder if the exact opposite is true. His tune changed suddenly- was it following this visit? Was he actually summoned there?

If the release of this virus is the pivotal event, that’s the key to unlocking it all.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

He is correct that we must go after individuals who have implemented all the bad stuff. The controllers can't do any of this without them. It doesn't matter if they were unaware of the dangers. They can always repent of their sins later.

I would urge anyone who is interested in holding the perpetrators liable to check out Cal Washington at InPower Movement. I am about to start my first Notice of Liability. It looks like they've already made two Australian state premiers stand down in recent months.

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Is there any proof that these premiers stood down in response to Liability Notices? If so, how many notices were involved? I assume Dan Andrews was one - who was the other?

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Thank you! I just signed up, and already am happy to read that, contrary to the threat from my water company, I do not have to consent to a “smart meter”!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

That's a good dude! Loved how he supported you at the end. Faith over fear! Turn the beat around!

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Profoundly important-I have started sending to people with whom I have not yet broached the topic. Keep up the magnificent work, dear Sasha!

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